3 sadlesu Evening clcctapli THCUSDAY, BKrTKMBER 29, lt,. VrsioAL Fi nd IIail. The eonrert proved, a tn bad if-tyi, an eaoellerit one. The associated artists n-as-e all area nd """ed nserlt, and Mr once tha au-tlenc, when II terre'is-ited, funnl the concert loo short. We hut tw tenor, perfectly difhtent. r.lnnor ".reranl h. lonn to tint icXOl created or Verdi, a srhnol which Is like scene jAlsslts-. and kaneta to broad errena. To this school Sumor , ateraal la M nejnt a line. cAprvsslva vok-a; for II ! Im-petal'-le to shent at he docs w Ithout uettine hoarse. ua.f -a-ttboat del, rloMtlag from In -innlity. AfMrdinsty. when fatai--rPie.fcnl attempts so'ie rare, thera . no Phi- in the vet! and almost Alwaya the notes which fallow his Boat energetic displays aro husky. lsn..r l'inl !: dsn'or lop robvtto for a ooieert room. but erovtne tie-re In toneerte-t pierca. but heard t most alvant nee hi opera. Pitacr Testa In an entire r-v.tnist to Hu-uir H'eia-il. IU voice In k w and iwffi, litii not la. k'n'K power. II as cus'teeoeril.il to he a m.t.l.iin as ss.-il as a slti.-.-r .hhh tew It lent Arl. III. mnfnnl Is 111 tlH'tliotis Vlcats'r. whioh Hrst rave the llHlliin actios! Its reputa tion. Mr kmi e-ii-oi-r. t in everything he smiil and Is l'-s lined to become a frem favirlte si I h the potili.', al-j'ild Ibev have an opportunity of bearinn l.lin oi ten Hldiior Amoslio we know, hut .ini-n we hue heard hint tie voice has Aciulrctl uicll.iwneas and sruoitliti-sa Me t-iice wIlhenerHy and expression, and li most eric. Use. Vine Lorlnl la all Kutop. lus t,;d m-,i coon, -lisn.-l Artist A-id thoiirh Fnioi.e sometimes erre In its todr- tents. It has licit In rev irU to Mine l.'intil. A to of rare eweetirss, even In us toost cncrsetle m-lit. never ntln 1r.h. apgre moiond. en. inni'e esc, in, ,n, espr. e. ion, and taste ell thea qualities Mine. Lorlnl Whirlim oesessee; llii-retoie Is she one ol Itie flurst artists In the k . hut rsni. !' artl-ts sse -s. s. she suna lh "Kausi Waltr. with treat IT,.. t. di liKl,ti,. tilP vii:ltc tn nli i:ns ( a mere four r.ir. i-. mill i,ut ,rl,y i U11 ,llsl , ti'ori a srhool as M me l.rhil. We shoiihl h ire pro'nrr.'.l some i'nvaltia It pley orihi Xbcia duel, wli h i. h ickoey ! en I until for a roni-. r room. The trfu tr nn l.u.-,. ,i, , r n mannltl i in trl . rrein .ftmoor-i. tspH,, the erl-is to i-ii- r iti st a4vftnte. Ihora ia ntio'hr rori.-ert ts n a'i'. svU.'h hoithl not he ni'Klei'ttd hv our mnsli nlly sturv.-d pnhil.' fte It las no, kud ami mav not liAvetoi ao opp 'rtoiiit v heating soch maslo s thet liven hv the a-sot-uteil artirtt. i he ki n ri. In the mMat of o;icr'lon froJiKiin? grit rational fiotork temporary reversi-a will bttiiicii. This telcgmpk to-dnynnnonticca.wliat will appear to nitny who are ignorant of all the fact, a for midable Invaiiua of Mhtourl. Also, an uttiuk ly Forrest upon the I'ommnnlratioa of Shor- nan by the capture of A'liori'i and tlioile.ifruction f the railrond bridge on Ik rircr, at tlio Slate line of Tennessee and Alabama. lint these ore mere plirmlce. They are opera dons set on toot by lnViiur coinniHiiden who tare been cot adrift frim the main Confederate force and arc lijing what danmtre they can as ue:H'as, while Generals Grant and Sherman and ftbcrldan and Cnnby and rtttnks and Rosecrani aid Steele and AVash'mrne and Cnj tit and Hatch are accompllhliing, in a prrmantiU tcay, the gre.it work of craihing out the lust breath of life In the Rebellion. Trice and bis little band of guerillas in Misonri will share the f.tto of Karly in the Shenandoah valley. Forrest, with his horde, will utt'Vr a like fate. It is not necessary for n? to Indicate exactly now or wbeu these, r nulu will occur, hut that they will occur is as certain as unvtiiltig Irt tuo ffltar. ' Ibe repoi-t of the fall of Mo'iile, as we an nonnced yesterday, was premature. The city will lall into our posn-ssion when the Govern ment ts ready to take it. If the Uohel military aniboiliies In Mobilo have surrendered the city, they hae wisely imitated the policy uf the coou to Colonel David Crocket. That. Fnrmgut can destroy tho city at any monioiit Iroui his (Itet there is no douiit. That Farragut dtttret to destroy the city we do act bt.'itve. Onr renders must be patient, trusting in tho cool, clear jutigment of the gr-.-nt ilirec ora' City rn..', MUn" at 'he 'little eltctric inslru uoent, directs, as farastue telegraphic wirei can iach, all the gcnctai uiovcmunis of the national ' The people who ara not Looked up in military opmations hould remem'jer that General Grunt ts.thoiougn.ly po-ted, uot only in the operations - W. "bis owu armies, but in the move men.- of -y enemy. He takes advantage of bii unitoiu l wtaketilrj the main Rebel armi-M to send out raioitg par.it , tnd str.kea blows that will result in prrmam lit aaniaie to the I'ui.oi. While our readers are sleeping quietly at niij'it, dlrivg at inxurions y snpl.ed U'llu, quajtioe tkeir rirh wire, d uin pnti -j, or eorig-d ia Ui 'r.rcJits of life: while C.pr!eds in Ut Nona. wtr aoe I'vir.c noler tje pr lecuoi ot tat auoBa &rsaratre cro j j-.c iae r r J. I'-an-a : ircKant, c.fp.aT.rc tiseir iuv.j wrr kV. ttm-ii-t.',. n 1 k i.r i ut cptra?. Gtaeraj Oirj.n. ui;anj o( tr t-i.i:.-T I'keruwiw. vnruiir. t Biuno?, H ajraorr-r s 'he ct-I ff -lie enTO v. tnr t m.Ti"k, V ii TnLhitriRr.!.. tre i.k tV lsl:nit sliul ut! uci.iceftL T ue t:.tuoersl a,-t.i-Iws.aw tin dtttiia"!- f uu.ii itie f Lr tT atrt Bt-c tM OMPriiiEifJt of iJtt. titt : a siliitu l.uni v lift tjat"si"i : r -At at t)' tui. irtacMMr ip ibt fiit nT ac i:''iluj-i a t"xn rt imwi ittnc '.uid.il not fc. jLi.-t. lite urn Jtiuiitaf r Bifni'mr ti liry yeiii. vii' Ttuui -ti :it ur-L atir.-t ,.- cs-y tnnilMirarsr . liiiLi-ruaj i-vwfH t.' r i f.e-sa'Jr I IH.-t'DITtr. tVC ! C inrfC! iI2 ir?? 3 i A-i.H'k fcUi stilt-' L-t i-j!-c c. ij ki:r" p'fcl-ft -:;f:T.. ti-; r rr ' Tut icii urr unawn. ! t ta r J.:;" i":v iit.. w " t ri'tr f-jt v.-s lU:rai: ur V' H-t Tti; ctaae. f, '.ai r, a'.l to ire I ui urn, ., fr rts'tM with a raridltr r Wort f T!i rroits to tb L'nion uniH .-e iroa oar rK iu meu. Thyare :n rf.rie A to lie trid 'irt minuiy guird, as at let, id to ibemelves jluutiri y, I ke men b Lave ejj.is.i rae cause, with the r Stan 13 rt, and are reaily arid willing to oiler up tttir lues, i! necessary, u a sarnice for their cctDtry. fuh is the cituatioi W diy, and we tor gr. tu'str our readers and tne country tha' it is so. Witihingtun Hepubtican. HJlB tl, UIX AT f4.iltSH V. A krBWlf H pcecb of the Unrl. The Bandusky (Ohio) Kenister, of the 27th icptant, lays: "Jlsocti being noited abroad last evenintrth.it Gemrnl Iix was in the city, a crowd collected at the We.- Home, find on L'olumbus avenue, iu front of it. The Union B ind of Sandusky re paired to the bouse and played several a'rs, when Ibe crowd, which was by this time very 1 irge, began calling fix Iix,' 'Dix,' when he came out run the balcony of the hutrl, and was Introduced to the crowd t,y c pt.am Htt iner as the man who rarly In the war ottered that noble sentiment . If any can dares pull !own tho Aiuerieau flag, boot biin on the spot.' ' lie was received with three loud cheers, and brii tlv sxlilre sed the iieoplo. savlnit: " 'Fel ew.c.tieiis : 1 am very thankful to yon for ihe honor you have done me. As 1 arrived sere laie to-night, uin eni;agoil in public business aid sbull dvpatt at an early hour in tin) morn oil' I know you will excise me if 1 limit what 1 have to nty to a slmpe acknowledgment of your kind' iiess ami county. ' 4 1 will suy uiie word, however, on the subject wiiicn in s lieaiCN-. the Heart ol every loyal m in I mean the Hebelllou. it bus tieeu my conviction from the begiiiuing, tluit we can have no honor.ilile peace until the iu-uigcni armies are disjiersed, and the lenders of the Itebc lion expelled Iro n the country. (Loud cheers.) I believe that a citatiuu of hostilities would lead inevitably aud dueetly to a reixina on of the insurgent states: and whi n I say this, I i.eed hardly add that I can have no pnrt in any political niovemenr of which the Chicago plntlorin is tho basit. (ll! newed cheerit.g mid itppluuse ) No, felltur. citiens, the only hope of securing un honorable peace a peace which t-hall rc-tote the l'nion and the Constitution, lies in a steady, persistent, ami unremitting prosecution of the ar (great ap plause I; and I believe tho judgment of every right-thinking man will soon bring hi m to this conviction. "' With these few rcninrku, and rcncwlnu the expression of my thanks lor your kindness, 1 bid yooi.ali good-night.' " Kinsrnlnr Iucldeut of the Draff. Amortr the many singular incidents conncc ted sa iih the draft is tho following, rela;cd to us by Mr. Highie, conductor of the t?t. Louis, Alton, and 'J'erre llauto railroad, oceiirrinsr in Viiro countv. I Indiana. During the drawing ibr one of the sub districts, tho proceedings wero wutched with eager Interest by at least one person, a rcsi dent of the locality under draft. As tha names Were drawn, he betrayed considerable n r Tousuess was psrticularly anxious about the 1rice of substitutes, and thought it the duty of all veterans t re-enlist. Finally, tinaoie lonirer to control his anxiety, he asked permission of Colonel It. W. Thompsou, l'rovost Marshal, to place his band in the box, and draw forth the un fortunate prues. The Colonel politely granu d Uie request. The individual reached foith his band, placed it in the box, and drew forth a card tin which was written An oicn ii. It is need less to say that bis curiosity was fully satioiied If not. the salutstion of "ioi ore tOK.commiif'"' made biin realise his position. St. l.ouit ll -jmb. - The bastinado is still used In some of the Herman fetates. In the House of Correction at V aUlln im, Saxony, no fewer than twenty-two thoutand strifos were inflicted on iHrhioners in one year, g vius an averafc-e of about evvtiuty .iripes jper da. Ftvtm thf Rt--hmoid Vafttn tht. W.S mn'i 'iC'h nfv.;, l-AV!Kr, p. WAifiiArr., Mit. r rt An Tir T irinv, mitl Mm. ftfar? Ann Wa'tT, I hll-i'lipr.l. Your fttU t-r ilt'd wutf-nljr at tv.i n tho lth in-ittnt, rf disiaf ofthf ht'Art. Hit r inaifi rrt lAtorrt'd la fluin-u lltli Vniltrv. . Thiisiil Ip' In Pft nt Tor r$ p)fnt ..jr. tW V HT J AVIC KltlT.P.It, PIULATT,lFTiM , TK - Itf-r !.. h'iI.t : I tfi-i'l Iti lmr tri.m yiu. i4 th-t ynii iMf WfH. I Urii-i (o rorr't! nil jftu, 'mt lurtrn Jt m c ft VT iifi'l 1 1 i d f-i rfturii. I vi' t i (ni nnti Wl'jt? (hmv rmirf lt.tri I fit. I mn In wry f-mj hUh, Anwcr unil 1ft nip Mmw whrfiir I f-t thffP t" yin. Trie ,), tor ii,im rli nir to fnv.-I fnr my (i. Hlth. AtiiHf-r ".n, M A It V .1 N : I' A M K Kit. fW ...rk A' fff AQ1 I'.nli'tf '( iiu . t !(, tr-jni'N r. r t tki. ri in Hfirn v.. m;av. on, tr. ci, I'-Uinrtrlnhh, Wroif wl I', Mhj, rl rl h'lt no r-t ly. My f.MitM-r, Wwi ('tilrM. in m prtwo-tsr M Mllip ri.ufi Uhl". I'lPHf t ) tn. 11.4 ltrfai lx ''iiifnj It. in Iniii (.aiit;tnt i itrv, f'ruort S -.U. ouri, if.,,, , , f , ly, ,tf! N W. I'AI I I I I . W Vtirk Afr hu1 1 fcuttlrlfhirt t-uhi- ra p pf. tr- inrufON!, km ' i it p., ii. i. -v. k ii . Mi. I.skm h. i if th uni,.. rht.i.i lffU -Hive rt't hnr.l fn in n Ktncr Ai'nl ? Ilna t'Mt hM-n rif'TMir-d th.it . linn t rn ii 'i -fii ''f ul, ( i.i i till Willi yti ii V iinrr i l.'on ii r (J mIioh )' 1 fn h1' ti ''ru 'i.io ti1 l'i ul' Wrm ly llsf " tril- W T ';! Js tlr Iu tH ,!) drtd d A l II J I 14. An-swr r iiiiiiKi.iit ly. II. n" AitTiini s. i'iiii.aori vn; , rrNNvt va- Tihi : W i sftirrt ffiit it'll tl r.iiia'rt Hihui' nd fl-nmr' r. V ntiM (ik to h4r turn- fmi nflfn. T -!' Mriin th Whrn ali.nil an ft i li rtiritlMticfi of holi your si I ii, and lt nif Knn. W hnxp nil t-vn iwiorlv for fut tl.irn ; Pr hnif ti hiitt-r now your ttrnfiirr mil on tl 2d c( hi-iitf-mtifr. Vour m '-tid sv- t. imi, C F. Mi It VK. 'W Vrk .Vr ' ptriT mty, I Uf" I.KVf Vt.ToV, VfkOISIA. rt1 rMHr.R ?t . ff . i.r ia..ir-irn rl i t", .. mi irlof tr fl' w i. hti 'D Uinittl.or I'fr" -Kitml'v Vil will. Wra iB'. linn art -n Mr nn l una i t il ta in M-'ttiiitii-ly Jst .N ( mli!i , itnl vi l c .iniii n i to w uli un, It',.. nt-w ultli m-; i tf." ff idMiirri i (V li nilm n U piy V i'Hi(h . w l(rk Unity .- j.Hf - m.-nd . t imr ,im! K" jIiiiqiiiin, Mii4 .nt. Ai'c oit'-lr w. s. mi K"i:h,o. IP" IHKII- IV ltl MM ft. OS ITU'. IN i r !VT, V w. Kmuie . 'i-isury, tumifrlj Nt '.' , mi t'.ti V"d ?tf"0t It1- K . New il Afc't l'li'ltaffaljilsi ti ii-' ra:it,lki Htr pi( HC Cll) . fir NOHTII CAKOMV.4 HlSI'tTAI,. rRTntnrR i Vii . Me in nifi-i li", liitortii.itHin w.int-d ii" Lit- ;it il mifs-J.I- t'r-rsi-i.H ttoiin'ltr'. S. Nit tinu-l Mm.rWIt hum .1 HDI.nl thf.'Mh Vnith "afoliii If-khir n' : W'it, lit lirjird frtun witi ut Point l--.k"ti'. Aim ir iTiri-aiit It. M. KtlM( k, ol i nrriifir.y bi) N-irtli Carolina ; t,.- wan WfUI4T'fI HIKl l.iptHrt.1 ft' Np'M'MhUlli.i iirt 1I'"1. Al if .lanifw K. r.irkiT, t iiiniinoy I, Hth oi)iVIt tt raAlr ; fc iiih cnntori'il or klltnl in "nf of th ertt.')- ni'-n' n ar thi cl y Ity jrlt 'tig any 'nfornntldin ot anv i,f ii,- an(.f nitnii'. mti wni r min'ii n thf,r truiiln, ho atr In (.n ai ctmm about tiicm. Ituplv tli'oiit-ik I(li tittn)pd A.nyffrr n, R 4' Wt w vrk S ftm. piuiii.j. ifiliia, lulUniorc, Norfulk.a'nd i 'tin r lVftrtlittrn p ra lil toty. rfr-Wn.MAM P. MAIMN, KH).. "SO, MARK FT fMr.it. PI- inds-lpliia : iniiir- v I'-unt mmi, at.iry ai d, or Kluir, Xi-w t ork, ronren Inn rnv aon.jHt.n H. I'ii.l-, ,lr , nlioliai tr"i ui'H'nij nluci Ma 6, whan tlie fitcmy Ultd srdv Point riifni htuil'n, en Jamt rler, at htm pla'-e ( wan tlnn on duty . I'tn attinttou ul nv iriritd lu Una noike wdl l e itt'f-i.ly acknow-IrUtfi-d. APhvrrr tlimiif It Vpw York .Vtrr rPiiUttd 'lt.'a Iiviuirir, nd Hlchjiiuiid I n-nirrr. AU wrll. J "N l IAVIKh,.. ..Pot.rilj5Tii, V. P?UrburK, V . , (pi. '21 , 1 f i I . r-HTATF.HL'BO, RKI FMliKK 1?. -MAS. Vmi an l a Mi !nr. 'nilii..', '. M y Ik afit Hllf;r Itrrli-vi-n mimortliait I e n rxproM'o d g npo it jou. hut I taniiot h bb now.ai tilti ?l wrotnir. av.'Mff imtaaci I. ave aiiiMfi win. -.h LfMwnt uiy ImvInk. uiiloan ifi ar a.t Mn wvip mwi diiluiirti 1 have Wiiitei bytUunt tnici). Tim Mldrcn rtftl I U 1t well, and m wai H whrtl la heard trorn. I ove lo all niyftnr trliid. and tJi'v that I dfcpu r .rotni un irautvl AvpnrAiwn irouiUi w lIov. J uur uilii tiuui.to siatwr, y, o. a. ir- m:iki.tok, va.. v r v. m n rn m. iwh -m n. T"nis. fturlttirtnn, N J. ; i liftajtiit arnvra i lainllj all villi. I i n In en nitnrcd. ati a pnai.r of rkT, And h'm uut. Mill I re an.cr Frank or pal til in IP Srnr.it Cm in with nii'y Kxpenif for llrrl!n v-ftr two it'Oiat d dollura Appdoatlun lor puiition In Ktciuiininl tU A Pprtioimtp y, W LU K. K"(i1r tliruiifcli Jiichmuad ntuii(r twl Cuiuiaius. Mlsi, Auh. tr inswiMDii", dcsrv, v.., sppr. n. iwh.to E, ti It I liavo rcti yur irr'nil in iti. tiM,iiiMiid 'ltn,; 1 am vi ry wi. li ohltw I m y..n for your h.nj iiinf. I't-riro (ii'niti my nnn V. W. A , vnu w'ih i'Vf r tlie Bnitif rulf will allow. Jicffpt aai'iriiii .-s ..r" dVlifHi Til- ,l'J' v u00"'- l' AlU'N ht'vr itrk yen, m,,; rjillfidelpfiin pAptm pi: c-py. rNKll WrvtMIVeHIKU. V , KP.191 lfV.l.-I au( wt ll. and woiitii m ttfiiMiy in hpr from mv Mi'-ivoa hi d in.-rid. In 'imiltiM Omntv, l't tuirt Ivan a, ftnd Ni-w rii ii.n, l.oulHitim Cjoiiimuii i als by advortuhw in uie prsuriA. vo uinm ui New Y-jiA AVws. w. r. itrunv, IfosimfMit lmial in Volun'f'-r luf i.ntrv. Nt tY. A. , Laflwisr, auJ .N.-w OrU and p ipirr tliaiv Ciiy, Tiivoii tant to MoiiTisA'.i.u). 1 rom the fo! Io;mi p it ujijh ar ttut un slump i rMUirocl ca the L'ertiflrt.t) of the itttl lnvit ny a tuurtauQf, tie nn-rtugo being oihtrwiao apjiropf iatoljr 1 KHAr h y DiiPAKTMrNT, Office or Iktrrnai JilVI M F, AftUlhOTOV. pt(mKT 17, Mr. I ifp y to your Jeuer ul the -nib infnt, Ita: JTt'C i he Uivtifi.it:c, ftcuurdiiig to tiie ln vt o:' jesr Ma: j not compute witaont tut! rcrtiucite oi il t n.orvg-.e, ti.e ) .r.it to it ,t cenificatetJoep r t cue & mm,' if ibe mu.irtk'0 hxt bsvjn j 'ery ref;:t:a. y, E. A. livi.!., P.;t:.:. C0O.L it i f3"-triKT Ahi:.Ul.M I.IN(.t;I N. ir fM.lvvif r'k VfCn-Htr'ltiBST ANUKi:V JOHNSON, or :ij(.rtBc; i". IILECTOHAL TICKET, 8ENAT"RIAl. M'jKr'.y MrMic itiKI.. rnlls.ij'ii,!a. 1. llS.MM'UtU, UeTr t...u..l. Ill.l HLSl .NTAnVE. I Robert P. King, J. tl. Monitiiii t.:oatn, 3. ill nry htimm, I. W niiuni li Kern, 6. Hart'li II., Ink-, l. t l.aili s W liuk, 7. hi.t'trt I re. S u tihan 'I a lor, M. .1. I ll A llnlilid. 10. Hi. Imrd II Crii. ll, II. V ilnnrd Ilulliuay, ).'. I l.ariei k . kal, lil. Euas W. TUle, 14 ''tiar rs U siirtner, 11. J-ih:l Witur, ):. Iiavid Mit YnaiwhY, 17 liavid W W us (is , " 14 Ismec HaiH4.u, YJ i tin t'ultvin, .il. riiuuel B liitk, 51. K.vererJ Hliirt , 'rl John I', ftt nr. .3 Kleii-.er McJaLktc, It. JuLa W. Ul.mlit.'s P7 order vf tlie Atate Central CuniDiittf s. BIMON OA MICRON, RATIONAL UNION TICKET. COUNTY Ol'V'ICEHS. SIIKHIFK, 11EJSUY . HOWELL. HFUIKTRft OF i; L. rkZbKHlt'K M. AfAMH. CLI.IlK OF THE liKI I1ANH' tL VUl. tlltMK A. IfHltK'K. CITY OI1WKRS. ItKCKIVblt OF 1AHI, CHAHLE.H O'NtK.L. II1Y lOMIIl.ssii.Mr.ii. THOsHS 1'lCKNtiN. CDNOHKSS. JOHN M. lIUfl.Elt. (.1IAKI.K8 0 NI.M.U I KONAIII) MViiliS. w1ij.iam d. kkllkv. m. i:i:ssi:i.l tuaykk. l imt tilstlkt... B.cuud blatrlct Tlilrd Ulstrlcl.. rourtli Whtrlct. i'l.lL Iibtrlut... senator iiiinu DIHTIIICT, ISAAC A. SIIF.PrAKD. KEl'KBSENTATIVM, l lr. t Dislrlct Second Iliatrict... Third District Fourth I'isttkt... t'.fili lji.trlct Sulli Dittrlct Keventh District., l'.ltiitli Il.trict. ... Ninth District. .... ToWh Dlilrlct.... tlevculh Diitrict. Wfl.I.IAM 10S1FR, iVII.I.IAM 11. I'.VDDIUAK. II AMD lil'U.EK. vr. W. WAIT. JO.SEI'II T THOMAS. JAMKS ritLKDOICs. THOMAS COCIIIBAM. JAMtH X. KhUXl. CHAItLES rOSTEB. SAM VLh 8. FAHl'OABT. l itANkLIN D. HTl.HNUt. Talfih District V. SUTPIIIN, 8a. Tkirteentli Dlilrlc ... tourtctiiUi ln.lrkt..., I llteanth DUtrlct iUtaeutli District Hevtnweoth DUulct... ..BN08 C. BKHNKIl. ,.I KiKl'IH UOOU. ..(JE9IIOB DE BAVEJf, t. .WILIJAM V. 8MITU. ..EDWARD O. LKH. Ele'lilteolli Dlilml,,,,,, JAilxa MIJ.LEB. tH-ty HELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. IXTJID tXTBiOT EUOBU f.r Vc t.li e- leaea-iimra ef rnr.a, Irr'tatlen, lanaimnatlen T I'leeratlon of Ibe HWUar or Rldnaei, IHlrtlflef tt Vora( Wearfi, Kten4 in l lila Hrr, f.il ufi..', rTrorrl, tr Hri'k-li,ll Difi tU, rd all !! re el tkia Ulastlr Mlnfn aad ti.. steal eeOinFf. HKLMItOl.l) H jai'll) BXTU.CT El'CIIW or H'casae mm arfflas from p.iieielTa Indiscratlea. Tr.a fcaitltiiilcn once arTerled with Ofgnuic Wtakntu rejnlrii tlic aid of mertlrlnt te ilr-f hia n and itin'iorafi' thfnyftrm, hlh IIKI.MHOIHB EXTSAfT 1HHUIU Imnrlably do, If no lrulfiii'iit le sal a.i'lcd li, Ccmuidi tkn or Insanity o7 f rsttf. HKIiMHOLD'H FLVID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, la ufftttlor.s seeniiar to "I uliif,'' li nequaled t jn other preiiaraticn, fa Cl.loroili, or Betenil. n, Irrrt t lintlei ; Painfalncrt, or 8ui ernfloo ef Cui'inxry Etae mllcul; llctrattd, or Scl.irum Sti.t cf tli VJhtoi; LeiMhirrhora, rd all cnmplalatt ineideni to the (, whtCier irlnina fiom habluof DtsloaUta, ltarnderlee, or In Cic ilcellnf or chaape efli ItELMUOLD'ft FLVID EXTBACT ECCUV awu laLTI.OVfb ROSE -rTAMH Vul mu:ianj ezlerai.att from ibr jt'm Diteaset of lh Trlniry 3r(na arli ig from Etblta of Diulpatics.of h lit txfinfi, little r no chate In (fit, fw inctinvenUnct trtTfiurt; rDiftttiJv iDptrced.r.g thoie btnfajattf a4 dtnrrtki nr.ictiut CcfatiC arid firrut',lr al: thoa dtt'r. UHlil HKLMliOLL) I'LUID EXTRACT BXJCUU Is all M.ai of the Urinary Oimnr, -wl.lt,r ttstlr.r In "Malt" or "ftfetafi," rff vhattvtr cause oriyinatini, tif no Hia'ttr of iuw long Handing, rt !i plauaut la taile and Jor. "Immediate" ii action, and mora IrtngthcuUiKtlijinaiiyof theiin.pnratit ilsof Hark or li on. Those fiuireiliiK from ili-oten Jotct (. ZL;.. C'otli.'im fivtil, pfbiutx tht Ktmi-iy at oiuti Tha rttder ami o re that, r.. w. r tllylil ma; he ttca'taikof Die 1k v ulieaeti, Ii li oiru. to urTcct .' HcUUv .of,'., Mni'u! j'vum. ilt;.i if. ,( hir Vr kif. PIIYSICrAKS.FI.KASE NOTIt'i:. M'E MARK NOSKCKKT OF INCUUDIKNTS. HELM HOLD S FLUID EXTRACT llUCIIir I conipusod of Jlttehv, CuWls, ami Juniper i.vti.'J, se UcUd with great euro and prepared In vacuo by H.T. IH'.LlinOLD, Uru; i'lu and Cl.emi.t of lateon yeari'ei pcrlcnco In :tl.e city of I'U!aJulil.la, and now prctcrliiad by Uio Dioit eminent of the faculty, and have kern al ailittd to use In Hi I'nitcd States Army, snd aro also la vsry general use In State Hospitals and pulilic S.inlUry Iii.stltullouatliroiijhoiit Uie laud. Trlco I per Lottlo, or six for $0. Delivered to any JJiml, accomi.iuli..d by 01 plivlt directions . I'lrecl letters to "lIF.LMBOlD S Drug and C'f.emical Wafebuss, Ko, 591 Ilro.1dw.iv, New York, OrIfELMllOLD'8 Jlodic al Dep t, No. 101 S. Tantli glrcet.riilladclphiu. Btwars of eoUBtoifolts. Abk fur HELM BOLD'S, and takt no other. riiyalclan In attendance from 7 o'clock A. M. to 8 F. If. Sola by Drossljti OTcryvbr. H1-ii11i-8bj , FOURTH EDITION GRAKT'S NEW MOVEMENT. OFFICIAL WAR GAZETTE. A GREAT VICTORY! BATTLE OF CUAPIN'S BLUFF The Rebel Works Carried. FIFTEEN GUNS TAKEN. Three Hundred Prisoners Captured. CEN.E.O.C.ORD WOUNDED Advance on Richmond Commenced, EVERYTHING GOING WELL. Birncy Carries Wholo Fields oi FortifiCiitions at Deep Bottom. HE IS NOW MARCHINC ON TOWARDS RICHMOND. Despatch from General Grant. WABIIINt.TON, ISf lU'llller 2!, 1-O.j T. M. Mnjor-Oftifral Dl.x, Now York: Tlio follow ing tlcmmkh from General Grant, anuounc'iug tlio movemont of our forces nt'itiuit UiclimoniJ, bun just been received: IlrAnciUAitTKiti Ciim-in'h Faiim, Sep- U'mber 2d, 10'45 A. M. Major-Oc tieral Ual leck: (iencral Ord'n Corp- advanced tills morning and curried the very strong f.mill cations nnd lontr line of Intreiiehnients below Clinplu's Fann, with nomo llfteen pieces of artilleiy, and from two hundred to three hun dred priHoners. General Old wan wounded in the leg, though not dangerouHly. Genernl Uirney advanced at the name, time from Deep Bottom, and carried the New market road and ItitrenchmentH, and scattered the enemy In every direction, though he cap tured but few. He 1 now marching on towards Richmond. I lelt General Jtiniey where tho Mill load intcrnectB the Newmarket flud Iiicbtnoutl road. Thin whole country is llllod with fH'ld for- tllll'lltiotlB. (Signed) U. S. Git A nt, Lieut.-(ien. Et'W l.N M. Mantiin, Sei retary of Wax. FORREST'S GREAT RAID. REBELS ADVANCING. PROBABLE HEAVY BATTLE IN PROCRESS. The Wires Cut-No Late News. Namivii m:, Ni'ijtembcr 2S. N jthing has teen hear I fioin Oencrul lloasoau to-day. The wi.-e aic cut, both on tliu Tennessee aud Alabama uuj Tsasbvillc and Clinttunoogit rnilroaiH, nou'.h of C'lilitnihia ami T illaliomrt. No Iraltis arc running touth of Nashville. NUCOND TIKSrATCH. Nasiivit t.k, Scitenilicr 2H. Owing to the cut ting of the tclrr tp'i wires, no'.biog b is been hard to il iy of OVnt'ral Uomsoau's ctmimand. It Is bilievcd, however, that a dcspcruui D.utle for the j oBtiCMilon of rulaskl has occurred, or niny now bo progressing. '1 lie Hebcl fori e, according to the latest advices, bad advanced their lines preparatory to mi early attack on our troops to-day. The laut of the wiroa being cut induces tho belief tliut there arc parties of HelicU in the real of Itousseau, fur the wires on tho Chattanooga ruaj were all down beyond Tulhilionui, but have Mince been repaired and aro working through. Foriest's policy is to damage to the fullest extent both railroads lea ling to the front. The extent of tlio Tonne-eo and Alabama road ulnady destroyed will require several weeks to put in running order. 4 P. M. A courier has just come In fromGcnc rul to it, tin, with despatches to the cll'cct that during the night Forrest withdrew bis whola force from tlia vicinity of Tulaski, and is believed to have cro-xi'd to Cb ittanooga. Oeueral Itousteau r;poris thellcbel loss during yctsteiday's light ut two hundred, uud some twenty pihontis wcie captured. A small llelio! fureu is at Sinnville. Tho Colonel commanding at Columbia tchi gruphs that small Uetachmeiit" of Kebols aro near Coluniliia, intending to destroy the railroad betvsein thul pl.'cc and Naiht lilt'. nil; I'iMcr. m HoitK. Wa.hini.ion, .'scpU.'mber 20. After a careful iniiiiiy ll Ciinnot ho ascertained that any import aie e is uttajhe.l in oiilcial circles to the rumors of pi ai e iioio:siiiiiiit irom Ueorgia. 1HO.M AHIIJJSCJ'rOJ. SlUiinl D'iui h lo I tie f. fining Telegraph. VI r. Itlnlr. Asiuxi.io.v, September 23. ioutb'onwry lili.ir bus r tuni.d from New York, and Is oili ciutliig us lWui.i.-ter (ieticral. It is understood that ex Uovernor Dennlson has accepted the l'OBtimuiter-Geneial.shlp, and ho Is expecied here to-morrow to enter upon his duties. Tim llritft. The delegatiou from M estern Maryland sent here to ohtaiu a postponement of the dralt in Washington county, Mil., have been sueoenslul. In consideialiou of the excitement caused- in that pint of Maryland by recent invasions, which had a tendency to retard volunteer enlistments, the Secretary ia" Wur has indefinitely postponed tho diail in Washington county, in order to allord citizens un oppoiluuity to till the quota with oiunlccri. Nalleil. The Untied Slates surveying sieamer lhb'i left Ibe Washington Navy Vaid, this inorninj;, for Charleston, .S. C. I eeMlimu' Vlsifcd. On Tuesday u detachment of the S(h Iiliuois Cavalry cro-sed the Potomac river HI Muddy lliuii. h and iiiuilc a dash into LeCoLiug. The only ltebel found In aims there was Orderly Scr geant William Jlull, Olh Virginia Cavalry, who was ruptured, the Secesh women of Leesburg took up a collection of one hundred dollars to bear his expeusc while in the bauds of the Vunkics. C1KAM IlliATl.NU FOU FACTOIUI'.S, yj kt in., t tt. llnn il wild (lueclor w HMm- Al.o, crIU I.T litulcrs,t,il.di ii.. is. i-vttii.ial.Tfc, vc. cl-lm ta... 41.1 yiij.4Liii.ii if bJAIUHireot. AUCTION SALES. fifArKC.YH A I'd ION It COM 8, NoV C. C.Aenr. Auesieneer, eeHrHe KmlrssviiK M I.MII.M, V A It CM, AKII M.H!HANIlV., Ofell kinds. A.r piihlc a,le st Me Aurils.n Rooms, aisi ae sslllatlebd pereneeits t,. sales ukal khtati: asp Tr.fKa At Ui F.irhanie. iiot ar.HOLii rtTiiNfTiMtit At Dwelllttrs. Ami Ruil'Ksin. MBIK IfAFIifHP, .st te ftlnr'Srif iA,r,rers. t asli s. Ill .e s.l, in ,1 svhei 0. i-n! n . -.r-'U '.ul- 'it. ff''0 lor piit'l..' s:ile. I'TI'Vlimi .TH -M. .i i i'ls y in ri Al lOr, t,. k , . iiorni A.-'.'ne'it l I'-u-f.' nfc- N' .t" tisls. Mv In. Iisis; M f. n-t. r " i t. ;!.. n . '. .m llHSilie. H:,-r.sm Ork.. I t St f'l,.. H..S.I., Fill' ru- uUr In rateh.y...-, mn rnily ' i ..; au.t.iii roi.ru. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 1,'ok fs a 1. 1:. iu siu aiii i: m iliuno .1 kits. W.ilntit strrtts wi't i f 'IW-'i'l. fl A's... tuts '.tiLr -i'ti.tji.-'., In iois llr. i 1, riir.ninr II r.i..,o, to Mr titil V, i r.fcii. A..li tn .1. li. WMI'.l'.l.s'.ft. J1' ' Ki nil 's i ii j 'f st . Clou nai.k. f iO.ooo worth in oooi) Ifoui rs, Iftiyriuifl snmll, on tnn li .nil niirclntsrrs, .......i s.i.,1 ,tr wnnr.nt iih ntn'iranr., ror 'dsn nit foo4 '." I". I, inn ll III li O (Ii F4 A. ST., TIIOH. it. I'LOWMXN. a. M g. 'ijlNrH fllMt. u nithi) htateh SIX PER CENT. LOAK or 161-1, I OH SAI I , In Kit, niiti a'ii) s..s .iii (,, I....... a; iLvft n.vrket fo-tr. ECNIif P.F.ADY ICR T i.mvi hy. c. ii. wiiKiur .v co., ji . i t . T in ;! i RKP.r, Ol fntit the A.h(.I.Aiit. 15 !c) JUOJIOVAL. J. MEW:il riROTHKH, HEHIJIIANT TAILOUN, Vtrf rTnoveit frra Kc. I '."i N. Rf cnit .trft to th S. E. tornerAf HKCONBatlit AltCII Htre.'ts, wl r-rB thAFbv onlmtida ood Hoik of C'LOTIIM, CASVIMCHKi, And TKBTINOI. (At lO Iro Also, A splrmlln ASsortliii nt.T reA4y-m.s.lk !I.O I III NO. 1 K M OVA I,. THOMAS M. 1'l.OWMtN, .IV I'srt.ftitHr Atitl Hiilltlir, nas r.'movnl Ms shop lr-iil ho 5? hlriissht-rry stri'i t l No, V IV C'Ae I't'.K rrf'.Aa jolllllIK tl Olil (-OS1 Ottli lml.l t... lli.v.tlR !ucr.-ls.o fftfilltlfs lor carrvlnir on lh l.tilnis. . xttnt.vt ly, he li -p. lo -u-i'lYf. A .l.arc ol iniblii' ratrsiiiAne. ja7 WKALTJI, HEALTH. AMD Ifto lain ftdTnlrhnir fr: ll to ritnt inviH jii4 ikh ; I adtiig, )itu In aii bour H.i y I ti hhie a hut of r-tca( ; if'"iT ic to mne am'it(i; If with ht-.'h-lrurn t'f-ifl to l ; If a niuibt itcne bou d tvl A'tAVTH ! i' to live thrwmo? and ., WioSiDK Hi a lout Araln; It ut ii vsp a lire t-t p. atu ; It tu die anl o to ytnft Urtrn ! If ?ext wnh a Hf of tleamirf: If Yfiu value thu wurld b trtnnoruft; If m ry (Otnlo't 'il w.inl-i Takt. fnj Micv, And Wish n't Knt. Trin, huvhitr Ilt a.di, Wa ;h,anJ lkta.it Tou 11 be pr )tA.-il tut evsvr; luty. FT CATf 'i.l p. rnal of Hr.WIt.UAM YOlTv;'B iw liMik, THK al AUKI Ai.h U(-liF, wlii.-:i xhouM he rrai. by every on Hr i) hy MoonneMor -all. and at tio lif.'ior pfllte, hit, 1 Vl-tiCCA B'J'HKtr: pry UU o riH. an: tt A CA1U) TO THE I.ADltS. rn. iit roM'OB iOLijKf pills rctt ri;xfAt.ri InMHUil' In rorrt. tlnir. r1.' iWCn, rt.iJ r'-in..vinn All siu'iriKiHiii. :r..in wntu.-v. r i'4.t., n ul .is.js eucti I'ul . A .ri'Vtii'Kt. Thesr Pi; arr n.illilnp nnw. an.l hftT tn nsa hy tho 1. i lnr for niHity j ours, bmli in f'.'aii. e anl Aiiii.rivfi, war. iit'liarullnnl into iss In evoyrasi; Att-l lion urxil Ir nmny ttioii.HiHl liutl.s ho l.uvr-.is.-il lhi.rn, (i insKn tho rills iiiiiir lor Hi,. AltHH.ci.in or ;ni.s sutr.'r.HH from Hi brrtulArliit sslmuvrr. as well . n r.r. von- r, In. ntvi ol lanilly w tit-re 1,-fclls win not (it-noil it. Fc.r..t'il i,'i'iuirij .1111.11.0, orir..,e unnotti( tl.t'iti-o v,., s.. ar-: ciutiu..iil aK.iitisl ii-lnw thko ii. is wni'.. m fin, coodrij i, as tt.c ptoj.i it-tor .nines no rospnns-binty aiut mo aimva a. im .nl. im. , Although thr-lr Tntliiiicsfl woiilil iri:vont Any TniAi-hiiil lo lit-Alth, sitnorwlso uel'tils Aro rer.iuiAa-tndesl. lull snil rxt'llcl .1 i-i:lli). e t .'oinpsn, hit; .i.-.li ls,. I'rlct- fil. 0 six bnxi-s I r t.i. tj.jla wiii-lfsnie au-J re'.a'l ly ttir fi How ll. h Dint Klits : Klllt.lt. Wli.ti- AC'o.,o. Id V. Kaiirth ntfi. Wlltht HI.UjII, No II!) M irlo- .'r.-, t A Vlarshall, c TDfrol' lhl-l,-ntn flml MarlA strlt. viu-r A Muitli, coriM-r ol .111.1 ami invb .ixku. Iivolt A I'o , N.i. a.i'J S M.r-.n.l lm!. .I. tiiiii n, flollnw ny A l.'nisileii, uaa H.l. ItrluiiMir. i Mtndcii. At K-t.nl by All ilrUfc-wll'l. Litilirk, ,v sciiilinir ovk noi.i a To cithfr ui-f nt. cn h.ivo tlio I'll l.H m:r rii'ii iiiks'i iam y. nv mall, iu any .irt ol tl. t. j ur e.'iit.try, frre of pu.iuge. 11 HUWB, D-S'.'-Jm Iso.Slf. W.1IUI(TY-Hl. til H'.r.Kt, N. Y, A KLAHTiO KTITOH H K W I N O MAOUINEB, TDK BEbT H CHI. I'M No. 730 CIMKHNUT Hihim. f,tXtnix IWTV'H ifTYil OOTTAOK (JliOANS, pt only rUFXOKl t.r.D tut I'h'KQI'AI.LF.D In nnrtty or Tone snd l'ovsr-, t,-.iiiiil s tiaJiy fjr .burli-. a. hi Hi-hooi., Iiut f. mid to be tilmlli wil AilAufd In thA 1'arlur ajiU JrAnig Hoolu. ior .Al onl t.y . m Burrn, Ko. id N. f KVEMU Mtr-t. AIris, a eonipVte assonioent of Hit .''riet ktvlj---jii coiistjiitly on Imntl. A.itu-ui pillLAUELI'IIIA WALL PAPERS. iiowkll .t uoinuu-;, X. E. CDKSfeH TOUETH AND MARKET STREETS, JL'AKTf AOTL'tliRi OF rATF.Il HANGINGS ad cUlui VirlOW HUAtU8. Jj .1. WILUAJIH, Ko. 1G 5. SIXTH ETREET, Vara.fa- IurT at V 1 . N 1". Tl AN III, I N U S ANll WIMJOW HII ADKH. Tl.e f.iOii-st anj Fintt AjS'jrtnx-ut la t'.o city, a! V t LOWEST TRICKS. lil rAIIIINd ATTI'.KIU'D TO rifOMPTI.Y. 8101H: SHAM 8 MA1IK AM) I.ETTKlil'.l). Ie9 111! 1 V 11 N S ' C O T T A O i:. J II. ib evtir popular, enry, And well-known plncoof vw-'i-. in- Vlsitati .n. at Oil H. I:, rottii.r ol HI 1 11 mid MINOIv Mil t-t.. In riolnk a most Uirlvlnv l-u-iinvas, uudir till tttt-. J-iciA And IliiliH dial I- blli!'r IMoll of AUttllUAI. JAMKH M.L.SON, rii.il'Uli:Ti)ll. Tlie A.lmirnl spnres n.-ither tlnio, uionoy, nor ittcnti n to ti.pl) l.u piitroiiti with thA choice! Wln.-s and LiquiTd, and siipt rlor iscotch and Old Stoek Alt- oa di Autoht, wui-.li i'Alinol biijuallt-d lu l'l.ilaileliiliift. l et ncry ii n wl o lovn hl rotiniry anJ Is font of a (,-o. d duo k. nil n the Ailuiu ul a caiI. AuJ-lta 1,'LOl'l.sillN(i II0TK1.S. AMONGST IlIU X linl.lu- huiiM s Iti hihI Bioiiiid IMitkiri.'iiih's thori- ;iro "ol" I" "I tin- l"W "ION I INK," 111 HK KM lit Mho!, I,ovi- lilKoMtT; or. tin- ol.l nni writ kiiowu "I. tit nil h llotr , nt u.ti lonui ut Mt'KrOlV'N Ijmo i 1 TOWNMIIl' LINK lloo.l. Mi. liKllKliB W. Kulll, Is rioprn-ior ol both, ulil. h I. Iiuli-. d asmiIIiI. nl iitttunttM lor tl.i-n nitlrt hi.c ess. The vi-ry l.c.i ol tiiery tbloii eat iil.lo ( li. I bll.il.Io wrl l.u ton ml At ca.-Ii pldce, An.l.n-ilwitli (.i.itiiiii K the tiuioi. Ave oui ol Mint, tl.a u-n,,, will Ik qmio '0 I '"t'"u'J LuiKn every day, iioiu 11 la lit o lIoca. BUIUIIH UG MACHINK V0itlv, ntHI't, Ko.WK. i uo.nt iTiti;i:r, 1-l'll.AI'H.I-Ill.l. 1 ,1!" I"'!'11'111 10 u" orders to any cvlcnl for our well- flA( llfNKKV FOU fOTIOK AND W00T.KM MILT.S, liiiiii.iiiKAll rtiniiiu.j.nneuaeiii. In (.aiduig, MiimaUn, anil a luff. il'r'vtofl'.'1' "'C tu"Uou of miiefurors to ourtxtcn 1 ALKKim JUNKS tt SON. jnArHi:MH,i:viiArn is a. ii, "IIKAT .KAF.H, TATA lin'l, ASM AJTII , TNEATAB Wft sj-iik ITMOIT fH'CtMl", I.Y IIV. VON MOHCHZISKKR, th. ruf 'h rccsnily p ih.lsh. d w. rV, TIIE EAU: ITS DISFASK.N AND THEIR TRKAIMKNT. f t(. No. 10JJ VTALIIJt ;rMl. TO Till; I I MI.I.'. It It ,:;i .n' ii.i AiisfA.-iinn tt.it or Ti l.i.rli.'.iskr iu'.i ll. at hi. sn, .s li, mu. ,n , l.i. ,rss . im- n.otr uiAtliylUK a. . ., ,.,r. osnoirti ni, in.---us t l lu.M , Ha- v .1 i tl, li-.ir nAlaoiss, an.t t'.- ti,t-r.sf his pa--nts f.ini.ii sihoyiH.c loi'-i i- tlirlll..t.tial cllir-ll-J ),,n r, limn ii !." f t' in 1 1."' At' I at A1 1 t: ill-, III k I'll t- lirotilot" I. I n-lr tiM;!ilolin.is, s-.f..'.l l-i tl.o vprv hi.S.st t-rnis , cstl ' fsnn..r.i :1 - t his till, .-. No lo.',' Aai.n:'n r. .4. t'i llll'. Mil Ii Al, I K'il I.MIM, l-r. N'( t- Mlis. I. si. r ha x h,s .ii'iisli"il H-.,iks and t-. TOAi,-. n-ftl. ,i't c.-o l" s.i trc .t. 1 ivini s. s un ..p ll.. 1, noti. (, pros. . v i n' h- Is solo ., n. riortu in sis pro I '.siot'.iI ,ai,aity. T.r 11-.111. runs t-a-tont -.,nr:. .os'v . ttl-iil-i 1 1,. .(.'.. -l.it 1. mil 11.. ll.-.-s -ll hoi ail l..siv,.l(s ii. t in i' i' . - il i. ai I. 1 1 1111 lrfiirri. ,h,ui on', i.- th..nss. API'AltAI t S Th BtitarntuR rsnslrnrli-.l hi' llr. VOV MO'"!!.! s. K I- It, for tin In ul men t of tha ati'iv tn.iln lies In l.,.ii h ; thi tl yl.f-st innllrHl aiitlioittirs anil at) who r-sn oil 11. i i'( In nn. iiim-i ft ltit .'loatpst tne.li. A' ni;onl l -r tlio . nro f iH.iIM.sh, IIIKUAI lilsr.AKI'.M, lAlAltllll nn.l AHMIMA 1 hos. is no 1 niter from a -y "f lhot ma'nd'M have now II, h. st snd anif ntr ins 01 ohtsi oiil- a 1 tiro. All pi rs..na ho i-. n-u I Ir. M IN Mn4'llIK Kit m n I? tl at hi" s til niv- ht-tn a osnitid o nol'.n of tl,-ir - asd. oa s,ht he n ai.le toshi tor tliin. (Miici ov; V A I.N I ' I' ISI-sat. o .J TII0USAKD3 OT TEETH EXTRACTRD WITHOUT VAIN. Fa'ent A) piled for, M .-ne I'.T. n l- n. a D-n'.lf W-T-sit.,e Si If a.l ti.tli.K Ke;, TaK.I l.il sl.-r, for i l -i n sleiluir Itr'-n. I sl.l tls. arid ostrai tmr t tri wtlhroit pair rn. only m...ie ti n ti c ..as call Ps propt-rly and lly duiin.-t.'rnt. UK. CI. 1,, MIJNNS. II HPUI.TB hTBKK.T. MEDICINAL 00D LIVER OIL. JOHN C. J1AK-IB & CO., X',. T18 MftKEr MIRKf.T, ren'w rsvlnithrlr aupphrs frli ftom the fl.liortes. The itp-ru.rlt: r.r their Off. lu ery rs-e. t. has -mired t T 11 A r.paii.ll ;l and .Air lie jolld any other found tn Uie vArket. Tontalr.taln It, tliey aro determined fe supply an article viai may tie enurel;. relied on for Ire.hne.. and purity. fee tettllm nltle o! I'tele.sors ofMedlAai Coll. anil rHH.ADKI.PIIA SUItQEONS famiai.b msnruri--, o. u jiortii fllN'tll fsirftft. Itsiv. Vllrk.l. ttiinfim. rAdicAirr enred by B. r. i.Vr.KKrrs I'runi'.iin Paifnl ttrailnalini I'resanre Truss. Huporlor Kiastie Belta. r..-wu -loesinKn -suoporiere, enouiaer uracea, nnipAa silica. Crim l..s. .t-c. l.Adles attended bj Mrs. II. C. EVKKKTT. myiVly 'Ol'fsTY'S TKA W'ARKHOrsK. Esr.V- nj.tia.1 :n IVSJ. Impor'or an.) Me.lorln PniA I ens, tVlnes, aud Linnets. Choice Mas an rirars, 1 rose .t Itla.-k wotrs PI. kloa and Saures, EflRlUll and Pc. Ii II Ale an.' I'olter. (.'ai.tieJ M'.-ats, Fruits. Sonp, c, avy M-ssi put up svrh ers. At hu, ll 9. SF.roNr) t et. 1 i ly Jittsiii. a ii. i it hi y. SAKARITAN'8 CURE. lt.ilt lRIT.tN-! ( I'ltK. fAMAIillAN H THK. rAsl llll I AN B I'M;. KAMAKITANH t'UKK. AM AM I A N H CHIlK. PAM Altl I'.IN M I'l llK. PAMAHITA-J S U1CI-:. NAM AM I A N It flJKU. KAMAlll'I'AN H ( IHlr.. suiriuie, nt. ur-a 11; 11 cus-s 111 Iflll I'M, to ..X y. j rsiejy luaie or i-euisje s-nt by nia'l. XiMjtr i CO., Sole AkiiM. PaMARf I'AtJ H I t'P.K. HAMAIll I AN M I I Itri. Hawaii- tan i ci ui:. HAM Mf ITA N'H I-'. 'in:. IsAMAilt'.'- W is I't'ltl:. BAHAKirsS s I'l'liK. tSAHAItl I AN .s- or 111 . f VMAt'.l I V H I t'lM. 1 S si Altl I' A N "M ( URI-: AA.1AK1 1 A N Ft I'l'liK. TUB OKPJIT "I'K' IKP! KM5 ISK( l!I T ItEAStS, ".initial isenlin.sss, lionorrli.ea. illffi, Ai. r.ai n 001 (.etalti. j l'ill,Ar.sl wul uie lu Iroul tire to is )as. Prl.e fj 1 1 1. also certain to res'ere tone and power to those who are if, bihtA'rd by eie-.s or any other eAnse, aikI will letorc' all !o full vii;or of youth, ivhen the 1'ihs ar.i usod ssilhotit the inJe.lH'u. In thef c cuse-, cue fill tliree I lines A day. (fsept by idajJ T. PPK'F. VCIKF., Propriflssr, I'. PHI- B hO-si:, I'roprietor, f. I HU K mint:, "ropricior, '. fliltn KHsr., Proprietor, t'. Ihle t UiiKl-,. l-roprlst ir. Hox S'.'.ti Post uttico. Uoa Vll'-S PostOttlce. II. . x ou.il post (ittice, J'ox UbMI I'o t Ottuo. liox i Post (KUB, f.ttf live, 1 r a co., t-oie a-.-i.is, j'Vorr ti ( ')., Pole Ayeiui. Ulutr AUtl., Poie Afenls ik C)'l I' A I'll, Pi-Is A(i( ill. lifflT A I'll . No. 3.T2 N. m.l UV'l S ii-rt. t-o. U'ji N. KRt (IN I) Str. ot. Un N. hi: "Nil Nln-et. e.o. .' .'J N. HB-'OtsT'i street. Ke-.VJJ H. BtX J NO Street. 1't ut liT.il ask for pA.MARtTAN'S fllltE. HAMAIll I AN'S tl lll;. pakaiiii an s rt li it. IS A s AH1T N H Cfllil-:. PaHakiian n 1 fin;. "AM 1KIT AN i 1 i n.:. P . MAHI'I'AN ( Ot" K. PAMAinrAN h 1 imi:. P AM A h II A N Cl'ltK. is.vv 1IUIAN S CUkK. ppt'r lij. R-( (hid, PV Kf l)K RlCOttD. f)" lilt '1 lit It. tlK III 'lltll. UK Itiri'iiii. HVKI'P III- IKV1H11. M hill' III-, KK-OHU PVItl I' I'K Ifl'JdMi. PV III !' I iK HCOItl). fcl Ul P DP. Hl' l'ltll. PI HIT 1S lll l' NVIIIP ISV Kill" SYKl'P H V Ul I k 1111 oi:f. M urn ne. un iit.-ii lip. rk on i. I'l. Ill (Hill. l)F. UllNjllli. HVIIl'l' PYKI'P UK III t)ltl. NV RI P JiK liU'llltll. KVKI'P UK Itli'dKD. PYltl'P HE JllCdllli. PY KIT I'T. HK lHill. HVItt P DK HlOOltn. PV Iti P DIC lt! Olill. Y Ht'P III', Kli.OltD. PYIC P UK KICHiU. HYKI I' UK llliviln,. KV HI V His ft.' (lltll. PYHI P UE Klt'Oltll. HVl.llP llr. KK tlHH. PY HI P UK KICOIIU. ISYIII I' UK llll (lltll. HI, KIT UK llls'tllll). A r. iti n i-ure lor U lornts of Vencienl fllsen.es tsed In the 1-uiopeuri Iteisptials, ana the armies throughout J-.trope aikI Arueriea. 'fh.s pi. p-r-.ti .n I as u e.itiAl as an erAdii'ntor of this fi-riu ot disease, and streiiK'lien. tl:e eoii.iltiiiloti ueuorally. It willcuie b 11 h..re. Ppois. I'iiupli'S, 'l eilers, or Any eruptions, no mailer Itui wuai cause or how longsuud Inf. rrH I per bo'.ilt. c. pnir: kosi, propntor. ( . l ltli 'K HUSK, Proprietor. C. I'lilOK ItusK. I'.oprisior. '. f'llll K HOSai. I'r.airletor. PltlCK ItOSK, Pniiirielor. P.'ll A4i.U. Po.e Aiieets. Pole Aients. Pole Awents Mole agents. Mole Ai em.. Poll AheUU, Pent to Any Address. iiv l-r a t'O. UYO'IT A ro. liVOTT A I'll, UYOT'P A C). UYlll' l' ft CO. UYOIT A Oil. UYllIT ft CO. pi;i l)WII l.reet. uJ'i-tnih siuk So. jnj y. CKCHIiT DISKAKK8! 8KCRET DISEASES! T? NA.M vHII AN H i.ikl'l KA.M vUIIAN H llll I ! Tita al.'M ('Kinats ci iiK jLVi.n t'si.p. li-"., p. iso li e eure lor l.i.NOMMIKI.A, 1.1.KET. SlltlCIXltP.S, te. C'l.iiiniu. no Aa.li.erii), 110 tiulsiiui, 10 Mercury, (Inly 1111 pnla to lie taleu Hi eltcrt a run. dues In ir in two lo lour d.iis, und roi-ent rAses In 't-seiuy-loui li.nirs.'' I'ri'i'iU'iil by A a ra do ate 01' tlie I 111. versltyi l eennsy lur.l.i.oi.e of the uiual etiiiuaut Uoclon aud e'tit mist. ..1 tne present Cav. ol tll'llll Ml . SO TH.'l in k. mi rius.ii: wttsn-VKH. Iet th- so v lei liovo ilesi.A red W "jetl UK euied, or who have lien purged wt.li llulsuu. CopAiia.ur kli'tcuiy, At iiiieu ll 1 the SAM HI TAN H (11KT, Pent l,y lit., tl 111 a plulli envehilio. J'llie, liiuU' pactiunes, fri i'unialcl, 'l. III.OCU! 111.001)11 UI.OOUIII lll.OGU ! 1 1 ! tsl'llOl I l.A, I'l.f'FKS, HOKKP. SPOTS, TETTfJHS, su.M.KS, I. OILS. PYI HIL13 OH VKNK'lK"ll l'SKse-l, ftr; , Ac hA MA llll A.N H hoot ami 111 nn jinrics Is ollete.t the pul'lle As a positive r-urA, PY Prfll.ts OK VI NfcliKAIi Ul-P.ASKH-lho BAM A ItilA.N 8 HOOT ANU I1I.IIU JI ll.'K. I Ihe m isl pol.-us, cerlAii', anil eitectiuil retin ily eier presi rlln-d ; 11 reai-ln I and eriHllciiles ciery purtl. IP ol the venereal polson.so Hi ail the cure Is Ihul out,!! in d perniunent. Take llien of tin. pnriti ills- reuie.ly und b.- lieuietl, und 1I0 ll'it tlmiciuit to your puslnity that lorvsiilsli uu may repent lu aiut year.. HO SOT DKHPAUt! Alllotteh yon nine bet.ii n.ijiue.'d im-ursbl.', the SAM.V 1(1 1 A.N is Hunt and 11 KK It .1 L ICKts fi ill r. in.iu ou rs vetie 1.1 iini'iii I'liss lioiu the si.sleui, u. vs vU a. all Lie buli elleelb ol luercul j . 1T.MA1K.KI ri.MAI.KSI fu inativ nlhrtl'ins with which numbers 01 leui'ilei butler, tl.o Hl't'l ANll HKHIt jrit-KS me most Impiillv AUiipti il, in I ii'eriiti il t'teri's. In l.eiii orrh'i il. in bi'urliiif iIomii, 1-iiliinu ot the Wuinb.ObUUty, and lurall eouiplaiut., lu. hi. nt to lliencx. niul by l.'ii... Trice tl a b .tile, or C bottles for 15. KAAIAKIIAN rt WAM1 ll. in rases of Svphilis. use.l In eomi. i li..n with the Itoot unil llei h .liil. es. pull dnii turns. I'tici- 2' c uts. 'I he elliciu-y ol these relne.ites ia nliso iieknoti le.lced by l.li' ti inns aiid pati.-ntb. Th--y m i. tiai-d 111 the I uiied t-.tiileH Hospitals, thus 1-l-btoiu.i; lit-iltUi to u.Aiiy ol iiir In live sol. litis. 1 loiu t' i' ll.iltlinoie "Sun :" ViltAI I UK Ml'KilKON'S SAY' OF THE HAM Altl i AN is KWIUiIIS :-, "1'i.sr lli.s.t-1 1 a 1., 1',-inU vi: -n. tx, "lliiltiiiiore, Mil., Fi'brmuy Isi.l. "I have pre.'tt halisluelii.n tu statin- that I ban Used efhe tsnniai itim lleinuCies' l.u' Yeiu real Ui.di.e lu Us ni.-ht 1USI..111A1 y tonus ; lli.it 1 have used them Willi juiIk loelll, dial lelloll, At, d propeliV, and have loinnl llioiu res d to my Anticipations pioniptlv nnd elteelually. KnowiiiK iheir eoiiipobttu.ii, 1 have the lulltBt ('..uil.ieni n In their eflh ary, uml as lar as uiy use ul llmm extend., X recommend tl.eui .Hourly. "AI.VItKD r. TtriWEnR, "A.sistanl Bnrni-on full New York Vol.." Let It lictllid. ial I that llieso remedies an. as roooin. Inelided, ami will positively euro li.e disease lor wllk'U t).i v ate uhcrid. Oolul.y 8. 0.fPHAM, 'o, '.'SH. I I. HU M Hi 1 set. MMOKIi ft fe)., 8 iOliill.s-nt IMu. JO liAt- tbirvvt, RAILr.OAl) LINES. 1 V. A 1) I N o I. A I I. 11 I) A 1) . Jt ... tlKrAr Tltl NK I.INSJ ppom piiiT.Aio.i. mi ro rii". iNTFrno PKNNSY LV A I A , TUP. si 'lit VI.KII.I , HI' A- or Ijt I.IIAVN.S ( I tl'ir.Hl.s.N'1, ANU WVOVIIJIll V.VI.I.EY, ' ' Nf.flTII, KOlllnWPSI . SU Tilt: fJA SAUIP- rtsiiTW it n;M-s Ir.vs tie r.mi.atiys U'p.t, At TII1HTP.P.N Tf? aid ' M l I'll lUl.l. Ml' "'.. I una, I iplila, ul Uio tol,(.rin bout. JAOHNINO M UT,. At h(n A M., for li,a..iir, l iuiio-.n, P.nhrat. I.lfli. ( li.li'Ma. Iiatruloirr, I'-iit-vi'l. Pi tie. rove, Tarna iiia. Hi-llt.iirj . t I.I at'i-l "tl. I'.tnll.l. H . t.e.l. r, NlaeaiA falle, ll'if..io. s I, t,.,', v , k. shatr", 1 Itlslon, York, Carlisle, 1 1. ma ii. rsloT. . Us.. rsiowTt. e 1 ." Irsin rotiiii . is at ol. MHN'I wl'h K.i't P. n.lSlel ma lu.iit. nil trains ior Ai.entown. fte.. the Ke.ilitiir and e tui. Inn lisllroi.'l l-.r f 'pl.rs'a, 1,117 .litd Coiiiiiiiiia. And wul tne t, t.atu 11 Viilh y tts'n f'.r II srr1h,iri, e. ; at P'lhf f'l,iT(iN sl,li('itaiii.saliai 1. ,.iH r 1 ams n.r it, ukea ,a.rs WII h,,.,, t. Ii. k Haven, Kltnlra, . at fM-tHiH- ' Noittieii. ( ,.,tn,. ' ( ariif.erliin.l Valli.s II f i "sih. ilVill niol Hu..i..'ia,.na ' trains f ir tff.irt inni UtIaii.i.ia iiliAmsp rl YH'k.ct a .''" i"ir, Piu-KKse,.. Al l I liNiniN hl liK-K l eaves rt, t. it,:,, , At :i:w f. M. f..r Kandlnc, P .its. v ,.11 . 1 ini'irovo, Han isinirs-, , t o , eontos tpiK At llarrls w Vl'i'li .' """' "'un ('. .Ural trains .,r Pulsb.irv, o., Jiortl sni l entrAl Hat r.i.,1 trsns r..r Sim-'ilrr. Nonho.n-b.-r sn.l I lunra .tre , ,,, , .-,, , t!iil..n svltl, I'.i's.ln. Hsiln.iiil train, for M ' 1 . H'lMiams....rt. Klmir. HulUle, t . .to """""sO AO-OYfYIOUAtfOV. I.I OTe. Be, f Al li "tl . Al , slop.Hpi, at Alt WST S'A- liois A.-rivli a in l'l,la.l..,l,i. at .,-,,',' u ' ' 7 .... ....... .. .... .. , huso, lutiiA At Ile.KllUK At H-t.i p. M. uu 1'. M 1 Arrives la Tii.lnsforl'iiiladeli hIAli svell:irrlsh.irmt7flOA M Ind Pott.vtllr .tH loA. M ..rilsitm In I'hiUdelph ' i? V0 P. at. AI'i'rniK.n trams le.sie llarrlsoiara al I 4., P At 1'o.tsell'e at J'o r , anlvln, , I'hi nilelohiA At 7 P. M.' Mmkel linlns. with n pas.'ti"r .Ar attal.-s.l l,a. ri.ila.tilpMa., I I- M . lor he.,,s ,t U" rTt'il " ; leave K. nd us al lJ, ii.n.n, and U.nvnliutowiiai 1J P At lor I hlhideiphii, And all way .t:,tl,,t,.. " r' A'l te arose trait, run ila'lv, s,,MI ,,s e-eept.d. Honoay train. I"iie Potisvllie at 7-ii A. At., ami PhilA. d'lpl.iaat a '; r M. CIII-.S I r.lt Y ALt.F.V rt AILROAB. Passencers tor lion nln.-l -wn a-'d intenue tlae it-ntniAV tak - the si.HA M. and 'Si p. Vl.tral.is fr...n enilart.hia7 reiiirnii g Iroui DuH iilniilown at u -HI A. M.. And IJ-li 11 "i, t,. ni.vv yokk r.xrttr.ss port riTTsttrRo akt Tita vvKsr. leaves New York nt ! A . VI. and? I'. M-. passing Iteaillttr at IV itiiflnl:ht and l :w V. VI.. and I'.nitieeilav at ll.irri.-l-iirn is 11I1 I'ennsylvaklA lutlruad h.xeresa trains Hir Pitta t.uirf. Ci I. m o. and It rt IV ...st. Ketortori- Pspress train leases MnrrlaburKnn arrtTal of the I'ennsvlv aula Kspress from rittslmia; at ii tm AnJ I'-rn A. M , PAsstujr Heii'lina Al 4 17 aim teM A M.,And arrivii.K iitNew Vott at In A . M . Ati.l 4 K P. M. S, .p. Ii f CatsAr.lsnipaliy these irAln. thrnu.h, between Jersey I It? and I'lttsHiri'. w Ittiou' clianee. Mull tram for New York leave l.irris.-jrir at 1-4.' p. a. Man train lor Hurnsluiri leme. New V ors At lit M. ISCIII VI KII.I. YAM BY KAILKOAII Trains leave I'otiss hie al "iu A M. nnd :i K) P. M., r tnrnltiK from Tusearorn al s .vy A VI. and 4 IA P. kf. BCIM Yt.KII.I, ANU Pl SOl Ktl ANNA HAH.HOAT). Tiams leave Aiiliorn at II l.'i A.M. for I'ine-iroTA and f liimsburi-, and at 1-si P i for I'lni'iri -vA onl v ; r t'ir.1 It s-tiom llnrristi'ir-r Ht t-.lil P. M., ind from PlnearovA At 1 I., A. Al., Atid . 1'. M. TK'KF.rS Tbronrh first rlass tleketsaml en-lirant tleke's fo ii Ihe pin elpal po'i'l. In tl.o North and VVe-t and fanadaa. The loll. .11 In! ilekeis are nr.tnliiai.le mil al the otTlre.f P UKAUFliim, 1 reiisuier. No !! rt. rOI'NTII street, fid a.le pi Is. or 01 ll, A. Nll'OI.LS, OenoriU Buperliiun' dent, HiaditiK : COMMl TtTfON Tlf'KF.TS, At'.'A rerre t. discount, between Anv nolnfa deatr-sA. for laruillca And P'tus. HllKAnr. TK'KF.TH, Oi edfoTV'-o in. its, between all points, at io eaeli, for fninllieB and llrms. MIA so TICKKTS, For tt roe. six, nine, or twelve uioiulis, for holder! only, to all points, at reduced rates. (l.tllllYMEVf Ite-lillnc n tho line of tie, road will be flimlshsd wllk eards, entlllliig llieiiit. lvea and wives to ucseu athttf fare. V.VOI'HPTON Tti'KKTS Fr( m Phttadelpt ia to pruieipnl stadons. rool fbr HatnT iIav htti-tltiv. aril Moiiil-iv. at reduced fare, to he had only at tin- 1 icketoilico.ai I llllil A1..N I n audCAJ.l.OWlAlLt fc'.rctts. KHKIOIir. (loods of All deserlptt.ins forwarded to Atl the AhOTt po iils.irom the ( oinpaiiy's pew freight depot, BHOAJ And t II. I. on Sirens. KI.'KIOHT TlfAtN's) Leave I'lillAdi lphln dullv al (t A. M ., 1 P. M .,and (, P. M., f. r K aitltitr. In.inon, IlarrlshurK. i'otuviile, I'ort CUa ton, And loiutb beyond. MAILS Close at the PMlndetphis. I'.is riffle, f,,r all p!c n IVva roa.l aiid lis bratu-bes At 6 A M., Aiut for tlie prluolPAi stations only At a i:, p M. IiIlILAIiI-LT'IUA, I IK It MAN TOWN, AND ls'OltKISlOW It A 11 liill. TiMK TAIII.R. On aud after MONUAY, May HI, lfsll, until Oirhec rgtice. J OH l.rttM MHTOWV. Leave T'hll.i.li l.i,ia 11, 7, s.ll 10 11, H A. if.; 1.7,111 3V. 4, ..,','. 7. rt, !. in. II. li ! M Lsave iierniantfiwii.ti, 7. 7 ilo. s, s 2tl, , m. 11, if a, 31. l.u. ll.-l. ;.('.',. 7. s.i, 111. li, a,i ill I. M. 'f l enMdown, nnd the ami i', trains np, do not .to on the (ierniatit-.v n r.rai.. 11. I lIKs-'Nt. l llll.f. ft AU.HOAf). T.enve l'lillad- Ipl.ia, 11, , !, 12 A. M.; 1, 3,iV,l.t and ll P. 1. ' 4 Leave Chesnitt Hill, 7'ln. t, l 40, 1140 A.M.; l'lO, 3'4P C 40, inn, I", ami in- Pi p. vi . FOII r ONHIIlillei K K.t AND NOll ItlSTOYVN. Leave l'hi:ailelpl,i , Jft, 11 111 A. M. t IX, 8, 4"i, .IVf .'..Stl... anil II', I. l. Leave Norrlsiown, n 7, 7W, 9 and 11 A. M. ; IX, X CS and V V. kl. Tl e fi1., trititt an. w'lii atop at WlHnaldckon, If auavauli aud Coii.bui.keu orly. Kilt JMNAYTNK. Leave Philadelphia, ti.s US, ll0S A M., IX, 3,4X.flXs f. x-loaiid ll.ks P. M. leave Wbiiu) uok. l.'4, 7X, 820, 0'4, 11.,' A.M., J,, T, . and l.i P. Al. II. K. RM1TII. ireterai Hiipnrlrtend. nt. nvl llepot, NIM H and HULKM Slreett. "V I'W IlAItROAl) LINK NO It TlT. ly 1'llll.kUKI Pill k IO HlillOKI.Ysj, TliHOl (111 IN KIVK IIOl'H.i. t 1MII. KXrtT!:ONTtrKr.T.S.,llili)li FOIt TIltlKB DATS, on und alter mon ll v Y, vu u(t I, lw4. iraPn win l ai Pint 0' VINK Hlieet, I'lnl.tiie'pliia, every tnornlng at 8 A . -M. iBunili-ys exi-ipiml.ilie' ro bv the Caniden and At. 1st tie And llnritAll mid Uelaware ItAy itiulroads to Port ktonu.outh. anil by 'he coiiruoiii 111a aleatuur Jesse lluyt, to ti ot of Ailnutle s'lei'. llrookl.vn; reiiirnin.', leave At laioic Km-et Yt liar I every day (Sundays excepted). At Ji Traveler tsi the city of Sew York are notified not to At ply Kir passupe by tills line, tliertiale of Kew Jetaey Iiiilnj prai'itd 10 the (-iirunen ai'tf. Amtbiy monopoly tha exelu.lve prlvlli (,e ol e.11 11 ttnr pnssenvers And fieiirht bss, (Weill tl.e eities ol Ph'lai...iln ao! New Yok. lyJH-ta YV. P. UlillUlTd. (Jeneral Huperlnteudent. VKST riIKSTI.lt AND PIIILADELriHA Tl ilAll.IK'AU. VIA Ml I.I A. H Ml Ml AHItAMlKYIF.N'T. On and after 1 ItlUAY , April 1, Irsei, Uie Trains willlt av a. lollow s : Leave I'lilladetphta from the Depot, eorner of TIIIRrT Pllisl and tvAllkl-.r Mreets, H A. At , H ub A. at..2'9f 1'. H.. ; P. M..k'4 P. M. I hlladeli hia i.epi.t chaii.ed from KlilllTKKNTH and. ktAllkhl fctieeu to 'liaitli'-Hltsr and MAKK.;! htrpels. Leave West Cheater, from the Depot on F.ast MAUKKT Bin at, A. M..7-4A A. M ,11 A. M ,'J P. At.. 4 4..P M. Ihe ears of the Yet l'hiiuilt 1 .bla 1'asaeuKer Hallway rompan) (Maiket sitt'etlwill convey l'ajiaenaiera lo au4 ffoni the I'bllauelphia Depot. ON rtl'SDAYrt. Leave riilladrlplila at :l(l A. M. and 2Vl p. M. 1 ease West ( 'hosier at M A M. and I .to P. M. 1 tains leavliiK Phlluile plna at H A M. Hud PTO P. V. ai d YV osl (.'healer Al 11. A. M. And 4 45 P. M.,eoitneet with triiina on the PhdailelptilA ami Kaltlmorts Central Kiiihoad Ibr Oxford und Interuieillate points. Ja4 if BKNHY voou,(ijtierii.Sup.irlnUndeut TlIllI.ADKI.riUA, WILMINGTON, AND .au DALiuiuna asii,aoaii. I'llAMiE tP UOt'RS. On And Alter MuNliAY, Viiku.t I, l-l, Passenper trains luuve l'bth,-ieipi.la tor Pa tiiiiore at 4 in tKspiess. JlouUays excepted), fW A. M.,l.M.,":i(.n'dHi'KiP.M. (".esit-r at bVli, ll 16 A. 11., I M, 3 M, i-JO, 00 and U Ot YYllmlnKton at 4-SO (Mnndava excepted) 8 05, ll ll A. Al . 1 .10. iran, 4 jo.ti is . in in ami 11 uu p m. h' V, Castle at rt 1-6 A M. and 4 JO P. AI. le.ver at is ('.", A US . and 4 ilo P. M. MI'li tit ai H !''. A. M e-aJiBbury ut h i A. M. TKAINrt POIt pnil.Afir.LPIIIA. Leave Pnltininre ut b'li, U'-io A. Al. (Cxprou), l it. 6'V'i and in :'.', p. M. ' HiIimIukIoii at 1 48, C4S, 9 A. M , li SI, 1, l il,, PlKI, 4 M, 7 ai d n In P. .VI. rtallsbi.ry at ll'.Vi A M. " Miiiero at 'J4'i P. at. Inner m ti :.u A. M., nn.l 4'ln P. V. New Cti.tl, ai I- .Hi A. At . ami tl-JT P. M. Ijhialer At I 15, i) 40 A. At , hn.lf.,1 40, 4 00, 7S, tit Lenve HaplnioieforrtAlisburj'andlntermedlAte stAtlont. at lu p. M. I eas e liAliiuiorc for Dover and Ir.tena.-diata stattoas M l-lo 1' At. TRAINS FOIt PAI.TIMOIiHi l eave Chrster at r, 4tt a. -M ,;i ",ri and II o! t . V. Leave Y ili.niii.lou at j .i.',, li'.'i a M., S 40 and 11 40 Kielnht Tralnt, wltli I'Asaen,er Car attached, will rant as tolioiis Leave W ilmington furPfirvvineuudtntorincillateplacei Is I N I 'A V S Only at 4 im A. ,M ., d( 'phut lo I'.aliiiooti. 10 10 P.M., from Pkila- 1...IH I'l.lladeliililu lo VViliiiingti.u at 4-30 A.M., and 11 l. M. 10-30, 1 n iu W luplni'ton to Philadelphia at MS A. M. and 7'0D P. .Yt. Ouly at lU'ii 1. M , fiom l'.altlniore to Phllailelphla. a4 H. V. KKNM.V, tsupurliileiideiit. TKtsT Jl-.K.NKY KA11.ROA1) LINES. II I'll and atit-rTliF.sll.lv. h.-i l...e u i-;.li vitt leas u fii,iu aliiut Htreoi W'narl us fuiluiva ' I OK CAl'li At AY. At ii I', la. F. r Ralem a sid rtrl.l.i-i.'ii, at n a. m. and 4 P.M. For (.In. sin. r... al li A. M., und ii aud 4P.M. i or s o ..ll.ury, Ac., ai H A, M. and li M..: and I P. kf. I or (.i.lice.ster. Ac., ul II A . .H .. 1-' M ., il. 4. nnd li P. M. lit I'l UMNO THAIMS Lk.A K Cape Mav ut (i A, M. flulvllle nl S-U7 A.il. hau ni ut li A. kl ., aud I'M P. M. l'.inl.et..i at I. Hi A. V., 1 ilnp. M. (..iissl.oio al 7-lnaiul It-II A. M.,uml 2"?1,P. V. W o'lUbury ut 7, 7 41) uu.l 11 47 A. Al., and 2 11 1'. M. THE WI ST Jl'llSl.y KXPItF.sR COVPA-fV. Olti.e.No. I. WAI Mt T Slreel, mil i all lor .tint deliver V.a,i ..e, mid attrntl lo ull the usual branches ol Kspresaj bu.ii.eaa. A spicial ipe.bcuuer ut panie. eaeli train, 4. VAN liE.NMSKI.AKII, li tf tSilpurlulelldeut. 1 lllII.ADKI.riUA AND flALTIMOHE CEN J 1 It.klt ItAII.HOAD, Ol'fc.N JO O.Vl'OULI Bl'Ulill AlltAM.K.MI.M. on And alter I stl DA Y, April 1, ls.,1, the traliu will leavi at It'll WS : l.KAY E KAfiTYA'ARD. t LEAVF. YVESTAY'AHD. SIAll.iN.s. A.U. e. kl. hi, mis. . u V. Oxluiil dim 8 .-.'. Phlla.lelphia.... Has) Yi esl I. rove II- -7 S'-'if YVesl Chester. . , 7 4'i Avoiiditle 7 (Ni 4 Id W. C. .luneliou,. O'Urt 1 :t 4 44 lit Oil e-.tr 0-.'. 7 0-J teiineii,.n 7-ru f-i lit.iicord Chadtl sturd..-7 tl 441 Chudils Kurd,. . -.'-l Colfcord -B'lSI u'i0 koliii.-tt ...14 Yi . C. Jlltli-tioD,. H'lli P l-'i A vond.ile .o -Jl l-Iiil;.,!' Iiilna. -!i West (irov ,..lll-i West t 'i. ..!... .Hi. (.10 Oxford ...ln-'id Pa.seiiKer U. pot In Phlladelphl. u. been , . l.u iu ed fn as Ell.l. . t,ll,iid klarlset sin e.-, to 1 IIIK I Y -PI KH t au4 AlAllktT Mreets, YVe.t 1-nMa.lelphia. Market rttre.t Pns.ennei Railiiay Careet'v l'uselieri to and Unit l' I'-lltenLera ao tnrons'h without change of ear. .sbiiiKcrsfow" jmj vvciwl. tfuiHcrluwndcnt, ii na.ipsini
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers