r H rmcE tiiree cents. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 8. 1864. PRICE TIIRKK CENTS.' r European news. HJE "HIBKR5INM AT FATHEU POINT. Fathfb Foist, August 8. The iloini'f Hibernian, from Liverpool on the 28th and Lon donderry on the 2 tli of July, passed this point to-day. The ora Seotian, from Queboe, arrived oat ob the 27th, and the Xe.w York and City of Baltimore on the 28th. The V. 8. gunboat Satra mtnto tu at Quecnstown, short of ronl. It to reported that an armistice of nine months has been agreed upon at Vienna. The Howe of L.rds ha decided that Mi-. Yelverton haa foiled to prove the validity of her Ha Triage. roramrrrlnl Inls-llla-coe. Loitnow, July 2!). Consol', 89,(1 90 for money . The boliion in the Hank hits decreased 173,110 . American Kiock. Illinola Central, it 44A uer nut. discount: Krlo Hailroad. 4'2'4.'ls. The Cotton sales at Liverpool for tlie wwk were 33,600 bales, including, IO.ikH) to speculators and exporter. The market closed dull at J. decline. Breadstuff quiet and Ending downwards. Fiovisions dull and easier. TC-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Bpsxlal Despntt hrt. to Evening Telegraph. Wahhixoton, August 8. Pay or Colorcsl RoUIIrr. The War Department haa ismod an order in the case of colored soldiers, which direct thiit all enlisted, freed on or before April l'J, 1861, Bhall be mustered for pay accordingly, and be paid the difference between the amount heretofore re eeived and the full pay allowed white soldiers dnring the same period ; the question of freedom 'have" ascertained by the oath of the soldier, taken anytbonnectlon with such other trustworthy infor veXtion ai can he obtained. This order is Issued iirh J,r Prov'sion 01 f Congresi approved July ., TNWit. the dl Nenate Posttmantpr. lnvntfolonel II. O. Kent, Fostuia-tcr of tho Senate, niake stn removed by the Sergcant-at-Arms, and !!I1?.!.U -a Assistant Postmaster appointed to fill j 1MVUUMP union part.-cy. ncremary B.rai Hrlirm nca.r sievonea. vert numtver nifsjgUng General Wright to com V. tho troops north of the Potomac has CM ! Trading Forbidden. General Banks haa forbidden the tralllo in gold in bia Department, except npon tho condition that the purchaser deposit the gold purchased in the Treasury of the United States at New 4 Orleans, for which deposit the seller and the purchaser will bo held alike responsible, and - which may be drawn by snch depositor from the . Treasury apon presentation to tho Assistant Treasury of the Trovost Marshal-General of satisfactory explanations of tho purposes to which it Is to be applied. prise t'M. ': ' Tbe following prize cases have just been ad judicated by tho Fohrth Auditor, and are now ' ready for payment : Prize schooner Scotia, cap '- turtd by the U. S. sterner Connecticut ; pri.e schooners San Juan and Prince Alfred, captured by the V. 8. steamer Suiqvehanna. Plantation Hallows. By order of General Hanks tho weekly ration Of each laborer on the plantations In his depart- ' ' aaent wUl.hereafter be as follows : Five pounds pork or bacon, or eight pounds beef j five pounds fresh grouud cornmuul; two pounds flour or solt bread j ono pound beans or Mas: nino ounces sugar: one gill vinegar; one gill molasses ; ono hall-ounce adamantine or star candles; lour ounces soap; three ounces hue aalt; three pounds of potutocs or other suitable 1 vegetables. Children nndor twelve years of age will receive half lations, for which no charge will be niado, and the "ick shall be furnished with colfee, tea, rice, or other suitable farinaceous diet. laborer must be invariably paid in Vnitod States currency, and the money couu'ed out to the laborer in the presenco of an officer, duly authorized by the Provost Marshal of the pariah in which the parties reside. Employers who sell articles of merchandise to their employees will not bo permitted to charge. them more than ten per cent, advance upon tuu net coat of (he articles. A New Name. The station on the northern shore of the James ' river, now known as Wilson's Landing, has been ' christened ' Fort Focahoutas" by General Butler. National Bank. The First National Dank of Fatrliaven, Mass chusetts, capital !.MO,000, Gcorgo F. Tripp, President, Reuben Nye, Cashier; Soond Na. Uonal Bank of Galtnburg, Illinois, capital 60,000, David Sanborn, President, Albert C. Reed, Cashier; First National Bauk of Mount Pleasant, Ohio, capitul 50,000, William Price, President, John Burns, Cashier, have been est'). lUhed since 30th of July. A pnolntiuent. General Butler hue appointed David C.G. Field Financial Clerk of the Department of VirginU and North Carolina, relieving II. II. Beunott. Kcvraus IScs'lslou. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided that Lawvers. conveyancers, claim aeoiits. ptivbi dans, surgeons, demists cattle brokers, horse dealers, and pead.crs.uudir the new uw, tuough associated in business, must take license indi vidually, and cannot be licensed as a firm. Where E arsons belonging to cither class have taken cense ns alii up, mii h liconsi', with tho approval of the collector, may be transferred to a momner of thu nrui. and the others must take a new license. Where any person shall claim nu exemption from license tax, as dealer, manufacturer, apothecary, confectioner, eating-house keeper, tobtceouist, ' cattle biokcr, builder, contractor, or insurance aswnt, because of his annual receipts beiiiir lean than the sum which determines the liability ac , cordinu to the act, it will devolve on him to show to the satisfaction of the AlUiit Assessor that ? : bis annual Miles or rcceiiits do not exceed that . . sum, and the Ass-Mam Assessor may demand of Him a statement in writing c t ins actual ami osti-lust- d recelnts. If he shall fail tosaiisl'r the As aisiant Assessor of the ainouut of his receipts or sales, the Assistant Assessor may make whatever exsmlnatiou muy De in lus power, ana assess the license tux us in his Judgment may appear jnst. If be should be anabled to obtain evi dence sufficient to justify him in making an as sessment, it will be his duty to report the case to the Assessor, who may proceed under the 11th section of the act to elicit the necessary evi dences, on the ba-.ls of which the assessment muy be made. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Htjcial Dttvalch to The Eeeiting TrlfQreith. Baltihobf., August 8. Rumors of tho Rebel Invasion, which were so rife on Saturday, are now subsiding. It is believed there are very few rued Rebels now in Maryland. I havo the highest authority for saying that Q on oral Grant's army will vigorously continue the siege of ( , Petersburg and Richmond, and that everything looks more catering in that quarter t'lau Hereto fore. rtailadelphia Ne.aU In Adams County. Special Dftputek I TAe Setting Ttltjraph. Okttyshi iui, August 8. A detachment of cavalry from Philadelphia have been operating in our county for some days past in the capacity of scouts. They havo rendered very efficient . aeivlce In making arrests, and furnishing iufor- , motion in regard to the enemy. They have cap tured a considerable number of Rebels and ar- - rested some deserters from our ranks. Among (be Rebels captured was one who claimed to be brother f the Rebel General Stuart, Of raid tuemory. Of this fact there aeems to be no tloubL The prlswucra were handed over to Pro vost Marshal Thompson, and promptly disposed of aa the circniuatances of each case required. INot, The company hero alluded to is Cap- tain K. K. i-raiis' company of Philadelphia THIRD EDITION, KEKKL INVASION. RETREAT OF THE REBELS. n AnniBDunaERS sebene. GOV. CURTIN AND THE PE3PLL Wn.lT THEY SAY-HOW THEY ACT. THE 8UriTRER3 AT OnAMBERSBTOO. TIIK LEGIHLATUini Bp'Uil CorrtjponJtm't oft Evmtnq TiU'7mxi. 11 ahrisiicho, August 7. Well, the Rebel raid into Ptnasylvanla, or invasion, whatever yon may choose to term it, appears to bo at an end for the present. Official information was received this morning that the Rebels evacuated Makers town last evening, and that their forceacncainped between Sharpsburg and Sheppardstown during the night. It is also rumored that they carried cir a number of tho most pronilucut citizens ot Ilngerstown as hostages. Of the truth of this report you havo been advised from more reliable sources. I expected to find mncb excitement at H arris - burg when I arrived here. The reverse was tho fact. The citizens were as calm and placid as it summer's evo" not an entirely new quotation, but one that will best convey to the misses the real condition of thedenizens of this town, under tie exciting rumors of "another raid la Penn sylvania." I intend to write facts, and to mako no com ments upon matters that have been presented to my reflection. "Charles Coldstream," when looking into the crater at Mount Vesuvius, was not more serene In temperament than are tho people of llarrlsburg In regard to all prospec tive raids against their town. They say with 'Kir Charles," "there is nothing in It," or if thoro Is "Heaven only can help us, for Governor Curtln cannot." Now a word abaut Govimor Curtin. As the people tell me I write. They say that he has been too generous in his reply to tho powers that be at Washington, by obeying all their commands and furnishing all tbo men needed by the. m; that thus the resources of Pennsylvania for State defense, have been weakened, and when Penn sylvania is threatened, and the Government in appealed to for defense, it says, "Oh, take care ol yourselves; you have men and money enough. Organize a militia force, and you will never fear un invasion." l'hey langh at ns," say the people, referring to the action of the War Depattment, "and thus tho Rtbcl torch is applied to the firesides of our brethren, and hundreds of onr citizens are made penniless. Give as such a man as Seymour (only the words of the people, mind yon), say they, and Pennsylvania would not to-day be at the mercy of such scoundrels. What if he does on every occasion thwart the aims of the Gene ral Government by refusing to supply it with men ? By such conduct he take care of hit O'cn State, and as self-preservation is the first law of nature, he la eminently right In doing so." Mind you, all this while, since the Ocncral and State Government refuses to defend them, according to their own argument, there is no organization for home defense. Of tho thou sands of healthy and stalwart men among them, and In the country between this, point and the Stato line, not a thousand men have stepped forward and .signified their willingness to enlist In the defense of their homes. I stood before Governor Curtin yesterday and beard men say that they were willing to go forth as an indepenilaU force (of cavalry it was in tills case), provided the Governor would give them a statement, In case of their capture, tuat they went cut In defense of their homes alone, that they thus might escape the fate of gucrillaa and bush wacliers (hanging), should such capture take place. My blood tingled in my veins as I listened to the apical of these cowards men (in human form nt least) who have not the manliness or moral courage to come forward and reply to the Governor's last cull, rather preferring to retire to the boasted quiet of their homes the moment the 'emergency" ceases to exist. I write against the people of my own State, and set me down like "Dogberry" once requestc 1, If you please. It was a sad sight yesterday tlit was presented at the United States Hotel, whore two hundred persons, women and children principally, were waiting transporta'ion over the different rullrouls diverging liom this point to the homes of their Mends. They were all sullorers by tho Rebel incendia rism at Chambersburg, and most of them ware peuuiless. Our humane friend Hutchinson, of the United States, furnished thxo nnable to pay with food and shelter during tho time of their ttay, and finally succeeded In having them con veyed over tho railroads free of charge. I saw the tear slowly trickle down the eye of many a niuid, wile, and mother, at the recital of the tiials they endured at the Rebels' bands, and even amid their tears sawthe smile which boasted of a terrible righting of all their woes some of these days. Some of those who aiitl'ercd nt Cbamliersburg, well deserved tho fate meted to them, because of their well-known sympathies wiib the Rebol Gov ernment; but unfortunately In this case, as In many others, the innocent liuve been obliged to share tho same treatment. The Legislature meets on Tuesday noxt. The peoplo look too it with much interest. It is to be trusted that ample measures will be provided for the defense of the State In all inch emergencies as those through which we have just passed, and hat the default may not longer exist with the l'.xecutive as bas been assumed. Col. THE INVASION. BETKEAT OF THE REBELS. NONE NOIITII OF THE POTOMAC The following despatch has just been received bcre from the cashier of the Chambersburg Bank: "CiiAWiiLUsiii no, August 8. There are now no Rebels this side of the river. Communication Is open again to Hagerstown. "Osama a R. Mkhskbsmitk, "Cashier Bank of Cbumbcrsbiirg. AIX tl ler OX THE POTOMAC. IIakhisiimio, August B. A despatch was received at headquarters in this city, at 9 o'clock this morning, from the military operator at 11 Vierstown, announcing that all was quiet on the Potomac. Eulsirllla ao be rortified. ' Lot uvillk, August 7. -The Common Council of this city, by request of the military authorities, will furnish four hundred men to-morrow (Mou day) to throw up fortificatlout for the defense of the city against possible coutiogencie. i ' SYMPATHY OF THE SWISS FOR OUR CAUSE. DESPATCH FROM SECRETARY SEWARD Washington, August 8. The Oovernmenthaa been officially advl-ed of the meeting held at Geneva, Switierland, on tho 9 h of July, "in favor of the American Union, and of the measures taken by the Government at Wash ington for the abolition of a avery,"aud at which an addrcFS was adopted, offering "tho most ardent prayers that, Inspired solely by patriodc thoughts, the S ates still in revolt may r.m themselves forever nndcr the star-spang ed banner of the Union. The people of Geneva, with all their wishes, forward this movement, because thenceforth liberty will be triumphant without distinction of race at the North as nt the Son'h." The Secretary of State has responded as fol lows : "To the People of tietierti "1 have received from the American Consul who resides at Geneva, and have laid before th" Frcsl. eut, your fervent, eloquent ami most fra ternal address to the people of the United S'atos. "By his command, I give you thanks, in tho name of all my countrymen, for tho timely and appropriate words of sympathy and friendship which you have spoken. "Your address adds strength to the already strong chain which binds tho first Federal Re public of A merle to the oldest and foremost Federal Republic of Europe. "Tho peoplo of Switzorlond miy rost assured, whatever else may full, that It will not be the people ol the Uni'ed States who will betray the republican tystem to foreign enemies, or sur render it to domestic faction. "With ardent prayers for the preservation of the Constitution, the freedom and the prosperity of Switzerland, I have the honor to remain, citizens, your most obedient servant and sincere friend, Wm. H. SnwAiin. "Department of State, Washington, July 30, 18G4." ARMY OF POTOMAC. FATE OF REBEL MINING OPERATIONS. Etc., to.. Kto.i JO to., 12to. TUB HtllKI.S SPRINO A MISE. IIkadui AHri.iiH, lHru Abmt Corps, is tub Fiki.d, August 6 Midnight. From numerous deserters who havo entered our lines within tho last week, it bad been discovered that the Rebels were mining in several places on our fruut. Wo were tin re ions fully prepared, though somewhat surprised, when, nt about fl o'cIock yesterday aftertioon, a mine blew up between our line and that of the enemy, the explosion Doing immedi ately succeeded by rupid and successivo volleys of mu-kctry. The smoke from the explosion h a hardly cleared away when our men answered the R Del tiro and drowned the Reoel yell with their wild cheer of derision at the failure of their mining operations. TUB OHJKCT Of T1IB ENEMY. The enemy. In all probability, Intended to have blown up a sup we had run out towards their line, and charge through the opening. They had, however, sadly miscalculated their distance, and the explosion took place five rod in advance of tho head of the sap. Not a particle of the debris was thrown into any portion of our linos, and the sharpshooter (lid not oven think it uecessary to abandon the sap. The exulosiou could, of course. Dear no com parison in magnitude, with that of llnrnstde's mine. .1 ma-s oi aire, miriy ivei. in (tiunieivr, wan thrown in tbo air to the height of ono bun dled feet, the centre portion being elevated con siderably above the sides. so CIIAROB. It was immediately perceived by the enemy that their iniuo was a failure, and they conse quently satislit d thuniselvcs with rMng behind their works und pouring in tholr musketry tire. The main part ot iho tiring was on Ames' front ; but it ntterwarus xtcnueo Biigntiy to me ironiot lliirn-ide's rlirlit. Tbo artillery lire was utmost as heavy aa on tbo ever-memorable Saturday. NEW REIIKL n.TTl:llIE8 THR ARTIM.F.RV FIIIISO. The Rebels dovelopcd a number of new bat teries, und fired wUh far more accuracy than they have hitherto been accustomed to do. Ouu peculiar feature in connection with this fire was lis extraordinary rapidity. At General flutter's headquarters it is said to have sounded like almost one continuous roar. The splendid firing of Dow's 1st Connecticut mortar battery auracied universal attention, especially for the accuracy with woich the com mander dropped shell uftcr shell in a 10-pound Purrott Ilebel battery whoso enfilading lire has hi en seriously annoying, drove the enemy from their guns and silenced uieir oattury lor tue time being. T lie lo ses are but trifling, hardly more than would have been susndued through an ordinary day's picket tiring. 'Hint of thueneiuy must hive been more severe, as they exp.iecd themselves in firing their first volloy and were in full range of our t'uticries, greatly superior in nuiuoers to theirs. ACTING OENEHAL STEAUMAN WOl'NItEU. Colonel Griffin A. Stradman, of the 11th Con necticut, w ho has been in Command of a brigade aim e the opening of the campaign, was severely if rot mortally wounded, by a musket-shot through the stomach. This is one of the m me severe bloas tho corps has sustained for some time, ana bus given rise to a uuep ana universal fieiing of regiet. Oencrnl Ames, by wlio e side Colonel Stead- ..... i.A i.....i i.i- a Uinu nu suiuuuift nuuu 110 mo wuunu, in announcing the fact to General Ord, stated that we had lost one of tho finest soldiers in the army. Few men have more pers nal friend and fewer pessess i hose ra e personal qualities that distinguished tb : Colonel, and attracted all with whom he came in contact. He has been repoaiedly recommendod far the rank ot brigadier general tor ga lauiry ana siau uKn the battle-field, and last evening a despatch was scut to Wasbinitton. indorsed by b th Gene ral Ord and General Cutler, earnestly recom mending that he at once rcc ivc his anointment. Gemrul Ord, at the commencement of the fight, was on the extreme front, examining tho position of the enemy, but hurried to his headquarters, ready to meet any move on the part of the enemy COl'NTF.lt MINING. Hi-AnQraRTTiiH, Kiohtekntii Coiirs, In the Field, Aiikus' ti. Daybreak. From a careful ex animation of the crater formed bv the explosion last evening, Captain Farquhar, Chief Engineer of the corps, has been led to believe that the enemy imugincd wo were mining from the he 1 or the sup, ana endeavored to countermine us This opinion is confirmed by the fact that the Rebels have bea n railing out to our line, "How about your mine i" with other similar expressions, if this be the true state of the rase, they certainly wasted a considerable amount of ammunition. LAST KIQIIT AND THIS MOKKINO. Iaatt night wus rendered rather anomalous by the coutiuuuncc of musketry nt intervals until morning. As I write, however, everything has subsided to the usual state of quiet. BESF.KVES. A division Of the 2d Corps was sent tip la-t nl'ht and foritucd in the rear of that of General Ames. Other! troos were also in motion ; so tht it is highly probable that if theeuemy bad charged they would have met an extremely warm recep tion. THE At'FAIB AT ISIiVV ( KEEK, A. ItcHpntrti from Ueueral K el ley. CtunniiLAMi, August 6. Mojor-General Couch : My force repulsed the enemy again yesterday at New creek. General McCauslaud and General Bradley T. Johnson's forces at tacked that post at 3 P.M. The fight con tinued until long after dark. The enemy re treated during the night, leaving their killed and woi.ndcd. The enemy' loss severe) ours not heavy will not exceed twenty-five killed and titty wounded. The garrison made a most gallant defense, under the command of Colonel Steven sou, Colonel liar, and Major Simpson. B. I . Kixlky, Biigodier-General. ii i A statue of the Km press Josephine I to be erected in Paris on the square before the Alma bridge. FOURTH EDITION. THE INVASION. RITREAT OF REBELS FROM MARYLAND OBJECT OF THE It Mil A( ( OMPLISUED F.u intone, August 8, 2-30 P. M. The Ameri cm siys: Wo learn from a gentleman who arrived here tins morning from the Upper Poto mac, rhat the entiro Rebel force yesterday evaluated tbo Maryland side of the Fotomao, mov 'n off in great h"te. Th-lr rearguard crossed at Sheppardstown at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, and the balance of the Invaders crossed at Hancock about the same time. Trevlons to leaving they sent a cavalry fori c back to Hagerstown yesterday, and arrested and carried otf four prominent citizens as hostairc lor the Rebel citizens of that town, arrested by crderof General Hunter. From the south side of the Potomac we learn that Karly has been moving up the valley towirds Winchester with his harvest trains during all last week, scouring the country for conscripts and grain, and consequently making but slow pronrvss. The information received a week ago that the Rebels would make a feint movement merely on Maryland to cover his return trains bas boon verified to tho fullest extent, and they are now all moving off towards Staunton. FROM PETERSBURG. T 1 1 VZ V 10 1 Y LA.TI2NT. OBJECT OF T1TE BEDELS EXPLODING? A MINE. IN Washinoton, Angus 8. A letter from the Army of the Potomac, dated Saturday evening, says : It Is not generally believed that the pur pose of the enemy on Friday was to blow up a fort in front ol the .Oth Corps, but that tholr de sign was to damage a mine, which they suspected was being dug in front of the 18th Corps. Certain it Is that there waa an explosion, what ever may have been the object of it. Our men were considerably startled, und every one rushed to his post, when a rapid fire commenced from onr line In the direction the enemy wero sup posed to be advancing. As soon as the smoke cleared away, the true s'ato of affairs was discovered, aud the firing at once ceased. A stray ball struck Colonel Steadman, com manding the 2d Brigade or the 2d Division, 18th Corps, which soon after resulted in his death. He was a gallnnt officer, and his service were highly appreciated. A party of fifty deserters started to come into onr lines yesterday morning at an early hour, whtn our gunboats, not knowing their intention, opened fire on them, killing an J wounding about twenty of them. Nine of them arrived at head- quarters on Saturday morning somo of them wounded. They represent the "Confederacy" aa being in a bad way on account of the state of affairs at Atlanta, and tell how their army wo fright ened on the previous Saturday, when the mine was sprung all leaving their guns, aud running back some distance, fear ing other explosions were going to occur along the lines; but they soon regained confidence and fell back into their former position in time to meet the attack, which they say was more than an honr and a half after the explosion. These desciters say the reason why tho sol diers do not exchange newspapers is that they are ordered not to do so ; but this would bo of no effect If they could afford to buy them the price being forty cents a piece. They have not been paid off for a long time. Very little tiring took place on Saturday. FROM THE UPPER POTOMAC The Rebels-Thoir Doings and Their Designs. llAKKisni'HO, August 8. The Rebel are now in Virginia. Governor Curtiu Is busily engaged upon bis message to the Legislature. A secret agent of the State Government has Just returned, and reports that all the bridges on the turnpike are repaired between Hancock and Cumberland Ibe rai road between those points la not muck injured. He followed the Rebels during the raid ; be estimated their force at thirty thousand, with five thousand cavalry and thirty piece of aitillcry. He thinks that the invasion of the State by a large force is contemplated by the Rebels at a vi ry early date. In the valley ho passed him self off us a Rebel, and was kindly treated by the the residents. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. ENF.lt A I. NIIF.UIUIVN COHMAXD. Hlirrlal to The Kwulnsr Ts-leKi-anh. Washinoton, August 8. The Nfar says a new military division bos been formed, to be known as the Middle Military Division. Major General Sheridan lias been assigned to the com mand, with Headquarters for tho presont at Harper' Ferry. This Division Is composed of tho Department of Washington, Department of the Snsquehanna, Middle Department, and the De- nartmcnt of Westurn Virginia. The status of each department will remain the same as hereto fore, the v,ho!e simply being placed under the immediate super islon of General Sheridan. Court of Claims. The President has appointed ex-Congressman John A. Bingham, of Ohio, the Solicitor for the United States in the Court of Claims, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation or Mr. Gibson Sentence lioiMinutest. The sentence of John A. Welch, 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery, sentenced to Ihs shot for doscr tion. bas been commuted to imprisonment at Dry Tortugas during the war. The A flair at IlasxerHtowss. When some tiiree hundred cavalry entered Hagerstown on Friday week, the place was held by a small detachment Colo' Maryland Cav airy and a force of Hunter' infantry. For some unexplained reason the commander of tl.e infantry withdrew bis troops, and returned in the direction of the State line, leaving Cole' n.en lo cover their retreat and hold the Rebels In check. The town was suocessfally held agulnst the Rebel for some time, but a all were dressed in Federal uniform which they bad lo!en at variou places, they were (enabled to approach uncuspocted, and our cavalry getliug surrounded, were com celled to cut their way out, with a loss of nine men in prisoners. The Rebels then took possession of th town, and proceeded to institute a thorough search of the store. A th merchant had not replenished their stock since Ue former visit of the Rebel this saon,the Confederates gotbolltt 'e, with -re exception of a small qnaunty of shoes and hats, mostly taken fiom Samuel Ronskulp, hatter. At the grocery stores they eiled th-lr hnv . lack with sngar and their canteens with mo lasses, and at one or two stores they turned m -lasses out and let It run into the street. The Rebels seeing that many of tho citi.f "' were frightened and anxious to get away, told them to remain quietly at home and they woold Cot be molested. Tho Confederates did not keep far b, and among other acts ef robbery they compelled several gentlemen to lake the oath, give np their boots and hats, Ac. Jonas Winters, a confectioner, who refused to open his store, had his doors broken In witb an axo, and most of his store futures destroyed. Rev. Dabney Bill, at one time rastor of Wet ley Church, in this city, was with thismaraudiag party. A train of cars reported to have been burned ,d. :1 by this party when they entered Hsgera' town, was destroyed by onr own troop In order to prevent it from falling into the n . a of the Rebels, as the cars contained a viluaMe cargo of freight, including several tonus vd dol lars' worth of liquor. Tha Rc'jjls bad a 'st of Union m.n, which is said to have been furnished them by prominent secessionists living In town. The Rct-ele left tovn on the evening of the tame day they entered, and Hagerstown re mained qniet until last Frldty morning, when onr Informant left, aa It was known the Hebe's were again advancing on the town in considerable force. The excitement at Hagerstown on Friday morning was intense, and, as far as the eye could reach, the roads leading to Pennsylvania wore lined with every Imaginable kind of conveyance, and partita on foot, driving their stock before them. FKOM NORTH CAROLINA. REBEL RAM "ALBEMARLE." OUR GUN B0 Al S ABOUT TO AHAOK HER ELECTION IN "OLD NORTH STATE." Rebel Authorities Preventing their Opponents from Voting. lit., El., E., Etc, Ef., Efcv, Etc Nbwbrrn, N. C, August 4. A report has just betn received from Roanoke Island, that our gunboats off Plymouth, In Albemarlo Sound, in tend to give buttle to-day to the Rebel rain Albe marle, and force her into an engagement- Last Sunday night she attempted to surprise our fleet, but, being discovered, went back, not daring to make any attack. The election for Governor of this State takes place to-day. Governor Vance, who is a candi date for re-election, is receiving the hearty support of the authorities at Richmond and also the aid of the Rebel army. Th Rebel authorities are endeavoring to pre vent the Holden men from voting, by threats and otherwise, although Holden' majorities in tome counties will bo heavy. Tho recent measures resorted to by the Rebel authorities to defeat him makes the result doubtful. CAPTURE OF CEN. STONE- MAN CONFIRMED. WAsniNOTON, August 8. Information re reived from General Sb rm in' army, leaves no doubt of the capture of General Stoneman, with a par tion of the forces under his command. Nnlllns; of a Blnvfcade Runner. Halifax, Angnst 8. The blockado-ruunor Falcon, huvinir three smokc-aiaeks and one must forward, left on Sunday afternoon for Wil mington dliect, with a full oargo. FROM CHARLESTON. The Eaehantre of PrlMuer-The OlKeera I naler lr aa rnarimwa neiewHou Annie tl llioxe Exchanged, F.tc. Washinoton. August 6. General Sk kles and Governor llahn were at Charleston harbor on the 4th Inst. Ou which occasion an imp .rant event tix k place In the exchange of thu Rebel officers, iueluding teverul brigadiers, who had been placed under ore by uenerai rosier as a reimatory measure ofiVettlng the action of the Rebel authori ties, who first udoptcd this policy to check the fire of our batteries upon the city. The occasion proved to be one of unusual interest. t oe vessels C'JnstiiuunK iue iiiuc&buiih; iitov were guyly decorated und drawn np In line, while the bands plaved stirring music, aud the shouts and enters of the sudors manning yards, as tbo released Union prisoners were borne within our lines, gave a stirring effect to the scene. In the evening a graud supper was given by General Mekles to nis niotuer uniccrs ou noaru oue 01 me fleet. The released prisoners will probably arrive at Washington on Sunday. An etlort is being made ley tho llcoei atitnan- ties to make Charleston the future exchange point ot prisoners ot war; and, it is apparent, from advances made bv them on this occision. tbut every effort to expedite this matter will be used by tue uenei authorities. Auollier Account. Off Charleston, August 3. Tho utoamer CoimopoUtan, having on board the fifty Heliel prisoners (oilieers) for exchange, left Hilton Head at 0 P. M. yesterday, and anchored off Morris Island at t A. M. this morning. At 9 A.M. the steamer was ugtin got under way, and moved up to a point opposite Fort Moulirie. where the Retssl steamer ( ?) Cheater- jitld, having on board the Union prisoners, was in wmtinff. On our aide the proceedings of exchange were cnndiicied by Major John F. Anderson, of Mujor-Generul Foster's stiff, assisted by Major K. N. Strong, also of General Foster' staff, and on the Rebel aide by Major Jonu iy,oi uenerai Jones' stuff. by 12 M. the exebnnge was effectei, much to the unbounded gratification of all concerned. As the CoimojMilitan moved off hoarty cheer were given on both sides. The band ou board the Coemopolitan struck np " Home, Sweet Home," which was followed by national and putiiotlc aits. While passing among the fleet, the gun'ioat l'aunee fired a salute of thirteen guus, and the crews of all the gunboats and monitor gave vociferous cbet rs. On board the VoimctjmUtan, a most hospitable welcome was extended the Union officers tho airangeineuts for the same having been made by Ms iors Anderson and Strong. During the interview with Major Lay, Major Anderson made arrangements for the exchange of Captain I-aurence Motlev, of the 1st Massa chusetts Cavalry ; Colonel lloyt, of tbefi2d Penn sylvania Regiment ;and the release of Dr. Robin son, of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment. In passing down the harbor, the steamer run np to Admiiul Dahlgren's flag steamer I'hiladil lhia, upon whicl was Major-General Foster. The returned officers stepped aboard the Philadelphia, aud received the congratulation of Genera! Foster, Admiral Dahlgrcu, and others. Tbey will go North by the Pulton to-morrow. The occasion is one of the most enlivening that has ever been w itnessed in this department. It is a grund gala-day. The following 1 a list of the released national Oflioera : ... Brigadier-General Seymour, M essols, Seam men, Miulcr, Hickman. Colonel T. G. Grover, R. Mawkins, K. Harrtsnion, J. H. Lehman. O. U. Ijigrane, W. J. Lee, K- White, H. C. Bollnger, 11. L. lirown.K. L.Dana, E. Fardell. Lieutenant Colonels E. S. Hays. N. II. Hunter, F.N. Higgin iMitharo, G. C. Joslin, W. . McMakin,D. Miller, W. C. Maxwell, J. D. May hew, S. Mortitt, E. Al cott, P. Fotslcy, S. F. Rogers, J. II. Burnlium, C. B. Baldwin, W. G. Iiartholimer, W. R. Cook, C. J. Dii kerson, J.T. Fellins, W. A. Fairbanks, W. Cileun.T. B. Siiafford, W. W. Stewart. F. W. bwlil, A. W.Taylor, W. P. Lascelle. Majors C, U. Bure,W. F. Baker, E.W. Bates, J.E. Clark. 1). A. CarpenUir, W. Oraudall, H. 1). Crank, J. Hall, J.N. Johnson. -V. F. Jiisw. , ., . LATE FROM THE SOUTH. AnTAIltS A.T ATLANTA WHAT IS DONE WITH OUR COLORED 80LDIERS. HICHMOND MAUICBTH. We have received the Richmond En juirer of August 5, from which wo take following : I.ateot from Jora;l. Atlavt. Aiiffnst 4. Atlaira are very qniet thia morning. Then: was aomo picket tiring (luring the night, but nothing ot imponstnce occurred. Fifty priMinera wero raptured nnar Newnan. and were sent South from Kat Point jc'terday. About one thousand In all were captured. The Nesrro Troniw. A nior irst the eleven hundred prisoners taken by our lories last Saturday, at Petersburg, two hundred were negroes; many of them, poi-uane nil of them, stolen or runaway slaves. If any advertisement has yet been published iu tho papers calling npon persons who navo i"-i slaves to come lorwara anil nicniuj muir i.nqtorfcv, aim lake it away, we have not observed such adver tisement. Latelv there were many negroe recovered fiom the raiding party of Kuntz and Wilson: their names were very properly published, and their owners informed wb. re they could come and take then'. 1 be two hundred black ra'als taken alive In the Feb-rgburslrcnche (most improperly taki n alive, aa they proclaimed " no quarter"), now that they are in onr bands, are worth half a million. It mny be hoped that strict examina tion will be made nmongtt them, and due notice given to such as have lately been robbed of snch property, with a view of making restitution of sued ot them as aie slave. The right of the Yankee Government is un doubted, to enlist, or to draft, or procure bow ihiy can, free negroes whose residence, is at the North : they would have a perfect right to make war upon us witli elephant, or to stampede us with wild cattle, or to sot dot; upon ns and our men an equal right to kill them a ocrfoct right therefore, to ernplov negioes as soldiers. Hut they have no right to steal a man's negro, and arm bim against bis master; and his master, wherever be may find that stolen or runaway negro, is entitled to reclaim him. On this point our Government Is happily committed ; and it ran by no means evade the plain duty of restor ing recaptured slaves to their owners : unless indeed it rorogulzcs tho validity of tho emancipa tion proclamation, as well as of the confiscation act ; but thia ia not to be supposed. ' It was not, however, making a good beginning to march up those two hundred negroes, alomt with nine honored white men, as prisoner of war through the streets of Petersburg; Instead of separating them and driving them into a pea by themselves, until their ttntut should be ascer tained, and their owners (if any) found. ' "Two hundred genuine i-ooshins sprrnaica aninncst the crowd of prisoners," and placed on the same footing, was a sight, the moral effect of which apon the slaves of Petersburg could not be wholesome; and it is mainly upon that ground we disapprove of the exhibition not because they were not good enough company for tha Yenktcs who marched with them. ' Without, however, going further Into that matter, for the present, It is enough to rem irk that w e have not as yet heard of any of those two hundred negroes being restored to their owners, nor nut witb any advertisement that they await Identification. Any ono who bas lost slaves, however, noed not await the invitation, but ought lo go at one,!, demand to pass the whole squad in revlow, and If be recognizes a stolen or runaway slave of his own or any neighbor, to reclaim him aud take possession o him. Any such planter, going to n claim bis slave, if be meets with anv diillc ilty bail better not be discouraged, but demand to seo one superior officer after another until he comes to General Lee. If, after all, he cannot get back bis sluve, or if be is not allowed to examine the "prisoners" to see whether his slave is amongst them than lot 'm communicate all the facta to lb public, through the newsiiupers. PhlCV.a IN THE FlHHT MARKET Yr.HTERDAY. Yesterday prices In both the First und Second Murkets rsnged somewhat lower than usual, aud the supp y of meats, vegetables, fruits, He, on bund u abundant to profusion. Tho following wi rv the ruling prices : Cabbage, per bead, from $1 to 9' I; encumbtrs, pel dozen, !gl ; cvmolins, per do.cn, 1 ; tomat- 1 s per quart, 1 to :i ; onions per quart, Jf2'M 1 ISVoO: ihiIuio s. nor 1 1 11 art, Al to !; snaps. per qaart. SI to fl-i); greon pens, per quart, J2 to fcl-JiO; ngir hei.n. per quart, $3 to 1 ; corn, p r (toor, 61 in SO; beet, per hunch, $1 ; chickens, fer 1 all lutti r, air, ffi to $10; ducks per pair TJ t i $lt; per I ounu, . to w-' i egg". P' r uoien, 97 tnjftl; apples, pr quart, ;0c. to jfiivsj; peaches, pe qna". 3 to fj'l'fltl: pears, perquirt, $1 to 2; watermelons, 3;to P vcry line ; cunt.dopct), 60c. to fc-; fiein meats, per pound, jj to ti, In the Second Market the market wagons itiuck out a KiCit distance beyond the space they I urnally occupy, and the supply of fruit was very lull, especially in watermelons. AnrNi.nr.ium San iobd's Benkfit, This Evening, at Tni Walstt Btskkt TiifcATius. A arest bill has Mo pn vldd. Nuionlyhua Mrs. liarrattsuu given IM rua m oflhtlitii',bul a host of volnntnmswlll aoatir, In ctudlnir urtuwl.brltifs as Hrr arson. Mm Old folk., rmnk Muian. and tli inlnc'eal nu!Uit-r ol ItiH trouiw. Till. I. lti! last nlKUt, as rtunfora and uaapa leave to ra r- n.w Kir Sr. Ilien lim n nara 10 ursmi ' iur fall tciitu on a new tv" on i n.-.nui .ireoi. Wa look for a ipvedy reiurn 01 Biiioiuaiiu iroupv. CITY INTELLIGENCE. SlATB OF ThBRMOMBTBB TO DAT. Six A. U, 76. Noon, 89. Wind, W. by 8. Anothf.b Fkuvhntive of Railroad Acci DF.NTH. A simple and ingenious contrivancj to prevent accidents on city passenger railways will be tried to-morrow afternoon npnn the Green and Coates Street Railway. It is the invention of Mr. Isaac W. Vanhouten, the Superintendent of the Feonsvlvania Railroad car shop, ut West Phila- dclnh a. and Mr. Byng. It consists of a frame of plunk or sheet-iron pin. cd in from of a car, uud curving round tho side of the wheel. It rests betwt en the tlunges of the pedestals, and Is secured to pins in the centre of the pedestal. The frame is notched in the middle und works up and down through the pin-fastenings, so that if tho ear runs off the track, or olistaelva cover the rails, the frame will have a play of three or four inches. With thia ureventive attached to a car, a person falling on the track would oe turowu out in-o me street and could not get a band or foot under the wheels. riin.ADKLi'iiiA Water Wouk. The fo'Iow- inc is a statement of the amount of water pumped by the different Works for the mouth of July : uauoni. l,.l,.,,t Wr.rU "HS.7ai.G0 Schuylkill Woiks 2.1 Vt7.Noi) Delaware W inks 1)2.K0,000 Twenty -fourth w ard N orks i;i,tiy.i,j 'J7,8!'!,3lO Average no. gallon per day... ol,6l2,7l PIlllJkDIXfHIA CATTLE NABKET. Momma v, August 8. The Market opened dull this morning, and price have declined, owing to the large receipt and the warm weather; about 2600 head of Beef Cuttle arrived and partly old, at Phillips' Avenue Drove Yard, at price ranging from 10n lCic. for exti a quality ;13(2'15io. for fair lo good ; and 10?124c. U'' lb. lor common, accord ing to quality ; about 150 bead sold, to go to is: tlmore, at from 71fe'c. tr" lb., gros. The following are the particulars of the aalo : Kid P. Hathaway, Chester co., 14 (of IS. 60 Jone MiOleae, western, 12(a 14. 20 Owen Smith, western, 14(n lo. 172 Martin, Foster at Co., western, ltVrtliH. 64 M. Ullman, weatern, l&ui 104. Ko Ouste, bhanberg Jt Co., western, lll 1. 43 A. Kennedy, western. 10(12. 100 Jamea McFUIen.wesU'rn, 14fnU6. 60 Mooney A Smith, Ohio, 14( 16. 85 P. McFillen, western, (a'M. 'I'l TV llr.ti.nn PflANliir CO.. l(it If. Shee'p The market I dull at abuut former raU'S. 8H)0 head arrived and old this week a from 6( 74 cents W lb., gross, as to quality. . i ithnut 12O0 head arrived and sold thU week at price raugiug fiom frl5(.lb the 100 lbs. ltd, as to quaiuv. Com About loO bead arrived and (old at the Avenue Drove lard tni weeK at irotn Wi for bprinters, and i up to (t5 y head for Jews and v- aivea, hi quality. , FINANCE AND COMMCT.CE,, Omc or Ts Fnrss TauMiiura.. similar. Ati a. . I In Gold there is very liu'e doing this ran-nln and the marki I is dull, opening at rvincedl aid sold it 2(10 at II o'clock, fell offend sold at 25Ritl2,nd259atbalf-pstH. " The Stock Market i more active to-day and prices are steady. I nited State bond are la demand and there i more doing at a advance large sales of S 20 have been ravla at 108(f 10!i, closing firm at th latter rate; and 6 ot 1RH1 at 10CK 106 ; 107 was hid for 7-30. Bail, road shares are steady at abont former rate, with sale of Reading at e3, . which is a slight advance j Pennsylvania Riitroada 72 ; Mlnehlll, 62; Catawt Preferred, 40 ; North Pennsylvania Railroad, 33 ; and Wyoming Valley at 88. Bank shares contlnn flrro, bat there 1st very little doing. 133 waa bid lor Philadelphia, fisj for Farmers' and Mechanics', 100 for Sou th wart, 47 for Girard, 271 toT Manufactara and! Mechanics, 154 for City, and 47 for CinsolUaUon. There Is no material change to woiloe aa Oi shares. Producing stock are in fair denied, and selling at about former rotes. ' ' City Tossenger Railway share are dolt, and there 1 very little doing. Quotations are aomloaJ. There 1 no change lo notice la the Money Market, and the rate are without change. Capi tal i plenty on call at 6 per cent, per an m. Best paper ts selling at front 74 up to per eoaU rmLAiirxriHA tox;k excuanub saLjm. auo a. ftaporud bj CUrknoa a Oa., Brokar. No. in . Tki Rt, BtrOHB BOARna. -.' lor.ti Itomtlns K. it.. twi litish Metlhannr.... 1(0 .ti lo SHA. i 100 k NuM A Xtol.. 1 laj FIRMT I10AKII ntiu. n.Mns., a.'.oo iin a.ioii) d n..o do I'SW IS h LsoiavtOa Bk.jllS ....nwi, ....Km ...i'n lUMJUad H tlsW nn.a do tilas lon.n do.., btf S11 fllsain do., .C.IIHS 1VIII - OO .......a. v9 d. r .c P l"7 l.tl WliMUin ! IM.OU8S.. si. Jon. ni an ' do a bl Inn li S"rt Pa R . .-. ai Joe.BCaia.ef..... bi to U) k Arrfi tt. si S4 ts ah. n,l Creek... 7 101 ah McfUmack . e. 40 sh W.ooilnf Vl m .aea Nav M..X so kWsb do ...M u . -a , . ; i a.so do cliCt (IKO do ...... '... 1' " , do....ron c.lurtk US 0 di..l trwir. S(,'j .in. A .11. t..n'.a HA lua 00 SMen I7 le ' f ''"Si Men Nt. as till at in , .mo do na lul Klmlr.(ti.l.6... 7H Dui..K.u .. tij v ,ar war wt t m Reported bj ClarksoB Oo., Broasra, No. ui a. Thhe M. rirnl Call. Bnm4 Omit. united ntateasa, ishi.uk oil. ....nax bus Hoi k Inland IUIIroa4 bid K'llilhir Ital'riMd S8J4 bid llllnol. Oiural KaUroad .. kid (;tt)ena Bailrriad M4 V.w Tark CVnual Railroad lan, bid r.rl hailroad... ,.n,nV but lliKl.on Hailroad 1.1. S bid Oolil ,. sl bid I Tilled Hlatsa & 20a lie,' SM lOSM wlaa tit u. , 04 1 waa 1S aalaa r mi Mlaa .. 1 salaa) . ... aalaal Ul ' sakas .....! Wl Market. fKaaJf and OniL BMeSy. QooMUobs of Hold al tha rkUadalaoia OoM xaaajif No. M B. Third streat, aaroad staryso 11 I II -i SK A. M. M.Vti M !....... W U A M -iui I IP. it.... .) ilarkst . a.ly. Jai Can A Co. Quota (Vrratouwot BwmrMlaa, ac.k aooa la-day, aa fellow. : r ; " Buvtmf. iehmmi U.S. , INftl TJ R. 7 .1-111 Note rertlllram of lmli.Mslue.a.ifow. . Quartermaster's Vooctiera Md ...I'" wt aa ...... a ' J w ..JMl - loe-H' e i X 6-Wl Honda. The following are the receipts of Flour and! Drain at thia p.rt lo day : Flour, 1700 bbls. Wheat, 7800 bush, i Corn, 3200 bush.. .Oata, 27 AO bush. The following are the receipt of Coal T)H at Uiia port to-day : Crude, 490 bble. Refined, JOtiObbla.. . ' ". " The export of gold and silver frota Kevf York, from 1st January to 6lh Augna. nnnn m to ..9M,iWfifj9 Against aaue time 1863 .........,.., iW.M7.ooO) Increase to dn to .'. 1 ........ - . ".' 4,079,000) . The custom gold revenuee at NeoYo'lr, specifically phdged to the payment of thi in'eress en the funded and fundable gold beaHng'publlo) dobt of the United State, from 1st Ja iaar u 6ih August, amount to i 1,4'1,2'il Against same time, ltW3....Ts.,,.-3k, 148,783 ' Increase at New York alone..'.. .a $l6,o'JO,47I The following shows the amount and deat'., nation of treasure abipped at 8a i Fe-wtacij during the first half of the year 1801, 1863, 1800. andlUtil: . . TolewVork....ir.m.ssnil.lofi.M .sm7 s.aor.'Ma) To Knslanil 1,1'" IM S,!I.MI l VOM.I 1 lH.t J To ( lillia I,iia,vi7 IJJH J t iafil4 lk!HI.7a To I'anaina 17.:,H W 0"l . 3i.i"1 H l,f7S Other oounlrlo... 1A.111 stSIs 1S0.OS3 - tVUM Total tt8.KI l,li,H Sl,797,(l HVt,71 The Michigan Central road earned in July: IN;.) $VJJ,32H I IH04 .'ri3.Z44 Increase.... ...Jrdtf.bHo' The Cleveland and Toledo Road earncj lit July : i-hj hi,joo i loo .tii.,na Increase 22.207 The Chicago and North western Road earn id in July: lbf,3 lWm 1 1H64 Slf.nM Increase fri)5t.W8 The rarnlnal of the Cbiraas and Alton Rail road for tho fourth week in July were ; , 18C4 $.Vi,000 lo63 '.. OOrJ Increase 811 XX) For month of July, 1814 H2lS,tiH0 OS For month of July, 18dd ItW, 102 35 Iucrca.se 901777(1 The Rock Island Road earned in Joly : lWif 919.5,103 1803 140,i3 Increase Tha Fottsville M inert' Journal of Sa'orda aaya the demand for coal in th Schuylkill re gion "ia quite brisk, and price have again ad vanced about fifty cents a ton, and the oarryiiig companies have also advanced their ntoa fill" cents a ton since tne 1st ot Augusv ine wage of the miner and laborer were also advanced. The alternative waa to pay or stop. Wd regret the necessity oi recording tnis anvanoe in tuej price of coal we bad hoiied it would be other wise, but under existing circumstuncea we kroi no lawful remedy for the evil at present. Th demand is ahead of the supply, and outsiders, who must have eniil, bid higlier than those who are receiving it, in order to get coal, and np the price but with all the climor about the high price of coal, it has not advanced in greaser pro portion, in our cities, than all the other necessa ries of life, except perhaps Hour and potatoes, -nd these unities are also looking up pretty rapidly .", rillLAUKLPIHA TBADB UMKr. Monday, August 8. Cotton la very Karce, and continues to nave an opwara wnoeney aie o Middlings at fl-73fe'174 cash. ' Bark comes forward slowly, and No. 1 told 4 Sl an advance of 1 ton. ' Cloversced Is in demand at $14)16 H''4 b. Timothy commands $5 60(5 & buab. - vance of 60c. 200 buah. Flaxseed eoldetfjoo. There is a moderate (hipping domaad for the) higher grades of Flour, but other kind are ne glected. The sales comprise zwxj DUi. extraj family and fancy at $I0M12sybbl., Including 1000 bbls. W. B. Thomas , on private terms. The) ale to the home trade range from $A(tfl2-o0 for common and taucy lots, according to quality. There Is nothing doing in Rye Flour or Cong Meal to fix prices. I The offerings of Wheat are (mall, and it I 14 steady request. Sale of 3000 bushels at 0O03 2-55 for old Red, and 2.W6S2-08 for new do.. and $2-75(V2 90 for white, including 1000 bushel fair white at the latter figure. Corn 1 In rait request, and 4(a5000 bushel yellow sold at Vl'7?,' and white at 1-65. Oat (ell at 83 cents for new, and OOffl 92 cent for old. Whisky is unchanged. Sal us of 200 bbls. at $1-76(1-78, the former figure for Moond-hanO barrels. OFFICE OF THE UNION PETItO. lciltn Co'UD.iiv. No. 147 . rOUKTH Btriet. The Uosril ol lmaclori hava Uiia day dvelamd a laarta uieuil.lr aivurnd or TWO rKM ttI. oa Uss Caviwi wck, uavable oa the li4b In.t. TheTranstcr Books wul be alosad on tne I3U. Liia.aooj lilli 111.U A. If. MAIllS'K, aun-st Traaiiunir. orttelal Draw Intra af tha Hhelbjr Colierfl LoU. 17 ol kentueay. 17,31,46,23, uH, SI, 8, i J, b'l. 37, W, 27,74. Kxtss tLa. STf AuniU S. Im fc 17. 8, 62, 74, 9, 45, 69, 25, 3d, 40, I, 71, Cuielaiv aeul by ad.mnjlu A ... LvUHSsa,S :t.l . K i..f . . f "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers