LOOK TO VOIR INTEREST, FARMERS, MECHANICS, LAWYERS, DOCTORS, PREACHERS AND ALL, Buy your goods at the BARGAIN STORG of U. K. & W, OSTER, Who have just received an elegant assortment of New Winter Goods, Embracing Black Silks, Bombazines. Cobergs, Alpacas, Mohairs, Lustres, Canton Cloths, Poplins, Reps Silk Plaids, all Wool Delaines, latest styles, American Delaines, Prints, Gingham*, Checks, Table Diaper, Ticking, Ballardvale and Shaker Flan nels, Canton Flannels, Scailet, Solferinn and Grey Shirting Flan nels, Sheeting and Shirting Muslins of standard make?, Mi ners Flannels, Linseys and Blankets. Ladies' Furs, Muffs, Capes and Cuffs. Ltdies Repellont Waterproof Clotns, Shawls and Circulars, Cloths. Cassimercs, Satinetts, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, lor men and boys wear. HOSIERY, GLOVES, NF.CK TIF.S, SHIRT COLLARS AND FRONTS. MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HATS AND CAPS, Every style, quality and ci'or. BOOTS AND SHOES, in great variety. GROCERIES. CHOICE RiO COFFEE, Extra Young Hyson, Im perial and Ooiong TEAS, Sugars, Syrups, Bice, Chocolate, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Sic., Die. CHEWING TOBACCO AND SEGAitS, of cho.ce brands. A large assortment of QUEENSWARF, together with 1,000 other aiticles to which we call i%e at tention of buyers. Bedlord, November 25, 1564. ~~ NEW GOODS. The undersigned have just opened a large and gen eral assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS- Embracing many varieties of fabrics, new and beautiful. Having on band a 'arge stock purchased previous to the late advnnce, we are enabled to offer mtay B A It G A IJTS THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. Our friends, customers, art! public generally, are respectiully invited to call and examine our stock and prices before purcha-ing. as we are determined to sell at SHORT PROFITS, tnereby ensuring large sales. TERMS— CASH, PRODUCE, or Four. MONTHS credit lo those who will pay us promptly. charged on all accounts after due. A. B. CRAMER c CO. December 2, 1864. How to Save Your Money. Call ano buy your goods of E. V. MO WRY, that has been purchased at 33 per cent, cheaper than they have beet, for the last three months, or can be at present, when gold and goods had suddenly fallen. Her stock comprises a general assortment of Millinery Oooils, FEU' -?JVD SILK HJTS, Latest Winter Styles. ALbO—A fine assortment of CLOAKS, BALMO RAL and HOOP SKIRTS, WOOLEN HOSE, DRESS BUTTONS, NOTIONS, * D!7"A11 persons having accounts standing, will please call and settle at once, for we have to pay Cash for all w buy, ami MUST receive CASH for our goods to keep up our stock. Bedford, November 4, 18C4. C. I). M'CLEES & CO. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS, ASN INDIA RUBBER SHOES, NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET OPPOSITE CHEERY ST., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 17. 1%3—1y. A Most Excellent Medicine. J. F. CARPENTER'S RHEUMATIC FLUlD —Persons tuflering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dipfheria, Burns, Jkc.. will find this a most excellent remedy. .It comes to us recom nr. ended by some of tbe best bn en in the State—and in this community Try a bottle and see for } ourselt. For sale at f. L Defi baugh's, Bediord. April 29, IS64—ly. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Rachel Kcgg, late of Colorain township, dec'd. h'aving been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate, are to make immed iate payment and those having claims will pre sent them duiy authenticated for settlement. JACOB KEGG, administrator. Bedford, Jan. 20. 1805. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas and Levari Farias to me directed, there will be sold at the Couit House, in the borough of Bedford, on Saturday the 11th day of Februaiy, A. D. 1865, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following rpal estate, via: The following described building and lot of ground of James Llos-in, owner and contractor, viz : a cer tain frame or piank dwelling house one stoiy and a half high, situate in the township of St. ( lair, in the village of Pleasantville, io the county a forps id, containing on front feet and in depth sixteen feet and the lot oi curtilage appertaining, taken in execution as the prcp-rty of James Clos-in. ALSO—line tract ot land containing one hundred acres more or less, about 30 acres cleared and un der fence, with a story and a half log hor.se, log barn thereon erected, jutuate in West f.ovuience township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Frederick Friend. ALSO—One lot of gruurd wi'h a dwelling house and other out buildings thereon erected, situate p the borough of Bedford, adjoining lot of John Mu ter and wife, on the West, and fronting F.ast Pitt Street, and taken in execution as the property of Maitm Mi'Jer. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. Bedford, January 13 1865. List of Causes put down for trial at Februa ry Term , 1855. (13M day ) Joseph Barley vs J ckson Stuckey Daniel Walter vs Abm Sills admx Afichael Thomas vs John & Abm Skeily Somerset Fire Ins. Co. vs lames Burns P. W. Garretson vs ifowser te Nawgel George Snyder v* Adolphus Ake et at J Alary JVfoser et a! vs Josiah Miller Esq. Stephen G. Wright vs Wm P. Hazard MA ry A/oser vs Josiah Miller JT. D. 3eegle vs Werrtg t Feather JMoiary 20. O. E. SHANNON, Protj. 1 fM. HARTLEY'S COLIP. Tko Eureka Hay, Straw and redder Cutter and Crusher, Will save taany fiimer who has sis head oi hrss to keep, at least $l5O io one season. This machine ha, been impioved sinoe last year, and is pronooneed by the farmtag paulie "The test i , I Cutter ever invented." Having sold more than 100 of these c#tteis the past year, 1 respectfully beg leave to refer too few farmers of Bedford coonty who Lave thera io use: Judge Burns, Daniel Walter, John Schnetley, Abraham Reigbard, Samuel Boor, M. B. Miller, Simor. Nveum, John Shank, Jacob Fetter, John W. Hoover, C. R. Rea, Michael ocbafer, John S. Brumbaugh, John N- Teeter, Henry llarshberger, Henry Clapper, Samuel Griffith, Jacob Yont, Jacob Biddle, John Haiuerbaum, Isaac Imler, Martin Hoover, Adam Dibert, Won. Grisinger, John VVbiteline, Frederick Schnebley, j Adam Samel, J. livin Noble, Henry Stiffler, George Bowser, William Rock, David Kama, William Keyer and some CO other farmers, all of* whom I am confident will speak of this machine in the highest terms of praise. On account of the great scaraity of mechanics, I the high price of material, and the great demand for these machines, I was unable to secure enough to supply the demand last season. And having now but 40 on hand, farmers desiring to secure cut MUST ORDER SOON. —ALSO— -1 still have in store an elegant assortment of Hardware of ali kinds, which 1 will close out at very fair prices. Farm Implements, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ALWAYS ON HAND. THE Li ES I Coal Oil and Lamp* .IT THE LOWEST ELITES. CORN SHELLF.RS, CIDER MILLS, CLOVF.R HDLLERS, GRAIN DRILLS, MOWING V REAPING MACHINES, wuich I wiii seil during the winter at much less then they will be sold fur neat season. | SAUSAGE MEAT CUTTERS, at old prices. BUTCHER KNIVES, MEAT SAWS, REVOLVERS of different kinds. SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, MILL SAW'j, at oi2 rate*. IRON, NAILS, GLASS, %C. Being desirous of closing up my business, all in debted to me will please settle at once—and per sons desiring any thing in my line, will find it to their advantage to call, as I am determined to close out my present stock of goods at LOWER RATES than goods c*u now be purchased for elsewhere. ALWAYS ON HAND, Xlie very best Coal Oil made, CLEAR AND BRIGHT, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST- Tbankful for the very liberal share of patronage which 1 have beretolore received, 1 respectfully so licit a continuance of the same. YfM. HARTLEY Bedford, November 18, 1564. flgjlto. A LECTURE SBOr t Q you Jf G MEN. Just published 1 seated envelope. Price Six Cts. A LECTURE on the Nature, Treatment and rad ical cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy and Fits, Mental and Physical | Incapacity, .-suiting from SeJf-Abtise, (tc. By ROB ERT J. CULVBRWKLL, M. D., Author ot the "Green Book," 4-c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that (he awful consequences of Slf-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangemus surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once crtain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaplv, pnvately. and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOU SANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelop®, on the receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE fc CO.. 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post-office Box 4585. Feb. 6. (Nov. 2.0, '64 ) \Y ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Cotjghv, Colds, Whoopinq Cough, Bronchitis, Dffitulty of Breathing, Hoarse ness, Sore Thro'i 4 . Croup, unJ every affection of THE THROAT. LUNGS, AND CHF.ST, INCI.I DING EVEN € O !%' S U !H P T I O IV . WI STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, So general ha the. !■•* of thi- r- m<"ly become. and to popular it it. everywhere, that it is Houeressary to recount its virtues. In tror/s speak for it. and fintl nttrranre in the abundant and voluntary 'r*ti mouy o] the many who from long snff-rinf and rutted disease hive, by its use been restored to stifle vigor and health We ran present a mass of evidence tit proof of our assertions that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. The Ber. Jacob Sechlrr, Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, make* the fol'owingstate ment for the benefit of the afflicted. HANOVER, f a,, Feb. 16, ISti!). Dear Sir : —Having realize I in my family impor tant ben*fii* liom the use of votu valuab'e prepara tion— Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry —it fiord* me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to fee ; n ■i decline and little hopes of her lecovery were en tertained. I then procured a bottle ol yo -, r excel lent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle tbere wa* a great improve ment in h-r heal'h. I b;.ve, in mv individual case, made fr-'q ient use ot your valuable medicine, and have always been benefited by it. JACOB SF.CHLER. From Jrsse Smith, Esq , President of the At .rim County Bunk, Alorristown, jWw Jersey. "Having used DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD ; CHERRY for about fifteen year -, and having realized ] its beneficial results in my family, it afford* trie j great pleasure in recommending it to the i-üblic a a valuable remedy in cases of weak lungs, cold*, coughs, tie., and a remedy which I cori-ider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect ! safety bv the most delicate in health. From Hon. John E. Smith, a Distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, Altl. I have on several occasions u*ed DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHEERY lor severe colds, and al- i ways with decided benefit. I know of no prepara tion that is more eftieacions or more deserving of j general use. The Balsam has also been used witb fxcelletit ef- i feet by J. B. ELLIOTT, Me.chant, Hall's Cross | Roads. Md. Wistar's Salsan of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless iigned "L. BUTTS," on the wrapper. For Sale by J. P. DIXSMORR, No. 401 Bioa.lw.y, New York. J. W. FOWLF.dJ-CO Proprietors, Boston. And by all Oiuggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has folly estab!t>bed the .-open rity of REDDING'S RUSSIA SAi.VE, Overall preparations. It cure* oil kinds of SORES, OUTS. SCALDS, BURNS, ROILS, f I.CKRS, SALT KHKUM, ER YSIPELAS. STIES, PILES. CORNS, SORE I.IPS, SORE EYFS. \e . RF. OVING THE PAIN AT ONCE. AND REDUCING THf. MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS AND J.NFLAMATION AS IF BY MAGIC. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX, FOR SALE BY J. P. DINS MORE, NO. 491 Broadway, New-York. J. W. g'OWLE & CO., No. 18Tremont-at., Boston. And by all Diuggislr. May 6, 1864—eowly CLOTHES G JJV SCHELLY BURG. Having lately purchased tin excellent assort meiit of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, consisting of Ovf Coals, Dress Busi i nesx Coats, Biousps, Vests, rants. Hits 6f Ca/'S, V.'ti'te S?iirts i Fancy Flan nel iS'A'- ts. Under Shirts, Draw ers, Roundabout*, JVeck-ties, Suspenders, Buckskin Gloves, .I.VD NOTIONS IN VARIETY. We invtieonr friend* a-.d all who desire lo purshnce to give us a call at our New Clothing Store i:i Schellsburg, where us we are doing business on tiie l 'One I'caw" System, we flatter ourselves we can render satisfaction by doing justice to every one We thank our many customers for their patronage, and herewith so licit a continuance of the same kindness. G. BEIIKSTKESSER & SON. Scheilsburg, Sept. l(i, 1864. ~5 PUMP'S! M V I am engaged it selling'be ff f!'\\ Erie Pump- certainly the • A&T\\ only pump well adapted to this climate. V- Prisons in need of a good \ pua.p will do well to give N> me a call. Reorders from all part# of the county will be attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS: [ l|j W.M. C. SNIVELY, . kj JL Schellsburg. Aug. 1, 1864.—3 m ESTATE OF JOHN WEISEL DEC'D. Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned Executor# of the Last WILL and testament of John Weisel late of St. Ciair township Bedford connty Pa. dee'd by tne Register of said couaty— all persons knowing themsrlves indebtel to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims will present them propeily autben'icated for settlerrenr. JOHN WEISEL, JOHN FICKE4, January 6, 1565. Executors. FOK SALE OR TRAD El A Farm in Bedford township, owned by John H I Rush, about lour miles from Bedford, containing ISO acres, about 80 acres cleared, with log house, | log barn and other out-buildings thereon erected ; j also, an apple orchard thereon, i ALSO—A 'ract of land containing fifteen acres, about seven acres cleared with a story and a half log house and log stable thereon erectu, adjoining lands of Joseph Brir.kev, John A. Imgrund and oth-" era, situate in Juniata township. The cleared land is in good ordei, and the balance well timbered, all capable of easy improvement and cultivation. ALSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju niata 'owusbip, with log bouse, barn, Ike., thereon erected, containing 70 acres and allowance. P.,it of this tract is cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation—near to school house, mill, &c., adjoining lands of Scott, Low, Hughes and oth ers, and lately purchased from William Hurley. ALSO—A tract of land in Union township, con taining 225 acres, 72 acres cleared, with alarm bouse, 'enant house, double log barn and now Saw Mill thereon erected. Also, an appleorchard there, on—known as the "Snyder" or "Koons" property -60 acres of land—lo cleared and under fence with a log house thereon erected, adjoinini George Tiou'man, George May and others, partly in Juni itfa and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately owned by Andrew Wolford. ALSO—I 66 acres near Sto lerstown- within -J mile of Broad Top Railroad—about 100 acres ed, with a two story dwelling ' house—new bank barn, stable. t*c., thereon erected ; elso, two apple orchards thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is i rich loam, an! capable of producing every variety ol crops of this climate. ALSO—I6O acres best quality of prairie—near the Missouri river, c'o-e to the county seal <il HariUon county, lowa. ALSO—Two 10' acrt tracts, adjoining Eikherrc ; city, in the richest valley of tfce west the Platte Va ley—about 20 rriles west of Omaha city, and close to th> great national or government roa! lead ing west in Nebra-k . Territory. I ALSO—I6O aciea, two miles above Omaha city. > nn the great bend of the Misaonii. This tract is i wei! timbered and very desirable. AL of these ! amis weie located after a personal inspecr'on and i careful examination of the ground, and *an be w>-ll ! relied upon for fntuiv wealth. Maps showing the j j precise location are in my possession. ALS"—Three desirable lots in Omaha City, Ne braska Terntory. ALSO—A lot of ground in the city of Dacotah, Nebraska Territory The -.hove r>-al estate will be sold t such prices ts to insure safe and profitable investments. .Notes i oblig .rion l -' of -'ny kin!, that are good, will bs taken in exchange—particularly good bank °MaJ 8, i 563. O. E.SHANNON, HA3 CN HAND AxVD CONSTANTLY KEEPS A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. • * WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR OGUNTRY PRODUCE Bedford, Jan. 8, 1804. RICHARD LEO. MA NUFACTORER OF CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C., BDFORD, PA. The undersigned being -r.gag-d in the Cabinet* making ousniess, will rnak 'o order ai 1 keep on hand every thing in his line ot manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING ST J A DS, PAR LOR AND EXTEASION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, SrC., <VC. will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. 03*"Prompt attention paid to all order# lor work. on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite tha residence of George Shuck. RIChARD 1.F.0. July 10, IS63.—tf UNION HOTEL. WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. V. STKCKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the bes 1 manner and on tnc most liberal terms. A splendid LIVKRY STABLE is attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1562. WASHINGTON HOTEL, BEDFORD,PA. S. S. Diehl and William Dibert would res.peetfu'D announce to their friends in Bedford county, and the public generally, that they have leaed for a term of yeers, this large and convenient brick hotel, at the co' ner of Pitt rnd fu'ianra *reet*, Bedford, Pa.. Known as the "WASill N'G I'ON HOTEL,"and late ly Kept by Mrs. S. Filler. This house is being thoroughly re-E'ted and le furnished, and is now open for the reception ol guest*. Visitors to the '-BEDFORD SPRINGS" and person? attending Court, wi I find this house a pleasant and quiet tempotaty home. Every attention will be p'd 'o the account 0,1 tion and comtort o' guests, jhe tabie will at ail times be supplied with the best the martcefs afford. Charges will h® moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to thi- Holel, and a cai eiti! and competent hostler will be in attendance. Special attention wit! b paid to the accommoda tion ol the fainting community. Coaches leave this house nailv (Sit ;dav excepted) at 6$ o r-locK. A. M., and i o'cloes, I' to con nect with the trains going East from iMount Dallas and Bloody Run. A coach will alsoleave tu-weea lv {Tuesday, Thursday and Stturday) tor Somerset. The tr veling public will liml it decidedly to their advantage to st< p with them. Bedford, Jan. 22, 1861 —tf. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Pa , Diseases of the Nervous System, Sp rmatcr ihcca or Seminal Weakn.s-, lmpcr-nr-, and other i'fleot'ons of the Sexual Organs, Phi steal l-b:!ify am Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in re(orts of the Howard Association, sent by imi! in sealed letter enve ops. free of charge. Addtess, Jr. J.SKI LI.IN HOUGHTON. HOWARD ASSOCIATION Pn. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 29, 1861— ly. DREG STORE FOR SJLiT I OFFER FOR SALE MY DRUG STORE, On JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD. Teims reasonable. H. C. REAMER. December 9, 1864 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Fran ciiCorle, late ot Union town-hip, deceased, hav intbeen granted to the subscriber, residing in said tovnship; notice is therefore hereby given to all pecons indebted to said estate to me payment imnediatelv, and those having claims are requested to present them forthwith duly authenticated for sellement. _ ADOLPRUS AKE, Itecember 30, IS64—6t Adtn'r. New Winter Goods, AT X M. SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. [lis customers find the public tfcricmlly are in vited to call and examine for themselves. fllS GOODS ARE OF THE BE>T QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOO li TO YOL R OWN INTEREST BR EX.IMLYI.YG MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Roots and Shoes, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP. form a part of my new stock. ! KENS' WINTER WYAR, OF EVERY DESCPIPT/OJY, Ladies' Dress Goods, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, AC., AC. Ali to be had at the store of J. M. Shoemaker. Red lord. Nov. 25. I8(i4. Plio JcgTR phir Pictures. The - nu-c. ib-r has just returned from Phi'ade). . phis, wh-re he hi porc*a*eo' a large and select store of PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, comprising GiLT, EBOJYY, ROSEWOOD, VATIOJY, AJYD CARD FRAMES, of different styles and varieties, frcm Cts. ti|> go s'ive Dollar*, cacli. ALSO—A new assortment of Fhofc?rapli Aibuir.s, of all styles, holding from 12 to 2to pir'ares, at j pries vatymg from 75 cents to S2O BV, . ■ Suitable lor the P ckrt or the I'uitor, t Photographs, Ambroiypes. Mflainotjprs, &c., taken as low us 25 cents each. s of pvery kind and description copied to suit the a:bnm size or life *i/.e, on the most rea sonable terms, and in the most durable manner. Inst'or ions it 'be art given on moderate fr-r ns. Skviigni Gallery opposite the Washington Hotel. T. K. GETTYS. Bedfuid, June 10. 1864. BEDFORD HOTEL. The uridi , sigi!'ri !iavii"2 taken charge of the Bed. I ford H 'r-|, fo mei|y kep' by Col. John Hater, an nounces t . the public that he wifl be ab|. to afford the Iws' accommodation*, both to the traveling pub lic and home fu-tom. The house oil le improve*; and re fitted and the Bar will alw y* - weji sup plied with choice liquors Hi* table will tie sup plied with the choicest edible* . f the season, and he will spa:e no pain* to trek* it siutslile lor all. Hi- stable is one of the he-t in Bedford, and a good hostler v II always be in attendance. £XP*Boanl#is taken hv the vvee, month or vear Terms re soneble. The public arc respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, January L 5. 1664. TriE MENGEL HOUSE, JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inforn th travelling puh ; ac tha' h® ha* rece..riy enlarg-d improved a d rehired his house both fit the u,- rommodation of travler- and boarders. as well a cout.try ens'omer* Person* coming to 'his p'rer for the purpo-e of visiting the Bedlo.d Springs, will find this hou-e pleas .|..',y In ited. Ample and convenient Siabiing is attached • this Hotel. v i i '■ h will always be :;f ? rr..lr?il by a care ful ho-iler. Aiso a sale and convenient rarri ge house. All ere invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April, 15, ISG4. BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS Just opened at CRAMER'S. May 29, ISO 3. NOTICE. All unsettled accounts upon our books must h closed by ca h or note, January 2, 1865. Tnis i* the only notice We shall give. A- B. CRAMER It CO. December 30, 1864. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue ot u writ of Vend. Exponas to tne directed there will he 6>M at public ?e. at the Court Hott.-v in the Bedford, on Saturday, the I lie. day of Feb, 18"5, at t a o'clock A. M. lb following described property ; one tract of coal land, containing- <i!) acres, more or lew, about Id acres cleared and under fence, with a cabin house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lpnds of Wood, Devereux and Co., John VV. Lanes heirs and other:', situ ate in Broad Top township, Bedford county, seised and taken in Execution as the property of Wm. Figard. ALSO—AII that certain messuage and lot of ground, situate in the town of Pleasantville, containing about one haif acre, with a one and a half story dwelling house thereon erected, ad joining lot of Charles Orin, and others, and taken in execution as the property of Matilda Marshall, formerly Jas. Clossin. JOHN ALDSTADT. Sheriff. Bedford, Jan. 20, 1865. BEJLL'S FOUNDRY, CORNER OF CENTRE & HARRISON STRtg^ CUMBERLAND, MD. THOMAS WILKINSON, SR., Superintend Tbi large and long established Foundry faa, purchased and re-opened by the subscriber B ' The management of an experienced and Maebanic. and Workmen. ' ecl STEJM EAG LYES, BOILERS MINING MACHINERY, KAIL-ROAD AND CARS, FURNACES, srovrs, gratej PLOUGHS, MILL IRONS, AND J9GRIC UL TURJL IMP LEM £ ATS, Will be manufactured to order. A STOCK OF "Beall's Egg Stoves," of variou- size-; th- best pattern fnr Store, j n .. country lor l-uw.n z Cui' berU l; d C 0., 1; wj't on hand, and sold on J„v Ufa be terms 10 tt. c One New Fftur-borrvi Power Eng-ar, Boiler end Fixtures, for sale. ffyCash paid lor old lion a nd Metal on deliver at the Foundry. QyOrders solicited, and <ll work warranted. V.'.H. W. AlcKAia. Cumberland, Dec. 2, 1864—3 ti j Glorious News! I TO T IE PEOPLE OF BEDFORD COUNTY I'd" fir-t Train on the Siurhern Per.; syivar.ia and Comiellsville lairoad has ariivtd fc ravily freights wim goods of EVr.RY DESCRIPTION FOR CHEAP CORNER. We talf% pleaure in telling our customers tad lb* public Ibut we are now pr< pared for the W INTER TRA DE. We have just received a large stock of LAD IUS WINTER DREBS GOODS, SACK FUNNELS, CLOAK CLOI IIS, SHAWLS, HOODi, 4tc., lie. CLOTHS, CsJSSIMERES t SJITLYETTS, and a very great variety of READY MADE CLOTHING, OverCoats, Over Co2ts, Over Coats 1 Come Gentlemen, and examine our stock cf . 'c: r ROOTS AND SHOES. ROOTS AND SHOES, for Lsdi-s ond Gentlemen, Boys and G.sis. Groceries, Queensware, Tobacco, and all a<ticles usually found in a first class atore. A'e are s : ne*re'ygrateful to a generou* public for tf*!r pt or.au- in the ptsf, and hop~ by arrict at tention o th-ir wants, and a fond --V-ire to please, ft make it pay all who visit "C <F.'• ' CORNER." J. B. FARQUHAR. Bedford, Dec. 16, IS6I. It A l> I E M At Crampr b Co' you will find Cloaking CJotaa, ; hawl. Cloaks Hoods, A c , very cheap, lbeember 2, 1564. CLOTHING: A son! assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING just received af CRAMER & CO'S. Decembci 2, 1851. TO COrsSUKPTIVES. Constim pti v sutferer- wiil rceive valuable pre script ton for MieciireofCmisomptr n. Asih na, Bron eh;tis, and nil Throat and Lone Affections. (fre df charge,) bv senung h *ir a.|.ir-t> to Rev EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsbur* , Kings Co., N. York. LfST OF GRA SO JURORS O'o wn for F V bruitry Tern. 2 / JWonJnt), 13/A f,n y. "C o. :Bbs. Hugh Wi'sor. (Foreman,> Jacob Fletcher, Wm. Ander.on. Da> el Sbafer. John Calhoun. Sarrmel El liott. .Limes Taylor, Sa otion Egolf. I rob Boor, Jacob HiLega* ol P.. loh i Johnson, Stephen Wei me-. Pefer Keigj . fltois* Haitman, William Fish er lohii Bark man, I) rid R Andermn, Adam PoU, Decry Wj Is, Rudolph Hoover. Michael L. Putt, Wm. L'uppet, Ceoige Becgle, Ral'zer Fletcher. LIST OF PKrir TURORS Drown for s- Tern. Sarrne' Sh fer. W. C \Viega r ver, John W. Scott, John ibitz, lames (1 Xeal. . ewi* N. Fy..n, George slock. I'-ier Barton. An atfslliit.Willitm Foster, L.hn Berkhimer. 'ohn Human, Thomas Dona hoe, losiah Elder, George Potter, Aaion R-ed, Eait Hums. Vuch. Brar ( i!e. Richani McMulfen. William Smith. Jacob Bow-er. George Kr.i.ely, John Wil he!rr, j- .John Kerrp, David barns, Abj ; ei S ; eek, We tie) perdew. 1 -Bin- Ken.irger, I ewii. Anderson, Sanu el l.ogite, John Whetston, Philip S Croft, Cha; I'o Or in, > ao.ucl Jay, jr., Duncan .MeVicker, W. \V. Sparks, Hiram Shank. AdimShsfer Jun. C7. J. G. FISHER, Clerk. TAVERV LIUEVSES. NoDce is hereby given that rhe following named petsons have taken out petitions for Tavern Ltcenaa, an.l that said petitions will be j>r- sented at the next Court of Qiarter Sessions to be held at Bed mrd. in ami for ihe county of Bedford, on the 2d Mo day, (I'Jt day) oi i ebruary next, for allow ance or rejection : P f/icl- Drbew. Coaldale. Broad Top township, Aaron Reed, Mtdd'e Wooub-rrv, I-aac (irnve. Bloody Run, W. Proridarce, lam s F„. Prince, Saxton, Liberty, S. R. H .rtcrrti-Id, Bloody Run, Join Weaverhng, io do 4 I) &H. C.Ot, do do William De a trick, ClearviJle, Monroe, George Weituer, do on J""t 27. O E. SHANNON, Clerk- EXECUTOR'S NOTICE] "* Letter# testamentary on the last will and teata ment of Jacob Snowbarger, Into of Middk Woo r berry township, dee'd., having bean granted to subscriber, residing in saiu town* nip, notie hereby given to all parsons indebted to aaid e * '• to make payment immediately, and those t • t * t " claiaic will p-es-ert loem, without delay, p. iavi n S authenticated lor settlement. .opeflY Feb. 3—6t. JOHN Jt>. REPLf F.j OGLE. ITEW CARPETINT A large supply ot LIST and ail VVOC *- Also—Floor Oil Cloth*, all width*. ' JLCouet'^ Dec. 2, 1864.. CIUMF j* & GO'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers