THURSTjUNE 19 - S:3OPM Estate auct. along Feamot map. call 570-425-2256, by Road, 4miW of Sacramento Delbert Auct. AUIS99L in Northern Dauphin Co., PA, 570-425-2256. * PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE LITITZ TWO-STORY W/THREE CAR GARAGE Priscilla P. Pilon Monday, June 16th, 2003 5:30 pm 517 Owl Hill Rd., Lititz PA 17543 Directions: From Lancaster take Rt. 501 N to Lititz turn right at square onto Main St. Continue to Cinder Hill Rd and turn right, left on Owl Hill Rd. Watch for sale signs! Real Estate consists of a recently remodeled two story home on a Ig. lot. This ready to move in home features recent updates or replacements to the roof, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, and heating systems. The interior of the home consists of three bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths, modem eat in kitchen, dining rm, Ig. family rm, and base ment. Exterior amenities include Ig. three car garage, mature shade and macadam drive. Public water and sewer. Oil fired hot air heat. Terms and Conditions: 10% down day of sale. Balance due at settlement on or before 45 days. Real Estate sold as-is. Any announcements made on the day of sale take precedence over any advertised information. Open House by appointment. Auctioneer’s Note: This is an extremely well built house that lends itself to many possibilities. For more information, check our web page at Auction for; Priscilla P Pilon Auctioneers: Attorneys: Young & Young John M. Hess AU-003484-L Call John: Dennis & Robert Wolgemuth (717) 733-8192 or (717) 664-5238 H JobmJME. AUCTION SERVICE INC. COMPLETE AUCTIONEERING SERVICE PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, July 14,2003 @ 6:oopm 79+- Acre Farm Greenwood Twp, Columbia County PA DIRECTIONS: From the red light in Millville travel east on Rt 254 for approx. 3 miles. Turn left onto Grouse Road at Greenwood Friends School and continue to stop sign. Travel through stop sign and continue on Grouse Rd then turn right onto Sparrow Road and continue 'A mile to auc tion on the left. Signs posted REAL ESTATE 79+- Acres consisting of 42 Acres Tillable, 35 Acres Woodland, & 2 Acres for the Homesite. The home is a 5 Bedroom, 2 Story, w/Kitchen, Lg. Living Room, Dining Room, Parlor, & Bath. A true farmhouse with wooden floors throughout and dual stairways to second floor. A large wrap-around porch overlooks a 1/2 acre pond. The property has a large bank barn w/strawshed for horses or cattle, and several other outbuildings for workshops or garages. The homesite offers great seclusion & privacy. The property has easy access w/approx. 1 mile of road frontage & spectacular views of the countryside. If you have been looking for a get-away or a pri vate country spot for your family, join us for an open house on Sunday, June 22, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm or Saturday, July sth, from 1:00 to 8:00 pm. TERMS: 10% Down, Balance in 45 Days. Owner Financing available, call for details. View Photos Online At KENNETH E. MASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box 985 R.D. *1 Box 239 McClure, PA 17841 um Richfield, PA 17086 (570)658-3536 hJBm £9 (570)539-8791 AU-001532-L * AU-002651-L THURS. & SAT. JUN. 19 & 21 - S:3OPM & B:3OPM Fishing, guns, knives, collectibles, tools, etc. Fahnestock's Auct. SB2-5565. THURS., JUNE 19 - 6PM Driving Horse Sale at Middle burg Livestock Auct. 570-966-6219. THURS. JUNE 19 - 6:3OPM 2 Story duplex in Sunbury PA. Hassinger & Courtney Aucts. 570-539-8791. FRI. JUNE 20 - 9AM Real Es tate, Personal Property, An tiques, Guns, Car, 1 Cinder Rd., New Providence. PA, Auct. Randal V. Kline, #499, 717-733-1006. FRI. & SAT., JUNE 20 & 21 - 9AM H.H. Goods, antiques, quilts, lawn & garden sup plies, tools. Real Estate - Sat. at 2PM, at 350 S. Market Ave., Mount Joy, PA, by Rob ert E. Martin AUOOOSBOL 717-656-7770. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:00 A.M. Located in Middleburg, PA, next to Willow Tree Auction along Furnace Rd., just off Route 522 (Snyder County). BOAT - EQUIPMENT AND TRUCK MOTORHOME - ANTIQUE CARS 1985 Southwind motorhome; Sleeps 8; Completely gone over w/new tires; 1974 CMC log truck w/prentice log loader; 23’ wilderness travel trailer; Sleeps 8; 12’ V bottom boat & trail er; 17’ MFC open bow boat & trailer; 80 Asplundh 12” drum brush chipper; 5 Hp. elec, air compressor; Bob Cat 863 skid loader w/bucket; 550 hrs.; 7’xl2’ closed in dual wheel trailer; 12” Asplundh chipper; TJL 10” compound mitre saw; MB 1931 12” planer; TJL 10” table saw; Welder; Power saws & parts; 2 & 4 ton come alongs; Tree trimming tools; Spikes; Saddles; Lanyard & clips; Misc. road signs & stands; Fax machine; Gun cab inet; China cupboard; Chain hoist; Jacks; Bench grinder; Screw drivers; 14” cut off blades; Assortment knives; Assortment of dolls & fig urines: Plus lots of other misc. items. Cherry and Pine Lumber Plus Others Kawasaki 220 Bayou 4 Wheeler ANTIQUE CARS 1926 Chevrolet Touring; 1926 Franklin Sedan; 1929 Franklin Touring; 1908 Buick. Antique car parts for cars listed plus other parts, headlights, fenders, radiators, carburetors, motors, wood spoke wheels, springs, plus other parts, for merly the late John Moody collection. Information on cars and parts phone 570-837- 2241. TERMS: Cash or good PA check. NOTE: Motorhome and cars sell at 12:00 noon. Followed by old car parts Ron Conrad, info,: 570-374-7075 AUCTIONEERS: Ken Smith, AUB67-L, 570-837-3535 Dennis Hassinger, AU2689-L, 570-837-3159 Public Auction Sat., June 21,2003 ■ 9:30 A.M. For: W.E.I. Food Service Equip Sales Located: 431 Ellis St. (Rt. Ml) Glassboro, N.J. Owner is retiring and selling at absolute auction: ’95 Ford F-250 w/cap & tow pkg. - 79,000 mi. - very nice, 16’ tandem axle light equip, trl. w/power winch & elec, brakes, ’94 Doolittle s’xlO’ enc. alum. trl. w/rear & side doors, Baker forklift w/side shift, Cat. propane forklift, Yale forklift, 10 ton cap., 2 Raymond Stacker jacks, Clark stacker jack, Sears 12’ alum, boat w/4 h.p. outboard motor, ’73 Honda 350 motorcycle - 13,000 orig. mi., Kellogg-AM, 25 h.p. horz., air comp., Miller & Lincoln welders, torch set, h.d. ped. grinders, drill press, floor & ped. fans, band saw, chop saw, hyd. press, port, sand blaster, parts washer, pipe vise, sewer snake, paint sprayer, pressure washer, steel work bench w/vise, many hand tools, air & elec, power tools, Hilti roto hammer-dnll, 10 ton porto-power tap & die sets, wheel & bearing pullers, Craftsman roll-around tool chest, other tool boxes, sev. bolt bins w/contents, s.s. cabs., other cabs, & shelving, hand trucks, pallet jacks, Johnson bars, alum, dock plates, pallet rack ing, step & ext. ladders. Lg. amt. elec, sup., many elec motors & 100 s of items not listed. Lawn maint. & yard tools, 15 h.p. Craftsman lawn tract, w/42” mower deck, seeder, wheelbarrow, etc. Also very nice office furn, mcl beautiful solid cher ry exec office ensemble w/ref., sink, armoire, conf. table etc TJ. Sullins Auctioneer Entire sale held indoors - Ram/Shine Terms: Cash. Payment in full at sale time. All items sold “as is ”. Inspection 1:00 to 7:00 PM. Friday, June 20 Sale Conducted by Newfield Auction Co. (856) 697-4053 FRI. 4 SAT. JUN. 20 4 21 - 9AM Antiques, collectibles, household items for the Es tate of Joseph Relgle at the Beaver Fair Grounds, Beaver Springs, PA. Massinger 4 Courtney Auct. 570-539-8791. FRI. JUNE 20 - 9AM Forklifts, Metal & Woodworking Equi p.,Office Equip., Misc., Para dise Sales Bam, Paradise, PA, Auct. Mel Hoover, AU -003111 -L, 717-687-5645. FRI. JUNE 20 - SAT. JUNE 21 -10 AM Woodworking equip., furniture parts mill, small planing mill, molding opera tion, Route 171 North, Car bondale, Cambridge Industn al Liquidators Inc , 717-741-9171. FRI. JUNE 20 -11 AM Trac tors, gram bins, modem farm equipment, at 640 Oley Line Rd., Exeter Twp., Berks Co., PA by Frey Auct. Serv 10% B.P. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003-835 Lancaster Farming " a 4th of July \ DEADLINES Deadline Auction Section Friday, June 27th & 4 pm , FRI. JUNE 20 -11 AM Milking Herd Dispersal, T 4 A Farm, 3870 Wertzville Road, Need more, Fulton Co., PA, Auct. Art Klmg, *BOO5OO, 814-766-3551 FRI. JUNE 20 -11 AM Hilltop Dairy Auction, Reed Rd., Sa vannah, NY, dairy cattle, con signments welcome Howard W Visscher, 607-699-7250, info 315-594-8260 ‘ FRI JUNE 20 - IPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales, Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., 548 Alexander Spnng Rd., Carlisle, PA, 717-249-4511. 'ST Public Auction 0 For Paradise Equipment 0 9:00 AM r ! Friday, June 20th, 2003 At: Paradise Sales Barn, Paradise, PA Directions: Approximately 8 miles east of Lancaster, PA on route 30 turn on Meadow Lane to sale on right. FORKLIFTS (TO BE SOLD AT II AM) MEC -22 AMHT Scissor Lift; 1995 Hyster 13,5001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, Ipg; Hyster 12,0001 b 3-stage, Side-shift, Ipg; 1998 Hyster 10,0001 b, 3-stage, cushion tires, Ipg; 1997 Hyster 10,0001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, Lpg; Hyster 60001 b 3-stage, pneumatic tires, lpg; Towmotor 50001 b 2-stage, pneumatic tires, gas; Yale 50001 b, 3-stage, pneumatic tires, lpg; Yale 50001 b, 2-stage, cushion tires, side-shift, lpg; 1999 Hyster 50001 b, 3-stage side-shift, cushion tires, lpg; 1999 Mitsubushi 50001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Hyster 50001 b 2- s/s, cushion tires, lpg; A/C 50001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Clark 50001 b 3-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Yale 50001 b, 3-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Cat 50001 b 3-stage, s/s, 36-volt electric; Baker 50001 b, 3-stage 36-volt elec tric; 1998, 40001 b Mitsubushi 2-stage, s/s, cushion tires, lpg; Cat 40001 b 2- stage, cushion tires, lpg; A/C 40001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Raymond 40001 b 2-stage 36 volt staker; Yale 35001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, lpg; 1997 Nissan 30001 b 3-stage, cushion tires. Jpg; Yale 30001 b, 3-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Yale 30001 b 2-stage, cushion tires, lpg; Hyster 25001 b 2-stage 3-wheel pneumatic tires, lpg; A/C 30001 b 3-stage, cushion tires, lpg; TCM 30001 b 3- stage, cushion tires, 36-volt electric; Clark 20001 b 3-stage, s/s, 36-volt; Raymond 30001 b 3-stage order picker; Big Joe 20001 b platform lift, Clark 30001 b 3-stage, reach truck; Crown 35001 b 3-stage reach truck; Yale 30001 b 3- order picker; Raymond 30001 b 3-stage reach truck; Clark 20001 b 2- stage, 3-wheel 24-volt electric; Manuel and Electric Pallet Jacks; Fork Extensions; Carpet Poles; Warehouse Tractor; Floodlight Trailer Assy; METAL & WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT DO-ALL Model C-916A Automatic band saw; 6’ Sheet metal roller; Miller Welder; Acron welding table; Bridgeport Milling Machine; Iduma Milling Machines; Cincinnati #2 Milling Machine; Fimac 5’ x 13” radial Drill; Johnson Horizontal bandsaw; Southbend 15 x 30 Lathe; Mckenize Chip sep arator; Kingsbury 6-station secondary finishing machines with hause holo matic heads; Universal finishing machine; Gelettte automatic drill/sawing machine; Allen 24” Pedestal Drill Press; Allen 26” 2-spindle drill press; Allen 19:” drill press; Tannewitz 24” Vertical bandsaw; Nigara Model 142 G 42” x 14 gage jump shear; Landis Treader; Warner Swasey #4 turret lathe; Warner Swasey #5 turret lathe; Wiedeman Type R -6 Turret punch; Pullmax Model P9SL (shaper/former/nibbler); Grand-Rapids #1230 surface grinder; Linderg Heat Treat furnace; Bliss punch press; MSA Model VR4A radial drill; Cincinnati #2MH Milling machine; Do-All Model 1613-3 band saw; Craftsman 16” drill press; Magna jig saw; shopsmith combo sander/saw/jointer; Jet 14” band saw; Holz-her #l4lO edge bander; Stefani edge bander; Devlieg drill grinder; torch cart; South bend 16 x 48 lathe; Cincinnati Milling machine; Do-All 21 x 60 w3-l/4” hole-thru lathe; Bostitch wire stitcher; Kensol 56 press; Famous 18” planer, Poitras 10” table saw; weld-sale 250 welder; Gisholt turret lathe; 4-Rockwell 15” drill press es; Monarch 16 x 48 Lathe; Deutz Model F5L412 Diesel engine; Cummins Model NH2SO Turbo Diesel; Detroit V-8 Diesel engine; John Deere Model 6466DF Diesel engine, Chrysler 318 V-8 engine; Ford Model 534 gas engine, Ford Model 360 engine; Ford model 200 engine; Chevy Model 2.5 engine, 700 gallon diesel fuel tank; Lantech Shrink wrap machine; 135 KW Generator W/ Mercedes Diesel; Parts washers; Warehouse carts; welding tables; Coolant Wizard, Air & Electric hoists; Hydraulic units; Conyver; Pallets of Cabinet Hardware. Tooling, Plumbing; Electrical; Rigid Tools, Skids of Lumber, Pallet racking; Roto Bins; Dock bumpers, Office Equipment Desk, Chairs, File Cabinets, Tables, Drafting Tables, Cabinets; Blueprint Cabinets; 5% Buyers Premium Visit our Web Site www.paradiseequipment net For sales inquiries contact us at: or call 717-687-5645 Terms By Paradise Equipment, Larry Goolsby @ 717-687-5645 Cash or Honorable PA Check Only All Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over All Advertisini Not Responsible for Accidents Auctioneer: Mel Hoover AU-003111-L cy D 717-354-8397 Home or 717-354-6431 Barn D-* FRI. JUNE 20 - 6PM Horse Sale. New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. 61L, 717-354-4341 FBI JUNE 20 - 7PM Monthly feeder cattle sate, Middle burg livestock auction, 3 mi east of Middleburg, PA on Rt 522, Earl Martin, 570-966-6219. SAT. JUN. 21 - BAM Large Unusual Public Auction - Real estate, antiques, col lect, etc 1100 S Pleasant Ave, Dallastown, York Co Sechnst Auct. 717-244-0295. SAT. JUNE 21 - B:3OAM Real Miscellaneous Estate, Antiques, Collecti bles, Furniture, 2795 Old Trail Road, York Haven, PA, Auct. Nevm B. Rentzel, AU-2483-L, 717-843-2679 SAT, JUNE 21 - 830 AM Forklifts, shop equip., signs, toys, vending machine, |uke box, furniture, cars at Ship pensburg, PA, by Terry J. Shetron AU-003732-L 226-1918 SAT, JUNE 21 -8.30 AM Shop tools, classic car, trac tor at 2 mi. NW of the Village of Richfield, PA, by Robert L Leitzel AU-002062-L 717-694-3287 9:00 AM
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