CAZLAYS PACIFIC -MONTHLY. v,w is ycur time to übfenbe for our New P*- - VioM M lt , which we cheer fully com T.eiid to . B s the Excel "or cl all the monthly magazines. r ■ 1 i' a y in S (nore {ar Literary talent , 'h, c otter iHagasme in the country, we flitter .-'es tiat nu depart in. Nt cf the Pacific .V.osth sutler neglect iron the *ut of able and cil known I'TETRARY CON'TRIBU TORS, srtscatiS* otne of the principal shining lights of ' ■ r-iwo. d. We si.all u.ake such edditio. " . -a- cin u-nst n..ce- may u Yoiii .' H , U I aiti i.tio.i U called 10 our ILLUS"T.'TATION%, ,ticn are pre iuccd, without rrgaid to expense, by , -mciei." in*/'* o! aftisii —at wnose head slaiida EsisHXh* and M .LfcNA*, ua.-qu . ed as Designers j j Wecall'theattentio. of the i'ubhv 'uthe ptul'usiou of tii-t elas iliustidtiousof the v nel. novel and p;ctueaquescenery nie local views of the GOL BE A £T A i K S •' % AND TERRiTORiES OF TIIE pA€£ I V a Vt':lb (icvcr:pti\e views hr.J j - r-afler. af . ,ng the 1: ,ii 1 .'alii a.f .-o I' u edi #a i„ i.iisteiifa for I'.yii iillviai..t in 1 In Cslilbmia, Oregon, Nevada, ari l their Cu .t i fc u -,. • ,'niauriferouv territiiries The inlorti'K'ioi. we a iV a .; rfg-id to the Paciuc bcaics, diui'.c, is wo.ln tri. n.res iue subscription price u! our .Matat '.e. 1 t.r twilvtiiu nbtis, a yarn's salscription, wntn r.catiy b,.ui,d. affoiUitig lv,o spieiidiu volumes, suitable 10. Oil A W l.\G-Rl/UM ÜBKAUV, OK THE COUNTIHG-HOUSE, and chslins; but FII'E DOLLARS, which in vear> to chine can not be puicbaa'd for any price. Our EDITORIAL DRAWER* will abound with seleciionsof Wii, Or giuai S: L r e>. Com*, ftk-1 r*"s aid - - 1 L'teratuce, gul-• • irmo • wail gs.-u.ite- v or *h . :o 1,1 fm:, tact a:,.1 iuc ... n . gr !ir.g ti ter'. . aU-in.ill-.- :!. • P. ,ur ami tie Fire r l. Li 0 fa-; i 0 ILLLSTRATIOrtS. i'l-is i pr 'lrieiit ••*' tb Monthly, under tne im 1 ... sup :...u.. et .vlcLena.x, ffce ce'ebiatei. ."oa.i" Deiimatoi, will be louau si ways itch in Wi; aii.l pj>;opiia*.e Dengn. Fa 8 HI Oh i J u. ATS 3 . Riving made cp-eiai arrdngements with Jli>. Pi iO.'.Esr, 1.-3 Bioaewsy, .\rw TorU. jo, tio-i- fo our Fashten Departru^.,eve cii. the alls li : of ta- L- '; to rie tame, cc.,. r r.e. a c Monthly tota-ri, as coi.!aini..g more into - i/.a'.i "i ' lcgaid :t> Dress ana ifce Toßei, .h-ii a:t ; O'i'r M<(. ti n e pubiirhed. SUSBCR_|g6 NO//! M .v is the ti-as to sub-eribe, and hive you, rr. . uroe c-jmp'ite :.-.r 1805. We -vi,! .'".irnish baoa num bers to r-uc 1 a ■ do not sub-scribe lit 1 tme for tnc Jan uiry or Fi-b u.vry number. But to be dure anil got ihem without delay. se ; ;d in your aubsenptions ur ly. Our sufcicimticn pnes is FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. Vayab'.e in advance, i-pon the receipt of which our racriptjior the same, will he sent in return. PRLSiSMD! A? an fcdJitioiiai inducement to aubscrihe Party, we shall distribute crong our sufcscrib-rs a In?; t list of valuable Piemtums, relying upon an -xtreor- j dinary laige sub-c. iprioo list to romp-nsate -.15 f.<r; our aberaiity. Tbes • premiums will consist of vkl- i liable Souvenir? of the golden weal'h i>; the Pacific j S'.ati s, itii'l u: ; he iu IbR-.tnr.,: Z3~ To a sty per-on seudii 1 us One Hundred Pav- i ing SubsJfiptioni. •*>•. w:ii gi .! them imxudi. tri ~ j a twenty end a en Dollar (Jolt! Piece. California , 10;: ag-. :j.-t all extra copy of tr.e Pacific Mo-.tuly i tor a year, fru, CTMo ar.v person sending us Fifty Pnyi. ■* g„h. I sci.ueis we will send, immediotrlv, a Tel: ,1 <;■' a , V :>e Loiia: Go.d Piece, and an ex:ra copy 11 'he Pacific Monthly for a vear, free. K7"fo any p.rsor. sending a*Twenty-five Paving ' subscribers, we wi! send, immediate/*, a Pive Do. )®.r am! a I wo- .. i 1 all Do'lai Gold Pirre, 1 -> extr.i rcov of the Pacific Munthly foray-;-* f,-, e ! T7"Toa :iy peison >eiuiiiiK usTen Paying i-nn-rr'- f b j rs, we wit) su i. imiituhatel if, a ! r.ree Dollar G.l- Piece, and 1111 extra copy u: tne Pacific Monthly far a y-*-r, fee. To any person sending us Five Paying sub- ; ?cri;)tio:v-. we will a snd an extra copy oi thePaciF ic Monthly fcr a year .free. IF"YVe aie, also, having made, a cujuiiit ; of uiid.KEEPSAKK-'io; i ,n --g!e subscribers, who send dtri-cf to the Office. The Presents and Souvenirs consist of Ladies' Breast-Pins, F.a.-Rings, Finger-Rings, Sleev .But tons, tic.; and Gentlemen's Br<-asr-Piri, Finger-, Sleeve-Buttons, Studs, Setting-, lor Cane- Heads. etc., made from California an j Nevada Gold and Silver beating courts and Ore—Crysialized Quart* Jewelry, (commonly Lnowr as Califomiv Damoud Jeweirv.) The (.old and Silver beun.- Quartz and Ore front which these Soureais ar made, is mad* from tr,e celeurat-d Goi-ld Ac Clkby hnd Ophir of Nevada, and will be valuable a.- med tntosy as we! as beautiful >;i apperro;?ce and design. EVERY RF.GUI. A R SfJ PSCRI rfEil, as above, to the Pacific Monthly, will ba eiiti-iei to oceof these articles for every -inscription st 1; i ;ng opposite the •- ran tsn our b. ,s. SPECtME.Y COPIES OF THE PACIFIC MONTHLY eQt, postage pre-,; lid. upon the receipt of Fifty Caote, in cuireiu-y or postage s'amp caution. nT*tt i-ite your N-me, Post-Office, County at.d s 'd<, to where you want the Pacific Monthly sent} i un and distinct. Register all lei'ere containing money; or, when rcavenient, send by Express. D your Post-Office is a Money-Order office, ©b (sin a money-order for your remittance. Send none but United Stales Treasury Notes, or money bankable in New York. A'! letteta asking information, etc., to receive •Mention, mus f contain a stamp, to pre pay answvr. Add new all correspondence, B . AZMY &. CO PUBLISHERS- PACIFIC MONTHLY, Si LIBUEtTV STREET, NSW YORK. W POLES AEE AGE NTS: trws COMPANY, ""a '*ew York. WHTTI & 3 S-ia f 3to, uliforniu. January 27, 1865 jy. OLD EYES MADE NEW. 4 PAMi'HLLT directing how to speedily restore <3 give up a nectaries, without aid of d">r r O! or me hcin->. Sent !*v ninl. free, on re.-eip* of :C c .its. Address*, E. B. FOOTK, M. D., I idu uioauway, New York. Feu:uarv 3, 1865—6tr:. IF YOtT WANT TO KP.OW A Ll' ! f.r O.l' F.V! I-. Y I'lii N't reUi ir gto *he ho mr male an t female ;"tb causes .rd treat it <:I ot diseases • the marriage customs of the wot'd; how to marry well and a thousand things never publish*- bfcr- read the revised and enlarg ed ed.tion of -Mrdical Common Ssjise," a curio*-? ' ■ ok for curious pi-oplt-, and a good Book for every { <•. 4to f l'.J Illustrations. Price $• 50.1 < onterts table sent ires to any address. Book, i may be had at tb book sioies, or wi.l be s-nt by I mail, post paid, on receipt of the puce. Addiess i>. E. . FO'j'i i:, M. n., 1130 Broadway, New York. Feb. 3, 1865. —Cm. nnd £sugniUiis.m 0 i . 4' V ! LI, OF BFirl OKI) C jIATV, For the ytr endi' / Jnawiry 2d, 1885. JAFIEB B FAHQUHAR, ESQ , \ Trinsurer of Fia: ford County, in account vcitfi mid CoHn'y, Jam the 4-'A day of Jinwiry, | IfjoL, to the 2d diy of Jonuiry, l : st>s. TREASURER, DR. jTo balance on band at last settlement 55,814 72 J Tvi c .sis r> c ive ' ; no col.t >■tors. I .hisrpt. ru ais Hi ail, top township, 1859, 23 88 | Levi Catpeitier. L'lCido.iileiry • 16 jg I SiniCM Stui K-v, i'alerain 1800 yj 57 |i? D Hei clay B. J'btJ borough lcfil 235 3s j 'ej , :i t, r . I ,J ..t„ tp. • 97 1 ■ F W.R -. 'SI, LUII : U' LIY •• -10 F'O A■: < i ' it. ' >. 80 27 ; l<zeferab Bar aman. Sou'bimptpn 9T4 .!l . 0 dr.iver, > •*: ii-iry M. *' ,7 a.- .'i . eras it Lvnch D< Hcr-i bor. 1802 I'JS Oh : ilium Phillips. Bedfotd tp. • U .80 I Inlia hen Ry.!-, i-lir. liOO ' 170 31 ' C 'pei f futip. J"i i-.'i .. ;U| J; 1 . .14ut Ci.::k, Im. bmderry, < 200 50 B v i. r 1-leu-h -i, Monroe 35 73 j .toon \V .jy le, Kapsar • 410 51 D. A. T. Black, Providence E st " -27 44 ' John F- ester. St. Clair " 63 40 i j Franc ia Beard, Union 151 f-j , J. R. L? 111 borrocy, Woodberry M. ' 115 43 i Hvnij S icodeinns, Bedford tor. 1533 4- : 9 It: i 'aeo F' t'-r. Betiioid township 500 00 Peter F. wait, SehelGbura bor. ' 128 52 i ianu-l Bender, Bloody Run bor. ' 12 06 Lewi * iA. Fvan, Juniata tp. 350 00 ' bom as Kiab-j. Cumber,.m.l Vailey ' 506 4u Nictos Kcons, Snake Spring • 433 76 Hpioe' r Sboemak-'f. Culerain 1 • 598 is D. A 1. Bier' , Providence East 93 33 i,-. ,-lj t'oip-tter 1. >ndt><uie/ry 2, i) s*i '. „|j/ He-g!-, U nri 500 OO ' at r. Kay, op well " 129 52 I 0 , 1 - rigs-t. li.-'V.c i'.ip 481 85 < ior r e-il, Woodbrir? 8. " 190 00 j t: m. or*. Southampton 405 73 1 Jcl.ll '• '. Criunan, S'. Clair " 786 00 j Pet<r *V;riegaidiier, Sapier " £97 2" jln J F.ntiiken. Liber y 22 85 i Hal;/ r Fletcher, Monroe ' 190 00 I '.V; 1• 1 r- M. Pearson, Voodberry M. " 8 C " 91 i"H. A! "rs Bedfotd borough ISGI 322 53 j j-hr. t . !-i,.a.d, Broad lop " 213 11 j a.,.n ; ■' nJcr, Blondy Kun bor " 35 09 ; ' ' ;:i. Cumv'd Vat: y tp. IJO 00 l.Mr-rl So -&• <i, ' . -ia u " 220 37 ' Wm I -nrsiieh, 11,,p.-.vli " ISO M. . ;, or .. a I t 11. jil' iata, * " 200 04 ! 8.-njxti 111 V.l.ontiowlerry " 20'l t)l 1 Wi Stack' y, Montoe " 151 i; 0 J VV'ii C'ieman. N T pier " 2-30 CO ! Jo-.eph Fisher, Provm-n-e W. " 20 00 j I'. M b'd-i ,p. ovkS' i-.c* E. " 12 i cf) i s.-nuel Be-rtley. Sit. CUf " 103 00 i . .IChlbirlil Pet' :• ••, Sfnrrt:aT.p?on " 25d 00 George S . O'J" -i.ske SUfllig, " 192 00 Gri rge B tab', Union " i 43 00 Samuel Cjisu-an, Woodberry S. " 350 60 Sol. Bar lev. Wood berry .VI, " 515 (.0 Jo: r> Echerf, J.ib r'y " 285 00 Received on 438 a-sesseJ soldiers 43 80 1 Jrtr. J. Cessna, Co.nmonw%!tb cases • 71 43 John C. ss a, iFq., iiri = ec-ted lands ledectned '>. 52 (_)n note o! Mover & Tate 8 70 Oil .'.nlc of S. i'ec•. 49 58 John G. Fisl-'r, E-q., or, sale of stoves 45 78 Cor.'i- iissioiiers sal* of unseated lands 61 72 i i'dxes ©ll uiiaedieti lands 524 57 Whole a noutit received $13,736 75 CR. arr.r>unt ,1 d Giarxi and Pet t Jurors 19 a. uktng iriet.iaai and o:her as sesstnenls 5Sf 77 Kxpi i ses of rpring ejection 21S 92 August election 2ni SO ( 'i looer e'u ction 491 3S Nt.ember 'lection 423 Go Jot -til .>ll F vightuer, Commissioner 9 00 ( P. J. bhoeit -iher " 119 50 AiiJree Cti-ii'itn " 123 ci) : L' ■ Jrge puiiil " 134 GO : MicnaeJ Wei iz " 4b 00 ! in. G F .0 Clsrlt to Commiseianers ISO 00 •; L T . H. A', is Attorney to " 75 CO I .. .ii-' 'io.-'i, a teiiu-.iig and repairing Court House 53 C 3 : Levi .Agnevv, Court crier 57 GO j ci -■aiiiiig Court House 4o 00 '.'4.') Mo;r . c ea,. ami offic-s 11. Court House 30 00 A . „c lurn-shcd v. our: lie use and Jail 44 95 ; Co .! S " ' " 78 79 • i inqje-.ts 92 07 ■ 1 John o. Casiner, holding inquest 10 87 ! M/aij and cr.uge vu wa U7 00 • i Chalies M< rwine, s ■ rvices a janitor, eut t ini wood ii:id attendirg Court House 78 91 : Sirriiiii P. Harbaugb. binding dockets 9 00 I John AUstaut, ousts in Commonwealth ca-es 1,230.76. 1 fo'-i' Major " " '• 2 07 j ' G. 11. Spang " " 73 95 , J. A. Hc:.-ie:'?on " " 6t> 21 ■ ; Be; i Wigfieid 56 59 ; ; M. Michc-j- " 1116 j Win. A. Halt " 10 on | Jeiemiah Shaw " SO Cor.3 : bles returns 296 21 Cu;.sl tde- attending iuri 15 00 ; Johi I-; h 1 1:LCT, attending bi.'rtge sf.f, j c < 1 vmg a < s"-s:ner,*-.. hr'di •< appedtt. , turiiisb.i.g t>:a..k banks for Commia* 1 r;o. is' - .v, ~ iso 53 1.-. U. -rrow, prining I' 2 15 ; B. F. Meyer# " .507 20 ; Dnvid Over '' 177 7G J„hii ,>ioi and Jirr-a K. ITat, rT'Or-ev )V-rpe;.!o dupiicntes 13 72 ; V iiiu.rr Ostei, attending e-iection 2 90 ! J M S uieniak-r, covers 'or duplicate# 5 26 George B;#■•!Lnirn, bmliiing bridge in I Liberty toA'r-hip 1,353 00 Couatables arrest-ng prisoners 6 12 (.IsKholta S!e t -x g|-,d Mark Housare, re -1 word and arresting horae thief 82 20 j W. Hartley, goo.*g fumished fci COM.*'. Hone 7 45 ! Geo. Blymyer & Son " " 53 39 j John Aldstadt, taking John Miller to j Wtstern Penitentiary 110 00 j John Ald'tadt, keeping prisoners 259\67 i Sam. Ciesweil, stoves lor Court Hrmse 120 50 | John Border, hobbling prisoners 7 00 Henry Mower, papcriug Protbonotary's uffice 9 03 I John Aldstadt, bed for use of Jail 27 50 ! Talasifen, 48 45 j Joshua .Mower and others, tip,taves 6 75 fiemy Keioound,i>aintin I'jothouotary T I office 345 i i: Compb-'r and Watson, medical at- to Y. A. Ringler 1? 30 A. C. ?eal for Commissioners' • rffice 10 25 ■ G.ijf & Hugiis. stoves fc, Coart House 9! 00 Jo. F-', revenue sluaips, Lank : 1 o'e detec'or, d-c., 950 T.C.L left, Ritcber A S7 ] J. McCleary, ackcowiedgicg deeds 18 00 John Cook, building bridge 225 00 ! Martin Hoover, work done on bridge at Stonerstown 70 00 J F. I>. Hotter, blanks and books fbr Com missioner*' ofli -s 67 90 0. K. Shannon, dockets for Prothouota ry s office 133 9) Noble, error in check of Reed 13 20 1. N. Fyan, building bridge 35 00 Freight on stoves from railroad 9 23 Ree.t ij- Sciiell for revenue stumps J 9 50 Oeorge Roades cn bridge 50 00 Ejfpenses of sale of unseated lands 38 26 W. S. Haven for stationery 56 44 Miscel'aneous checks 90 88 I ihn Sill interest on note 120 00 I >hn Brice interest, on note 192 00 John Br ee'srote paid 5,000 00 Fox snii wild cut scalps 916 34 rer's a.arj' 300 00 .vationery 30 00 U-current funds 7 00 i'reasnif r tor auditing and collecting old accounts 20 00 After- jiy*s fees on same 10 00 auditors and clerk 75 00 $16,506 23 Charges $18,73* 75 Credits 16,5i'6 23 Balance in Treasury $2/230 52 £tate:ueut of Moneys Due and owing to Bedford County. lacob Nicodemus, VV'codberiy M. 1854 $l6B 03 J:>fn 4. Oiboru, Broad Top 1857 106 69 Lemuel Evans, " 1858 289 67 loh.t t'. Mo: eart, Cumh'd Valley " 89 26 "acob A. Nicodemits, Woodberry .VI. " 133 73 Jeorge Roaiie®, Librrfy 1859 50 12 ( a-ob ft B.u-iibau.h; Vt'oodberry S. " 17 32 \hra<n Croyle, (Jnion IS6O 299 40 acob 8. Brumbaugh, Woodberry S. " 25 00 't. I). Barclay, Bedford borough lS6t 26 21 lohu Alrl-tartl, St. Clair " IS 00 i l iomis M. Lynch, Bedford bor. 186*3 1)1 <ij ! Win. I'fiiliirs, B • 'for ! p. " 42 33 ' P. liui t r.dn, Cumber-land Valley ■" 32 00 i J. K. Dot-borrow, '.Voodberry M. " 238 17 j catnnel Working, Woodberry S. " 178 62 j i. > lcixl .1105. c Jfoid hot.* IBC3 502 77 i Jacob Fetter, Ke6io:d tp. " 1.003 72; Dtviti Pp'tks. Providence W. " 180 14 ! May. Harrison " 307 551 L. N. Fyan, Juniata " 85 44 ! D. A. T. Black, Plovider.ce E. " 270 68 1 Jacob Carpenter, Londonderry " 131 00; Uf'C Union " 206 00 : Aaron Reed, Woodberry 8. " 1,099 IT7 .1 W. C'rismar., St. Clair " 43 71 I Ba'tzer Fletcher, .Monroe " 32S 82 L T . H. Akers, Bedford br. 1861 070 00 Henry Beetle, Be-'tord tp. " 1,52! 89 John C. Ftgart, Broad Top " 812 06 Si uei Hrnde.r, Bloody Run b r. " 211 44 Wsr.. Mason, Cumberland ValUy " 813 53 Herbert StioeoakT, Cqlersin " 723 45 vVm. Goisuch, Hopewell " 310 07 Atexauaer Sroem uer, Haniaon " 359 81 George Gardili, Juniata " 437 41 is. <j. Valentine, Londonderry '* 334 28 Win. Stuekey, Monro- 470 60 Am. Crisenan, Napier " 773 97 Joseph Fisher, Providence W do 194 14 Peter M. Barton. Provideuee K. do 3'.9 25 Samuel Br cklev, StfClatr do I,POO 62 Archibald Pcrdew, Southampton do 284 81 Gei ree Smouse, Snake Spring do 516 63 w. I. Rock, Sch llsburg bor. do 1,2 S3 George Beegle Union do Cxi 87 n.tmuei, Woodberry 5. -lo 1,075 95 So!. Barley, Woodberry M. do 1,14-5 24 John 1' 1 do 90 79 To'tl 5i9,039 23 Cl7"J*3rt of thp above is subject t-r exonfrations ami ro -i ■••slot * and upon alt sums due over fit- Ken months, interest nil'l oe charged, St: lem eat of Moneys Due and owed ly Bedford County. To Jotin Sitl $2,000 CD There is now in the Treasury subject to the order of Ihe Commie'ionera $2,2-3© 50 E >;ty Fund. DR, To rec-ived from collector*, as ioilow.s ; Nicholas Koons, S'Mk" Spring 1803 S7O 07 i' Fisher, Cumberland Valley 02 40 Sarn-iel B°nrier, B'oodr ft<i" bor. 3t oo VV" ,1. M. Pearson, VV'oodborry M 151 72 L. N. Fyau, Junior 1 13 1 30 Alfred F.ntriUen. Liberty 10 ,',5 Peter, bor. 05 5) H. Nicodemas, Bedford bor. 69 75 Herbert Sr.oem Kfr, Coicram 00 00 Baitcer Fietcher, Monroe 2i>o 00 John C. K eard, Broad Top *290 03 Ucob Carpr,t?r, Londonderry 53 fit .lor.ti VV. CtLnian, St. Clair 75 00 Peter \Vuiegard/ier, Napiox 2i7 28 Hezekiah May, Harrison 0 00 D. A. T. Btacl<> PxovideDCß F. 3io 00 Jacob Fetter, Bedford township C.13 33 Henry Beegle, do 1864 600 00 .lohivC. Figard, BroadTnp 400 CO S a true! Bender, Biooty Run bor. 15 00 W-v. M-a-on, Comber! : d Valley 310 00 Herbert Shoemaker, Co'"rain 180 00 VV.n. lio'sueh, Hopewell 200 00 A lexarder Sfcorro iker. Harrisoo 150 00 George (.JarfLit, Juniata 270 to rlei jarnin Vni*Jitine, Londonderry 230 00 William Stnekey, Monroe 267 00 v - ilium Crism 'p, Na, jer <lOl 00 Joseph Fi-fci-r, Prni'ideiice W. 150 Oil P. M. Barton, Providence E. IVO 00 Sart.ui-1 BeeKley, St. C'tair 375 00 Archibald Perdew, Southampton 200 00 (fe-xgp Sinousp. Sri-ike Spring 283 00 VV.n. J. Rock, Srhellsbnrg borough 73 00 George Be-gie, Union 160 00 Samuel Cnsman, Woodberry S. 585 O0 Sol. Barley, '.Vcodfee;ry M 740 00 John Echart, Liberty 100 00 TREASURER, CR. By u hole amount paid out 3? per Com mi-sioners' draft* ' $5,493 10 7 '••h-Jrer'j CbmrnUsion - 84 83 Afiditors Uud cierk 40 00 58 617 93 Credit* J5,017 93 Charges 8,133 31 Bal. due Treasurer Farqnhar $lB4 62 ~*lot:V'ji CM, i hcjjnrt: count $ on Bounty Fund jrovi Lu/te', its follow* : 4a''i.r Fletcher Monroe 1863 78 82 Ltviit Sparks Providence W. 52 14 H'2-kiati May Harrison 175 55 !•. A. T. Pia -k Providence E. 9S 41 I IT. H. Akers !>dford bor. 1961 496 32 Henry B<-eote Bedfo'o township 161 58 1 ,ljh . C. Figard Brod Top 110 92 j Samuel Bender Bloody Run borough 79 84 William Mason Combe!)- n .! Valley 152 31 Herbert Shoemaker Coleruio 293 24 William Gorvuch Hopewell 34 85 , A'evander Shoemaker Harrisoo 30 29 j George Gardill Juniata 49 28 | Renjamm Valentine Londonderry 40 36 i Wiiliaqn Stuckey Monroe 48 40 1 Joseph Fisher Piovpdence W. 48 16 I Peter M. Barton Providence E. 47 60 j Samuel Beckley St. Clair 177 07 1 Archibald Petdew Southampton 68 58 j George Smotne Snake Sp ing 29 43 ' William .1. Rock Scbellsburg boi. 16 52 ; Geoige Beegla Union oJ.i 26 I Samuel Crisman Woodberry S. 1 30 43 j Sol. Batley VVoodberry M. j John Echart Libei ty ' 91 29 $2,84$ sr I Corvrr. at; 1 he undersign::! Auditors 01 Bedford county, <i< j faertby certify, thut in p -rauaneo oi ihe Act of .As sembly in such rus * made and provided, they me.' at : ne Court Ilous ,in the uot.ough ol Bedford, aul did audit and adj' st the accounts of James B. Far ; quhar, Esq., Treasurer of said county, for the year 1864, s* contained in the foregoing statement!.and that we have examined the foregoing accoonts of moneys due *q and owed by Bedford county, and that we have lound the same to bs correct. , Witness our hands tbis4:h day of January, 1865. JOHN H. BARTON, DANIEL BARLEY, DAVID EVANS, Attest—E. F. ZiiRK, Cleric. Auditors. Report of the J} ad it ore of Bedford county to the Jlulilor (teneral, January ifh, 1865. JAMES B FARQUHAR, ESQ., Treirurer of Bedford county, in account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. TREASURER, btl. To amount received from collectors $7,610 73. on unseated lands 335 93 $7,946 66 ' TREASURER, CR. By amount paid State Treasurer, as per rec:pts pxa-nined and tiled $5,530 69 Certificate of deposit fiom Reed Sc Schell 2,336 51 Treasuiers commission 79 46 $7,916 66 | Tavern Licenses, Dr. To aggregate amount assessed for 1964 $730 00 Cr. By 'mount paid State Treasurer, as pei ieceipts dated April 3;b and lu!y 6th $630 75 Certificate'of deposit 2B 25 .Exoneration o" John Drhew 15 00 Treasurers co mm tar ion oa rar assd 36 uo ! $730 00 Eating Houses- Dr. ' To aggregate amount fur ISii $199 00^ Cr. Exoneration ot loon Harris $lO 00 Treasurers commission i 50 Amount paid State Treasurer S5 30 SIOO 00 ! Disliihries, Dr. To aggvega'e amount far 1861 <BO 00 I Cr. By Treasurers commission on S6O $3 00 Amount paid jute Treasurer 57 00 •- S6O 00 ! Bunk', Dr. To aggregate amount for 16i4 S2O 00 i Cr. By Treasurers eamnoissian an S2O $1 00 Paid Mate Treasurer 19 00 ! S2O 00 C onfeclionri) its, , Dr. To aggregate amount for 1864 sl3 00 Cr. By Treasurers commission an sl4 .75 Paid State Treasurer 14 23 . sl3 00 Ten Pin Alleys and Billiards, Or. To aggregate amount for 1864 S3O CO Cr. By Treasurers commission on S3O $1 50 Paid State Treasurer '2B 50 S3O 00 Lrq-tor Dealers, Dr. To aggregate amount for 1864 $29 CO Cr. Py Treasurers commission ou $25 $1 25 Paid State Treasurer 23 75 . $95 00 Mercantile License, Dr. To aggregate amount (or 1804 $696 00 Cr. By exoneration s2l 00 1 reasujer- commission on $675 33 73 B. F. Meyer* publishing retailers li censes in. 00 B. F. AfcN-il do do 12 00 Paid Mate Treasurer 617 25 $096 00. There jg now outstanding in the hands of col'ectors for 1864 m.d pres.out years a.d due the State ' $6,565 521 it ford County, ss : The undersigned Auditors of said county, do cer-' tiry 1 hat of the Acts of Assembly in such ca-es m-de and provided, thev met at the Court House, in lhe borough of Bedford, and did audit and adjust the accounts between James B. : Faiquhar, Esq., Treasurer of said county, and the : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as contained in the lorcgcng statements. Witness cur ban Is this 4th day ef January, 1865. JOHN H. BARTON', ! DANIEL BARLEY, ! DAVID EVANS, Aitest—E F. Etaa, Cierk. Auditors . ' REG /ST/; U\S N 0 TICK. " j All persons interested are her-by notified that the following accountants have filed theii accounts ' in the Regi-ters office of Bedford county, nd that! the same will be presented to the Orphans Court in and for said county, on Tuesday, the 14!h day of; February ne*t, at the Court House in Bedfotd, lor confirmation : 1. ihe account of Michael Diehl, administrator i of the estate of Nicholas Dieal, late of Coleram I i town-hip, deceased. 2. The final account of Henry tVheU'one. admin s'rator of the estate o'" Daniel Mean;, jr., late of Mjnro: township, deceased. 1. Th r * account of Thorn is S. Ho'sb.ger, trustee i lor the sale of the realestaleof Geo. M. Holsiiiger, j I ate of St. Clair township, deceased. 4. Tne account of Andrew R. Snowberger, ad- i ; mnutretor ol the estate ot Hezekiah H. Miller, j !#*•• ol South WooHberry toivnshin, deceased. , 5. The final account of Michael Sleighter and 1 , I— * 1" mo i Height, adnir.isf ators of ihe estate of' ; Dnmel fjleigbter, late of East Providence township, | deceased. f. The account of Thomas S. Ha'singer, admin- ! i iArator de bonis non of John Roudebusb, late of = . Union township, deceased. 1 7. The account ol J. \V. L'ingenfelter, Esq., ad ministrator with the will annexed ot Ann Eliza Cox, life of i i borough of Bediord deceased. 3 The account of J*-. Bums aod Emanuel Sfat !er, executors of the last will and testament ot Jas. Bu-rs, late of Juniata township, deceased. 'J. The account ot Jacob B. furr). administrator of the estate of John B. Furry, late of Napier town ship. decease,.'. The first account of Jacob Walter and Jacob Seikhimer, executors of the last will and testament of Frederick Bet chimrr, late of St. Ciairsviile, Bedford county, dec.'as'rl. O. F; SHANNON, Kegister. Januaty 20, 1565- COI'ET PROCLAMATION. To the Coroner, the Justices oj the Pi act, and] Constables the different Townships in the'. County of Bedford Greeting. KNOW \ L, that in pursuance of :i precept J j to me directed, under the hand and seal of 'he j i Hon. ALEX. K.'NG, Prem'dont of the several j Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth Dis- j trict, consisting of'the counties of Franklin,; Fulton, licdford and Somerset, and by virtue ; of his office of the Court of Oyer and Termin and General Jail delivery for the trial of capi tal and other offenders therein and in the Gen eral Court of Quarter Session* of the Pence; and SAMUEL DAVIS and JAMES; BCICNS, Jr., Ksqr's, Judges of the same Court in the same county of Bedford. You and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Records, Recognizances, Ex aminations, and other remembrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oy er and Terminer and General Juil Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of tlte Peace therein to be holdcn for the county of Bedford, afore said on the seeoud Monday of February, (being the Kith day,) at lO.o'clock in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those thing# to which your several oliices appertain. , OIYFX under my hand at Bedford, or. the 1 : ?Oth of January, in the year of our Lord I9Go. '< JOHN AI.DSFADT, Sheriff's Office, i Sheriff. Jan 20, !t6>- j * SHHinER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, .Isthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Brtathing, s"c. n HIS is no new remedy. It has been used Save ! 1 lor a number of years in Maryland and parti of Pennsylvania, and has, wherevar ] known, acquired an unprecedented reputation for curing the various diseases for which it is recommended. So apparent is its usefulness, and so remark able has been its cures, that it is fat fcuper- rear ceding everv other remedy for those diseases. The afflicted can rely upon it doing as much for them, ami in many cases more thaa any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and prescribed in the practice of a large number of the most icitei- Chil ligent and able physicians of Maryland. It d r e. is used and considered an indi'p-nsable house hold remedy by a large portion of the fust families of the State. It is used by all classes of society, and the universal opinion is that it is soot. FA" Syrup is partly Vegetable Compound. It it An pleasant to take, and never does injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, rr>ut do good under any ly v.onderful, soothing, calming, and adayiug rhild | the most violent coughs, punlymg, atrength- I euing and invigorating the whole system, I calming and soothing t tie nerves; aiding and 1 facilitating expectoration, and healing the no*d DISEASED LUNG, I tbus striking at the root of disease, and dri- I wing it from the system. CROUP. die of This disease is announced by difficulty of breathing, shrill whistling or wherring, hack ing cough anil threatened sntfoca'iau. etc. It mo.-lly occurs in young chiidren. No child ~*up need uie oi cioup .1 this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers naving cronpv children should watch tte liist show of the d; case, and always keep this remedy at hard, if this f or coughs alter meas a, this svrup is moat excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy is such as to place syrup it within the reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and every person should have it. Every person ahruld have it it: the Louse. It is a true and faithful friend to alt who vol- is ue healtrvand wish to secure themselves a that most terrible disease, consump tion. It will be found the triost usclu! as well as the cheapest family medicine in the world, use I It has been used foi the last four years with a success without a parallel. Price 4U cts. per bottle.., or three bottles for SI.OO. Prepared by S. A. Foutz h Br®. i# For sale by H. C. Reamer and B. F. Harry Druggists, Bedford, Pa. December 23, IS64—ly. time. SURISKU'S ISDIAS FKR^IIFCCB v*N'.3CE the introduction ot this beautiful piepars tion, it has been steadily aiv.ncing into public fe ver. Its astonishii g efficacy in expelling worms ha* won for it many friends wherever known, and these arp speak ing its praise to others, so that ■> sit is fast being introduced into/ TO family in the lend. The-, for it is becoming im -> DESTROY rneose. To make it still rroreN N worthy the pref erence WORMS! shown it, the I PaoraiEToa is putting it up in ; a much handsomer style than formerly. It is now prepuied with the greatest care of uniform strength, with plain io that any one ca:i adminis ter it. it is fiiiireiy Vegetable—Pfrftctly Safe and iiarmltsst And has never been known to fail to expl worms, i where worms txisted. The proprietors boldly as sert that it is superior to any otner preparation in the world. ! iry* Ask for SHHINER'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, and take no other. Kp* Prion lis cents per Lottie. '.•Prepared ty S. A. Knurr *r Pro., an! for sale *t lUC i Pa. December 23, 1664—1y. rouTrs MIXTURE. THE TS a s.-fe and e'Ub!a remedy for the cine of < R!,KT<t:m, Pan f.i! Nervous Affection*, Sprains, Ft r . Swei. ngs mid all diseases re s;x quit n:> external application on man. Oil horses it will never fail to euro Pole •iv,!, I oi l running ?ore?, or Swny. Lim- il propery applied. For sprains, cruises, MstiT scratches, crooned hoafs, chaf.--, saddles or collar ga.'l, cuts or rounds, it is an infallible eon retriedy. Try it aad bt convinced of its effi cacy. R U I: C iI ATIS ?,l . Max Peisor.s affFcted with this disease no mat ter 01 how long standing, can bo promptly an ! effectually cured by u3ii.g this Mixture. axe There is nothing in the world so sure and *o good to take away har 1 corns, and cure Pr.*sT Frost Bites as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves, Price 25 and 50 cents sow per bott e. Prepared bv S. A. FOUTZ. Baltimore, Md. ix rse. sale at the drug store- of Reamer and Harry, Bedfoid, Pa. [Dec. '23, '6l ly POI'TZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE P 0 W D E R S.. ("THESE Powders have proved after a trial of j j several year-, to be superior to any prep- j a rat ion cf the kind in use. The chief s.ipeti ,*>rity of these powders arises liom the fact | that they are composed of medicines that have i Laxative, Tonic and Purityir.g properties.— j The laxative ejects crudities from the stomach ward intestines, the tonic gives strength to !hi'_ , of the Hoise, and the purifying m-di-—' pCctnes contained in tnem cleanse the blood, and 1 "clay the loundation for a vigorous and healthy ca ! The use of them improves the j wind, strengthens the appetite and gives the i horse a tine, smooth an'd g.ossv skin—thus iuQ- i piovmg the appearance, vigoi and of this noble animal. These powdets are not intended, as rrmst powders are, to bloat the animal, so as to give j him Ui° appearance ot tieing fat when not re ally so—but, to remove the disease and pro- • mote his general health. These powders will strengthen the storn- j ach and intestines, cleanse them liom offeo- i sive matter, and bring tbem to a heahby ! state. I hey are a sure prevention of Lung ] Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases i incident to the Hots*, as Glanders, Yellow 1 Water, Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Slav ering, Coughs, Fevers, Loss ot Appetite, sml Vital Energy, &c.—These Powd 4o , if used twso or three times a week, through the wta fer and spring, your horse will never got the Long Fever, Coiic or Botis. A few t.oses of these powders will remove the worst cough, H •—j on uuj horse. Were owner? of 'aorses to H r~ teed a few of these powders every year, they W might save toe lives of many valuable borsm. "* MILCH COWS,. The p;„petties this powder jxassesses in in creasing the quantity of milk ijicows, gives it an importance and vaine which should place it in the bands of ever'f person keep ing a cow. In fattening cstt le, it gives them an appetite, loosens their nide, and anakea them thrive much taster. ' g ~ HOGS. g O In all diseases of swime, as coughs, uleets v; ir. the lungs and liver, hoe., by putting fiom C 5 • " ball" a pap.rr to a paper ©t" thcs<! twwders in a barrel ol swill, the above diseases can be cured or entirely prevented. By using these I powders the Lug choiera car. be prevented. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, W estcnuiSter, Md. For seie at the Drug Stores of Reamer |nl IJarry, Sedfotd, V*, Dec. 23 i/ , SIX CEKfS PtEWARD. Roe ewey from the iobsciiber, in the barbcslef Schellsburg, on Friday roornir?. January bth. itns, a bound girl named Mary Cetbnrin-* hraiuif. All. persons are cautioned egjainat ha/boring or trusting her on my account. Ibe above rewafd but neither thanks nor charges will be for I'lngio-r her b£rk . f. E. COLVIN . February 3, IS6s—3t* EXECUTOR'S sonca Letters testamentary on the vstate ol Evac Swar'zwelder, late ol Monroe roUMhip- dec'd., have been granted to the undersigned. Allpersons Jcnowing themselves indebted to raid estate. In a ny u-ay whatever, are hereby notified to inase n --mediate py merit and these having cla'rns, tvt*l f>rr aent them without delay,properly guthenticated for set'irment. EMANUEL bWARTZVVKLPERf Feb. 3 1865. Gt." Executor. COAL OIL! We cajl the attention of customers to otir "CRYSTAL ILLUMINATING CARBON OIL." which stands No. I in the market. It costs mart per gallon ttar. we can buy other oii for, but we are determined to sell a good quality of oil, and rot charge any more for It than i* charged fur an inte rior article. We have, also, No. I BENZOLE, ,rd will war rant jt equal to the brst Turpentine for painting. Our stock ol HARDWARE .s complete, and wt are selling our goods as low as they can be sold any where. V.'e would invite customers to call and' exam'tte onr prices. Jan. 27—3t GF.O. BLYMYER 8c SON. "ORPHANS' COUK? SALE OF YAUUAHI.E REAL ESTATE. . 1) Y virtue of :n oHer of lb" 0,-phari' Court of ) Bedford county, the subscriber will sell at pub lic sals on the premises in Hep.well township, on FRIDAY ih- !Oth day of February 1355. Th.>t large and valuable urrn of which Jacob Fli ke died seized, Co.tUi&i'g 2lb acres a nil 110 per'. r,-s of liinesten land , about three fcjrthi of wlr.-h is cleaied and under fence the balance be ing well timbered. The farm land is in a bigti state of cidMvatioii with water in ever : -Id. Toe improvements are a Large Frame House, Bank Hani .< i other usefni bui 'trg?; aiso good tenant house on one end of the pice, : i-o an orchard of choice fruit trees, Th sfir u adjoins W. Gorsucb, Fiii Fluke's heir , D. Pu iexbaugh, Stephen Weiiner, an 1 others ar.d is about two rniies from toe tov/a of Hope - . - e!l. Terras ore third of the purchase | money to be SPCur-d ift the hands of the purchaser during the lifetime of the widow; he paying her \ tb'- interest annually, the One third of the balance at the confirmation of the sale, kv.-I the remainder in two equal annual payments, without interejt. — ' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. J. W. LINGF.NFELrER, Trustee for the sale of the Real Estate ot Jacob ; Fluke dee'd. Jen 27, ISOS. 0 . Ayer's „ K O^^SAPABI^ trb v. "ii.'a r.M.4T ttunrar ma S-rf 'uii aii.i &r*roftUcms D'ssa?^ Prom i-i a:;• i'■: -■:niiut of Oxford, Main*. "I jtei-i 1 " ou-.i.iri o r your P.thsMMrttLbA, tut n'v>'. \ >ii! "Dttf." v. hh'h fri! .r f the tier ired eflf-c t hod ;!i niit' . ■i. I ''• i-> • i*. /.■ ■ "iir | , ■; u.;: y .- • iv-rc It.* fctc-u i-j medicine tike it i ofore !n o:.r r lnuniiy." Eruptions, Pimples, Jlictohev, Fesrulejr, Ulcers, Sores, and nil IS'sc.vos el' ".ho Slvs. Pro'-. si- ■ Sir's li J, Hi'isiri, li.ifiitn'l. 11 1 f iy <!u ti'/ •!] , iyen: nud ti; , i.h.-a I adtf mitestimony tot!) .• ;-.>u j,-i iIUU of the m rirtw* ')• .ui a. 51 v dairgriife-. u .1 >-i, fir.d an *!?)*; 'IHC !:•:::••• alii! I : ":■ year*, viii -i! vi. >: vol: N ;ai®AßSA fATtit'A. ! !v lias *vu well tor some months." /Vooi.V,. -V.-.'ir /" <. - '•••<// IT- ■" rr>,i '.-cst£. jxaf ■ ttof 1\ -til ' •■■■ -r -V ('-..fli-A Vy < ••• .nil J: '"tiTcml fir n y"ar paijt with a -~raf. u!.*,>.< TUjitioa. <inch vorv li -iwtie. Nothing ilfonM any pd f utrtti we tri I yoar which soon ednpi *t<dy'cored Is • r " J* I'. *;•>•'. jit',., of (he v'tftfy trntrii Mvrrny ii < o„ ')t'inr f -r'ui's rj ~f c .u. -j pipers in A -'.'.c. V. /y. "Iho ! for -Vv r:C year? r. v. ,"■* trout-' -rvrver in my fare, wliifft ."■v.-'i-oiist.-tntiy ivor <: n.itiJ it disiiipircd lay t" iltiris and 1 itnr on lion. I tried Hiuwst every tiini,;.. iia couU'of Lotii .r'.i ire ant! nnnli rir-h Su iviiliout : y relief v.-J.ntevor, r:i" , ! took your i> >:> t ? ttttt.t.A. It vue:--iifut"ly l • i,.v i-.-'i.T", si vou tot 1 mc it iiiir.-!:: „ t.:u, . I:t jr. a f.v." w.tka t'lo m . kin in-.-r: lo I'.nii under the wotches, nart eon tiuueti i! '. . 1 joy i*. -)* - is ary lduly'a, ant: f jm with it a.iv ,!.!■ of the !stiu tl knew of. I !!.- n-i without a tioubt otve it to jrowr i-MtiV.'W ii.ibt." Etysip-lis —G-norr.l Batility—iEhiiifJf ttie 3".02 d. 1 .-in Dr. iici.f : £-."•!, Bantam fit, jc /-or. •• A . i.o I !•' . 1 -ii to r Mve and > /isipfti Sort* bfifbt (MlrwrtdCgMMif yo"T '.'.R ,vt'A- I '. i : ...• v . .: ■ n atiiu'S o." . r-.ijnj.ut )'■. ■ i tfi . . it.i r.'.l i- iti> i- ; i -is ■ n."- till) Mi -'. :.■ . . Ito 10 pro:, .-non as v.. ,1 r.r t.i 'tie jieople " fi- r.i ' ii. ■ h.-.-'c", TT '.'nnsi.CJiic. -tv - ::r I I:; .ih •. i i- -v-:p.>: •- On irjr !■ lb. ciiru": uliicii liii tried all t-.-; Ir.u-ti phy.M nana 1 cottljd reach, and took lumdreth) of t'ciium v. of medicine*. . •* w 1 fh'.t flic e -lisbcetmi visihlu, m-i tie" < 1-.. * ■* . tiir.t tc.y r.rat in.ui ivjampatai.'d. I beytn ta'riajryw SAi \U'.\r.!U,i 1 ■ . ten liottlc?, ar.l so, it of your lhi.i.s. lojiciilicr tin have cured i.( o iam novr a- v. U and oit-'-i i.i> ..ny 1. Tv i- i .; ii :t p; ■ • pi: ", f y • i -knoivn to every Poily i.i ''.in ninrfi y. and • v .f; • !'■■:■ wonder of s!l." from Hon. Henry Homron ~'f '' of .V,-trior/,V, C, If, i: Uniting ■mint*!' of the CiMnin ftirMHW. "T h.,tr mI yonr A.\.,>u-Ai;u.LA <n iny ftuv.iiv, for '- •n.-. .i Hi . . -MI i.>r ji n// <V. bluixi, wish very 1...... . rifni'-u, p-iii ! ~r cov.--id---.iise in eomfhemito" is t.- ■ .udi'-R-i." £. AL.ih.or'''s Titz. o-cse Riieiua, SosJil Head, Sore Eyet?. rroi.t Il'.n-i S,'i:ur, Ihe ciitor of the Tank fur ■ '■ V. ino riii, /Viwfylctutui. •'C • oa!- . ; ;:. tlircc ; -vs of aire, was at i.-. -i by ; n - M bt forehead. They rapidly unread 1.1.- . ; . id virulent sore, which ;':i- • -,and i-c i illv l.'.iuiid ais eye-* ibr t-<nc 2. -v ►' ii.vl ji.'IVM.VUI -puiicd-uitr.iio <.. riivcr and i i- i . > ,i,t .-<!"•■<■/. For fißeen •• <i —-i I::-. !:: 't , witli f-.a ?. • f hoc Id 1 ,'r ■ ■■ t': t. .i," .it i. |.-t a- ■ 'kl v.-rich cos - red ins -.. I- :io tare. ii-'i tried wry tiling . ;>-• We had -1•; •' finjlt, Ml ■ piling JOUT Sj.V :.>.\!-AKIL!.A, - i- : : j. <.( tot'of i lo'k-n. {" von direct. 'I win cin to lioal when bad givii the ::r.T * wit Tie. H I I .v/n v. ;Iv. - (:i,i*iv. I li:-.- second. i i:,-riiilJ'o < . : --. • hi li had r late o-it. :rW i ■ is n i|- • ■ ::ii'i HieitiiCrlouei O L.L-oriiOol predicted llwt the chihl tnn-.-T die." Sypciiis and Id.cvcu.rial Dlseasa. I'.'On t /.v it •>', If. of ill. 1.0-i 'j. Ml "I fip:l yoiw S.\.. h\i-.\::rL'.A a moi-c effectual remedy for Hi ■ ceoudary ;u;,to us of anil for -yphiliria (lis, v-lh i i yoh• iwe pu- . The pro.'- s. ion are lu i- in.-i t • yoj s-ir oi t:e i— t medk no* v. - !--ivo.** J-'rcm J ireurk, .if. eminent physician of Ltne .. ,• -. , 5.5 w ■ . ■ Mtutln-r of the Ltgii- Wwe *;/ .Wt'siuv '.-riSi-fts. . " ft • AVi.i:. <.-,i-Sir : I iiavc fo'i-.p; voir SARH.V- F.v:il.l.\ nit ex !!• . ' r.-ri. ,iy for both of file p .M • ■ '<• and in *yi •. .mil offr. inal in tome cases it-.. :• i c'o: to yield to oilier ru;ied,vs. !u* i I:-. ~, M-liat v.-rs.i i..-: >y with more rlaSoty of wo cess, v. lute r. powerful altera) ive is munr- d." y I -:u if-p. ifAi r /'-rfv'TiVf. X. had dre.,diui ulj, raon Ui- li-.P". • .Ve.-cii by the abuse Ofjuetrmy. ,-v ' 'ill 'ii- use, wT.iii' grew more mt-i more ai~,ra \. n<l Pic v. 'rs, in - jury r., every t m 1y or tre.itoi< at tiiut rt .'|rt N' npy'.c-t. uotd tl.o pi r'..c rtrurS UC of At l.K'a Ml.-I 1V.f.1:.!. \" ,-K. -;t i- i li'io. Vltv S C:iU I* found n : - .... rU-r..t" j...-! -i:.;{ thin this, and it took sei down iiotiies to cure liitn. I.c.iccrtiicea, White:;, Femala Wcakaesi, a.f ei.- allv pro v::t',l I internal Screfnlott-1 l r lecrtitfm .ae Ti-ryotc-n en red t-y the nltcralive ciYeit o: rlmi S.tnsAl-AV11.!.... Soon- •• r.-pure, however, in id of t ! • At:. Ai-.if.a.LA, the :-ki!ful npplit.itiou Icl rcu e ii/-t. t'hjm the HfU iinom nml iri<h ly ccKlfatctl Pf. -Jacob Merrill, of CinriiinnH. _ " I have found vour t- \ lis Ai- - utt-it on cxoc-llent altera tive in .iiseiiM sof ft Titles. Many enset of Irregularity; J.!M"-orrhrs:u Internal I leemiioii, and localdeirllfty. aria inr from the serofnlona itiathesU. have yieUU-i to it, and there an- tetv that do not, when il effect la properly aided i v local treatment." J L: iy, unwilling to CUOK tin- fiulHc<tlu> i of her name, HviW My daughter ami mpm lf have been cured of a vary ch-tiiitflf ing l.cucorrhira of stanarng, by two UoUft* SAR3dfAUIhLAi rt idftiuiaatisaa. Gout, Inrar Cciaplamt , Byspcpain, Heart Disease, Ifeureleta, when e-.iovi hv Scrofula in the system, arc rapidly cored by (ftin Kx*. pABHAeAKIU-A. AYCR'S . CATHARTIC PILLS obsess so many advantages over the other purgv u. - <is ic the market, and their superior virtue* aw •? uruvtrsiißy known, that we tK-cd not do 11*0.* thai*. to the public their quality : n.oiutua\4! to the beat it ever has l>een, end that they may l>e depended on to flo ail tluU, tltey 'tare ever C- iC. „ Premiered by C. AYEB, 11. 11., Co., f-hwsß. Mors., and sold by 3. F. Harry, Bedford, J. E. (Va. SatuTliiburg, J. M. Baindollar, Bioody IJar.; L. Putt, Ster..,l town i t>. H t Ami'Ar, St. Claire* ".!; t>. StO'>r. Woodbcrry : R, jUiiton, Waiar Street; am! t'Yeifwhere. fu'-f 1, t®<C.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers