THE BEDFORD GAZETTE IS FUBtISHEp. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY it. F. YaCIERS. At the following terms, to wit: j.2 00 per annum, if paid strictly in advance. S2.SO if paid within S months; $3.00 it not paid within 6 months. C7*No subscription taken ior less than six month paper discontinued until a!! arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. It has been decided by th a United States Courts that the stoppage of a newspaper without the payment of arrearages, is prima, facie evidence oi fraud and is a criminal of,e nC'. jy7""The courts nave decided that persons are ac countable for the subscription price of newsp.ipe's, if they take them from the post office, whether they .•subscribe for them, or not. t ' yrw m.. fr' jsr-i ..-j* igxjkJif.uinjc'*-* han Business Cavils. JOSEPH W. TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA.. Will promptly attend to collections and a I busi ness entrusted to his care, in liedlord and adjoining counties. Casft rdvanced on judgments, notes, military and other claims. Has for sale Town lots in Tatesvil>, and St. Jo reph's, on Bedford Railroad Faimsami miimprove t land, from ope acre to IpO acres to suit purees Office nearly opposite the "Mengei Hotel" and ; italik of Heed Sciiell. April 1, ls64—ly iV!. A. POINTS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, Pi. Respectfully olLis hig piofes.-ional services tolh* public. with J. W. Lirgenfelter, Esq., on '>- ; ana street, two doors Souih of the '-Mengel House." j Bedford, Dec. 9, Ivit. J. R. DU^BOERCTV. ATTORNEY T LAW, BED FORD, PA. Office one door South of the "Merge! H.oi.e." Will attend promptly to ad 1 u-iiT ss eotmsted to I is care in Bedford arm adjoining coun'ies. Having also Ire.n r.u'j' riy licensed to piosecufe claims gairi-t t.i • fJovt, ii r.t, pait icciar at e...ion will be given To the c rlec'imi of Mi itarv ' li-ns o. -'I kinds; per.etos s batn y, foul.ty bmir.'v ounr i fce, April 1, 1984. I 'ESPY d! AI-S? ** AT TOR NT- >' *iT 1- ■" nr i DFC FD PA. j Will Oiibfully and prompt'? >l To ail mi in.< entrusted t ; , ms rate in Bnttr-rd a- 1 ■ niti • come : ties. Military claims, bck p./, bounty, etc.,; sp -nli co leet-d. Office with Marr is Spt ? rn .til. .• ♦ 'reel. two lor-r-South of the .Mengel House. lan. 22, 'CI. , F M Friv-'lt I- W. f.INGI MKVLTKR ' KI MM ELL fc J.INSEi.VFSLTHH. TTfMfNKYS AT LAW. TIKDFOKD. PA. "7~Tt,ice formed a partn°r-hip in the p act'-ce ot n- 1,-tw Office on Juliana street, two door a Sou'h p: tn* "Mengel House." G. B. SPA.+IG-. AT TO IIV E Y A T L\>V . ftK DFOK D. P A \\|y attfii !to collections a.' ! U hu-;- f entru-ted to f. s care i:i 14e.1..r . a.t'l ■• ,o eiitg count is. jxyo.fic* on 'tioana. Street, three doi ; south of the "Mengel House, 'opposite : f residence of Mrs. Tate. y- J 1 3 . Jol i V P ■ Rt r F>. ATTORNEY AT I.AW, BEDFORD, PA„ 2? r\)irr'fiilht ten ters his ** ivrea to th* Pnhhc. [©"Office second door North of the .M 114 c! House. Bedford, Ai , 1, IS6I. J 0 811 P i L W F. R , ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA P[?" : Yili promptly attenl to aM business e:;t|... ,'ed to his rare. Office on fulianna iitreek (near ly opposite the ,\1 e 1:o>| Bouse.) Bedford. Aug.l, ibGl. II rOFFftOTII, ATTORKEY AT LAW, omen •. F,t. Will hereafter practice regularly in e *fv:-rl Courts of Bedford county. Business er.i" std to hi* '•?.;•> v. :. be faithfully attended to. Decetc.fc.r 0, lfeGl. F. 0. DOYLE, M. D„ Tenders h # professional services to the citizens of Bioody Run and vicinity. Office n-xt ,|r„ r 'o the potei of John C. Black. (J ur.e 10. 1864. J. L MARBOTJRGr. D Havir.g permar > ntly iocatfd, respectfullv renders his prof- ss.o'ia! services t.j the ci .z-tn of Bedfuid an ' v'tcini'y. Offic on West Pit' stret. sou'n -,i fa, nearly op -i"e the Union Hotel. Bedford. February 12, IfbGi. F. M MARBOURCr M. D, S r H F T. L 8 B fJ ~ O. p \ , Tenders jiwfrMictiil services to the people of! that plat " ;Rfi vicinity. Office iiri" (fiately opr". j ii'd the tare of' Ja tit F t'olvin, i the room ior 1 merly occupied by J. Henry Scheli. July 1, ISG4. BA7ID DEFIBTUSH, G U S S l\l I T II , Htt>Foi:", PA., Workshop same as formeily occupied b) John Torder, deceased. Ritfe r:d other guns made to or der, in the best s yl-and on reasonable teirr.s. bpe ctal attention will be given to the repairing of tire arms. Jti'y 1861—ly. 8A M V EI. KKTT FII >i \ \ , BEDFORD, PA., tr.s"Would hereby i otnv ti.e ri'tzens of Wot- . c-unty, t" he ha* moved ro tt.e C. • rgb 01 Bed i fold. v.":ej-e ;nay at all times b- font"! by person wishing to a e qr,jes sbscrf upon buames- . ncrtain i.g to .lis office. Bedford, Aug. I.iSCI. j. ALSIP & SON, A'sciioiit is & I'oinTii.-'on .Mcreaan s. BEDFORD, PA. 1 ronsijftr:ont ot Boot ant' I SSit P5 1 O r V Gv>'!vs <i r or ■•. r::i, ..n-i p. 11 f.o'N j of Mfichdiicise for A U I .'ON a ' PR!\ A1 h -ale. j RF.FXRrRNCE *. P'liLAnKi.rr::/ RKOKORD, Rhil.p Ford Si Co., Hon. J"t Minn. 80yd je 'lough. Hon. IV. T. Daugherty . Armor Yourf St Pros., b. r". Meyers. January 1, ISG4—tf. A HKW SFiYNATIOY At lUtnwv, a. B. FARQUIIAIv lia* oil. cna 0 f Iha bet •'o.c in the Co i. and is t,j. |.f, to nT , TLX TfiOt S WD 1) ILL IRS WOK I H OF GOODS TO I'HE PC LIC, i bought be fort the lust great rr>s in jtricrs, 1 end will be sold cheap for Cash, t la I to ca'l at Farquhtr'- h-fore you •ir fin e. J. B. FAKQUHAR. >ap*enber t*, 1S >-4. •:b Ksrt*, J- Schkll, li\AM AX!) SfIIFIL, • . * kF.RS* Ik DF.-iLF. tS !\EXt.HA.NGF, HKDr FRO, P NN A. "IS boiigh and se'e , c.,.'ee ic s ma '.? • ..! ■on ju■.imp ly remitied. i'c|.j „ . -If. Iljj.i. Isd' 01-' S' 9RE66 &OOD3. Franc!, M.i : ,'py lil, it . Ere,,,,tli VV oot " !>•, IVu'l D-laines, Pu;, .in . Al id 11 is Coburg, A.;'ac u r— if; fashioneb.'e coinr l ch< a;., t I>ec. u, 1864. CKAtMJfiK * CD'S, f VOLUME ©- NEW SERIES A SCATHING EPISTLE. Giv. Curtin Overhauls the President, i Pennsjlvania's Qnota Filled. | The AiUgtd DdtieiicvGreater than the Origi nal Call. ExKCCTIVK CtlAJlU'vtt. J Hacsisucko, 2(th .J in., j To tmc I'tiKMinuNT : Ntr: The mcc of the 3<! ! of Murch lSi>3, Cdinni'irily called the enrolinidiit ! act, jJioviiieii (section 4) that ior the purposes | i of the act each Congressional ilistricl of iho i irsi'cclive Stares siiouhi 'roni a district, an.l ! (se tion 11) that al! pet - ars enrol! ! sliotiM be j subject to b. 1 ailed into the miiitaiy service of | i the United Stat-'?, and r > continue in service ! tiie |r. -cut rebellion, not however <x- ' • ceediu;; the term ot three years, and further j \ (sccliuii 12) that in assigning to the districts the ; iiiouhei ot men to be furnished, tiie Prfsi lent should tsike into ctnixideratiosi t|, , i number <-f volunteers and miiilia hy and l'r< M; iil..: al S4 et ..1 vhic i said districis were situaied, and the netiod 11'liieir service! ; :■-uioo the ooniinciicb:r..:ul of :! e rebellion, ami I sliouhi inak ■ s.ii •:i sjgi c .-as !o equal; a* 1 tV Ilill.l'i.-i-, ,i:il.:i.' She'll-' IS of Mil StfV.'fl! \ r.- ,1. s. e.i—,n and • !' .wing for the mi n ' oli. .a,. Inrioshed as afoiTssij.', and llwiiine i , .a i ! Mi >ci vice The ilia, .ot actual service which by this act \ vc, were directed to consider and allow for,! f"u i nut. vxiiiinit injir iietie.ib!? labor, for in- | d-fi'l at ad) he liv.'d wan vxaMitnile for eaeh I i di.-iri t, Loi it eouid easily have been so ap-1 jir..Kii.ia:cil by av*rages that little if any prac-j lie d in';..-lice vvouid nave b sn d me. Tiie com- ! inencciiient ol iho th.rd year "t lie usr was. 1 close at hand :.t the tine; . i the n i.-sip; of liie : a :t. L would not la ve been difficult to ascer- j • tei. of one thousait i men enlisted for time*? • v. airs, w!'.t wast'.; a\.i.ioe number that re i.,;ii l acluaiiy in the Service at the ( nd <>t the mi s 11 dj.'m !y. ar- rc-pceiiv e'y, an ! !!. .i- Ihe , i irt ctxtl i iinrt lict'ti Muhstaatially complied with. ' U"r insuii't' ■ suopo.-e it 10 iiave be mi tuimd that •1! one ihoa-aii I men enli.-icd lor tl rec years. 1 itivrti in the K-rviee an average ol I forty 5 tr cent at the ci >se of tiie first year, and ; tw.iiiv p-r cent, at the close of tin second year. I; 'J l.c it-, ait would have been under the ptov isi.uis j "i o( tba :i' i, that attM hundred ouc-y*ar' mcfl > • i would ]"!'• ■ been taken as tiie equivaieul of one ; | thousand ihtee yea's' cr.en. ( Ui.f ii ia 1 lately the heads of bureaux, to v. iu;n | 1 the jnatter seen,? to have b-cn entrusted, organ ! by hilling ml a strange inis'conJf'uci n ol (Be (act l'lcy did in 1 ff'cr 'rike from the 12th j section the piiiascs "period oi their service 1 | an ! "lime c. lie ir scrv ae, ' and in - -ft in -ictl ; j ihereof tie phrase "term of their enlistment,"' . ! and tin n pro -e 'del to apportion credit? !iy nnd- , .' "iplyiii- the number i f riicn ft : ai.-iicd fniru a ; district bv I •; numb r of veur.s for which timy i w.■.• * • lilistod. U.deiiiafions mad m this La-1* | wit. t ■ "urs<- m.i-w xt v:;<f nt and n • peo;de ! . ; w i",'where felt that somehow hijuMiee was rc- . • 111,4 done. In th" attemp* to soften tai% miner on- an contradictory orders hive been issued . if. ,111 the l'iov"i st Mi >ha! Gi ncrai's olii v, and long csmys by bin,- If :ad other- iv ' tieeii ii v jiuli'ishcl to .A, lair, ami justii' ! ! , action. In •.-, "-•• > as th- '• get hey.aid tic. 1:1 ir ! .illy c ii.o ■(i nil of t..e act ' ser* .cc of tie ! m.-.ii. their ' sdcnlatii at no longer .1 pra. I'• d basis. Ire pri;..-q, i.uri'i ito> I ->ib • Miii.'v a .in' vv..nli. ; jostii'y the > uh'.iieoit ! •! >•„. man j car?, ard "ri- i.'tig i:itn 1 ' - the v. In Is quota of the btals', tvith a Final! I \ vSS Stireiy every reafionable man can *ay forbini stif whether he has found th* l . geiiirg one pair of bouts for three years is practically e quivalent to getting flue,; pairs of boots for one y ar. The visionary character of tlie system on which they have proceeded cannot be better :.- lustiMtcd than by the result at which they have arrived on ;'.e pr. -cnt occasion. iC quoin of i j JVnnsvh. ni l on :he lot call wis atttm "iced to • ' le l> 1.100. f! •• i] i.>! t(u snake up eiclh iaus : i u.ui it call w 'samiounced Soil' o ',d)9! no u. : On he 2 lib instant i: was announce i that ii ! i;uu' 1. lit I; V. esivi'ii ii - ; lev iarii, on lev ision . | been tixe i at Tl SU, which w aild make that j of ii. r whole State nbout 14,000; nnd laic on j ':c .•-.l it? da. t wa? furiltes .inr.oi.iiced t'nat 1 the quota of the 'VMtni 1..-t;;ct was 2.i I and t: it of tie win.l f ....' •• 4'J '-sR. Ati ' 1 ihe-e 1 ..'m;; s le-i,, caused by no interven j I oig ciieunisSani s tint i na; aware 01. In. j i :ct, our quota on the last call war billed, i an i there can he no ddicieiicy to be now sun- i i phetl. ! Th ir plan is unio -t to the diuri ■ - tifid to j , tic. government. It. w mi'v ignores t'.ie losses ot j j .. -u hv .desertion, -ieknvs-, death and casual !ta - !he loss > from most *• a tse causes nre ' j eivhuw via.ll g the first year ol K-rvtee than al ter v ii? .V town which furnished tiitve j tlua.-and meu ha one yeat : has probwhly. last j tiire.'-fifths of tin in frutn the?.: cat's before 1 i 1!,. expiration of she term. Another equal i town winch has furnished one thousand men for three years may before the expiraii-n ot' • thai teiui ii.ive !o?t scvcnice-n-twentietbs ol ; ! them. The lir-t tow n vviil have thusgiveil six teen li'jtuircd nun to the country- —the second j ! eight bundled an ' fid v. Tbete i- no equal ity in rids. tin exhaustion of the industrial; population of the two towns, is in very uncqu il pr il l ".! :.s. A? to the govt-, anient—the gov cronieui in in th, ii.'st e i-c tiie actual service do •. the w'li ,b: yen o!' I vji teen linr.dred 1 n —in :bc s.'Cord c: t'.e actual acwi.e of say fti : 1 i ■.. vd i! "ii during the •• It ■' }'• -r. of pj'v.!;.ih'y n-.. ,i,.iii! Finn two hutivircd •n.-n <!= ing tl:.' wli e .second vjar and s-,y on" hno- ; dr.d ;'.iid sftv nu nnt mu.M d'-ring the wh./m FiiiiJ year lhhides, tiie amount of set vice that t muy be ivquired promptly i- to bo consiuered, Freedom of Thought and Opinion. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1565- | and not merely the agreed term of service. At 1 tiie hue storm'of Fort Fisher, on" at least of ; the I'ennsylvaiiia one rear regiments was en gage!, and behaved most gallantly—who will say that if one third of their number had been enlisted for three years, it would on that ac count hate been able to perform as much ser vice as the whole number did in that unsurpass ; eJ exploit? ilut there is even more serious error than lias ! been above exposed. The clause of the act of .'id of March, USb.j, un Ur .v!ii vii your officers profess to lie acting, has not been in force since ilie *24'!; of Feb. 18bi. Whether induced thereto by the strangeness . f the ty stein which had been adopted under it, , or for what .wer reasons, Congress thought fit t > ; pass the act of 24iu of Feb. 18<i4 (entitled "An act to amend the act of 3d March 1803") I which provides, (section 2.) that the quota of each ward of 11 ciiv, town, &t\, shall be as nearly rs possibl l in proportion to the number of men re. ident therein liable to render military 1 .--i;rvice, t iking into aeeunui as far as praetiea -1 b!e the number which had been previously iur : nisicd then from. Tims ii .- f iriti t At w is amended by giving credits, not to districts but to smaller hx'nlili-s, I.v. i by oiniting tiie provision for Co'ishlcring . at id allowing foi th • lime of s.-rvi ■•.: in estima ting credits; they were directed in future to be 1 given as fig- as practicable on the basis of the number of 'a: 1 previously fumb ied, without 1 reference to the bar: of service. Ami this was illowed up by the Act of l'h j -Tub, 18b4 (passed at the sanv s-a'doii) which j provides (section I.) that the President may at | his discretion, call iorar.v number if volunteers ; for the re-pcctive terms t f me. two and three i years n ii u.iiti:- r- an! .• ■ 1 accor iiug to their , j term of eulistnit a . and '.celion *2) that in case the quota ot any " vn. A.- 1 -, slml! not be filled j a iiiiiu the spa i of sixtv Ttvs after -ueh call,/ 1 •hi-n tiie Frcsideni !:ail immediately order a iv.fv for one year to 'il! 'cdi quota. Tlasc are lie clauses which now regulate the sub) et it is nut for nr.* or you, sir, to dun us the tpi:.*-lion oi ir pr< privity. They arc to ii" olicyed I: would lie easy to shew that they form a Ivn sou.,iiie and iiitcllig;: !; system. Foruit rly : when sails were made of men for military ser | vice, tin v were made By requisitions on the Governo of tiie respnelive Slates; who then prove, d o liraf tfie required number to liil the tquota of the Stat.". In tlii- draft, men f m any Stale or iocuity who hud voluntarily I entered the service of the 1 State's, by cniift i ine ij- the army or otherwise, were not taken into N'o crcciiu were given for tlteio ; on th • quota, any more than for men who had of ik'r even accord engaged iheni-eives in any eile 1 c.ii. ; em;ii"*m •!. The sysum.s how- . r.v. r, if ra -ing v-v large Ixidies of men as V"i,!:j! teers, under ;b Act of Congress ol 186 I, II . t ,| b'h'.v ' upon the military r->p liatiou of the r spe tive St;tv" nn I Lwaliiie.- very heavily, j an i n ,i quite c.j la'ty. n:-l therefore w!i n. tiio j Enroll tin- •: Act of l?s\i3 w.-s pamd, it was thought 'est to in oviii for cqua uityj the rx -1 huustion, by a!' virig credits to foca.'ties tor ibe Voluttieers furnished by then:. Hut t!'C Governinent had aec< p' d \ oluntvers for var -1 ious lei "of service and ti.e effort to ! rntder ll.e eq I.dilution more perfect by consid c.irig ami ail wving f.r the time of their service : well cs the number of in 11. ino Acts of tbiif, recited, have in uliiicvf t.ns system ly lix •> g . i fi nli* term of sen ice ( >ne year) for w hie Is u'M' are ! • t'.af.ed. Volnn'ceis la ' u h-ss t!:an tfi it .' rm ire to be en .i ed to I their i.icc 1 a - . a t!i° quota and reccive®i cer tain bounty from the Gi ■•vcrnmcnt. Such ot j ; i."i!i as chot'.-e to enlist for longer k i'in? recctve mrther bountie? from the Government, but so tar as rrgmds tiie in. reused term beyond or.e year, are not to be credited on the qu :ta hut are to be ieft on the same footing that all Vol unteers were on before tlfe Act of 1863. That is to ?.iy, the Government announces that it! w ill take by its authority a certain number of in. u from a locality for military service for one i year J'.hal i. the lawful denta l I vviiich it vvi i ; eufot It pays bount'tes in ease of localiticfl ,to fu'iiilato tiiein in e> nq Ivit.g witfi this de idonir.u.! v.iihout a c .uqiuisory draft. Hut it iu.s made no demand for men to serve for two or ior three ; Tfie. Government receives i and ■ : • ...i I'lioitit! In,unties to Volunteers for ilt'.-c terms, but, in that, deals with the men j jn!y, and, tt-i!;" increas. 3 term of service be yond um* year is not agrcd to be rendered in • complianc? with any demand of the Govern ment, it give- the locality no credit on tlx* quo ta tor it. The Government, requires 100,00') ua-n ft r one year, not a le-s number of men , for ;t lOitgei' tenn. For u (lelicicm vin tiie num i 'or of '.'oiurueits for that term, it makes a . draft lor one year. This is to Jill the quota — c.t more nor less—when the draft has been ef fectc ! the quota'is full—tiiere i.* neither excess oi deficiency. ! You •••'. that thesv stcm thus eslablishe.l by 1 law i* not without foundation in reason, and can | be rtadily understood. far, you may not have been heretofore ap y.'is** I of t'.e fact liiat your subordinates are v.-i/i.i'y di-regardiag the Act of 24iii of Feb ruary, 1864. They are prot ceding in op an an 1 dir- ct violation of it, and are ilius creating na turally, great confusion and uncertainty among the people. They announce on the one hand that although n threc-y. its' man countsonlv as a on. -year rr.nti towards tiie quota on which he volu liter*".: yet that he small be counted a? three oue-ye ir'? men, towards the quota on a fu'iw a!) This is tlirc.a'ly in the teeth of the law. 1 On the • t!:er hand, they are evplteiinj cut a] .leiiiueni v on the 1; u eatf oy counting tiiree one* vca:men ,i v . , ai.-r.t to cmo thrc- year's iiian. Vhi ffi i, w.. • it" aauie.rt tins ! iw. Thus !!>ft qn '!" TViuisylvaui.i, under the tab. u! 18;!t July l:::-f } wi.s filicd in accordfrcc with she law i,y uien to serve for not legs than oje year. The term uf sr, v ice of these men i J not yet half-expired, sind yet your subordinates are threatening a draft to fill an alleged deficien cy on that very cal', the existence of which they attempt to make out by persisting in their un lawful and unsubstantial theories and calcula tions. Our people know that the Government requires more men. They are willing to furn ish them —heavy as the burden has become of i the industrial population. Let tho requirement !>e made in the clear and definite shape which thi law provides for, and it will lc. cheerfully complied with. But it is hardly to be tolerated that your subordinates should be permitted lon ger to pursue the sy-tem of substituting, for the law, an eccentric plan of their own. Sir. on behalf of the Freemen of this Com mon weaih, who Stave always givc-i a cheerful and hearty support to your Government in Ihe prosecution of this war,—it is my duty to in sist,—and I do insist —that you enforce upon voor subordinates that obedience to the law which you owe, as well as they and all of us. 1: >.< of rail example —it tends to enfeebl.—nay tj destroy—the just power of the Government —that you should suffer your officers to treat with open contempt any A'cts of Congress, and especially thu*e which von have yourself ap proved, and v\ i i, regulate a matter ot such d tp and delicate moment as the enforcing a draft for tiie o| itnry so-r vie©. Hying heartily on your wisdom and justice to s; t right what has thus been going wrong, and ;•) compel hencuforih on the part e, all, a proper resprcl for and obedience to the laws of the land, I am, sir, very respectfully. A. G. Cl.'ill IN. Judge Pierrepont on Arbitra ry Arrests. The following passage in Indge Ficrrepout's summing up of the Optlyke-Weed case, was coi.-d out by an attempt to impeach one of the drtendant's witnesses by proving that he had !■*' n arrested and sen' to Fort Lafayette by the : Governs.out: * * *■ Henry B. Stover has been on iitr stand he-hire vou—a man who lias livel here m: :iv rears attending to his business—n man of, as "o >a a character s any man in :! i crowded room, and vet he was let out of Fort Lafay ette 1 it a tew weeks ago, where he had been confined for five months and four days, with out !he shadow of a crime . 'lis business ruin ed. his fortune dissipated, and he compelled to begin life anew, and tv>w the G )v ; 'rnaie,.-\ find ing that lie has been wrong-"', are trying tore pa;;' the wrong by re-employing him again, ami htm all the contra"!- - ;h y- can, far bar- i ing hc.-.i mi-led by fraudulent men. v bo wished to d five him away from the Boston Navv Yard for cutting into their business in trade. This is a civil war, gentlemen. The tree of liberty is glowing very vigorously just ninv. Give a verdict th :t will bgvetbe effect to muz z's the press and prevent the disclosure-of frauds and the h*nves of that tree will never put forth again, and next spring yo i will sec that the tree i-. 'dead. Yon may water it with your! tears or the blood of your but it will not revive any more. "Eternal v igilance i- the , price of liberty." Let us recall Henry D. Sto ver's taic . i: 1- buttritl'ng circumstance com jHired with many which the walls of that f>>rt wiil tell, for a ft'i'C Country, win " ■ we boast so much of liberty. You heard it all under oath. You saw from l is appearance that he was a man of energy nr. 1 enterprise. He was enga ged in furnishing the navy yard for the Gov-' crnnicnt, and desired to extend his husincs? likewise to Fostim, and he was suceessfol. Smith Brothers. I think he told you, desired to run him away from that trade, and f* y if red •• clerk to make a fatso, perjured affidavit for , e-VMI. that he attempted to get things passed there cm false weights, and Stover was arrested , and put in Fort Lafayette, until, finally it was ; proved that his accusers were the ones iff the; wrong, and they tire the ones that are now sen tenced, and the Government having been mis-j led, discovered t-o laie that air. "Mover was ■ an inn 'cent man. N w tin w tilings gentlemen, grow-out of: civil war. and they arc very sad, but tidy need some gun! ding on your part —Stover is brought • here upon tiie stand, and yon have seen the at- | tjtni.ts math- to blacken his character for crimes ; he nev r committed; and he is ask 1 if he had not been in Fort Lafayette, a though he had | tieen in there for soma infamous crime, though j lie vera to bo blackened before you because a | upr: sired villas i for money had placed him there, when lie '>a ' shown you that he had been re- 1 stored to the c >afi h?noe of th" •Government. Now these tilings have been constantly going en since tbo war oomni'•! • >!. For instance, i Mr. Ncltlrton went io Washington to get a |i .. ition in the Treasury D partment from a fitiL; town m Connecticut, an ! a drunken fel- i low there, iv' o wanted to get the. place, report- J him to a magistrate m \\ afiiiugton as a se 'cs-i-mi-t and a spy, and M". Neltleton was ar •estcl and put into the Old Capitol i 'risen, and , iv I her* eleven months innocent as the mi nor n ehiifi. lit :sc tiling;, have been goivrtant |v going on finee this civ ii war commenced, and yet wjien an innocent man is, through mistake i •>f the Government, put into prison, and he couies before a court of justice to testify, he is j treated as a felon —as a culprit—and a vaga- . bond, from New Orleans, who ncvei krew him, j is called hero to blast his character. These arc tlic results of civil war.—They j grow nut of the underlings who, from a desire j of exercising arbitrary power, are perpetually j trying to u: 'ermine and destroy their fellow j men. Gentlemen, there is not a man of yen ' who is not as liable to be put in bori L ifuyeMc a.-, henry !.V --hover. What- could you think j •■f it when, after it was di.-covercd that you j were not in the wrong, you were railed togive j evidence in a court of m stave, an ! it snouid be considered as an evidence against your ciiarac- ter? Gentlemen. it L for you to see that our! civil liberty is not taken away entirely from j lis. If, by your vcri'ict, you will muzzle and t WHOLE WHBER, 3097 ? iiush forever the public press, then our liberiie - are not wortli a straw —they have departed. Thus arc the rights and tlie liberties of tin - citizens trampled under foot as attested by em - who has invested this whole subject of arbilra ► ry arrests in its practical form. It is dif'ie*di - to conceive a more despotic sway than is hen r ' depicted, under tiie most absolute government. ; i of the old world. i; • An Extraordinary And Herri ij - Me Crime. • A Triple Murder by a Recruiting CiS cer —His Arrest and Strange Conduct. [From the Clevelan Leader,of Sittirdav.] VVe learned yesteiuay the particulars of one : "of the most startling and atrocious murders which have ever been put on record, tiie details of which surpass in tlieir accumulaicd horrors, the triple murder of the Ccy family, a year a go, in lVlendina, or that more recent, and per haps more horrible, murder of the lioosa !am i!y, in Deerfieid, in December last. 8 > terri ble is tiie story which we are about to relate, that it seems incredible. We wete reluctant to Believe if, and only accepted it as true, cm heaiing its facts confirmed by undisputafclo r.u'.ireriiy —Mr. Quinlan, of thiseitv, who was I".resent at the time of the arrest of tiie mur derer and heard his confession. The facts are as follows: A young man named David L. Fivins about twenty-five years of age, c.q prep .res-ia'* n•• I - dress and apncarance. made his appearance a few weeks since at Grafton, Lorain Coun'.v, and establish d tiiere a recruiting office for one of the regiments now being raise J in this State in which he livid a recruiting commission. He passed as a single man. Soon after coming to I re;dl "n, lie f't'incd j; tntirriago cngagemcn* vvi; i a lady jiving at Grafton S fat tot?, the daugh ter ot ii grocery keeper there, who had m-eu undated some prope.ty. Whether because lie was in love with this girl, or merely because ; Iter father had prumised to set. htm up i. bu4> itrff, this scminditl deliberately formed t!.o dia bolical purpo-.' of returning k> Coid.vater. Ah'.-inran ; where his wife was living, and kili <!:g her, in order to lie free to marry the young lady in Grafton. Or. .Monday last lie left Graf- ] ton for Id* fortnerhonic. near Coi.lwater, Mi: h- ,, arriving there on the same tlav, and he- ! nig cordially received by his voting wife, who! was living vOidi his father and mother. On Tuesday morning he hired a horse and sleigh ! and drove out of town, returning in the eve ning, unci hiring another he re • and s'.eigU at su et her stable. Tins was about II o'cLck at \ , night. During tiie absence ct IJivinsin the evening, ' his wiie was suddenly seized with the pairs of cliii 1-btrih, and, as hjs father was spending the , evening at a neighbor's the old Lviy* went c.t to find him and soul far -a doctor, leaving the ' sick vvoman ectircdy acune. During her absence • ;iic husband entered the lioes\ and, unmoved . by the delicate conditio:, of his wife, deli her- j ; atcly killed her. N idle engaged in consurnma- t ting the outrageous and horribly unnatural • crime, his father and mother entered, and the j fiend:?! 1 , villain, not shrinking at any amount ; of crime, shot both ids father and mother, kill- i ing both. lie then !id their bodies in tiie eel- j lar, set the lica=c on fire, and hurried to the ; railway station, forgetting his hbrse and sleigh, j which he left standing in front of the burning i I house. He took the night train, then due, from j CoM water, arriving in Grafton on Wcdnestla . I ; Meantime, the horse, which he had left at | the scene ot triple murder, ' became frightened ; at the burning house, and, breaking the idtch- J ing strap by which he was fastened, ran home j to his stable. Yv'hen the house was discovered j to be in flames, and, lite conflagration quench- | ed, the bodies were found in the cellar, the . presence of tin broken hitching strap tied to a j post in front of the Si;-u-'e, at once threw sus picion on Hivins. Tito Sheriff of 'lt • • ounty j , with ti depute, immediately started in pnreui: | of him. and arrested bun in Graf:on, oh 'I uq>- j ! day. Ou being an est? Ihe cexfc?*-1 the ct i nc. J j A numher of peculiar pieces of diver were i'mnd on his person, which were known to be ' lite properly of h' a father. ! Tiie bearing of Hivin- after his arrest, was ; : as peculiar and extraordinary as the unprece- ; • dentcdiy horrible deed vvbicb he had dune, and , suggests the. charitable conjecture that the mm j |is insane. lie ruoi!v confesses the crime, and I seems astonished at the exrc*ernen f wire h it ' ! causes. He disui'oute l among the crowd who ' gathered around him, a number of his auto- . gtapits, writ ft nas follows: "Davil L. Hi. ins, , murderer of his wife, {••'h"** tod mat iter." Ho j'f.wdv bode good-bye to hi" acq-;-infarers in i Grafton, inviting them to come u;>ar,! see him, • and tciliag them that they would find him "play- • tag checkers with his nose on the jail window." , l'liis Sk'tiring of hi a together with tiie horrible atrwily of tlic murder, so incrael the crowd j of t pe. "iters at Grawon Station, that -hey were I'or lynching him on the spot- Indeed, j bad not the SheriiT w'io had him in charge been ; a Mason, and called on Masons -,: i the crowd i to assisf him in preventing it, the indignant j crowd would hav dispens'-d summary justice ; t.i the pcouniirel. He wes however, saved from j lynch law, and placed on board the Toledo j ; train, and taken back to CoMwnt.r He is in ' no danger of meeting his <!c>>'rfs there, as cat- ' i ital punishment is prohibited in Michigan by ; j special enactment —an enactment which this j easo, if anything, will cause the repeal of. i Mr. IJi.Ats's second visit to iiichmond result- j 'ed in bringing ice I'resident Stcpltens, U. M. ?,T. Hunter and Judge Campbell t > Fortress! j Monroe lov ti.e purpose of conferring with the FeJerr.l aulbortti' 1 r.. : to terms of peace. They • were met first by Sc-rolary S.-wnrt. who tele graphed to l'resid'-et Lincoln to •com" en.'' • There they nave been consulting, buf we have I no posit,vc information of vhat passed, between j . the parties. Snnsalion rumors arc plenty. On' Monday a teUgrni annouaoJ general am- _ TtflfCS ot f One square, one. inserooh, j One square, three irnertxws, , ' One square, eacb additional insertion -® 3 months. 6 months. t yeT. j One square, $4 50 s■) 00 sio 00 ! Two squares, 0 00 9 00 10 00 Three square.*, & 00 29 Ot) 20 00 Halt"column, J3 00 20 SO 10 00 One colsmn, 30 00 45 00 80 00 Administraror<- and Kxecutors' notices, $7 00. Auditor's notices, if under 10 lines, $2 50. Sheriff'a sales, §i 75 per tract. Table work, double the above latesj figure work 25 per cent, additional, idstrays. Cautions and Notices toTrespasers, S'- 0 r for thtee inseitio..-, if not above 10 lines. Mar na;;e notices, 50 cents each, payable r.u advance. Obituaries over five fines in length, ar;r! Resolutions ol beneijcial Associations, at half advertising rates, payable in advance. Announcerrents of deaths, gratis. Notices in editorial to'amns, 15 cents pr "tie. 057"N0 deUuctiona to advertisers of Patent Medicines, or Advertising Agents. * - OL%UT_>. i;-■ t%g... ■ ■■l,—M m ■ ■■m, . VOL 8, NO. 29 ea | "s'sty, cc:i; : ,n of hostilities and a restora tion ut the l.nion upon ihe basis of' the Con-' ,e 1 stitution, aud a guaranty of indemnify to all ie • citizens of the Confederacy. We are not pre t - ; parr ] to place much confidence in any siate !t j nicnts yet received. However, we will accede c i lo a bra nam Lincoln the honor of iicctimiiig a t, r-ica < ommkri mer and give him further noto : neiy for Laving taken the first t.pporlunity to j recognise the Southern Confederacy. i S.nee writing the above we have received iri- J teiligencc that Mr. Lincoln and Seward have j returned to Washington to announce that the' - j commission *'f peace ended in an entire failure. ( ' From the statements related by Washington | correspondents we are inclined to believe Lin j coin and Seward went to Fortress Monroe on a r j *~ot*Po, and drink toasts in honor of the atnerxl s m, 'nt to the Constitution passed by Congress. , : Ihe New York World under the title of "Tho . ■ Peace Convention," rays: , - | It is given out in Washington, ostensibly by - | authority, that tho inter' iew between the Pres • S ideal and Secretary of State and the rebel en | voys, had no satisfactory resit't. The subject, : 1 liowevt , is so important that the country will : j noi L: so. '..: d with vague ;\ad irresponsible i f gtviugs oof to newspaper correspondents, to be ' by them telegraphed over the countw. Tho public has a right to. know, and ought'to fes-ef ficiul'y told, what proposals were made arid re j ,i"cicd at a ri which lias kept the country in a lever o; exp etation, and which will bo ever memorable in the history of the war. Mo rust iaat Congress will tn-uay pass a ; resolution respectfully calling on the President for information. That body cannot legislate j intelligently in relation to the war, if the ox°c ! utive isjn possession of f;icts bearing on itsrin j ration, which be wilfully coneeais from their j knowledge. If the late negotiations have not i been concluded, hut only adjourned, the Presi dent would be justified in declining to< Ye pub lic,:, to lacis which might embarrass a subse iquant Mage of the proceedings, lint if there are no proposals still pending, there can be. no justification from withholding from Congress ar.d the country a ffnnk and full statement of jvv i..t ,i,is iicen att mptc,', and of t'tc causes of jibe failure.— Stat ttf the S'orth. Concerning Editors. j At a late ;v. mt *• tcstiva'. .ho editorial vo | cation was thus done brown j 'I lie man thftl is expected to know every thing, tell" nil he knows and gross at the rest: to raxkc known Irs character, establish the ren j utfttion of his neighbors. raid elect till eandi j dates lor oißcc r to blew cvirvbodv and refctn l tii • wt.irid ; to live tor the bctvof of "titers, and •theepitaph on if. tombstone—"Here belies at fast.*" In short, lie i* a locomotive running ■on tnc Ira, v ot pno ic notoneiv ; his lever 13 : his 1 0": hi* boiler is filled with ink : las tender i seisscra • his driving wheels puhii; opinion : \ whenever is • exphds it i* *.•> •.! die non i pay'v rit ol su script ions.— \ We ridg!it go fnrtlmr and say that his break : is an order from Government suppressing him: his lubricating oil a few fiiou'tintls of dollars bonus or a fat office ; Lis water-' ov the "local;'* | his brake man tnc Provof-Marr.l nil; hi*' freight ■ train, the weekly; and ins fuel, tho subscri -1 hers. I "ONLY A LITTLE TIPSY." "Oil. mamma," said a bright boy nine years, ; "did you hear the ti-e-bcll ring tins raoruing?" "Ye s , tnv dear." i " The city hall was burnt down." added tho ! boy, ' and a man who was put in the lock-up ; fa disarm riy conduct was burned lo death." j "Was lie. indeed?" j "Yc.c mamma ; and he was a tea! nice, kind man. lie got into a sculilo last night with soai rowdies, and to keep the peace illi morn ing '' ' pot him in the L.k-up. People are i so sorry !:•- is burnt." ' V.-. my dear buy, \vc have n!i rearotv (n he , sorry. For a man to lie burned to .L ath is a very shockm thing. lut l.ow cam. the poor man 1 h. :.. that seufile t You say lie was a i nic-% ki.i 1 man. 'j hat seem* si range." j " W by, nnmtna, he was only a little tipsy." "O/ 'y a lii'k tip-/ r Tliat explains all." "Ye*, he was tipsy. And tbey think that 5a I lighting bis pip.; towards morning, a spar!; fell ■ on something that kindle I very quick, and so j the f I ding was bt :". and the p wrnmu in it. —li• shrieked dreadfully to be let out, but thev could not get him out till it was (oo late." "i?emember that, ay boy. Wh:n vou grow ' -tgg- r. and the boy v want you to ut .:ik any I tlfeg iikr re. "r vvi. , don't, listen to them-for S a moment. They may sr.v, '.V Ihtiu won't hurt vri'i.' Iteruemoer that all the lin the world began by taking a little tit first, j Urn poor man who was named to deal a this morning had: e idea ot being j drunkard. But jba t hat 's '•tvuine sfrongc and iironger, and :liv tuakc slaves of us before wn know it. Always rem. mber the man who in-., his life be cause he w.i. "only a little tipsy." "vine word more, nv boy; rctnember 100 | titat no "drunkar-.l si.ail inherit thy kingdom of heaven.'" The I'lioMrstiD i r \cx. — The greatest boon : the Admiristration i t' tapr.lne. o. bestow i iog ti{K>n J lie country is p- a< \\\: v.vr-> pvom isol it speedily if JuimoLl Vas re-eiefied. il secured his m-eleclion in some way, hut thera is no peace yet. fi he will secure it to its, wo ! will t"u.< !y f'urjivc. h'm evre folly ho bus com mitted, mtd llcavon knows they have been ns numerrtus a* tliesands upon tho sea-shore. Shall we have peace * ihe honest, intelligent, labor ing masses of the country are becoming deeply interc-.od in the solution f this question. They ee tlie War was eriu'L !. tttiticccssary, rr.d F sirc to get out o. i. haforo brcorrinsr etahroiled : :r. n war will, other ration*. Sail we have , pc ;ee wTfh the S; titU tivittg y> her all her rights, •n- sheil wo have a five ,t icu yefttrr tvr #itk Kngland teod Tranef
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers