A3B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31,2003 Vegetable Growers Favor Program Continuation HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Secretary of Agriculture Dennis C Wolff announced that Pennsylva nia’s vegetable growers voted to continue the state’s Vegetable Mar keting and Research Program for another five years during a review referendum in March. Voters dis played a strong vote of confidence, favoring the program’s continuation by more than a 3-to-l margin. “This outcome is a very positive endorsement of the Common wealth’s Vegetable Marketing and Research Program,” Wolff said. “The Department of Agriculture wishes to congratulate the program members and is proud to continue its support of the group’s strategic efforts to fund research as well as to promote the high-quality produce that is grown so abundantly here in the state.” An impartial teller committee met to count the ballots on April 10, 2003. Of 1,426 ballots mailed to pro gram participants, 533 were re turned and deemed eligible to be counted. Thirty additional ballots were returned but were considered invalid because they were unsigned, illegible or postmarked after the for mal voting deadline. Of the 533 eli gible votes, 418, or 78.4 percent, fa vored a continuation of the program. A simple majority was re quired to vote in favor of the pro- Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get Results! gram in order for it to continue an other five years. The Pennsylvania Vegetable Mar keting and Research Program was founded in 1988 under terms of the state’s Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act, also known as ACMA. The Act requires the grow ers to approve the continuation of the program every five years. In 1993, 60 percent of the growers voted to continue the program while in 1998 the percentage of “Yes” votes increased to 66 percent. This year, 78 percent of those voting cast ballots favoring continuation of the program. More than 1,400 growers partici pate and benefit from the program’s research and marketing activities designed to support Pennsylvania grown vegetables. For more information about the Vegetable Marketing Referendum, contact Kyle Nagumy at (717) 787-2376. will be auctioneer listings, | frequently asked ques-1 tions and answers regard-1 ing auctions, and feature 1 articles and * I photos. Don’t JK 1 * s *** , miss It! I Corner of W. Lightening Rd. & Keech Rd., Branchport, NY. From Rt. 54A in Branchport take Italy Hill Rd. W. 5 mi. to Italy Hill, turn right at Blue Eagle Restaurant on Italy-Friend. Rd., go 2 mi. N., turn left on Keech Rd., go 2 mi. N. to W. Lightening Rd. From Rt. 364 9 mi. W. of Penn Yan & 1/2 mi. E. of Potter take Friend Rd. 3 mi. S. to W. Sherman Hollow Rd., turn right, go 2 mi. W. & turn left on Keech Rd., go 1/2 mi. S. to W. Lightening Rd. Lewis attended auctions for years, bought and accumulated the unique and unusual. There is a lot to sort, too much to list. Sat. June 7, 9 am - Farm Equip. & Shop Tools: Ford Jubilee, runs, vg cond.; IH TD-14 w/hyd. IT blade, runs; IH TD-14 for parts; 2 Ford 2N, 1 w/loader; 2 IH “M”; IH 400 D; MM “U”; Ferguson TE2O in parts; Fordson w/Ferguson mtd. plow; Oliver 70; 'BB Dodge P/U, runs; ‘3O Ford Model A sedan for parts; 30-70’s cars & trucks; Case 22-22 combine; Oliver Ann Arbor 100 baler; Huber threshing machine; Dearborn 3 pt. 2B plows; l-3b plows; 12’ Oliver disk; Gleaner E combine; JD hay fluffer; IH fast hitch; MM Uni-Harvester crane; JD “G” rear end w/42” wheels; Cat 20 parts; Kincaid 1 wheel garden tractor; Kohler 2 cyl. & IH power units; Maytag engine; 3’ & 8’ lathes; machinist tools; drill presses; milling machines; welder; huge quan tity & variety of farm equip.; parts; shop tools & building contents. All large equip, stored outside, tractors & vehicles sell not running unless noted; qual ity ranges from collectible to scrap. Equip, preview Fri. June 6,10-6 pm. Consigned stored inside good usable equip, selling Sat. approx. 1 pm; Fressoi P. 250 3pt. fert. spreader mtd. on 2 wheel cart; IH 10’ transport disk; NI trail er mower; IH 45T baler; AC combine; NI #7 picker; gravity wagon; 32’ ele vator; 4xl6’ trans. auger; JD 953 wagon; Butler 3 ring x 14’ grain bin locat ed at farm on Rt. 14A at Towns of Seneca & Geneva townline, 1 mi. S. of Rts. 5&20, 1 mi. S. of Geneva, Grain bin preview Thurs. June 5, 6-Bpm. Sat. June 14, 9 am-Antique & Collectible Household: Home Comfort cook stove; oak dressers, china cabinet, buffet & drop front desk; early foot ed blanket chest; Robbins & Myers coffee grinder; coffee cutter, Homell, NY; Singer & Howe treadle sewing machines; trunks; Aladdin lamps; NYC RR lantern; old child’s cart; copper boiler; open canning cupboards; adver tising items; postcards; scales; crocks, vintage clothes, quilts, bottles, early tins, books, literature, school bells, clocks, glassware, enamelware, pantry box; kraut cutter; knick knacks; Stoker stove; huge quantity misc. Preview Sat. June 14 8 am. Terms: ID for bidder number, cash or check each day of auction. Lunch. Dann Auctioneers, Delos Dann, 3339 Spangle St. Canadaigua, NY, 585-396-1676. ■MUOMtesssisai. KINGSDALE 26th ANNUAL GAS ENGINE SHOW JUNE 7 & 8,2003 FEATURING QUINCY ENGINES Route 194 - One mile east of Littlestown, PA, turn on Christ Church Rd. to picnic grove. In conjunction with Church Strawberry Festival Church is also having a beef pit dinner and sandwiches. FEATURING Gas engines. Farm and garden tractors and equip ment. Also tractor pull on Sat. at 1 PM till ? Garden tractor pulls Sat. & Sun. Children’s games. Pedal tractor pulls. Flea Market. Ant. deal ers. Crafts. Home style cooking served by church. For information (410) 346-7327 or (410) 346-7509 REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JUNE 14, 2003 REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT 12:00 NOON WOODWARD, PA - CENTRE COUNTY 15 ACRES WOODED photos: www.rgilUganauctions.com From Centre Hall take Rt. 45 East past Aaronsburg & go to Quarry Rd. & make right onto Quarry go 1 1/2 miles & make right onto Pine Creek Rd. & go 1/2 mile to sign. (1 mile west of Woodward Cave) 40 minutes East of State College, Pa. & (Penn State University) 15 Acre wooded parcel w/50’ R.O.W. - This par cel would make a nice site for a home, camp, etc. For more info or to see call Ron 814-237-0189. Terms of Property: 10% down day of auction, balance due in 45 days Auction by: Roger & Cynthia Rearick AUCTIONEERS: Ron J. & Ron S. Gilligan #AU339-L & #AU343O-L. Owner or auctioneer not responsible in case of accidents. All oral info day of auction takes precedence over all written ads. Estate of Lewis Wild 2 Day Auction Sat. June 7 & 14,2003 9am PP® PUBLIC AUCTION LIONEL AND AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS-ACCESSORIES TOYS-ETC. TUES., JUNE 10, 2003 5:30 P.M. Directions: Ebersole’s Country Auction 1800 Thompson Avenue, Lebanon, PA. Lebanon County. From Rt. 422 in Annville take Rt. 934 north for 7/10th of a mile to Thompson Avenue. Turn right on Thompson Avenue and drive 3 miles to auction. Nice selection of pre-war and post-war Lionel and American Flyer engines and tenders; Assortment of cars; Boxed accessories; MPC new Disney cars; Lionel transformers; Outstanding collection of P.R.R. and Chessie Calendars; Large selection of New Lionel and American Flyer catalogs; Toonerville Trolley; Lionel classic racing automobiles; 2360 solid gold strip GGI; Ives and American Flyer stations; Original wooden lion off a local carousel; 1800 general box set; 44 army engine with rockets; Standard gauge 42 engine and 3 cars; Lionel and American Flyer instruction books; Twenty fifth anniversary T.C.A. with pas senger cars; Weaver Great Northern (mint); Union Pacific diesel engine; 224 engine and ten der; Ertyl cars and trucks; and much more. Auctioneer’s Note: We will be starting at 5:30 p.m. with Matchbox cars and trucks; Ertyl trucks, etc. DAVID L. EBERSOLE, AUCTIONEER PHONE (717)867-1041 OR (717)838-4950 Lie .#AU-000246-L Bth ANNUAL PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FARM MACHINERY - ANTIQUES - MISC. ITEMS SAT., JUNE 14, 2003 9:30 A.M. MARYDEL, DE Consignments taken until June 13, 2003 LOCATION: From Marydel go 1/2 mile east on Rt. 8; turn right on Sandy Bend Rd. Take first road to the right, Parkers Chapel Rd. The auction is located on the first farm to the right. FARM EQUIPMENT & TRACTORS: Case 900 dsl; Oliver 1750 dsl.; Ford 8 & 9N; 340 Int. w/loader; Horse drawn J.D. sickle mower; J.D. riding cultivator; 3 pt. Disc; 3 pt. 2 bottom plow; Pull type M.H. 5 bottom plow; N.H. 519 PTO manure spreader; 180 Knight PTO manure spreader; Gleaner K 2 gas combine; 3 pt. Scraper blade; 1 row 3 pt. transplanter; 1000 RPM PTO irrigation pump w/lots of pipe; Side delivery rake; 3 pt. Bushhog; Farm wagon; No. 7 sickle mower. ANTIQUES: 2 Hole com sheller; 1 Hole com sheller (nice); Crosscut saw; Mantle clock; Anvil; Dinner bell; Glass & wooden butter chum; Com cracker; Oil bottles; Milk bottles; Singer treadle sewing machine; Maytag wringer washer w/2 cyl Maytag motor; Blue hen chicken waterer; Com knives; Oliver, IHC & Case wrenches; Wooden planes; J.I. Case plow works cast iron seat; J.D. cast iron seats and others; J.D. PTO air pump; Wood augers; Pedal tractors, JD & Int. MISC. ITEMS: Potato peeler; White Mountain ice cream freezer; Sausage stuffer; Air horn; Garden tools; 28” Wood lathe; 26” Wood planer; Int. tool box; 200 PSI pressure washer; Foot traps; Garden cultivator; Meat grinder; Maytag wringer washers; Chain saw; Cedar lawn furniture; Lawn mowers; Cream separator; Fishing poles; Rubbermaid Plastic water troughs; Shop tools'. 6-8 wagon loads of small misc. items. FLEA MARKET: Space available for $lO. Bring your own table. Daniel & Emma Yoder (owners) Scrapple & Egg Breakfast Fresh Homemade Donuts Lunch and Bake Sale Ohio Cheese Available Not Responsible For Accidents Auctioneer: Sam Walters 111 (302) 284-4619
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