of tije HiiXittlJ 111 Philadelphia. Daily Advertiser. ~ •■' 1 ill " i |. | 1 - " . i. il ' mt.n i ' i. i ■r PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY F.VKNIN'G, JANUARY ,8, .'go?. \Voruv*. XVI!. — - _V ; _ | i-—— ~ « ■ -- i: i i iMHiMffii n k.'nj.i,. ■■■ l iMffr*-iirimiftTtn-inr-i <v. LLKidCSmzsjrj, . |CT* fbe'price (f tbis Gazette is Eight 1 Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tie City 0 f Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, ft)Y enclosing atid di recting ; aild unless sovte person-in tbis city ' will become answerable for the subscription, ift must be paid Sit Months in Advance. * # * No Subscription will be received for a Shorter term than six months. - ~ JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80 Dock, near third street, HAS FOB SAI.K, Coflaes, Mamoodies, Tafi'aties, Striped l)oreas» Tingibs* I*atn» and Santipoor Han'kerchiefs. The foregoing will be fold very low in order to i •close sales. , j al'h, A FEW PACKAGES OF ' German Goods, Suitable to the Weft India Market! Received by the Fair American from Haitiburgh. j Odolwr is. I For FREIGHT or CHARTER, For Europe or the Weft Indies, THE SHIP PACIFIC, | PSRKINS SALTER, Mafler, 1 if'JrfrfrtK* She is a staunch good Ship, i. Well fitted, burthen about 1 3 opo barrels, and ready to -eeetve a cargo 17 M board. ZZf Far terrts a-ppty <0 WHARTON and LEWIS, No 115 South Front street, WHO HAVK FOR SAL?., A parcel of Hrvann® Molaffcs, Old Madeira Wine, G round Oingej, Btirtingtort Pcrrk, See. See. November 21. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, AND SOLS By R. AITKEN, No. 22 Market Street, At.D By W. YOUNG, corner of Chefnut and Second Streets, Thermometrical Navigation, tlei na a Series of Experiment! and Observations. tending 1 to prove, that by afoertaining the relative beat of the sea ivater, from time to time, The paflage of a Ihip thro' the Gulpb Stream, and from deep water into foundings, May ho difeovered in time to avoid danger; al though (owing to tempestuous weather) it may be impefiible to heave the kad, or observe the heavenly Wotlin. Extracted from tit American Philofoptical Tranfaßwnt, Vol. 11. and 111. WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. • " God helps tlicm that help thcmfelvcs." Poor Richard. January *v eojw "new line of stages 1o New York, By the shortest and most plcilant road—pafflng through Ftankford, Buflltfon, Newtown, Penningtorf, Millftofle, Boundbrook, Union Camp, Scotch Plains, Springfield and Ntw ark THE SWIFTSURE ftarta l>om the Grefn Tree, No- so North Fourth Street, at 2 o'elock every rtorningv and arrives at New York early the next evening. From New York it starts at 9 o'clock every day (Sondays excepted) and arrives at Phila delphia, early the »«t everting. piS- ■ Fara for paffeMgers 5 dollars, way palTenger9 4 cents per mile." Each paffeHger allowed 141b of baggage. Otrthiindred and fifty weight of baggigc to pay the fame as a pafTetiger. All Baggage to be at the rift of the owner, Unlets irtl'urtrf and receipted for by the clerks of the different offices. Rate of insurance one per cfnt. *jj* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 N"rth Feurth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERVOOUT, No. 48 Courtland Street, N. E. corner of"Greenwich Street, New York. January 3. eodtf To the Holders of MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. r T~ T HE StaMfcriber having lately returned from J. viewing the land, surveyed and appropri ated to fatisly the land warrants, ifTued by the secretary at war, to the officers and soldiers of the late continental amy; and having made arrangements with Mr. James Johtilon, ot Chester county, Pennsylvania, who he left en th» land, and who with the affiftauce of an in telligent inhabitant of that county, will I'pend five months in exploring the different felons. He will fake regular notes, descriptive of the foil, situation, and natural advantages attached to each feflion in the whole furvey —which notes will be plated in the hand# of the fuhfcriber pre vious to the period for locating, thereby ena bling him to make the molt advantageous lo cations the priority will admit. Hecffers hisfervice to the holders of land warrant* of the above description, throughout the United States, to receive their warrants, class them, (a» no lets quantity than 4000 acres will be regilterd at the office of the treafurv) have them regifttred agreeable to law, and attend to make the location at the the time appointed in February next. For tranfaiflir.g thebufinefs, one tenth part of the land fpecified in the warrants will be re , tfuired, and no other charge, except the poflage ofletters. All warrants forwarded and letters addreffedio the fu&fcriber. at No.3,Penn-ftreet, will receive immediate attention. JAMES E. SMI 1 H. Septemer a ravrftf. 1 NOTICE. ALL persons having Demands against the Ef tit.- of SAMUEL £MLEN\ lite of thi city, deceaM, are dcfired to produce them l<>r settlement; and thof« indebted thereto to make immediate payment t> SAMUEL EMI.-EN, ? Tr x( ,, utois 1 THOMAS MORRIS,S " xe Philadelphia, isi mo* IV^» 1800 d 2 ~ NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of CAP ] TAIN KEI.IAN FITZPATRJCK, ma- V riner, deceased, are reqnefled te make immediate « payment to the fubferibers; and thqfi who f.i*e t ar,v demands against the (aid aftaU are lequeflod r> to furnifh their accounts for settlement to a P. FERRALL, ? Executors . THOMAS M'EUEN,S txec r January Ij, 1800. dtf UNSEATED LANDS. j r pBK owners of Unfcated Lands in Allegheny 1 County, Pnuifjlvania, are hereby notifiod, "j that unlefi the Taxes doe on said Lands for the I Yaars .'795, 1796, 1797. and 1798 are paid into h the hands of J >hn Wilkins, Eisjuire, County a ' Trcafurer, on or befcre the 20th day of Fchruary , next, they will he adverf.led for fala as the law r direwls. ' Bb&riner .Deitnji 1 1 William Dunning, > Commissioners.- James Robinson, J < Pittsburgh, November 5, *799* 3 ra " j ' • 1 THAT application is lYvade to the Bonk of the United Sta'es, for the reiiewat of the following certificates of Bank stock, which were loft in the brig Piggy, Captain Fluyer, on her pafltge from America to London. No " * 9 l! For Ei e ht slu ' el of Blnk • Sloek V in favour of Samuel Ethridge. »967J WILLINGS W FRANCIS. October 25, d^m. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Jacob Thomas, of Walhingtnn in • the State of Kentucky, dcc«»fed, are requeued to make immediate payment —All persons having demands against said estate are de sired to furni(l> their arcoivnts legally attelt ed to JACOB REESE, Admiuidrator. Philadelphia', October 31, 1799. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the tftatc cf Tuom A3 Wilson, late «f Southwark, dtcaafed, are arc r? quelled to make immediate payment to the futferibers, and those who have any demands against the said estate are rcqudfttj to furnifh their accounts for settlement. SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. 1 JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. Ns »9J, south Front-ftrcct, Southwark. WHO MAS to LKT, A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiontly large to contain nrte Horses. ALSO, For Sale or to L.et. A N«w FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov 1, 1799- dtf. TO Dll KXCDAKOtI) For a PLANTATION in Nejn Jersey, A V|RV VALUABLE Grift Mill and Plantation, SITUATE i* £ atari county, Uyper AlloitfayS creek :oWnfhip, about fit miles l'rom the town of oilem, and al>out o\c mile and a half I' m ■ landir.g on Alloway's creek, where shallops con ft'afitly ply to Philadelphia The Mill has two water wheels, (oVer-fliot) two pair of Knnes, one of which are burr. The boltiDg and Loifl-ing getr (to by water, and attached to the Mill is a large Kiln for drying corn, built upen th- mod ap proved plan; the whole mill work and bolting cloths, &c. have lately been either made new or completely repaired. The plantation consists of one hundred and fifty acres ol land. The build ings ezilufive of the mill house and kiln, are a large dwelling house, a barn, fUbles, corncrib, &e. &c. For particular information apply to RICHARD WISTAR, No. 119 Mir it! Street. December »I tuth&l'a6w A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, Who can -work well at the Vat, Will meet with good encouragement by applying at No 104 North Front Strtet. December 17 dtl. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, For fever al Gentlemen, At No. 39, North Sixth Street. January 10. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY oh Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from Ciiebrook Furnace, LancalL-r county, a Man ri.imed Cato, he is about 40 years of lge, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down iH look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of ltrong l:quor, has been brought up to the farmir>g bufmejs, it very handy at any kind ol laboring work ; he took with him a nui(.li«r of clot Wing, amongfl which were, one suit plain Nankeen ; ffome money). It is e'xpefted h* has ftaped his course for Philadelphia or New York. •-J-* The above reward will be paid for fe curihg him in any gaol in th« United States, with reasonable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebroek Furnace, July 16, 1799: ( O18) d6m wit J: I kl'Hfta 1 ki^ib MADEIRA. WINE, 0f an excellent Quality and good Age, TO BE 'SOLD. By tUe pipe, quirter ca(k «r lift quantity. Ns. JO 7 South Second Street - December 11 dim | ENGRAVING, " ' By TRENCHARD Sf WESTON, IN THE FOLLQWIHG BRANCHEs, viz ■ PORTRAI r and Lardfcape, Maps, Chart«, Bill? of Exchange and Promillory Notts, Typeind Wood Suts, Seal Cuttings, Jewellery jnd Suvsr work, &c. Every article n the above lii« vvlil be executed with neatness and alifpatch, and on the rsioil reasonable terms by applying at the louth , weft corntr of Fourth and Sptuce lirjet?. A r . B —Orders from abroad will be thankfully received and punctually attended to*. January 10. taw*w. BUILDING LOTS, TO BE LET ON GROUND RENT. SEVEN LOTS, UPON Scveuth flrcct, between Chefnut and 'JValaat rtreets. These lon are in a neighbor hood where large improvements are / carrying on, and Property to»(cq*ently n.uch mcieafing i'.t value. There is also a large quantity of building materials likely to-be ready for sal" near the tpoc in a ftiort time, which circumflances rendir tiiefe Lots an objfft well wurth Attention. Also to let Three other Lots, upoi: Seventh fired, between Market and Arch firecti, and near the Mint of the United States. FoY farther particulars pieafii to apply to the Sublcribers at <h<it Oifice, No. 114, South Fourth, near Spruce llre»t. , BONSALL Etf SHOEMAKER. Janiwy 10. coAiw. THE rf't-LOWING VALUABLE LANDS Will be offered for sale, at'tbe Merchants Coffee House in this city, between tbc boars of six and eight on tbe evening of SaTukdat the twenty-second of March ne£t. In the County of (SLYNN and State of GEORGIA —ill patented in trails of loco acres. 7,000 Acres at the confluence of Frederica and Turtle river:, and head of St. Si mon's found, near the town of Bruiif wick. 481*000 Acres on the witers of the great and little Satilla rivers, and of Baflatue creek. 41,000 Near the above described trafls. Near the above described tracts. 180,000 Acres on the waters of the great Si lillw wid AfcrtsHrmr. 147,000 Acres on the fame waters. 50,000 Acres on the water* <Jf the grAt S»- titla. .50,000 Acres on the W.iters of little Satilla and Alatamaha rivers snd Buffaloe creek. 40,000 Near the abrtw described tracts. In the State of VIKOINIA-*~all patenttd. I 44,000 Acres in the county-os Bath, on both | fides < f Green Briar rivt% subject to 1 to 3000 acres of prior furvtys, ii> eluded within the laid 44,000 acres, but exclusive of that quantity. 41,000 Acre* in the county of Bath, ort the east fide of tho Cow Paflure river and and on both files of the Wagg.-n Road leading from the Warm Springs 'to Staunton, fubjec' as atorefaid to joSo acres prior l'urveys 4- ,cco Acrts in the comity ol Randolph, on Buchanan river, subject as afortfiid to 4jß? acres prior fnr-eys. 30,000 Acres in tbe eounfy of Hath, on the eatl fide of Ca.f Palluie riser, subject as atorelaid to 5000 acre* prior iur veys. In PENNSYLVANIA 60,000 Acres hi Northumberland csun:y, sur veyed and returned. 46,800 Acreain Northumberland comity, fdr veyed and relumed. 40,400 Acres in Bedford coutuy, furvsyed and ready to be returned. *}* For the greater part of the purchafc money a liberal credit will tie allowed tUepm chafers, givirg umiueftionahle fecuriiy. Perfoss «i(hinp particular iiiforrtfation will to apply at No. 41 Arch ftroet, where the patent* and drafts, and also certificates of 1 the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands are deposited THOMAS FITZSIMONS, BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, JEREMIAH PARKER.. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. sawtS Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, nanred ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about II years »ld, the property of Robert Cole-nan; Ffq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha* a blemilh in his eyes, «"orS ••rite in them than eohinion, hy trade a F.rgeman; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new. a failor9 jacket and pantaloons printed saucy cord, a iwanfdown striped under cket; a rornna hat; one fiae and one coarse Ihirt" one muslin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two ditto striped border, a blue fcerfim under jacket -nd two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up saW negro andlo lges him in »nv jail in this or any of the neighbouring ilates fliall have the above re ward or reafor.able expencesif brought hotne. JOHN BRIE^N. Spring Forge, 0<J10ber»3,1799. N. B. As faic! negro formarly lived in Chester count y, it is probable he may return there. November 5 • Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subfcriher on tlie evening of th« i!?t!« inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Etifbeth Howckel, had on and took with her three different changes of garmer* and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; anyptr fon appreh«n»iing Her lhall \c entitled to the above ' reward—no rois or charges will be paid. N B, She had » years and (bm« months to fenre DANIEL FITZPATRICK. Golhen Towalhip, Cbcftdr County, July *9- 1 august 6 3»wti ' ' m innwi nmnwrili ■'» sei 11 111 rawi Drawing School. Mr. BECK having been solicited by many of his (riends to engage in a Drawing School, tlie librrty of informing them and t'.if pub- \ lie that he intends opening one at his house in Fifth flrcct, oppofit i the State house yard, 011 Monday the 4th of November, 011 tha following terms: Mondays, WeJrtefdayt and Fridays, Dols. is Ladies from three till fivi, per quarter, 9 P 2 G«n'l(vmeß, trom half past 5 till hali pad 7, 9 m Private l.cflons, at home for one hour, I From home two hours, 3 be PERSPECTIVE, The eftential ground work of a! kinds of draw ing, taught by a much more simple airtt Ibort n>e thod than hitherto [>ra<9ifed. W ANTED, A prrfon to do house work; also a boy to at tend the family and take cave ol a horse. November 17. 3t?.wtf m LANCASTER STAGES. Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- JL ca.ter line ofStagesDlSPATCH,return their ol grateful thanks to their friends and the public in j n general, for the past favors they have received, and | a inform them that in addition to the regular Line. u[ th.y aro provided with Carriages, fbbcr and careful c( drivers, to go through between the City and Boru»«h in two days. Those who prefer this mode j- n of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage r | Office, of United States fiagU, Market flreet, w Philadcl] hia. j v Slougb, Downing, Dunivoody W Co. Nev. 30. 2t j f« Huntingdon County Taxes. " b AS one cf Commiffioners of Huntingdon county, I can make fettlemtnt with the hold ers of unfeatcd Lsnd, fituared in said county, with out increasing coils, by advertisement lor laic— it , V called upon within fix days from this date at the o: hose ol General Profter in Arch ftrtet, near Filth p ftrcet. tl It is hoped the owners of such land who reside 11 in the city, will endeavour to meet this arrange- a mcnt and prevent a fpccial advertisement as the c law directs. u JOHN CADWALLADER. » January 13. d6t. TO BE SOLD, } Or Rentedfor a term of Tears, A LARGE t ] TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, v With a Lot thereunto belonging-, [, SITUATE in Duclt Creek, Cross Roads p Kent County, State ot Delaware, fronting r on the Main Street; there are on the lower T Floor, five Rooms and an Entry, with a number of well'finilhod Rooms up Stairs, a f Cellar under the whole Building, a Brick kitch- ' en, a Pump of good Water, with a Stable, Car riage House and Sheds, the whole Improvements 1 are in good repair. The Seat is well calculated for either a Store or T averfi, the latter of which [ it has been orcupied for a number of years with 1 confiderahle success. The Htuation is dry and the Country around being very healthy artil a , plice of confiderabh Trade, it will be well < worth the attention of any perl'on wilhing to 1 purchase of rent. 1 £s* For further particulars apply to the Sub ; fciiber at tbe aforel'aid place. JOHN CUMMI-NGS. | January 8. iaw3m | For Sale, or to Let, 1 A two flory Brick House, Srfvutc on Duke jlreet t or ArU-L-ry lane % in tbe Ntrlbern Lite i ties, HAVING two roonis on a floor, fire places m t-adi, a ki»cl:en and nfftfh houfi ; ail in cxc«fT- I lent order and bnHtof the mtteruls. "KW ; cher iiifcraiatioii inquire at No. 39, Arch street. AU«», a FKJUSE; No. 106, south Second Itrcet, to f-t—ei>quirc as'above. Dec. 30. 28\v.6w. One Tbcmscnd Five Hundred DOLLARS WAS dfltreretl to the POS'I'MAS TER here, in the Post-OfficE, on tlie evening of Tuefd.iy the 27th ult. in a LETTER tlirefled to Mr. John Mills, ' Merchant, Baltimore, containing two ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. 4>*o, i» favour of William Taylor, asid dated April, 1798, tor ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS', and No. 451 a, in fa vour cf John P. Pleasants, and dattrd the 10th of December, 1798, for FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS , which letter has been ; SU PPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out as the PUBLIC MAIL was not STOPPED, ' MOLESTED, or ROBBED. 1 Bankers and merchants are piriicularly j rcquefted to watch the circulation of said notes, -Jnd ftoji them ; a:id any pcifon giv ing such information ss will lead us to our ' min-iey, fliall have FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward. ! WILSON is 1 SWANN. Fredericklburg, (V i'g.) Sept. 10. All Printers in the United States, are requeftod to piaUlifh the .ibov-, and we wiU |»y them. THE STOCKHOLDERS Of the Lehigh Coal Mine Company, are hereby notified, that ?.n Ele&ion for one 1 Pre fide lit, eight Managfs and one Treailir > er, for the enfis'uig year, will be held at "the ' house of Mr. Cammeron, sign of the Golden E Swan, 111 Third Areet, oh Monday, the 20th 5 of Janusr) next, at 6 o'clock in the evening. ISAAC WAMPOLE, Sec'ry. I Dec. 31. iawtE. ' received and for Safe, By Wm, Y. BIRCH, Stationer, No. 17, South Se£oni Street, THf FOLJ.OWIN O VALUABLE MEDICINES, Infallible Ague and Fcner Drops. A long eulegium on the viitui 5 of this mr dicine is '.mneceffary, as the money will be returned if patiant is not relieved—it never having failed in many thousand cafe?; not one in a hundred hat , had octafion to take more than a bottle, ah J num bers Hot half a bottle. Hubris Anti-bilious Pills. Dr. HaHN's TRUE AND GENUINE German Corn Plaister. An infallible r,-mcdy for corns, fpeerily re movipg them root nnd branch, without giving pain. The Genuine Perf tan Lotion. .So celebrated among the fafhionable through out Europe, as an it:valuable cofnerit, C innocent and fafe. free from ccjl'oCve and repel* lant minerals (the ba!;s of other lotion?) and of unpavaleileii efficacy in preventing and removing cutaneous fylcmifhes of th~ lace and skin of every kind, particularly, freckle*, pimples, : its after * small pox, it It-immatory rcdnefr, fciirfc. tetters, ring worm*, linr burns, prickly I fat, prem turfc wrinkles, &c, TheP-rfian l.otio> operates mild* ly, without impeding hat natural, i-. sensible pcr fpiration, which i§ eflential to health—yet its cf ! fedb art fpcedy and p rmanent, 'rendering tHe ikin delicately foft fmoith, improving the complexion aud reftorin; 'the bloom cf youth; never failing to render an ordinary countenance beautiful, and a haHf'.fomc one more so. Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Warr»nre>! an infallible and immediate cure, at onceiiting; being the mod speedy, rffesSual and plsafant r medy »ver offered to the puVlic, and for the fatis'aflion of the tin-orcus, the proprietor makcth oath, that this ointment does not contain a Tingle particle of mercury or any other perni cious ingredient in its conipofition, and may be nfed with the mo perfefl faiety by pregnant wo men and on infants newly born. Patent Indian Vegetable Specific, For the cure of Venereal Complaints of every description. An cxtenfive trial of near foHr years, has proved the vegetable fpccific to be effectual in expelling the \eHeta; virus, however deeply rooted in the conflitn tion, and has restored health to many who have been brought to the verge of the giave by the impro per administration of mercury. Within this pe riod upwards of eight thousand patients have ex perienced its salutary effects. With the medicine is giver a description of the fyrnptoms which ol.tain in every of the dis ease, with copious diie&ions for their treatment, so as to accomplilh a perfect cure in the shortest time and with the least inconvenience pofiible. HAMILTON'S Worm destroying Lozenges, Which have, within nine months part, relieved up wards of EIGHTEEN THOUS AND PERSONS of all ages in various complaints arising from worms and from fnulilefs or obfiiu<slious in the stomach an V bowels. i his msdicise bears ao an»l»gy whatever to others of similar title so commonly coa.p'ained of, as operating with a degree of violence, fufßcient, not only to kill worms, but sometimes to endan ger the patient's' life; on the contrary, a peculiar excellence of this remedy is, it" being fuired to every age and constitution, contains nothing but what is pcrleclly innecent, and is so mild in its operation, that it cannot injure the mod delicate pr.gttant lsdy, or tha tendered infant of a week old, {hould no worms e*ift in the lioiy; but will, without pain or griping, deanfe the ftoniach and bowels ol whatever is loulor ofFviifivc, and there by prevent (fit of worms and many fatal dilordtri. £s* At the place of file may be I«cn many re markable cases 8l cures, the in-ithenticity of which any period may ascertain, cither by lettor or per sonal -pplicstlt n—not being performed in Europe, nobody loiow6 where—but at Boms. Perf. ns wilhiig to procure any cf the above me dicines genuine, must apply ONLY as above—and hkewife observe, that the signature of Lee & Co. (<vho ace appointed the g neral agents for the United States) is pasted on the eutlide of each, without which they cannot b« genuine. At the above place may be likewise bad, GOWLAND's LOTION. CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS, ANDERSON'S PILLS, &c. &c. Wholesale purchafsrs allowed a liberal pro6t 1 by application to Lee & Co. Market Itreet, Bal timore; who Will p«n<shial!y execute all orders. January 15. la-.utf BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR OJ»F. YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iroa Works, Ctnate in the county of Morris in the (lat'f of New-Jerf.y, confiding ot a Forge with fjrnr fir-n, a Rollinpand Slitting Mill, a Grift mill vC-ith two Run of (lone?, and Saw mill. allin good order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, nd convenient l.oufe, with out-houfes of every kind ; among which arc an Ice house, and {lone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eollcdion of Fiuit, a large Orchard, and 1500 seres of wood, pa-ure and arable land, and a gre. t number of (tores and workmen's house* Immediate r oik ill on will be given cis Yioufes and {lores fufficient for providing (lock the present winter, and poflefliun ■if the whole in the lpring. For terms snquire of David B Ogdcn at New ark, mr Peter Matkie in New-York, mr. David Pord in Morris Town, or messrs. Jacob and Bi«h ■ird Fadch on th-'prtmiles. January It
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers