%; •• ■ . : ' of, be ®UitCt>i>ratCS, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. TUESDJr EVENtNG, OCTOBER 4, 1796- [Volume X. NnnfßSK 1270.1 ..."i . "... ■' ; iV ■ " ■'* 1 1 ~ ' ' ' ' *«. r» 1 I t? A n L A T f » ' w «*»« / J — For Glasgow, The roid brig, COMMERCE, B. Taliban, mailer. .~"1 Vnr v A, oth inft. having two Will fail from - .'" Ka hoard —She is intended .birds of her j» ,he Spring, F.r 1 t. return ' rHOMAS SIMPSON, freijht or apply ■ M SamJe i Brec k, j.n'r's, , Soutn Third-tneet, OSl ' &' *. , OppoS;e Mr. Chew's flirdens. For Boston, . The Schoc;er J Q. F M A conftal.t trader, Peter Cn. t S"-.™a> tcr . wkerf, will fail in all new week. For Frcigh' or passage apply to the Captain onboard or to ' Edward Stow, jun. Who hasr-ceived v by the above veffsl, Some excellent Pickled Salmon, and » few quintals of the Very beG kind of Dumb Filh. September ,;o _ — For Cork, Marydnn, WFrancis Stuart, mailer: is a llreng, good (hip, fails fact, and has good acconimo J • r r mfldnffers Great part of her cargo being will fafl in IO days. For freight or passage SeptJ*?. M No. too, South Front-flreet. __ Jor Charter, The Ship Dominici Terry, Jacob E>C Hart, miliar : an excellent vessel, of about 3000 barreU burthen. JeJfe S3 5 Robert Wain. September- 2-T. ; For Charter, The Danish Barque Bineventura, Samuel Stub, master, good vessel, of about two hundre d burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAI.N. Sep*. 17. - - - FOR LONDON, The capital.(hip CERES, fail foonfor freight or passage to DAVY, ROBERTS Sc Co. or John Vattgban, September 10. Front-flreet. FOR SALE, C*|aL The {hip STAR, B&Pigra John Vanhekan, Mailer, T YING at Walnut-Greet wharf, Philadel | , „hia built, of live oak and cedar, will ' rarry about 3xoo barrels, is two years old, and in com plea- order to receive a cargo—For terms apply to THOS. & JOHN KETLAND. Who have alio for tale said vessels cargo—confiftlng of— Wine and Porter bottles, Winduw Glass, 6 by 8 to 16 by 11. Pipes in boxes Earthen-Ware in crates. Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &e. AUg. 19 i A Manufactory FOR SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, situate in > convenient part of the city ; the works almost new, on an entirely original conftruftion, and built of the, malerials, and may be set to work immediately, whowifhto purchase, are requeued to apply ™o. a 73» Somh Second Street. - ~ September 13. r * * ■ Dutch Goods, Jieceiv effy t^e Pennfyhania, from Amjlerdam. C-'?l, in pipes "Morla-i* Ticklen'ourg* > 111 Bales Ofniburgs j HaSem } Hollands ? DUCK, in ditto Ravens 3 Bcdticks, in ditto Brittagnes > jdj Platilles S Tor Sale by THOMAS JOHN KETLAND. /tog- «9 S_ John Whitefides & Co. Have for Sale, / Veijetian Red, Spanish Brown, White Lead, ground in oil; Shot, No. I, 1, 3, 4, .5. London Porter, in calks and bottlae. Green Copperas. Several crates of Queens Ware, in setts, with desert ditto cempleat. Blistered Steel, German ditto. Sept. 11. diw At a fpscial meeting of the Board of Di 'reQnH for ejlablUhing ufeful Manufacluret, holden at Paterfon, 'July 8, 1796, RESOI.VKD, That a special meeting of the Stock holders of the Society be called on the firll Monday, being the third ay of October ticxt, at Paterfon, by ten of the elocli of the fame day; then and there to take in*o consideration the propriety of difTolving the said corporation, agreeably to the law *1 such cafe made and provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly requested meeting in pcrfon or by proxy. Au S»ft 2 1 dt3othO Diflolution of PartnerHiip. Partnership between ROBERT ANDREWS and •* DAVID MEREDITH, undei the firm of ANBREWS and MEREDITH, being didolved All persons who are indebted to, or who have claims against the laid house are requclkea to apply for settlement to the fubferiber. ' ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86, So. Whaivej. 5ept.6,1796. - <) ,f W A N T E D, A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well recom mended, to take charge of the entire management of . children—Stieh a pei son will meet w itfi fuitablc encou ragement, and may hear of a place, by applying to the printer of this Gazette. Sept. 14. mw f For Sale, 30 Hogsheads of choice New-England . Rum, Landing fr#mthefchooner John, at Vanuxena's wharf.— For terms apply to N®> 7-1 North V ater Street, at ens [ head of the wharf. . t OA. i. dtl - LANDING, From on board the Bri/T IiEPcrCCAy-DotiumcD-awiic* , Mjtfter, at Philip Care's Wharf, and for Sale by the Subl'cribtr, - London Particular Madeira IV list, In Pipes, HoglWads and Quarter Calks. There are in the above parcel 10 [ihds. of CHOICE OLD WINE, fit for immediate use. Robert Andrews, Sept.6. irnvfcf No. 86, So. Wharves. Thomas Ryerfon HAS just received, by the ships Molly and Hamburgh Packet from Livcrpaol, and the Light Horta from Bristol, and is now opening lot sale, at his store No. 177, Market-Areet, an extcniive aflbrtment;qf Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware and Saddlery. ; The ship Caroline, now on her passage from Liverpool to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impot-- , tation. N. B. At the above store may be had, a few elegant , Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture ; alto, a good as - fortment of the bed kinds of Knives and Forks. Sect. 13. d i 1 rench Goods, c Received by the Saltyi Mitchell, from Havre-de- Grace, lo Trunks ") Lad;< ,. SHOES of all colors forts and Gies I Cafe J I Ditto whits and colored SiUc STOCKINGS I Ditto Fine LAWN , I Ditto bell fine CAMBRIC I Ditto Ladies' bed (hammy and Grenoble Gloves ' For Sale by THOMAS 5c JOHN KETLAND. j *»g- *4 • * Wm. HOLDERNftSSE, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the Eall Indies, a well felefted affprtment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which c : he will fell, Whelefale and Retail, en the lowest terms; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine In din muslins embroidered with gold and fflver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto • Do do da do Handkerchiefs Some extra black t*ffeties,luteftringsand colored Persians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and ihort Nankeens Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine 1 [ StlkHofiery, an elegant assortment Thead and cotton d» Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do deth French cambrics, very fint Irilh Linens, do> iScc. See. June 14 $ - For Sale, (In Sn excellent fittption for bufmefs,) _ A three-story bjick House and Hot of t Ground, Eighteen fte't front and twenty-five feet in'depth, oh the Sour" fide of Market near From-flreet, now in posses . ficn 'Samuel Read. ; Apply f!o ' Israel Pleafants, or Charles & Joseph Pleafants. Sept. 13. dtf j ■ The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, 1 CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- 1 bon, landing at the subscribers wharf— 38 PipA of Brandy 18 Bales of Spanish wool •3 do. of Annifeed . 7000 Bushels cf best Lisbon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemons For file by WILLINGS & FRAtfCIS. 1 ALSO, Seventy Hogsheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, ( received by the fbip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, from Kingston. 1 13. ' d • ~ FOR SALE, ' WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, in pipes and hogsheads Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, in pipes, from Holland « Earthen Ware, in crates Basket Salt, in hogsheads J Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Russia, in barrels t Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, 1 Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. J"'y \9 £ 1 I Lottery and Broker's Office, 1 No. 64, South Second stksst. TICKETS m the Canal Lottery, No. a, for sale-—a I Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in i the late lottery. j Check Books kept for examination and registering, for ' c the City of Washington, No. a, and Pattcfon Lotteries, j j hoth of whieh are now drawing—information where ■ tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn i tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late Nevfr- i Port Long-Wharf, Motel and Public School Lottwy, for ! examination. - The fubferiber foKcits the application of the public i and his friends, who wish to purcnatfe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, j. &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property. e Wm. Blackburn. e Philadelphia, Augujl 18, 1796. mth NOTES LOST: WHEREAS two notes drawn by Benjamin Hafkell and George W. Kirkland, dated Bufton, the 24th February, 1796, payable to Joseph May, er order, in 18 months after date, one for One Thousand Dollars, the 1- other Fifteen Dollars, were stolen with fame other papers >f out of a trunk on the Lancafler road. It is rcquefttd that 1- any person te whom they may be offered for negociation, ie will give notioe thereof to the fubferiber. GARRETT COTTRINGER. Sept. 30. ttstf % For Sale, By y. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, p Confifl irtj of different fizet, from 12 inch cables down q to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in q the fliip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. g) Sept. 17- dtf R _ Iri Twenty Calks excellent Claret and A feu. pipes choice Bordeaux Brandy, . For falc hy' " ~ Jofepb Anthony & Co. September a*. d 6 NANKEENS, Of tie JlrJi quality, FOR SALE BT, RD. and JAS. POTTER. tot any quantity above Five Thcrtifaml Pieces, a li beral credit will be given. R. & J. P. September 137 T. tf _ 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of the bejl quality, arid on rea/onable terms, TOR SALE BY Philip Nickiin & Co\ Auquft it* dtf V THIS DAT PUBLISHED, By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, - (Price 12 i-a Ccntaj The President's Address To th: People of the United States, . Announcing his intention of retiring from public life at the expiration of the present constitutional term of prefideDcy'i 'J September 10. d PhHip Co. T HAKE FOk SALE, Souciong -v Hyfoji Skin / Young; Hyson > FRESH TEAS Hyson and \ Imperial J Yellcw Nankeens ■< Chini Ware, aflorted in Bores and thefts ' Quic'ifilver Bandinno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in cherts London Market } MADEIRA WINE j London particular Vin pipes, hogfhfads, & N<w-York Market. ) . quarter calks Tcneriffe Wine in pipes and hogtcads Sugar Candy by the iiox ( Sail Canvas No. i a 8 Lead,in (hefts 3 Calks of Cutlery aflorted A few chests of Manchester Goods, assorted tbick fets, co-ds, flriped Nank.ecns, &c. 3 Snail packages of black jfcwing-fiiks ' L 8 Ticrces Virginia Snake-root. Nails assorted in calks £ jiily 13 mv.'Scf ! Wanted to Rent, e J convenient, well furnijh d Bed Chamber, W;th a good fire-place, in .an airjr and healthy part of the city. The peifon whe wants to rent such a chamber, _ w<>uld have no objection to board, or breakfaft only, with the family occupying the hoiffe, as may be moll agreeable. 1 Apply to the pfinter. September 19. taw J Public Noticc is Hereby Given, the Freemen of the City and County of Phila delphia. and the County of Delaware, that a gene- p ral election will be held on T.uefday the eleventh day c of O&obet next. —The ele<slion to be opened between £ ' the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one r, o'clock in the afternoon. J When the freemen of the City of Philadelphia, are /' to meet at the Stife-houfe in the fa>d city, to elefl Six Representatives far fa id city in General Aflem bly, One Representative for said city in the House of Re presentatives of the United States. Twenty persons for members of the Common Coun cil. j ' Twelve persons for members of the Select Com ' mittee. The Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia to elect One person for O°vernor Two persons for Coroners One perl'on for County Commiflioaer The Freemen of the County of Philadelphia, to g eledl 2 Six Representatives for said County in General As- V ikmbly. c One Representative for said county in the House of Representatives of the United States. The Freemen of the City and County «f Philadel phia, and County of Delaware, to eledt One Senator for the State The Freemen of the townlhip of the Northern Li- ' berties are to held their election at the town-house in Second Street continued, above Coats's Street. The Freemen of the townlhips of Germantown, 5 Roxborough and Bristol, are to hold their elcdlion at the Union School House in Gernwntown. The Freemen of the townfliips of Oxford, Byberry, Lower Dublin and Moreland, are to hold their election r \ at the house of the late John tfarnlley in Bufsletown, in S) the townlhip of Lower Dublin. I And the Freemen of theDiftrift of South waa-k, and < B | the townlhipsof Moyamenfing, PalTyunk, and King . 1 felling, are to hold their eledlion at the State-Hotife in ' r j the City of Philadelphia. The Cenflables of each Ward, DiftriA, &c. are to e c ! hold their election, in the different diftrifts to choofi: ' their inl'peilors for the enfuingyear, and to give their . >. attendance at thi time and refpeflive places. Sept. 26. JOHN BAKER, Sh.riff. * The Electors of Chester county are requested to meet at Hunt Downing's, in Eaft-Caln townlhip, on j II Fridays the 7th day of O&ober ensuing, to form a h ticket for the ensuing eleflion. ; g September n, 1796. e """* < -s *#* The Inhabitants of the county of Chester are requested to meet at the house of Abraham Marshall, in the townftip of Weft-Bradford, m said county, on 1 the 7th day of Oflober next, in order to consult ofl i general ticket for the-enfuing elecliun. September 14., 1796. FOR SALE, By N. and J. FHAZIER, No. 95, S. Frant-Hrcct, Prime Boflon Beef, in barrels. Georgia Cotton. Carolina Rice and Indigo. Skerry ami Teneriffe Wines, of elccelkdt quality. Ravens Duck. Indro Bav.danho's. Sewing Silks, various colours. Coflfahs and Gurrahs. * Sflpt. 17. - . > ttr.4W. For sale by the fublcribers, IN penn-street, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea H igo ditto (low frefh Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 4* pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willings Francis. January 3° tt&f FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and HOLLAND GIN, of the firfl qualities in Pipes. FRAUNCKS and VAN REED. Brokers and Commiftion Merchants, No. 63, So. 3d-St. Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. September 14. mwf THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Second and Chefnut flreett. Price 12 i-i Cents, The President's Address To the People of the United States, INTIMATING The rcfolurion he hat formed to dc-clme being considered among the number of'thofe out of whom a choice is to be made, at the ensuing elc&ion of a Prelidcnt of the United States. Sept. ao. ws6 Great is Truth and must prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale at No- 41 Chefnut-Jireet by J. ORMROQ, An Apology for the Bible, By R. W/ITSON) D. D. F. R. s. l&ijfcbp of Landnff, iffc. Being a complete refutation of Paine's Age of Reason, A*id the only answer to the Second Part. Augult 30. - dtf THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By W. Young, Mills and Spn, (Price to cts. in boards, 62 1-2 neatly bound] An Apology for the Bible, In a series of Letters, Addrefied to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled The Age of Reason, part the feccnj, being an in •vejligation of true and fabulous theology. By K. WATSON, D. D. F. K. S. Lord Bishop of Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of iJivinity in the Ufiiverfity of Cambridge. Stpt. 16. tu&f6 India Tamboured Muslins. A finally handftme ajfortment sf Muslins, viz. Fine tamboured Malda and Santipwe Muslins, vaiiou'a patterns and prints. Plain 6-4 Jaconet. Corded and crdTs-barred Mr.flin Shawls. Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-14 Dercas, Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. Japan Muslins, and A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Clothe. FOR SAtt BY Thomas Tingey, No. 121, South Third-ftrett. Sept i«. • tutf&f Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberies and diftridl of Southwark, Published, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES, No- 68, High street, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 26 inches square, and has been en 1 1 graveuby one of the firfl artists In the city, from a late and accurate survey. Purchasers are,entitled to a pam* . phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the city, its population, trade, government, &c. July 19 tu&Ftf . TAKE NOTICE. THE fubferiber intends to make application for a re newal of the following certificate, supposed to be . loft on the palfage to England in April 1794 : , Certificate No. 10335, dated 15th November, 1 for 2830 dollars and Q2 cents—Six per cent.' domcftic debt, on the books of The Treafuryof the United States, ' in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. C ROBERT BIRD, at John Wardefs. Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. *tuicf6w WANTED, Three JOURNEYMEN BOOK-BINDERS, 1 OOD steady workmen will meet with em . \J ployment, and good wages ;by applying to JOHN j CURTIS, No. 43, North Fourth-Greet. N. B. BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches, 3 eitscuted with neatness and dispatch. Public and jrivate lib raries repaired in the neatest and bell manner. r September 10. t & aw BRANDY, OF tft and 4th proof, and equal in quality to that import, j ed from France, may be had of the fubferiber at his Distil lery, N». 115, Story or New-flreet, between Third a»d 1 Fourth-streets, where the public, upon application, may s judge for themfelvra, ar.d will find it an object well ijtailh their attention. RUM and GIN in any quantity, for exportation or borne consumption, and of fupeiior quality—by e Thomas Cave. ! > P.S RYE, MALT, BARLEY, and MELAtKIiS, will n be purchased, or taken in exchange for spirits, upon appli a cation as above. Also any quantity of Clirtt or other wine fit for diftiUation. August 29 h,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers