!34-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 14 B: Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated by Friday at 12 Noon SUN. JUN. 15 -11 AM Rt. 2?0 Hughesville. Furniture, dol lhouses, stoneware, etc. G E.M. Auct. 1 -570-458-4698 MON. & TUES. JUN. 16 &17 - 9 30AM Public Auction of P & M Sales Restaurant Equip Inventory. 701 Marshall Ave. James C Lovms, Auct. AU— -003799-L. 717-392-8056. MON., JUNE 16 -10 AM Pub lic auction of construction equipment, trucks, cement working power tools, laser planes, levels, tools US Route 30 at Cross Keys, east of New Oxford, Pa. Redding Auction Service, PA#AU— -00742-L, 717-334-6941. MON JUNE 16 -10 AM Res taurant Equipment, 1003 Maclay St, Harrisburg, PA, Ziegler Auction, AHOBI -L, 717-533-4267. MON. JUNE 16 -NOON Gen eral Household items mclud- AUCTION REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., JULY 12, 2003 AT 10 A.M. AT: 1411 BLUE BALL ROAD, STEWARTSTOWN, PA YORK CO. Histone c 1766 stone house situated on approx. 12.75 acres, secluded with stream, many extras, convenient to Rt. 83 House consists of first floor with a large room w/stone fireplace, kitchen, full bath & unfinished addition, 2nd. floor has 3 rooms, 2 fireplaces, 3rd floor has 3 rooms & full bath, oil hot water baseboard heat, wood furnace, well water, on-site septic Also personal property. OPEN HOUSE: Sat. June 21 & 28, 10 A.M. to 12 Noon. TEJIMS: 10% down, balance m 60 days To be offered at 11 A.M (in clean & green) TERMS: Cash or approved check. Kathleen Leary, Owner Lapcks & Laucks, Attys. All auction announcements supercede all printed material. GILBERT & GILBERT AUCT, INC. Lie #336 & 2256 Ph. (717) 252-1656 www.Gilbertauctions.com PUBLIC AUCTION 5 BR House, Horse Bam, & Riding Ring on 10+/- Acres Tuesday, July 15, 2003 @ 7:00 P.M. From Rt. 23 in Elverson turn North on Pine St. to stop sign. Proceed straight on Park Ave. to right on Blue Rock Hill Rd. to first property on the right. Elverson Boro., Chester Co., Twin Valley School District 2 1/2 Sty. Stucco/Siding House: I" Floor has 2 cat-in kitchens (1 w/laundry hook-up), living rm w/stonc fireplace and open hand hewn beams, dining rm, piano/play rm w/closct and shelves & full bath w/doubie access 2 W Floor has 4 bcdrms w/closcts, laundry area, hall way/landing w/lmen closet and full bath 3* Floor has 1 bcdrm, computer/bcdrm w/walk-in closet, storage area, and full bath Partial basement, oil hot water & elec baseboard heat, on site well & septic 30’x50’ Horse Barn w/stalls (2 w/walk out doors), tack rm & living quarters w/full bath 2* floor open for hay storage 2 Sty. 20’x22’ Storage Barn w/lean to and fencing for animals 12’xl2’ Storage Shed & Stone Springhouse. 60’xl20’ Riding Ring w/spht rail fence Approximately 10.1 Acres of Land, mostly wooded Note: This property is a horse lover’s dream 10 acres of private land with walking and horseback riding paths within a few 100 yards of the State Game Lands Approx 3 acres fenced with split rail & high tensil fencing Large addition was added to house in 1994 House has 3440 sq ft of living space to accommodate a large family or with 2 nd kitchen could be converted into extra living quarters Open House: Saturday, June 7 ,h , I4 ,h & 21“ from 1-3 PM or anytime by appointment, call auctioneers at 610-286-5183 Terms: 10% down day of sale, settlement on or before September 30, 2003 Terms By: Steven & Martha Kurtz IX7I 'W HORNING MM J I## FARM AGENCY. INC. P.O. Box 251, Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-5183 Alvm & Elton Homing • Merle Eberly 2417-L C Ivan Stoltzfus 3920-L w w.homin gfarmagenc v.co mg kitchenware, decorator items, furniture, tools, box lots. 23 North Water Street, Lititz, Elmer Murray Auctions, AU-648-L, (717)626-2636. MON., JUNE 16 -5.30 PM Real Estate of 2-sty. w/3 car garage in Lititz, PA, by John Hess AU-003484-L 717-733-8192. MON., JUNE 16 - S:3OPM Woodworking machinery & tools, antique restoration hardware at Wotnng Auct. Ctr, Schnecksville, PA AUIS63L 610-799-4843. MON. JUNE 16 - 6PM Real estate on Rt 104 Middleburg, PA Massinger & Courtney Aucts. 570-539-8791. MON JUNE 16 - 7PM Real Estate, 1689 Beaverdam Rd, HoneybrooK, PA, Auct. Mel Hoover, AU-003111-L, 717-354-6431. TUES., JUNE 17 - QAM H.H. goods, antiques & tools. Real Estate at 2PM at 363 W. 2003 id St., New Holland, PA, by Robert E. Martin AUOOOSBOL 717-656-7770. TUE. JUN. 17 -10 AM Win dows, doors, lumber, appli ances, etc. 1825 East Boston St., Philadelphia. Wm. F Comly & Son, Auct 215-634-2500. TUES. JUNE 17 -5.30 PM Tractors, Horse Trailer, Tools, Horse Related Items, HH Items, 246 Mt. Ville Dr, Leba non, PA, Auct, David Eber sole, AU-000246-L, 717-867-1041. TUES. JUNE 17 - 6-30 PM 11 Acre Farm, 2 story house, 2 story bam, pole shed, garage & more. 25 Housman Rd., Lenhartsville, PA Zettlemoy erAuct (610) 395-8084 AY -000131-L. WED.-SUN., JUNE 18-22 - BAM-SPM Going Out of Busi ness Sale, Great Amencan Trading, Dallastown, PA 717-244-4700. WED. & THURS., JUNE 18 & 19 - B:3OAM Farm equip, at Manon Auct. Service, Cham bersburg, PA AH-89-L 717-375-4700. WED. JUN. 18 - 9AM Trac tors, combines and heads, tillage and forage pieces. Mowrey Auction co., Inc. 815-889-4191. WED. JUNE 18 -10 AM Col lector's auction of vintage clothing, toys and tools, watches, Avon plates, BB cards, misc. at Ridge Fire Co. Public frp Auction JBP® Martin Farm Machinery Saturday, June 28th, 2003 Due to the retirement of 1 of the partners, Martin Farm Machinery is liquidating its entire new lawn & garden & chainsaw departments and reducing its farm equipment inventory. Directions: From Canton, go 13 mi. east on Rt. 414 to West Franklin. From Monroeton, go 9 mi. west on Rt. 414 to West Franklin. From Troy, take Rt. 14 south 3 mi to Rt. 514. Follow 514 to West Franklin. Sale on Rt. 514 in West Franklin. Lawn & Garden & Chainsaw: Selling without reserve! New Equipment; mowers incl. Zero turn. Tractors w/mowers, walk behind, push, self propelled; Rear & front tine tillers; tractor snow blowers & blades; logging supplies; hundreds of new parts for equip. (Husky, Arieus, Kohler, Briggs). Also many used mowers, blowers, chip pers, sprayers, etc. Farm Machinery: tedders; rake; discs; cultiva tors; planters; spreaders; choppers & heads; lime drill; haybine; wagon; snow blades; tractor tires; tanks; dump boxes; fork lift; trailers; much more! This is a partial listing. Much, much more! Please see our ad in the June 21st issue for more details. Auctioneers; John M. Hess AU-003484-L Robert Wolgemuth Dennis Wolgemuth PUBLIC AUCTION Tractor, Antiques and Personal Property Saturday, June 21,2003 9:00 a.m. Location: From Morgantown - take Rt. 10N to right on Weaver Road to property on right. Robeson Township, Berks County. Antiques and Collectibles: 2 iron kettles; Copper kettle; Sausage staffer; Ladles; Meat hooks; Cleavers; Com sheller and grinder; Scalding trough; 2 buggy seats; Wooden hay forks; 3 prong fork; Strap hinges; Crocks; Jugs; Jars; Sadirons; Butcher paper roller; Scales; Tongs; Kettle hang ers; Husking pegs; Rug beaters; Corn dryer; Quoits; Slaw boards; Wood spigots; Corn mold; wood tool boxes; Cow bell; Cherry seeder; Trunks; Picture frames; Old postcards; Warming cabinet; Cook stove; Dinner bell; Blanket chest and other collectibles. Furniture: 2 painted chairs; Rockers; Waterfall chest; 3 drawer chest; Cherry bedroom suite; Telephone stand; Cedar wardrobe; Primitive pie safe (rough); Small safe on wheels; Old bench; Mantel clock; Corner shelves; Oak secretary desk w/bookcase; Dining table and chairs and other items. Tractor and Equipment: Farmall Super A; Plow; Cultivators; Bushhog mower; Daisy corn planter; Disc and other items not listed. Miscellaneous: Axes; Hoses; Pulleys; Come along. Oilers; Watering can; Bench vise, Shovels; Pots, Roasting pans. Dishes and other items. Terms by: Mabel SpaiT Terms: Cash or Pennsylvania Check Tracey L. Jones AUCTIONEERS (610)286-7834 AU-3607-L Visit the Website at: www.tljonesauctioneers.com along Rt. 23 by Maurer and Wilson Auct. 610-970-7588. WED. JUNE 18 - IPM Real estate, antiques, collect. HH items in Mifflmburg, PA. Mas singer & Courtney Aucts. 570-539-8791. WED. JUN. 18 - 6PM Public Auction Real estate, personal property 51 Hatville Rd Gor- donville Hah 610-593-5550. WED. JUNE 18 - 6PM Real Estate, HH Goods, Furniture, 57 Hatville Rd., Gordonville, PA, H&H Auction Co., AYOOOIS7L, 717-687-3779. THURS JUNE 19 - 9AM Spe cial Spnng Nursery Auctions Kutztown Produce Auction, Fleetwood, PA. Clarence Shirk, AU-003757 (610)-683-7161. THURS. JUNE 19 - I:3OPM & JUNE 23, 9:3OAM 180 Acres, farm machinery & equip, 12 refrigeration trucks, by Traiman Auct. Co. PA AYOO4O-L, 215-545-4503. THURS. JUNE 19 - 3PM Seal ed bid sale, backhoe, RT tractor, dump & bucket trucks, trenchers, trucks, se dans, Montgomeryville, PA, Surplus Asset Sales Co, Inc, 800-727-0127. THURS. JUNE 19 - SPM Real estate, 2 BR ranch, 2 car ga rage, also 1994 Dodge 1500 2x4 pickup, 40k mi., and more,Heath Rd., Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA, Auct. Randy Jelhff, AUI 548-L, 570-835-4214. . Lancaster Farming 4th of July \ DEADLINES Deadline Auction Section Friday, June 27th r 4 P m PUBLIC AUCTION of Case IH 7140 MFD & 2+2 Tractors Case IH 8840 Mower/Conditioner, Grain Truck, Grain Bins & Modern Farm Equipment Friday, June 20, 2003 Sale at 11:00 A.M. Located at 640 Oley Line Rd. Turn N. off Rt. 562 midway between Jacksonwald (5 mi. E. of Reading Jet. Bus. Rt. 422 & Rt. 562) & Yellow House (2 1/4 mi. W. of Jets, of Rts. 562 & 662), onto Oley Line Rd. & travel 1.5 mi. Exeter Twp., Berks Co., PA 1 1 Case IH 7140 Mag. MFD w/cab, A/C, 18 spd. power shift w/12 spd. creeper trans., radar ground speed, 20.8x42 tires, 3 remotes, 1860 hrs.; Case IH 3588 2+2 w/cab, A/C, 4 remotes, 18.4x38 tires, 3690 hrs. Haying & Harvesting: Case IH 8840 diesel 14’ SP mower/conditioner w/cab, A/C, 710 hrs.; NH 575 ■ baler w/hyd. tension & hitch swing; Little Giant 38’ bale elevator; 2 - JD 716 A forage wagons w/tandem running gears; IH 56 forage blower; Fox Brady 5630 14’ windrow stalk buster, 1000 rpm; Westfield 51’x8”, PTO, transport auger; Westfield 10’xlO” hopper/auger. Tillage & Misc.: Case IH 415 30’ roller harrow; JD 2500 5x18” ASR plow; John Blue 3 pt 11’ side dresser; Tenant 240 power sweeper; Karcher gas powered steam/pressure washer; Universal squeeze chute & head gate, new; water pump; safety cabi nets; drill press; Sears 10” radial arm saw; Foley chain sharpener; Bander banding machine & misc. parts, etc. 2 - Brock 45,000 bushel grain bins w/unloading augers; 24’ bin sweeps; 8” fill & cross augers, offered w/reserve. r 1 " >' ■■ f » _ -■■•i7i < dß^f 1983 IH 52500 tandem axle grain truck w/Cummins eng., 10 spd., 18’ Omaha Standard body w/exten., tarp & 2 way end gate, 50,000 GVW. Not many small items, BE ON TIME, and plan to attend this short but quality equipment auction. Boonecroft Farms is reducing machinery inventory because of a change in farming practices. All equipment bought new, shed kept, well maintained & in excellent condition. Sale at 11:00 A.M. Terms: Cash or PA Check with Bank Letter of Credit Sold for Boonecroft Farms [Tjsp\f AUCTIONEERS I IxLII AU-300-L PHONE 610-689-5269 Refreshments on Premises
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