TIIE DAILY EVENING TKLEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA. TnUItSDAV, SEPTEMBER 2?f JBO (gvcnini) eclcgtaplt a,JAlL.f UtHKHlHjM KKWannu. OfflCF Nj (08 8. THIRD STREET. I'ta fNaaa ikHTl rnOfirl, ot ftffmit tft rT Paa W.a rN 'oi r-arrtar, and msilrii l .ibsi-rtoa'. .. ol tlit y at Pou ms r Asvrw i . IViu.ia as firrr rim t To afoTiia,lnvarlall) In adstnoa ft'tMfnM trdtrad. aatwlistni.ata tnstirlM at tha uil rata. A liberal tmcct for aitanajr lnrrtkna T 1 1 SIsllSI. Vi ft-sal Mn b takaa M Anonf-iBona l.'oTiimiink-sttniit W ia!.--. ar is fatpniWi! f.r lnsrii musl h B'iili,-ni-,il u mc and ailura of tha antff-mil i,i,i',aril tnt puitlttatrfMi, bit a a aiiariic,," ffi ,K I 'v''. Ul aatrtwst tutor. to return nMotad f-0'ntainiellni. Taj Atlvfirtlavrrsa. Oaiaf M ina iirat ti..sa In tha I'lrrsiistsrsii nt Tmk fc, sxiwl Ti.frRni, fnn,illlir tii to an to prps at an any foaT. are arxaiitlt riMius that ailvinl ,tnnt mar a hafdrd la a s,h,h as 10 oofs-a, l p,,ss,ljii', l a', Bra lanaa aa Mu-anioai mtuoi nurt.ittfc,ns THVKSDAY, SKP1EMBKR 'A mH. TUB rORF.IU! I'Kr'.NH 0f lit H POM rl. ASO MILITARY MIM ATItf The reepnt auccrww. of our nrm at Atliint Mid eUowhero hvo produced a very decided Impresaion on public opinion upon thn other Ide 01 the water. Tbe H,:!!i pnpt-ra apu ik OfSBlcRMAM's victory In the highest tcrmi of praue, and pronounce It to ho a mint nurinus blow to Oie Uobclllon. Even tho Iondon Timrt, which has never boon frionilly to tho national cause since the war began, Is con trained to acknowledge tho great lmortaiico of the results achieved by our army in Georgia, and to betray a vnry marked diminu tion of Its confidence In the ability of Ihi Bebols to ultimately triumph in tho contest, or even to maintain it much longer ajr.ilnst aucb hoavj odds as arc nowprewdug it to tho last ditch. This loss of faith In England In the power of the South Is also Indicated by the Rtiddon fall In the price of Confcdurato bond, and tielr credit must be sunt considerably lower as toon as the ' Intelligence of Shkiudan's splendid victories over Eahi.t in the She nandoah valley shall reach the money lords of tho London Stock Exchange. And this decline in the financial credit of the Southern State will prove practically one of the most disastrous reverses which the Kebulllon has yet suCered. It Is notorious that the cause of the Insurgents has long been very materi ally aided by tho military and other suoplies which have been furnished from abroad and It It but natural to conclude, that, as the abiHty of the South to pay for such munition sinks In foreign estimation, contraband trado will cease. la such event, It is obvious that the power of the South must be seriously if not fatally crippled. As our armies contract more and more the area of the Rebellion, the domestic . sources from which it has hitherto derived its war material must be reduced ; and If at the same time the Confederates shall be cut off from all supplies from external source, they fkt -compelled to give op the stru-lr iom sheer want of the essential means t.r prosecute it longer. The British press is also discmsiag with an usual earnestness and ludicrous di versify of opinion the probabilities and issues of the coming Presidential election. The London Time expresses much confidence in the suc cess of the Democratic party, and yet has the candor to say that it cannot perceive how a peace on the basis of the Union, which has not been achieved by coercion, can reasonably be expected to take place through persuasion. The tame paper also avows the belief that the Democratic Convention, in declaring its prin ciples recently at Chicago, did not honeatly mean what It said about restoring the Union by negotiation, or prosecuting the war to the extreme of subjugation in case peaceable meant of reconstructs n shall fail. And In this the Timet Is very probably as sound us it is sagacious 1n its conjectures. Whatever General MoClelf.an may say or intend to the contrary, it is presumable, at least, that the majority of the party whoso leader he has been mado In the present political campaign do not mean to liuiat, In any contingency, on bringing the seceded States back by force of arias, should they refuse to come back otherwise. On this point the London Times says very pertinently : "The Cblig Convention profeaaes to stand by H the Union as stoutly as tho Republicans tneiu ' selves, and we can very well understand why "' the Democrats at Chicago should shrink from " blurting oat the fact that the Nouih must go M free, but on what grounds or witu what expuc " talH'ns of success emit! the Con:'odurttes now be asked to yield what they hive been Uniting " for to the very men who have b?un unable to " wrest it Irom tin. in ? It apinurH to as mora pro " bable thai the Detuocra's should have illsiiuiseil " ibeir uenulne policy than that the people of the ' bouth hnuid have evinced any readiness to " romnronitto. It Is ruoie likely that thu Urmia- tice wl 1 ba tho first step toward a paruepiion i .. ..-ntk Ti. Kfirth. ufter Mnilinir tti&t the- " 8i.ath cannot be coerced, will tluJ iiioo that it a mnuit tie neiauailed. and the reflection en- " coursged by the interval will gradnnlly Induce thu Verier! Stales to rciiiinui-u what thev cn- " iuA obtaiu, rather tbaa ructir to whit has " idrtady rjetn .rved a bonolcs nnd ruinous The Manchester Examiner spe.iks even more emphatically on the same subject. It aaysl " Tbs reui ifue is still as narrow hi ever war " for the l oion, ori eucc on the biiUol .S'jtt'hcrn " inUcptndence. L'n.c tln Nort.i U willing u u let the hoctli go, all tu'k of au ariiii-ti -e and " negotiate n i moot. shine It' the N rtli is for "the Union, the war must still go on. Tho ' Chicago Dcmociac? must be more s'npid th in n the rest of mankind, or liter ro insincere in ' one or other of the maxims l.iid down iu their " t'lulorm. How the war will end, whut thu M linlnistf- inc. cje or form t 8i ti:oineiit will bo w uld 1 i'afe even now tn j roillct, but we "do nut k ii vp (lit when the 'day nt pi'ae " a-'ivth, it will liuU tue ortu rest jreil to i-,s old ' ivsitit: '.S 'fill u in,:, -it uul d.l'euder ol tlat'J i .f t tull'Mir. ' i '.urely such views of l!it: fir'dgu press on the p lUicol tdmutioii iii this eonn'ry slio ild InijAivMs every lol citien hero very pro foti''dly, so Uiat wo may not bs misled In our du'y and policy by D-i'iiocr tti etpilvo vitious anil Incoujii teiicic'd, tlirou;li hlc'i even tin British people can see so clearly. Tr. Mt.R AisTii.t: i.i it. We trust that none of our reiulors will over look the advertisement la another colurau of the grand mans meeting of the Merc lutilo Union Club, which will be held this evening, at Concert Hall. Attached to the cull are the names of almost every leading merchant and buhUiene firm In the city. No one can glance over the list without bring struck v. 1th the extent of the representation from the com mercial ma manufacturing estaulicdiuiouw of rhututaliAua. Among the 8ig..ein are gontle n wiio have heretofore been Wen tilled with Wl poliUtad parties, but with a patrio.ic pur pose which deiic mercenary considerations, they hav reived to iUn(1 b t,Rlr and to aupport AbRAiiA.M LijitoLN a3 th8 .urertw.yto a ,y hmu J ilurlug peace. ' -England now has nlateen U.KX 4 J!oat. -csse.s The new City Hall in Newark, n. j Wn. Icdicated oo Tbursduy last. ' rfew Ilaiupslilie newspapers barf dvil JA UUlUiVvr UViii iwj to twcuty-iiw". PANH- IMAKIXi AH A R1T-.N1. Everybody i" familiar with tlio triok of tho wag who collected a crowd at a street corner lu mid-day by almply gazing skyward for a few second, nud that when a doen gaping Idlers had Joined with upturned faces In tin1 bliHlnesn, he slipped ofT, frellng sure thtt tin1 Increasing mob was a flved Institution for v, whole afternoon. With the name ease a panic fan be cre:tej In the money market, or In the dry goods, gro, ti rlea. coal, or any other business. The sud den snapping of a single cog o' a single wheel may stop the operations of a huge and Intri cate mscliliie. The panic of 1H:7 which swept over the world was started and fo ment d by the New York llrnM, and w is as tinnecCKfary a business tragedy as was ever performed. The flercfif-t lightning xrroke may lie conducted over a powder mamaine en a wire, If natural laws are obeyed, while thi staiinchest ship will be shuttered If her broad side bo held to the angry seas, ln-.uad of her bows. The natural and healthful laws of trade are being availed with blind fury by certain newspaper writers who exhibit the same ava ricious conduct In the management of their business that they charge upon merchants and storekeepers. Almost all tlio newspajM-rs In Philadelphia and New York have advanced the prices of their sheets, and Increased their advertising rates. They did this in conse quence of the rise in gold affecting the values of commodities Now thut gold has fallen, does any newspaper prooso to lower Its charges to suit tho circumstances ? None, that we have heard of. Our contemjiorsry, the Jlulletin, which has been extreme in Its denunciations of w hat It has been pleased to term merchan dise gamblers, was reluctantly compelled to add fllty per cent, to Its price. It has made no sign oi a reduction since the tumble in gold. But let us look one moment at the Ctcts of the case. Gold advanced during a period of over three years to a premium of alxiut one hundred and lift y per cent. This lengthened term embraced over six active business sea sons, and at the commencement of each, every storekeeper's stock had to bo replenished, if not entirely replaced. Many persons have also entered In good faith into business upon a rising market. In the space mentioned, theso goods have been sold offspring and fall sum mer and winter successively at ordinary busi ness profits, the rise of prices being so slight as to benefit the buyer us well as the seller. Suddenly, within the lost month, gold has fallen fifty per cent. Every merchant and dealer is aware of the necessity of getting rid of bis stock at the best prices that tho public will pay, and that lie must get rid of his goods nt some price as early as possible. All that is necessary, therefore, Is for the proper con ference between stoiekeeper and customer. We therefore denounce the newspaper ap peals to the public to stav at home and not but tt all. as urcpenerous and unjust; and if they be carried to snch an ev.eut as to involve ! onr bninesa commun'.lr in a common ruin. ' thev will lie iiifkmons. ! lidok at the foilowinc from the New York Timmi of yesterday : j "Tlit 'crash' sn lonr rwodirte.1 intbe colnmr.a ' lnu. in lenpit) iM-rtn. 'i tie corTfacy, ntKinrnr 1'T fold iu- sLSTidard. J nii ia woe iony ! ;r cent rttia a few d.iTs; tljat i. eterr person to rwcirea roeney in senxt or sslarv, or in any form IB hub paper if eed. b mar'v half as J much incciroe atraia as he had brfore. The par- chaaiig power of ibe dollar ought to have risen ' lour ir cent. So all who bad accumulated stores ' of prodme and provisions, or cotton and woollen latmcs, r n.anulai tui-e, nl generally tin 1 them selves worth forty per cent, less than they thought 1 tbim elvtu. All values min-t f.ill which hive i leen alb cted by the depreciation of the car- rency. And so with ' the inimc n.se prices for cottons and woollens and hardware. All these ought soon to CJine down, at lc a.it one-third, liut they will not, for the r aon thai the dua'ers and speculators will com- 1 bine for a time to hold them up. They are making fortunes by high prices, or they v.i-h to ave tLu ru.-clvm from great lussi a, if they sell at cold rsK'S. Market rates will descend slowly. ' '1 he only vtay to bring them down is for cou Mimers tcniKrnrily to combine. Let every one ' ulin wi'iilu tins week i)ii v a new list, or coat, or : cotton diets, or house-furniiiire, or who would lay in tt"rn lor the table or the winter, bold otl a little. Two or three weeks' waiting will make tit litre difference in the inirihime- for many families, and a fortnight may see a vast reduction prices. In marketing, of course, every one i inui-t buy every day ; but here wo dn all seek out 1 especially the cheap dealers, or we can eeonomi.o j tor a time, i ne speculators nave neen mwmj fortunes from us, and now our turn must come. ' Let every one determine to delay nil possible i expenditures for a stunt period, and the dealers and shop-keepers mui ni.ihe a great rcuuction ot chnrges. And then the very amount of previous speculation will help tho consumers ; tor, as laro tux ks have been bought in unticipaiiou of a rise, th y must be forced on the maikst, in fe r of a yet greHter full, and sold a' a saciitl.-e. Ia the long mn, as is well known, 'spec ilntors' on'y cheapen tho price 01 coiuiuoniiir to tuc cjumi- mers. Here Uie plot is discovered of a combina tion to abstain from all purchases whatever until stocks are " forced on tho market and sold at a sacrifice.'' Thu lost half-dozen lines of the Times article are simply outrageous, and should be condemned by every thoughtful man In the community. TEE BE EL INVASION OF MIS80U3I. Shrlbjr Orriiil I'arniliiKluti llie) K.u. rullfl .Sllllilia 'hIIm. On I. Iteiiorts were re 'elved at hea 1 laaikr. yoster liny, to the cll'et t that Shelby h id advanced fiuio FrcderlcKlow n twelve or fifteen miles north wardly to l'uiiuiMK,Uin. M.irnmduke was al the fiTiner I'loee, and also moving nurthward, while ii Is cut improbable thai l'riie himself with an a l dl'iiiiial fori is somewhere In the reur, with trie inti nlion of lO-operating wit h or joining them. Shelby's force is estliiw'e I nt .W); M.irma iluhc's oOlai, unit the foveuvyitu l'riie at lud'J n,s! iftg a t'dal of r.'.iwt). This is l eilnln'.v a h avy rai'llnz p ii'y, but it Is l i t lurce (noiih to I'xi'iie any paitn iil r iiluuu or nppri hensii'u at In liiiiin, rs. In order, l.ov. i vi i , if at due prcpamtioii lu iv b1 in tdc t J ii c t ibe ii.vailfts, fit iieral I'll e, a tinir un lei ilr, etri r s from 'ieiier il lto-- uns, has ri'HI tie er.nre 1st If u! ut en1- I'l'.l iiii'irii intj :;, ive erv'fe. St. .'.I.,' ' )"', if ,til, M CITY LNTELUaENCE. CoMiT.inioN of a N'r.w M r k kt Hot .sr. The new mtirket lioutc, at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Market streets, having been com pleted, will be thrown open to the public on Satur day mornini,' next. The structure is one of the most complete of Its kind in the city, being built ol fine pmss brick, with circular iron trussos sup. porting a lifcht and substantial wooilen roof. The IjuiMdiR lias a front of 7u feet on Market street, etetidiiiguloi,g Tueifih to i nbei t, a distance ol :il.i feet. it i.i provided with three avenues, containing in all '.jlo nt.ills, ull of which liuvu been rented, and will be occupied on the day of opening. The building ia well ventilated ami contains sixteen tntr.inns. Mure room is allowed tellers and buyers than in most of our market houses, the avenue each hciBg two feet uidir than thua iu idnilur structures. A corrugated iron roof, supnoiMd by iron ps-ts, extends over the pavement, in place of nn awn in;! on Market, Tuelfib, and Filbert streets. Tue whole structure is completed in tha mud sub stantial manner, ami is quite an linur tvemeat to tho riciWiboi'huod wherciu it is located. A few more such buililinirs, and tlio reiu.iiiiirw market shambles scattered hero and tlieru throughout tbu city can be dispensed with for more attractive struct ures erected lu their place. Iue Btkhcoi'ticom. The novel nnd siipi r!) entertainments ut the Assembly Building are till ing tue hall to overflowing nightly. Tney are eu'luus and instructive. The Ghost is a great sr.'i'loe,il:w"ml't;oul0f suury lu vUv, Wyrid. Ci'itsrr The grist cricket inab-h between the tt. fl.nrgc Cleb.i f New Yi rk.sn I die Young Ami rics Club, of I'liilsilelplila, which was com menced on Tnendiiy, oa the St. Oi-orgo grounds, HoboVtr, reulied s follow s : St. firorge, n rt iniiings, 3f ; tecond Innluss, ,'10 total, fit. 'I ha Young Aim rica scored ti in Hit drat innings, srd 12 ir the coi-.d, for the Ii is of fix wickets. The mutch wn con'inurd esl rdsv ; the Pliiia id llhisna having only sevi n mas to gtttowiu frr fit wit kt is i (a, I, the chances are cjiiiid.r ahl In their fsver. Cvtvi.no ArFia I his morning, J amis Wbltsker was betorv Aldi rm m Vebl;ng, charged with a-ssiilt ai d bntt( i) upon V I Ham Thomas. It seems that lioth of the mon are colored oaitor, niployed at the Ashlnnd iiounn. Y'Nt rdav atirtioon tiny (lot into a fight. Whlluk'T k ockid lh(ina, down Mulrs, srd then cuthlin In the foot, Inflicting a very m-ilntis wound. Tho wound h hbhI to l ave been inllicod wl b a h. trhi t, wi de the ncrn-ed Hates th t it was duns wM a plU'. lis was held to nnswtr. Siiootino An sin. A colored mn n imcd Joaenli Ktifsell w,is (.hot on board of a tug -host on the Delaware ye-ti rdny afternoon. Ho, with a nnmbrrnf oihcr-, had lilp.ed in the merchai t errvirc, and ass being taken down to a vnaael. On the way down be got into a quarrel with a runner, and the liiffc r bred six shots at him from a revolver. Only one took effect, and that entered his arm. 1 ha wouuiied man was taken to tlis hospital. Katsi. Itrsri t Another irf (he mon Injured by the fklllrg if a portion of the depot of the rtiilfidtlplci and rrie railrond on S itunlay last d id last ( vi nlng fr m the effects ia his lniurl'S. He Is niiiurd John Henderson, aged thirty-rlvo yiars, ai d leaves a fiiinily. NhW Cm Hen. The Tnnor Presbyterian chunh, st Klgliteentb and Chri-tlan streets, is now r' iiiileicd, and will toon bo used for hoid ii g IHvii.e service. 'I'lir. t i Kt.uA omi'axv or wrsr VIfMlIA." Cspital, $.'00,oiK), divided into 100,000 shares at pr Mian. Hut.sortptkm irlra, $1'.' vr ahsrp. 1'tili, (Uimpanr own son f ol IhamoMt vatiralile tani and 1aa, In lha Kanawha Valley, allnatn tm llnrsa Seek an I r.antl?irii Itnn brarchoa of Hull ercek, nnd wlthiagnvo ndlni, of tha Ohio rivor. On H'a-e Week the company own one wall, whtrh la now pumptnij twenty -Uirre hnrrela of oilperd:iy. This well It only three hiimlrrd anil tw-enly seven fact danp. Tlic Huperlntejidi'hl la now pri parlnn to bore to tlia dep'h of the olhfr wc!Ib lurroumlliig us, widen are producing from oni' hundred to one hundred and sixty barrels of oil por day, wliitii we are ss'lnlled we ean produce a like amount. 1 here le another well at Mono Neek, now bored two huiiilred sod kixty-tlvo feet, with about thirty feet or oil Id tho well. Tha land on which thli well la located ia oo a perpetual leaac The Mull (!reek Company own s ene third Interest, our oompany have the bounce of twn-thtnla. At t'ampbnh'e run, the companyown In fee a tract of thirty-three arrea, corald, red hv neolotflitta anl mlntnir eiiRliteera the bet oil terrliory In the Statu. The groat Tark well, Sowing live hundred hairolt, a4,iins this pnrty. Itooka of aiibhcriptloii are now open at tha Ciiniprtny's Orhie, Itcom No. 2H, Mi ichiu'a' Kchange. A hndted tiumhor ol tharTa only will he sold. JOHN J. KltOMKK, Treaiaror. r xim the PltUhurg Kally Hof of "epteiubor 9, 1SS4. Moo. SriiiKk. The Wheeling Iullhaencer' aay: We lean, freu a aentlrniau w-ho arrived yoatrrday rr,m I'h-atnnt eoiinty lien on .Vi't'iit.ty Hie Iturton Oil Company atrtirk a well on llorwe N"i'k. In llml enanty , whleh Wlil yie il a thotiKaiid hairrln of oil per diiy. Tiere In irreitt ei-ti-Hirlil oil Die ruhieet In tMs vh-llilty, and lha oil lever t proahiiig to a renn'ul extent." Miarrtesl. OK KNK-LOWRY. On the '7Ib Insiant, hy the Rov. John 1 chaplain, alaior AkTlIl'K M (iHKF.NK. ol hmh Ao.lorw, Mai., to Muva KLLlh J. LOWKV, of I hi,aJel-hia. KLK1S BLATR. ln Aleut lllh. IS64. bv tha Rev. C L.o-.r itiARLF.s KLKI N. of Sorrlalown, Moul- (merr count t. Tt to M . .MAKY, u.lrj dauKhlerof r. Viiniam ttuuTt'Of thu city. (Nornstowa papers pit-aae c,ay.) lVl hTY HrXTKK -On tl 7Ul Initant. by the Co. W i.jjun l rne. Mr. THOMAS LAVKKTY to Mm tLlT.Ahl.TH HI NTKK. all ol 1'hlla.lelphla. At SK1-JASSKII'1.!.- n Sundav. the Jh Inxant, kv the Rev. W libor Psddock. Mr. A I il?S r l'-l jVIAKKStojwiu A.N SY A. MA.N-K1KI.D, bolhof tlul oty. hor.ESONT MARTIN. On Ihe .'Slh last., at St. Paul a Ct'irrh. kai wav, N .1 , tv hev K. M A,trcrotnl,ii-, HAMtL kOill.S N to JHs'NIK C , daufhlerof the lt-t Mi.li rd M. Manln. VAUISH-HH LK.-Oii the Sfh Instant, by the Rot. f. W. I hemus. Pa. tor ol Ht. l'aul'a M.K. rharch, .Mr. UKOHI.E W. WAULIMJ to MUx .'.t)A FOfLK., all of thiaclly. niewt. CRAjSE. On Monday, the jth liwuint, WILLIAM IS. t'KANK. In the 4Jd year of his axe 110) IrlendjJand the iuenitors and lea'lers of the Chil dren1 IrofcreMlve Lyceum an1 Invited to atleuJ his lu nerid. Henicea at buuaoiu Htreut Hall, to coulujonoo at 2h V . M. on Sunday. DONOilUUil.-Buihlenty. on the?7lll Instant, MA ItV E.wiieul John J. IiouohUKh, In the Jjtu yoaroi hur Bj-e. '1 Tic, relatives ond friends of the family are Invited to attend u.e runerul, Irom the resilience or her hushnud. No. .07 lirown atreet. on Mnniluy H'ternoon, oetohor lit, at i o'ol, ek. To proeeeu- to Alui-hiuiic'4 Cunetory. HOKI'MAN.-iin tlio '.Mtli Instant, aller a abort Illness, ). A. IIOr'KMAN. J 'lie notice will ho Klveu ot the luneral. I.l'AVIS. On Tuesday evening. September 2Tth, 18'4, .IllllN I.KW IS Si the blst veur ul M ug;. His male Irlemls lire uivftiHl to attend his funersl, from hi. late residence, ho.tei l'iue a reel, ou h rlday nioriilug, ut P o'clock, liitormeut at Laurel hid. jMILLI- R. On the Iflth ins'aut. from wounils reoelved al the battle ol Winchester, Hergunut Tlll!i)ll)ltK Mll. I.K.It, tNimpanv K, One-liuiiilred-aud jN uititeonih ltegl nient reinisylVHlila Volunteer.. lun notlau oflhe finieral dl he given. !H YHItH. At Torresilnle. l'hiladelphla, September jWth, JOHN IIIMI'HAM MYKKS, in tin, SI"! year ol Ullage. 1'ue notlee ol hia luneral will bo given. hKCKKL-llll the jWlh Instant, Mrs. ANOKLINK hl-.CKr.L. relkt of Ibe Into Lawrenee heckel. lu Uiu it'H yei.rol her ate. I'alltornla palters please eouy.J 'li.e reiattves and trlends or the laeiilv are resjiectfiillv luvlted to attend the luueial, from Uie residence of Mr. V. Klehmga. No. o!J H. lenth streot, ou KrMny morning, I nt It o'c.oek. Interment at Woodland Cemetery HOLLY'. Ou the AM Ins'nnt, near Manln. burg. Va., I from wounds reeehed on the Ism, K'lHKit I" K. S H.I.V. of Cotnpuny A, l-'ourieenth I1ennsvlvatil,t Cavalry, son ol itohert W and Kiisa nolly. In the alh vear ol his a'e. ' WILSON. On the ilth Instant, ot tiasthlia, Al.KXAN 1 DKIt WIION, in the 4i,l n ar of blsane. His friends and those of the I'uuilly are respectfully lu V'lei, to t.tu'ud his lunerul lioui his lute re.ldenua. No. ; Ml, rri.mi street, on halunlay afWnooa, October 1st. at I 3 o'clock piilOES OP LRY C00D3 KEDUOGD. Our St-ck, In the opening of the present inoulti, being sety hidit, w e vera pn-pared to puchass at the Nevi York and I'bllitdcplil.t Am lion Sales Since tha srial .kachne In void, and are n w jhts to , . hitit a portit ll of all the I.KADIN0 STYl.l'.S OV (iOOUS, In a blch such Immense l isseswere siibmltd tu hy hn-porii-rs, atouru.ual small prullts. 111,'VKIIS Alii; 1MV.TBII TO AN' KXAVIN" VI I W Or Ol II SI'ill'K. In dull) Iccell t of LOTS Ol' li'Klll-., whl.-h are ch.-ed .ut I. rap. CIJltWLN STODDAET 4 BROTDEE, Vn. l id. .LI. 4.11 N. SKi.'OJsli St.-e-t, !i-.",. )t Above WIT.LO'.Y. QULVER'8 NEW DEEP SAND JOINT II E A T E R , SjVII L LH;N I.E'-S COAL AN'Il MAKE MOKE FICAT THAN ANY FURNACE IN USE. COOKINC. ltANOI-'.S 01' Tlili MOST Ari'liOVKD r.VTI KT.N S. i:i:(iisTKJ;s AND Vr.N'l II. 'l )!tJ, 1011 SALE II V ClIAllLilN AVII.L,IAMt?J, 0 M ll.lt u-Sm No. 1 lU'J MAItKET STHE T. .arWkaet MAItK IIAKSLKK fV CD'S THjsrf-l J'l;', lOltll; WAHK-k'KIMS. No. ill 114 I II H. JLIGUIll Miei-l.oeJo Waiuut 1 w H--J7-M I jATUNTKD JULY 10, 1Hi4. J OUKfit J MH1TKT, Fleve lie I'arls, Kr.nnh hieaio li,-ui( antt hcourinif on any kliul of wasrliiK ap.arel , lor l...'4, l, el la, aud I hililieti. 1'alenl aelstrslus for t ci li fails li.m one lo five In, has. H. 7 si HM'B Si:.,-, liisualt . MJH. MJiTU Buvat,l'luladeliijia. a.i-Jui I. ilT' t kSSiMI Tl W. II. LAIIKTC, MAKONIO ITAI.I.. ! Sa. 719 OilEaSTT etf it, I H sad Oln hl K Mi I. ST H' X f C X r ii T A I N M A T l I ! I A I . S, 'nr. lhH 4 Yxf.r.tl Hut'r, Kirl: Itro U' li. a, I'UIn nd hortlrrrd i my, U ii too nd Al'-Wr-l It cpii, I- riMwh (Utln dt- Klnfo, f'pacllil) at (l'rif.in l'tmtK,. KltD'h Print Ml f ni , C orrlrcit urifi Rnmli, A'.dcvir srrip'ff.n tf C t KTA MVTMiHU WINDOW Hll AIM1H Of tl f nt writ -"nlori ind r.ttriT. I. A K V IT HT A I N S One thlii! kss trai. Ike preae nt cost ttl ImnoiSaMon. WALltAVK.NB (UtoCARKVL'H), No. Tl C llf DM'T HTIll.KT. fi COUETNET & WILLITT3. nNo. 1 t ni.rl 10 S. HK.VK.NTIC Hn.-. f, l iiimo i i nn. Staiiulsi-tiiieta of BKAVTIPL'I. COTTAfir, riJHNlTlUlK, And (he only n liable made In this city. Alee, Ulnlng foem farnlture sod Bedding, constantly on rand. S 19 uitlis-'Jnl BUSINESS ITEMS. VRlunhle' Trwlimony. lrtrnr nt any )rui,wist'M one of Mrs. 8. A. Am.kn'.h circulars of her Wurld a Hair Leittrnr and Hair Iiresilng, and you w-IU flr.d in It much aluable In'ormntlon concerning tho human hair, also testimonials from well knoarii and re liable parties that will satisfy you that hsr preparations have no eijnals for restortiu, Invigorating, anil besutlfylng the Hair. Iryourllalr Isgrey, If you have a bald apot, If you wish to retain J our hulr thronyh lite, use Uiese prepara tions. OIHrei of the) I-hlrli 4'unl and NnvLya- flon Campafty. ritll.AtiM.rHIA, September Ii, lsilt. Saaied PrHala will be received at this nlllee until 3 'rhMk of Tuesday, the Sth of Oololier nexl, for any portion or the whole of one Million (tl.iUMJOei of Hol lars, as part of a new loan amhorled hy Acts of Assem bly, payable en the 1st of April, IHH1. with liiie-e.t at the rate of sis p. r cent, per anliiilu, payable uutrterly, on the 1st day ol the months of January, April, July, ai.d Octo ber, of each year, nnd both principal ami inlsrest sec red bv a utotigaee on the Company's cslsiea and franehtaes. Tiie proposals mn.t he In wrtliug, endorsed "rropo.sts forl.ellgh I.,.au." and let! at this ottlre. where they wl I rtmaln without being opened until Hie meeting or the lloanl of Manage! at i'l o'clock on Wednesday, the 6'h of OetGberne,at Theomrcrs of accept,-,! proposals will be early Ihereal'ler nolllled of such acceptance, whan the preiutiims nirered wiU be Immediately payable, and aPerw anls each will l,e ar liberty to pay uie amount ac cepifd hy monthly Instalments of ten percent, or mora thereol.tir Ihewhnle at one time, at his er hor opilon. Ttie managers reserve lo thein.elvua the right of n-)ec11ug an bids not sntl.lnntorv. Hy onter ol tha Honrtl of Mara.-ers. KUWIN' WAl.TKH, Treasurer. Wlnra land I.IHon for Ncsllvlnnl l'nr- po.es. 1 he purest old rrt, tierry, aod Madeira Wines, Also, fine uld lirandles, lor medicinal purpoeee, Oonsiiiutly en hand.hy; Davis A Riensaos, Arch aud Tenth struct s. K. . Wldlmaa Co., Manntaetiirars ol New and Oelicloui Oonfeottom, Almond taste, cboce-lato t'atamela, 'reams LaMudode 1'arls, esuulaltely flavored. Roasted Jonflan Almonda. Ac,Ao jNo. ;H6 Chesuut atreot, below rourth. finnost Plnnrrsl STLCK ,t CO'8 I MASON A HAMLIN'S t'AUINKT 011(1 ANn. MASON .V II.UIl.tK'S AllINKT DiX'KER II K08 OKOA.NS. I TfANO1!. J. E. OOITI.I), 8es-enth and Ubunnut nrteeta. EDUCATIONAL. 1,-KIKNHS' AC A 1)1'', MY 1'OR BOYS, KHAR of No 41 N. EI.KVK.N 1 11 Street, reopens on the rth Inst. Slo per term of ! weoka. All detioinlnaloiis ad linlltd. sel-lm1 W. Will TALL. ( tUlTTHNDKN'S COMM l'.IU.'I ALCOLLKOK, V' No.ti'l7 ('Hl.hNUT Blnot.corjlerol 'eWveiun. Lstahlished ls4. Iiicostui.itnl hl. Young men proparod for the Counting-Souse and busi ness lite. Thoruuuh nnd pruetical Instruction In BIHIK-K KM'! Mi, In all lis brunches, as piaullsud by the best aecntnianls and business men. FT.NM ANSI III1. Vlflln and ornnmental, Is taught hy olio of the most eviu eetellt ol pel men. t ouuueicial Ciilculallons, kiii.inc Conna, Cummer, ial Law, le;ectilie Cotiiite, ('till N.de-,. Ac. TF.I.I.IIKAl'lil.Ml, H) tneed ui d on paper, lauvhl In a ihnrouchand practie.tl inaiirer ov u luiiu-t xpt iii-pe- a o'rator. : Sl'l'HI'.MH INSTIiHTf.O SKl'VltATLLY. I And k-m el al any litu'-. IKventng ees.ions after Setdembor l.rt'i. CAIALi,iKS, Contiiliilng terois, sleih uts' ntinies (4,1 last year), Ac, furiu.-heu ttiniia on eppli. aiiou. H. II CIIITI KNIH-.N A CO. I sih-lui No. U-i; (,'ut.nNh 1' Street. CIONOII X. I'liltl'.l.LI Usuiil r,t nrtK ,1 troin I'.urope. has ro.'.imed his LLisHOMl IS hl.MllMi. IfS th-mllu jNu.kVS Cllf.HMl'TSI'UKKT. 1 OST, AND AN Arri.IOATlOX MAUt, mi for a I up'ica'e t'ertillcste No. ltd, In Ilia fcnnsvl viii ia ItuiMli a anil Loan Association ll A. ANIIKKT-M. 0 I L STOCKS IM)l tiilT AND 8UI.t ON COMMISSION, III l.l.DKdl-. J. liJIVK. llroVer, Mo. lPS.THIItomrceU I auirt-Jm K K W 7-30 I SnbM riiiin LOAN, ived. and the Itft-ikiir, M-1 24,,. ih H. 1 1HU rtlft. MONKY 10 ANY AMOUNT LOAjSKI) iiuihi Dianiotuls, Walvliei, Je,M,l). Plate, iCioiidm:. Ac. at .KIM H A f'O S (ll.ll K.MTAlll.tHHI.n I .OAS llKII 'i'.. i Comer ol 'f ll litis and (IASKII.I, Mlreeta, I lt-l.OMlll m.i . I N.B. UIAMOMm. WAT I'll KM, .1 r: Wl'.l.hV. III'VS Ai., lor sale at i IIKVAltK ABl.V LOW Vllli'KS. . , t -iii.LAi'oiiTi'.-s li HT. ri.ivnt i!i:srouis 1 le mnuly -u,,rall ohi-i-i ar:: rin-.-tioti lniiJS.i.J h,.il al Ki t i , S,-r ,11 I'd, 'il.. . I. , Fie -s jt i rl !.,-: - el ,i lnif . Ac., Vilnlcr acill Ii -i 111 ' a I'.-lnili-s vit,i 1-. H-Mi' ll.-' i.i' ',).. ;l . I', . Hei p ,-l I'll',! lo anv a l.'i. -. I S i.i :i i ,. , M. Kll.il I'll isii-'SI. t.ire"laf., : le. 1;kvkr and ai;lt. ri'iu.ji t v.i ts J lcerap-l . e Sr,-'".- i. :. .t r ,. -,l i-. c.i-- .111- ci-e of I nil: aeil l ever, rr .f ,n;.l .. e n ' .!.';:, , H. M-nt p t-,;tid to SU !l-i,ilcis, i.y . I '. L'i'il.i d, S .-. i!u S. hit, li ill htreel. Cirvu'.irs sent tuc. 4 STHMA CTRED. nKI.IKP Oi'ATl AN- teed In ttu Inhliile, a'i'l a permanent cure eitected Ly Ihe me of 'liplnun s Astl,i,ia , inc." l',ies ut irml ten lo twenty yctirs' atntiillns' yt.M at ,m e to lis in:l':,-'Ki'. I'liee,-.'. s, iiin,,l iai. toun a-lilrej.. hy H. I'. I'i'HA d, 'o..'0 ,S. 1.11,111 11 totreel. t'lrctil.ii's -unl h e".'. HA I 11 V V It o 0 T 1-; D From low fuichculs, ami all fans of th- hmlv. in i.e niiimtt, wiltiont in iur v to tie? -k n, l y ri!i.,o's I'-I-lliitorv I'.imIt. ' I'r.ce!. M.o e-1 tu a ,y : ..l.l re -. -( forll'j.',, hjr H.i: I PUAM, No. j.'j 3. tlllil 1 11 olic-I. Clrcuhirs stii liee. 1 0 YOU COLOR VOI R WHISKERS AM) I " Moii'ticl.e' il o, i.se t'ie' la; unv: 1 j a r Sl.i.i. l.ali- dve in ti.e SMUid e-.tml Inn. tjiiycn,' ).ri-iri-t:,'!i : , ,,,.t. a iwturai black o.' hrivm. 1 1 I'll A M. S.,. .'.', bs Lii.ii 1 11 61 net, s-jlc ai;t nt. io eei.ts a lies. , ft-11. si to "L" STATE OF ANDREW COMSTOCK, M.D., -I i 0" i , -, ,!. letttr. 1 ctainentarv tiin the e.-ite of ANIM'.I-W 1 l'Ml1il K. H. Ii., d. ceased, l.n.liif been Kiaiil-d to t-.e 111 ilers'k'ii, il all persons lii'h l.'eil I,, .dd estate are rc ,,' e.liU tomaei'aMiieut, alel those tmviiiL; elaliil. a. ,'nst Ho nnne, i. .r,,,sit thcui, Willi, cit ihla,, I'i J SMII'd HA IllllN, LMcil.r, ho. 1 ,1 H. KOI III II Street. Or 10 Ills Allon.,v. hAVIIi M, ilAMIiI.i.iO.s, .e. 1 N. llll slJ-tet. l l.il. d. P 1.1 tt.nt I i'STA'I OE tOl lllA G. HEliEHION, HE. J i CLAnKII. 'I lie And, tor ar-l'-lntnl hv the Orphans1 Court for tho tny ai.d Ctimy 0i l'iula,li-l,hia. 10 .synlit, sctle, a'ul U;lil'l the hist aac. unl ol OI.OKI.K JINK IN'. J,., Hsu, , 1. -u-iit, rol 11 a hi.i will an, I tesUuient ol a) )dll V U. lii.lil.llToll, Ueci-asi-d. a'id to make distribution m 11, 0 ba un.e l ii,,, Baliil 01 Uie a,-c,,init,iiit, mil i, ut thu pain, mttr, .ted lor the piirp,,. of Ids aiv.dr.inpnl, en 1 uesda.v. .her 4, Inul, at 4 o'clo, k I'. M .. at hit i itue, No. 71? alnul duel, in tl.eciijii.i l-hiiajlHiuua. UiUll.U.,i JidlM CLAil'OM, Auditor, isillaaw ia) aaaisai atiiataai Ho. 73 I N0TT1.N0H AM ANI SWISS , HM(,lT i.AOKH. TKIM. I New Sllslea. . WINIM)W HHADlvH, No. T - I KELTY OAREINaTON tkOO. ; nsw sTiir,s. KELTY, i H w r V i ii it n 1 A r Toe VAM'lf AI IVUiaiKS. I fllf.SHUT HTRKkT. l r i.i tlll.sN'IT s" r.f.fT. PIANO COVEIW, t.ll! tl:sr elT iKK IK TUB CUT, AT LOW PRICES. AMUSEMENTS. A fsSUvTlll.V liU!!.I)I(,3-nn.Msri,HI'7- J I'lHUOf.. sil.hF.oiTir'i.K hTKIlKKfl ICON. lorn civki: rm woHi.rt. TOI R OV M! Tit K W'llil ! THIS K K N I h 1 1 All 0.,l.o, R, u e Maivcilom .11 oai. i, i.f THK (llfosr! Ti i.iii'flr: A ;l 1 other Jctal Noseilles. A lliii- .e-n. '! refits f'hlldren, 1.". cnti. o.f..lt VHW CHKKNUT STItTTrTT Till; A 11 1 11 i"i OIlOVKII HINH f.isee.and Mauageri. I'rKively tin la.l wee', ol Miss Ht 1 n t N' 1)1, VI N, I'eatHielr the Isst week ul fie SKA OK II. K; OR. A THIKHT UHl (lul.lJ. H is bsaiit'lul sinsa'icn drima hns rr, alee the most intenseimr, rr ,w,iug t'le I'neatre i 'r' tlj with our mrjst iniidleetiiil and reMni-,1 citirens. 'lha ierlormanre will rotit-oide wl,h a new anil very laujihal.l, n n .-.Ih Ita, enlhlcl 1'A.SY Mil VVIMI lu roillic lnu Miss Elbe (rprinon, Mr. Walter LeuuiiA, sod Jamoa f. .iiierry. I,.rs open at 7. Commence uuarter b-fore A n'rliek. Hon OraMl amSy MiHiim, MaKIMOAY AI'IKK Ni'Oh al if o rUs I. . at the re.lucrd prN-es. when the SKA Of l(.K;,oll, A Till US r fob liOI.D.wlll he performed. MKS. JOHN UUKW'8 NKW "aIX'II ST. 1IIKA1 UK I.AWT MOUTH OK KHWIN AHAMM. WKONf MMY AMI Till liMDAY I Vf.MM.S), THK lllKKTOI LKWE Miff. ItOHKRT I1MKHLT KOWIIf AIMS Tim llsllon e Mr. Honnhlsirn Meller Muss Mr linllltl, H.m Wlih.tuhby Ml.s O. Jetrerson Ma) V. Iwartls Miss A.Orahuin Mrs. WU'ouvhiip M-a. Tuayer loeoiieiudv wl'h the 1VNT Ok IMNolt. Cobei Yerses .Smart Itohson khltiSY - II KMC KIT Of KTlWIsI AHA Hit. MOMlAY - t.STVAI.I, BKI. I'K.MONlii. HIIU1ST II H J K C T I', 1) , V I The great and c4ahraled picture by Weal, the chjwf d'o-uvre of the srllst, IS NOW ON KXIIIIIITIOH AT THK Af.'ADKMY oi' KINK ARTS, No. lies cm sNii r sTKMur, In aihllllon to the I N i IKK Art Collodion ol the Ac vlemv. Ailinlltenis,.2. cents; Keivon T leSets.Wl eems lilt lin MUSICAL V V N I) HAM., ITALIAN Opera Troupe ol Associated ArtOts. I he Manager ol the Italian Arllsl Asxclatlcn, com prising: Ms,. WHITINU I.ORINI, the eelebra'ed Soprano; Hiror S l Kf A NI, the famous Tenor llobustj,; Slunor TKh'f A, the lavorlle I snnr til llrsxla Siifnt.r ANlOhlo, the remtwued llarlloue ; Mil. leal luroeti r and Conductor Mr S. RKIIIIRKS Vi III give In litis city Two (Iran, I Ojier'Hlc CViipcrts, VKI JVKHHAY and I'll f ll.SHA KVKMMIS, Sepieoiber 'S aud ?u. The programuie w ill consist of the eliulocst selec tions riom tl-e repertoire of iiiiMlern operas Admission, .V'e. Reserved Seats. Ats-.ealra The sale ol served seats will commence on Mon, lav at 9A.M .al J K. noUI.be) Music Store, HI-.VKNTII and CllloSNt T Streets. loura oen at 7 Si. Concert commences at S. 9-1 It fl'HK fiUANl) HIM.IAKI) TOtTKNAMRNT 1 lor the CliaiiiplonHlup of the Slate of renusylvanla will uinmence at SA.NHO.M SrilMk'f HALL. on MON lAT. Oelohcr 11, lisil, aud terinliiato MOM DAY, October 10, 1SJ4 AKTK.IINOON ANIl KVKNINII KX HIllIUIONS. Day to eoiiiinenis. at ll I1. M. and s P. M. Kach game Is to l,e .'ssi Points, Caroms. I I, till .MIUT.S IH'.llAltHKO. The following iimiiios are the ('onioclitor. for the Cham pionship and I'riics :-K. II. Helms, F...I. rhiuke:t. II. W. Hewes. (J Itlrd, J la mer, J W. Moiiiitotuery, It. T. Ityall. Vlelcr ka ephe. Me-ars. Kavunagli, riielan, tlold Ihw ait, foster, and olher prominent iilavora are eapoeicd lo las present. Hlnele A 'mission, fiOeenfa. heaMjn Ticket secured seats, t To l had at the principal llllllanl Room and llilell. R I . Hi ALL. J. W. MONTOCMHItl, and VICTOR F.cjTKP1IF., Commiltee of Arraugcmenta. S-ja-Gtv JOW RKADY.BOCTWKLISUIRKCr AND KACISE TAX SYSTKM OF THK I NITKI) STATKS. NKW KKITIli.V, WITH LATKfT LAWS ANK HWISIONS. This Ii the only Standard Work on the TAX LSW. For ie, No.ia 8. SIXTH Hlreot, S li m Otllecof Al'rl.KTON'.S (JYULOI'KIHA. 1AMTKN AND AMIiOY AND PlIILADKf. J Mil A ANMTHK.NTON HAM.KOAIM'OMC AM KH. Tl -.tWHM.YAMA HI AT": KAMI AT KANTON." .XCi;i(MON TK'KKTH wUI be maueij to fe. .1.ST0N and trti.ru duiinjf the otaitimiiim? ot ' tli Strife t ulr, hy TntliM lenviiiK Kennlnttnn IeMt, at 7 In A. M., Hlld Wrilnnt "int whjirl at If'M 1. M, (jnd lu return on or betura Neiumbt-r :k Tare fr the KRCiir.sfnn, $J !H. tHsvt.'27t)t-Gi. !' ?M-;ti w. II. OAT2MKB, Aeat. A 1;0K THK JSTA1K 1'AIU AT F.ASTOW, VIA MiKTII I t N NlH V I.VA ( I A KAIIJtOAl. KM'I ...SI'lis 1 ICKKl h TO KSI (.S A M TIAK. w ill be .nuet fn'tn (lie Ti r at Oilu a oi t'.w N.)rth I'en tiyl t iinia lC)lroac durtiiK the coiitltniittirfl i' tL fair, n.od for ihe itli.VKih.a'int', ami -hti haptetuber. i jirt tor li.e i- xciirii'Hi 1o unit s on tiose ilavt. leavlnir llta new Deoot. 'JlllliJ) and TIIOM. NilN MttuelM. At ;-;to a,, al. and s ib r. M. Ilii-otiiih In huiirh, ltmuTiiiK Iravr Kat( n At 11 43 A. M. ar1 1 V V, JSo KsctiiBionUcket i oold un ilie ('nr-i. H .'7-:n KI.1.1H CLAKK, Aeiit, MILITARY NOTICES. i SIXTH D510N LEAGUE REGIilEKT. Auilirttij having beesi rccA jd to rscmlt the Sixth Union league Regimont l'l I "i'l. I1'. N COM NIKS, k(jultiaj wl'l titl cir liuua nudes- the aupei'vlse.u of LIMIT. CHAKI.KS W. Kit A.IKR, At th Ol.I) tU'I'Y lIKAIXil.'All'I'KTlB, So. -to h. TlllUll SIIILKT. Vhi K. almct.t i one of the most popular In the service, b iuj ouiler Ihe couinaaiid of OM AMI) KAI'KIIII.M'l-ll) (lKHI'i:lH. Tin highest (luvernnieiit.i'ily, and Want Uoiintlcs are paid. 8-il Ut u lliUNKY'S ZOUAVES. MEADQUAH fi 'ers, No 0 (1IK.-M I Hlci, below Htxth. This si Iti . inn lit v. id be oltaoieil as Hliili'l-slusiters, and will av li uiiuei II. e eoiuinund oi .Masu ,i . i,. iiriseoe, a luem her ei Wan.r-lieht' al llirno.v rtla'l. who has re'elved ai-tl-.oiiiv 'r.tn the t eneral aud Mate iliAoruiuetiu to ,.(, ,,it t e ori-siiiii' mn 1IK.1IKXT tAHIl l.iiVKKWIKNf.DITV, AND WAItD IIOUN I'll s ' a ,1 'n-uu illst, ly on lin-11111.1,1, irn of anv ro.m into the it un 11', at ll1' he.iU'iiur'cis No. ul'l Mll.sNi; 1' trcet, , i,v 1 1 1 . ,. .1. Iti, I. sr. . Ti.l. ' 1, iui Ai ll. .1 J.,-.i. i: I'i TI . rnle' , .1, - V T..l,i,,.. II. e a nil 15 ! li---l , I -.l..o.. IVetlierlll Lee '.'. n. 1 ill- '.ren: er, .'k'u, v. ei -in au. '.' V -tc'l-.-'ler, II V. Am l.t. Allied A-I.j.! h. :l .-.1.1, I! IIEAllOi: Aiai'.l:S l' 110 YOST MAR- l.l.Ki'-t liflr'it. IV ,N... '.'15 S. T1IIHU Dtreat, L, 1 i-1 .riiinis , IIJ.IISI 11, isa, . r,i:,is:.n (.: ,11.,, r i , 10 , to .ill ,, tie. doni on ordinary r-ii-icets r,.ni,cc-,l '.citii tic, l-linolm in, iiract, i:i-inp- furnish-d, i'ltiii us are reiiue.'etl t,i in.ikt, aiilivfc ti,,u to il.u l'r.,1 ,1 ul Miii.lijl 01 lh 1 'oiiui csskj.ial I list ri, I for su.-h iii;,,i iuation, aud net lo me Piotost Mai Biial-v,,jnet.tl at n arums 0 Hi erdii' el Ihe Provo't M.irslial-Oen' r.d. Wild I A M i: l.KIIMAM, aid2-tf Cipt.uu and I'rovosl M tishal. 11 DOVNTY EOR MARINES. WAN I'tD a 'or the I nlti d Mtatel it, nine I ores, nijl'--1 died men lu, l.eiferin Uie Uinles r, a SoUher ul 1 iir Navy Yajv-I, aauu en ooaru c iimu onus iiis-iu-WMr ou iui'iri-n aiu:,i'iis. ierni of service, Voiir Ye.irs. Jtetlcr foni, en.atioii than tt e armv. AI L I UK Loi'AI, llul N 1 IKS paid 01 'li Ci. ljlieen'. Malines rccel.e I riC MiCH-v. 1 vr ell luiUtcr li.KiuilKa AH'lr e-t t ,e lliirdlurf LejutM us, .Mo. Ill B. KltOKT Rtreet, l,h..i B,r.i -- Stioet. li'.isi en u.tr i.otirs oi P aud J u c,o k, 0. tl. M l'(H'!', au'.-t Ma'(.i a,al K, , ruKo.a- ij;f.:er. 1 ' L' 11 I. Ol'lillS-FI'llLUUCi li S J. VI'l'.i.OI'i.II Kl Kl.i'l III1S. f I ill.Ul (.IHa -I 1 IlLOL'i ,1IS. Crfi r A' d .eldti rs vh'.tieir tl,e 1 l!y 1 n furlou.! s. n-(il'lig S A IIKI'M A ISH I' l 111.11 .SIIl.llAili K ,'l li'll.:i,s, toWOllM AKjUOTIIKU .M1I.I1AKV I.i jt li'M i.S I'M, Art ln ilej t ih-. ei--iislve Al N'I I'A I I ItlMi KSI Al.l.tSIIMK.N'T Al IMIAI Tl itl.Nil LSI ALI.I.illill.-Nr OF I.FOIt iK W. SIMUN'S Ilr.liYIIl It, tstOlii ,1-1 W. MMilNS Al lUi'iltll.K, MANnllM nl lii KI' II Vl-L, S VNMAI sHil.l.T IIAI.L, SANSuM Bueet, al,.no S1MI1 Street. 1 l l'.si'NTA 1 IUM HWORIi1 LLl.L'VTl.lllU WIVllltllS at id to evdi rat ilo- .Uirtest iiutiee.islii.ii fr rlchiicm and uiatii lHimc cl.allcii;aicc.uiiioliti"ti. lei oilier liooie'.iu tu c.-linlrv ...letclH,,.- the MANI'I AlJrlHII' Jl. J.l.l;. d V 11 U 'i Jijt fUAC'TlCAL WU1 Al Aht-as sou QTJBWEir STODDAET & B30TIIEB, INVITE INt'Ki.'TIOlf Tll !sre at,4 vsrlid t'.k tf FALL AND WINTER DRY G00D3, which ii i i: in in n ncMvsht, (inik imp nr.n.iNr. in i,ii. And marasslhs s-.l si t'n h pif e. a. w.n Tet ! u ,, . The Stuck compr ses I i KHflll M KIIS'II' s. rAltlS) 11111 l.s, j'i aii r i'i in". MKIIINO l-l A1KS. WOUHHI-.I I..K HI. l.AINtSS). 8AXONI idlK'H (IlKiliS, 1 LACK AM' tOI.IUlf l IHtKCA nlPTKA. . MIA (M.OAKi, AM nA'r'Vl'IMt, IIIINIFllll Nil fKI4, M.ABKr.T.", I'Ol'MKIlFAM.S.A" 41. Ml'.N'S HOYS' WF.AIi. ri.OAKINO CLOTHS. CnjUWEN BTODDAET & BROTHER, . sjno, 11 1, an4 111 N. HKOOND Stree', 9 4?trn Abovs WMiw. yiDE FRENCH BTYLE PRINTS, hvduci'D to ni cents. OURWEN STODDABT & ROT SEE, V,t. 1)0, 111, and 111 N. BKCJXI) PI'Itr.LT, 9 n-::i Above WUlow. It :ilUTHN IN PKICI.-s or MION'H AND HOYS' WKAH, CURWKN M'ODDABT cfc LtliOTIIEli, Nil. 4,-0, lr,a, an 1.11 N. SEOONIl Street, -a:'-.1t Ahote Wllfba SPECIAL NOTICES. ggr- IIHUICATION OK THE IIKAIKiOAKTKKS OK TMK REPUBLICAN I N VIHOIBLES The Republican Invlncltiloi will dedicale N A T I j A a II A I. Ij To the p'lip-vsei of the ro11tt:al CAinpftlfin, 05 KHIIiAT KVK.MMt lext, (optemher :si, lsi. Kralnent Hpeat.cra will adJress the Meeting. All loxal ciliyena areinvlltd to he present. QEdKGH 1 NM AN UICHK, PIIKSIOKNT. WILLIAM I.. FOX. Jit.. KKCiikTsar. It S7" TO THE EUSINESJ MEN OK I'lllLADKI-HIIIA. (IRANI) MASS MKKnj-lNO MERCANTILE UNION CLUB. Th"MF.ltCANTll. VN'IOM CLUB," of Philadelphia Invite the business men, without distinction of party, who dcslra to show th.ir loyalty to the Uosernmert, and thir purpose of ndiiiK in the etlectual eupprctsloa of the ltslicl. ILn, by sustaialpir the prcient NATIONAL ADMINIH1 RATION, TO ASM MULE IN OM TBCRiSDAY EVENING, S ptemher 29. AT A it:-L(K,K. The Dli-e.itiK vi 111 he a ldtxsed by A. tl. CATTKIX, (.I vBi.K L UV7.HY, t la.liKfllCK KUALLV, MUHTON MuMII'UAK.I., Ji tNIK.L DtylKIUKBTY, l.'.'S-Jt And other. BV 01iHK.lt OF rXKCUTIVK CslMMITlEK. fe3f ATI EN HON I UEl'U llLICAM- IN- sfnelhlei. A Hpecial alei-intof the flub, for the truusar'lon of b-isinuss, will l,e lielu at Hi aliiiai'ler, Nauonai, 1 1 1.1. , 1 It I IS (Tli,ir aj 1 1. VIM Ml. st s o'clock. Tlis Club Kill ti ll ll'.iiUi.c ou K,V I T 1:11 AY KVKNISil, Octolier 1, lo pai ti It-aie 11. fl-.e Lincoln aud Jubtisou met iliK to ho helu III, ,e ll th.it eveiiltu:. All nielnber ti siri'ii: to parade on that oecaiion will hand III ll.elr Mtli.e. ut li:c Hal, bcliut- 2 o slock to-llay. 'ill kets lor lin ,.i nd tnp.H H I. i.iiiil.'i.i: in.man- UICHK, President. Wu.I IAM L ai ...Ir., eci .-tary. It rrrrf- company 11, eei-eulican is- Inelliles - A u coMm; ul li e 'oui,au' will b- hclf nt NATIONAL 1 1 I I.. MAkhM' (Slrect, Tllld liVKN I Nil. at b o'Cioclk- Keu im ol Oltn era. .1 IJ vltUK I T, 1 KA I.I hKMI, Juil M M KO, H lt crui iug tor U impaiiy 11. rjar- III I'llltl (CAN IN VINCI111.ES. av Coiilpan, , ,'l i'i"'l I HI K. K.MIMI ul llcad nnaittrs.NAllo.s .M. II M.I., lor Kl-etion ofoilleor. limn: it .i:K, H II I.I AM S:, V.H'IIAKL, J S',i, li'iSI, It t'oiouiiiiea, C'otup in A, EST bEVl -Mil HlVISiOM, TIIIItTliKNIIf W AItll. t-l.MH to K.IIil.ill S:-c, I., au.l llll IAN to IMI'f.Alt is. Ao Adjourued vt. i i Le I'NIOSi t.J I IZI'N i oflhli V.lectlonl - '. V ill ue he'd at r.i.vi.i.B's, W.i uei l Sllll and lllluiVN Stiets On Till.; S,.v t.Vl:.MNi.,L"ih Instant, II W-'it .t 7'.. o', lea. t-rrT SiOCKHOI UI'Us1 M'-KI'IMi, KAK'i:i;S ASH Mi-A'II wNU -i' ll NIC, I niiM'M, jttiir r 2t. H'ii A gtneral mect; s, u l Sti" kh-ittit r l tbe t'.i -'iiri' ai d .Mi etmnics I mi- ' i .i) -ipi a " I! "i h" d tv t -n-r lijtliKjUK Moiito oi TilitulivV I he h d ty ,.i j'.ili-r D'lt, at 11 o cl"C i , M . M-l!e purpose-nt iikiu: 1 .to ( -ii-Iili rtiuon, ao. n t th mi. I it-ilk ' 1 il ' on ti e buttlntsiistif fUp " .st to, and of er " ; i the slriiiTal A - " on Un' 'j'1' 1M I S t I'M VV 'lotU'T tid-rt':- I lie ) lv t'f ..'! "An Ai-t tnii 'lli' btCAiUio Assot'lain1 th .av. s ol' the t Aiiftiikl. an.l ; tu.i v bt tH'ces'.jrj : 1 W onl r at ti v L it-:.u-tAO 'i'. . it 'n-v.-ai i:.i in : r i 1' ir.-.-e i." it iV i.- n".l-r : -l.v tV'piMVod t.i .' ' 1 0v ul' . . .;'niii i i -en! tti'T'is ai . . r , !-- '.-r. V, Kl H'il'tiN. Jr , Cancer. KT.y mil Ahhl. VHl K AM KKA1HNQ Jtiiiirtad C'D--hny, Oitie 7i .). lOl'l. tUl Hilt 1 1. , , T'it;i u i i run, Fr; tc oilier 1.1. '10 A VOIP VCTKN r.UN'.-Tiii' hhh rn t tt.e t. m-iii M tht-i Ci'ii, I t ii . t!i.- iu the Is t 1 riimo, :ir-; rt'i ifK. tl fo If.ive I i.i in .a th: i'ii Ci- i n '!' I'l-ii'ie Iht '.('ih liiitnu!, w Hi n y -tJ "ill be J.lvt!i. sli.il :het tin will I rt if It di 11 l .t! It I'll 'AsiHt', IU 1- ai-H- ll l i',r. H. UK Vl-Kt)i:!. ).'.' i. 7t 1 re..irt;'. IK -f-Ti: FA s V Ii ! H'S O V V I C I'.. "Ul'. S riL.-.K l.i..,Yil.uii.,ti il, uinl lia...:iiyr. II,. .li- id t in.i..!.y. 1 l'i:.l-l I I IA. ttU :ii ti -. I ''I '-I. 'I I I' I t M c r-r- h...i Tl.n 'IV.. ...re i .1 ! mml i f IIIU-K 1 Hi: i- i . .'' M-i.u ft . x i' . . i 3IU c in :viJ 1 , .' ilr in) h i ' ' m.W l m K t t ' M"..o:in of U i r of , lo 10 .t.v i i.n-.i ,no rattt t the hob, i-.: tt..- b'.o- i Ihe I t I i n. i t r ii- t, to iM''""'l 11 ' ' I.i I'ttl ill I'Oiioi. (- li.t Hl.O, i" I .- t !(.' .:i. ...l.i.l i"iV'., ,.i u (l i ilit In ,h. . i", r uie i t.i . Al.l'i.l.j il.'USTH. Ti ,i- .rec j-'Ji victh-Vw LAW IiLlAKI'.MxiaNiw'aMVKi.IlV V3tJ f ft'.jns..-1', '".nia. A tt l in vMil t-m.ii.e-n e tn io.F: :i. i. Ih'' tutieilt.-M. tv !. .Hire wi'l be ii in e'i rt at " f- e.m-k lii iht t.t iii i 4 t u.at ti.y, at u e usual ;iic-Ueoiu l,yI',, lkn. CKom.i: BJIAK'-WOOIJ. 9 17-1 Jt nr-S THK K KNl N(i TON HANK IM THK i-onH j y of I'M 11. OKI Till A. To u U-i I -i ima, ti I'le in icr "W A Ho-'i'i.il M.m Oi'k f l h '-t i k -...i,''w win Ih- held ht ilie HanKliin li-.u-.vm l" iA ihcivth oi October, ul llocli. k A. M.. In d.;eid.- oij Hi. . M-.to n V f.riveriii.rf thu U.u.k Into a Nauona JH, o l.i, .. Mkc r tl !. Ulh.'f tloll Ut IM4y IH- I v wd.l ll i.oai i caller. . -n - ' O W 11 11 A I V COAL AT $750 PER TON. THK fJONHdMEUH' MUTUAL COAL OOMPANY. CAPITAL es'I'OOIl i 50,000 Shar at $10 Por Shar 500,000. LYND. JOHTAII KIrnKRTUOlC hK Wl Mftit.w Mrv4. k ni'Tf.nv, JOHN O. H.P'.f KH. N. NtrfU-.th H;r"i- Mfll-.( TKft, J, Mf fl I VM, Ml rf. Hi h mi" "ft. l))W AKI) V.. JONK, H Cll Ar.-h tr.vM, IIKMiY 8. rAUI.,No. tl W alntit tret. r. r CLAVTON. No. I.Vr N. Ttird trM. THOM AH E. OAltsr.Ii-,yr. fc (?tnat t fM. OmOE, No. 34 3. SIXTH STREET. IT nl or the b re iltlf a coniiny b (: finaed.M OBAhlo txntuineBt lnriTfl nd miuaII, by tb 4re;t of llulr )arj expondi un for enl, to owe tacfr own c4 tlory nnd (o fciij.l thmneleb w th the rt.iNt ai doit, Thr ureaMy Incc M i.tiri of 1 CninvdiUei, wllk th fiiiter Inrrrthp (111 lhietcnlTf. sliuutd lead o iuimTs to (Im ie at-4 b all tlierni le of iery prc'.lo bk me'hf d of ccon';DiIf.rg tipn their wn cr-niumpti1. Af fan. the men IoxuMob of lift are crnrt-ninsj.tlili may b9 (m nipllihcd by itinciico; but aa to Ita Bectwaarie. onto other prtr cip e im nt be called Into rculi.tton. In the tut of iieceHharli i, tow artldei hold a liighor pimu ilntn coal.and la regard to tills the mutual frin vij'tf in, furtmifstflr, both ap plicabl and (lcliiute. A ton of ccal ilrllvcrrd at te yard la Phlla Jctphlt coU aisotit $7. Ifclh erod at tho coiiniimrr'8 dHr It coftti $19. The dilTerpnce is fJl. nnd jet tha cost of carting U ooJjr &0 ceuts. The e plan at ton in ilmplc. The collier must hart Lta profit, the jobber mutt have bis profit, and the retailer mint have his profit. Vibj cannot eonmmerf , by com bining for a slnglp vear Uie amonnt of their expendi tures fr coal, po!pae (heir own co Uery, and uk Ucho throe profli fr thcnMuh-es? Ihe Conpumcrs' MuiuhI Coal Company olTvra an un- uiua.1!) favorable opportunity for carrying thene prtneipitM Into practical oju ration. 7 he Cdinraay has purchanod aa old established colliery, about five ml'os above rottsvillo. with ittom-i nKina, breaker, minerh' housef.,black,suUh bups, saw-mill, cars, mules, and all the equlpmerts fr a biulncss of 1-10,'XX) tons of coal per annum, and having ilybt forsixtoen jcars to work, over a mite in tVnpfA, toe bent three veins Id Pcliuylklll county Uie Hkkliaore vein, eleven fett thick; the Majumoth vein. from twtnty -rtre to thirty feet thick ; ai d (lie Heveu Foot rein. Tlio colliery U now prudming l-M) tons per diynfbesst ijuanij vblte Ail. C-ml, and a newshieis a'uiot 3a pletol which will .ncre.uie.tit capacity to &' tons or dty. The prcttf nt net cnsl of a ton of coal dllvercd troin Collieiy at uie ucr oi tJio cuniuiner is Ut-j alt, mining, breal.ini;. loading, Ac -l !' Tullaixi liclgliton Itesdlug U lroMrd. I ehvviy at coiibUmea's dor i us) 'J'he p'tAU price ut thecal y.ud 1.- fltr log ou the mutual plan pet ton i Kt 61 The consumer oi ten totiit of coal p4r year can iut sort Ins teti nVart-s of sbrk nt f 10 per shure, and will be entitled te tei ton of coal at net cost for sixteen years. At present price) be will &avc about $-V the llri year. 8h uld the pHee of coal lneren.se, ei is strongly apprehended, the suv ibg w til be btill i,reaif r. I hepreseut annual prodii' tion of the col irryls r,Q,0) tons niily, or one ton per hSsie of stock ; but the Immediate inrunioiMd freli ea-h capl-al into it wiU increase lt pro duction, bt fore iht eut of ti c ear, to Uie ra'eof IV) ,000 tons. This will eimbic the t.ui.aity to ill-strlbute In etUt dividondi tho nUt!-ou Kh,ihai etra tons ot tal ejtrh yet-r alter the piesc nt, wr i h a: presunt prices will b alM ul $Ui.,Uur $10 per -thure. Whtre i fri t j'i o'mhiti'; that the vah UirMtmii fthti Jifft lira f.rnrit u ill rfhuburrr to tl tukh hlt rs the C 'it'll co ut tnur ttitfk. Very lew enteiutlei ca t oiler equal indue mtiits. It combitit s production and consumption, st iuf aud Huln. l.very lioii.eh'-til r mid biulneKs m t In thv eiiiiimuiilty t tn piii!c;;uie lu und ho i d v all hlv ll ol li advHiilittses. The pu ment on Be-oiiut of the n'oek tn iy be uutde aa follows per hhsre on suUyrlbiniv' ; $t pt-r share Oc u bt-r 1, lHi ; $i par shiic Ni euitier 1, lvt; tJ per ihu tc utberl, It 4. '1 1.e biect l the Mncton.it t render llm eoinpsn e Hf nt pttMic ien tit, ii d lu tbvf.o iti advauUisTCs ainmg a i ouile r oi iiidnlilnttU; ihvy have th're'ore reluiod sevt rl oi''is liiu s-c ruUtors Ut take Urje aiiiunof rt cK , m in-il Ihelt'luy of October iTt hvj limited the iinii.1 er of .iburtit t a i.ta,, bsjub4'V.h d hy any iriro to 4 dc tiiu.4!.'el. Tin Company In uo v pi!i'Hied to deliver e to lub-M-rt! ers at ptr I n. Suh Tii tlopi tor a liiiiited num tT oi lmie oi i ocli em be ma ) at th oTHi-n, No. 1l4 S. t l 'l II Hin and unier-i for vit ob-abo-l. vi'. v oi com mi n or B.Hi.m. 'll,- nit-lei H;g:n-d. purtcti.t to ;i,i.iinnn rtt, pnieeedM en 1 vt Mliy. j. i; ' to I' j: . , u i j a u i3 tie toll aing ,l.i; 'Mi,' i n- 1 li.. tiii- u-l' ti oi .' t-.'l vtj, Vc , the pfu- f I '; tl II r;, 1. . ! 0 - ; 1 II i 'I 1 i V i ' 'l l"' i ' iV v.Uji;! ; (,!,.; , ill", V;lt.' .'','0. U( lite re,1,! : '.fii'.rcii'' I'll in "sti .'.itlnri : ; , .--Iht: c-,;.! o? .nnI .jnfi-lij i-r.i ri; , ard mu jh of It i "Tint I i i V I- -Ii lit tr.ti t. i.r t:.e t--. in of t 4iv-l l l i,, .11. i,H llUu-'' I. .mM.i le ;iiri!)lliy oi'l' ,iil 11 the m t.is.e uit'f.u In uc'. are i.il.,A.i ue iiiiuiiii:, i.ei.lmg the lK.Kr,!t ; "lit i t ;t r I ( ti is C' ll.eiy. .u!y hit Itnj j- isst .iii.ociit c; c--.i". ij'u.i. il i i t i K e out tun'ttt'ly from ,'Mi vt .-ul.! lie ui.ide Iiu mi tho Li m th i- t'.n '. 't laii'l. '2't- iu '11. e !iK!):t.es tor uim.nK iii.d miiTket ate very H I'd, there aj n arlm; .ill the macenn-rv, ,Ve., neijc-.s iry iur ( j'i : i: is. v.s uoi.iiit: I j.i- ii. Ms Ei.:.,, tl. ; r. .. . ' t j L'oiU- T M ..HO 'V luuii tiu t. i r-.' v. I.. ntw tl i e you r.-.v c i'-c ,u r.Vy : ii il .it t ! u 1 1 y i Hps' ' ii i" iiif. or.tl ! n'W im i..es l tmir il. .ii.J U is t M d t' l lo L hi su-'eiHl ul oper4 tii rt . i - j A 1 1 he n f yo ir c. mMliteo visited otner i ui i ni - -ii t rCi r to i iit..iii Hiit;i u ut ki.owieiU-e. lor proper i ci. i 1 -. ii. 1 i.t r : .ot oi t'i i brum ii ti ti.i:r l.iNor is: iuvi,ilii't f.:.:.iii:,i' i tro t s'e irli.iM1 t.t pr n .u t'. IU ii ii ' M. ' r i. -'.. ott ,u this. S.ioao v ;t i.r.uot'i '1, o'l.i : n.'.;.il re .irre .iii:m-:i-i' -timi of i:.. i.y tr, r. fA re th-ir v.iiAiit: cvpiiv, whl. li, al U I itt i ri e i.t u.iJf- all. fid .a.r, tv-iM pt.-bat:y eK,'; l',e (.. t . I th.i, wit!, ti e ' ' ' 'fii'i'y 'i the Ihi- tol.it-ry no in cuip -te ku nfr ?"' ''' It tx.ij r-rt Li iioli'iti to M..tc, ti o roy.iiW o thl (ol.leiy i.1! oi-! OL-'-Ih.' tclherif iu tf.c fit t tvo t'. r!s c- ' N'l-.lkitl re,!"1' I"'1" ' ecu Is it v0 'f !' litu. ami lu i,e Pr,', i" t.i.itiil binds u.iiy i' w'h 1 fell. a. iO IV nil Villi" )IUI MII, iiei to a ni.TAi't ami the vlil it the i.roMiaity (" ntuny ihac (.ri'dUy cub ukcs ho Miieii. r 1m tiines i" vuiut 1 1 tf- t. WM. . ToiHt, Wi M. 1 III KU. WM, A. KOI IN. K. M, .1 JM S, CUAi. T. MATUKVfl. 'j.-i im N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers