• f • ' ' '• -£3r ' m ''. ' - &a?ette of the mmtm States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1796. - > X. Number-lIJI-} , .. — K.;l, ' - I'r ; ~Z ~* r~.. c„u i 7 !?«,. I Vrnn KA- t.V For Glasgow, The good brig COMMERCE, E. TALtMAU, matter. S^WIESBSfc n a , f Soutn Thied-ftreet, 3 ' 5 ftnnojke Mr. Chew's Gardens. Far Boston, TA# Schotner JOHN, A cenft'ant trader, Peter Coffin, maP.er, iyin * at Mr. Vanuiem's wherf, will fail in all next week. For Freight orpaffage apply to th? Captain on board or o Edward Stow, jun. VTho has r-ceivrr! by the above vessel, Some excellent Pickled Salmon, and a few quintals of the. Very bed; kind of Dumb Filh. September .30. 12. For Cork, ■ The Ship Mary Ann, Francis Stuart, matter: is a ftreng, good (hip, fails fall, and has good accommo • Nations for passengers. Great part of her cargo being ready, she will fail in 10 days. For freight or passage auply to the Captain on board, at Mr. Shoruli s wharf, Or to Stuart Barr. Sept. 29. dtf No. 1 go, South Front-street. g- tor Charter, The . Ship Dominich Terry, Jacob" De Hart, matter': ail excellent JeJfe fcf Robert Wain. September ?- T. d tJCT. For Charter, The Danish Barqfce Beneventura, Samuel Stub, master, A good vessel, of about two tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAT,N. Sept. iy. dtf . FOR LONDO^ '^ ,^9 capital ship CERES, To fail soon : —For freight or passage jgfegS?,. ppl-v to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or John Vaugban, September 10. Front-street. FOR SALE, 1 jjjjfiL iliip STAR, .Wreri John Vanneman, Master, T YING at Walnut-ftr«et wharf, Philade'- I 1 phia biiilt, of live oak and cedar, will carry about 3100 barrels, Is two'years old, and in corn plea; order to receive a cargo—j'or terras apply to THOS.&JOHN KETLAND. Who have also for sale said vessels cargo—consisting of— Wine and Porter bottles, Window Gafs, 6 by 8 to 16 J>y li. Pipes in boxes Earthen-Ware in crates. Grind/tones, Coals, Whiting, &e. *"g. 19 § Sales of India Goods. The Cargo ef the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK (iOODS. AMONG WHfCH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, Doreas, Isfc. Alio, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by ■ Willings Ss? Francis^ No. 21 Penn Street. June 8 § . Manufactory FDR SALE. t A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, situate in a convenient part of the city ; the works almolfc new, on an entirely original conftruftion, and built of the best materials, and may be set to work immediately. Pecfons whowiftito purchase, are requtfted to apply at No. 273," South Second Street. September 13. t t f t f Dutch Goods, , Received by the Pcnnfylvania, from Amjierdam, GW, in pipes Morlaix ") Ticklenburgs > In Bales Ofnaburgs J BS£ RavenV* } DUCK > in di «o Bedticks, in ditto Brittagnes 7 Platilles | ,n dltto For Sale by 'THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. Aug. 19 § John Whitefides & Co. Have for Sale, Vt ne'ian Red, Spanilh Brown, White Lead, ground in oil; Shot, No. I, i, 3, 4, $• London Poiter, in calks and bottles. Green Copperas. Several crates of Queens Ware, in feces, with itfert ditto complcat. Blillered Steel, German ditto. £ept. 21.- • djw Dissolution- of Pitrtnerfliip. THE Paitnerfrin between ROBERT ANDREWS and "D AVID MEREDITH, under the firm of ANBREWS and MEREDITH, bring diilolved All persons who ire jgdrbted to, or who have claims against the laid ho lie, are reqtieiled to apply for fcttlement to the fuhferibrr. ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86, So. Wharret. Sept.6, > 'f For Sale, 30 Hogftieads of choice New-Ehgland Rum, TO Landing fremthefc'nooaer John.at Vanuxena'swharf.— , d For terms apply to No. 71, North Water Street, at ih» " kead of the wharf. oa.». dtf. LANDING, —* jFrona on board the Brig REBECCA, Doaninic Davine, Master, at Philip Care's Wharf.-auAf** li» ll.*c • Subscriber, ( ' , r London Particular Madeira IVIIvi., In Pipes, Hogfneads and Quarter Calks. t0 There are in tie above parcel 10 Hhds. of CHOICE OLD WINE, fit for immediate use. • Robert Andrews, Sept. 6. mw&f No. 86, So. Wharves. Thomas'Ryerfon HAS jufl received, hy the (hips Molly and Hamburgh Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from Bristol, and is now opening for sale, at his store No. 177, Market-street, an extenfivc assortment of . Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware o and Saddlery. The {hip Caroline, now on htr passage from Liverpool ?e to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall itnpor tation. N. B. At'the above store may be had, a few elegaßt Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture; also, a good as sortment of the best kinds of Knives and Forks. Sept. 13. trench Goods. Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de- Grace, »> Trunks -» . , SHOES * of aJI colors fort! ac a foes I Cafe j I Ditto whica and colotcdSilk STOCKINGS ~ 1 Ditto Fine LAWN -1 Ditto best fine CAMBRIC I Ditto Ladies' best shammy and Grenoble Gloves » For Sale by THOMAS 8c JOHN KETLAND ; /.up. a 4 * "> Win. HOLDERNKSSE, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by*the arrivals from Europe and the East Indie*, a well feleftcd assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberda'fhery Goods; which 1 re he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and frtver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul dittft . Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black (affefies,lutcftrihgsand colored Peril ails Sandano Handkerchiefs Long and short Nankeens Etrylilh Mantuas of the fii-ft quality Damask table linen andnapkins, very fine > | '• Silk Hofiefy, an elegant affortm«nt '' Thead and cotton de '*! Umbrellas—green fllk, oil'd da. and do cl«th French cambrics, very fine Trifh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § For Sale, (In art excellent fituatibn for bnlinefs,) A three-story brick House and Lot of t Ground, Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on ' the South fide of Market near Front-street, now in posses- ' fion of Samuel-Read. Apply to Israel Pleafants, or Charles & Joseph Pleafants. ' ls Jij. dtf — — ——— r The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, c 5 APTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Eif- 1 bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— c 18 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bates of Spanilh wool ' 3 do. of Annifeed 700& Bulhels of best Lilbon Salt • , ' 80 Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. f ALSO, Seventy Hogfhcads of prime JAMAICA JSUGARS, c received by the lhip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, e from Kingston. ' r Sept. 13. d « FOR SALE, ■ 1 I, . WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old> in pipes and hogsheads Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, in pipes, from Holland t Earthen Ware, in crates Basket Salt, in hogsheads f Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead I Steel, Gf. nai; and Russia, in ban-els Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, I lin plates—An invoice Stationary. t>r THOMAS & JOHN KETL A NIT. , July *9 '<s -k — I i- X. Lottery and Broker's Office, No. 64, South Second strelt. TICKETS m-'the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale a ' Check Book for examinatien—and prizes paid in the late lottery. 1 1 1 Check Books kept for examination and r fiftering, for 1 s the City of Walhington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, t both of which are no,w drawing—information where i. tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn ' t tickets. A complex lift of all the priies in (he late New- f Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for t examination. - The fubferiber fofceits the application of the public ! and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock, t Certificates, Bills ef Exchange or Notes. Houses, Lands' a t &c. or to obtain money on depolit of property. Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Augup 18, 1796. m th NOTES LOST. t WHEREAS two notes drawn by Benjamin Halkell 1 and George W. Klrkland, dated Boilon, the 24th 1 d February 1796, payable to Joseph May, er order, in i 3 s months after date, one for One Tlioufand Dollars, the e otr.er Fifteen Dollars, weie flolen withfome other papers ■ e out of a t,r«nk on the I.ancafler road it.is rcqucfted that r any pcrfon to whom they may be offered for negociatWß, i wnl give noti« thereof 10 the fubferihrr. t OARRFiT COTTRINOER. t Sept. 30, ustf _ i ' . . For Sale, d By J. WARDER,, PARKER £* Co. An Tavoioe of Cordage, , — Confining of dilfcrent files, frupi 1 % inch cables down , 18 to rope of i inches, of different lengths: Imported In , the ship Swft, from Hull, and entitled tc drawback. < Sept. 27. dtf i _ — — i Twenty'Ga&s' excellent Claret and « £ A ; w -,v choice Bordeaux Brand 1 ;, * 1 J°f e pb Anthony iff Co. September 2d6 E .NAN K EE'NSj Of the frjl quality, FOR SALE BY. RD. and J AS. POTTER. For any quantity above Five Thoafand Pieces, a li beral credit will be given. R. & J. P. September ij. T. tf 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of the bejl quality and on reajonable terms > for sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. Augaft 1-b. ~ dtf 1 ]1 ' THIS DAT PUBLISHED, By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, t (Price is 1-2 Cents) r- The President's Address To the People cf the United States, -- Announcing hi 3 intention of retiring from public life at the expiration of the prefect conflitutional term of prefideqey. . September 20. • d Philip Nicklin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, Souchong Fyfon Skin J \oung Hyson > FRESH TEAS Pylon and \ Imperial Yellow Nankeens China Ware, aflorted in Boxes and Chests j It Bandanrlo Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in I, chest London Market } MADEIRA WINE i London particular >in pipes, liog'fiieads, & ' r New-York .Market J . quarter "caflti Teneriffe.Wise in pipes and iioglfceads .Sugar Candybythc Box 6 Sail Canvas No. i a 8 Lead in sheets 3 Calks of Cutlery afTbrted ' A few chests of Manchefler Goods, afibrted thick fes, cords, striped Nankeens, &'c. -3-Siiiiall packages of black fewing-frlks 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-roof. Nails 'aflorted in calks i jtiLlSu mvSf \Vanted to Rent, i A convenient, well furnifhed Bed Chamber, r With a jood fire-place, in an airy and healthy part of ' the city. l The person wh® wants to rent such a chamber, would hatfe'no ohjeitiori to boanl, of breakfaft only, with , the family occupying the ttoiife, as niay be moll agreeable. Apply to the printer. September 19. taw ' ]_ U Public Notice is Hereby Given, TO the Freemen of the.City ;fhd County of Phila» * delphia, and the County of Delaware,ihat a gene- j ral eledlion wiltbe held on Tuesday the eleventh day f j of OdVober'next.—The eletfion to be opened between j the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one j o'clock m the afterntton. t When the'freemtn of the City of Philadelphia, r.rz i to nuet at the Statc-houie ia the city, to elefl Si* Representatives for said city in General AfTem bly, One Representative sor 1 Taid city in theHpufe of Re preftnt'ii iv'es ef the United States'. Twenty'pfrfems for rnembtrVof the Common Coun cil. Twelve persons for metuVersof the Selefl Com mittee. . . • ' T!he Freemen of the City and Cquutyof Philadelphia . tceleft "One person. for Governor , Two persons' for' Coronet's , One perfdn for Cfciitity Coinmiilioner The Ffetfrnen of the County 'of Philadelphia, to g elei9 a Six Rqjrefentatives for fsidCounty in General As- p Hembly. ~ j ■ e One Reprejentative for said county in ; the Hqufe of Reprefent.ttivi-s of the United .States. Thfe Freerhtn of the City and County of Philadel , phia, anciCounty of Delaware, to etedt One Senator for the State * The Freerioen of the township of the Northern 1' berties are to hold their ele&ion at the Second Street continued, above Coats's Street. Thij Freemen of the townlhips of Germantow'n, i 5 Roxbarough r.nd Bristol, are to hold their c led ion at 11 3 the Union School House in Germantov.-n. , The Frcemea of the fo-wnlhips of Oxford, Byberryj Lower Dilblm and Moreland, are to hold their elefVion r ' at the hrufe of the late John tSarndey ift Bufsletown, in i, the towafliip~of Lower Dublin. J ej. And the Freemen of the Diftridf of Southwark, and f I the townships of Moyamenfing, Paflyunk, and Kieg- " - ieffing, are to hold their eledlion at. the State-House in ' C r the City of Philadelphia. The C«nftables of each Ward, Diflria, &c. arc to « C hold their eleilion, in the different diffrisls to choose 11 > their infpexfVoi-s for the ensuing year, and to give their > attendance at the time and refpeflive ol?ces. " Sept. 26. JOHN BAKER, Sheriff. *** The Electors of Chester connty are requested e to m/et at Hunt Downing's, in Eaft-Ca'ln township, on I Friday, the 7th day of Od\ober en-suing, to form a - , ticket for the ensuing eltflion. 5 September 12, 1796. s *** The Inhabitants of thje county of Cheiler are t requested to meet at the noufe of Abraham Marlhall, , m the township of Weft-Bradferd, i» said county, on b the 7th day of Oflober next, in order to consult on a c general ticket for the ensuing eieftions si September 14, 1796. FOR SALE, :<?. By N. and J. FRAZIER, No. 95, S. Front-street, Prime Boston Beef, in barrels. A * n Georgia Cotton. ' r - Carolina R,ce and Inditjo. Sherry and i'eneriffe \Vmes, 0? excellent quality. Ravens Duck. indio 8.-.i'O. ;:i)o'-:. id Sewing SiVi s various col-: urs. CojJfch*a?d hurrahs. 5 ' 1 ' ttS4W. For sale by the fublcribers, IN PENN-3TSITET, 13© qunrter Chests frefh Ilyfon Tea IGO ditto do. frefh Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing fiuall te% setts of 41 pieces; 400 pieces Bahtlanoes. n - Willings & Francis. Jamfary 30 y ... \ — } FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and HOLLAND GIN, of the fir ft qualities in Pip. FRAUNCES and VAN REED, Brokers and Commifiicn Merchants, No. 63,50. 3d St, Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. September 74. mwf THIS D'AY IS PUBLISH El), I ~ By W. YOUNG, MILLS and "Son^ Corner of SecoMt and Chef nut ft reels, Price 12 1-2 cents, of The President's Address To the People of the United States* . INTIMATING The resolution he has formed to decline being coirfiderei' among the Cumber of those out of whom /choice is to be made, at the ensuing eleflion of a Prefidcnt of the United States. Sept. 20. / ws6 Great is Troth and must prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale at No- 41 CBefnut-Jireet by -J. ORMRODi An Apology for the Bibi^e, in By R. Watson, d. jd. f. it. s. Bifhip of Landaff, isfc. & Being a complete refutation of Paine's Age of Reason, Aid the only answer to the Second Part. August 30. dtf THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, By W. Young, Mills and Son, k- [Price jocts. in boards, 64 1-2 neatly bound] An Apology for the Bible ; ■In a series of Letters, Addrefied to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled The Age 9f Reason, part ihe feccnrl, being an in• I'ejiigction of trite and fabulous tbeohgy. By R. WATSON, 1). L). F. H. S, Dorr! Bifliop of Landaff, and Regius ProfefFor df Divinity of in-tlie Usiveriity of Cambridge. ■r, Sept. 16. tu&f6 le. India Tamboured Muslins. _ A small* handsome assortment of Mujlins, viz. Fihe tamboured Alalda and Santipsre Muslins, variout 1 ' patterns and prices. e " Plain 6-4 Jaconet. »y Corded and crofs-fiarred Muslin Shawfe. ' n Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas ne Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. Japan Muslins, and • re A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. lOR SALE BY a " Thomas Tingey, No. I2J, South Third-flreet e" Sept 11. tutf&f n " Plans of the city of Philadelphia, n _ Including the Northekn Liberties and diltrift of SOUTHWARK, PuMifhed, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68, High street, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 26 inches square, and has been en" 1 to graved by one of the firft artists In the city, from a late and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam f- phlet with each plan, giving f< some account of the city, its population, trade, government, &c. as July 19 , tußcftf 1. TAKE NOTICE. rHE fubferiber to make application for a re* newa! of the following certificate, supposed to be , |l loft on the passage to' England in April 1794 : in Cert Hi cat e No. dated 15th November, 1793, for 2830 dollars and 02 cents—Six per cent, domcftic n debt, on the books of ihe Tre«fury ef the United States', j in the name of the Hon John Trevor. ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's. Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. 'tu&.f6w Tn WAN T E~B; " Three JOURNETMEN BOOK-BINDERS, id OOD steady workmen will meet with constant em g- Vjr ploymsnt.and good wages ;by applying to JOHN in' CURTIS, No 43, North Fourth-street. * N. B. BOOK BINDING in all its different branches, \ to executed with neainefs and dllpatch. Public and private [ e libraricsrepaired in the r.eateft and best manner. :lr September 20. ..t & 2W .BRAHBY, ~ OF id and 4th proof, and equal in quality to thatimport- D( j ed from France, may be had of the fdbfcfiber at his Diftil )n lcry, No. 115, Story or New-street. between Third and Fourth-streets, where the public, upon application, may a judge for themselves, and will find it an obje£l well worth their attention. RUM and GIN in any quantity, for exportation or heme cbnfumption, and of fupeiior quality—by !^ e Thomas Cave. P.S RYE, MALT, BARLEY, and MELASSES, wf« 3n be purchased, or taken in exchange for spirits, upon appli -1 a cation as above. Also any of Claret or other wiser fit for distillation. ugufl 29 h, 2796. v M4W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers