Dairy Products Prices Highlights Washington, D. C. July 3,2003 Report Supplied By NASS/USDA DAIRY PRODUCTS PRICES HIGH LIGHTS: CHEDDAR CHEESE prices received for US 40 pound Blocks averaged $1.16 per pound for the week ending June 28. The price per pound increased 2.6 cents from the previous week. The price for US 500 pound Barrels adjusted to 38 percent ifloisture averaged $1.14 per pound, up 1.1 cents from the previous week. BUTTER prices received for 25 kilo gram and 68 pound boxes meeting USDA Grade AA standards averaged $l.OB per pound for the week ending June 28. The U.S. price per pound decreased 0.6 cents from the previous week. NONFAT DRY MILK prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade or USPH Grade A Seven Reasons the 3715 Flexwing is an Excellent Choice for Haavy Duty Catting Jobs. • Each axle pivot point has a greasable bushing for long life • Dual wheels on center section are standard. Optional dual wheels on wings assist in mowing close to ditches • Wide wing skids reduce “dig-m" on sharp turns • Optional constant velocity PTO driveline. There’s plenty more features; like a 5-year limited gear box warranty, a full 15-foot cutting width, 7 gauge steel deck construction, and more. The 3715 flexwing cutter is rated for minimum 80 PTO horsepower tractors. BUSH HOG Building the Legend. SEE YOUR LOCAL BUSH HOG DEALER ABC GROFF New Holland, PA 717-354-4191 CANNS-BILCO BIST. Alburtls, Pa 610-966-3733 CHAMBERSBURG FARM SERVICE Chambersburg. Pa 717-264-3533 CHARLES & SNYDER, INC. Tamaqua, PA 570-386-5945 Rim ft henry equip., me. New Berlinvllle, PA 610*367-2169 supply, me* Abville, PA 717*|62-3967 FIELD’S IMPLEMENT STORE El^Pour;PA 1 to ’ standards averaged 80.6 cents per pound for the week ending June 28. The U.S. price per pound increased 0.2 cents from the previous week. DRY WHEY prices received for bag, tote and tanker sales meeting USDA Extra Grade standards averaged 14.2 cents per pound for the week ending June 28. The U.S. price per pound increased 0.3 cents from the previous week. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. July 9,2003 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE 2I6...(SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTION). HEIFERS: Select 1-3 55.00-59.00. COWS; Breakers 75-80% lean 49.00- Boners 80-85% lean 45.50-50.25, Lean 85-90% lean 37.00- Shells 20.00 and down. BUSH HOG s '' y ‘‘f> BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1500-2100 lbs 54.00-59.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 66.00-79.00; HEIFERS: 48.00-55.00. CALVES 134...VEALERS: Standard and Good 85-110 lbs 33.00-38.00, Utility 65-80 lbs 20.00-30.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 95-120 lbs 75.00- No 2 85-100 lbs 35.00-80.00; No 1 Holstein Heifers 85-100 lbs 235.00- HOGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! FEEDER PIGS 29... 1-3 35-65 lbs 28.00-39.00 per head. SHEEP 30... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 60-80 lbs 88.00-110.00. SLAUGH TER SHEEP: 30.00-38.00. GOATS 25...(A11 goats sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids; Large 20.00- Nannies: Large 55.00-67.00, Medium 40.00-53.00. Billies: Medium 48.00- YOUR BBS CHOICE ALL MEDIUM CUTTING Bush Hog’s 280 are proven winni and all general pi These rugged mi formed deck CP 1 " Designed for Ease of Operation, High Performance and Versatility. Bush Hog's Mid-Mount Loader features a maximum lift height up to 153 Inches and a maximum lift capacity up to 4950 lbs. Regular or heavy duty buckets are available in 60, 72 and 84-inch widths. The mid-mount design means easy attaching and detaching, and the standard quick attach system gives you a fast, easy method of changing any attachment. MILLBR EQUIPMENT CO. Bechtelsville, PA 610-845-2911 NORTH-EAST DISTRIBUTORS A EQUIP. West Clifford, PA 570-222-9020 PEACH COUNTRY FORD TRACTOR Richwood, NJ 856-589-3953 RODIO TRACTOR SALES Hammonton, NJ 609-561-0141 ROVENDALB AG A BARN Eg Watsontown. PA 570-538-9564 SALTZOIVER TRACTOR REPAIR Hanover. PA 717-Q32-9119 SCHBFPBL EQUIPMENT CO. Somerset, PA 814-445-65Q0 STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE KUngerstbwn. PA* 570^548*2088, dochranvllle, PA 1 610-593-246? TAYLOR EQUIPMENT CO. - Lebanon. PA [ Belknap Livestock Belknap, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA July 9,2003 CATTLE 122...(PDA). STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1275-1400 lbs 80.75-82.25, Choice 1-3 1000-1230 lbs 74.75-79.50, few Select 1-2 72.00-73.50, one Standard 1-2 63.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS; few Choice 1-3 1000-1110 lbs 58.00-65.00, one Select 1-2 56.00, one Standard 1-2 52.00. HEIFERS: Choice 1-3 1000-1160 lbs 73.50- COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 45.25-50.75, one 56.00, Boners 80-85% lean 41.50-46.75, Lean 85-90% lean 38.00- Shells 36.75 and down. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1 1596-1988 lbs 61.50-66.75, few Yield Grade 2 1384-1660 lbs 47.00-54.25. FEEDER CATTLE: HEIFERS: few Medium 1-2 476-672 lbs 56.00-68.00; BULLS: few Medium 1 376-496 lbs 81.00- few Medium 2 608-776 lbs 59.50- CALVES 128...VEALERS: Good 170-295 lbs 68.00-81.00, Standard and Good 70-110 lbs 24.00-40.00, Utility 60-90 lbs 27.00-35.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 95-130 lbs 110.00-130.00, No 2 80-130 lbs 45.00-95.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 80-95 lbs 350.00-400.00, few No 2 75-95 lbs 160.00-285.00. Couple beef cross bulls and heifers 88 & 102 lbs 92.50 & 140.00, 220-290 lbs 53.00-69.00. HOGS 69...8ARR0WS AND GILTS; 45-50% lean 200-270 lbs 43.00-47.50, 40-45% lean 220-290 lbs 38.25-42.75. SOWS: few 1-3 478-572 lbs 28.00-31.00, one Medium 278 lbs 21.00. BOARS; one 534 lfesJ.oo. FEEDER PIGS 76... 1-3 40-60 lbs 21.00- few 70 lbs 41.00,2-3 35-55 lbs 12.00- per cwt. SHEEP S...SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 65-100 lbs 82.50-96.00. GOATS 48...(AU goats sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 2 few 20 lbs and under 20.00-24.00, 20-40 lbs 20.00-39.00, 40-60 lbs 32.00-39.00. Nannies: few 90-100 lbs 48.00-61.00. Wethers; 80-100 lbs 38.00-44.00? Billies: few 85-100 lbs 55.00-63.00. Midwest Daily Livestock Summary Amarillo, Texas July 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Five area direct slaughter cattle trade, not enough live sales for a market test. Dressed sales steady, at mostly 120.00 in Northern Plains and 119.00-120.00 in the Western Cornbelt. STEERS: LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice 75.00; 65- 80% Choice 73.50-75.50, weighted average price 74.97; 35-65% Choice 74.50-75.50, weighted average price 75.18. DRESSED BASIS: over 80% Choice 118.00-120.50, weighted average 120.22; 65-80% Choice 119.00- weighted average 119.89; 35-65% Choice 118.00-121.00, weighted average 120.01; 0-35% Choice 118.00. HEIFERS: LIVE BASIS: 65-85% Choice 74.00- weighted average price 74.90; Si Don’t stall Call Paul We roast it all (Barley, corn, milo, soybeans, wheat) SCHNUPP’S GRAIN ROASTING, INC. 416 Union Rd„ Lebanon, PA 17046 (717) 865-6611 800-452-4004 David N. Groff 262 Pawling Rd„ Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 568-1420 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-A25 35-65% Choice 74.00-75.50, weighted av erage price 75.18. DRESSED BASIS: Over 80% Choice 119.00-120.00, weighted average price 119.46; 65-80% Choice 119.00-120.00, weighted average price 119.76; 3565% Choice 119.00-121.00, weighted average price 119.80. At So. St. Paul, slaughter steers and heifers sold steady. South St. Paul: Steers: Choice 2-4 1194-1375 lbs 73.00-75.00; pkg 1331 lbs 75.50. Select and Choice 2-3 1159-1280 lbs 71.00-72.75. Heifers: Choice 2-3 1170-1271 lbs 74.75-75.00. Select and Choice 2-3 1150-1153 lbs 71.25-72.00. Sioux Falls terminal slaughter steers and heifers 1.00 higher. Steers: Choice 2-3 1268-1403 lbs 74.30-75.80, load high dressing 1344 lbs 76.20. High Select and Choice 2-3 1154-1357 lbs 73.60-74.90. Se lect and Choice 2-3 1200-1300 73.50- 74.00 Heifers: Choice 2-3 1162-1258 lbs 74.10-74.70. High Select and Choice 2-3 1110-1239 73.00-74.10. Estimated daily cattle slaughter under federal inspection for Wednesday was es timated at 136,000 head compared to 135,000 a week ago and 132,000 a year ago. Week to date totals through Wednes day 400,000 head compared to 402,000 last week and 390,000 a year ago. CME Futures Closes for Live Cattle: July 72.55, down 1.40; Aiigust 71.07, down 1.17; September 71.70; down .75. Slaughter cows at South St. Paul sold steady to 1.00 higher. Premium White 70-75 percent lean over 1200 lbs 52.00- high dressing 55.00-55.50. Breakers 70-80 percent lean over 1100 lbs 49.00- high dressing 52.50-53.00. Boners 80-85 percent lean over 1050 lbs 46.00- Lean 85-90 percent lean over 850 lbs 42.00-46.00 Barrows and gilts were 1.00 lower at So St. Paul. 220-270 lb 49-51% lean barrow and gilts closing at 41.00-42.00. At Sioux Falls the same classes sold 2.00-3.00 lower at 42.00. Direct trade prices are based on 185 lbs hog carcass with 0.9-1.1 inch back fat and 6 inch square loin/2.0 inch depth plant delivered. National direct trade closed 1.25 lower ranging from 52.50- weighted average 60.24. lowa-So. Minnesota direct trade trended 1.00 lower ranging from 52.50-64.00, weighted average 60.72. The Western Cornbelt closed 1.25-1.50 lower with prices ranging 52.50-64.00, weighted aver age 60.57. The Eastern Cornbelt prices were 1.00 lower with prices ranging 52.50- weighted average 59.79. Hog slaughter under federal inspection estimate on Wednesday was estimated at 366.000 head compared to 369,000 a week ago and 362,000 a year ago. Week to date totals through Wednesday 1,066,000 head compared to 1,116,000 head a week ago and 1,052,000 head a year ago. CME Future Closes for Lean Hogs: July 63.80, down 1.15; August 65.12, down .72; October 58.37, down 30. Slaughter lambs sold steady at So. St. Paul, MN. Slaughter Lambs: New Crop: Spring: 120-140 lbs 86.00-88.00; 110-120 lbs 84.00-86.00. Sheep and lamb slaughter under feder al inspection estimate on Wednesday was estimated at 10,000 head compared to 11.000 a week ago and 12,000 a year ago. Week to date slaughter for sheep through Wednesday 28,000 head compared to 33.000 head a week ago and actual slaughter same period a year ago was 33.000 head. No job too small!
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