%tff oWtte. _ PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17. .. ■ I 7o the honorable Ibontas Jefferson, Esq. Vice President of tie United States of America. When I concluded my last addrtfs to you, I then, fir, communicated to you m; intention to grant you a temporary respite but at the fame time gave you reason to ex pest, that, having convicted you of the rsol unfounded calumny, I should at feme fu ture day, proceed to pass sentence upon yow The performance of a task so unplealan has been rendered unnecelT.iry by an enlight ened public, who, anticipating me, have al ready pronounced their fiat againlt you ; and you are, and for a contidera4le time pa( have been, fuffering- the puniflvment due t< youj; crime. Hence, fir, it is probable tha you would have remained longer unnerii.Pt by me, had it not he-n fcr your puhlicatioi hi the Richmond Examiner, which fomi time past was sent me by a correspondent • and which I find your friends, the Demo eratic Printers, have, wi*h their zeal ufua 011 such occasions, extensively circulated. Your extreme modest v will, I doubt not prevent you from claiming the merit of thi publication to which I allude, nay, poflibly vinced in my own mind that you did wit it ; ana at I am also convinced thit there i not one of your friends or partif.au so los to every sense of decency and propriety a to have written it for you, lam determinec to prevent your reputation from fuffrring bi fore molt certainly consider you as its »u thor in the remarks, which I shall iddrefi to you, upon it. haps be led to conjecture tint the fentiment 1 -- vhicli I entertain for you are not niof fevorable ; however, have but a little pa tience, and I flatter niyfelf that I (hall in the fequelbe able to fatisfy even you yourfelf, Sir that I anj not tu you guilty of injustice, am. every person will allow that to your friend: and partisans I have ffiewn a charity ai bouudlefj as they could decently wish. And now, fir, to oblige yon, as I doub more pltfafu.re than any thing from my pen ami to place before the public, for whom a: well as for you I write, the fuojett of mj future animatlverliens, I shall here give yoi far as it refpedU me as follows, to wit : " With regard to Mr. JefTerfoli, much inveftive has been discharged against hinvon the fubjedt of Logan, the Indian chief,. vty Chester. ■whose talk to Lord Dunmore has been pub- Daniel HeisPtr, jun. Prothonotary, ii lifhed in the. Notes on Virginia. , The at- plate of William Gibbons.■ tack, was made by Luther Martin, of Bal- John Christie, Recorder, in p!ac« o tiinore, and the medium feledteii for the Richard Mannvn. pubdic-uiai* .ai this attack was equally, Berks . worthy 61 the author, and of bis produdtiiMt/; « < n r. I * > >/r -■ a. ji • . • -l jebn Ross. Prothonotary, in place ol .—Martin umured bis remarks into the w -7 . • " v -world by the chahael of the Britilh Gazette ° printed at Philadelphia, under the eye and ' ,:lve not ' Cl^ure 10 make the remarks 1 . upon the rifle of the Bntifh emhaffidi.r, Wl(h 0,1 t! " : ,üb !- a - ' r ° do j ufti « t0 tht This Gazette is perhaps the mod felonious refprilable characters who have beer publication that ever disgraced the Art of 0'fy!""-ed, would open a field too extend-e Printing. In answer to Martin, vve (hall to ' )t; tract J at this time—would exhibit > here quote some detached passages'{rom a "- eß * to ° serious tor momentary refiedtion. letter written by the vice president. This I ft™" °"'y briefly observe that at lead ltftterbears date December 31ft, 1797, and ''of'the gentlenieh who have been re was addressed to John Henry, one of the m'oved, were all zealoully sdl've in attaining British treaty mojority of Senators in Con- independence of America. That they grefs, and who has since been governor of iirnficed their t.me, their money, and rifkee Maryland. their lives and the happiness of their fami "Had Mr. Martin thought proper," fiys ii " s 111 rn FP ort " f American L be-ty. That the Vice President, " to fuggelt to me,that ]"bile Thumbs Mckean was in fatirty fulfill• doubts might be entertained of the tranf. ' n S t ' ,c duties ot a lucrative hat-ion in civil aftion rcfprdting Logan, as Rated in the l'f«—tbofe clwridVrs were Notes on Virginia, and toenqftire on what trough-fields ot, blood pr .jdjtcs;d iu the ground that ftatementwas founded', 1 should hazardous situations in the public h»ve felt myfelf obliged by the enquiry ; cci " nc >' s * have informed him candidly of the ground! ; Shall we wk to tne country and candidly have co-operated in ev<ry ave been rendered by the who are to means of ivrfligatiug the fadt, and corredt- uccet these worthy patriots. Is there ing whatsoever in it fltould be found to be more than who has fmght for erroneous. But he chofit to flepat once the liberties ol the country. " Ob! tmm into the newspapers, and in his publications /"C •' 0 ! Morris !" Where was William there,and the letters he wrote t# me, adoptr arton lt tbe commencement of the rev'olu ed a Ayle, which f jrbade the respect of an tion ''—•'Where whs Tench Coxe wben lord answer.—The (lory of Logan is only related. owc entered Philadelphia ? in the Notes on Virginia, precisely as it had '* almost needlefi here to remark that been current for more than a dozen years be- Vvery one of the displaced. gentlemen wet* fore they were published I learned it at opposed to the eledion of Mr. JM'Kran, and Lord Dunmo't'j, and 1 find, in my pocket- that every one of thole who are to fi.cceed, book of that year, (1774) an entry of were hi» strenuous lupporters. the narrative as taken from the mouth of But, in the name of Heaven, let me alk, some person, whose name, however, is not if party is to be supported by gilts of this noted, nor rec« llei r led, precisely in the kind, re there no worthier ok jedts on w bom words dated to the Netes on Virginia— I to confer them ? G*»ld Governor M'Kcan, remembered that general Gobfon was flill who has been preaching up the «' glorious living, and knew that he had been the tranfln- principles of American Independence" the diately. He, in answer, declared tome, our glorious •revolution can boptf.ir no official that lie was the vety person sent by Lord patver from him,"—could he, I fay, not find Danmore, to the Indian town ; that after among his friends a revolut onary character he had ddiverrd his mefiage there Logan in each county to put into the officers of took him out to a neighbouring wood ; fat those who dare to vote figainft him | of down with him, and rehearsing, with tears, thfcfe who dared toexercife the sacred pr vi the catafirophe of his family, gave him that lege guaranteed to them by the Constitutions peech for Lord Dunmore ; that he carried of tbeir country and pointed out by th« it to Lord Dunmore ; translated it for him ; finger ps wisdom. Could he not find men has turned tolitin the Encyclopedia, as taken more worthy than William Barton, Tench from the Notes on Virginia, and finds that Coxe or Charles W. Hartley. it washis translation I had used, with only From M t corruption and two or three verbal variations of no impor- cWnBC ;% of lieart ood I. ort l deliver us. tance. Thefr, I suppose, had arisen in tlie course REPUBLICAN US. , «*f successive copies.—-It el\ablifhes unijuef- '■»': Port of Philadelphia. hi mfelf who is author of all the important' The /Hip Farmer, captain Gibfon, ef fadts.—General Gobfon indeed fays that the tWa port, is arrived at Reedy Island, 85 title wa« mistaken ; that Crefap was a cap- days from St. Sebastians ; —alfo, abrig from tain and not a colonel. This was Logan's St- Jago de üba. miflake. He also observes, that it was on On Monday evening 6lh inft. the frigates some other water of the Ocean, aivj not on Congress and EfTex, with the vefTels under the Kanhaway, the family was killed.—lf it convoy, set fail from Newport (R. I.) for shall appear on enquiry, that Logan has b*n their dedication, in the Indian Occau. wrong in charging Crefap with the murder of his family, I will do jullice to themfctno ry ofCrefap. If, on tbe other hand, I find that Logan wis right in his charge, I will vindicate, as far as my fufFrage may go, the truth of a chief, whole talents and misfor tunes have attached to him the refpeft and commifferation of the world. 1 feel extraor dinary gratification, indeed, in add reding this let,ter to you, with whom (hade? of dif.. ference in political sentiments have not pre vented the interchange of good opinion, nor cut off the friendly offices of society, and good correspondence. This political toler ance is the more valued by me, who consider social harmeliy as the firfl of human felici ties, and the happiest moments thofo which are given to the effufions of the heart. I am, dear Sir, Yours, See. (Signed) TPOS. JEFFERSON." Here ends your publication, as taken from the Richmond Examiner ; —And here I end my prcfent address to you, dill remaining with all due relpect to you. LUTHER MARTIN. Jan. 7th, 1800. FROM THE LANCASTER JOURNAL. MR. HAMILTON, I v fend you for pirolication a lift of some of the appointments and removals made, by Thomas M'Kean, Esq. Doftor of Laws, formerly Chief Judiee ot the fhte of Penn sylvania, and lately elefted,to the office of Governor of the state, by those who believed him to be a staunch republican, an old whig, }' a man of 1776," a man, who would ce ment the bonds of society and contribute to the happiness of the people —a man who would oppose every principle.of aristocracy bribery and corruption. Lamaster County. The Protho notary's office, tahen frpti)' Join Huhlty and ghcir to William Barton. Teuck Coxe appointed secretary of -the land offis?,. vice Nathan Lul borough. . , Tork'Countj. \ Gharlex IV. Jfartlty appointed Prothono tary in place of John Edit. Mifflin Courtly. ' -7ohn Norris, Prbthonoury, ia place of Mr. Edmiston* • Luterne. Nathan Palmer, Prothonotary, in placa of Lord Butler. Jacob Hart, Recorder,' in place of ditto. Dauphin. I Joshua Elder, Prothonotary, in place of Alexander Graydon. Northampton. J»bn Ross, Prothonotary, iji place of John Arndt. Ftim tie N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. In a new .Smithy paper, in Lon don, called tbe. V rfk.V iJT eK r , BpJJtars 'the following adtfcjrtifcment : . v / Let r> cjudice sleep awhile—£t+cis are ■ '' * stubborn Things. •« THE NEWTONIAN SYSTEM 01 iSTUONOMY UEFuTKI), by Ma a ;IN's"GKand Hit:hAnICAL. bkplat ol the Univkrsi-, which is now exhibitec rvu'iy tiny, (Sunday excepted), at Leicctter house, l.ricrftn-fijuare. This cujious mid lurprifing Macliin< proves the Ntrfctonian, or Solar Syft-n; o Agronomy, to be lunnided in ialfehouti anc error, and points out the.detc<f\s~ot that iyf tem, beywnd all contradiction ; and, by its Mechanical Powers,performs the revolutions of the Earth and Heavenly Bodies, wit£ ac curacy, to a moment of tiiTie ; -it thews, by infpettion,the longitude of the Sui), Moon, of Stars, to any given Meridian of the Earth, to a nule'in dift?nce ; expraiiis the = ifjii Caufc of the Tides'; exhibits D.y and Night, with all tlieir variations ; and the change of the S-sfons, and keeps the- E:trth in its true lituation to the Heavenly Bodies, according to the known fefts in nature." On this advertifcment we take the liberty to make the following remarks.—'l he mean diftanc-e of the fun from the earth js calcu lated at 96 er 98 millions of mild. At this distance, that body whose diameter is estima ted at 890,000 miles, is dimiuilhed to a small apparent size, about 32 mifrutci in dram'pter. —Now, the fixed stars always preserve the fame relatiyfr Situation to each other*.and have the fame' apparent diameter—yet the eartb, in its annflal orbit, muff fee at foine times, 192 millions of wiles.nearer to the fixed franythan at othe* tynej. It is tVn enqtiired why the distance of 96 millions bf mil Vs. reduces the apparent diameter of the fun so as to make an aajjle sf 32 minute# only at the eye fpefVator ; y«l double; thsft di ft ante, 192 millions of miles,. makes no differente in the apparent diameter of a fixed star. How is this fs& ly-ftwitilca ble witb geometrical principles-? ■Philufo phers fay, this is owing to the immtnfe dif tanceof the fixed flats. Is not this repug nant to every known mathematical and geo metrical principle. A. B. KINGSTON, (Jam.) Dee. 7. " Hii wajefty's (hip Solebay, capt. Poy nets, arrived on Monday from a cruize, and brought in as prizes, two F«nch corvettes, one of io(the other of 18 guns, full of men ; a brig of 14. guns.—They were captured off Tiburan, and were from Port au Prince, which place they left tße ioth ult'. for Jamaica" .with ammunition, See. for the forces »f Touifaint, wHicfl at* belieging jacmcl. There are 62 brass cannon, with Carriages complete, in th« hold of ene of the (bips. , " The Admiral Nelfoa wii brough't #O6 off Port Mijrant, by carrying no colours, and was dtfired to strike to therms of the French republic, but captain Manuel thought it better to proceed' to Port Royal. • 14 By the Admiral Nrlfon.we leirn, that a most diabolical atterfipt- was lately made in th« iflana of St. Andreas, to put that, place in the fame confufion fhte at a pfigh j touring colony, by (owe emiflaries, from thejitc, but which was happily, fruft rated. Six ot the ringleaders werf executed, and several others apprehended, one of tb« inha bitants, we are sorry to fay, loft his- lift: «t the onset. The numeipus priv.Ttirrrs', Which now infeft this coast has,put *. flop to tlje rot/ling foreign trade- with tfeii par; of thsj(i*ivt," • Wesnppcse Jenmie. •a CONGRESS/—v '•.•Mr. D. FoQer, imrd ifi _Ctaim», tewlwiti were of job* P|»rt*r, repoVt«Hr tM tb« WwjreM thereof ought iot to The re port wm rend a itconi tia*,' kM taWUI'N4 in by tie Houfr. s A meua;e was received from thr Senate, by Mr.. Otis, tl.eir Secretary," iiifoMn'rti.f the house that the Senate had concurred, hi thebill for the preservation of peace with the- Indian tribes; ind that the Prefidens«<rflhc United States b?>» appproved and fig»ed_a bill, which originated in the Senatl:," fur the relief of p?r!'ou» iraprifotied for debt. Mr. Otis, trom the committee of drfcpce, reported a bill t\>r suspending in, part tbr.aft intituled "An act to augment'thfc army 6f the United States, and for oth<?r purpose's;" winch was read.a firft and second time, a*;ld made the order of the day for to-morrow. Mr. Macon gave notice,. th»t..hf would on Monday next, call tip for coniidecation, the resolution which he had laid pn the tably, for the repeal of the second foftiou of the aft commonly called the Stdition L4lO. v " Mr.. Harper also gave notice, tliat lie would to morrow move for the order of the day 011 the bill to establish an uniform fvft-ni of Bankruptcy throughout the United State?. Mr. Piatt prefepted three-petition's of thr inhabitants of the townfliip of Freehold, in the state of New York, pray ing for 'the eftßblifhment of a Port Office and Port Road • which were referred to the committee ap pointed to consider and report ion *h.v fubjed. - NOTICE, JCT" A Stated Meeting of the Ameri can Philosophic^i. Socirtv will be held at their Hall on Friday, January 17th, at 6 o'clock in the evening. N. B. New Members to be balloted for. Thomas- p. smith, Secry. Commercial Spoliations. | rr <£, ARDS r j' n 1 , r _ i .. ■El£&tisn rcrsont '/ ON making up of their account. to j all Jg „ ( he prefenu-d to the Stockholders of ' HAMILTON't Lnftirance Company of North America .the . \y orm destroying Lozenges, following were the amount of claims, Jan. jo o * .I s th, lßuo—for spoliations on bo„a fide ]" " r , io "« complaint, arinng from worm, and S r y-v from fouluels or obitrudjoiis in the stomach and American property, D. C. bowfU> By British captures, 905.708 55 1 his mcdiciae beam no analsgy whatever to French ditto, 1,619406 43 • others of similar title lb commonly complained of, as operating with a degree of violence, fulikicnt, not only to kill worm«, but fomctimes to endan ger the patient's life; ou the contrary, a peculiar cxchllencc As this remedy is, it* being suited to every age and conftiiution,. contains nothing bnt what is perfectly innocent, and is fe mild in it* operation, that it cannot injure the niofl: delicate pregnant lady, or ths tendcreft infant of a week old, lhould no worms exist in the body ; but will, , without pain or griping, clcanfe the stomach and bowels ol whatever is toul or offjnfive, and th«re by prevent the production gf worms and many Ti/is Evening, January 17, BY DESIRE, Will be presented, (for the fourth time in America) a celebrated new Comedy, in live a£U, CALLED Or, Partnership., dissolved. Wriren by Edward Morri«, Efq and performed at the Theatre Royil, Qrury Lane, wiih uaboundsd applanfe. To which will be added, a favorite Entertain/uetit, (fir the third time here) called The JEW and the DOCTOR. [Written by Mr. Dikdin.]] Performed at tin Theatre Royal, Qovent Garden, fluty «#to> •with diflinguijbed applause. The Managers are indebted to the libe rality of the Patentee, (who favored them with a n.anufcript copy) tor the opportunity ef giv ing to the public this celebrated performance. On account a; the iTew piecei in preparation the above Entertainments will nst be repeated- On Monday, a new Comedy, (never perfoyned in America) called RECONCILI ATION, or The Birth Day, translated from the German of Kotzebue, by I'hamas Dibdin, author of The Jew and DoOor, Five Thousand a-Year, &c. and aftad-i-t Covent Garden The atre, with unbounded applause. 1 S A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, _ ■will in the course of a few d»yt, make his firft appearance in the cjilrafter of Pierre., in'thfc favorite Tragedy of " Venice Pre served." I VIVAT..RESPUBL ICA. Notice is herjby given, Tiutthefol lowingarrangemeßts are made by the Board for the more effectual cleanfirg »f the Cty : District No. I. Nicholas Hicks, from the north fide of Vine, to the South fide'of Mulberry street. , a. ftugh Roberts from the fouthfide •f Mulberry, to the loath fide of ' Chefi.ut ftree;. 3. Jofcph Claypoole, from the foath fide of Chefnut t* the Couth fide of Spruce street. 4. Isaac JoDC>, from the narth fide of Spruce to the fomh fide of Cedar ftrtet. ' vi When.'any PUMPS ire out of order to the Couth wvd of Higlj Ctfeet, applj.. t<i Thomas Dixey, in fifth flew Crtar i'frrtt, or'Oyjdfrey'Oebler in Fourth between Chefnvt and Walnutltr«et« ; and for the northern part ef the city tp Isaiah Dixey in Eighth between SafTafrai acd Vine ftreeti ; Nicholoi Heifi in Fifth rear Vine street, or to eirher of the Cty- Commiffioneri. Meeting* of the CoDin iflionrrn on every Tues day afternoon, J o'clock,-it the Old Court House. Janoaryl7 3avrlw. Holders of Military Land Warrants. ZACHARIAH BIGGS JQHN MATHEWS OFFER their fervicrato the holders of m litary land warrant*, to make the location on the 17th of February next, arrecably to the adver tifemtr.t of tjie Sccrftafy so( the Treafiiry of the , United States, relative thereto. _ Thry will re ceive a lets quantify of warrants than for four thou fafld acres, and arrange them with other", so as to .Kioßiplrte that rvJniVr (which makes a location or qua*ter> townQiip) and have them regiflered.— I}i«y eaeh.furveyej a di3ri£t of the military-traA, and ha-te since explored the interior parts' of the to\wtffhip« and fiSinns and will be able«o d fign ate with precision, the preference in th«s choice of the fever al locations oKquarter townthips throu^li o#t the whose body'of the military lands—One teeth part As the lnul will he demanded for making the location, &c. taken by lot in /uch man ner that th: .r proportion of a fe&ion or quarter townlhip will lie tnjethrr. For further particu lar* enquire »l the fubferiber, at No. 9,/o.uth Fifth fl"cet, two doors above the Secretary of state's sHkc, where fafisladtory general information rela tive to the army Jaws may be obtained. V • JOHN MATHEWS. Janna»7l7. " 1 Jtawjw United Slutes; ~ jjp ' v Peunjybvama Dljlrift, j Notice is hereby given, T" a Special Biftnfl Court of the United States will be holdcn at the City Hall, in th* city of Philadelphfa, in and for theJPen t.fytyay :• dillri<9, or Friday the jlft'xJay of ivur.ry j .,llam, at (en o'clock'.'fM Mr the rial u'. au inlbrriiation filed ky William R-vwle, Hfq. attorney of the Uuitcd States in and lor the laid diflriil, against I C:t(k, and . . 3 tloglhejds Spirits, diililled at a distillery within the city of Philadel phia, and removed from the fame without being firft branded or narked according to law—where fote the fsaie have been Teized as forfaited- By order of court, D. CALDWELL, Clerk Dift. Court. January 18, j"8oO' NOTICE. / to all persons who own unseated Lands in Franklin County, State ef Pcnnsylvan : a : THAT they come forward and pay their r*fp«&ivc- Taxes, t tie re is H number of years now-due) to PATRICK .CAMP BELL, Esq. Treifurer for f»id County—li they do not, we tfifl be obliged to proceed to make sale of the in acrrceafcfy to law. James Irvin, 1 Jojin Hallidat, ICom'rs. Nathan M'Dowel,J Adjourned. > i '«•»</»■. Commits? oner's off re, ? Cbomlcr'lntrf'brj'en. I, r8o«. 5 I*^3™- NEW THEATRE. THE SECRET -, City Comm'iJJioner s Office. January r, 1800. TH a 4» 2,525,10+ 8 Selefifd from several hundred*, the authenti city of which, anyperfoji may ascertain either .by letter or personal application—not being performed in Europe, nobody knows where— AFFIDAVIT, MICHAEL DUFFY, relUßrg at No. 47. Wilkes street, Fell's point, in the city of Bal timore, voluntarily maketh oath, that the fol lowing ftatemcnt is just and true. In the beginning of May last, my three chil dren, a boy of seven, two jjirls, the one (We and the other three yearmf were taken very ill, nearly at the fame time, of a common fever* as I then fuppnfed : but was f.lOll con vinced the disorder wascaured by worms -they were frequently troubled vith convullion fits, and violent darting* in their fl-ep, and with al mod continual vomiting and purging, particu larly the youngest. I made immediate applica tion to 2 phyftcian of the firft reputation, and his medicines were admiilifiered with a confi dence of fvccefs which only encreafed our dis appointment. The children grew daily vrorfe, : aniLJ.'W.*i lb(blutJCl>C.«jthoßt hopes of their re covery. The youngett soon appeared almost devoid of animation, and scarcely an inhabitant los this world In this difirefiing moment, I was told that Hamilton's Worm Destroying Lo zenges had performed mar.y cures in cases e tJuStWy defperate —I immediately purchal'ed a bo*, and gave eich ps tlsem a dose, \hich in a few hours produced the mod desirable eflfedls; the eldest voided a great numktr of very large worms, and the second thousands of small ones, many of them not a quarter of an inch long—in the yr ungeft they seemed to be consumed, and had the appearance of ftii.s and of slimy mat ter. I repeated the dose agreeable to the paper of direflions, and they all speedily recovered a good ftateof health winch they (till enjoy, tho* five months have nearly elapsed fincethey were qh the borders of the grave, and the death of the whole appeared tp be inevitable. Sworn before me this 26th day of Septem ber, 1799. J> SMITH. x • LETTER From Mr- "John J. Abcrcromby, Soaf> and Can dle Manufaßurer, Ao. *B, Bridge Street, Baltimore. TO THE PROPRIETOR OF Hamilton's Worm" Octroying Lozenges. San, OSober a», 1749. I think It my ntity to inform you that f have experienced the happiest effefls from your La -2 nges, having been much afflifled for four yeiirs pafl, with various complaints caused by worms, particularly a constant pain in my tto mach and bowels, frequent and severe head ache, with a general laflitute and weakness du ring time I bad the bei' medical advice j that could tie obtained from the mot ikilful ' phvficiansl could hear of, both American and 1 European," with ut any alleviation of my dif ! order. I Should, too probably, have continued with out relief, but for your Worm Deftrcying Lo tenges, which brought from me an ailanithing quantity of small white worms, about she size of a coarse thread, and ia a fhoittfme, I found ' my fell perfeftly free from all my former com plaints, and have enjoyed a good Rate of health for five months past. I I have constantly recommended vour medU cijjt, and (hall as long as I live, having, from, my own experience reason to believe it tJ» bean invaluable and unparaloll'd r<medy. Should • any person w-ifiifor further informational will with pleasure fatikfy their enquiries on this fub je&. JOHN ABEitCROMBY. Sir. July 10, 1799. I had been along time affiiiled with a violent and gnawing pain in my stomach, a dull, heavy, continual headache, with a frequent swimming iB m " held, accompanied with dimnels of fight and femeiimes partial blindness arid was ren dered incapable of attending my business, thro' loft of ftrengtli i fametimes could fcartely eat a morsel for two or three days ; when my appe tite wovld fuddenjy become aftoniOiingly vora cious. I firmly believed myfelf to be in a con sumption, which mull soon put a period to my life when happily hearing of several cures per formed by Hamilton's Worm Destroying Lo zenges in complaints Which could not Vie account ed for , I took two difes, whieh expelled vi in credible number %f small (harp pointed worms: in fliort, I.now enjoy as pc fefl health and 1 Artngth, as ever I -Jid in my life, and I believe mv ewe to be entirely effedled by means u." your inedirine. .... ' >My brothfr witnelfing its surprizing efficacy \ was induced to take a dose though in tolerable health, which occjfioned him likewise to voia l great quantity of worms of tb* fame kind, and thereby probably prevented his experiencing those dreadful disorders with which I was as ' fiifled. ' A sincere di fire that others in similar circum ftanre- may leceive the;, fame benefit, is the rca fon of my lending you this account. Yours, very refj eflfully, AQUILA GOLDING. Hartford Read, » miles from Baltimore. OBS ERF E. 1 Those whoVi(h to avail themfelve* of the be nefits proposed by the ihove remedy, Ihould be r particularly careful as they value their money and their health, to guard igainft the numerou» r impositions dai v attempted on thepublic. by ap * plying to Mr; Wm. Y. !?trch, Stationer, No. t 17, Sroih Second Street, \vh" is appointed the [t only vender in Philadelphia—Likeu ife oblerve that none can he defended on being genuine, unlets the Hgnstureof Lee & Co. i« padtdon the oiitfide of each. Purchasers by the dozen or groce wfll recei-, a hanifome allowance by application to Lee and Co. Market Arret, Baltrascrc. Jan'ary tj l»wt£ ia ■'% • REGENT CURES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers