(Continued from Page A 2) Slaughter Sheep: Utility and Good 1-3 125-265 lbs 29.00-46.00. Slaughter Goats; There was no market comparison due to the Memorial Day hol iday on Monday. The run consisted of tewer than 200 head; therefore prices ate carried over from the last full market. All goats are quoted by the head. Kids: Selection 1 20-40 lbs 24.00-48.00; 40-60 lbs 46.00-66.00; 60- 80 lbs 58.00- Selection 2 20-40 lbs 17.00- 40-60 lbs 25.00-55.00. Selec tion 3 20-40 lbs 14.00-25.00; 40-60 lbs 20.00- Yearlings: Selection 1 60-80 lbs 60.00- 80-100 lbs 70.00-95.00. Selec tion 2 60-80 lbs 36.00-60.00; 80-100 lbs 43.00- Selection 3 60-80 lbs 22.00- Nannies: Selection 1 70-100 lbs 65.00- 100-140 lbs 85.00-102.00, few 105.00- Selection 2 70-100 lbs 40.00- 100-170 lbs 58.00-82.00. Billies: Selection 1 100-150 lbs 92.00- few 120.00-136.00; ISO- 250 lbs 120.00-154.00, couple 192.00-210.00. Selection 2 100-130 lbs 74.00-90.00. Selec tion 3 70-100 lbs 45.00-75.00. Wethers: 70-100 lbs 70.00-94.00; 100-150 lbs 98.00-120.00, individual 225 lbs 137.00. Lancaster County Weekly Cattle New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USD A Friday, May 30,2003 CATTLE CALVES THIS WEEK 1922 1083 LAST WEEK 2510 1306 LAST YEAR 2212 1370 Compared to last week, slaughter steers sold up to 1.00 lower on Monday as the bulk of the tattle were weighing up full, and the quality of the run was below average. When Tuesday and Thursday are combined prices were fully .50- 400 higher, mostly 2.00-4.00 higher. Bidding was very active on Tuesday, with buyers ex tremely aggressive on Thursday as the run was around 200-300 head lighter than normal; and with the demand outweighing the supply prices Install The Gates & Fencing That Are Manufactured To Last! Finished with Top Grade TGIC Polyester Coating TGIC Powder Coating Finish; • Is superior to epoxy • Resists acid, chemicals • Protects against rust, corrosion • Resists chipping • Stays cleaner All Gates & Fencing manufac tured of 1.9” outside diameter high yield steel tubing with 13 gauge wall. 13 gauge steel is 15% heavier than 14 gauge, 45% heavier than 16 gauge & 85% heavier than 18 gauge. Call or write tor additional information & the name of your nearest dealer on high Choice and Prime steer* topped 89.00. The 89.00 paid for a small group on Thursday was a record for the county, although the more important note is to point out the prices being paid for the majority of the Choice steers, which was mostly 83.30-BS.SO on Thursday. National ly, boxed beef cutout values were several dollars higher again this week, with light Choice end ing up at 148.67 on Thursday. The direct feed yards moved their live steers 1.00-2.00 higher from 80.00-81.00, and 3.00 higher in the meat from 127.00-130.00. Futures at the Mercantile Exchange still hold a noticeable discount to the cash trade, especially when the May contract expires in a couple of days. Slaughter Holstein steers were scarce early in the week, with late week prices 2.00-3.00 higher. Slaughter heifers sold study to 3.00 higher for the week. Slaugh ter cows sold steady to 1.00 lower on Tuesday, with fleshy cows frilly 2.00-3.00 higher on Thursday, and with Lean cows steady to 1.50 higher. Demand and buyer attendance were both very good late in the week as a few Premi um White cows sold over 60.00. Slaughter bulls were scarce on Tuesday, with a fancy Thursday run trading with a higher undertone. The re ported supply this week included 704 head of steers, 104 heifers, 798 cows, 64 bulls, with 222 head of feeder cattle. Note: Weekly receipts do not include Monday as the sale was not covered due to the Memorial Day holiday. Slaughter Steers: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1185-1470 lbs 84.75-89.00, 82.00-86.50 early in the week. Choice 2-3 1100-1485 lbs 82.00-86.25, 79.00- 83.75 early in the week, Charolais-crosses 80.25- few heavy 1495-1505 lbs 82.25- Choice 4 few frill 1175-1460 lbs 79.00- 77.50-7925 early in the week. Few higher yielding Choice 2 1075-1420 lbs 82.25- Select and low Choice 2-3 1075-1420 lbs 77.00-82.50, few heavy 1515-1585 lbs 67.50-75.25. Select 1-2 1080-1415 lbs 77.00- few heavier muscled up to 82.75, 7325- 77.25 early in the week. Holstein Steers: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1350-1560 Kw 70.0074.50, up to 7825 late in the week, few heavy 16101655 lbs 69.25-70.25. Select and Choice 2-3 1285-1590 lbs 66.50-70.75, few heavy 1635-1675 lbs 59.00- Select 1-2 1165-1520 lbs 61.006525, few up to 68.75. Slaughter Heifers: Prime 4-5 10801390 lbs 78.00- High Choice and Prime 3-4 1035-1400 lbs 81.50-85.00. Choice 2-3 1035-1240 lbs 78.75-82.75. High dressing Select 2 individual 1190 lbs 83.25. Added Value With Our 2 Coat Process! 1 Five step metal preparation, including iron phosphate conversion coating, to enhance adhesion & prevent undercoat corrosion 2 Zinc rich epoxy powder updercoat 3 TGIC polyester powder top coat, baked at 400° to fuse coats, forming a cross link molecular bond aul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lititz, PA 17543 • 717/738-7365 1 mile West of Ephrata Standard Heights: • 4 bar: 38" high • 5 bar: 48” high • 6 bar: 54” high Hinge for 3/4"pin welded to gate Slant Bar Feed Thru Fence Section Custom Built to Any Length Slaughter Cows: Percent Lean, Weight, Bulk, Low Dressing. Premium White, 65-70, over 1600 lbs, 55.00-60.50, outstanding individual 61.75. Breakers, 70-75, over 1400 lbs, 48.00- 45.00-50.50. Boners, 75-80, over 1200 lbs, 44.50-51.25, 41.75-45.75, up to 53.25. Lean (hi-yield), 80-85, over 1200 lbs, up to 47.00 Lean, 85-90, over 1000 lbs, 39.00-43.25, 36.00- up to 44.50. Lean (light-wgt), 85-90, over 750 lbs, 35.00-39.00,30.75-34.50. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1-2 1195-2145 lbs 53.00-60.75, 48.75-59.50 early in the week, several fancy high dressers 63.50-69.75, with a few outstanding 70.75-75.00, low dressing 49.25-52.00. Calf Summary: Compared to last week, veal calves sold steady to firm. Holstein bull calves suitable for special-fed veal bams sold sharply higher for the week due to good buyer demand. Finished calves are pushing into the 200.00 range again as veal plants offer mote money to U.S. producers as the Canadian border remains closed. Holstein heifers sold sharply higher on Tuesday as prices were as high as 480.00, how ever, on Thursday prices trended lower as bids did not top 380.00. This week the PA Depart ment of Agriculture graded 726 head of calves in Lancaster County. Veal Calves: Standard and Utility 60-110 lbs 11.00- up to 47.00 on Thursday. Calves Going Into Special-fed Veal Bams: Tuesday- Graded Number One Holstein Bulls 120-125 lbs 150.00-165.00; 95-120 lbs 195.00- lot averaging 90 lbs 175.00; 80-85 lbs 150.00-164.00. Graded Number Two Hol stein Bulls 90-120 lbs 145.00-197.00; two lots 80-85 lbs 125.00. Few beef bulls 105-110 lbs 190.00- Graded Number One Holstein Heifers 90-110 lbs 425.00-480.00; package aver aging 83 lbs 380.00; couple 75 lbs 280.00. Grad ed Number Two Holstein Heifers 90-110 lbs 410.00- package averaging 84 lbs 375.00; package averaging 74 lbs 240.00; package aver aging 63 lbs 220.00. Individual beef heifer 95 lbs 180.00. Thursday- Graded Number One Holstein Bulls 120-125 lbs 180.00; 95-120 lbs 205.00- 90-95 lbs 150.00; 85-90 lbs 140.00; 80-85 lbs 100.00. Graded Number Two Holstein Bulls 90-120 lbs 145.00-182.00, five head 204.00; 80-90 lbs 130.00; 75-80 lbs 105.00. Graded Utility Holstein Bulls 100-110 lbs 72.00; 90- 100 lbs 65.00. Holstein Heifers 90-125 lbs 260.00- 80-90 lbs 190.00- 260.00, individ ual 340.00; 65-75 lbs 120.00-220.00. Cross-bred Heifers 75-105 lbs 125.00-200.00. Round comers for safety & strength Stub welded to gate for automatic latch Vertical bracing Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 7-5; Sat.: 7-11 Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Waynesburg, Pa. Thursday, May 29,2003 Report Supplied By Auction Cattle: STOCK COWS: 34.50-55.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility 4 Commercial 42.00- Boner 4 Boning Utility 36.00- Cutter & Boning Utility 35.00- Canner & Low Cutter 35.00-38.50; Shells 30.00 4 down. BULLS: YIELD GRADE I 15004-2000# 39.00- YIELD GRADE 2 1000#-1400# 38.00- FEEDER STEERS; M 4 L 1 300-500# 80.00- 250-280# 80.00-102.00; M 600-900# 55.00- HEIFERS: M 1 4 L 1 300-500# 68.00-100.00; L 1 400-650# 60.00-82.00. BULLS; M 4 L 1 300-620# 70.00-94.00. CALVES; Veal Prime 70.00-85.00; Choice 60.00-84.00; Good 35.00-70.00; Farm Calves #1 Holstein Bulls 90-120# Few 35.00-150.00; #2 Holstein Bulls 80-100# Few 10.00-50.00; Beef Bull 4 Hfrs./Hd. 35.00-90.00. HOGS: Barrows 4 Gilts #l-2 210-255# 37.50-42.00; #2-3 255-280# 36.00-41.00; Sows #l-3 300-500# 30.00-34.00; Feeder Pigs 1-3 15-20# 5.00-22.00/Hd. 1-3 25-35# 10.00-23.00/ Hd. LAMBS: High Choice 80-100# 77.00-120.00; Choice 40-75# 75.00-112.00; Feeder Lambs Good 50.00-97.00; Sheep 22.00-33.00; Fat Sheep 22.00 and down. GOATS; Large 45.00-10S.00/Hd.; Medium 30.00- Small 10.00-30.00/Hd. HORSES; Horses 19.00-51.50; Ponies 20.00- Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied by PDA Thursday, May 29,2003 CATTLE: 186. COWS; .30 TO 1.00 HIGHER. HOLSTEIN STEERS: SELECT 1-2 FEW 53.00, 57.25. STANDARD 1-2 ONE AT 46.25. COWS; BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 45.00, 52.25, MOSTLY 46.25, 51.00, AVERAGE 48.40. BONERS 80-85% LEAN 40.25, 48.75, BULK OF SALES 41.75, 47.75, AVERAGE 44.90. LEAN 85-90% LEAN 34.50, 44.50, MOSTLY 37.00,42.00, AVERAGE 39.30. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 FEW 1535/1875 LBS. 57.25, 58.75, AVERAGE 57.90. YIELD GRADE 2 FEW 1370/1870 LBS. 51.00, 55.25, AVERAGE 53.25. FEEDER CATTLE; HEIFERS: L 3 HOL STEINS, ONE AT 255 LBS. 75.00, ONE AT 790 LBS. 52.00. CALVES: 225. STANDARD & GOOD FEW 70/110 LBS. 30.00, 42.50. UTILITY 50/75 LBS 10.00, 30.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 35.00 TO 50.00 HIGHER. NO. 1 BULLS 90/125 LBS. 170.00, 230.00, MOSTLY 185.00, 215.00, AVERAGE 19990, 80/90 LBS. 120.00, 140.00. NO. 2 BULLS 80‘/.25 LBS 110.00, 185.00, WEAKER CALVES 75.00, 100.00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS: 90.00 TO 125.00 HIGHER. NO 1 85/120 LBS. 370.00, 500.00, AVERAGE 448 35. NO 2 FEW 65/100 LBS. 100.00,320.00, AVERAGE 205.30. HOGS: 13. 45-40% LEAN FEW 225 LBS. 37.50. US 1-3 FEW 325/470 LBS. 18.00, 25.00. 1-3 ONE AT 555 LBS. 30.50. FEEDER PIGS: 0. NO MARKET TEST. SHEEP; 6. CHOICE FEW 140 LBS 88.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP FEW 29.00, 30 00. GOATS; 3. NANNIES ONE AT 60 LBS 42.50. BILLIES COUPLE 60 & 65 LBS. 42.50. Steers Sell At Record $B9 CWT MILLIE BUNTING Market Staff NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) There was quite an air of ex citement at the New Holland Sales Stables cattle auction Thursday when very active bidding for High Choice and Prime steers went to $B9 per hundredweight. Three head weighing about 1,365 pounds sold individually at $B9 and one small lot of black steers in the same weight range sold at $88.75. They were purchased for a ko sher kill packer. Thursdays prices broke the re cord of $88.50 which was set Tues day at the Vintage auction surpas sing the record $88.25 set there Monday, May 19. Taylor Cox, the USDA market reporter, said the quality of the run was very good with the majority of the offerings consisting of Choice and Prime cattle. He said the' sale atmosphere was something to see as the farmers watched the bids going higher and higher to reach an almost unbeliev able price. What was probably even more re markable, the market reporter noted, was that the most of the Choice steers sold from $B2 to $B6. The average selling price of the Choice steers was $84.50, which was also a sale record in the county. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31,2003-A37 Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, May 29,2003 RETURN TO FARM CALF: 100-490. GOOD VEAL: 70.00-99.00. COMMON VEAL: 20.00-69.00. CHOICE STEERS: 78.00-84.00. SELECT STEERS: 75.00-81.00. COMMON STEERS: 53.00-74 00. COMMERCIAL COWS: 45.00-56.00. CANNERS/CUTTERS: 35.00-49.00. SHELLS: 25.00-34.00. CHOICE HEIFERS: 77.00-81.00. SELECT HEIFERS: 70.00-76.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 46.00-69.00. GOOD FEEDERS: 65.00-80.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 48.00-64.00. BULLS: 51.00-60.00. Gceencastlc, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, May 29,2003 HAY; 12 LOADS. STRAW; 2 LOADS TOTAL LOADS: 14. ALFALFA: 82.50-202.50. MIX HAY: 117.50-235.00. CATTLE: 96. COWS: STEADY TO TO 3.00 HIGHER. BULLS: STEADY. STEERS: SELECT 1-2 1295/1420 LBS. 79.00. 84.00. SELECT 1-2 69.50, 74.25. STAN DARD 1-2 COUPLE 61.75 & 68.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1360 & 1610 LBS. 68.00 & 69.00. SELECT 1-2 COU PLE 60.00 & 66.50. HEIFERS: CHOICE 1-3 1140/1460 LBS. 79.00. 81.75. SELECT 1-2 ONE AT 68.25. COWS; BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 47.50, 56.00. ONE AT 59.50. BONERS 80-85% LEAN 42.00. 47.75. LEAN 85-90% LEAN 35.00,43.00. SHELLS 33.50 AND DOWN. BULLS: YG 1 1180/1755 LBS. 55.00, 56.50. YG 2 1050/1730 LBS. 47.50,52.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: FEW M & L -1 335/720 LBS. 71.00, 85.50. HEIFERS: M & L -1 385/530 LBS. 80.00, 86.00. M & L-2 300/440 LBS. 60.00, 66.00. 510/795 LBS. 55.00, 69.00. BULLS; FEW M & L-I 485/595 LBS. 71.00, 83.00. CALVES: 99 STANDARD & GOOD 75/110 LBS. 37.50,620.00. U TILITY SS'/aO LBS. IQ.OO, 35 00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS STEADY TO 5.00 HIGHER. NO. 1 BULLS 90/120 LBS. 130.00, 165.00. NO. 2 BULLS 80/125 LBS. 80.00, 132.50. NO. 1 HEIFERS 94 LBS. ONE AT 280.00. NO. 2 HEIFERS 75/80 LBS. 170.00, 230.00. BEEF CROSS BULLS AND HEIFERS 100 & 112 LBS TWO AT 115.00. HOGS 16. 45-50% LEAN 250/285 LBS 40-45% LEAN 260/300 LBS. 38.00, 39.00. MEDIUM 288 & 384 LBS TWO AT 16 SO. BOARS- SIS & 656 LBS 10 75 & 11.50 FEEDER PIGS; NO MARKET TEST. SHEEP; 27 HCH & PR 128 LBS. ONE AT 85.00 CHOICE 45/78 LBS 100.00, 107.50 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 16 00, 35.00. YEAR LINGS 77.50,87.50 GOATS: NO MARKET TEST Combined with the Vintage auc tion, Choice slaughter steers sold for a weekly average of $83.25 10 cents per hundredweight higher than the $83.15 record set in December 1990. All the factors which support a market excellent demand for beef, reduced supplies of Choice cattle in the midwestem feedlots, advancing CME futures prices have come together to produce these record prices. Plus, the closing of the Canadian border has added an unforeseen positive influence on the current market. Basically, though, it has to be the exceptional demand for beef that continues at record-breaking prices. Carcass cutout values based on prices of fabricated beef cuts, Thursday, advanced more than $2. The Choice 600-750 pound car cass cutout value was reported at $147.83 $5.19 higher compared to last Friday’s; and the Choice 750-900 pound cutout value was set at $147.94 up $4.16 from last Fri day’s. The record prices in the Lancas ter County are probably also a re cord in the entire U.S. In the mid western feedlots, trading was reported active Wednesday at $1 to $2 higher prices with high Select to mostly Choice steers rating $BO-81 live and $126-130 dressed basis. Greencastle Hay Indiana Livestock Auction Homer City, Pa. Thursday, May 29,2003 Report Supplied By PDA
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