■■ SHEEP ill AND GOATS 2 lombs-1 male, 1 female, born end of March. 717-284-3592 Reg Cheviot lambs, Er denheim bloodlines. 717-354-3244. Nubian goaf kids, reg, boftle fed, ready to breed fall 2003.717-252-4014. Reg Baby Doll South down, adult ewes & rams. Blacks & whites. Ex quali fy, $5OO ea. 610-925-3325 Polypay ewe lambs, great, gentle disposition, multple births, often birth twice a yr. 717-899-7154. Katahdln ram lambs for sale; Rea Dorset lambs. 717-582-7267 before 9pm Rare St Croix hair sheep, great for meat & dairy, $l5O eacaH 717-765-9259 CHARLES FAMILY FARM Dancing Gun Offspring Ex Quality Boer Goats USBGA Reg. 717*371*6238 ilB SWINE 14 Peterson 1 ""V Dr., Storm *\ S , ■ Jk lowa / 1 W\MjUgk 50588 / If 712-732-2546 * P AJr >ffolbiiho g ByPort-A-Hut '.Jf iaflPr and calf huts n i r i i»iuiiull>wh>.ii 1111 " since 1963 ~ “ .),, L'JT^W Approximately 12’ wide, 7’ high or 14’ wide 8’ INDIVIDUAL FARROWING AND high, preassembled 7’ sections giving a choice of CALF HUT BY PORT-A-HUT 14’, 21’, 28’ length. Set up in 2to 3 hours. Built All steel completely assembled, for livestock Completely portable. 20 gauge ventilated, 7 1/2’ long, optional front wall protectors added on the inside doors, guard rails, pig rollers and pens Can be used for almost anything. Skids and all hardware for assembly included LEMMON FARM 855 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 717-249-8434 877-642-8312 :ode 8434 High Meadows Farm, Delhi, NY 607-746-7845 60 farrowing crates w/ stainless steel feeders, 200 + gestation stalls. 717-949-6548 YORKSHIRE bred gilts, boars & open gilts, valida ted herd, delivery avaH. Neutzel Yorkshires, 717-227-9960. Yorkshire boars, Duroc boars. White Exotic boars, protect pigs. Can deliver. Wilson York shires, 717-235-3478 jjj* 1 Large Selection Service Age Boars & Gilts Duroc, Hamp & York • 100 White Line • Open Gilts Ready To Breed Monthly 1 -800-551 -4647 Delivery Available Home Of High-Quality Tested Genetics! Since 1953 - 4 generation hog family PARRISH FARM SUPERIOR GENETICS 05140 Co. Rd. J, Edon, Ohio 43518 ?! We Don't Wanf All The Business.. Just Yours! j flgjl Let our years of experience work for you. |jg] Shipley Swine Genetics 8086 Marion Rd. N.E. Newark, Ohio 43055 Call Collect 740-745-2911 740-745-2328 Boars, Bred Gilts, Open Gilts, Semen (Terminal & Production) F’ Females (L.w. x h) (L.WxL) (LxH) Durocs- Lg. White - Landrace - Hampshire The Best In Leaness, Production & Muscle Free Delivery, Free Selection Service BOER GOAT HERD DISPERSAL " S • Fuflbleod Does, 2-3 2 - MredDoes, S 1 * 4 ■ Dwi, 5 mos. oW ~...,,,..,....,,...$250 3- FllWfcd Bockt, 5 mos. old .......,....,,<,,5221 15 - 75% Does & Sucks, 5 mos. (M ~.$75-$125 York County, PA Jl7-3824176 Day ■ 717-382-4474 Eve., Little Stoney Ridge Farm Lake Ariel, PA 570-698-9310 100% International Boer Goat Studs #46 D. 0.8. 1/14/00 265 lbs $B5O #N7 D. 0.8. 4/2/01 255 lbs. $lOOO #RSI D. 0.8. 2/3/03 65 lbs. $lOOO Bloodlines include Kaptein, Chisum, Spot The Door, Tafuta, Rulu, Kassidy, RBGR M 245, CLP Elsia’s Girl. 100% American Saanen Stud Ace D. 0.8. 3/3/00 REG. ADGA $450 Bloodline includes Windsor Manor Trailblazer, Sweepstakes Veges, T&J Kentucky Mountain Style, Sweepstakes AH Ace Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson (931)364-7050 |H POULTRY m AND SUPPLIES Baby chicks: fast growing broiler chicks, high pro duction layer chicks, brown and white egg. Cal Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA. 215-536-3155. LIVE GAME FISH ZETTS FISH FARM & HATCHERIES e*M>. 1900 Largest selection of game Fish Pond Equipment & Supplies AKf Aquatic Plants. Truck* Air, U.P.S. Parcel Post Delivery r , . ' COMPLETE CATALOG KOI P.O. Box 239, DRIFTING, PA. 16834 ■ 814/345-5357 POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. ****?' ** SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES SERVICE AND RENTALS Myerstown, PA (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 Used Gen Sets ilB SWNE WKKogequipment ■pM and SUPPLIES Hog Equip (40+) 30“X7ft non-slip tri-bar, $25/obo. 301-790-2136 56 Farrowing crates, solid bar w/SS feeder, $l5/ea 717-949-2846 Leb Co Used farrowing crates & gestkm stalls, good cond, reasonable price. 1-800-635-3592 Chukar chicks 72C/eq, Northern Bobwhite Quail Chicks, 28C/ea per 1000 or more. Any size order accepted. Call for pricing. Chukar Creek Hatchery, 724-868-2782 or 868-2596. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003-D27 PH POULTRY ■lB and SUPPLIES (lets 1.000 brown for sole, must move by June 20, 20 wks old, certi fied organic but priced to sell organic or non-organ ic. Pullets also available for the end of July and Aug 19. Call Steve at 800-767-4537. Layers 1 yr old Aracuana & Rare Breds, approx 30 must take all, $3 ea. 610-925-3325 Pullets: Red Sex Links starting to lay, $4.25/ea. 717-355-2772. KEETS (baby guinea) $2.50 each you pick up. Located in Southern Perry Co, Pa. 717-789-4122 Turkey poults, ex large white commercial strain. Iwk $3 ea. Light Brahma large fowl chickens. Show Breeder 610-926-1314 Ashley Plucker, Kohl Scolder, Chest Freezer, SS Table, $3,500 takes aIL 908-362-7573 Bobwhfte Quail - mature & started. Plastic chicken crates $l5 each. Gas chick brooders, chicken feeders & waters. 717-293-9455 Going out of pullet grow ing business. Looking for someone to remove building tor material & contents. 717-764-9097 or 717-848-4457 Bobwhite quail & ring neck pheasants, started birds. Call for age 8< price. No Sunday calls. 717-492-1818. Young Bronze & White breasted turkeys, 12 weeks old, 717-993-9535 Red Sex Link pullets. large brown egg layers, $3.75 ea 717-993-9535 Pheasant Quail Chuckar eggs, chicks, grown birds, ready now. 609-758-8755. FANCY HEAVY ROOSTERS WANTED Year-Round 717-484-4549. Wanted: A few good pul lets (brown egg breeds or Aracanas) prefer 18 weeks or older. 610-932-8871 eves Order Now: Red Sexllnk pullets, ready to lay 6/ 28/03. 1-10 $4.80, 11-25 $4.60, 26+ $4.35. Nests, crates, fountains, feeders, chicken houses. Samuel Lapp. 1598 Noble RD, Kirkwood, PA 17536 Pullets: 17 wk old brown egg layers. Shirk's, Lane. Co., PA. 717-445-6423 Mallard Ducklings 950 ea. lots of 1000 or more 570/345-8900 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Bams houses • Sow Units * • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses That Cau&f Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED I ® rown pullets | floor-grown j July II . 500 V,. J Aug. I - 8775 U AKfeR TO wN. p i Aug. 30 - 10.000 Kiroatiiii m HYBRID GUINEA KEETS FOR SALE $0.95 each delivered anywhere in Pennsylvania in lots of 1000 or more. These birds will weigh 4 lbs in 12 weeks. Available year round. Morris Hatchery. Inc. 18370 SW 232 Street Goulds, FL 33170 Ph: (305) 247-1070 Fx: (305) 247-0982 FREE NEW 2003 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Black Sexlmks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Guineas, Ducks, Goslings, Black Australorps Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted White and Giant Bronze Turkey Poults, Special Wholesale Prices For Free Catalog Call i \ fil (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS 1625 River Road, Box 100 Marietta, PA 17547-0100
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