HT rr T EYJENIWG- H A TRICE TWO CENTS. rillLADELniTA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1SG4. PRICE TOO CENTS. ;', r FIFTH EDITION! ENERAL M'COOK'S DEFEAT. DETAILS OF THE DISASTER WHISKY'S WOFUL WORK. DUB LOS8 TWO THOUSAND. INTERESTING DETAILS OF THE AFFAIR Ite. Xlt i)., 13to., XUo., 13tc. 2aiivii.l;, Augnst 4. General Stoneman cnt force of cuvalry, consisting of Long'i and grange's Krgndes, 3200 strong, on the 2tith It., undeTComtnun-l of General F.dwurd Mi'Cook, n destroy the Macon and Western Railroad. They bad destroyed 18 mile of the road, and darted to rapture h train of 600 wagons, going torn Atlanta to Macon or Columbus. McCook -npturcd this train near Newman's, with. OOOnu-n, ncludiig 27 ollicers; and wagons laden with aluable stores, including liquors, and the private apers of General Hood and others. After (osaessing themselves of what they vented the wagons wcro burned, and McCook started to rctnrn with the prisoners and 3000 an leg, but was overtaken by a Kobe! force under fiencral Hansom, so large as to completely sur round him. i A desperate cngngemcnt followed, during yvh:cti many of McCook's men esc.iped and fcjund their way tofcMarktta. The nnmber of Federals cantured will. It la believed, reach two thousand. This disaster is attributed to the "oops partaking too freely of the liquors found I the captured train. Long's Brigado consisted of the 3d and 4th J)bk, 2d Indiana, and 1th Regulars. Part of I.ngrnngo's Brigade was composed of coops who were with Rousseau in hit lam expo- lltion. Forrest is reported at Atlanta, under Hood. Two hundred and thirty-seven Rebel prisoners reached her last evening, Including 11 comrais Uoaed ofllcer. HE SAFETY OF COI.OKF.L HpCOOK. Naphville, August 5. Colonel McCook, sup- I hosed to have been killed or captured near Neu- 7an, bat come in with 120 of bis men. 600 fud previously arrived at Marietta. It. lie was successful in breaking tho Macon road, iind cantnrino and dnstmvinr a wAimn train. ITii Raptured seventy-two ollicers and thirty-live Hnen, but was obliged to let them go. His sale return with so many of his men reduces his loss (very materially. More of his men will probably irome in. ORDER OF AMERICAN KNIGHTS ITUEIR EXISTENCE CONFIRMED, St. Lovis, August 5. The Democrat publishes (o-day the essential points of the confession of Ureen B. Smith, Secretary of the Order of Ameri can Knights. Charles L. Hunt and Churlos E. Dunn, Grand land Deputy Grand Commanders of the Order, have also asked for a re-examination, in which they have acknowledged their former stntomen o be online, and have admitted the existence o h order, and their membership with it. . This confosion Rives many details of the workings and purposes of the Order, but no new tacts of importance are revealed. REPORTS IRUU WASIIIXiTOX. Osimtnl to Til) Kvenlnsr Tletrili. Washington, August 5. Tho Star says : Wo Lave information from llagerstown us late as 8 o'clock on Wednesday morning. No Rebels have made their appearance on this side of the river in the vicinity of Wllliamsport nor llagerstown since Friday last, when Colo's Union Cavalry were driven from the town by several hundred Rebel cavalry, who, however, did Dot remain long. Rebel pickets are to be ecn on the Virginia side of the river, opposite Williamsport, and the in djcations are that tho larger portion of the Rebel mvauing lorve are moving up tne river westward, The cars on the llagerstown and CtiumborsbHrK rlilroad ore running to Oreenoastle, a point within nyie miles of llagerstown. Telegraphic communication has also been re-established with Jlarrlsburg, but there are no mails passing be tween Frederick and Hugcrstown, as there are not a aatticient number of horses in the county to run stage lines, the owners of stock having run off A thai bas not been gobbled up by the Rebels. The excitement at llagerstown has somewhat subsided, and parties who ran away are begiu. Bint; to return. Business, however, has not beeu returned, and the town presents a fast-day ap pearance. EUROPEAN NEWS. steamship Md.uom" at vavr. rack. Caps Racb, Augnst 4. The steamship .SWo sua, from Southampton on the 20th ult , passed this point Ibis afternoon. The steamer City of Mint-risk arrived out on the 26th. The steamer Drittania arrived out ou Ibe same duy. Com in ere lit 1 Inle lliirence. LiVarRfoot,, July 20. The sales of Cotton on Monday and Tuesday were 14,000 bales; the Bvm ruuujc quiri. Breadsturt have a downward tendency. Tro vb-lou are steady. London, July 26. Consols closed at 8!JC96 rbr money. The Arabia and Heela arrived ont on the 24th ultimo. The ship Constitution, for New York, put back to Liverpool alter being anhoro. - Lord l'ulmerston in the House of Commons.lin Tecponse to an inquiry whether England hud in tended acting in concert with other European powers in the endeavor to brine about .unan. Dion of hostilities in Amurica, stated that he uiougut no auvantage wouia be gained by tned iiiin. k The Bank of England has raised its rate of awuircouni to per cent. nauroaa prcierrea shares declined 31 Illinois Central declined 4. It is reported that the Rebel Slidell is ou a visit to uie emperor iapoieon. - From Mew Orleans. New York, August 6. The steamer Oeorgt wt atnnwion uas arrivoa, witu rew urieaus I ad yiec. ui tiuiy ou. AM18KMEKT. Frank Moban'i Benefit, this evening, at tkt Walimt Street Theatre, wh.o a kUI of (rest comic talent will ke presented, la which (tauter, U.e heavy Bum of 8ant.rd'.Trou, wUI .uaUla comic part., with Prank aud l'ajkrr. bdofor htiuelf ih !(, pca ht 9tidKt of fan to-m.rrow evMilu ths Hrtt i Bnt mwum, on. M u. reM sunMUoa. ntt gtvaa W utlu ur Mr. S. A. Goddard, a staunch friend of .Vktmtrv .. . i . 1 . ....( our up jmbscriptions for the purpose of aiding the slave, liberated by our armies. It is proposed to send S-llHm lfttl.lMi .... ..... 1 . Ml " -... , v., TTuiLa uui wToruuieui hMTff DA rillliMU wiU vln ihm ilmiu I J It...' J 1 a i . :in-T. 1 .Mll.n ilini.L I..... !...: .. . . . 17 ,r iuw uicu Kruvvstti an age wnun hey Aih i J ,nl o4""1' oays lli .... . vjui aioiug men, our poets Judges, our poliliciuus, our generals aud I sals, aje of slut or aeveoty years' ripenuos. our lui THIRD EDITION. ANOTHER REBEL RAID. EXNSYLYANIA TO BE INVADED. REBELS 0CCUFY HAQERSTOWN. 