7 \ . /. . . I * of & an » Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. "7 11 .1,,. 1. . . i. 1 '■ '■. 1 •>— - 1 _ij 1 _...... n . j_i V;..!. 1 A-vmbzp 2183.1 ' PHILADELPHIA, F\U.)\Y EVENING, JANUARY ,7, ,800. {VOLO*,* XVII, JC7* The price of this Gazette is Eight £ Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing m the city of Philadelphia- All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless some person in this city mill become answerable for the subscription, ' 'it must be paid Six Jlj.vLs in Advance. *„* No Subscription will be received for •3 shorter term than sir myitis. . JOHN MILLER, Juor. No. 80 Dock, near Third street, HAS FOB SAUt, Co flats, Mamoodies, > TafTaties, , Striped Dorcas, Tang lbs, Patna and SantipoW Han I kerchiefs. The foregoing will tie fold very low in or Act to elofie t*!es. * A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, Surttble to the Weft India Market; deceived hv the Fair American from Hamburgh. October »5. . _ it 1 |if Fsr FREIGHT or CHARTER, For Europe or th#*Weft Indies, .a- TH£ SHIP *sHr pacific, j PERKINS SALTER. Msfler, C jyjfr, She is a staunch g:'od Ship, T well fitted, burtbvn about j«oo barrels, and ready to -eeetve a cargo ■n Hoard. T for terms applv to WHARTON ami LEWIS, t Ho 115 South Front street, tt'ttO H4VV FOH SALP, A parcel r,f Havanna Molaffcs, Old Madeira Wine, ' Ground Ginsjex, \ BwTitijjton Pork, fee. &c. November 21. dtf THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, AliD SOLD By 11. AITKEN, Na. 22 Market Street, «Hb By W. YOUNG, corner of Chefnut and Secgnd Streets* Thcjynometrical Navigation, Bring a Serifs of Experiments and Observations, tending Upr we, that by afcert dining the relative heat of the fem water, from time to time, The paftage of a l!iip thro' the Gulpb Stream, ana from deep water into foundings, May be difcoverod in time to avoid danger; al though (owing to terojnftyous weather) it ».»y so heave '**4. or o'.;l t rye the heavenly bodies. LxtrcCledfrom the American Phil.fophisal Trtnfafllons, Vol. 11. and lU. mi ' ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. " God helps them that help themselves." Poor Richard. January s. eo^w ~NEW LINE OF STAGES To New York, By the (horteft and rtv>fl plealant road—paflinj through Frankford, liuflktnn, Newtown, Pennington, Millstone, Bout.dbrook, Union Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and New ark THE SWIFTSURE flirts from'the Green Tret, No- so North . Fourth Street, it 8 o'clock every mcrn.njr, and arrives at New York early the next eveninj. From New York it ftar'.s at 9 o'clock every day ( Sundays excepted) and arrivea at Phila delphia, early the »<xt evening. Fare for paftengers $ dollars,%w ay passengers 6 cents per mile. Each passenger allowed 141b of baggige. One hundred and fifty weight of biggige to pay the fam# as a pafferger. All baggage to be at the rifle of the ownsr, unless inlured and receipted for by the clerks of the different offices. Rate of insurance one |>er cent. Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 N ith lourth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERVOOkT, No. 48 Courtland Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich Street, New York. January 3. eodtf To the Holders of MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. r r*HE M'fcriber having lately returned from X viewing rhe land, and appropri tted to fatisfy the land warrants, issued by the lecretary at war, to the officers and fokiiers of the late continental army; and having made irrangements with Mr. James Johnson, of Chester county, Pennsylvania, who he frft on th»land) and «ho with the affiftanee of an in telligent inhabitant oT that county, will spend five months in exploring the different fecltons. He will take regular notes, descriptive of the ♦oil, situation, and natural advantages attached to each fedlion in the whole survey—which notes 'will be placed in the hands of the fubferiber pre vious to the period for locating, thereby ena bling htm to make the most advantageous Je i cations the priority will admit. Heefiers hisfervice to rhe helders of land warrants of the above defcriptior., throughout the United States, to receive their warrants, class them, (as nolelaquantity than 4000 acres will be regillerd at the office of the treasury) have them rcgiftered agreeafile to law, and attend Jo make the location at the the time appointed in February next. For tranfaflir.g thebufinefs, out tenth part of the laud fptcified in the warrants will be re quired, and no other charge,except the postage of letters. All wajrants forwarded and letters addressed to the fubferiber, at No.jjPenrvftreet, Philadelphia, will receive immediate attention. JAMES E.SMITH. Septemer % rawftf. —ill—■ ■" t NOTICE. 1 A Lt, persons having Demands agaioft ths El A tate of SAMUEL 2MLRN, late of thi, city, deceaf*d, ate desired to produce them fir ' fettlertieut; and tbo('« indebted thereto to mukc I immediate payment to SAMUEL EMLF.N, ? THOMAS MORRIS, S ■ LXvCutO Philadelphia, \st mo. 1 tjtA, 1800 dnV NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Kftate of CAP TAIN KWIRAN FI'TZPATRICK, ma riner. deceased, are requeued t« niake immediate payment to the fubferibers; and tkofe who ar.y demands agninft the (aid ellate are tequedw) to furuilh their accounts for settlement to P. F ERR ALL, ? THOMAS M'EUEN, 5 Executors. January 13, 1800. dtf . UNSEATED LANDS. '■T«HE owners of Unseated Lands in Allegheny * County, Psanf,lvanla, are hereby n"tifi»d, that unlafs the Taxes dse on said Lands for the Years :795. tjs6, 179' and a are paid into the hands os- John WilKins, Elqaire, Counfy ' Twsiurer, on or he'ore tht JOth day of February nrat, they will be advertiftd for faJe as the law directs. Ebtnezer Denny, "t WiHiam Dunning, > Commissioners. James rtobil'.Son, J Pittsburgh, Kovemb.r 5, t'799.. 3"i. ; TAKE NOTICE, t-pIIAT apj)liratio:l is made to the Bank ' * of the I'nifed States, for tlu renewal of the following certificates «f Bank flock, which were loft in the brig Paggy, Captain Fluyer, on her paffige fro an America to London. No. »9J? p or Shares of Bank Stoek ' n vour ' amut ' E'bridge. WILLINGS V FRANCIS. , Ocflober 15, 1 djm. NOTICE. ALL pcrfons indebted to the Estate of Jacob Thomas, of Walhingttm in the State of Kentucky, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment—All perfotn having demands againfl said estate are de lired to fumifh their accounts logally attest ed to JACOB REESE, Adiniuiftrator. Phrtadflpbia, OAober 31, 1799. NOTICE. ALL pcrfons indebted to the estate of Thomas Wilson, late of Southwark, deceased, are are requested to make immediate payment to the fufcfcribern, and those who have jnj demands againfl the said estate are requested to fuinifh their accounts for fettltment. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No 195, south Front street, Southwark. irno has ro lkt, A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently large to contain ni'je Horses. ALSO, For Sale or to Let, A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov 1, 1799. dtf. TO DE K/CHANGtr) For a PLANTATION in fteiv Jersey, a vray valuable Grift Mill and Plantation, SITUATE in Salem county. Upper Alloway's creek rownlhip, about fix milo* from the town of Salem, and *4>out one ttide and a half from a landing on Alloway's creek, where ftiallops con stantly ply to Philadelphia The Mill has two w»trr wheels, ft>*tr-fcot) two pair •! Ooncs, one of which are burr. The bolting and hoil<<tng gear eo by water, and attached to the Mill it a large Kiio fur drying corn, built up«a til waft .ap proved plan; the whole mill work and bolting cloths, he. Wave lately been either made new or compUtely repaired. The plantation conGHs of one hundred and fifty acres ol land. The build ings excluCvc of the mill house and kiln, arc a large dwelling house, a barn, ftjlMss, corncrib, &e &c. £5- For particular information apply to RICHARD WISTAR, fft. 119 Mariet Sirtrt. D'O'mVr at tuth&fa6w A PAPER MAKER, Who can -work well at the Vat, Will naeet with good encouragement by ajipiying « No 104 North Frost Street. December xy J.f. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, For several Gentlemen, At No. 39, North Sixth Street. January to. dtf. j TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. ! RAN AWAY oh Saturday evening the 13<"h < July infhnt, from Ccdebronk Furnace, ' county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years of age, five feet fix or li ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down iH look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, c a great liar, and very fond of flrong liquor, has been brouf ht up to the farming bufinels, is very handy at any kind of laboring work ; he tdok with him a number of clothing, amongst 1 which were, one suit plain Nankeen ; (some J money). It isexpe&ed h« has fliaped hitcourfe f for Philadelphia or New York. h *f * The above reward will be paid for fe- ? curing him in any giol in the United States, ?' with reasonable charges if brought home. r SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrosk-Furnace, July 16, 1799: (O18) s6m ■ ■ f • 1 tf 4 -Um ■ •• ' v '>w-m r-rngetmmtt+rn 011 i I'nl li T>i if immm Minimi tmk H i,,, , ' MADEIRA WINE, OJ ax excellent Quality and good Age, TO BK SOJ-U. By the floe, quarter calk i«r left qwautity. A'). 107 SoMlti Second Street* December 11 dim ENGRAVING, '' By TRENCHARD WESTON, IN TH t FOLLOWING BRANCH E?, viz POR.TR AI T au4Landfeape, Maps, Charts, Bills of Exchange and PromifTory Notes, Type and - Wood rtuts, Seal Cuttings, Jewellery jhd Stiver work, itx. Every article in the above line will-be executed with neatness and rfifpatch, and on die I mod reasonable terms by applying at the south weft corner of Fpjirth and Spruce (lr«ets. N. B —Orders from abroad will be thankfully received arid punctually attended to. r January 10. taw4w. BUILDING LOTS, TO BK LET ON GROUND RENT. SEVEN LOTS, UPON Seventh street, between Chefnut an A Walfitit ftreocs. These lots are in a neighbor hood wjiere large 'improvements arc carrying on, and Property consequently much iHcreafing in value. There is a<Tt> a large quantity of building 1 materials likely to be ready for fair near the (pot ' iu a ftiort tifue, which circumttances render tliefe Lots an object well worth attention. Alf'o to let Three other Lots, usoi' Seventh street, between Market and Arch llreets, and near -hc Mint of the United States. For Inrther particulars pleaf'e to apply to the Subscribers at their Office, No. 124, South Fourth, rear Symce ilreet. BONSALL Cs* SHOEMAKER. January 10. eodjw. T«S FOLLOWING ( VALUABLE LANDS 1 It'ill be offered for sale, at the Merchants 1 Coffee House in this city, between the i hours of six and eight on the evening of SATvH'DAr the twenty-second of March ' next. j In the County of GLYNN and State of GEORGIA —all patented in tratfs of loco acres. 7,000 Acres at the confluence of Frederica and Turtle rivers, and head of Bt. Si mon's found, near the town of Brunf wick. »S*,ooo Acres on the waters of the great and little Satilla rivers, and of Btiffaloe > creek. 1 4<,000 Near the ibo*e described traAs. Near the above described tracts. t »80,600 Acres on the waters of the great Sa tilla and Alitihama. 147,000 Acres on the fame waters I 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa tilla. 50,000 Acres on the waters of little Satilla and Alatamaha rivers and Buffaloe creek, to,ooo Near the above described tracts. In the State of VIRGINIA—aII patented. 44,000 Acres in the county of Hath, on both fides • f Green Briar river* subject to to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in- . eluded within the said 44,000 acrts, J but exclusive ot that quantity. 41,000 Acres in the county of Bath, on the j eifl fide of th» Cow Pafluie river and and on both Cdes of the Waggon ! Road leading frorti the Warm Springs e to Staunton, subject as afurefaid to r .500 c acres prior 4 ,000 Acret in the county of Randolph, on f Buchanan river, fubjeet as aforef>id j to 4588 seres ptior surveys. 30,000 Acres in the county of B'th, on the call fide of Calf Paiture ri«r, subject asaforelaid to j 000 avree prior lisr- * veys. In PENNSYLVANIA. P 60,000 Acres i« Norihumberlind county, sur veyed and returned. " 46,806 Acres in Northumberland comity, sur veyed and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and - ready to be returned. *}* F r the greater part of the purchase money a liberal credit will be allowed the pur chasers, giving unqueftionjble security. Persons wiffiitig particular information will pleafo to apply at No. 41 Arch fWt, where 0 tie patents and drafts, and also certificates of „ the of the Georgia and Virginia Lands \ are depofiied THOMAS FiTZSIMONS, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, T JEREMIAH PAUKER. s Phi adelph : a, Jan. 7. iawts ■■ ' ■.»■■■ . - .IS.. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York S Corrty.a negro men, natiied ISAAC, orher wife CUVyO, about ir yctft 1 * iW, the propsrty ~ of Robert Celeman; Kfq. He is abOttt 5 leet 8 inches high, ha- a blimiih in his eyes, viore w-r.iie in them ih»ncommon, liy fradta F«rgeman; hdd cm and teok with l.ini a drab co'outed hrr>ad cloth eost, alinoft new, a sailors jacket ahd pantaloons rr printed fatley cord, a lwanfdown striped under fcket-; a rorunj hat; one fine and one coarse in shirt' one nuiflin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two m ditto flriped horde* a blue Persian unier jacket vv two peir cotton dockings. Whoever takes up fai J negro and lodges him in am jail- in this or arty of the neighbouring ftatce (hall have the above re ward or reasonable expencesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, October »3,1799. N. B. As fifd riegto formally jivesf in Chester ari count y, it is probable he may rtturn the re. wi November S - lb tee Lents Retsjard, RUN away from the Subscriber on the evesiiiig of th« aßth inft. a bound Servant OIRL, he Rauied EVinljetli Howcfcel, had on and took with Pr her three different chani(es of garnien* and mosey, eT proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar } any por- , son apprehending her fhallbe entitled to the above „ reward—no eoCs or charges will be paid. N. B, She had » years and fame months to serve 1 of DANIEL FITZPATRICK. Golhen Towafhip, Chester County, Jaly 19. august 6 3asvtf » - Braving School. MR-.EHCK ' u *irig been/elicited hy masy of his If lends to engage m a Drawing School t.ikes the libirty of ißlonning them and the pub lic that he int* t;ds opening one at his house in li■ th street, opposite th« State house yard, on 1 Monday ihe 4th of November, on the following terms: Mondays , Weincfiays and Iri'L.y t Dols. Ladies from three till five, per quarter, 9 ' -4from hstf n»ft .< tiUhilf p»'t ?. o Private 1 .efftiia, at home f«r one hottt, I ( From home, two hours, 3 1 PERSPECTIVE, r The, e(Tenia! ;;rouDd work of all kin-'s of draw - ln ff) 'aught t,y a much more ; thod than hitherto praisfifed. "vr'AxTF.'n, A person to do house wdrk; also a boy to at tend the family and take care of a horse. NoVmheraj. ;tawtf LANCASTER STAGES. T RE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- I 1 easter line of Stages DISPATCH, ret urjilheb ' . grateful rhstiks to their friends and the puhlfc 10 , general, for the pafl favors they have received, and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, they are p ovided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. These who prefer this mode of traviilling can be accommodated ,- lt the Stage Office, iign ot United States Eagls, Market street, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunvoody isf Co. Nov. 30. f 2t—§ lj Huntingdon Covnty Taxes. A 8 one of t>e Ccmmiflioners of Huntingdon t i county, ( ear make fettlemtnt with the hold ers of unseated Land, fuuated in said county, with out iiicreafing toils, by sdvertifement for sale—is cilled upon within fix days from this date at the hose of General Procter in Arch ftrtet, near Fifth street. It'is hoped the owners of fucb land who rrfide in the city, will endeavour to meet this arrange ment and prevent a special advertisement as the law dircCir. JOHN CADWALLADER. January 13. tJ6c. For Sale or to Let, A large, convenient Stone House, WITH a large Entry and four Rooms »n a floor, about half an acre of Land adjoin ing, situate in Buftleton on the new rc»d to New X York, about eleven miles from Philadelphia. 2 . t? For terms apply to the fubferiber in Bus- j tie ton. THOMAS PAUL. J NB. Who offers for sale, several BuiLing Lots, pleafancly fitnated in the village of Buftletan. December at aaw3w TO BE SOLD, 1 Or Rentedfor a term of Years, A LARGE TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, i With a Lot thereunto belonging, SITUATE in Dqck Creek, Cross Roads * Kent County, State of Delaware, fronting nn tli< Miin Street; there are on the lower " Ploor, five Rooms and an Entry, wjjh a number of well finifbad Roohii up Stairs, a Cellar under the whole BuiWir g, a Brick kitch- C en, a t umpof good Water, with a '' riage House and Sheds, the «rhofelmprovem?ut9 are in go. d repair. The Seat Is well calculated for citlifer a Store or Tavern, the latrer of which it ha» been occupied for a number of years with E 1 onfiderable success. The tituation it dry and i the Cottwry arotin 1 being very healthy a«d a J pJ;ce of confiJerable Trade, it will be well worth the attention of any person wishing to purchase or rent. pF For further particulars apply to the Sub fciiber at the aforefaid place. JOHN CUMMINGS. January 8. rawjm One Tbouscnd Five Hundred DOLLARS E WAS delivered to the FOSTMAb •TER here, irt the Post-Office, j*j on the evening of Tuesday the tilt, .in a LETTER directed to Mr. John Mills, Merchant, Baltimore, containing . two ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. 4>SO, in fa von r of William Taylor, and • ' dated 30th April, 1708, for ONE TIIOU SAND DOLLARS, and 4J , 2) f„ so. c 0 vour of Jobit P. PltetrbntS- and dated the 10th of Dtcember, 1798, for FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS , which tetter lm been SUPPRESSED ip a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out as the th PUBLIC MAIL was not STOPPED MOLESTED, or ROBBED. efl BaiTlcers and merchants are particularly requested to watelt the (Hrcolarftm of said netes, and If op the in ; r.nd aiiyjpcrfon giv ing such informatioii as will lead us to our misney, shall have FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward. t. WILSON isf SWANN. bl< Frederick/burg, (Viig.) Sept. 10. _ to Kr° All Printers in tTie United States, are requested to publifli the ab#>v s and w* wiU p«y them. ■ : —i THE STOCKHOLDERS Of the I.ehigh Coal Mine Company, hereby notified, that an EleiSion for one § jt Prefideiit,eight Managers and One Treafur er, for the ensuing year, will be held at t! e TJ house of Mr. Cammeron, sign of ilif Golden Swan, in Third street, on Monday, the 2oth< of Janusr) next, at 6 o'clock in tbe evening. ' c ISAAC WAMPOLE, Sec'ry. ftn Dct. 31. iawtE. ■ - '' U. • '*. \ '■' PROI'OSALS f FOIt PUBLISH IK c AK HISTORY OF THE LIFE «>K TH« ' ILLUSTRIOUS , GEORGE WASHINGTON, Commarder in Chief tf the American Armies during our revolutionary twr -with Greet lis,lain, JirJi prtfi d.'srt of the Urnteu States, andjtr.ee, Lieutenant Gene ral ff the Army. Br JOSEPH SCO'l' I", Author of the Modern Geographic*! DiAionajy, /» ffmr volumei oSuvo. r the various methods winch different writers pursue in order to convey ufe'ful knowledge 'o mankind, Biograply Hands ccn feffedly among the firft. Th e r| L none mere interefnng—none m .remflructiveand entertain ing jke Mforiet of dfftirgnifhed heroes, who have, by their exalted virtues, at d noble and splendid actions, been the principal means of rg aeeming their respective countries from the ccr* roding hand of tyranny, have in all ages been considered the inofl entertaining, inftructiye, and important to mankind. 1 hey afford ex ample; and example is more powerful than precept It ft.enjttliens, hy a plain anil easy mode of analog ical reifonir.g, the principles of the limid, dete mines ar.d lixts those that are wavering, and ultimately lays the bafts for that harmony and coincidence of l'entiment amoi g the Citizens; from «htch chly, a nation ca° hope to derive unk, confeqnence and flabihly. Lnpreffed with lively sentiments of the enr.t of ,h2 ' dift, B gu;fl)fd HERO and 1 A 1 810 r, the hifl«ry of whole life I have uitdertaken towrinr; it Was rw tm iTfef much reflection I rcfolved en iffni.ig these propolals. T". "ht following coxtfiderctiot49 induced rite to having obtait.ed it. thccourfe an extensive correspondence, with many heßtle men of talents and information, a laige fl 'k of original materials enncerning the lif is Hluiltious Citizen; to give f„rm these, in the mar.Her pj hift<" ■ ;>ret'erve many important things th :i wf> M mofl probably be 1011. Second:-' , ■of •the moll intereftiog transaction - a h - ■ ' he.r/figned his corpmifli iB as Comrrianuer in chief of our revolutionary armies, are very im perfect y recorded, and little under!* ; the greater part of them'being frsfh in tit me mories of many, this im# be the fitted . .me to embody them; before a fucceflios of obj ci:, which every day biings foHh, wears off the minuter circumflanres There are many of th<fe circumstances important and intei elling ; as it is univerlilly acknowledged, that great ac tions, like iwmtnfe rivers, flow from Imall be ginnings. CONDITIONS. I. 1 lie Life of General Washington will eontain nearly 400 pages odtavo, printed on fine paper, and in a flyle of'eleganca equal to any work that has appeared from an American press. 11. It will be embellished with a striking likeness of the General, executed by one of the firfl artists. 111. Subscribers* names will be annexed, as patrons. I\ . Each fubferiber is to pay two dollars, one half on fubferibing, the remainder 011 - rtte delivery of tiff work. |C5® Subscriptions in this city are re ceived at No. 297 Arch street, next door to the north west corner of Eighth street. Philadelphia, December 30. eoxw Just Published, and for Salt By JOHN MORGAN, N 9 . 3 Front St. AND BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68 High St. the united states COURT CALENDAR, AND GENTLEMAN'S Complete Pocket Companion, For the Year of our Lord 1800. CONTAINING Every thing useful in other works of the kind, Besides a great variety of articles (Combining utility with entertainment), Not to be found is any publication whatsoever Arnongjl tbefe are, Complete and authentic lifts of the ARMY and NAVY. (Carefully rev/ed at the respective Offices ; J ALSO, correct flatemeats of the NATIONAL DEBT, and of the ANNUAL RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES of the Uriited States. N. B. The Calikdae, notwi: Who ding the vast variety of its contents, is verv frmU in hulk It .» bound in red mrrocco, in tbt weat efl manner, and may be cabled \Vry conveni ently in the waiflcoat jjocket. December 31. eojw LOTS In the City of IVetVi irgton. A NUMBER of Lo's in C 1 ci y cf Washing ton, the titles c'f which are unqbeltiona ble, th'cir Ctu tintsS vaKo<u;,hmie pietty co'nriguous to the Capitol, are efftred fOR SALF. For viewing tni Picts and tor terms, apply to fIoNSAL & SIJQEIJAKkR, No. J24, south Fourthfli-eet. Phila.Jan. i, 1800. fejßf For Sale > or to Let, A two ftoiy Brick Hoiifc, Situate on Duke Jlreet .w Artillery lane, in the Northern f.ilcrties, . —, TJfAVING two rooim on a floor, fire places in ii raeb, a kitelien and bo\if« ; .ill m excel lent order and built of rhe best materials. For fur ther information inquire,at No. 39, Arch street. Also, a HQUSE, No. 106, south' Second street, to let—enquire as'above. Dec. 30. zaw.6w.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers