ttto of MlUftU Js>t&tto s AND t. ' ... ■ - ■_ . ■ . . -■ Nvmbmp i2Ba'.]- •' ' ,-W •'->- £ 1-i I.■£+&&* PItI A, "M'ITRSDAf EVENING, JANUART i 6, iSoo. " * • [tow. XVII. - -v — —— ■ • r • " '- Irl „, liinimiinnin-Iliniiiitiiri ■•! ■ "" i hmw.. h.mhimii • wt'i m— ■I ■ ■■■ p-f The prict oftbis Gazette is Eight \ NOTICE. ' Ptl AT3/.IR A WINE, Uh'CFiving School. PROPOSALS ■ Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing Qj a* excellent sjaiity and good .Age, A*R. BECK having hew.solicited by many of in» T «o v *t ,nn ' .1 •. 1 r nun i lAklrt All nt-hpr* 4i,»' A. i>h VtfW havtng Demaeds again ft the « I J.YI. his lrtends to engage m a Drawing School, HISTORY OF THE LIFF ,ntbe at, of Philadelphia- AH others Jay f SAA , L (ML£ £ U te of rhi to bl aOM>, • take. *. lib.rty of teaming them and the pub- «rW one Dollar additional, for enclosing ana Of- deceased. are d«fired to produce them iof By the pipe, quarter calk ar left quantity* lie that he intends opening one at his house in ■, . OUV reeling; end unless some person in this city and tbofe indebted thereto ta make M. to-, South Seeond Street fi !th sit e the State, house y»rd, ; on p-iA- -i, «... will become answerable.for tbe subscription, immed'atc payment tj Dcccml.Lt ii dim Monday the 4th of November, on the fallowing OH-iJKVjii W AbH II>V.jTO.N, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. SAMUEL F.MI.EN, ~) p yecltors< '~™ S ' ~ , , n . K ~ Commander in Cbief of the American Armk, durimn our J . ' .... j r THOMAS MORRIS, 5 KNiRAVING, r«**m*ry wMGr* Britain, h*> * # * A 1 Subscription Will be received so • . , j ' , Dols. dent of the United {states, ur.d!tr.ce Lieutenant Gent. a shorter term than six months. Philadelphia, ist mo. tph, .800 „ TRENCHARD o WESTON, from three till five, per quarter 9 rat of tbe Army. J ' (->en r khrnen, irom naif palt 5 till halt pafl 7, 9 ' " NOTICE. in TH E FOLLOWING ctt EE, viz Private l.effons, at hon.a f»r one hcur, I By JOSEPH SCOTT, TOWN Mil lER Tunr. *y»TRAIT and L.irdfcap#, Maps,Charts,Bill* From h <>me, two hours, 3 Author of the Modern Dictiouarv JOHN MILLXjK, junr. . person , ; n , , ijt =a to ,he Eftat, of CAP Fof Kxchange and Pron.iffory Notes, Type and ■ PERSPEGITV E, in f~r vol„.,oLo No. 80 Dock, near intra st/eer, TAIN FITZ PATRICK,, mi- Wood Cuts, Seal Cuttings, Jewellery and Silver eflemial ground work of all kinds-os drkw- _ HAS FOB SAI.E, riner deceased, are reqveded t© make immediate work, &c. Every article i;i the above line will be »>g, taught by a much more Gmple Md fliort nn* thevariom raethod* which different GofTaes. payment to the fubfertben; and those who have executed with neatneft and iifpatch, and on the thod than hitherto pra(9ifed. \J wr|t , rs sue tQ conye , . Mamoodies, ar.y demands againA the said cftau are requested rao a rfafonable terms by applying at the south knowledgp to mankind, Biograply stands con taffatiey, co furmfitthejr accounts for fettlemeut to ' ' a w- i , the firft. There i s rone more c» ~.,..1 n,#p»c P* FF.RRALL, Ex»cutor c . 11 1 11 1 a « perionjado houie work; also a boy to at- interelting—none mere inflructiveand entertain ;t ' THOMAS M'EUEN,$ EX - Cnor - 'ttcuded«. ♦ tend the family'and take caie ot a horle. ing. |fSd January ij, .800. '¥ . November , 7 . ha.e. by exalted vnfues, ,;,d n/.b), ,nd UNSEATED LANDS.. BUILDING LOTS, LANCASTER STAGES. ~ The foreguing w,U be fold very low m «der W _ T0 B . LET 0(J grouND RENT. _ roding hand of tyranny, have in all ages been Al>Jo ' -pHE owners of Unseated Lands in Allegheny SEV'EN LOTS, r TPHE Proprietors of the Philadslphri.ind Lan- c <>nfidered th« mot coteruhling, in'lructive, 1 now PineAflPl OF * County, Pcßnl. lvailia, are hereby notifi sd, r TPON Seventh ftrect, between Chefnut and carter line of Suges DISPATCH, teturg. tln ir lm po*'a"t to mankind. They afford ex " ' " J ' that unlets the Taxes due on said I.ands for the U . Walßkit flrfets. Thefelstj are in a neighbor- grateful thanks to their friends and the public in irn P'* ; a "d exampie is more poweriul thsn (jtfTftClU \jOOUS, Years ,795. 1796, 1797, and 1798 are paid into liood"*here large improvements are carrying on, general, for the past favors they have rec*ived, and P r erept it Itrengtheiis, by a plain and easy Pnitable to the We'fl India Market; the hand;, of Jih'n Wilkius, Elquire, Coauty and Property cowrequently much ißCieafing in inform them that in addition to the regular Line, oWa'ogu-al rtafening, theprinciple* fit Received by the Fair An«rican from Hamburgh. Treasurer. on of before tin xoth day of February value, ''here is alfe a large qu intity o building are provided with Carriages,fober andcartful ,h ' : timid, determines and fj*e» thoi'e that are Oflobcr »?. Dent, they will be advertised sot fait as the law materials likely to be ready for sale near the spot drivers, to go through between the City and v-avermg, and ultimately lays the baiii llftt ' directs. in a (bort time, which circumstances reader these Boroßgh in two days. Those who prefer this mode harmony and coincidence of sentiment jmor.g P FKFICHT or CHARTFR Ebenei'er Denny ~t Lou an objeift well worth atttention. Also to let of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage thtcitizeus; from which only, a nation can For Europe or tht Weft »ndi*s/~ ' William Dunning, t Commissioners. Three other Lots, PMadeSia"' ***** - t" r' ,nd THE SHIP James Robinson, \ upon Seventh street, Market and Arch PMadC^' a ', n n .. . - Imprefled with l.vely fennments of the emi- PACIFIC, * p . J T ~t \r \ „„o , m flreet,, and near .he Mint of the United States. Slough, Down,ng, Dunnvoody U Co. nent virtues 0 th« d,fi, Bg uilhed lIEHO and o.!™ „.L Pittsburgh, Booenritr J, 1799- 3™' For f ßrthe r partkolars please to apply to the }°- t 2t ~J PATRIO T, the of whofc life I have i PERKINS SALTER, M a«r. Sublcnbers at tkeir Office, I*>. I«4, South Fourth, ——~ • u "dertakei» to wnttt; it was nortilfaftex mush She is a staunch good 1 AKE NO I ICE, near Spruce !!reu. Huntingdon CoUTItV *Toxes rc fie«'t>; I "solved on issuing thefepropofals. I well fitted, burthen about application is made to the %lk BONSALL & SHOEMAKER. •> The following conMtratioss induced me to aooo barrels, and ready to -eeetve a cargo 1 thf states, for the renewal of j anH »ry 10 . eodiw. „ . . ~~ f .. .■ . th " ! f'V 1 ' hav ' n P obtained in the course of an trtu T H, rott ov„ 6 ' ° n K r Pal1 " lg V rom AmtnC ' 16 L ° ndon ' VALUABLE LANDS «»; i^reaf,.««,«, Vy adUrtifement for ftle if ™ MAVB FOM SAL, Eg. mll h offered /ar sale , at the Merchants A parcel of Havanna Molasses, m favour of Samuel £thndge, Coffee House in this city, between tbe street. I' b T ""'l Old Madeira Wine, WILLINGS & FRANCIS. hours of six and eight »n tbe evening of . It is hoped the owner, of such land who reside th c in:.-reft,,.c trarfa liTe'Ynce Ground Gingv, ? Oaober 4J , d3m. , the twenty-,econd of March » "Commander I Builington roiiCj occ. l*c» *.— > • ■ ■ ■« next, chief ot our revolutionary arinieffj are very im« November 21. NO 1 ICE. In the County of GLYNN and State of lOHN CADWALLADER. perfectly recorded, and little underlined; yet ' GEORGIA —all pateited in trafls January 11 ' "d6t t ' le S r,a,fr P art °f ttlem being frsth in the me- TUIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, ALL perfoni indebted to tbe Estate of of i°oo acr«». . : 1_ mories of many, this must be the fittefi time to AKD SOLD Tabob Thomas, of WafhtngrtM ill the 7,000 Acres at the conflience of Frederica Far Sale or to Let, [ ly them ; before a succession of objects, By R. AITKEN, No. 2I Market Street, J .. „ , decenfed are reque'fted and Turtle river;,snd head of St. Si- « , ' . 0 tt r uL X brin g s forth, wears ofi the / and State of Kentucky, decenled, are requeued mon's found, nearthe town of Brunf- A large convenient Stone House, mmnter crcnmftances There are many of by w. YOUNG, eormfr of Chefnut to make immediate payment—All wit k. \T7irH a large Entry and four Rooms .n a these circumstances important and intcreftiug ; and Secqnd Streets, having demands agamii laid el ate are - jg 4jooo Acres on the witeri of the great and VV floor, about half an acre of Land adjoin- as 1118 " n, Y er tal!y acknowledged, that great ac n~<i . I Bred to fornilh.their accounts legally sf.elt- little Satilla rivers, and of Bbffaloe ing, situate in Buftleton on the nsw road to New ti°ns, like immense rivers, flow from Imall be- J nCrmOmCtriCcll > cd to JACOB R£EsE> creek. York, about eleven miles from Philadelphia. ginnmgs. Bci*g a Series of Experiments and Observations, tending Administrator. Near thc ibove dcfcribcd traftis. For teims apply to ths fublcriber in Buf <otrove, that by afeertaining tbe relative beat of , flWolwr a I I7QO. 25,000 Near the above deftrihed tractl. tlcton. *tTWDItIOKS. tbe sea water, from time to tine, ' " ' ' ' »80,000 Acres on the watets of the great Si- THOMAS EAUfc. i. Ike Life of General Washington widl The paflage of a- (liip thro' the Gulpb Stream, tilla and Ahtahama, Nfi. Who ofiFcti f-.- ftLc, several BMng Lots, eontair." nearly 400 pages oftavo, printed and from deep water into foundings, N O 1 It. h. *47,000 Acres on ihe faipe wlters. pleafanrly fitnated in the village of Buftletsn. on fine paper, and in a style of elegance u.» b- rtifrn«,.red in time to avoid danetr; al- ~ JC ,OOO Acre, on the water.of the great Sa- December 11 «, 3 w equal to any work that has appeared from rhooth (owieg to tempeftuoui weather) it A LL persons Indexed to tht T«om A! . „U».. _ an American press. 1.. rn imir rhi? lead WtL.on, l«e of Southwark, deceased, ate cn,ooo Acres on the waters of little Satilla and TO BE SOLD, TT T ... , p . , n^-" oWrT^c -heavenly iodiei. " »" requested. to make immediate payweut to the Alatam*h» rhr««- ml B«ft'al«e creek. Qr Rented for a term »f Years, V. r' , e eni cllllhed w,th a ftnking ,-r r ■ fubftribcrs, and thofa who have any demands « 0 ,000 Near the above described tracts. . ukenels ot the General, exetuted by one Ex,raSedfrom tie Amnean M.lfobual TrarfaHn,, again st are r *qu«ft*l W fu.nilh their , n tbe Sut£ of V IRGINIA-all patented. TWn o TO T? y RRTPK" HOTTW TTT ° f artists ' " i. . WITH accounts for lettlement. 44,000 Acrt* ii, the county of Bath, on both BRICK IJI. Subscribers* names will be annexed, as AUDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. Giles ■ f Green Briar river, subject to L With a Lot thereunto belonging, patrons. » Gad hd.s them that help tbemfelves." JOtL W. WILSON. to ,000 acre, of prior surveys, in - QITUATE ia Duck Creek, Cross' Roads IV * Each fubferiber is to pay two dollars, Gad helps them that p Mr Rubari _ No • f»uth Frtmt eluded within the said 44.000 acres, b Kent County, Sta:e of Delaware, fronting one half on fubferibing, the remainder on . , eovw "yo HAS. to lkH, ul c ". c u ! vC 0 1 on the Main Street, there are on the lower t^ e delivery of the work. tit r»TT QTiPFC A BRICk S 1 AR! ' 41,000 elft fide oVt'hrCoJPafturi rive" and W trfin((hia * *CP Subscriptions in tbis citv are re- NEW LINE OF STAGES SuflU*„tl, b*. to contain and on both fide, of the Waggon c e Ua r under ,he whrU BuJdSJ.Vßri'rk k&h' eeived No ' Arch do ° r t0 To New Tork, P rj \r . Road leading from the A arm Ving. en a , ura|r(rf good Water, with a Stable, Car- 'he north-west corner of Eighth street. !,,r' <r For Sale or to Let. . # t0 hu,mt,>n V fu V CC ' " aWa ' d '° riaee House anil Sheds, Ihe whole Improvements Philadelphia, December 30. eoaw By tbe fborteft and most pleasant road—passing A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. .<ose acre, prior .Win go, d repair. Th, Seat is well calculated : through Frtnktord, Bultleton, Newtown, Noy dtf . ooo Awe. m the countyof Randolph, on f ur clth S t - a Store or Tavern, the latter of which Jnst Published, and for Sale ■ By JHHN MO T- N °- 3 s "k THE SWIFTSURE tor * PLA \ 7 "" J " "°°°VcSfSJL.M.j«. 1 fSiTH BENJAMra St." .. . „ asaforeiaid to cooc acres prior lur* ' ~ ~ ... THE UNITED STATES ftam from the Green Tree, No- 50 North Grift Mill and Plantation, vey,. | wotth the at«n ,on of any perlon to Fourth Street, at 8 o slock every morning, and . , ' OEV . KVtVAWn purclwle or rent. LUUKI (^ALLrsDAK, • . »J-„. Vr,, !, carlv the re-ri pvpniDO- CITUA TE in Salem county, Upper Alloway a In ANIA arrives at New York early'thefining. creek , ownmip , about Bx mile, from the town • 60,000 Acre, in N-irthumberimd couuly, fur- further apply to the Sub- . ZJLJ) *nd rnv„«pS «f Stto, ..dablt •« ..ikapd .h,lf H«. veyed and returned. fc.iber at the atorefaid place. GENTLEMAN', day (.tin ay. ; landing on Alloway's creek, where (hallops con- 46,800 Acres in Northumberland county, fur- JOHN CUMMINGS. Complete Pocket Companion, Faro 'for palTen trers 5 way palTenger. lUntly%ly to Philadelphia The Mill has two veyed and returaed. . January 8. iaw,m For the Year* our Lord - p . . nafT-ntrer allowed i ±\h wUcr wheels, (over-lhot) two pair one 40.400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and 1800 6 cents per mde. palTniger allowed « 4 lb of whichare Uurt . T he bolting and hoisting g«r ready lo be returaed. „ of baggie. One hundred and hfty weight of , . WJter) JI1( j attßC hcd to the MiU is a large * , t , r One Thousand hve Hundred containing baggage to pay the fame as a passenger. Kiln for drying corn, built upsn th most ap- *§* For tht greater p s rt of the purchase DOLLARS ' y K ° W " * All baggage to be at the rifle of the owner, p rovec i plan; the whole mill work and bolting money a liberal credit will be allowed the pur- q >,• , •, . Belides a great variety of articles unless insured and receipted for by the clerks c | ot h,, & c . have lately been either made new or chafers, givirg unquestionable security. \A/ -i? deilve '' f d to the FOb 1 MAS- (Combining utility with entertainment), «f the different office,. Rate of insurance one CO mpUcciv repaired. ' The plantation confifls of Persona wifljing particulai information will VV TER here, in the Post-Offick, Not to be found is any publication whatsoever per cent. one hundred and fifty acres of land. I'he build- pleafu to apply at No. 41 Arch ftrtet, where 011 tlie evening of- Tuesday the 27th ult. ih A /) tl r *s* Addlv to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 ing« exdufive of the mill house and kiln, arc a the patents and drafis, and also certificate, of a LST'I'EH directed to Mr. John Mills, „ . , , North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and to large dwelling house, a barn, liable., corncr.b, the quality ol the Georgia and Laads Mfrchanf( Baltimork, containing two Complete and authentic .ills of the WILLIAM VANDERVOOKT, No. 48 &e &c - , are deposited ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTESNo. ARMY and NAVY. Courtlind Street, N.E. comer of Greenwich {!? For particular in for nation apply to THOMAS FITZSIMONS, in favour of William Tailor and (Carefully rrvifed at the refpeilive Offices; J Street, New York. RICHARD WISTAR, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, ON£ fflOU- January 3- eodtf No. n 9 Marht Street. JEREMIAH PARKER. saSju nhl I AIK ,Ll AT. a correct flatements of the NATIONAL DEBT, j r ~ * Deoember tuth&la6w Philadelphia, Jan. 7. iawtS 1 f-7 / p pr ' 11' a v. and tne To tbe Holders of vour ot John F. I'leaumts, and ANNUAL RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, " Twenty Do l lars Rewa nl. DRED DOu' %ibfcriber haviiie latelv returned from T *T' W<// at j be J* 1 * _ p AN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York SUPPRESSED in a' POST-OFFICE, and N. B. The Calendar, notwithstanding T viewing the land lurveyed and appropri- a'n'i rth°FroGlutei™ 1 73|r) '''' ; County,a negroman, named 7.5,1>1C, otfeer- t j ie BANK NOTES taken out as the the vast variety of its contents, is very fnaall in ated to 'and warrants, secretary at war, to the officers and soldiers of I : inches high, ha. a blraHh in hi. eyes, ,iore write MOLESTED, or ROBBED. eft manner, and may be carried very convent- fi"'},";'. &r«; genteel accommodations,rr e ""'"'s m 1,01 " Chester county, Penrifylvama, who he lelt on For several Gentlemen, coat, almost new, a sailors jack«t and pantaloons requested to watch the circulation of said the land, and who with the afliftance of an iln- North Sixth Street printed fancy cord, a lwaiifdown striped under notes, and nop theui ; and any person giv- LOTS t»lligeiit inhabitant of that county, will spend 1 ' 3y« c • acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse ing such inlorniatioH as will lead us to our . . five months in exploring the different fecHonj. January 10. dtf. ftiirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ni(t neT, shall have FIVE FIUNDRED P. °- H n . He take regular notes, descriptive of the ditto flriped border, a blue Persian under jacket nni i auo reward A NUMBER of Lots in the city ol « alrnng foiL. filiation, aud natural advantages attached TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up "* lA ton > ,h f titles Bf which are uiiqueftiona- . to each feilion in the whole survey—which notes faiJ negro and lodges him in any jail in this Or any WILSON . A ANN. ble,tbeirfituation. various, (ome ptetty contiguous will be placed in the hands of the fubferiber pre- T) AN AWAY on Saturday evening tbe 13th of the neighbouring ftatcs (ball have the above re- Fredericklburg, (Vivg.) Sept. 10. to the Capitol, are offered vious to the period for locating, thereby ena- IV July inllant, from Culebrook Furnace, ward or reasonable expsncesd brought home. _ rou sale. bling him to make the most advantageous lo- Lancaller county, a Negro Man named Cato, JOHN BRIEN. ICT" All Printers in the United States, For viewing th.- Plots and tor terms, apn yto cations the priority will admit. he is about 40 years of age, five feet fix or fe- Spring Forge, Oilober 13,1799- are reWfted. to publish the above, and we '""""tr SaoEMAKta, Heoffers hisiervice to the holders of land ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down N.B. As said ne.;ro formarly lived in Chester 1 No. 114, south fourth street. warrants of the above description, throughout iH look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, county, it i, probable he may return there. ""' 1 " ' ; Pbila.Jdn. 1, 1800. the United States, to receive their warrant., class a gre ar liar, and very fond of strong liquor, November 5 1 , , wo , Gentlemen with their fer- 1 „ ' , * them, (as no lels quantity than 4000 acres will has been broutht up to the farming bufmcls, if » j , . , ... . . For Sale, or to Let, be regilterd at the office of the treafurv) have very handy at any kind ot laboring work ;he Three UntS Reward. 1 ,ants n«y be accommodated with Lodg.ngs _ ; f ttrem registered agreeable to law, aud attend to took with him a number of clothing, amongst 1) UN away from tli« Subscriber on thc evening ° ooms ' a °- A tWO story Brick H , make the location at the the time appointed in which were, one suit plain Nankeen; (tome of tbe 28th inft. a bound Servant GIRL, 3 • • ... Situate on DuleJlreet, or Artulery !ani,f.i the Northern February next. money). It isexpeiSed he has shaped his course named Efisabeth Howekel, had on and took with November 27. wustf Liberties, Fot tranfafling the bufintfs, oae tenth part for Philadelphia or New York. her three different changes of garmei* and money, of the land fpecified in thc warrants will be re- •+* The ab ove reward will be paid for fe- P™ud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any per- Lodging and. Breakfast, 1 fa . ch ' a h f n '!» fur ggiiSS =S? ;: = ; lAMES E. SMITH. Colebrosk JuljiJii *799 : fJofben TowßlbipfCheflar County, July 19. No. 18 north Fth ft t. saw.fiw. Sept<:nleri mvrftf. ' (Qjß) " <36m august 6 3 a wtf November 16. .i, i ' r 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers