I I 1 to ■ . • v j / : #ajrttc jit* Daily. Advertiser. ■ SATURDAT EVENING, OCTOBER i, 1796- $ [Volumf X. Number 1268.1 — — •"— *r~ —rr?t —> i—- : — rrrrr - T I for SAT. F — ■ For Boston. The Schooner J 0 Htt, .V*' A conftaut trader, Peter C«H*j nvl^sr ' WfoV »t M*. VanuxemV whsrf, will fall in =11 to" *« • for Freight or passage apply to the Camam onward or to Edward Stow jun. Who"* has cceived by the above v£e 1, Some excellent Pickled S'Amon, Wid a f ew quintal. of the / , Very bed kind of Dumb/^ I'"*1'"* September 30. — For Cwk, The Ship Mary Ann, Francis Stuart, master: is a ftrang, good V>23eb»~ ' Clip, ftil" f«ft» *nd ha&good accumrao iatimrs for paffensr«f». Great part of her «rg o b ready, fh. will fail in lo days. For height or passage apply to tie Captain on boanj, at Mr. Sh«»" swh ' - 1 Or to Stuart fcff Barr. ent . *f Ho. iQO. SiMth F.'ont-ftreet. Lying at Ghefnut-ftfSt wharf ; "a (lout well bpilt veiTel, ene hnndred & fiity-eght tons burt:t«n ; well foand, and but four years old. Apply to Joseph Anthony & Co, Sept. aj. [ d * *or Charter, ¥it Ship Domikicl Terry, C*']*cd> De Hart, mailer-: an excellent vciTel, of ahout ,3000 barrels burih.n. Jeff's y Robert Wain. September #T. for Charter, AjSra|)J. The Danilh Barque Benhventura, Samuel Stulj, master, good vessel, of about two hundred tons burthen. 'JESSE &ROBERI WALN. Sept. 17.-' ' dt , f for -Condon, The capital sKip CERES, fail foo*: —-For freight or pafl»f*> apply to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or <fg John Faugh an, September 10. - _ F ront-ftrcet. — FOR sale, jG|aL The fliip STAR, John.Vavnem.\n, Mailer, VMj r ;.Sy YINO as Walnat-ftrtet wharf, Philadel o£ ' pW» built, of live oak and cedar, will earry .about barrels, is two years old, and ia conj plca- ordef to receive a cargo—For terras apply to r ' TfcOS.&JOKIf KETLAND. TfLo have aSfo for ; fale said veti'els cargo—confining of—i Wine and Porter bottles, W4nd.,w Giaft, 6 by 8 to 16 by 12. t Pipe* in Ut;s Earthen-Ware in cfares. 1 Grindilones, Coals, Whiting, &c. _ »"k- *9 1 § Dutch Goods, Received b the Pennsylvania, from Amf.crdum, GtN, in pipes Morlaix Ticklenburgs > In Bale« OfnaburgS j f • , ; sis } K," } Bedecks, in ditto ST } f" ' for Sale by THOM4S V JOIIN ZETLAND. Aag. »9 § LANDI N G; " Froin on board the Brig REBECCA, Dominic Divine, Master, at Philip Core's Wharf* and for Sale by the • Sublcritvr, _ London Particular Madeira WINE, In Pipes, HoglheacJe and Quarter Calks. ar* iu ! 10 Hhds. of CHOICE OLD WINE, fit for immediate use. Robert Andrews, Sept. 6. mw&f No. 86, So. Wharves. John Whitefides & Co. Hove for Sa(e, • Venetian Red, Spanilh Brown, White L,e»d, grottnd in oit Shot, No. T, 1, 3, 4, S- Liondon Portfr, in calks and bottles. Green Copperas. Several crates of Queens Ware, in fetus, with desert ditto cempleat. „ Bliftcrtd Steel, German ditto. Sept. ft 1. diw To b£ disposed of,. THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who has between f»ur and fi./fc years to fervs: She can be recommended foi* her sobriety and honesty. For particulars enquire at No. 131, Chefnut-ftrett. August 3. vMtf At a special meeting of the Board of Di ifScs for ejlahhfiiing ufeful Mannfaciures, holden at Palerfon, July 8, 1796, RESOI.VEO, That a special meeting of the Stock holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday, being tb<; third ay of 'OdoLer next," at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the fame day; then and there to take into coflfidcration the propriety of diffclving the sard corporation, agreeably to the law m such cafe aiade and 1 provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly requefteel to attend the said meeting ip person or by proxy. August 17 cit^othO , For Sale, A Complete Font of Brevier, "IVN'tirely nev . and yet unopened. Tbe weight of this X_j font is about 311 lb. U is from the foundery "of Wilfoq & Sons,Ol tfgow.and will'bc fold at coll & charges. AHb for Sale/a pair of Stkper Royal Chafes. Enquire if- the Office of the Gazette of the United States, \l<) Chefnut-fhcct. September 17. dtf Wafhingtan Lottery. ' The Twenry-fecond & l'werity-third Kays'Drawing of the Wafh'metort Lottery, No. s, arerocrfived at the office HP- 334. Market-street, where tickets may be examined. N* B- Information given where tickets in all the other 0 lotteries may be procured. ' Sep:ember 13, 1 1 Thomas Ryciion HAS just tbe ships Molly and P.i.ketiruin Lr/.q>ooU and the Light Horse tv a. Bristol, and rs ndw opening for sale, at his fbore 177, Market-arcej, an cxt-nfive afiorirent of - Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware and Saddlery. >d The fyip Caroline, now on he r pafiage from Liverpool 0- to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall :mpot ig tation. re N. B. At the above {We may be had, a iew.elegant , i, Mahogany "Cases for Table furniture ; a af fortnient of the boll kinds of Knives snd Forks. Sept. 33 ; , , , d French Goods. Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from' Havre Grace, to Trunks 7 L . dies . of all colors torts and size» 1 > j Cale j I Ditto whitefand colored Silk STOCKINGS it Ditto Fine LAWN . I Ditto bed fine C AMBRJC - 1 Dfttp Ladies' belt shammy and Grenoble Gloves For Sikfcy THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. Aug. 14\ J nt Wm. foi 5E R.N KSSH, A'".", j& Hi f ,h &trect, HAS receWed, byiHs latrß, a-nvals from Europe and the 2aft Indies, » «'•» fiCs _ M'-rc«ry,i.in«. Draper;- ."■! Hab rda filer? Goods ; whHA he will fell, Wholcfale and ori thelowefl. teroji ; AMONcsr wuk:: ". it, r . : ' " Some fmelndiamuflins embroidered witli gold and Giver ' S^'icrtineLook, Jaconet, and Mulmui ditto 1 ed pj do . 'Jo do Handkerchiefs ' Some«s£rablack tafctics,!ut«ftrings:. id coiorad'i»erfians E.iudano fjs ndkefchietfi Long and fhcrS Nankeens Englxlh Mantuan (rf the nrft qnahty i Damask table linen i.n,d napkins, vary fine Silk Hosiery, an eiegaW affortmant I gb Thead and cotton do or Umbrellas—-green silk, oii'S ,10. and do clstfl , French cambrics, very fine Iriih Llnans, do. &c. See. June-14 § , For Sale, , (In an excellent situation for buHnefsJ) A three-story brick House and Lot O j. Ground, ' []L Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on , j. the South fide of Market xiesr FroiU-ftreef, now inpbfief uon of Samuel Read. , Apply to . Israel Pleafatits, or 1 Charifcs & Joseph PleifantS. Saps. 13. dlf I lie Cargo of the-folacre Independent, AIN CATH.CAtc I', from Aijcaivt and Lift - bon, landing at the (ilbfciibers wharf— 28 Pipes of IJiandy l 2 Bales of Sjiauilh wool 3 do. of Annifeed • t poo Bufiiels of best Li/bon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemoi:s I For sale by WIIJ.INGS & FRANCIS. a A L S 9' t Seventy HogOn ads of jsrime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the fljip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hist, t' from KingfTon. f, Sapt. 13. d t; FOR SALE, h 1. WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, '' >h pip<>s and hogsheads ai Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, in pipet, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Bajket Salt, in hoglhcads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 llarLeadj Red and white dry lead /- Steel, German andliaflia, in barrels I Anchor*, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, ol Tin ptates —An invoice Stationarv. by ar THOMAS k JOHN KETLAND. Pc July K) § al - - •- k: Lottery and Broker's Officc, °.' No. 64, South Second stzeet. F C TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for sale—a Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in (he "late lottery. Chcgk.Books kept for examination and r-« iftecing, for the City of Washington, No. a, ar>d Pattefon Lotteries, both oi which -are now drawing—information k \yhcre t tickets are to, be had, and prize* exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift or all the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for examination. Ihe fabferiber foEcits the application of the public and his friends, who wish to pyrchafe or fell Bask Stack, , f Certificates, Bills ©f Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, &c. or to obtain money on depofic of property r Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Ay|j i?j, i79'6. mth ; For bale, > F; , The Time of a Negro Man, Who is a good Cook. Enquite at No. too, South „. Watcr-Street. U ; *3- dio i WANTED, fe [ A Middle-Aged ". r ')MAN, who can be well record h"' , mended, to take charge of the entire management.of I children—Soeh a person will meet with suitable ci.au r.igement, and may hear of a place, by applying t the r prints of this Gazette. M- . ' ~w f l "° —: —— , cen DifTolution or Partnership. ■ T1 E l '' lrtn, '' (hi P between ROBERT ANDkt'AS and .qu f ' Undc ' lhe firm of ANDREWS at 1 and/^SD. ,T H being dtfTolv.d. All pcrf,». w,o are f»c ° r , r° vt >bt house, are resetted to apply lor (tttlem, r:t to the To^fcriuer ROBERT ANDREWS; t... . 85,'50. Wh»V>. 1 ■ - e P'- 6 .'79fi. • ' ■ j;f P h For Sale, ( ( By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, r Cg'nfifting of (HfFnreiit fises, from i i inch cables dtnyn to rope of 1 inches, of different lengths: tmpcrtcd in the ftip Swift, from Jiull, and entitled to di awback. Sept. 17- ( Twenty Casks excellent Claret and 1 A .few pipes choice Bordeaux Brandy, For iVic I'Y Jtfeph Anthony & Co. September 2". • d 6 n~an ke en £ 1 Of tie JirJl gunlily, FOR SALE BT, ' RT). and JAS. POTTER. For any quantity ahaye Five Thousand Pieces, a li ■_ beral .credit will be'given. R. & T. I'. September n. T. tf 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of the beji quality cmd on Yeafonab'.e terms, ro* 541.1 l BY Philip Nicklin & Co. Attru" dtf rtiis D/ir i'VSLtsREn; By Ji ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut street, {fti.e is 1-2 Cents) The PitEsitvent's Address Tu the Pea pit' of the United States, „ Announcing his iuteiitjaa of rcuriijg from public life at the eviration of the prcfcot eccftitutional term ps 5 prcfidcniy. Seplt.'nbcr 20. d 4 jPublic Notice is Hereby Givey* h •-fO t % tmej' of the City jikl . CcWy of Phiia 1 i.'elpi'.u, iud the County of i)c}sware, slist. a gene ral election will be heia on Taesay the ■j of QiSlobet next. —The cleftion to be opened between the hours of ten o'clock in the fcrer.oon, ahd one o'clock in the afternoon. is When the freeman of the City of Philadelphia, are to meet at the St*te-hoUfe ill. the fa<d city, to eleel Six Representatives fur said city ia General Affem bjy> 1 One Reprcfentative for faicl city in the House of Re presentatives or the' United iitau.. Twenty person's for members of tKe Common Coun cil. Twelve pcrfons for members of the Select Com , mittee.. The Freemen of the City and County Of Philadelphia to eledt One'perfon for Governor f T'.vo perfo'ns for Col'ohei-S -"I One person for County Commiflioner. The Freemen of the County of tPhijidelphia, to 1 ■»le£* forfaid Cjttnty in General Af fei»o Ijc- "• ~ . Jnc Kejwtfenjativs.forfaid counjy in the House of Rqjrefci.uVvw of the t'nitcd States. i'he l-'reciit«i o'f the City and County, of Philadel :.h'i«.i ar.A County of DeUv/ire, td ele'ft Oije Senator for tLs-St-ite , The Freemen of t»hc tov»i;3iip of the Northern Li - hertks sre to V'M their c lectio:; at tl>e town,-houfc in Second Stt»eicon;ioucd,, ahoy; Cp,a?6's. Street. Tie free...da, ?£ >' 3e towifljips of Roxborcugh and Jriilol, are to hold their eleiilioii at the Union Scbdol Ho&feih Gejjjnantowiu The Freemen of the tovnlhijte sf Oxf'w.d, Byberry, • Lower Dubiin'and Mbreland, are to hold J at <ht house of the late John riarnlley in Bnfsietown, in the tOn nUrlp vf Ir-owttr Dublin. I , And the Freemen of the QiftriA of.Squthwark,, and the townlbips of Moyamenfing, 2,nd King-. J fcfljnff, are to hold their at the State-House in ( the City of Philadelphia. I The Constables of each Ward, Diflriift, flee, are to f hold their eledlion, in the different to choose J their infpedlors for the tnfuing year, and to give their 1 attendance at the time and refpedive places. Sept. 2S. JOHN BAKER,Sheriff. DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, That agrcjably to an of-Congrefj of the ynited i States of Amcrica, paffe'd at Philarjcfphia, the ißth day of Mav, i 796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey ance of perfoiis,_and repealing the fa»mer at>s for that pur- v pose.—Thai theielhsirbeleyiea, coiitfftcd and paid,, upon c all carriages for the conveyance of perfonj, which shall. be f kept by or lor any person, for h:s or liar own use, or to let v out tin hire, or For the conveying of paltcngcrs, the feYcral du. ties and rates wli. y For and upon every Coach, 15 dois. q upon cveYy Chariot, 12 dols. c Opon every Post Chariot, 11 d®lj< f upon every Poll Chsife, 12 dojs. 0 upon every Phaeion, witli yl withoat top, gdoli upen every 9 dols. upon other Carriages, having panne I work above, with blinds, or curtains, 9 dols. upon four wivfc! carriages, having framed polls and topiwithlVfel springs, 6 dols. ' upon four whtel top Carriages, with wooden or iron • fpr'ngs orjtcks, 3 dofc. upon curricles with tops, 3 dols, upon£haifeswith topi, 3 dols. upon chairs with raps, 3 dols. upon fulkie; with taps, 3 dols. 1)0011 oihertwo wheel (op carriages, 3 dols. upon two vheel carriages, with fteei or iron springs, g I .3d° ,s « ■ . a: \ 1 and upon all other two wheel cartiages. idols. n upon tveyfour wlml carriage, having framed pods and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, a dols. The Collectors of the Revenue oi tlve firfl furvcv of the — rillriftof Penniylvania, will attend daiiy, untilthe36th day oi September next,for the,purpofe of receiving the duties on •- Carriages, at Wo. »ij,in Rpce or'Sadafras fireet, in the City of P.'iiiadelpliij, at the house of Damcl S. Ckit, Efq iu the . County of Montgomery ; and at the house at Abraham Du , farm, Kfu. in ihe Comity of Bucks; of which all persons pof- r f*(Ted of f»ch Carriages are defiredtouke notiee. Notice is al'fo 1 given, TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign diftiVled fpiri tuoas fiq{»ors, th:tt licertees will be granted to them ; one li cence for carrying on the bufinefsrA retailing of Wines, in a idsquaniity, or In less quantities shan 30 gallons—and ooe l cer.ee for carrying or> the business of retailing Spirituous li- <t • quors in lelsquantities thar. 20 gallons, at the fame time and at the fame places, by the officers legally authored to grant | facU licences. * V \yiLLIAM NICHOLS, ix Ihfpeftr.r of the Revenue ol the lust furvcv of ihc fennfvivania. E.i OfTice of IrsfpC<f\ion,at > S' 3 a Philadelphia, sift July, *796. { \ v X r~- - ' • • ' \ 1 •/ 1 A ' • / ' JZiV '* ' " —• ?■*»»•*• .FOR SAL E, Te. By N. and J. FRA7JER, No. 95, S. Froj.i-Urcet, Beef, ia' barrtlsi %vn Georgia Pot'tpa. m (Vro.ura Ri,;e and Indigo. , SRerry ami TencriiTe Wines, of quality, .. Ravens ~? : lnd<o Banf.aliiio's. .. r?T, ( Sewir i Arions cfilctjrs. V - ' urrafc#. .' "• «- ' For sale ihc fubicribers, !K ftNXVSTKFHT, 13® tniarfer Ciic-if, frefii'Hyfon Tea; j®o tlitto do. frefh Tea; '<J 300 lloxes China, containing fitnali tea setts of 4s picccs; , li- 409 pieces BaaJinoes. : t Witlings &}Francis. L. Ja/nuary 30 y&X FOR SALE. PORT WJNE, ahd HOLLAJSt) GlN,of :h? fij-ft qualities in Pipes. •iRAIINCES and VAN REED, Brokers and Conimiflion Mcrci»nt«,No. 63, Sc. jd St. ■ Who difcotmtsppro\-cd NOTES of hand. N. B, An AI'l'REN'IlOl Wanted- September 14- mwf _ ; Jrisjjs/}- IS f>v BLIS " ss By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Ssccnd and QbsfnutJlruts y Price" -i % cents, The President's Adckefs — To the People of the United States, - .— ~ aa T?ic.«rfb-lation h« ha» farmed to decline being eotifitfcrtd Hf- among tbe fvimber 0/ thofc out (rf ( Yyhon> a choice is to lay be.n-jade, at tiie cpfaiug election of a Prefidcnt of thg K n United States. jne Sept. 10. ... - — 11 «■ 1 ire Great is Truth and must prevail. m- JUST PU WI-IS lIE D, And fir sale at I'M- 41 ChffmU-Jlrtet by j. ORMFJOD, [e ' An Apology for the Bible, ,n - By R. Watson, 'p. t>. f. n. s. Bi/l:op of Landcffy Is' C 4 Being a Complete refutation of Palne'§ wa Age of Rcafon, And the ojily an'fwer to August 30. • . dtf THIS OAT IS PUBLISHED, to By W. Young, Mills and Son, f [Price 5o ct». in bouds. Ui-i ncaiy bfiTsSij " Ail Apology for the Bible, of In a fries of Letters, Addrefied te Tho W Pajne, suUxor of a book eutided a he Age &/ ll< afan, part ih ' U being gk in vejligatitn of true and 'fatslevs theoiovs. Ny ft. WATSON, D. D. V. *. S. Lo,-d bifiiop of .' LandatF, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity i" the Usivcrtlt'y <>f C'ajaoridge. Sept. 15. tu&« "t fiidia Tamtroured Muslins. % A f mall > bandfsme ajjortment ef Muslins, in VIZ.- - Fine tamboured Malda and Santipore Muslins, varioua id patterns and prices. Plain 6-4 Jaconet. in Corded and erofs-barred Muslin Sfiawis.' Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas. o Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. e Japan Atuflias, and i r A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. roa sale py "7 homas Tingey, No. (21, SouthThird-fireet, Se pt ■». tytf&i TO BE SOIyO, That Neat and Convenient House, TY rHEREIN the fnbfcriber now lives. There are 'cur \ V rooms on a floor : the hoitfe is two stories hioli fl ' vith a good g?rr»t above : under the whole is an exccll „ c:lt . tc Har, with a dry well, in which is a convenient l 0 framed chamber for prcl'erviiig meat, butter, &.c. In warm „ t weather. Attached to the house is a Stable for three 1. h9rfts, hay-los , granary, and carriage-house, a wood yard paved vvith Hone, and a garden with foil of a fine quality. All indisputable title will be made to the pur. ■ chafer. For farther particulars apply to the fubferiber in Princeton, or. in her absence te Thomas D. Johnson, Esq. or the rev. Samuel S. Smith. ANN WITHERSPOON. Princeton, Aug 24. 2awtO *» 1 "■ 1 ' 1 " * d Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including theNoy-THERN Libirties and diitri'ifl of n- SoUTHWARK, Publifiied, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES, x No. 68, High ftrect, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 26 inches square, and has been en s, graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a late and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a parr.- ghlet with each plan, giving « fonje account of the 5 city, its population, trade, government, &c. J"'y '9 tu&ftf TAKE NOTICED " ] 'HE fubferiber intends to make application for a ro y 1 newal of the. following certificate, fnppofed to be j loft 011 the passage to England in April 1794 : Certificate ISO. 10335, dated zjtK for 2830 dollars and 02 p'cr cent, dpmtlii: debt, on the books of the Treasury of the United States, in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's. Philadelphia, Anguft 30th, 1796. *tn4.-f6v '*WAN T E D, " J Turks JOURNEYMEN JBOOK-BINDERS t t ri°QF {> will meet wih cou.lant em V_J ployment,and good wages'; by apujyint' to fOft' i CURTIS, No. 43, Norlh Fourth-fllreet. N. B. BOQK-BINDtNC in all br n,l^ tSacuted withneatnels aud~dil'patc|i. •fuMTanil\ -1 . Lib raries repaired in the'eejteft and best mamt / / September *3. Yg r.\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers