•26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, Reg. Black Percheron Mare • Tall & Up headed • Very nice w/children • Wonderful disposition Also Younger Horses For Sale Aaron Beiler Lane. Co., PA Voice Mail 717*556*2778 H A F LI N G EfTs’TUcTs^RVlCE^^^ Wetzel KCH, 'V Watch & Weep Son, jdß 'r wiigfc, y Very Nice Conformation, Proven, $3OO fee+ Mare Care $3.00/Day, v w/foal $3 50/day _Uz I Mares, Yearlings and Weanlings 100 Haiti Road, Quarryviile pj 717/786-3915 t linger Hi V NORTHEAST DRAFT HORSE DRIVING SCHOOL Beginner Schools at Our Farm in Beautiful Upstate New York Learn from Experienced Horseman how to Groom, Handle, Harness, and Drive Draft Horses. COST OF SCHOOL: $350.00 PER PERSON 2003 SCHOOL DATES: June 18,19, 20 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! Erin C. Lundy 20370 Lundy Drive P.O. Box 430 Carthage, NY 13619 315-493-1051 .V»'Vl'»VrtV»W*V» , < , »WrtVir»V»V*V»ViT is For ce c / c: «*: c ° c c: t: c C. C. c 2003 Black & white draft geld ing; 16H bay draft gelding. Both broke single, double. Your choice, $1950. Amos Smucker 717-203-6094 5 y/o saddlebred, traffic safe & sound, has been hitched to the carriage $2OOO. 610-273-7893 leave message Spotted Drafts 1 stud, 2 mares. 10 reg Hafllngers 3 month to 11 year olds. 4 Paint X Hafllngers, 2 Sad dlebred X Hafllngers, 1 Buckskin colt. Spotted Draft or Haflinger stud service. Hitch wagon, sur rey. Berks Co, PA, 610-682-6445. Percheron yearling colts, 1 Black & 1 Grey. 1 Black aged Mare. 570-539-2632 2 yr old reg Morgan filly, beg training, learns fast. Great mover! Price neg. 410-836-9442. MULES Buy-Sell Trade * Wanted Broke hoc laules for riding camp *7O-435-42*9 877-Z47-4479 16H Blonde Sorrel Jack with white mane, wide chest & big bone. Proven sire of top blonde colts with size. Elam F. Click 2131 Beaver Valley Pike New Providence, PA 17560 20 Bu. Ground Drive Manure Spreader JfrSSP vf/anufucUitHruy Christiana, PA 610-593-6112 Dealer inquiries invited ■ i g%i VtVrtVjWlVi'l’//. Clip & Save STANDING proven sire for big blonde colts w/white mane & tails MULES FOR SALE For Trucking Call Witmer E Horst 717/354-9816 or Nathan Stoltzfus 610/286-5080 Also Farm Broke Mules 3 to 6 years old Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shirktown Road, Narvon, PA 17555 HEAVY DUTY COMPACT SPREADERS i IM* Name You Can Tout iy www.abcgroff.com * 1-800-346-8319, Imported from Holland, ORLANDO is a black 171 hand Dutch harness horse stallion. * Stop by and see us at the Horse Progress Days, July 4 & 5, 2003, in Mt. Hope, Ohio. We will have a booth in the exhibit area of this event, along with a new video of ORLANDO driving in hdrness and in hand. ORLANDO will be in the parade *f breeds on July sth around 5:30 P.M. ‘ORLANDO is standing at Hartville, Ohio, for the 2003 breeding season, shipped semen is available. The 2003 introductory stud fee is $1(000 and includes a live foal guarantee. ORLANDO is a nomi nated sire for the International Dutch Foundation Driving Horse Registry for resulting Purebred Dutch and crossbred foals. These foals will be eligible for exclusive marketing opportunities. ® ORLANDO’S pedigree contains no Saddlebred blood For additional breeding information and import opportunities, contact Colin Shields RO Box 3065 Champaign, IL 61826 217/352-9902 XKaKaxsxsoasPil . y 16 1H Stud Service Black Hackney Pony Hackney mares in foal for sale. 3 year old black pony stallion, halter broke. 717/768-7564 15.1 H Dark liver chestnut Morgan stud service, nice driver, muscular build, $ lOO Daniel Click 153 Smithville Rd. New Providence, PA 17560 PPV SHEEP |l|l AND GOATS Jacob's lambs, 2 ewes, 1 ram, not reg, $125 ea. 610-967-2964 Saanem goats, yearlings & older. Also 1 Saanem buck, 1 boar buck, gooc milk lines, prices vary 717-838-4610 Dairy goats, mostly Nubi an, all ages, prices re (TWMMV BVW}/| 570-966-1658 Hampshire Ewe Lambs Starting at $250 Youth & Quantity Discounts New London, PA 610-255-5354 or dave.lytle@churchdwight.com PO Box A Frederick, MD 21702 Phone: 800.331-912? F^X: 30t-&| : 03&1 Robert q Dinsmore www.sheepman.com •P*■*«.«4f r *'**»^**«**' r * v »'•*« •*4***» r * ,r #**«*A' Dairy Sheep: 75-85% East Friesland, ram lambs, ewe lambs, yearling ewes not bred, yearling ewes lactating, $250/ea. High land Farm, Coatesvllle, PA. 610-384-71 18, 610-996-7034 cell. Reg Nigerian dwarft kids, various colors & ages, blue eyes, dehorned. 717-520-9351 Boer Goats-Perchentage Does $lOO, full bloods, $3OO. Full blood billy's, $2OO. Briar Patch Farm, Preston Boop @ 570-966-1658 Katadhln hair sheep, all ages, herd reduction. 215-822-7014 Katahdln ewes, ewe lambs, ram lambs. 570-437-3983 Suffolk ewes, production 8< codon tested. Cert scrapie free flock. Hall Suffolk's 410-778-1768 Notice-Wool Pull In East Earl. Wool prices are on the rise. 717-445-5750 Reg Nubian herd. Ex proven buck, 8 milking does, lyrlg doe, 15 kids. Will sell individually or special price for herd. Portable milking equip, SS buckets & many supplies. Franklin Co, Pa. 717-369-4705 Do 'ewe' want sheep? We are downsizing our Border Leicester Hock. Fab fleeces. Ramble over to the phone call 610-756-6689. Dorper Hair Sheep, meat sheep for the 21st cen tury. For information 717-528-4805, dmflet- n &fc°9iVe ¥- www.dorperamerica.org.
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