Vol. 48 No. 32 It’s June Dairy Month! Dairy Families, Support Providers Tell Ongoing Stories Of Success TJW® 6 generations of the Seeley family keep everything flowing ‘ smoothly at Milky Way Farm, a Bradford County direct-market dairy that has been in operation more than 40 years. Pictured, standing from left, are Lewis, Marie and Shon Seeley, with Kim, Dane, and Anne seated. See page A 26 to learn more about Milky Way Farm. Photo by Brian Snyder Chocolate fudge, nuts, strawberries, or all three? Twins Maya, front, and Liana Smith, Palmyra, enjoyed tasting topping combinations on their vanilla ice cream. Their bowls are only a small part of a 90-gallon sundae constructed Tuesday on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg to kick off June Dairy Month. The twins’ older sister, Sarandon, was also at the event as a Lebanon County Li’l Dairy Miss. They are the daughters of Tom, ADADC Mid East/PDPP, and Sandi Smith. See story on page A 24. Photo by Michelle Kunjappu »«»»»**»*»«»»«i(in(ji(»«3 DIGIT 16802 S? 6 P 3 17894 050 ZV6288 SC RIALS RECORDS PrtTTEE LIBRARY API W.'o9 UNIVERSITY PARK PA 16802 www.lancasterfarming.com Four Sections Saturday, June 7, 2003 Carissa Itle Westrick accompanies a new calf at Vale Wood Farms, Cambria County. The Itle family processes and markets milk from their own 200-cow herd and from four nearby herds. Read more about the (ties’ operation and their long history in Cambria County on page A 23. Photo by DeAnn Cardarella Jay Risser of Lancaster County retired in April after 50 years of serving farmers as a milk tester with the Pennsylvania DHIA. He’s shown here with one of the original tools of his trade, a centrifuge used for conducting butterfat tests. Read Risser’s story on page A 43. Photo by Dave Lefever The Hoppaughs of Bradford County are sold on Ayrshires because of their willingness to graze. Here, Ray stands in one of the grazing pad docks that was a part of the farm’s tillable ground 11 years ago. Read more about the Hoppaugh’s operation on page A 25. Photo by Carolyn Moyer $37.00 Per Year At the Virginia Polytechnic Insti tute, Blacksburg, a 232-unit freestall barn is being built on this site, in conjunction with a new dairy center. Chuck Miller, left, is Dairy Center superintendent and Dr. Steve Nickerson heads up the Department of Dairy Science. See story on page A 32. Photo by Gay Brownlee $l.OO Per Copy
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