Located at Our TTuSCaiTOJra NEW GROUNDS Valley on Route 75, HeiritasSe 3 Miles South of ** East Waterford, PA -U a y S July 24-27, 2003 Parkin/? On Grounds Free 4th Annual Lumberjack Competition FEATURING: Axe Throw... Log Roll Crosscut 2-man, 2-woman, Jack & Jill Singlebuck ...Standing 810 ck... Underhand Chop - Women & Men ... Springboard ... Pole Fell An event not to be missed...see schedule Teepee & Pre 1840’s Structures on Display Indian Artifacts Black Powder Displays Tomahawk Throw ANYONE WISHING TO DISPLAY INDIAN ARTIFACTS...CONTACT Harold Shearer - 527-2409 FEATURING Petting Zoo - Friday & Saturday Helicopter Rides • Antique Tractors • Antique Farm Machinery • Antique Cars • Steam and Gas Engines • Benefit and Consignment Sale • Country and Western Entertainment • Parades • Flea and Craft Market • Displays and Demonstrations • Plenty of Good Food • One Bed & Breakfast Nearby • Two Campgrounds Nearby • Tent Space Available for Exhibits of Antique Nature • Paddle Wheel • Loading Dock on Grounds • Tractor Teeter Totter • Pedal Tractor Pulls • Antique Tractor Pulls Horseshoe Tournament Saturday, July 26, 2003 Sign-up by 8 a.m. Tournament Starts at 9 a.m. Trophies: 4 Places (Singles & Doubles) BRING YOUR OWN SHOES ALL OUTDOORS ITH SOI PA TURNPIKE Willow Hill Exit East Waterforct Honty Grova Port Ro' NORTH Rt. 322 ¥ Port Royal / Rt. 75 Exit 15tH Annual i Flea and Craft Markets Contact Gary Zelders - 717-734-0037 or Doug Shearer - 717-527-4989 For Space or Details, after 5 p.m so -50 Drawings Will Be Held During The Weekend SCHEDULE OF EVENTS irsdav. July 24. 200: Thi Benefit Sale 4 p.m. Donations appreciated and consignments accepted (Commission Is 20%) not to exceed $lOO on any item. Items will be accepted from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. on day of sale. Early consignments greatly appreciated Sale held rain or shine. (Contact 734-3270) Bryan D. Imes & Sons Food Stand Will Be Open BBQ Chicken Will Be Available at 4 p.m. 4 p.m. BBQ Chicken Available 5:30 p.m. Pedal Pulls 6 p.m. Garden Traqtor Pulls (Trophies) 6:30 p.m. Parade on Grounds 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Square Dance with Down Yonder Demonstrations iaturdav. Ji 7-10 a.m. - Breakfast Available 9 a.m.-12 noon - Lumberjack Competition 10:30 a.m. - (Throughout the Day) BBQ Chicken Available 11 a.m. - Pig &Ox Roast by the Tuscarora Grange #774 11 a.m., 4 p.m. & 6 p.m. - Parade on Grounds 1 p.m. - Antique Tractor Pulls 2:30 p.m. - Entertainment by Amanda Perko* 3 p.m. - Pedal Pulls 4 p.m. - Entertainment by 'LoveShine Agency www loveshme com 7-10 p.m. - Bluegrass Jamboree* featuring two bands - Almost Fa mous & Iron Ridge 7 p.m. - Almost Famous Bluegrass Band 8 p.m. - Iron Ridge 9 p.m. - Almost Famous Bluegrass Band 10 p.m. - Iron Ridge/Raffle Drawing *Bluegrass Jamboree is being co-sponsored by Chemgro Seeds & Dairyland Seed Companies. Vernon Diem Seeds is our local dealer. Rt. *5O 9 a.m. - Community Church Service with Rev. Don Walters 10 a.m. - BBQ Chicken Available 12 noon - Parade on Grounds PRIZES 1 st Prize - White Model LTI3S Lawn Tractor with mower 2nd Prize - Savage .223 Caliber Rifle, Scope & Hard Case or $3BO Cash 3rd Prize - Longaberger Basket - 2003 Woven Memories - signed Tickets available on grounds for the drawing to be held at 10 p.m. Anyone wishing to display the making at old time crafts or the use of old-time tools or machinery Is welcomel Amanda Perko* National Sheep Summaiy San Angelo, Texas July 8,2003 Report Supplied By USDA At midwest market centers ail classes steady. At New Holland, PA slaughter iambs 2.00-4.00 lower; slaughter ewes steady. At San Angelo, TX compared to two weeks ago slaughter lambs 5.00-7.00 lower; slaughter ewes weak; feeder lambs weak to 3.00 lower. Esti mated receipts 8,500 head for today. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-150 lbs: San Angelo: shorn and wooled 90-120 lbs 87.00-92.50. Midwest: wooled 110-120 lbs 84.00- 120-140 lbs 86.00-88.00. New Holland: 90-100 lbs 108.00-116.00; 100-125 lbs 94.00-113.00; 125-150 lbs 82.00- Virginia: no test. SLAUGHTER EWES: San Angelo: Good and Choice 2-4 20.00-28.50; Good 2-3 29.50-38.00; Utility and Good 1-3 40.00- Utility 1-2 30.00-40.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 20.00-30.00. Mid west; Utility and Good 1-3 20.00-25.00; Cull 1 15.00-20.00. New Holland: Utili ty and Good 1-3 34.00-56.00. Billings: no test. Virginia: no test. FEEDER LAMBS: Medium and Large X-2: San Angelo: 40-60 lbs 105.00-110.00; 60-70 lbs 100.00-105.00; 70-90 lbs 96.000-103.00. Midwest: 50-70 lbs 80.00-85.00; 70-90 lbs 75.00-80.00. Virginia, no test. Billings: no test. REPLACEMENT EWES: Medium and Large 1-2: San Angelo: Baby tooth 85.00 per head; solid mouth 75.00 per head. Billings; no test. Eastern Combelt Direct Sheep Weekly Summary Springfield, HI. July 3,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Combelt Direct Sheep Weekly Report (includes lambs sold in IL., IN., OH., ML) Compared to last week, slaughter lambs were mostly 3.00-7.00 lower for lambs over 90 lbs. 60-80 lb lambs were steady to firm. Slaughter ewe and goat prices were steady. Demand and trading activity were moderate. Carlot lamb carcass prices were mostly 15.50-17.75 lower. Confirmed sales this week about 65% slaughter lambs, 35% ewes and an ad ditional 680 head of goats. Total sheep and lambs sales 800, last week 1375 and year ago 1100. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 2-3 ■ll O-140 lbs 90.00-92.00; 85-110 lbs few 85.00- 60-75 lbs 103.00-105.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility to Good 1-3: 30.00-34.00; Cull to Utility: 25.00- SLAUGHTER GOATS (cwt.): Kids: Selection 2; 20-40 lbs 100.00-105.00; 40-60 lbs 90.00-97.50. Selection 3: 20-60 lbs 50.00-65.00. Yearlings; Selection 2: 70-90 lbs 55.00-70.00. Does/Nannies and Bucks/Billies: 50.00-60.00. This report covers sheep and lambs sold direct off the farm through local country stations. Note; receipts do not cover total movement in the area. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003-A27 Pork, Beef, Red Meat Set Record Highs In 2002; Lamb And Mutton, Record Low WASHINGTON, D. C. Red meat production in commercial plants and on farms for the U.S. to taled 47.3 billion pounds in 2002, a record high, according to the Na tional Agricultural Statistics Serv ice (NASS). Red meat includes beef, veal, pork, and lamb and mutton. Red meat production in commercial plants totaled 47.2 billion pounds. Beef production, at 27.2 billion pounds, rose 1 percent above the previous record set in 2000. Veal production totaled 205.2 million pounds, up 1 percent from the re cord low set last year. Pork produc tion, at 19.7 billion pounds, was 2 percent above the record high set in 1999. Lamb and mutton production to taled 222.2 million pounds, falling 3 percent below the previous record low set a year ago. Commercial cattle slaughter during 2002 totaled 35.7 million head, up 1 percent from 2001, with federal inspection comprising 98.3 percent of the total. The average live weight was 1,251 pounds, up 30 pounds from a year ago. Steers comprised 49.9 percent of the total federally inspected slaughter, heif ers 32.3 percent, dairy cows 7.4 percent, other cows 8.7 percent, and bulls 1.7 percent. Commercial calf slaughter total ed 1.05 million head, up 4 percent from a year ago with 97.5 percent under federal inspection. The aver- 2002 Gross Income From Meat Animals Down 10 Percent WASHINGTON, D.C. The 2002 gross income from cattle and calves, hogs and pigs, and sheep and lambs for the U.S. totaled $48.4 billion, down 10 percent from 2001, according to the National Agricultural Service (NASS). Gross income declined for Hogs and pigs, and cattle and calves, but increased for sheep and lambs. Hogs and pigs decreased 23 per cent, while cattle and calves de creased 6 percent and sheep and lambs increased 8 percent. Total 2002 cash receipts from marketings of meat animals de creased 10 percent to $48.0 billion. Cattle and calves accounted for 79 Vintage Hay Vintage, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, July 10,2003 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 130.00. TIMOTHY; 115.00. age live weight was 312 pounds, down 8 pounds from a year earlier. Commercial hog slaughter total ed 100.3 million head, up 2 percent from 2001, with 98.7 percent of the hogs slaughtered under federal in spection. The average live weight, at 265 pounds, was up 1 pound from last year. Barrows and gilts comprised 96.5 percent of the total federally inspected slaughter. Commercial sheep and lamb slaughter totaled 3.29 million head, up 2 percent from 2001, with 94.1 percent comprised by federal in spection. The average live weight fell 7 pounds from 2001 to 133 pounds. There were 879 slaughtering plants under federal inspection on January 1, 2003, compared with 881 last year. Of these, 706 slaugh tered at least one head of cattle during 2002 with 15 slaughtering over 56 percent of the total cattle killed. There were 683 plants that slaughtered hogs, with 13 account ing for 57 percent of the total. Like wise, 6 of the 268 plants that slaughtered calves accounted for 49 percent of the total and 7 of the 525 plants that slaughtered sheep or lambs in 2002 comprised 80 per cent of the total head. lowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas accounted for more than 52 percent of the U.S. commercial red meat production in 2002. percent of this total, hogs and pigs 20 percent, and sheep and lambs 1 percent. Production increased for hogs and pigs, but decreased for both cattle and calves and sheep and lambs. Average prices were down from 2001 levels for cattle and calves, hogs and pigs, and sheep while lambs showed a increase. Cattle and calves: Cash receipts from marketings of cattle and calves decreased from $40.4 billion in 2001 to $3B billion in 2002, a 6 percent decrease. All cattle and calf marketings totaled 55.9 billion pounds in 2002, up 1 percent from 2001. The U.S. annual average price per 100 pounds live weight for cattle was $66.50, a decrease of $4.80 from 2001. For calves, the annual average price decreased $9.60 to $96.40. Hogs and pigs: Cash receipts from hogs and pigs totaled $9.6 bil lion during 2002, down 23 percent from 2001. Marketings increased to 27.3 billion pounds in 2002, up 2 percent from 2001. The U.S. annual average price per 100 pounds live weight decreased from $44.30 in 2001 to $33.40 in 2002. Sheep and lambs: Cash receipts from marketings of sheep and lambs in 2002 were $431 million, up 8 percent from 2001. Market ings increased 2 percent to 652 million pounds. The U.S. annual average price per 100 pounds live weight for sheep decreased from $34.60 in 2001 to $28.20 in 2002 while for lambs, the annual average price in creased $7.20 to $74.10. REON REPLACEMENT R-12 12 Can Case-$l5O 36 Pound Canister - $275 C/air R-22 Canister-$l5O Pro-seal stops all leaks, oil, etc No Retro Fitting - Simple Installation 800-807-9612
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