"Kiis Day is Publifhcd, Aid Sold by J. ORM ROD, No. 41, Chefr.pt- Jircet, and WILLIAM COBMETT, oppofitt Ha Chrijl Churchy L . , Price only 15 cents, A j IVaffon's Letters to Gibbon; or An Apology for Christianity, In a series of Letters, ] * Addressed to Edward Gibson, Esq. author of the Hifto- ] ry of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. ] By R. WATSON, D. D. F: R.S. I Lord Bifhep of Landaff, and Regius ProfeiVor of Divinity in the Umverfity of Cambridge. I Like wife, a Second Edition of dir An Apology for the Bible, e "! By the f*me celebrated Divine. — Price 37 1-2 cents. These Pamphlets are printed to match. To that they may be bound together—and contain the mofi pow- J-( erful and convincing arguments ever advanced in favor of Christianity j together with a complete refutation of cel Deism and Infidelity. W. C. HAS JUST PUBLISHED, The Political Censor for September; CONTAINING The Life of Thomas Paine, And Remarks on the Pamphlets lately 40 published againfl Peter Porcupine. _ September. 30. mwf n THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By Mat-hew Carev, .118, Market-street, ~ A Diflertation on Slavery, WITH A PROPOSAL ' For the Gradual Abolition of it f 0 In the State of Virginia. to By ST. GEORGE 7UCKER, Prcfeffor_of Law in in the Unrverjity of. William and Mary, and one of in the "Judges in the General Court In Virginia. " Slavery not only violates the Laws of Nature and 0' 00 " Civil Society, it also wounds the bell forms of gov. rn- " ment: in a Democracy, where all men are equal, Save- " ry Is contrary to th<s spirit of the constitution." \_M.ontefquitu?^ Sept. 29. 6 RICKETS' s Amphitheatre of Arts* T O THE PUBLIC. T IMPRESSED with the most lively gratitude for pift J favours, Mr, Rickets retuffcs his most sincere thanks to the people of Philadelphia, for the kind patronage and T liberal encouragement they have hitherto (hewn hitfl, C 1 and again solicits their attention for the eHfuißg feafoH. He takes this opportunity of informing the Ladies and d; Gentlemen of this City, that the AMfarrUEATRE has un- tc dergose a complete and pleasing alteration since the last ™ 1 season, (oq an original plan of his own) so as to make it aI f erfe&ly convenient for a numerous audience; and or namented, in the most faperb style, with SCENERY, 0 DRESSES and DECORATIONS, entirely new. w He afTures the public, that no pains nor expehfe what ever have been spared, to render itone of the moll beau- t' tiful places of public ainufement of the kind here or in d any part of Europe. The public are further informed, that the Amphitheatre J of Arts will open on the evening of the loth of October, 1796. The particulars of the entertainments of that a evening wih te announced in the different daily publica- h tions. / J. 14 •R. r September 18. eo. a New-England Rum, r In hogfhesds, Welsh's best Boston Chocolate,' I And ri HYSON-SKINTEA, in quarter chests, f, FOR SALE, BY ii A. MARpLE.tf ISR.W.MORRISj ♦iJo. 6oj Dock-ftrect. Sept. 14. ) . eo6t. Mr. FRANCIS, (Of the New Theatre) ~ TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his I , scholars and to the public. Xvlr. Francis intends, on h> return from Maryland, to open a public aca- : demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He t flatters himfeif that his attention to his pupils hi- f therto renders any promises of conducting his future j schemes on the moll libera! and ftri&eft terms, of pro- j priety, totally anneceflary. N. B. Private tuition as usual. June 3 iav Sales of India Goods. The Cargo of the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta ahd Bengal, CONSISTING OK A Large and gefieral aflortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins 3 Doreas, isfc. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, !n boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Francisj No. 11 Penn Street. June'B 5 For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lit, in Chfcfniit flreet, between Front and Secortd Itrsets, in which MeiFff. James Calbraith &/Co. have for many years (and now Jo) carried on bulinefs. PofTeilion will be givefitn one montlf, or sooner. For terms apply td WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. April ix. § Brokers Office, and commission store;. No 63 South Third ilreet, oupodte the national'ntw Bink. SAMUEL M ?R AUNCIiS and JOHN VAN REED, have entered into co-partnerihip, under the (km of FRrtUNCES.iSc VAN RF.F.D, in the business of Brokers. Conveyancers and CommUfion merchants. They buy and fell on coramilliou ev<.ry species of llock, note 9 of hand, hills ol elchange, houses and lands, Sec. M.oni;v procured Cn deposits, &c. &c. all hinds o' in the conveyahciilg line, done with neaiuefsand difrratvh; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the ' most correct tnanner. CoHllant attendance will be given. Thry Tolicit a share of the public fuvor ; they are deter mined to endeavou't to <Jj'ferVe it. N. B 'Fhe utmou l'ecrecy obfci ved. S UIUtL M. r'RAUNCES, JOHN VAN REtD. PhiUd. AUgiift ih 1796. xti&Htf JOHN MILLER, Jun. k Co. No. 8, CHESNUT STREET, Have Imported in the late vefleli from Europe, &c. p AND HAVE lOR SALE, dy t A general assortment of GOODS, tuiubie to tlie lcafon— Ap]: Amonglt which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, ~ Plain and twill'd COATINGS., _1 Rose ilriped tiu paint BLANKETS, FLANNELS and BUSES, HATS assorted in cases, IRISH LINENS, lni INDIA GOODS, generally, " on 1 A Conligned Invoice of IRONMONGERY, "V'" Compriiing a capital aflortment to open a (lore —inclu- ding Thirty Casks of NAILS. This invoice will be fold " entire on very, advantageous terms. September 20. d Lottery SC FOR raifmg fir thonfand fix hundred and fixty-fevcn dollars ar.d fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per cent from the. prizes, ind not two blanks to a prize, viz j I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5006 I 1000 1000 " t 500 JOO 100 lOC© IQ 100 1000 99 jo 495° 2oa a 5 5 000 JGQO IO 10,000 5 Last drawn numbers ef 1000 dollars each, 5000 1331 Prizes. 44>450 4018 Blanks. \ 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,45^ By order of the Directors of the Society for eftablilh mg Wcful Manufactures, the fuperiotendants of the Pat- j vfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the ,—. foragoing S«heme to the public, and have direflcd them to r«fund the money to thwfe persons who have yurchafed „ in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets __ in this Lottery. The lottery hasa<stually commenced dfawing, ?nd will _ continupuntilfmifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes j may be seen at thfl office ot William Blackburn, No. i>4 south Second street, who willgivelftformation wheic tick- c - ets may be procured. , Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. * J- N- gumming, 7 I' JACOB R. HARDEN%ERG,> Miriagers. ; JONATHAN RHEA, ). vat atf eo -y-v, , " fro: Sanluel Rfchardet, " 6 'i TJ ESPECTFULLY 'informs the Geirtlemen ihe Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY t^lc I TAVERN and MERCHANTS G OFF EE HOUSE in the A 1 , city of Philadelphia. l '' r The Subfcripticm Room will.be furialAved w-th all the w '! daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- Ls ton, Baltimore, together with those of the princiip.->l com mercial citits of Europe—They will be ragulaily filed h and none permitted to be taken away on any acto'unt. ait< Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creanfs, and e variety 11U1 of French Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments, r " ' will at all times be procured at the bar. t ' lt: 4 Gentlemen may depend on being accommouited with t ' lc . the choicest of Wiaes, Spirituous L,iquors, and the most 1 approved Malt fromi.ondon and other Ireweries. The Larder will be supplied with the prime aid earliest are , prodtiftions of the Season. 1 Large and small Parties, or fingleGentlemer, may be accommodated with Broakfafts, Dinners, or Sappers, at . hours jttoft convenient to themselves—a cold Collation is regtdarly kepi f6r conveniency, the Billof Fate t9 be had at thG bar. * ■ The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and the utmost attention paid to cleanlihefs, and every other f n ' requisite. 1 3® 1 - SimuEl Rich a'rdet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at, ( - c large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges ha' himfelf that nothieg 011 his part (hall be wanting to pre- r: serve that patronage with whiah he has been so diftinguili- ca > inglf honored. Ul ' Philadelphia, April 19. mwf Treasury of the United States. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are br Q t may be Creditors of the Uiuted States, for any sums —* of the funded licit, or Stock, inuring a present intcrtji of fix lS per centwmper annum. '» ift, That pursuant to an Ad of Cohgrefs passed on the ' 38th diy of April, 1796, intitledan adt in addition to >11 A , e ift, intituled " A:i a6l making further prwvifion for the ■" fupport'of public cradit, and for the redemption of the e public debt," the said debt or Hock will We reimburfcd and 1- paid in manner foliowLug, to wit. " First, by dividends " toWmlde on the last days of March, June and Scptem " ber for the present year, and'from the year one thousand " " fevetl hundred aad'fiinety-feveu, to the year one thou- - « sand eight hu>utred 5c eighteen inclufrve, at. fche rate of " " one and one half p'er centum upOn the oru mal capital. « Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last diy of J. «' December ior the present year, asid from the year one " thousand seven hundred and nineiy-feven, to the year " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen indufive, at f r 1S " the rate of three and one half per ce.ntfam upon the vri " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be nia '.e uu the last - " day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun " drcd and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ale- r> 1 5 " quate, according to the contrail, for the finaj rtdemp " tion of the said stock." 1 n| id. Ail diftindioti between payments on account of q Intend and Principal heing thus abolifhetl by the eftablilh- • ment of the permanent rule of re'imburfement abovs de fcribed,Tt has hecome neccilary to vary accardingly the powefs of attorney for receiving dividends; the public creditors will therefore observe that the following form is eftablilhed for all powers of attorney which may be — granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz. KNOW ALL MEN BY -THESE PRESENTS, thai r of do mate, ronjiituie and appoint rj my true and laiuful At- 11 torney,fur me, and in tr.y name, to receive tb: dividends lubicb are, : or fiall ie payable according to law, on the (hers describing the K stock) Jlaniting in :ny namein the booh of (here describing the u books of the Treasury of the Cbmmiffioncr of Loans, where the flack is credited) frun (here mfert the com- v menceir.cnt and expiration of tithe for which the power of " L attorney is to COHtinue) \uith poiver also an attorney or aitor* ' v nics under him, for that purpose to male andjubflitutc, and to do all 1 ' lawful alls reqwfliefir ejftfiing tbeprcmifes, bereiy ratifying and confirming all that tvyfiiJ Attcs/iey tic bis tr k. ly do, by virtue bcrecf, >J D, In Wdntfs hereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal tbe of day of iil the year rs, Sc-alid andDelwered fid in j*refencsj>f\ id, BE IT KNOIVN, that on the day of efore me perfoncilly lame o' ivitbin namud and acknowledged tbe above letter of attorney to be f nd his a£l and dad. a he' In teflimony whereof I have hereuntofet my Hand and affix- j :n. r i Seal the day and year last -foiefaid. c ;r - Giyen under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- j tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dire&ions (; fiom the Secretary of the Treasury SAMUEL MEREDITH, f of the United States. r -wVitiJ. 'v ~ ■ ' ': : " ' Turjis-lilancl oalt, 1 FO R SA L E. Per the {hip American, Capt. Sliallcrofo—•'WiU-te i■>■»- y dy to difchargt at Kue-Oreet wharf on the 37th liuu— \ Apply to w ' . Jehu Hotlin?[worth & Co. a < Sept. 23. J tot A Manufactory FOR SALE. A VVal'.iahie SOAP and CANDLE Manuh tlor>, Gtuate in a convrnirni part ol the city ; the works almolt new, on an entirely oritiinil confiru&ion, and built or the Lett material!, and mav he fit to wmk immediately. Peifms who wish to purchal'e, ate recjucftcd to apply at No. 2;j, South Second Street. / September jo. . * * * 1 . City ct Washington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR. THE IMPROVEMENT 0 i THE FEDERAL CITY. A magflfficrtit } 50,006 dollars, & 7 QQQ dwciling-houfe, )"A 1 30,000, are $ ' q U 1 ditto 15,000 & tact 25,c0b 40,000 ,i 1( I ditto 15,000 & caih 15,060 30,000 x ditfo 10,000 & cacti 10,000 20,600 del j ditto & cash 5,000 ro.opo ;!l 1 ditto 55*100 & cash 5,000 io,uo<o 1 tact prize of io,oOo dr; 1 d«. 5,000 iich, a.'e • 10, coo tlu 10 do. 1 1,000 - - ro,ooo 20 do, 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - » 10,000 aoo do. 50 - - 10,000 400 'do. 25 1 - io,oqO 1,000 do. 20 - 20,000 15,00© do. 10 » - Jiv,ooo - 16,739 Prizes. — Blanks. 50,000 Tickcts,, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 t ' Qjj N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of „ Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the (.ast drawn .j ---ticket, and the 3G,ooothe last hut one : Arid approved notes, securing payment in either money «r prizes, in ten dttys after drawing, will be received fc: any number not lei's than 30 tickets. „ o This Lottery will afrord in elegiuit specimen of the pri vate buildings to be ere&ed in 11'.. City Of Washington— Two beautiful deilgns are already fel*2ted for the entire fronts oil two of the public squares; from these prawings it ispropofed to erect two centre and four corner buildings, as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to co:.\.:y I them, when complete, to the forrunate .adventurers, in the mannerdefcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deaudion of five per cent, will be mid;: to defray "V the necessary ejepenfes of printing, icc. and the surplus v will be made a part of the fund intended for theNatianal ! coj Usivcrfity, to be erected Within ths city of Viihington. all The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets 3re an (bid off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days lat after it is finifhsd ; and ahy priaes for which fortunate ftc numbers a!e not produced within twelve mbriths after the do drawing isclofed, are to be confidtrcd as given towards ny ' the funk for the University ; it being determined to fettle ar. the whole business in a year from the ending of the draW- ov rag, and to take up the bonds given as security. w The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, ar are held by the Prcfidf-nt and two Directors of the Bank (' ./of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- 1r . mount of the lottery. "in The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of is s the late Commiffiohers aflifted in the management of the pj 1 Hotel Lottery are requested to undertike thi ? arduous taik ni a second time 011 behalf ef the public ; a fuflicie«t nurri d\ J ber ef these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the a: r friar.ds to a National University and the other federal ob<- la joils may continue to favor the deftgn. b: j By accounts received from the diflerent parts of the ht t Continent as well as from Europe, where the ticket! th s have been sent for sale, the public ace assured that the iu . drawing will speedily c*>mmen«e, and that the care and gi . caKtion unavoidably necessary to insure a lafe disposal of rc tlu ticket®, has rendered the ituirr suspensiOn indilpenfaßte. ni SAMUEL BLODGET. „§, Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; 0 A James Well & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Oilman, Boston of John Hopkins, Richthond ; and of Richard Walls r Cooper's Ferry. co ; - s i — — .i 1 c JVaTson's Answer to Gibbon. e JUST RECEIVED, ' Afldfot lale by J. OHMROD, Nb. 4 t, Chefnat-'ftreet, Apology for Christianity, I In aso cf Letters, addrejfed t» If EUward Gibbon, ft Autkor of ihe Hiitory of the Decline and -Fall of the 01 Roman Empire: . al ,f Bv R. WATSON, d. d. F. k. s. Bifliop of Lapdail". 01 [_ (Price 75 cents bound ) if Watson's Answer to Paine, e To be had at the lame place. ' r The enemies of Religion are awake ! Let not her Lt friends Jltep. '■ Sept. 1. mw&ftf a ________ _ f VH£ Subscriber, ! living been rcduced in "bis circum t ] 3 " X ftahces, b] r foiUiry misfortunes, and being thereby j, , nuable to fatisfy his jyft debts, hereby give* notice tojiis v Creditors and to all pcrfons concerned, that he intends to v v apply to the General AlTcmbly of Mary land.at their next c " session to be held on the fiilt Monday of November next. for the benefit of fan a& ot infolveney. 10 WILLIAM EDMONDSOK m F.aflon. of .thr otb nionrh, 1706. lawtiftMN — — Tobeiold, I r.i 1 ' A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun- . tyof Glouci'*it, ami ftj.eof Ncw-Jerfey, contain- i t _ irtg about one hundred and fifty acres ; a fuitablc propor- t re tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A j lc ' great part of the arable land is in a high (late of cultiva* ( tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover. , , s On said plantation there is a genteel two-ilory brick house, , n .' with four foams ort a fleAr, and a good dry ccllar under ; D f the whole ; together with a bam, carn-cribsand carriage- | r _ houle. The garden is large, and contains a tjood collec , ill t/on of the belt kind, as grafted and iaoculated fruit tracs ; , " n j the orchard Conltllsof about thre.'hundred grafted app'e- , _ trees. Any person inclined to purchal'e said premilcs, may bi infor-ncd the Ccruis by applying to & . ANDRiiW HUNTER. Jg'y 2 9 A To be Sold, At No. 128, North Second-Street, and by fever al oj h the Apothecaries in this City. TRANSFERS ol the right to remove pains and iftflamma tiijns from the human body, as fecuied to Dr. EI.ISHA PERKIjij, by patent, wilh inftiiunenu and duc&ions ue- 1 ceirary tor the pra&ice. This mode of treatment is pjiiticu- Ln " lariy ufeful iu relieving pains in tne head, face, leeth, brcail, >ns fide, iloraach, bac l «,.rhcum3tifms, recent gouts, &c. <ic. Vhe utility of this pVaifcct, it is not pre sumed but there are cases in whith thii tnd cV'ry othu rcit>edy may fjruetimes fail* '• Ju».e ij v I • i » ' • i. • t Washington Canal Lottery, n i. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifatt the Uftt'erwritlell, to 'raise twenty-fix thoufsnd two hundred, and fifty dollar*, for the purpefe of cutting a Canal through the City of Walhingcon, lro».i tn toiuacto theEaifern Branch Haruour. The following is .lie SCHEME ol No. I. Viz -I Prize of jo,coo doliar», ao.ooo I ditto 10,000 10,000 llalldrawn") I Ticket.,each [ 020 «*P* 6 ditto .1,000 6,000 t 10 Jitto 400 4,000 io ditto joo "a.oo'o J 5 ditto 50 3,750 J750 ditto ix 69,00$ To be raised for the Canal, 26,150 1 5850 Prizes, 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize,, ' ll!foo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 115,000 £7" The Commilfiouers have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid aek. for eke puuciuai payment of the prizes. The drawing of Uijs Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as tltf '1 ickets are fold, of which timely in ;ice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th« ' drawing: is finifhrd, {hall be considered as relinquilhed for the Uinefit of the CVnal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed J PfOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, ofD. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, WM. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Washington, Feb. 11. $ Mordecai Lewis HAS FOR SALE, NANKEENS, long and short. * p China, well affortcd. Quickftlver. 1 Diapers r > r BaXras^ Co/fas. j|i,. i '-•' ■ - ;j ■ jfi BaiTclano HandfeeiTKTeTs. ~ Roll Brimstone. Sept, 6. ttiScftrrt — . ■ J. .. ■ - s For Sale, , A LARGE ELEGANT AND WELL FINISHED ; Three-story Brick House, (The Ifre residence of General Walter Stewart) f \TXiTI l a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging, s v'V the weft fide of Tliira-ftfeet, near Union-street I ! cooUimog in front 34 feet,, and in depth top feet, to ad alley leading into Umon-ltrcet. The house is 3a feet franc e 50 l'eet deep ; the fcveral rooms contained in it arc s large, commddioHs, and completely finiihed; the two firft e stories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany e doorsfn the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga * ny a good iky-light. The kitchen is in the tell e ar, whioh is fpacions and conveiiient, and finifhed with a# - oven, stew-holes and pantries, a fervauts* hall end large wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an 3, area in which thire is a pump. The yard is vaulted, k with the said buildih* is a neat thrri"-ftory trick hoafe, on the north fide of Unlon-ftrect, coßtaiiw ing 30 feet front by io feet deep; the lower part oi vyhica' if is at prefeAt.occupied sia coriipting-houfe, and the upper ie part divided into well-fiuilhtd Isr.ge chambers. Yhishcuae ik may at a small eipttift be converted into a convenient I dwelling : The street door is very haiidfonte. atul the front and back have VYfiCfian vvmSSw-mutters. Adjoining ths J*- lail house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are erected bathing-rooms, Stc. There are lifcewife Vtry good coach* ie house and stables finilhed equal (or nearly so) with any in II the city, 011 a lot containing Oil Union llreet 30 feet, and ie in depth 011 the wufl. fule of said alley 52 feet. There are ' td good cellars uude« the iwhole of the buildings, and a wine of ro»m over part of the stable, with a hay-lol't over the re t. maiuder. For further particulars enquire of EDWARD tfONS«LI & Co. 0 At chcfir Office No. $4 Dock-ftreii. bet ween Walnut & Pear nt ttrceu. 6th mpntb 24th, 1796. FOR SALE. A PLANTATION, ABOUT n miles from this City, lituate in Abing ton Township, Montgomery-County ; containing 70 a ten, a new (lone house, two stories high, 2 rooms on a floor, fire places in each, a flone kiiclien and Hone spring boulc, over »n excellent spring of waiar, a baja, ftablei, sheds, barracks, &c. A large Simple orchard, and 3 Virielv of othfrfruit, about 12 acres ot good meadow well watend, and wood fufficient for fire, and fcaciiig the place. Pjlfcfl" g- on may be had the ill of Ap. il next. Proprrty~in ihis c.ty will betake,, in exchange, or MORRIS and NICHOLSONS Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Arch-Str»et. Philadelphia, September 13, j7<s• j. tiftf ■ ' ' - —— S— ' WANT £D, _ Fcr any term from one to four years, A HOUSE, pleafautly ficuated in any of tbe principit streets within the pavement, and not very dillant front. n the titate-Houfe, capable of accommodating a small fami -3T ly ; the house iv.ult have ilanlcs and coach-house, and " s would be required to be ready by the firft week in Ne t0 vember next —Eir«juire of the printer. " Sept 14. ttf It. ' FOR SAL E, 2? A very Valuable Eitate, GALLED TlVirr EN ham, name in the towhlhip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, sn"5 n " 7 t-i miles from Phi;ad lphia, and half a mile from the ::i " new Western road: containing 2:3 c acres of excellent land, 3T ~ 45 of which arc good watered meadow, 9Cof prime wood- A land, and }ltc rell arable of this firft quality. There are ,a * On the prcriiifes a good two story briclc houfc, with 4 rooms er - OB a floor, and cellars under the whose, with a pump-weft l ' e > of e%, jllcjit water in front; « large frame tarn, ifablcs, - er and Dther convenient buildings; a lmoke-houfe arid ltone, ? e " fpring-hdufe ; two good apple orchards, and one of pea'ch £C cs - ' I-hc are allm clover, eicept those immediately c * i under tillage, and are lb laid out as to haic the advantage 1 of Abater in each of tiiem, which renders it peculiarly fan ia>' ycAient for grazing. i he fituauon is pl«a.fant and healthy, and from eukivation of the land, ihc good neighbourhood, and tire vicinity to tlic city, it is very iuitable for a gentleman's ' ~"/ country if at. liie foregoing is pafft of the ellate of Jacob Harmaii, Q j deccafed, and offered tar faie bv Mordecai Lewis^ n t a 9. tt&i' Surviving Executor. hiA - * ne- m ■ 1 . 1 1 .-1 M1 — cu- " / ~ ait, PRINTED BY JOHN FENNC, .re- 119 hei C H E SNUT-STR Si E T. " j Sight DoHm per Annum.}
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers