if jTHE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPHIA, SATUItD AY, AUGUST G, 18GL 5ung Sclcgtapli SATURDAY. AUGUST 6, 154. SPIRIT OF THE HEW YOEI PEES3. Leading; KdllorlnU from the New! York Tapers This. Morning. :Mii.irRr NKve'M. Vesa 0 Trihun. Thrf are despatches, as there have been more timet within three week past than we can re member, annonni lriR u new invasltm of rcnnsijrt vania. General Cotirh bis Issued an order, and Governor Curtln a prxclumntioii. adapted to tho met-trr-Dcy. Rebel force. etatM all the way from 3000 to .W.OOO, are over the rotoinac, and have occupied Hniiorstown, and there ii hurry -lnitto iind fro along the bonier. We wait for further report. From ficorRia we h.iTo news of a illimter to a portion of (d m' ml Sh' rman'a ctVitlrj, which had Lft-n sent to do-troy the Mttcon K tllroai. They succeeded In their nilMon, and imtwqtiontljr eixed a larne waxon train ; but were Intorceptatl by a strong; Kcln l frirce, surriiiirtded, attacked, and In pi-rat purt captured. It 1.4 laid that not . less than 2000 of our men were taken prisoners ; number which, einsiileriiiii that the force was cavalry, and originally not orer 3201), ti Incredible. WcMcrn cavalry h ivo heretofore shown thnm clves willing to tUlit, and we rto not Isoliove they bave taken to surrendering in mass. Cavalry may I surrounded, bat can nercr, ajr the rnili taiy books, le exeuned for not a'temptlng to cut their way out. There are brilliant Instance of such rllOrts and successes In this war. In thli case, It Is Intimated, we trust unjustly, that the men were drunk with liquor captured from the Rebels. Such a state of thing' would roltert infinite difgrace on their officer. There are reports that Hood Is getting rapidly reJeforced by troops from beyond the Misais jflg which Is probable enough. Since General . . . f utter defeat, there has been nothing to y a Kebel army In Louisiana, except the of capturing New Orleans anil they are n6t ersxy euough to try that. Difficulties of trsnnportatlon, destruction of Railroads, and a pone rat laying waste of the intervening coun try, have made marching difficult, tint it is still possible th.it a large portion of Kirby Smith's force may have been ferried over the Mississippi and nernrnwO for Atlanta, At all ff'ents, wo have no notion that any men have in'n spared to him from the Kant. It is now as bv f policy to risk everything else for nrorini nce of ,l0l'i,nK Virginia, und he will not Ytjr regiment to Atlanta to save it from certain Union All 1,1, ...l,.,! 1. V,rol..l. necessut, 1 " Teria nu " -neb biu.l'OOH AT THS CANPAIOSf. gVhw A TV mse. Vbe month of July, It seems, went out wkh t wo military mishaps one, a cavalry affair in Ooorgl v, the other the more serious repulse before Peters burg. What is dono being now past recall, all, fee care to know of it is its effect on the grand ampaign though presently inquiry must be mado M to who is in fault. Tactical mismanagement appears to have been the cause of the repulse at rpfprnburg. In Georgia, if report he true, It was a want of discipline and of eontrol over the men. Our troops, it seems, drank too much of the liquor they onptnrcu, evidently h.ilding the happy theory of Hums, that fighting and tip pling go hand 'la hand, but why the officers' permitted this (trnnd carnival within the eJieniy's lines, the oracular telegram doos not announce. As to their results on the campaign, those two train will probably prove less inlluenti:tl tu in is apt to be imagined. Sherman has now had an experience in one respect analogous to that of Grant. Having reached the city which lies at the extremity of his line of advance, be has bent himself to the tivk of reducing it and its garrison by the interception of cominuutca'ioas. The nearest line of railroad, us in Grant's caso, was easily cut. Rousnenu's raid on tlio Atlanta and Montgomery road proved a perfect success. There remained the Macn road, which bears the came relation to Hood that the Danville road does to Lets it is directly in his ret, is essential to,hls capital, and is hi natural line of retreat. General McCook was sent to sever the M icon road, as Wlon bud been sent to sever the Dan Tllle. Like Wilson, McC xik successfully burned the railroad for many miles, like him was over taken on the return, and, in a sharp engagement, lost a comiderubli) part of bis men. But It will be remembered that, with all it lossos, General Grant declared the fruits of Wilson's expedition to be well worth the price they cost. Much more readily could Sherman afford to lo-e somewhat, to.achieve so signal a result. For now, Atlanta Lbs been absolutely severed from all raiiroul communication with north, south, east, and west. There was, indeed, as it has teemed to ns, one misfortune resulting from Sheridan's various raids, which did not disclose itself till later. It was the exhaustion of the cavalry force at lVtcrs hurg to K ab-olute an extent, that it could not nsovcotit in season to checkmate Kurly, who, soon after Wilson's defeat, puttied doivu the Shenandoah valley. Hut, in .Sherman's caso, McCook took wl h him but 3.103 men, and a much larger force of Stonciiittn's command remains fresh and alert to protect our communi cations, should J-'urrest now take courage to threaten them. At Atlanta then, dc-jiito this one dark cloud, the skiesnre clear. Of the check At Petersburg it is only possible to say, that it temporarily throws a porplcxing eil of uncertainty over the military situation, liy this it Is not meant that last Saturday's affair could in itself affect the operations against the, city. It was a serious repulse, and quite as much so in what it indicated, as in its obvious and im mediate results, but any student of historical lieges will recall frequent instances of triuuipUs achieved alter mishaps far more unfortunate than this. It is possible, however, that Grant may now rooted in a different method against Richmond ; or taliitr, that ho may return to bis former admi rable method. For there is no evidence yet thut this offensive mine was more than an Intel ludo to bis plan of campaign, lie had initiated the policy of Mowly reducing Richmond by at ipping Its communications. His movements in this di rection wrro too sincere amligorou to be re garded as a feint. The latlure of Hunter at Lynchburg did retard this prooM; but all that could bu remedied. Meanwhile, a suggestion of the feasibility of mining, from a subonllnitc, was made, and, ai a fihorttraud perhaps more brilliant solution of the military proMetn, was adopted. That solution saving diilod, what is there to hinder the prose cution of the eldor plan i It was a good plan, and wa la ver tlirowu aside, hut only moment arily JufeMrnulted or postponed. The proj.ibili- ties are, ilierefore, that we need expect no re newal of the direct assault rut Petersburg just now, unless Lao hlnuelf shall force it by some iatnl mine. .ee, Indeed, Is tn a position where ho may eatily l guilty of au error of omission or com-mist-km. lie will xssk to take advantage of the iprcsei.t turn of the wheel of ioituno. Hut bow to do it It is this which, more than Grant's position, veils the situation, as we said, in uncer tainty. The mou probable move will be tho re- iaforcemeot of F.arly In tho Valley, It wi 1 tlit.il be Grant's policy, while still keep ing his hold on Petersburg, to circumvent with tong force this invaid n of the Nor.h. There are as good fighting-grounds in Maryland as elsewbiri'. as hue hit u I ready learned ti tiinnxt. If open field-tigl'tit'? Is to be the order of the day, so much the better for ns. We may be aasnred, then, that in Georgia thus far all Is rbopeful. If the Viritinia contest seems f r the moment complicated, there, is no doubt that the resources of General Grant's genius are smllcieut for )h situation. . A NeMl Mary. Al"ti Corr4jHnJtHce Mobile Kt jitter. Not many months ago there arrived at a Con federate port, upon one of the most uotable of our blockade-runners, a very untssumiug woman scarce tuck, Indued, lor she was hardly out of ber teens of an extremely ksnd-ouie person. She had coma to Nassau from Paris, and sailed thence for the South. Hhe hronttht with her an abundant wardrobe, and sulll -leney of means to last ber two or three years at the present rates of living. Her object in vlsitlug this country waa to discover the fate of an only brother, a colonel in our service, who bad pluced her at Geneva at school, when the war begau. bhe hod not beard from bim during six mouths, became nxtoas, and finally set out on her long and perilous journey. Her anxiety proved too well founded. Her brother had been killed at Gettys burg, and she found herself alone aud a stranger In ber native land. She went first to Augusta, then to Mobile; here she lost a trunk containing all ber gold. At this critical juncture of all lire, he met very handsome field orlicer fell In love engaged first in flirtation, then in an amour and accompanied bins as fur as Atlantt ou his way to the hoot, lie fell at Chickamauga. Vhal ber life became yon can guess, obe died last werk, and was tumbled into the ground in the public cemetery. There's story for you vetp over it I "1,r-Mur", thesanthor of a work on morbid tychologT, aays ''genius is a disease of the Ualvivf lays it (S (la eBtwgiittcot eron AUCTION SALES. TtJACKRY-8 AUCTION ROOMS, No. !.! UCTION . IJoriM. SALE OP CONDEMNED W TirrtKTMttrt. Catalst Itmnii, Orrrik or rmicr QtrAsrpsi irra, Wi- . Washisotos, l. C., J11I7 JT, l. Win tx. nM at r-oblic AucUon, to th hltiMi aiddir, at Ots.Utro. I. c.t on riOHA) , Ansnt . l-4. JWCvlr n TI r.NHAV, Auiiuil !, ISM, l'l'..lrt How. hnrr have a. caB4rmiH4 m sntlt ror tho sir) erlr of ih smiT. for nt ani tanniu parposss, man? amd bargslni Il'.rs4si .4 Inirlv. Tsnni cash. In t'nttrd Htatoi enm-ni-v. jam a. r.Ks, rjMiienanl-Ckael sn4 ctnrgortMmisir ul 71 Cavslr) Burau. UCTION . Hones. 8 ALB OF CONDEMNED Was DrrAmutrr. Cavalrt Hithsav, Octior or Cwiki Qiiastkmhastml Wamhisoton. I. V , July 4, 1HS4. Wllthesntast pablle aueilon, ia tos btshssi felddsr.el the t m- snd pliws nmri twlnw r I.kiiaM'N. r . Tut naiAT, Jntr H.PVU. AI.'IOONA l' ,Tllt kSI'AV, Awn.l I. ti. V II I MVHPdltT, PS ,THI B1IHT, Hiinri It, IV4. TWO lit Mlltbl) (Mil) I'AVALUV IIOUMKM at eaea ptscs. Thoe Borss hT bn eondmnnsA as vntlt for the csvslrj srl-e nf the mrmy. For rosU ana term psrposss mmj good barrslns Buy be hsl T torses sold tlfisty. Terms Cash, in United Btatesf'nrreni'r. JAVKM A. Burn, Lleutenant-Oolonel and Clilef OusrtermMUsr JT 0 Csvalrr Bnrua. R UN NO 11 I H Ultl- We refund tke money, If dsstred, Rsr svsry lot of starts which rati In sny respect. FINE BIIIRTH, CUT LENOTOWIHIS OK MU8rT!. MsAs of New Tort Mills Mmltn, and nrr flns Uasa Bosoms. Only $4'7D. tlul price -0O. WtulamsTtlk at Ills Maslla, and flos Uaeo Bosoms, Only M'OO. Usual prks ID-no, GENTLEMEN'S TURNISHINO QO0D3. HMITII JACOllej, nirMai STo. iall cnKSHUT ntrmU 10'4 ttUKHNUT BTaKKT. Tie sttloUnn of LAbrBH VTPnTINO TUB CITr. or loose about LKAVU.il It ror"Wsler Itm I'lsces," or "UiXaairjr," UrMpenimilT Inrlieit to the ostanilre st'tf-k of W 1 1 1 r B 0Mla lOKshle for HIIMMKB Hrp.AK, for WUITK 0Klt3, MBKKIhli M KAPPsUtS), Ao. Aa esletxtre. saiorttnent Is ofTered la Laee and Worseil Kdsinmi snd InsorUitss. Veils, HsnilkerchJels. Oollsrt, Hlcoree.and tn ptsln and tsncr flsld, Htrlpxt, snit r'luuml White l.-r.d AT PKICRS1 MUl'll HKLOVT TUtl PKKni.NT M All, VAl.t'K. )il I'rlased Linen t'amhrio Ureases. l'A) pleoes fulled. Tucked, sad Striped Mas tins. E. Me 10'4 CIIFSBTtTT 8T11KFT. U()0 IIOOP SKIRTS. i'OQ UiO atnaufsceurr, &0 SJM A Ht TI Htreet, VO buve Hlath etreet, rhiUaelpbla. WdoUsshi aad Keuu. The asoet enmplete ueortuiont or Lid lee, Mlsees', and rhlMren'e Hwp Hklru In the ettr. In erer? respect flret clses, whlcb for etvls, flnlsb, daxaolUIr, and oueapaees, bn e no eiual In the market. Hklna made to order, altered, and repaired, nx-lr Vt'M.T. HOPKINS). yOUE PATKOH AGE 80UOITED, MoOALLA'H IIAT, OAI, HA.I'IIIlVCr HOI1 HH, GENTS' FUENI8HING Q00DS. F1RBT STORE ABOVE ATLANTIC HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND. CAPE MAY, anl-tf NEW JER8EV. yy A. 1 13 It II AN GINUHt REMOVAL. JAMES O. FINN, (LATs or HOWELL A BUOTIILUS), Has ttemoved from No. CM to No. C28 CIIliHNUT Street, HarlnK pureaaeed ttis stock of JAMES RCKKK, Jr. (formerkt Belroee's), waess he win otter to hll ouatomers and the public a tars and elegant assortment of Decoration and Wall Faperi Generally, Bj swing his personal attention to the selling sad hang ing thereof, hs hopee teewntlnije to reoelvs the liberal pairenagb of the publla. Clltii ni e"d Tleltors sis respectfully Invited to examine tl.t varlet? oo baud. yft tin JIiITUNia 1IOTJHIJ, ATLANTIC CITY. JOHN BMIOK, PUOPUIETOB. Thin fUTortts house, wkleh Is most OelightruUr sHuated, near the beach, has been newly repapered, repainted, and Uwroughly regenerated, and Is now open for Uie reeepUoa of gut iti, offering U e conilbrts of a hosss, eotnblned with all the luxuries of the season. Trtns moderate. Ire-lea pONGKKSS 1IAI.L, ATLANTIC CITY. j 1 stould respecttnllj Inlorm my friends and the public, that t have auslli taiea Ctitisress Had. thla being tlie tlurit year, and l.atumele every preiwrailiMi fur the coniliig cs'Oti,t1if ht.usu living fnlarid. n.iuudclird. new fiinilttin-, the cbituiliera llh spring bed. Ac, Ac, and WIU arcninuioilsie four humlreit guets. You will Haul no bf tttr pls4.'t' tlisu Ca.grese Hall. It Is the nesret t ttis 4'Ceen (if hii ut'tlie tin Hi- hout at Atlaullc t'lty.btilng but one In ticied arils fnui the beai h, thin prret'iitlu itaelt an advantftiie to tke ptiM'r. 'l liere esnnot be any better bertiUiii tl.Mii at Atlantic tbla suiuuier. Thenaail bsr that ns hiah s K'Cut iitavrbsc lait kiMtaotihaa al. Ihsbq awept aw av by the hih tinea or laal winter, totaling Itaelt the bt'at t:i thll'g aulton ttie Atlantic aca bosnl. '1 hi re la an exivllt-iil linr.il ot Mailt; ensaeil. A't.i. I.wl la a apl. iiJId Illlliatd Uooui. lel.tl II. '. HINKt.K. -1 JNL.KT II O UMK, ATLANTIC OITY. NLW jr.BrtEr. OKO.,n. OLiaiVN, Proprietor. (Long ard ravornhty inriwn as proprietor of OYsTKa IIAV, eiXill und CIlKsj.NUT Htpsuts.) Parties actooioioiUted with Uoaiu, FtahlDg Llntis,c.,d:o. Oars run to the bouse rjery twenty ruiuutcs. Jeti-U TXCHANOE 1I0TKI., ATLANTIC CITY. I J 1 he aiihei fiber, irraleni! for pa-l faore, tatitle.'S Ihanka lu hi. pstrups and the public lor the treiteriroe oui ban vli'in hiut.and hen. leave to say that he la now opos rur tbv ei man. and rrndy to n-relve boitrtlers, perinsnent and traiialent. on tin moat iu'Nltva:e lerma. The bar will SlHay. he aiilied v lib the cnoli.'eHl wlnea, tl.iunra, and ctt:ara. ai.d atiKnor old ale. Tne lablus wlU bs set wllb the bi-t Ibe uisrket aitotils. t lahlns lloea and tackle aiways on band All the cotuiorts ot a hours can aiwaj's bs found at the Esilisni:- 1 1'Mii-i sl? per annum. OKOHIIB HATbAY, jcS u Pruprtetor. QULUM1IIA IIOUHB, ATLANTIC CITY, SEW JEB8ET. 61TUATB ON KENTUCKY AVENTJB, OPPOSITE TUI BL'BP ilOUSB. EDWARD DOYLE, Freprleto. Tersas (o auH Ux times. jee-tf s BA-BATIII NO SEA-BATHING. caps Inland, LAJ'k. maV, Jt. J. Cbndresi nuder Vi eare of ase and asrvsnts half prise, feeperwr aci-oruuiodatlona aad ample nsm iOM IrlO lit ktl.llKl) VlkHose. jesl4-2a AAJtON OAJtilarrao, Praprtstw. Q O N "W A. Y'H 0T8TEB EAT SALOON. B. W. COHSEB OF SECOND AND C1TESNTJT STREETS, JyM In PIUXAPELPHIA. QIILXaANH 1IOI7S13,, . ' No. 031 CIIESNTJT BTIUCKT, PHlTjtPKl.fHU. Tsle Be see Is kept on Us Boropeaa Plan i tke leame Are eonTenleM aad well Teul Haled. Isst (Mwlaaouit wrers M ksaartessiUwseaepe. A "WEIGHT & SIDDALL No. 119 Market Street P.FTWr.f.!l ntOKT AMD SPvCOHD BTKrT, e. w. wsuoirt. r. n. sipoAU. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, AND OPVT.IIAL HTORr.KKKPrBR, Can Ind at oar establishment a fli II assortment of imported aad Doeneetle Drmrs, PopaUr Patent Medicines, Paints, Coal Oil, Window (Haas. I'reeorlptloa Vials, AW., at as tow prices as genuine Am-claas goods raa be sold. riKB F.MHKNTIAL PorConssetloners.la Poll variety, snd of the neat mslltw. Cochineal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Pot Ash, Cudhear, Soda Ash, Alom.Otl of Vhrlol. Annatto.Copperas.P.straot of Ion-wood, Ac, I 0B DVEK8' use, always on hand, at lowest net eaab pnres. TI RK 8PICE8 rOR FAMItT USB, Omnnd expressly for our isles, aad to tvhlch we Invite the sttentloB of those In want of reliable articles. Also. 1SDIU0, STARVU, XVUTAKO, .c, o'srfre tvoWy. Orders by aiall.oreltp Dost, win asest wits prompt at tention, or apoclaj quotations will be furnished when rs ones ted. WRIOHT ft HIDDATjIj, Wnolesale hrtig WarelsHiss, JaU-ly No lis M APJvH Htreet, a I ore front INVALIDS AUD 00NTALESCENT3. UALIIA AND COSrVAI-P.JOEMIS. Ins-allds and OoaTalesoents, Invalids and t'onralesccots, Espoelally rF.MAU'.R IK PKl.ICATR HEALTH, PF.MAI.K8 Iff Dr.LK'ATE HKALTlt, KKMAl.KH IN IKUCATK UKALT1I, WlUnndsstr WUlandoiur Will (lad our CsUMornla Wines. California Winas, California Wines, C alifornia Wines, California Wines, CeaUorale Wlsvee, peculiarly valuable In all cases of languor and great pros trstloD of strength. Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Irs. St cCWland, Oebkard, Jackson, (of the Ponasytvaula L nlrcrslty ), Bering, Hcrens, Groree, lUrtshoras fk-limits, WlUUms, Ran ley, Meldkad, WUsoa. tuidal, vtaal, Poadejr, Nobis, Knotr. Mayland, Turner, snd other leading physklans, what they think of the mods, clnal Tlnaee of California Wlnae I These grotlemea pro scribe oar brands, and assure as of the benefits patients receive from their use I CAIJVOBMA WISB AOENCT, 1-Im No. 41 8. FIFTH street, aliovo Chesaut pil'OHTED W I N 1 H, 11HANDIKS. KTO. The subscntier Informs the public that he Is disposing of his lame and w ert selected stock of OLD BRANDY, GIN, PORT WINE, SIFERRT AND MADEIRA WINES, At wholesale prices. These are from the old stock on hand. Purehssets Wishing a superior article for private as would do weal to call at HENRY BUDDY'S WbnleseJe Wlno and Ll'iuor Btors, Mo. lei N. BbCOKD Htreet. below Baoa, Jya-lss PhlladeJphM. TRC8SK8, BRACKS, &0., skllruUy adlusted br ). II. N KKDLK8. aor. orlWfXK'THand&AI'Ertlreetj. Ladles' Ienartnient for same, cendueted be Ladtea. TWkl.FTU r)uree first door below Haoa. The moet oouioleto and varied stock on band, consisting. In part, of Trusses, (supporters, (Shoulder Braeei, Pelts. Bandanna, Elastic Stockings, Hyrtngos, Articles for Nursery, Hick Roots, Ao. felU-Sra PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' II AM) AUK IHNTITITE, No. 14 North NINTH Btrei't. stx.ro Market. Kooturea ntrilcally cured by B. ('. EVtKF.I T H lremlara Patent (irailiiatfng l'resstirs Truss. Hupcrlor F.lastlo Belts, Rlaatlo Huicktiiga. Hupportsrs, Bhouldar Braces, Saspeu Sories. Crutches, Ax. ladles attended br Mrs. It. C. F. VKBKTT. myW-iy I'U K ARTIFICIAL HAND. H. A. (iil.HEA, Tnrrntor and Manuracturer of the ARTIFICIAL A H M, Approved and adopted RY TUX BtrEOEOJi-OENEHAL OF TIIK UNITED STATES, for Nohllers, Has pennsnenUy located hie entice and Factory at No. 311 t Put; id u utteot. sU doors bolow Hpruce, Phllada. V etttaj ELASTIC 8T1TCH HKWINO MAOHINEB, TUX DEBT IM UBE. No. 730 CrIKHNTJT HtiHMrk. apie WANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE, II Elliptic Hewing Machine, The (Irarrr A Bakar oewlng Mac bins, TheBlrger do, And all tbe principal Sewing Machines. All aurulshed froni llielr prKiclpai otflcee. Also, all kinds ot Mecond-Hand Machines, tor Bala snd Repaired at the new odice r 1.KAVKNS At FAIMJtNF.R, No. 1US N. KllinTIl Htreet, (Over ton years with Bluger a Co.) Ladles tatvsbt to operate. JeM-ilm -kv II. DIXON, m No.IB P.ttlHTH Hlreet, A DEALF.K f N F AN'lJr ASK rOU.KT OOODB, UMIlKKUJkH AMU PAUAoOLa, Fans, Bead Dresses, rreuua rfeweiry, assstnsr uooas. Work Boxes, Reads. Ac.. Ac. rM-asj pRE8IDENTIAL OAMPAIQN. FLAOH. BAKHXK8 AND TEANSPASEN0TE3. wm. i". t-ijiijaiiii,ia. No. 49 S. THIRD STREET, Above Obesnut, Philadelphia. MAMVPACTl'REE OP FLA08, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIBS, AND LANTERNS. Political CampAJMB Clsbs Atted out with Laatsras, Hadgcs, Baansrs, and Plags. al reasonable ratos. IsD-saa pOE THE ABM T AND HAVT E V A N H A II AHHALL, MILITAItY JfUKNISlI ISIIH, No. 418 ARCH BrtiKET, PHiLAHKI.PUfA. fsascers, Retrlmenuu ana Couipanj flags, Rwords, Ssikes, Ileus, Passaau, Epauleu, (au. Caps, C entases. Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field (llassos. Hpurs, and seery thing pertaining bs Use coapl4 oeta of Amy aad Havf 6utcon. A liberal discount auowid to the trade. ssylS-anl Q( W. 8IM0NB At BB0THEB, HAltaOat BTKKET BALL, PHILAnKLPBIA, MANVPACT0REK8 OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS Aa (jei-tf ssTIJTAXT GOODS ITf EVERT TAJtllTT. JAHE8 II A. It II 13 11 H WUOlSSAta ASK KS T All, CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, I. K. corner SECOND and ClltSSCT BtrosU, Phllad a. Aouicr ros thk patkxt EQUALIZING THIRTY-DAT CLOCKS, A veer desirable article for Caurcbsa, aiotols, Books, Countias-llouse, Parlors, Ac. Also, ISAMt'FA Tl'llKK OP FttTB GOLD PKKS. ( LSM'KH kEPAIHbD AND AUKA St I Jalt-Iy CloeA Trlinnilngs of every deeertpttoss, WM- CRAY, N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH VT aud ktlNOK Mw,u, bays Dtsjuouda, Wasclsas, Uvld, Bihrer,aud Loan Tiekets. TlMMsi Ut WAaTT OP MONttr, Al baatDSSS sosuVMcttisAs aylt-Jsi EDKUHD A. 80UDEB 4 00., COMMISSION MKROIIANTS, AND EH If AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK STREET W I LAI IF, ritlLADELPBJA. axaT-wB a. sot-ntta, A1M-BJSALO StkTTT, ervi-uss t . aounsa ksi-sf JO DF.CHPtToN. NO INFERIOR COAL As purehad so offer below the cost pries of a superior article. KASI ILW. Hk.H, enuAD 5tr.t, above 1(0,10, oast slda. sous the sennlno t-AtllJS VWN, bt and pareinlaod Egg aad Sum slsso.SUi Largo Mut, tiM tva. assets ahoold asaks Umbv purybosssst asvo.Pi. sVssssivtjVsiaslTwWro, . MHei X 11 T NATIONAL BANK OF PHLLADELrniA, Financial Agont of tho United States. UNITKD BTATKH 7 U-IO TREs4SURY NOTES. as NHW 1'ATHIOTIO LOAN. Ifi.dcr tnslrutthina Crnm the Trcaiurx Di'partsient, this rtrnk Is prepared ts receive subscriptions to the N'ew Pair. otic Loan, Issued in the form of Three Tear Treasorr Notes, bearing interest at Hie rale of 7 S10 per cent, per annum, payable semi annually In Lawful Money on the l vh dsys of February snd Auirust resptvilvoly, of eatlt year. 7 liese Tressnry Notes are convertible at maturity, at the option of the holder, Into United Stales per cent. lknd, lutercst pajaMe In COIN, snd redoemshle after five and payable twenty years from August 15, IS6T, ' Coupon N"ot a wi t be Issued In blank or payable to order as may be directed by the subscriber, In sums of (0, fits), ., f lum, and t.'iUDO. Interest will bs allowed from ths date of the sabscriitl.ia to ths l.db of August next, the date of the Treasury Note Those who otsy subscribe after the lith of Aucint nest will be rennlred to pay ths accrued Intorest on the Notes. Any one subscribing for not less than f . ',1,000 ofthanosn at any one time, will be silowed a commission of ono iiuatter of one per cent., psjal.le by tho Trvaanry Depart mentonthe receiptor a bill Pt the amount, approved by the subscription agent. Referring lo the annexed appeal of the Rrorotary of the Treasury, I ask all those desirous of aiding ths Hover n luent to subscribe to this Loan. C. II. rLAHK, Slid-Ira PKKftlDKNT. TO TIIK IT. OP I. K OK THE UNITED STATES. P) an act of Connress, spprored June 30, lMt.the 8vr tary of lbs Treasury Is authorised to Issuo sn amount aot tixceodlng two hundred millions of dollars In Treasury Notes, bearing Interest at a rate not exceeding seven and three-tenths per centum, redeemable alter throe years Item date, and to exchange Uie earns for law nil money. Tho Secretary Is lurthor authorised to convert the same Into bonds, bearing Intorest at a rats not exceeding six per eculuiB. payable In Coin. In pursuance of theutho rlly thus conferred, I now offer to the people of the United (states Treasury Notos ss described In my advertisement, doled July Vi, lA. The circumstances under which this loan Is asked for, snd your aid luvoked, thou.-h differing wldolyfrom the existing state of affairs three yesrs we, are such aa afford eiiual encouragement and security. Time, while proving that the strangle for national unity was to exceed In dura tion and severity our worst anticipations, hss tested tke national sttensth and duvdoped the national resources to an extent alike nnexpectrd and remarkable, exciting equal astonishment at home and abroad. Three years ot war have burdened you with a debt whlrh, but throe years slnoe, would bsve seemed beyoud your ability to meet. Yet ths accumulated w ealth and productive energies of the nation have proved to be so vsst that It lias been borne with comparative ease, and a peaceful future would hardly feel Its wclsht. As a price paid for national existence, and tbe preservation of free inatltuiiens, It does not desorva a moment's considsrstlnn. Thus far the war kss been supported anil carried on, as It only could have been, by a people resolved, at whatover cost of blood and treasure, to transmit, unimpaired, to posterity, the system of Ires government boquesthed to them by the great men who framed it. This deliberate and patriotic resolve hss developed a power surprising eron to themselves. Ithas shown that la less than a oenturya nation bus arisen, unsurpassed In vigor, and exhauitlest In resources, able to conduct, through a series of yoars, wsron lis most gigantic scale, and finding Itself, when nosr Its close, almost unimpaired lu all ths material ele niuuls of piwor. It has, at the present aieineat, great armies in the field, facing au enemy apparently approach ing a period M utter exhaustion, but still struggling with a lore the greater and more desperate ss It sees, snd be came It sees, the near approaoh of a final and fatal con stitnmailon. Such, In niy deliberate Judgment, Is ths present condition of the great contest tor civil liberty la which yos are now engaged. Cp to the present momeut you have readily and cheer fully sflbrded the means necessary to support your tiuv eminent In this protrscted utruggle. It is your war. You proclaimed It, and you havo anatalned it against traitors every where, with a patriotic devotion unsurpassed In Uie world's history. The tecurltles offered are such ss should ommand your roady confidence. If noli effort has been mails to shake public faith In our national credit, both at home and abroad, Aa yet we hare aaked no foreign aid. Calm aad sclr-tellai.t.oiirown nieani have tints far proved adequate to our wants. They are yet ample to meet those of the present and the future. It still remains for a pstrlotlc people to furnish the needful s upply. The brave men who are nghting our battles by Isnd and sea mu,t be fed and clothed, munitions of war of all kinds must bs famished, or the w sr must end In defeat aud disgrace. This Is not Uie time lor any lover of his country to Inquire as to the state of the monoy market, or ask whether he can so Invest his surplus capital as to yield blm a larger return. No return and no ptutlt can be desirable li followed by national dlssolotlon or national disgrace. Present profit, thus acquired, Is but the precursor of future and speedy destruction. No Investment can be so surely pro fitable as that which tends to Insure the nallooel ex istence. I em encouraged In ths belief Uist by the recent Irgtalg tton of Congress our finances may soon be placed up.in a sounder and more stable tooting. The preaent deranged condition of the currency It Itntmtsbtc lo a great degree to disturbances arising from tlt- withdrawal of necessary chetks, often Inevitable In ilniuof war, a hen expenditures must laigaly exceed any po..lKe supply of coin. The op portunities thus presented to acquire sudden wealth bave led to vicious speculation, s eoni,eiiieut luorease of prices, and vlo ent fluctuation. The remedy Is to be round only la controlling the necessity vhlch begets the evil. Hitherto we bave felt the t ei d of more extensive and vigorous taxation. Severe i '.nituent has been made upon whst seemed to many an undue timidity end tardiness of setlon on the part of Congress, In this regard. I deem It but Just to say D'.il very great tntsapprehe n slon lias existed, aad perhsjiH still exists, upon this tiolal. Lcglslstors, like sit oihvrs, have much to learn In a new oondltion of aflsirs An entirely new ayetetu was lo be devised, and thai ..ysiem must tiecstsarlly be the growth of time and i xiierlence.- It Is not stratus that nrst efforts should ha s pnved Imperfect and lit adt'osate. To lay heavy I u delta on a treat and pat e. otic people la such a manutr as lo be equal, snd ss Is oocssloa ths least amount of suffering or annoyance, requires time and cautloi . ami vast labor; and, with all these, experience Is nteiiii to teat the value of the system, snd correct Its errors. Such has been the work which Congress ws t sited upon to perform. I smhappyto lay that dally eti:'S are proving tho In ternal Revenue set to etccd In sffkiency the moat sanguine expectations of It- uutliors. In the month of June, IHettl, It yielded alioiu tour and nne-lutlt millions of dollars, while Uie corre-ioi ding month of this year returned about tlltee-n mill ons, under the asms law. Under tie new law, which went lut operation the tlrst day of Uie present month, the Tressnry nut unfre quently receives one mlillou in a d ty. As lime and expe rience enable the otcers emii'oyed in collecting the reve nue to enforce the stringent provlai ns of the new law, I trust that a million per day will be found the rule, and not the exception. Still, much space is undoubtedly left for iuiprovsiusut In ths law, and In its administration, as a greater amcuul of necessary infbnaaUon Is acquired. The proper sources of revenue, sad Uis most effective modes of ubtatnlug It, are best developed in Ue execution of existing laws. And I have caused gaoasures lo be Initiated whlrh will. It Is betieved, enable Congress so to Improve aad enlarge the system as, wbea takea In con nectton with the revenue from customs, and other sources, to afford au ample and secure basis for the aaUoaal oredrt, tthilyoa such a basis, sad lu a steady and tlgoroes re straint upon currency, caa a remedy be found for existing evlis. Such testialut can only bs sxerclseil when the ilovernment Is furnished with ateaas to provide for Its necessities. Rat without the sld of s pstrlotlc people say Oovenuuer.t Is powerless for this or soy other desirable sad. The denominations of ths notes proposed to be Issued, ranging front fifty to five thousand dollars, place these securities within I he reach of al who are disposed to aid their country. For their redemption the faith snd honor and property of that country are solemnly pledged. A saccessnrl lasus to this contest, bow believed to be near at band, will largely enhance their value to tho holder aad peace once restored sll burdens can be llghUy borne, tie who selfishly withholds his aid In the hope of turning bis avallahls means to greater itumediate prodt, la irpeouiatlag upon his country's misfortunes, and may ttad that what seems to be present gain leads only to future toss. I ap. peal, therefore, with eoarldsuoe to a loyal and patriotic people, aad Invoke Uie efforts of all who love their country, and desire for It a glorious future, to aid their Uaverameut bs sustslnlng its credit, aud placing that credit opoaa stable fbuudatioa. W. P. TESSENDEN, ufJ-UITtt BKCtttitiJtV OP TUB Tfl;!!)!,'8,!'. FINANCIAL. N NATIONAL LOAN stVT IAXt. Interest 7 3-10 k Lawful Money. COWl'ONS A1TAOIIK1), INTBREST PAYADLR F.ACIT&IX MONIUS. Tke principal Is payable In lawful money, at ths end of tnrre years. Sr, tbe holder has the right to demand eg that lime The 5-20 Bsnds at Par IastAd of tie O&sL This privilege la valuable, as these t-M Ponds are our most popular Loan, aad are sow selling at eight px cent, premium. Subscriptions received la the ssual manner, and ths appeal and proposals of Uie Secretary of the Treasury, toft thsr with our Circulars, and all necessary lafonaa lon, w III be furnlibod oa appUcslioa at oar ofBee, JAY COOES & 00., JyJT-SfH No. 114 B. TIIIKn Stresot. 11 U I ML. HX 13 13 IS A CO.. IJANICKUa, No. SO 8. THIRD STREET, sor aero itu OOU, BaVIH, AND U0TIKNI5T SKCVIUTIM. B T O O K B BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COIflf IS810M. (mhlt c Ii A 11 It H O N s CO., UANKEH8, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, PHILAi)KLriTLA. Ooverameat SecnrtUes of an Issue Parchsaed aad mr Sals. Stocks, Bonds, aad Oold bought and Mold oa Oora snlastea. HTTP.REST ALLOWED ON I'BrOSrTS. CJoUectlotui prosnpUy UUde. feo-tf JBW JOAJV. NHW 1LcOA.1V. U. S. 10-40'". JAY COOIU3 aft CO.. OPFU F0S SALE THE NEW Q0VII11NMEOT LOAN, PEARWO FIVE PER CENT. nrTP.KP,8T ITT CO ITf, redeemsble any Urns after TP.H TKARR, at ths pleas ers of lbs Government, and payabls P0BTT TEAKS after date. BOTH COUTON AND BEOI3TERBD BONDS are ssued for this Loan, of same denomination as the 6-IO's. The Interest on .Ve snd 1100 s payable yearly: oa al other denominations, half yearly. Ths 10-40 bonds are dated March 1, lists. The half-yearly Interest falling due September 1st and Karok 1st of each year) until 1st Sep tember, the accrued Interest from 1st of March. Is required to be paid by perchassrs In coin or la lxosl oosjuhot, adding fifty per cent, par premium, nnUl further notice. ALL OTHER OOVEKNMJilfT BBUURITIBS BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAY 000KE & 00., tnh3-t No. 1U S. TH1HD BTBK.ET. gMITH rffc 11 A. NDOIsP II, No. 18 S. THIRD STREET, UANKKUB AND UHOUEKS. Bpocta,Btocks,QassHorasastera' Vouchers and Checks, aad all Government See art ties Bought and Sold, (mhll QOIiJJ, OOLD, OOXsD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVES & BROTHER, eul-tf No. ISO 8. Trillin STBP.KT. J 13 W 13 H 4k It A II H, BANKERS ADD EZOHANOE BROKERS, No. 01 S. THIRD Silt LET. DXALsas is SPECIE, BANK NOTES, AND OOVBRN MENT 8EUUUITIE8. Stocks Bonght aad Bold oa Comalssioa. OoUoeUoas arompUy made. aptO-tf gTOCICM AJyD taUCUIU'rilirJI B0C0UT AND 60tD ON OOMMIUBION, DE HAVEN k BROTHER, . ' Mo. HO 8. TlUltD STtttl.T. to It s 1'tsOIAls NOTIC1J TO THS IIOLlKlH Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notes. SEVEN-THIETY NOTES, OHM DEK03CINATI0MS OF eo's stViNX loo'ti, CAN NOW EE CONVERTED Dl BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881, TOE SAME PEN0MJSATKJI. ror lrmsikHk, apprj at ths office t J AT COOXE t 00, JrT-Uu BANKERS, , two. HA H. T1IIIID trsot. : A TO SHIfCAlTAlNS AND OWNERS. i-Tbe urxk-ralgned ear lag toassd the KJCMrtltflV IC..N ECRKW iMH'H.beveto Uiirtu his n eiktsaad the ealroas of the bock, that he Is prepared wrtrt Increased racilittee to oeoommosb.10 those hav ing seeeels to bo raised or repaired, aud being a pnacucak anrp-csirveneor aud csulker, will grve preoBJ attoutsoa W all vsaeeis os trnittd to him nr repairs. f'aiitalns or Agents, Skip-Carpenters, and llachlnlst hav.ng vessels to repair, are eeilcised ui call. ' Having Ike agency for the sale of " Weuerstodts' Patent Metallic Cuiepoainou," or Hopper Paint, for tbe preserva tion of vessels' buttons, air thle eny, I sua prssstred so raruash Use ssms vu favorable unre . JOUJI R. FAsftsfTTT, keusiusion Screw Docs. ii xa Fi K AT TAX III Isli REVENUE HTAMl LAW. Ceinlee of the Wew Tss Bm and ttsvenas Slams Law, fee sale wlK.le.sle iM retail: and Revenue Stamp, of all cWrrpiioae constantly on hand, al the following rales of discouot Oa orders ef i-Mt, t per eeot. dlsroaat. " " I' 0, three " " seal, four - At the Prlnctpel lev,t f. tbe Sale of Internal Hereon. Slsmps, No.'4-IIK.HUT irrrt.and No. lis, rirTH Strrei. Pull descriptions if the Stamp Law to pemosias ft1. btU p H O f O 8 A L g FOR E O A N. Tassst'sv lsr Asrsistrr , Jitlj. t, IMt. Wollee Is hereby given that subscriptions will be rood red cy the Treasurer of Uie United Stales, ths several Aselst- sai Treaswren, sad designated Poposllortes, and by Us National Sank I deelgnated and euallfted as Deooolterles snd Plnaaotal Agoata, for Treassjry Netee papabte three years from August 15, lM.beering Interest at thsrauaf sevea and Utreo-teaths per ronL per saaam, srltb sessj- anuual ooupons attached, payable In lawful meoey. These nelea will be oonverMMe, at ths epttea of Us holder, st matutliy, Into sis per cent, gold bearing bonds, redeemable after Bvs and pa) able twenty years from Auittist li, mi. These notes will be Issued in Uie dsaomlnaUoas of Aft, one bunend, live hundred, one thousand, and Svs thou sand dealers, sad will be Issued In blenk. or fayakle to order, as may be drrectod by the subscribers. AU snhscrtpUens must be for fifty dollars, or some mul tiple of driv dollars. Duplicate certificates will be Issued for sll deposits. The party depositing must endorse upon the ortglnal oortldcate tho denomlnaUoa of notes required, and whether they are to be issued tn blank or parable to order. When so en dorsed, It must be left with the efllcer reoelrlug the de posit, lo be forwarded to this Department. The notes will be transmitted to Uie owners, freeeftrans aoitatloe sbarges, as loo a after the receipt of ths original cerUfloalee of deposit as they caa be prepared. Interest will be allowed to August li sn all deposits mads prior to that date, and wftl be paid by the Department npoa receipt of (he original certificates. As the softs draw Interest from August U, persons mak ing deposlis subsequent to that dale must pay the Interest accrued from data of Bote to date at deposit. Parties depeeMing twenty -Ave taoasaad dollars aad up wards for these notes at any ens time win be saVisred a commission of one- quarter of one per cent., which will bs paid by this department upon the receipt of a bill fur ths amount, certified toby the officer with wtsota ths deposit wssmsde. No deductions for comtnlssloas must be made from the deposits. Officers receiving deposits win see that ths proper en dorsements ere made apess the original coruscates. Allcflloers euthortzed totwcelvo deposits are requested to give to applicants all desired Information, aad afford facility for making eubiorlptions. W. P. PKMUHUENT, Secretary of the Treasury. Buliecrtpilons will be received brtae F1II8T NATIONAL BASK OP PUILADSLPIIIA. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OP FIIILADKLPIUA. THIRD NATIONAL HANK OP FHILADA. jytf-tf PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QUARTERN ASTKR-QEttV ersl's Office, PHit.aDKt.rHU, August ft, 1M4. Sealed Propohsls vt III be received at this otllce until 11 O'cli ck At., ou Tllt'KsDAY , 'lis lllh Inst , ler Plve hunilreil "slx-raule" Aimy w sgons. oomplete. Two litmilred M two-horse '' Amhnlsiicev complete, vt'heellffg paiti nt, to bo dellveicd lu this city at such places i as may be dealgtiHteil. One-liair of the' above to be completed and ready for delivery .n or before the 1st or Heptemlier neat. The n-uialiider on or before tho 20th of Septeinber, lass 1 he right la reserved to reject all bids duouied too high, anil no hid from s defsuiilim contractor will be received. ltidders will slate price, both In wr ting and mcuree. A uneranU'e. to be sinned bv two r- siionsthle tersons. will be requlroil. whote F0Htnnlhitiy must be oertllled to by Uie t'lilled Hlstea liistrlet ,ludr.e. United Klstes lilftrlct Att'-rrcy, I'nl'e.l Stales Cidlector, or other Gov ernment omcer, otlierwlae the proposal will not be re ceived. rpeclfleatlona fur the above may be seen at Uie otTlre, No HullOIKAllIlatreet. By onfer of t'olonui ueorgeH.Crosman, Assistant Quar termaster.lleneral L'.b.A. GEO. K. OR ME, eiii M Capuln and A. Q. it. OFFICK COMMISSAUY OF SUBSISTENCE, ho.&M WA'LNL'T Htp-ft. Fun AiiKi.rfft, Antra it 4tlH4. 8lrd Pnrfsoakip. In dnplicttt. will bo roumved at fhlg oftic oiutl li o'clock H ,.n ll'KHIV, AiiKUtt Ii, W4, fr uipllnc frr llM umoI tti I'nUfHl 8(la Array, ih fo.lowlng' bul'lteucj 8tori. dellTwe-i In Fi.UadalphU, 000 B-rrv.i Ant qitalltf ktKHA orPKIMB MK.S4 IM'KK (oorn f(s1).ul lt, puck rtlM-v-i, In full boo4xt ori( baiT'ls. with In m niAttcr hno'M ; na t te trw from nut or ilatn. full wethi, ud tliort'iiKHly fcrtsrt, an 4 tu tiava botm n-pat-keai wltt in thUty davt nf dtltrcry. Tn be radr f Mivvry wtUiln twenty daya fruia 1tu ot aw a id. 50,000 foiinUt. tirrt nuiHty wlntar-tmokei BACON HIH IM'KKS In t B'it turret f umfWrrn hlr, To bt dt lierl within tWBiity da from daU of award. S.00,000 JoutiUa flntt quality I'II,OT nit RAO. to ba inatle fnm kmkI tund " Kxtra Pluur," tlinroiighlv baKtrd, ana i-rfictl7 1rid ttwiihra tM'Ing packM. l o b a-kM In bout of wall .vra'Msl wo d, ot ur(. a kind ai will not lm purt tniti to ila bmad, boxra tu oontalu flit fin i ml nrt. , umli tlrai qnalltr klln-diird COUH MKAL, In well cnsotred, noatl-llnad barreii. 0,000 I'nunde roaie puitrrUud WliliK 0UGAK, In troiiR b.tneja. 5,000 I'l.iiinl- AIAMlNT.NE,or.STAK CANDLKS, lull WFltltt. 50,4 0O round- dean , fin. ( ry HALT, la wUoooprad licaU-lini-d barrel i, TI Bbo-o ktr.rrti.wtU. tl.a m portion of Tork and Hacon, to lt d-liicd within tn rtavi ot Uaif ot award. lUdtisKn who arr unattlc tn df liver the torts within the tln uiriuloneU wIliaiNttt the time tmi. red tr ilellvorjr. f inirHrh r-mi evt x its to ttulti ttiflr I'hkI, wltolt e ttiiM u- the t inted Hratca. until re.Qlrvd !r ehlpinut. hen of mII ariirlft except I'ork innM in- tlellvpre! wtth the piopoHl, and ret'i'ired to therein bin the itr -e taitl BJtiwt Dsft l inrhiM-d with the tMUiple. HMin)rie must be In I h.i w,ei)d nut In paper paiolii oaclt aaniple luarktil WHl'. b.'ililt D name. Hit- Pork will Iv t-xamlnrd and paisnl ntrnn h .Tuha O TajVor, h i.t-ffti tn the part ot the I'tiitcJ tftatei, Hfpamte pnr -iMl. In iluplifrtte. tntii-t !t inttde for each Aitirii- triamieratt d, end btCdtM-i utay pruiKe for the wJuil? or an) prt o e.n h. A pih)tit ni y rl thin adverthemcQt tnii, !o attac rted to eacti hid ai d the propor-eli ntuctbe pecinc In cooiply iuu wiih ul H tt rnuis tai l piopi.kNl niuot bavelhc wtitten auarautee of twa rtvMH)Mi rf'nnt. nrth liiifUtuMnt i l th ar. uifitts v hit 111 jive In t tin tf rtNiilrct1. Mlnk form a tor prouoNala contain in w tle tiTui of U urai t may be had on aii Iraiiuti atfihie ithce rl l-e ' 4-7 r' i.mne, p ai-foi liuniint aiM ilati-ni purol-d, ttane ot O'ti tenth, urt-si, tan- unr nn wt-tyht.. miut he n arked t u vry paikasv, nd all old mark iuutleob literatd Kettit ii of wF(,h by piotVilunAl pitbiu wttllit ri to be Klwn whein ver H-unlrt'fl. Nt. huhstriitH partlei wba have failed to fuhit a former aurt-ea enl v 111 be roHbUlered. Hldf ili It. (lido par ., auj dillvory al any point la tlutj t Ity, to hi- tltwIrinMted lv this i-ttu ; ulid anv Intt'tlur Jia knftft. or (Of'M-ia: a will be conHdrrrd tuftl' lent cane nr r n ttu n ot l""llelt. I'm nit ut ulii be mailt-In ueit fundi aiissuj'bfl iurnlnlwd t tbe 1 nlted .SikiCM lor the piirHte. rntraU to he ehli.rd ,kfroOMala tor HUlueao 8 lor en,' and dim ltd to Haac w'hior, auf. Hi t.iilri auul'.H Vol.. nMONKV. TO ANV AMOUNT, loaned m on 1'lnuio.taa, aclj-a, ehj, I'latesClt.ihtnif, Ac, at .lUhKi A i'O.'ft OLD F-HTAKI.lK4IEn I.OAH OFFfCR, . OornerTtilKn and iAfklLl HuerU, Heliiw fAiniban. K.B.-DLAM0KDfl,WATl'llKH,JtWIiRY,OUN8, Mo rua Maui at RKliARKAhLX LOW FILU'ES. yl-la PfX PLOP IONS LFT EVERY M.K WHO J wn a Htvdun Hifils-rreadthle ootJroj. Aeherott'i Low WaUr leterier uwer fell to tftra from one-balf to two ttoure' warning, aa deair-d. tbat the wat la felHng bw In the boiler, and thjtt danr la ap prcL I nd. The taitUHucut iwquiree ao care, aad le wa haAted In every laatanee. AUo, Hteaca and IVatar Oaoja, wtU Bcttck glM tuboe, edleienaliiauH-eca.. Ao. Rrnd (ur CltvuitV ewulnlnif rtiUutwlphlA l"rtre ad! atfvriilare. fvOjrHT( H H. ItATTI.KA, 1H. lm Ho. M M. fllXTH tkrU V1IXAGR OHKKK 8HMINARY. MlLI V tar? tioardiwf ttabebefrtaa Hepttkbir l.-w.jrarrae yery nMrtk ruta. Tborvuiib curfv in AsUtUtujaiieii, Lb auaMt. Htudkssa, A a. Pwi-li hwtm bviMttie of bom. FrMCtaal Waaoaa la HufYeytavk( aad tvtl Itasteear hut. Boya of ail ftaua lafei n, AA'.' t"f Mttiu. . ' HHV. J. HCJtVHY HAH TON. y6-lm lliaave Grooa, lakawaf Ue., V. OCA BOXES D. STATE TJETBR8IYE SOAP. sAVtJW waue K eyttoae Hutw liwrl-e bJt bexee OrtKssaval ltHe-rrva, . U U)&e Hhufraxsa trUve. VA btsatM Lmi tki. Ub boara Aaerwaa 4VaUlA, all UaxM 1 re. h ra.iii. giU Of uy 9 art wkeA 1 0I -U ndwwrwl raUt , l'Jt Vo. H S. W ATtH Her. QUKfcN OF BKAtTTVv-WlUTE VIUQIH Waa of Ami1 to the mo-t trfec arapailoa of the V, for tHutifTftf, whlitfiilay. aad pi MrviOki Uia c.n,pi.ta a. It i mde fnn pore Waite Wax, httuoe ita xUotiirmry Qnmitu K pnweorvlaa h akin, ou.txii.tf tl aort, eHM, fair, eud UiuiapateuU It curse chapu4 tiNuda o I pa, roote pUupUi, o. IMre 30 a,rd M) oouia. HaDuraciurad only by Mil NT 4 CO , I'erraia-m, O.U 0. IOBTll rH., 1 doore abtrv ( tManut, a4 T rnorosALs. JKPA HTM F NT OF PVPT IC irionvr A TV, Office a. W. Mrner ot KALNUT Md i It i 4 J a)UaeU. KOTICf! TO OONlkAt Tin ftaler Frnioali will be rvxirod an thit fWWe imkt I eef h r. M.s MoNOaT, Anuwi H, 1.. , rf th t.wA lii.j v of fterireant afre-ft, fmei Oeear aireH to Krmnkhrd fta Uv gS'lnefenth Ward), ftt en tntieh pr eqtnre yard. Aajd pmpotali w-t!) be opened at the ahore tlma and iMml whreall hhldre ere invited tn attend, ard tUe tnw4 bttlderwltj come forward wtthle threa dayy th"eaftr, . y ac ajMWteOfe tbe contract, or eonaidr bia bod wt.hiraw. W IV, HMk'frl K 1 an3 thf-V Chief Comattitlooer of Jllchwayf. OFFICK OF , ARMY CLOTHUtQ AND Kijuipage. j Parisnarnira, Angnstt, tssti. ,, Healed frriMiaala svtll be received at I Ills oftlee enill tf frioikM tnTtKHIMV. tne Slh In.lsnl, fHr sofe'Vlog the ekbsjisiii Axsenai svllh lbs following artlelos. . I I.. V. , riiee.imeoorpottrus.ariDjr standard. ,:, Tost sad riJ iinantusi nags, army st sadanf . ,' iJiA t. '!; vrorsted lco (oue-aad oas-aasf . Inrti . array etantfsrtl ..tatdnrd.4"'Wu Won, -alf Inch), armr elan!lMdrr" Wot" sos (Uree elgbibs lnel., araar i Army standard samples of'.srb. of the above anMee eaa rt." "" 0mM, Wb,rt as'tverwVu.l'. Hidiiets me.t sfsfe In thstr isnmssls tit. or. r-lrSi must le given In srr.ting m wetTiTil tblmJA. mJZ -mv mil i"e of oVitre. y. agurs, (Ad frsjosH bid mil. I be guaranteed by two rvsmoasfhla om. sons, whose signatures must be ai,pwdMl t the test, sno-rerfi.l-vf lo. beiog .ood aod netst JX-iTs" rjr the sjvtnunt Involved, by loose public fuucuunsry m ' tts Hlits from defaaHIng eontraetora, snd those that fi ust fully nrmpiv e-sr Me rrommnrsd ef Uls adveritessoZt. -. win tsos be considered.. ". itlssr forma (or eroeossis smnraring til. lansl ef Ssss gtiamrrtre required on earn hid. ean no bad ess aeoSsssnh al lliisortioet and none others which do not ensersoe sea sniaramee will be considered, aor will anv nreoosal be omb- siderrd whha does not Hrtelly rensrss is tn. mnnl-niaiMSs tbereln staled. ' Hids must he endensed "Proeosats tot Anarftsaelloa.is sialing Ui. particular article tad foe. . M O. H. CltObfAl, 1 "' . ana-M ' A.Q.M.Oeotu.B. Ansj.' , ARMY V P I. I B 8 .-. r Ornre or Armt Ci ormwe iss Kanrraou, No. Wd Hsoskwat, New Vuaa, Ang nt I, ig.t. ' Sealed 1-rorie.ais wiu be rrrolved at this OrSeaauMilt . eclik M.oo 1 HUHHDAV.tlie lltil Instant. f jr dellvser. br contrsrt at tbe Itenotof Aimy Ulotblug aad RoutiMga ' la fcew Tork city ... ftewed Bootees. "' rrggetl H'lOteeS. 7 V ; Hewed H'ots. Pegged Hoots- ' Packing Boss.. Samples of which ean be seen at this emr. BlddsssJ Will state tne Quantify lAev wish to rural th, eat hew seosi they caa complete Uie delivery of (be quantity tkoy bid -tW, t They will .uhmK with their proposals a eaauie of Use artlols Uiey proooee to furnish. A proper guarantee mart aeoomsaar all bids lor last . faithful oerfi iinsnr-. of a contract. 1 1 he I'nlted Stale, reservee theruritt sofoloet anyoosl srthewbJeoiiii.Bid.,aemayaedeosaod for Ure loosreet . Ot Uie service. Proposals shoeld be endorsed "rropoeale star fsmlsaessr . (here Insert Use naaue of (heaninle bid fhv)," and ad1iaeod to Lrentensu-tlMonol I. B VIMTUM, i stil Tt Deputy Quartermaslcr-UQaoral. V. . A. A RMY SUPFLIB8. .!) Ill Otrici or Asmt CLomnra Am sVinrpasjo, s,,' no. sirs nmaevrey, p. . Kw Toag.daiyslsAt, 1 ' Reeled Proposals wfll be received at tale onto, unsft td t 0'ciict,M.,onTlIltUbUAT,tne Utb of Asuruu nv sr the delivery try contract, at tbe Iieoot of Arms OSasbssag aad MalMgela Js.w torttntiyt , Army lllaiikeu.of domes Uc eianuraotard, .roof, grsv, ' (with leiiers IJ.H.In black, 4 Inebee ssog, la tbe control, i to be 7 fret loug, aud . feet a loeuee wide, to wotuk I pounds each. bidders srMI state the number they srtsk to fsrrsrtsa i ttssir r many they eon delieer per week , wbea ttiey pea essa Biiu.re, snu wka they eaa finish their dotrrsesse. : rrrsjMs most ne accompanied by a proper go a setting forta ttust if the ooou-act Is swarded te tiie parts; named therein, he will at once eseon'e the eontssot. o (Ire bonds tor the faithful pesVnrmaneo ol tke sense 1 he t oned mates reserve, the right to rejeol aa kids deemed t.ltlecl kinahte. ' Pnsosale shotiia laeadorsed "Proposals for foraisssaa Blaokeu," aod addressed to lAsauoant-Ooloael D. TT. TttrTOrT.i . i )y t Dep y Qr.M.Oon .t.a. A. IyROl'OSALS FOR MALLEABLE IRON CA.- ' valrylrtmmlngs. OaDKAaci Ornca, Wa OsnsnrsKT, Wishisiiton. Jul 14 IrVH. T PPATP.TI PltOPOHALB will be reserved at this emos . until BATt'ltPA Y . August .lHtl4, at t o'clock, P. St., frsr ' the delivery at tne fbliowtag points of the andermaaunsusl ' qtiantitiea of ualieakie-lroa trlauUugs for csvsirr oaalo. insure : At tt e New York Ageaey, Jfew Tork, tQfiOO sots., , ,..v. At the Krankford Arsenal, lo.issjsets. 1 J At the Allegheny Arsenal, M ts(0 sets. ' ' I ItXilr.,' At Uie Ht. Louis Arsenal. 10.000 sets . . " I scb set is so consist of ths numbers of each kind ssT' hurt. Is, square, ring, boil, stud, and loop bow rsreeerlaed, rysat that two of the 1) rings In each set are to be saada Sfrost' nt w nartern. with .SiMk. uv. ...I nm n ih. n-.i be ires at ths above arsenals. Ths eastings are to bo made of the best quality of malleable Iron, the too roe. us , tlie buckles of the beet stock w re. The dlmensloaa of tle rloaiied castings snd the finish, and dimenaioneof tho bii(-b;s tongues and rollers mast oonfbrm strictly to taaa'. standard natures, vhlch will be applied before Jeoaunlnat After belns ttioroughly cleaned aod treed from all sprues ' uniuiiiiiK,, iumj mtm so HO fapsnnoa US eno oesa Uianner. sue goods are lobe put ap In papers. In the usual mass-' ner, and liarked, two auudred cn.mbiete aeU in a bs at o - quality, aad marked as may be proscribed by the iaspoor Uigorflrsi'. ' ,. 7, Ti,e work Is to be subject to Inspection at the rssna factory tn ail stages of lis prwrss, and ne goods era to be received or paid fur wbiea bave not passed 1ms is Uon. lellverles are to be made aa fillnsrsl ':' . . i Itirders iu slate Uie Vieekly rate at which they earn deliver. I'kiuers will state tbe arsenal or arsenals where tttesy prr Kre to deliver, and Uie number of sets they propose to deliver st each place, if lor more than one. s atlases so, make dtiiverie. at a specified time will stihjeoc tn. ooa trai tor to a linelture of th. number he may fall to dourer si that line. ho bios vt lit he received from parties other than regales' manufacturers of the articles proposed ror, and who asns tni'Wn to this Iiepantueut to be oaoabls of executing 4a tl.elr own hl'lS the work proposed fbr. lorms of bids eaa be obtained at the above ismsst sretiels. I'lt l vtali not mad. otif on foil form trill net to een ndrtra'. . . OUA8ASTEB. The b'dder wfll be miulred to ecoompaar Ms proriool lion with a gnarnnie., .igned by two responsible petsoaa, tt st in cssi-bis bid be accepted, he will at onee execute ti.e contract for tbe earns, with good ana euttielesst euro ties in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to de ll er the artltir s proposed tn conformity with tbe terms ol tin, aovt rtiscmeuti and In ease the said bidder should tail to enter Into the contract, tuey lo make good th dif ference between Uie offer of said bldilerend the aesd responsible bolder, or the person to whom the eoatraot mav be awarded. Th. repotislb1Htr of the gnsrsnlors must be she era by the ofticiel certificate of the Clerk of the near est i'lsirlct Couit, and the United dates btstrfot At tortiey. Kmids In Uie snm equal to the nmonnt of the contract, signed bv Uie routs-actor end both .a his gtiarsnt srs, wll be requited of the .ueccsfnl bidder or bidders, upon siga-. lug Uie contract. rtlHM Or OUABAWTKB. We, the undersigned, residents la. In tha county of .and Simcs of . heretse jointly and severally covenant with the United autee.eo.1 gusrsaife, In ease tt.erorvtolng bid of .be asr citftti,tbat he or they v. Ill at on,-e exeeute Uie eontraoa fur the same, si l'h tornl and siitltcleot sureties In a suta equiil to i he ssnount nt tb eontrSAt. toftirttlnb the artlcieo protioi-t'd In cnfifiirmity with the terms ot this odertlea cent, dated July 14. leM, uader whkh the Sld was nsadei aud ill case thoaald .hell fail tu enter Into a contract as aturi'sald, we ttuaraute. to snak. good ths dif ference between the oner of tbt .aid i and tho l-xi lowest reinsibie k Oder, or the persoa to whom tha contract nmy ue awaitled. t t liven nnder our henda sod eeefaf Wltutss: - (this eayof , Io . -j SealJ I seal I To Ibis giiaranii'e must he apo, aded the ornoUfcertid csle abn e aieiiHont d. Ksiii psrty iitTilttinu a aontract wtn be oblteed to enter Inio bontis v iili apiroveu auretlte tor tlie laitblut eaocsr llcn ot It e sumr. I pon Uie award betrg ssade, successful bidders srHt he notltlid, aad furnished with hiriue ol ooauoot aad boml. ihe Iiepsrtment renew ca tlie rlgi.t to ' rejeot anp or ail the -bids li dfvuied uu-iatlsiatiury oa' any atriinrit. Ptoi'osaiy will .e silrtresed tn "nrtsadler-Oertoesd Oeorse I. ttiimssy,f iili-f ol OriietMiiie. w ..filngtoa, IS. ('.." stiirw iil b. endorsed "Proiosais Iwr Mulieaiii. Irwa Cavalry lrinimmns. ' ur.tiititr. ti, nsnssr, ' )) MMothsati'.sJ lliiti.-tieii , t'l'ief of trrdnenoa. KHTKVH rJ OO'jri'AOK OROAN8,' Fft only rUT.TI I'J.f VU but t'H KQf f.tr.D In pant t'l T nit- and frwer, tleslimeo eeiieotallv or t hurt' he. ard ttih . is, but lnoiid to be t inalJy well adapted to tiisj-ariug and irawltig Koom. l er sale only by r,. m. BRcm, Bo. IS K. HKVfcNTU Htreet. Also, a eomflere assortasus ot the Pertnat Mntodeoa eonetaiitiy oa bund. Buls-bra IF.NN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER, Works.MEAtiK A Lr VY. Hra.slcai and Thmiretical Kniilneers, Machinists, holler-tuakers, Hlacksuiltiu aud Founders, having for many years beeula sncosiUI opesa Uoa, and been escliistvely etigatred lu building and rauaiie his klariue end Hlver Kngloea, high and low pressure, Insa Biiiiers, Water Taakat ProoeUors, Ac. Ac, respeottuily offer Uielr services lo toe puikbe as beli fully piepre4 us conlract Mr KngioMS of ail slaes, ktaiine, hiver, aod nis tioaary having ata ot patterns of dMureul sisws, are pro pssed to ex e 11 la orders wttb qui, k despaicb. Kvery do s rnitloB of pattern-otaiiipsT made at the stionees nouco. Hlh and low prensur., Knse.Tubiilar.andOvUn.ler holleso. ot tbe beat Pennsylvania charcoal Iroo, fernlugs, of ail alsee and kinds ; Iron aud brass ilasUuie os au desorlp. Oons i koU- Hinting, Hcrw-ouUO)g.Ao4 aiiwtiMt work oust aected with Ut. aiK.ve baslaess. . , , lirawtngs aod suocllWtleJis sW atf wr dona al that subUsbuieul free oJ ctsrss, end work gaanuitoed. Tke .uOMlrloere have auipse wtuuf-docfc ruussi for Pa pair of boats, w tiers ihaeosa be la pertaet safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, fails, Ac., Atk, fur IsielBJJ UvjiiaMw-gb-. JmARI , JOIIM C. LltVV, tti-tl -. BKA.Cn aad PALkLMl tjusists-B gBIDEBBUBQ MACIH21E HQMS, OFFIOE, 70. OO N, JVIIONT HTllIiJtiJT, yHnjaijojiuju Ws are yrevared tc nil ordsss ss any extent fcf sor weaV knowa - KACBnflUT VOM COTTOM AMD WOOLS Uli-L. raclBdtng all rsosat luprevomenss la Csudlng, iiiiiissi kndWwilns ws uivn. ue atUaOea oi seaaafaetarsrs k oerosl"- ssdye worLaa ksil-U ALFRED JK.NKS M H KtMOVAL. THOMAS M. PlXiVV.tl A -, terpenter aud elistar, has T Jtl'mi. Ho. SS Hin.xo.rrv iltMwW SW CAJS I K V" 2 kilnlt,. th. oid Post timoe tlullJii.a. ""V' Cto'slsl tacliniM for rrue s Uie bo.iw-a sstar.s'J-a Frrrrsf;i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers