A26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003 Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. July 9,2003 Report Supplied By I’D A CATTLE 206...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 74 steers and heifers, 98 cows, 6 bulls and 28 feeder cattle)...Compared with the last week's sale..slaughter steers mostly steady on light test, 1.00 to 2.00 lower, heifers steady, bulls firm. STEERS: Choice 1-3 1230-1340 lbs 77.50-80.00, average 78.25, Select 1-2 64.25-76.75, average 69.79. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1345-1450 lbs 67.00-70.75, average 69.19, Choice 2-3 1100-1440 lbs 65.75-69.50, average 67.56, Select 1-2 57.00-65.50. HEIFERS; couple Choice 1-3 1145 & 1270 lbs 77.75 & 80.25, Select 1-2 69.25-75.75, average 73.42. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 46.50-56.00, average 50.28, Boners 80-85% lean 39.00-47.50, average 43.57, Lean 85-90% lean 33.00-44.75, average 40.18. Shells 31.00 and down. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1 1450-1755 lbs 56.00-57.50, couple Yield Grade 2 1165 & 1215 lbs 53.50 & 54.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: package Large 3 380 lbs Holstein 73.00, one Large 3 900 lbs 52.00; HEIFERS: one Medium 2 430 lbs 67.00, one 505 lbs 48.00, Large 3 620-1095 lbs Holsteins 41.00-51.00; BULLS: couple Medium 2 475 lbs 70.00, couple 415 & 800 lbs 51.00 & 54.00; HOL STEINS: Large 3 230-300 lbs 54.00-80.00, 605-700 lbs 41.00-50.00. CALVES 178...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75-115 lbs 27.50-55.00, Utility 60-100 lbs 15.00-35.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 5 .00 to 10.00 lower, Hol stein heifers steady; No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 75.00-130.00, average 106.33, No 2 90-125 lbs 40.00-100.00, average 73.95, 80-85 lbs 70.00-100.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 85-105 lbs 300.00-390.00, No 2 70-115 lbs 70.00-200.00. HOGS 12... Barrows and Gilts: 45-50% lean 260-275 lbs 41.50-42.25. SOWS: 1-3 510-790 lbs 30.00-34.00, couple 375 & 455 lbs 24.00 & 31.00. BOARS: one 8.00. FEEDER PIGS 20...1-3 20-28 lbs 90.00-100.00. per cwt. SHEEP 3S...SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 40-50 lbs 107.50-122.50, 65-95 lbs 100.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 31.00- Yearlings 37.50-75.00, few to 100.00. GOATS 6...(A11 goats sold by the head with weights estimated). Nannies; 40-80 lbs 42.50-64.00. Friend’s Stockyard Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction July 7, 2003 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS: 200-500 lbs. 55.00-90.00. STOCK HEIFERS: 200-500 lbs. 51.00- SLAUGHTER STEERS: Good to Choice 72.50-79.00, medium to good 60.00- heavy Choice over 1450 lbs. 55.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS: heavy Choice 52.50-68.00, light 42.00-68.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Good to 4.90 Long Distance Service 4.90 per minute, first minute, every minute, in your state, and in all 48 states. 6 second billing Call JDS Telecom 1-888-315-1179 PIT POWER Farmers and composters - Here is a breakdown for compost and manure pits and manure piles! Pit Power is bacteria and bactena feeders that break down solids in manure pits and septic tanks and breakdown compost faster. Clean out your pit with ease, use Pit Power! One gallon of Pit Power per 10,000 to 20,000 gal. of pit volume. Should be repeated approx. 2 times a year! If aeration of the pit is possible, it will help the bacteria to grow and work faster to break down solids. Pit Power’s pur pose is to add life (bacteria) in the manure, which then is returned to the soil where a bacteria is working. The smell of pit manure is not so strong. Pit Power is a non toxic product - Life to Feed Life! Price is $58.00 per gallon (6 gal or more - $55 per gallon) Full UPS fee will be charged if payment is not with order Send orders to Pleasant Valley Country Store 429 Sproul Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 Choice 72.00-79.00, Medium to Good 60.00-70.50. BULLS: heavy 40.00-62.00, light 46.00-61.00. COWS: Utility (Holsteins) 47.00-55.75, Commercial to Good 44.00-49.50, cull cows 38.00 and down. VEALS: Good to Choice 50.00-90.00, Med. to Good 50.00-67.00. 808 CALVES: 40.00 and down. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES, RE TURN TO FARM; 90-120 lbs. up to 122.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES, RETURN TO FARM: 90-120 lbs. up to 260.00, BEEF X CALVES return to farm up to 130.00. HOGS; top quality, up to 44.00. SOWS: up to 32.00. LAMBS, Choice up to 104.00. GOATS: Choice up to 75.00. Livestock prices are all given per hun dred weights. Slaughter Cattle Weekly Review Oklahoma City, Okla. July 3.2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL SLAUGHTER CATTLE SUMMARY - Week Ending July 3: Slaughter cattle sold 1.00 higher; dressed sales 2.00 higher. Packer demand remains fairly good, despite the lackluster beef market and one less day of kills due to the holiday. Movement of cattle slows as bids still falling well short of asking prices. In dustry will be watching next week for good beef movement during this big grill ing holiday weekend. Boxed beef prices closed Wednesday at an average of 125.82 down .91 cents from last Friday. Sales of slaughter cattle on a national basis for ne gotiated cash trades were light at 86,300 through 2:00 p.m. Wednesday. Last week's full count was moderate at 185,800 head. STEERS AND HEIFERS: MIDWEST DIRECT MARKETS; Live Basis: 35-80 percent Choice, 900-1400 lbs 75.00. Dress ed Basis: 35-80 percent Choice, 550-950 lbs 119.00-120.00, wtd avg 119.42. HIGH PLAINS DIRECT MARKETS: Live Basis; 35-65 percent Choice, 900-1400 lbs 75.00-75.50, wtd avg 75.09. SLAUGHTER COWS AND BULLS (Average Yielding): Slaughter Cows and Bulls (Average Yielding): Slaughter cows steady to 2.00 higher. Slaughter bulls steady. Cows and bulls in the southeast making significant gains this week and cows 1.00-4.00 higher, bulls 4.00-7.00 higher. USDA’s Cutter cow carcass cut out value closed Wednesday at 96.08 1.10 from last Friday. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 1000-1600 lbs: Montana 45.75-49.25 ; Ok lahoma 43.00-46.50; Alabama 43.50- Boners 80-85% lean 900-1500 lbs: Montana 42.00-45.00 ; Oklahoma 43.00- Alabama 43.50-46.50. Lean 85-90% lean 850-1400 lbs: Montana 41.00- Oklahoma 40.50-43.75; Ala bama 38.00-41.00. BULLS; 88-92% lean 1500-2200 lbs; Montana 49.00-54.25; Oklahoma 53.50- Alabama 54.00-60.00. % $ The Freshest water on the Trail (§ Pools • Power Washing • Wells • Cisterns $4 Stainless Steel Water Truck Rentals gf; 24 hours a day • 8 days a week * Conestoga Water Wagon * * P.O. Box 31 * * Conestoga, PA 17516 f g 717/629-2756 J m “The Freshest Water on the Trail" (g jSjhjsb,*sth/3tFiiSb.jst-rieii>.sschFSb,jst,/ist>,/S2>,4ib>tSt>^s^jSahjsth.ato,&t>,/Skjab/eihrjethjto'FS2>,jSth Generator Systems Diesel or Propane, 10-500 KW, Agricultural and Industrial. New, Used or Reconditioned Martin Diesel Services Shop (570) 658-5303 Office (570) 922-4494 National Carlot Meat Report Des Moines IA July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA USDA Carlot Meat 4:00 Summary: Compared to Previous Day, Prices in Dol lars per hundredweight. Equated to FOB Omaha Basis. BOXED BEEF CUTS: Boxed beef cut out values higher on Choice and Arm on Select with farily good demand and mod erate offerings. Select and Choice rib, chuck, and round cuts steady to Arm. Se lect loin steady to weak, while Choice loin Arm. Beef trimmings generally steady on light to moderate demand and offerings. Estimated composite cutout value of Choice 1-3, 600-750 lbs carcasses up 1.37 at 130.56, 750-900 lbs up 1.14 at 130.39; Select 1-3, 600-750 lbs up .61 at 123.74, 750-900 lbs up .54 at 123.66; based on 175.86 loads of Choice cuts, 168.25 loads of Select cuts, 13.62 loads of trimmings, and 82.57 loads of coarse ground trim mings. Estimated carcass price equivalent value of Choice 1-3,600-750 lbs up .74 at 118.72, 750-900 lbs up .59 at 118.61; Se lect 1-3, 600-750 lbs up .35 at 109.86, 750-900 lbs up .31 at 109.81. Current index reflects the equivalent of 376,113 head of cattle. NATIONAL 5 DAY-ROLLING CUT TER COW CUTOUT: Cutter cow car cass gross cutout value was estimated at 98.12, up 1.76. By-Product Drop Value: Hide and offal from a typical slaughter steer was esti mated at 7.78 up .01. NATIONAL CARLOT PORK: Sales reported on 63.25 loads of pork cuts and 29.0 loads of trim/process pork. Compared to Monday's close; Fresh loins 2.00-3.00 higher; butts 1.00-3.00 lower; skinned hams mostly 1.00 higher; seedless bellies and lean trimmings 2.00 higher. Trading slow to moderate, with mostly moderate demand and mostly light to moderate offer ings, Calculations for a 185 lb Pork Carcass 51-52 percent lean 0.80” -0.99” back fat at last rib 66.01, up .78. Loins bone in fresh V* inch trim 21 Ib/down/light 113.00. Hams bone in trimmed, 17-20 lbs trim spec 1 50.00; 20-23 lbs trim spec 1 48.00-49.00. Seedless bellies 14-16 lbs 106.00. CARLOT LAMB CARCASS: 0 head reported. Direct Slaughter Cattle Dally Market Review St. Joseph, Mo. July 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA National Slaughter Cattle Review as of 2:00 p.m. Wednesday. Slaughter cattle de mand was light to moderate advancing trading to a moderate level in the North ern Plains and Western Corn Belt. Trad ing of cattle on a live basis had not reached a point of which an adequate market trend may be determined. Com pared to last week early dressed sales trended steady at mostly 120.00. Negotiated Sales; Con Armed: 30,116; week ago: 66,042; year ago: 37,756. Week to Date: 49,499; week ago: 95,082; year ago: 60,871. NEGOTIATED PRICES, Prices Paid for Domestic Slaughter steers and Heif ers: (Information derived from the 5 area weighted average report): STEERS: LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice 75.00; 65-80% Choice 73.50-75.50 avg 74.97; 35-65% Choice 74.50-75.50 avg 74.97; 0-35% Choice no quote. Total all grades 73.50-75.50 avg 75.04. DRESSED BASIS; Over 80% Choice 118.00-120.50 avg 120.22; 65-80% Choice 119.00-121.00 avg 119.89; 35-65% Choice 118.00-121.00 avg 120.01; 0-35% Choice 118.00.. Total all grades 118.00-121.00 avg 119.97. HEIFERS: LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice no quote; 65-80% Choice 74.00- avg 74.90; 35-65% Choice 74.00- avg 75.18; 0-35% Choice no quote. Total all grades 74.00-75.50 avg 75.10. DRESSED BASIS: Over 80% Choice 119.00-120.00 avg 119.46; 65-80% Choice 119.00-120.00 avg 119.76; 35-65% Incorporated CONSIDERING EXPANDING YOUR FARM OPERATION? Team Ag’s Engineers and Nutrient Management Planners will give you the professional support you need for your expansion, regarding CAFO, Nutrient Management and local permits. Cali us today for an estimate. TeamAg, Inc. 901 Dawn Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-721-6795 * Site Surveys ♦ Grant Writing * Site Engineering and Manure Systems Design * Nutrient Management Planning * Precision Agriculture * CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) Permits * Natural Resources Management * Crop Management/Scouting/Soil Testing www.TeamAglnc.com Email: TeamAg@TcamAglnc.com Choice 119.00-121.00 avg 119.80; 0-35% Choice no quote. Total all grades 119.00-121.00 avg 119.78. FORMULA PURCHASES; Prices es tablished on previous reporting day for slaughtered cattle. Beef Type; Domestic: Head count priced today; 44,200; wtd avg weight: 760 lbs; wtd avg net price: 117.17. Covers transactions reported at 2:00 pm today. Comments and market condi tions may include information gathered from voluntary sources, all prices, weights and head counts are only those gathered through the mandatory reporting system. National Weekly Lamb Report Des Moines, lowa July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL WEEKLY LAMB RE PORT for week ending Monday, July 7: SLAUGHTERED LAMB PRIOR WEEK: From Forward Contracts: Do mestic 0; Imported 0. From Formula Ar rangements: Domestic 15,515 head; Im ported: 0. SLAUGHTERED PACKER OWNED SHEEP: DOMESTIC: 2,287 head, 54-72 lbs, avg. 66 lbs; dressing 50%; Choice 99.6%. IMPORTED: None. FORWARD CONTRACT PUR CHASES: No trade reported. FORMULA PURCHASES: DOMES TIC; 2,728 head, 47-65 lbs, avg. 59.4 lbs; 180.00-194.99, wtd. avg. price 189.52. 9,700 head, 66-73 lbs, avg. 70.0 lbs; 177.33-200.08, wtd. avg. price 188.73. 980 head, 76-82 lbs, avg. 78.0 lbs; 185.26-197.29, wtd. avg. price 190.01. 2,029 head; 85-92 lbs, avg. 86.2 lbs; 189.99-191.99, wtd. avg. price 191.71. IM PORTED: None reported. s/feamAg
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