30,000 MILITIA CALLED OUT Et., T.lf., T.t., Ct., Kfo.. ., Y.te. IlAnRisnuBO, Augurt 5. De"patchM re ceived here early thia morning state that tho Rebels were crowing at Hancock and that they had driven AvcriU'e pickets Into Cum berland. Scml-ofnclol dospatcfiea received at 0 o'clock convey the information that tho Rebels sccu picd llagerstown Oils morning. The grcutest conHtcrnalioa once moro pre vails along tho southern portion of tho Cum berland valley. The farmers are hurrjlng from their homes with their stock, and tho population generally la reported to bo panic stricken by this sudden, and to them unex pected, occupation of their country by tho Rebels. The Governor has issue J a proclama tion calling out 30,000 militia. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. THE REBEL, INVADERS. NO FICHT ATCUMBERLAND INTERESTING NEWS PROM GEN. CHANT'S ARMY. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc, 1'U'. Hiifclnl to The Evening" Telegraph. Baltimohh, August 5. Fast Day was appro priately observed here. All business was sus pended, and the churches wero well attended. Rumors about Ilugerstown being burnt are tot ally fabc. Tho Rebels arc not there, and it is be lieved that there are none now this xido of tho Potomac. Their force in the Shenandoah Valley and vicinity, ready for another incursion, is be lieved to be about forty thousand. They are undoubtedly concentrating for au- other invasion of Pennsylvania and Maryland. There has been no fight near Cumberland. There is nothing later by the Norfolk boats. Our army holds the tame position as formerly. To-day's Washington Chronicle publishes the following letters : HnATai'AnTFnn Antiv op tub Potomac, Aupu.-t2, A.M. Since the unsuccessful assault on Petersburg, nothing has occurred to mar the quiet wlili-n succeeded It. inow and then a gun is tired, but generally tpeaklng, the utmost tran quillity prevails. The following is a semi olttetal report of our losses on the occasion rot'urred to : 9th Corps, 1st Division, l.etlhe, 087; 2d Divi sion, Poller, 800; 3d Division, Wilcox, tin); 4'h Hivision, rerrcro, IISJ; iutli Lorpn, turners Division, 4.iO ; 18th Corps, 200 ; 2d and .'HU Corps, 21.0; total, 4537. AConrtor Investiirntion Is now si'timr. Oene- ral liamoek presiding, which it is trusted will throw the responsibility of thu late failure on the light shoulders. 1 he rumor that the enemy had been detected In an earnest endeavor to mine our works Is, I am informed, correct. Thu attempt has beeu mode in Iront of Warren's Corps, but that Gene ral is too skilful an engineer to be caught nap ping. Hi nee at least three counter-shafts h'lve been sunk, nnd when the llcbols succeed in blow- nix us up, we plve the Richmond paters the privilege of making a note of it. Some movements of importance are going on here, but I will not refer to them. You will hear of them ere long. IIbaiiqvaktkhi) Anvr of thh Potomac. August 2, P. M. Nothing ot Importance has transpired the past twenty-four hours. Picket tiring in iront ot tue uin corps uas been Kept up almost inceBnantly, with tome shelling at inter vals. The enemy have been busy In repairing their lines, and our skirmishers auuoy them as much as possible. Little dainave is done, how ever, as tbey do most of their work at night. Considerable diicustion is indulged in among both t'fiiccrs and men as to who is responsible for the late "Jiatco," and when tho Court of In quiry, which I learn is to convene to inquire into the matter, has performed its duty, we shall pro bably learn the reason why a pluu that promised to well resulted so disastrously. Tho exact amount ot our losses in the m; iou is now aner Uiintd to be 6(140. I HOM TIIK AUnV F THE POTOM .'. llEACqt'AKTKnS ARMT OF Till POTOMAC, Augutt 4. Nothing of Interest has taken place during the post two days, and very little picket firing is being indulged in at present. An ctlker of a colored regiment is reported to have shot one of his men yesterday at thu Cum misrary depot, and is under arrest. In my ksjulth of the 31h I stated that the colored division engaged in the battle was under command of General White. This was a mistake, General Ferrero being in command of his own division. General White acted as Chief of Stall' to Qeneral llurnslde during the engage. inent. HlltlL MOVFJEVrM f SiO&THKBX YIKUIKIA. TJaitimork, August 6.X penton who left Charleston, Virginia, early yesterday morning, re ports a Rebel force, composed of Moseby and Inv boden's cavalry and mounted Infantry, estimated ut 7600 strong, at that place, a'tout to make a feint movement on Harper's Ferry, while Early with some 12.000 infuutry, guarding the trains of plunder and (rain, were at Duuker Hill, about starting up the Bhenandoah valley. Parties were scattered at dilTerent poiuta up, the valley gathering in grain and cattle, who would join Kwell in his march. Tbey bad conscripted all the men and even boys of sixteen years, but many had escaped and were biding In the mountains. The bellof was that as soon as the trains were well advanced, the eutire rebel force would retire up the valley. I'BOM CALIFOKMA. Sak Francisco, August 3. About a dozen thrifty farmers of bauta Clara countv arrested on the charge of being confederates of Re)el highwaymen, who have been robbing stages and expresses in hierra Nevada. A fire in irgiuia City, last nkht, destroyed $ 1 00,000 worth ot property. The steamer I'tule Sam has sailed for Panama with in treasure and 10 passengers. The British war steamer Deiutatin is a i ana ma. Arrival ef a ftteauirr. New Youk. Anit. f TL. iK.mnr r,.;. nr..- cie.rn-has arrived trout Liverpool. Hot advices . uiii.ifiueu. arhft br Telurrarli. Nt wYoBK, August 6. Flour is dull i sales of ail HB Wh wl (or fcouUi.m. Wh...( I. a. .11 io. ... lni.ortnt salts. Corn ha. decUnrd 1 rout i mI.i 01 VT.fsio Mrrva sn. rhTSua z tinlill. niioltd H'lr. IlALnMouj., August 5. Flour steady with rare. .ujM'17. w urn uiiii, p-q ue.uneu c. c.ra fl ria ' $1 Wi rot wl.a. ami tl 1 tvr yellow. Oiutric. sr dull OT HUM W. V. ritoM ririKitsiiUiw TRANSPORTS FIRED INTO. HE ENEMY SAID TO BE MINING. POSITION OP QEN. HOOKEB. P)p)'ll to The Evening TVIearrnnh. Wasiiinoton, August S. The mail steamer John irtwU, which anired this moniing from City Foint, was tired into by a Rebel battery at Har rison's landing yesterday morning. SW shots were fired, three of which passed over and throe astern of the steamer. The transport Ira ,S'mi ding, which preceded the lirookn, was hit, aud had M viral aboard killed. A gnnlxat went down and silenced the battery, when the Urookt proceeded on her way. Enemy I'ntternitnlna. The enemy ha. reinforced his lines since tho assault of Saturday la.-t. It Is thought that the Hebels arc undermining our works, epe.'i illy In front of Warren's line. IJtnernl llher. General Hooker was serenaded lost night at Wlllard's. Ho niailc a war speech, fron which we judge that his reported resignation is a canard. SEWNIMI'KR A (' r. RptM'lal to Tbtt I: ven Ina: Telearuph. The Star says the mail steamer John Brooks has arrived from City Point with a largo number of passengers and the army malls, Ye.terday morning, as the steamer Stauiling, loaded with troops, and haviug iu tow a barge loaded with horses, was coming down the James river, she was fired upon by a Rebel field battery of four pieces, stationed a little above II uriiou's Land ing. The SjiaiMint) put on a full head of steam and ran past the battery, returning the lire from two pieces of cannon on board, belonging to the troops. One of the Rebel shots passed through the wheel-house of the SxiuMintf, and another struck the barge, killing live horses, but doing no other Jainagu as fur as kuowu. Several other bent.4 which were in advance o the SHiuUiiitj were also tired upon, but with what result is not known. As the John ilrooks hove In sight of Harrison's Landing six shots were tired at her from the Rebel battery, which caused tho greatest consternation among the pcngcrs on board, who rushed wildly ubout the boat, seek ing a place of safety. The first shot tired fell short, and others passed over tho boat in close proximity to the heads of thuso ou board. Tho llrookt, being un protected nnd having no means of replying to the Rebol battery, hove to and put back to City Point. Gunboats wero immediately sent to tho point where the battery was stationed, and after a spirited exebnngo of shots, the battery was silenced. The liroukt then came down tho river under cover of one of the gunboats, while others remained and shelled the banks of tho river for some time. T0-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Despatches to Evening Telegraph. Wamhinoton, August fi. Pci-nohM. John G. Nicolny, Esq., the President's Private Secretary, returned to-day from a trip to the far west for the benefit of his health. From the I'piser Potouino. Advices from the Upper Potomac show that no demonstrations have been made by the enemy, except by Moseby's gang. UenerMl Coiieti Order. General Couch's order, requesting the border citizens of Pennsylvania to arm themselves and take to the bush, Is regarded as a violation of the law against guerilla warfare passed at the last ses sion of Congress. Itral'tlns; ruder Old CnllN. All drafting under the old culls bos been ordered to cease, and the deficit is to be carried over to the September draft. A Reprieve by the President. William II. Carter, a citizen of Maryland, who was found guilty by a military Commission, in this city, of being a spy, and violating the laws of war, and who was sentenced to be hanged to-day at tbe Old Capitol Prison, has been re prieved by the President until further orders. A 1'licbt with Nea-roe. f In a collision yesterday between soldiers and negroes, in ! be eastern part of the city, one sol dier was killed, another mortally woundod, and one negro was badly cut. The soldiers after wards set fire to the shanties occupied by tho negroes, and burned them. Arrival of Ueueral Hooker. Major-General Hooker, accompunioo by Colo nel Fessendcn, Major Lawrence, and Captains Stutson and Taylor, of his personal staff, arrived yesterday. In the evening be was serenaded by the band of the Veteran Reserve Corps. A large number of his friends and admirers assembled at the same time to greet him, and upon bis ap pearance the Qeneral was received with round after round bfvutLusiastic cheering. In response to repeated calls for a speech, he said : "I did not come here to make a speech, nor should you expect one. If this Rebellion was to have been put down by speeches, enough have been made since its commencement to put down forty rebellions. This war is only to be ended with bullets and bayonets, and though I do not personally kuow some of you, yet there will be abundaut opportunity before the termi nation of the war to make your acquaintance upon the field." Tbe General was frequently Interrupted during bis remark with hearty demonstrations of ap plause. Appointment. Colonel Chupman, of tho .'id Indiana Cavalry, and Colonel Mcintosh, both commanding bri gades in Sheridan's Cavalry, have been appointed brigadier-generals. Itebel Minlnsr. There are good reasons for believing that the Rebels are mining one of our earthworks in frout of Petersburg. Measures huve been taken which Kill render operations of that sort futile. Paying- the Moldlerw. Many of the regiments before Petersburg have not beeu paid for six months none have received a cent for oi er four months. In consequence the greatest suffering and dissatisfaction prevails among the rank and (lie. Tho latter broke out into loud and ope a complaints a few days ago, when Paymasters arrived with greenbacks for Corps and Division Headquarters, but none for the soldiers. It is of the most urgent importance that the.e devoled national defenders should instantly re ceive their Mood-earned money, and Secretary Kessendeu is betiding every energy to accom plish that end. lie will suspend all other requi sitions until those for the soldiers can be honored. II is policy will be to pay the soldiers and let the contractors wait. Conrt of fuqnlry. A Court of Inquiry has been ordered by the riecideut. at tbe request of Lloutenant -General Grant, Mujor-Generai Hancock to be President, to Investigate the causes of the failure in the recent a.suult upon the Rebel fortlfisutions before Petersburg, so successfully inaugurated by tbe explosion of the mlue which destroyed a most Important work in frout of our centre. THE DRAFT. dftlelnl Opinion a la tbe llnortred Day Me. WasiiinoT" !t, August 4. The following is a Mfciirn copy of tho opinion of the Hon. William 'Whiting, Solicitor of the War De partment, which was inclosed to General Bed ford of New York, relative to the exomptlon of the one hundred days' volnntoers from the draft. This opinion having been promulgated by tho Secretary of War a. governing tho futnre action of the War Department, ia applicable to tho other Stab a who furni hed troops unJcr that call. It will be seen at once that the errors of Governor Andnw, of Massachusetts, as well as General Sandford, of New York, are pointed out and cor rect d. The opinion will be read with interest by all, as It affects the interests or nearly Ht,om nu n who arc serving or are about to serve under the one hundred days' call : oi'iNiort. On the 5th of July, in-tant, at a tltno of trroat public danger, the i'resiUontol the I'nited Suites, nniier the nuthorliy ves ed in him by the aet of February V'H, lv.V, issued the following cull on the Governor ot the S'ate of New York for l'2,0i0 of the miiitla of that f tate to be mustered into the .ervice of the I'nited Elites, for a term not exceeding one hundn d days : Wah Di takimknt, W ashinotiiw, July 5, lHti-l. His Excellency Horatio Seymour. Gover nor of New York, Albany, Now York: The. Pieslilcnt directs me to Inform you that a Rebel force, variously estim ited at from fifteen to twinty thousand men, have, invaded the State of Maryland, and have tnken M-triinshtirgatid II ir pi r' Kerry, and are threatening other p iin's; that tho public ral'ety requires him to c ill uoon the State V.xccn'ives for a militia force to repol this Invasion. He therefore directs me to t ill on yon for a militia force of twelve thousand men from your State, to serve not more than one hun dred days, and to request that you will with the utmost despatch for vard the troops to Washing ton by roil or steamboat, as may be most expe ditious. Please favor me with an answer at your earliest convenience. Kuwin M. Si.mrov, Secretary of War. On July 21, General Sandford issued aad pab lislied the following order : Hkaixu'ah rKHH 1st Divihiov, N. Y. S. N. O., New York, Jtny 'Jl. General Order, No. 6. l'lie Mnjnr-Oencral pubMshcs. for the information of tbts command, the following sec 1 ion from the act of t'ongress passed Kcjiruary 24, 1864, entitled. "An aet to amend an aet for enrolling and calling out the Na'ional forces, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1MI. Section 10 H II sn''tsrt,Tht th f .Hewing par 01 s bo and lln- aru lien-uv cxetiiotrd fmiu anruim-at I'll Jmtt undrr ll: pro1 tian. ol thi. a-'t, l id of th-! a't t.l wLI U Ihi. i. an oui.n hniMil, to wV : .Such a. air rejfiij a. phi .icslly or utn'ahy until for the s.rvh , all ptiraam actually in the uiiliurv or naval servks uf 11,4 I'tiltvd hta 1 at tle tilr ot the drait. and all pi-rson. who hsvo snrvti 111 thi military or naval service tan, vear. durltiv th un-Miil war. and bei-ii honorably disoharnfil limn.. from: nnd no persi-u. but .ncii as arc titmm .eiiilej .hall be fljtempt. It will be perceived by this section that the members of those regiments ordered on duty when mustered into the service of the United States tor 100 days will lie exempted from the lra! t which Is to be niivlo in Sep einlior next. Tho regiments Ucsiennled in Division Union No. y, as tot 111 1 111: part of tho quota of this State under the President's call lor l'2,000 militia from the State, are requested to complete Immediately their preparations to emb irk forthwith for Wash ington. Those refusing or neglecting will bedis buuded. By order of Mejor-Oi ncral C. A. Sandfoiiu. Alkx. II m ilton, Division Inspector. (Official) Chakli'.h W.Dahli.xo, A. D. C. At tho pre-ent date, July 26, It Is understood that these tui'iiia, except two regiments, hereto fore mustered In, am withheld from service, by i.rder of the Governor of New York, in conse quence of an objection to a decision of tho Pro vost Marshal-General, that these militiamen are net, by reason of their being mustered in'O tho service, exempted from the draft ordered to take place the 6th day of September next, and from time to time thereafter, until tho quotas required shall be tilled. That the objection raised by the Governor of New York is purely theoretical, and may never become of the least practicable importance, is ap parent from the following conslduiati ins: Although it iaclear that by the ldih sccdon of tho act of February 24, 1861, such as are rejected as physically or mentally unfit for the service, all persoDS actually In the military or naval service of the United States at the time of the draft, und all persons who have jerved in thu military or naval service two years during the present war, nnil have been honorably discharged therefrom, will be exempted from the draft, vet the question of exemption of the hundred days' mi itia of New York will notarise, and no claim for such exepipticn can he made under tho act, unless the soldier claiming the exemption shall bo actually iu the militiiry service of tho United States at the time of the draft. Questions of exemption by reason of mental or physical nniimess, of age, of two years' ser vice and honorable discbarge therefrom, or ex emption of being In the service, must be settled according to the state of facts at the time when the questions are to be decided. The militia of New Y'ork having been called to meet an tmergtney for a term not exceeding 100 days, may ail be discharged from service before the draft shall actually take place; they may be discharged at any time by the President, and ho is nut bound to retain their services any longer than the public necessity requires them. If the lira It ordered on the 5lh of September shuuld be postponed, or not completed on that day, no question of exemption can arise, except when tho person claiming exemption is in the military service of the United States at the time when he shall be personal lv drafted. No draft will tie required of New York, If that State shall (ill Its quota with volunteers. Hence for tli is reason the question may be purely a theoretical one. So also it will be borno in mind the exemption from draft is a personal privilege to be nscd by and for the benefit only or the per ron drafted ; he may prefer to waive his exemp tion, and to remain in the service. The question of tbe right of exemption arises only between the Government of the United Stales and the indi vidual concerned. The statement of the law by General Sandford In tbe General Orders above cited, is founded 011 a uibappreuension of the meaning of the statute. It is erroneous to say " that the members of those regiments now mustered on duty, when mustered Into service by tbe United States, for oue hundred days, will be exempted from tho draft v-bichlstobe made in September neat." Hut by the true construction of the act, those per sons only who shall bo actually In the service of tho Ui.lttd Status at tbe time when their respec tive numcs shall be drafted, will be exempted ft cm that draft, if such exemption shall be duly claimed. Verv respectfully, your o!edlcnt servant, Wm. Wuitimo, Solicitor of the War Department. GEEAT MOVEMEBT OH MOBILE. Our Fleet and Arrale-s UiUhcrlnir About the illy. The Rochester Democrat bus been shown a let ter from a United States officer on bo.u-d the squadron off Mobile, dated July 15, 1304, con taining the following highly interesting uews :- "I write to inform you of the approaching battle. I received a visit tu-day fiom , who li certain that we will all be iu Mobile Bay within three weeks. The monitor is at , but will be here to-morrow. Another of the same class Is on her way from the North, and is looked for every moment. The double-lurreted monitors, built up the Mlsris sippl, are at New Orleans, ready to come at any moment, and all the ships here are taking in im mense qualities of kot, shell, ana ammunition. The army U to participate, but bow and where is not known. We shall probably pas. the forts in the night. The particulars are, of course, unknown, but we are certainly going to take Mobile, and that within a mouth ut the ex treme." Second Peunnylvania Provisional Artillery. The ProriikHial Second Artillery. Pennsylvania Volunteers, was (he only Philadelphia Rajrlinent In Btrassrris's Corps. lieutnnt-l oJooel Baa. amis G. Babmbv, ooinmandtnjr, was woundsd seriously, aod is at Uie fccmiuarr lloapiUU. Ueoriretowa. Citan J. H. lioiman, eommaiiliua' U Sd Bat talion, was wounded iu the arm aud tide, and I. at the sain hospital. Captain John B Norrii, 1st Battalion, prisoner. Lieutenant Keess J. Millard, prisoner. Adjutant Wm. B. Philips, reported kiligd. Lieutenant W. H. Dytnond, prisoner. ' Ueuteuaut A J. Marsland, ruining. Lieutenant James Itsdar, mlantnr. Lieutenant John Kollow, mlwlntt. Captain Half aud Lieutenant John P. Keller are the only officers ot the rotnment who oaino out ot the light unharmed. Titer want iuto th anht with TOO men, and earns out with 160. Tho Dalauoe wuro killed, wouuded or prisoners. No straguhug in this regiment. FOURTH EDITION. KEHEL INVASION, OUR SPECIAL DESPATCH. SVvvV,AWsayMAnviAlM FROM HAIiRISBURG. REBELS CROSS THE POTOMAC AT 2i THIS MORNING. Citizens of llagerstown Loavo at 7 o'clock This Morning. FIVE REGIMENTS OF REBELS NOW OCCUPY ' HAQERSTOWN. Dprelnl The ftvenlnc Telea-nattl.. II ARBisni Ho, August 6. The Coventor boa received despatches from llagerstown to the etfect that the enemy crossed the Potomac at Sheptmrdstown, this morning, at half pst two o'clock, with a force of cavalry, artillery, and infantry. At It o'clock this morning our pickets reported the enemy within threo miles of llagerstown. Captain Sannos. Ilarrlsburg Cavalry, tempo rarily attached to the 1st Maryland llcgtinetit, retired ut 8 this morning. The iltUens of llagerstown commenced leav ing at 7 this morning, when the dru ms of the enemy were heard sounding. The Rebels are now in possession of llagers town, with three regiments of Infantry nnd two of cavalry. Tho Governor has issued a procUmition for thirty thousand men. IBI'flUTANT ARUKNr OT COIINTCU. riirnts. f, St. I.otiB, August 5. The Chief of tho Na tional Detective l'olice, who has been hero several days on official business, has succeeded In ferreting ont tho most successful gang of counterfeiters ever known in the United States. Fourteen of tbe gang, in double irons, and Ave large boxes of material, are now on tho way to W'uf hington, and other parties will bo orrostc 1. lCIeven presses, a large quantity of bank-note paper, and 12 plates, including oue for $20 green backs, nnd one for $'i0 I'nited States Treasury notes, new issue, and for fifty cent fractional cur rency, were also received. FltOM AVAHlIIINCJ'rOTV. A Nuceeasiriil llimt Kxtelltlon. Washinoton, August 6. Lieutenant Com mander Fleming, of the steamer Sagamore, in a letter to the Navy Department, dated July 12, off Cedar Keys, Florida, says he sent the launch from that vessel and two boats from the steamer Cjrfc, with twenty-fonr men and four officers, on an expedition up the Suwanee river, to seize somo cotton, which he learned the Rebels were making use of for tbe pnrpooof constructing breastworks on that river. The expedition demolished the breastworks by bringing away the cotton, ninety-four bales. There were no casualties, and the bohavior of the ollicers and men was everything that could bo desired. A 4'onmil Appointed. George J. Abbott, long connected with the Censulutc Bureau of the Slate Department, bus been appointed Consul to Sheffield, England. CITY INTELLIGENCE. STAT! 0T THIHatOatHTKa To PAT. SU A. M, 73. Noon, 83. 1 P. M., 83. Wind, N. W. by W, MEETING OF THE RETURN JUDGES. AMENDMENTS TOTHE CONSTITUTION THE OITITICIAJL. VOTE. A meeting of the Return Judges upon tho recent election was held this morning. Mr. Samuel P. Hancock ate4 as President, and Messrs. and .ane clerks. Tho returns are as follows : luf AmtndmtHt. 2f Amendment. 31 Amewiment. Irani. For. ,4(ii'i.f. tor Agatnrt. I ror. AtiwiMt. 1. 2105 H-ttl I 775 A36 : 714 I 689 1218 884 1 8M '1400 I 663 I 874 1341 : l.i28 HU37 1 1040 I 813 11698 11386 .lU-i.l ,1008 1295 :i2i6 1300 I 664 12 1981 Ti 2.... 3.,.. 4.... fi.... fi.... 7.... 8.... 9.... 10.... 11.... 12.... 13.... 14.... l.... In.... 13.02 729 fi28 641 567 tilt Ml 602 30 21 409 3.13 218 188 470 207 20 271 738 308 8N3 211 4ti9 fttiii 330 176 270 2U8 32S 13 2 4 17 6 16 6 33 27 11 2 8 4 11 0 29 0 61 16 11 17 25 ,1127 769 444 8 2 89 24 6 397 7 10 2 19 2 4 7 13 0 1 6 32 20 13 18 27 20 0 704 571 809 883 861 1449 641 808 1330 1608 1917 10-12 773 1673 1380 1035 1065 12iK) 1207 1276 i 614 lilt) 782 8(17 13.V) 687 78S 1243 1372 1838 9.'i3 73t) 17. 18. 15A0 19.... 1304 20.. 1H46 Mill 12t 1188 1208 4f.u 21... 21.. 23... 24... V5... Total.27,211 9930 29,144 328 28,110 830 Mnl... 17,281 28,816 27,280 The Hoard adjourned at one o'clock to meet again to-inorrow morning at ten o'clock, und ro- relve the return of the derelict division of the Twenty-necond Ward. Oue division wanting. Ykrteday. Fast-day, yesterday, was gene rally celebrated, with but few exceptions. All tbe places of business were closed, and tbe citizens devoted themselves to Church attendance. Ser mons appropriate to tbe occasion were preached in a imniber ot the churches, and a spirit of humiliation seemed to characterize all theso assemblages. There was an absence of all news in the city, either of a national or local character, aud tho city generally partook of the nature of a Sabbath day. During the latter part of tbe afternoon thousands n sorted to Fairmount Park, and this favorite place presented the only holiday ap pearance anywhere noted by us. Lakcskieb This morning Hugh McCartney was committed in default of SrlOOO ball by Alder man Lutz, to answer the larceny of 24 in money and three itnds, the property stf Jas. McPhorson For sometime post extensive thieving has beeu carried on at the lumber wharves along the west side of the Schuylkill, above Market street bridge. 1 .. 1 1 .V. .1 . . - CaVAMl 1. .... U A H . . I I I, - ' worth of lumber have been carried otf. Yester day the police arrested two of the thieves, aud are on the track 01 otners. Dihobpfrlt DntKKWO Hovib. Between twelve and one o'clock this morning, the police made a descent on a disorderly driuklug dea, at No. 615 Bedford street, kept by one Annie Dugan. This Is one of those places where rum can be obtalued at one cent per glass, and where the worst of vices are indulged iu. Nine professional bummers, male and female, who were in the place at the time, were ull taken into custody, and tbe whole party committed to prison by Alderman Carter. DkSTl ftBAk'CK At THE FALLS OF BCHVTIKILI. A one-legged soldier was attacked yesterday, at tho Falls of the Schuylkill, by a man named William Stevenson. An officer Interfered, when Stevcu.on threatened to use a kudo on him. lie wai arrested aud held to answer by Alderman Cibsuu. ABniTAt or S01.DTFIW. A eqnad of flfty-fonr sick and wounded reMms arrlveil la this rliy on Wednesday evenirm Uutt, from the Wa-hlng. ten bonpitala. Tbey were Iranatxrred to the Wb t II all and llaridlnt-ton lloepitals. Ibe following. Is a Hat ol tho I'enusrlvanlansi 1st ".ml A. lit. Co O 1." i rt Lnrkliart. Co H, 10. ,111. Mi rrtlt, V. IIS. Win I Johitmn, t, l(SI. FrLr Fvroialea, II. SI. t nrp Ainu Koaa, II. l.W A ri'KU'un t, Is". 8, Wrkliwr F,il. A List II. SI. a .sioiivain. t, m, Inliu t'roaa. K . t. las Stuart, f M. lo. rlnmart I.H8. tt Win K Krau.O.tW. IV slnel ler, A. ilusli llavns K, ISA. JaniM W Karr, A, I if. Mm e l-sle ', l.W. 'Urn. Moon I', Wm If ruwl. r. ft, 41. t rnr.ion, n, lseav. Ji hn llrln H. "1 I II Kflly K. I0U. Anar.w TraKer. C, lfl4. John O, F, ll, W II lllh-rt H. Isl. J. hn tlrllra, K. . Jilit Hamilton r. U. V. Itrilton, A, 4H. J M H.rr. i, 11. I H Im. A, 141. II J Allen K 61 S'ortt K A tlroinnm, K. W, Wmlrrtu H.11S tow ranuh (, A, 0. Ilro N Aslion allor. I, Isl. fcrrvt Hon hratney, I Al, ,lnhn 0 y Mil Inirl on, Mln, I), . i W Hlorrlll, K, SI. Win r llarmnAl Il.Seav. I YeaiffT. Miirler. K 1 eav. lleo h-otifler. I IJ cjiv, Mkn OmiL-laa, K. S car. W Irwin. M. I cav. -lit K T It.. 1. 1. In., I, 14 eav. 1 K 1 1 v 1. r . I i an. F. M Niultli. K, J art. 1 'ol J MeKammar l, I art, .1 V Laiw, II . i art. h dwln Mbtt. 1.1 art. iHivHt 1). Uur.ll'. liatlerv. MAJOH-flKNKnAi. Han(X)CK. Sorno time aiiiee tltv Councils pasacd a acnes ol resolutions rxtenriln the ho.pital'lli ot the elty to Mnlor (.enoral Hanoock. As the ticneml was not ab to respond to this Invitation, tlie reaolntion. wefe hsndtoniely enfrrotvied and lramel, and tnrwsrded to his wits through Mr. Kvkiiiiasi, of Common Council. The following rorlr was choired: LoimwooD, Ht. Ijnm; July 81, ltll. Mr. Evkhman. -Kir 1 have tlio honor to ackuow lidiro tlie rt'celnt ot vnnr lettter, ot da'e Ja'y ICM; also the amlo arrival ol a box, aont y Adam.' Kjl- Jiresa, ceiilalniiiir rcolutioiia of welroino lrom tlie itsr ol l'liiladei'hia to mv husband, inr which ao cep't my aineero thairks- Moat reoiierUullv, Mra. W. N. ilAitcoca-, Joim W. KVKtiMA), Ksq., l hilada., I'a. "Uniom Avbki'k." Tho portion of the Sani tary F'air Ibilldlngs known as Union avenue bas been purchased by tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Cenipany, and wilt be temporarily placed at West Philadelphia, In Market street, below the Junction Rullroad. It will serve as a passenger depot for the Pennsylvania Railroad until a more permanent one can be erected. At present tlie passenger depot and ticket office of the company are at Ihe corner of Kluvcnth and Market streets. These will lie removed to the Union avenue build ing as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, which will require obout a month. The extensive and steadily increasing bnsiuess of the company requires a more ample depot than the present one presents, and the new plan will bean acceptable one to the community. l'liiiAUBLi HtA Phdsib Cn ii. A convention of gentlemen connected with the public press of this elty met on Wednesday afternoon In Select Council Chnmlier, fr the purpose of forming an association. Mr. Charles C. Wilson presided, and Messrs. George Collier Bower and Willi im H. Fisher acted us Secretaries. Mr. L. VV. Wall m m the special Committee on Organization, reported a constitution and by-laws, which were taken up by sections nnd adopted. This busi ness occupied nearly Ibree hours, and after its conclusion the association adjourned to meet on Wednesday afternoon. Tho meeting was a very large one, and tbe host feeling prevailed during the entire session. B ax run's Finn Zouavi s. Another meeting of the executive Committee appointed to com plete arrangements for tho reception of Baxter's Fire Zouaves was held last evening at the Nep tune Hose House. A variety of business was transacted, and the meeting adjourned to assem ble again to-morrow evening at the Mochanio Engine House. A Match Gamk. To-morrow afternoon at four o'clock a matvh game of base-ball will be played at FairniouutPark, by eighteen of the best players in tne city. Local Biievitii.s. Steamship Fraiuei, Cap tain Austin, leil this port yesterday for Havana, the pioneer ship of a line between this city and that port. . . .William Chapman, the lad whe was shot at the Smith's Island shooting gallery, on Wednesday, died yesterday. ...On Wednesday the Michigan soldiers who bad been quartered in the hospitals in this department were transferred to Detroit. 1 be Vermont soldiers will be trans ferred to their State to-day... .The steamer Uu;i kattan, running between this city and Cape Mar, was compelled lo return to the city yesterday alter having started on her trip, for repairs, the enfiue-pump haviug trot out of orJer....Tbe triennial assessment of property will be completed about the middle of this month, and iu October the Cliy Commissioners will meet as a board of Revision. Sad Accmr.KT. As tho train from New York reacbtd tho point of junction of Datiphia and Trenton avenues, in the Ninotcenih ward, about nine o'clock this morning a little, female child about six years old was caught under Ihe wheels of the locomotive, and had both legs and one arm taken oil', causing instant death. Thompson was tne name given tor tne cuuu. Held to Amnwkh. Barney Mullin has been committed by Alderman Shoemaker, in default of $2000 ball, upon the charge of attempting to cut a police officer with a knife. Tbe officer at tempted to arrest Mnllin for assaulting a citizen. The arcuied is a doserate character, and bas given the police much trouble. The Pinb Bthbbt Riotkuh. Nine of the per sons w ho took an active part In the riot at Seventh and Pine streets on Wednesday night have been held to bail to keep the peace by Alderman Swift. Two others of the rioters, Philip Madden and Thomas Morau, were, by another magistrate. held to bail in tbe sum ot yiuou each to answer at Conrt. Stahhino Avfaih. This morning, Michael Collins waa charged before Alderman Carter with buying stabbing another man in Galfrey's avenue, Seventh and Fltzwater streets. The atlair buppencd lust ni'ht, and was the result of a drunken quurrel. Collins was held to answer. We have ut fab the largest stock and best assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, com prising all desirable styles of goods, front medium price to sunerline. Every one can be accurately titled at once from our stock, what ever be his site or proportions, In garments equal in all respects to work made to measure, at mucn Itncer uruxM. For those who prefer, wo have also a complete assortment of piece goods, which will be made up 10 measure in a sty 10 surpasaeu by none. B avis bit & Co., XOW KH UALI, .iu. 01a aitsiav. IMWA. I'l noLSTvaT. Chairs, Sofas, Curtains, Shades, Carpets, and Mattresses upholstered In tbe very best maimer at Patten's, No. 1408 Chesnnt street. R. B. Da Costa' Wtex India Tooth Wash is the best preparation now la use. Inquire for it get it use it and be your own Judge. Manufactured from pure Wet Indian vegetables. Sold everywhere. M. II. Lkvbtt, Propriet or. LATEST MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CT .BAKED THIS MOBIHfl. 81. Iu St. P.ter. Hpragiic, PonMccila. P. rlnht k Sua.. Ilrlu C. P. llul, Tuple, Ui'llubt, J. K batlay A Cl). bnu at. Stewart, De nnl.ull, Hampton Kuaa. Uo. Kris J LlirT.tal, Uarne., Hafua la liranda, J. UaionatC'o. ling Ida Mcl.aod .Cooi.h. W. . su-U.m Cu. Sclir 1). llulmo., Havawood, Hampton Koads, d". Hclir A. . lituver, Uarmt-r, tteaulutl, do. aeiir.lunatliao Mav, Carter, de. do. frl.r MuonllKtit, Tillhlll, Haltoras I11IM, do. 8dir I . lliruort.t'ruwoll. Kali Klvur, J. If. Mitchell. 8c lir Poliilor, Holme.. ILIIraa, . A. goader A Co. Hchr i.e. Haxur, Price, Uoalou, llaiuiuutt. Van liiu.n IxnS.Biaii. Pi hi l.acon, Bnk.r. Boston, D. Pe.r.on a Co. 8ilir7.eaa.Hui.w.8auUi.Porlland, Schr Osciwla. Ilrowu, Ai.xandrla, NoUio, c'aldw.u Co. Stiir t.'hann. htarr, Wllnilnirton, Captain. Hoar Knoeli, 1 01k. Captain. Hulir Ella, MarUin, New Vork, Captain. ARRIVKO TUJ8 MORNINll. rtrtg Mary H. KonUnd. Buwland, t dafS from Pott Ko-al, It. line klaiy Hwwurt, Iieunl.oa, 4 days from FsrtivM, lo ballaat to. K. Iiatlay Co. lirhjKainia.Foulk, 14 days from OrckUla, with uaao .A H.IhT A S aI.oiii. aehr 8. iiuirur, Moody, t ours from Cspe Aaa. with .ton. ... ......In 8chr Chief. Godfrey, 10 day. from Baogor, with latin lo Bwiion a ro. , . , ... Iis.r II. A. t arnham, Packer, I days from Boitoa, with ic to Konnodv. Htair. A Co. Bclir Olivia, foa, 1 day lrom Odo.ia, IMt., wKh f ram lo StiuJ.L. H.vena, HolllnswaHh, 1 day froa. Doier. Dt iUi riu to J. L. Bw -la A Co. CorreiFovrlcnettftlie PW.)!!! r:l!",tkii.iialil for Port RUi; .ehr. Klllislto for Jnrtiert M onius. Thomas Pa, wuk hay. for vra'"".' and Holm... for rortrew Mo . " w llh iiUi-ri' iiu tl. f Clara Blum. d o"'' n"'i " "" W'"vor.;Ac, AAaoaMAaaaAil, IMPORTATIONS. Ktptritd or I'A immf Ttlt 9 ro pk. Ow nii.i.A-Brl kmma, rualks tou. (aaao Bake FINANCE AND COMMERCE. OvTtca Twa aTvawrw TsvjHieAW, I 1 jrialar, AosaM . . r y There ii more activity in tbe Stock Market thMt 4 morning, and prices are Arm 1 United State 1 bonds are rather better, with sales of 6-20 at) 107C;108, which la an advance ; and i of 1W at 106 cash 1 7-30a are quoted at 106. la Byroad shares thrre is more doing. Fennsylraaia RaU road 10 d at 73 1 Reading at 08f($08j Camden , and Amboy 171 . Little Schoylkill Railroad 4fVj ' Cntawlssa preferred 40i 1 62 waa bid for AfluebiU $ 32 for North Pennsylvania j and 49 for Iatbsj Island; Sustmehanna Canal sold at 20j(930il ew City 6s sold at 106). . . ' Bank Sbaree are Arm, bnl there la yery little doing ; 131 was hid for Philadelphia, A8J Ibe .' Farmers' and Mecbanica', 66 for OofamercisU, 38 for Mechanics', 794 for Western, 55 fur City, and 82 for Consolidation. , There ia a fair business doing in prodoeiag Oil i bares, and prices have an upward teadeocy. . The Money Market continues easy, bat there ia little demand, and the market is dull. Loans arsj plenty on call at 6 if' cent, per annaat. - Tbere la very little doing la geld, but the) market ia firm, and prices have steadily ad- . vanced this morning, opening at 2o7, sold at VA at 11 o'clock, 2!S at 12, and r9 at 124. n , ., L PlllLADF.IJ-aiA STOCK KXCIUHOK AiJtS, AOrt. . Bapomd by Oarhaoa A Co., Brokara, . lli S. Tklrd sta BerORR BOARD". t IllMin it a. si .io 1 mu a, Unloa P.U.... 1 0 . 410 ih Head. It. R..C (WW! PlftHT BOAltn. f ,r....- ', it rtloeoC.B. -... ,107 V irw.h to. 1. MiAiaiens do.. ISIKI0 do.. ....ion o..l;V ....IIIM jt-si .n cu frees, I I.R Kock Oil , 3 341 (il'ssl do. .'isi do mx sne.h Mlncraioil.... ' ' inu.h a Hr to lOO.h do...... lrJ04U4 1 .SCTMW'kA DaLU. 70 I "0 Na. (Jaa abAUlt. t'L , JtiOik ....7" l .......... t.U ys.hCani A Am.,..lTl , ' n Ik eanua H B.... 7S ft IS -h Lit Bk......ak SV V . 300 h Claw. r.,... r.2 ah Oataw. wt. .Jsie t. au.h ktliMhlll ....... 04 I w'vv. n. v, sirf..l(a - S.iti I'sniia 6s HO f unsu'lty ds.B.w..bS.hs. lssrn. sav. .,k- v.i tl I nl.'n IT. Bi.ism 21 tuo do hranx yii.-si ao bo Ti SIHsm do bo II do tllk li ah Raadlns R. R-. SnV 1 lue.k do atvii lUOsk do.. bii HS141 PRICKS OF STiXTtS m nr.m rnnr 11 "f Bport by Clark. ua A (Xk, Bmkora, No. Ul a. Third Mt tnlted State.s.iai.llt.,,''6kid' '"v! tu!i' Itnek l.lai.d HaUroad. .,,.... .. kl -Wm Keadlns kid CT aal. llllnol. Cntral Kailroad bid, I'M nlaa tlalena Railroad 'kid' J tti mm N.w V.rk('nuraJ KaUroad HI V kid , . Jl aM- Krla Railroad UVi bkl , .llJV .altai . Hudson Railroad Kll Did - .. .!' tlold Jtt bid .. 'aalaat t inted Ut. fr-'JO. lORsjtMd K-.H Mail.l Btutly aad dtql. Uoayussd.. New Yoks, August 8. Stocks 'are dulta tileiro and Koek Island, IWXi Cnnbwland tXjai, Slk, III 'noli.L'enUM1. ')! iilchiian H..oU.rn,tlO; S.w Tor It Central. Ill Rradtnr. ;:s V; MuS.oii Klver, lilt,: Caa-otl Co, :'l T.rtr, 112V; Mletiliaw 'mrai,ll; OM- . rortlSeaii ,',; JO Coumhis, I0S V ; t 10 aa, 1WI. i I ooi-oo l, 101. 1 Itefi.Und im, lOoJ, ; Uoid, IOU. . , (.DotaUnns of Oild at Uv PhUadkkyhla ttold JKaskaatal, No. M B. Tlurd stratt, taesnd ttoryi . . 1H A. kt ?r,7( 11 M ......fw, U AM 2hH ,1P.M.........,....... . , Marfrr-t stronir. " 1 Ji Ooo A Cn. quots flevernoMat Botarfljos, Aw., IS)' soon to-day, as fcllowt , . ' tHfttf. Bmmmi U.S. . IKS1 ks.; . , Ik,, U.S. 7 a-10 Not.. Jos io CartUlfat.. of lnliMo.ln...,Kcw M fft - Cjuart.ruia.tar'. Voucters VI , 1 .1 9 (Mil JM . v M ty-M Honda 108 HH Statement op Dhfosits and OorHAoa kt Tits Mist op the United Statps, Philadiuv' l itiA, during the month of July, 1864 : GOLD OBPOUTS. .1 jl ' ' From all sources ,$300,64i 25 SILVER DEPOSITS. Including silver purchases...., ..?t9,97fii?a' . Total deposits.......... ....9140,620 941 . COINAGE EXKCLITD. ' ooi,n. ' T. " J Denomination. No. of Pieoa. K,!uv Double Kagles... 13,600 . 9272,000 04 l'lne liars 20 ' 24,176-9 Total 13,629 , SIX.VMR. Dollars ..14 600 lli. if Dollars ...64.100 quam r Dollars. , , ,- 63,300 . Fine liars 11 f20,176;0 i8'0 Total .... 142,011 LtVJ,443 34 COPPER. Cents .6,m,0M t50l .2,270,000 ; , l 46,400 Two cent pieces. ........ Total 7,030,000 RBOAPITI'LATIOW. - f98,00O ToiaJMcof Phwi. Toal Vahi. Oold Coinage 1.1,829 296,176 tf0 Rllver " 142,011 . i3,43-665 Copper " 7,630,000 , , 98.000 0(1 7,Ca5,640 t67,619-6a The following are the reeeipta of Vlour AikI Grain at this port during tbe pant week Floor. 10,.ri90hbls.Nvheat,37,8O0 bush. 1 Corn, 30,30(1 bush, j Oats, 13,900 bush. The following are the receipts of Coal Oil at this port during the past week : Crude, likyl bills.; Refined, 4320 bhls. The following are tbe inspections of "Flour and? Meal for the week ending August 8, lt4 a riupertlne, 9034 bhls. ; Corn Meal, 630 bbls. Coa detuned, 3 bbls. total, 10,267 bbls. ' Quotations of the piiaeipol Coal and Coal Oat stocks at 1 o'clock to-day r : .1 . , MldAtk., Bid Ait.. Pnlton Coal tt. B MeChotock CHI.... 4M tsf his Mooutaln Coal. 71, 8 'p.rryoil t V S , K. Y.AMKl.Coal..l(l3 JOlj' Mlnaral Oil 1 1J Or.enMt.Oeai..., b t Kcyaloao OU,.,,.. ,. . l2 N ('RrboiH'ate .... i a WinanKOOII V 1 New t-rt.k lie I J. Faloa Palrnfcsaa... 3)1 4 Kstd.r Ham Goal. W 1 .liruauso OH 1 1 (2 CllntonCoal V 1 .Irrlu. OU s 4 Amarlean Kaolin., Si), S Pop Tarm Co) 14 reiiliMli.ini t BnUer eioaJ..... .. l (llrard Mli.luc t Ksy.loo Ja.... iV 2i P.tna Mirtas M 14 lln.inor 7 IM.Ua.aiidlio.isB, .. S .UaWeUOU......... IU ty Mundan Mlnln.... S'i 5 'k.barta ., .. t Maniu.U. ktmiac 4 'Molltaaiiny tl tit (oniieillcat f, IViUlni.Mad 1)2 I Alsar. Iron 1 11 M.ihlrAU.UuiMMr.U - V4 Oil I 7k. IUalaHw.....,.nr .. 1 Alapl. HUad. Oil.. 13 U.V The condition of the banks of the three prin cipal commercial cities of the Union is exhibited In the following table, which gives the aggreg.ikis of tbeir last weekly statements: - N. Y. July M..tlSA.H.'8 4X0 JlA.l.i LNJ U.I kj Phila..Aiii( SII,T77rsM) k wn SSS I.14H IM M- s liostou.AuK. 1. tU.7MIJlli $,!!,! tJllMX liao.lVSJ Total lsl S7S.KA1 10,74.1,744 IS.Itnfl II7rSU,HS4l laat ..... -m.iM D,?S,4J7 Ke, 111 UI lj iMreaa.ln loan. tkos.sS Incrt-a. In .pecle. . ls.S A lStK-re.40 in clrcnlauoa a?ss lucjuaMm la dcpoaiu. Iikva,.. The cash balance in Ihe bands of the Assist ant Tiraanrer in boston, at the close of tmsineHSU .. July 30, was 9H,9o902. a decrease of ,tfiti . as compared with the close of the previous week-' PUILAJkEI-PIIIAY TstABI KKPMtSTT. l "- . Fridat, August A. Cotton bas advaaoedl ' Sales of Middling are reported at 1-09(1 7t i ' -r There Is very little Quercitron Barb. here, aual No. 1 is wunted at .)0 W ton. . . r There Is very little shipping demand for Flour, and the sales reported are l&eo barrels finer Pennsylvania and Ohio, part at U-&0(12 00 tj barrel, and part on terms uot made public. The) sales to the retailers and bakers take a wide range, varying from $9 25 to 12o0, as ta quality. Tbere Is very little Rye Flour hew, and it commands 9-9 4y barrel. In Cora Musi nothing doing to fix quotations. There is not much Wheat coming forward, and not much demand. 8 mall sales of old Pennsyl vania red at $2-40tf2 60 ; new at f2 So(i2 WlH latter figure for Delaware, and 2 rW(t;i-76 fX white. Kye ranges from l-75 to l-i. Com , is in fair request, and 2000 bushels yellow sold at 8 l-73(o l-76. Oats are selling at. B&fe'Wtfc. In Groceries and Provisious but little dolns. Whisky-Tbe demand is limited. Small sale of Pennsylvania and Ohio barrels at f l oO. rsr OFFICE UNION PA8SENGEII RAIU way Company- . .... , IM1 ' A meatlni ofth. Btoekholder. of tlx Uuloa Passi-nt. iwar "" nipw bnul tUl om f Cvui iway J 1.1 ..alimk a. U Kail i.ny .ny, on n.i;? v.-.t;-;, - . , W. H. BEkfltl R, ; auA-et otkia-r Mt4 mtm.,.ti , 35, 47, 48. V!, 30, 3, bo, 17, 70, V, 8, 2. , KxraA CUbS Aiuu.t 6, lfci. ' " . 18,14, 19, 80, iH, 69, 20, 37, 00, 64,28, 31. I Circular, saatky addrwaalns . - . 16. S. mom A Ok-, ' " itemurtj. II OttlrliU Irwtnsr f Ue Mel&y CwUtI Louoryof $&tMAvMt.1fM. - - . j 68, 29, 23, 3, 4ti, 1 1, li, 34, 31. 7". 33, 43. Ema Class a.-Aiivii.l 4,l"'4. 13, 69, 40, 67, 4.'t, 3H, 63, 27, 21, 7, , 1", 6 ., Cirvnlan ssfut bjf addrsMle un' M ,v ', AVK'4 ' J' ( 1 ; . . .ii :-im -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers