(Continued from Page A 10) Hilton Hotel, Lake Placid, N.Y., (315) 452-6458. John Deere Antique Tractor Show, St. Peter’s Church, Sei sholtzville, (215) 679-6592. Monday. Juno 2 Geographic Informational Sci ences Conference, Towson University, Towson, Md., thru June 3. CWT Informational Meeting, Middletown Holiday Inn, 7:30 p.m. Summit to Focus on Use of Ma nure as Renewable Energy, Hilton North Raleigh, N.C., thru June 4, (541) 967-5925, ext. 114. Tuesday. Juno 3 Tree Fuit and Wine Grape meet ing, Berks County Extension Center, Leesport, (610) 378-1327. Grape Field Meeting, Beekman Orchard, Boyertown, grapes 2 p.m.-4 p.m., fruits 6 p.m.-8 p.m., (610) 378-1327. Connecting Ohio Watersheds Incorporated CONSIDERING EXPANDING YOUR FARM OPERATION? Team Ag’s Engineers and Nutrient Management Planners will give you the professional support you needier your expansion, regarding CAFO, Nutrient Management and local permits. Call us today for an estimate. TeamAg, Inc. 901 Dawn Avenue, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-721-6795 * Site Surveys * Grant Writing * Site Engineering and Manure Systems Design * Nutrient Management Planning * Precision Agriculture * CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) Permits * Natural Resources Management * Crop Management/Scouting/Soil Testing www.TeamAglnc.com Email: TeamAg@TeamAglnc.com MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT fraction Field & Road 13.6x28 6 ply $205.00 18.4x30 6 ply $350.00 18.4x38 6 ply $370.00 20.8 x3B 8 ply $530.00 Visit or call us today! MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT Located in Churchtown 119 Water St., Narvon, PA 17555 717-445-4993 t'Ljifijfi'jJilir-i:!? 5 n -'-rl < **l7 1 Conference, University Plaza Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, thru June 4, Tuesday 8 a.m. to Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., (614) 292-3799. Wednesday, June 4 Galaxy Conference, Pa. Assoc, of Ag Agents Lantern Lodge, Myerstown, thru June 5, (717) 921-8803. Twilight Winery and Vineyard meeting, Bill and Joan Hayes, Townbank Road, Lower Township, southern N.J., 6:15 p.m.-8:50 p.m., (856) 307-6450, ext. 1. Vegetable Twilight Tour No-Till Planter Demo, Pete Flynn’s Farm, (610) 696-3500. Corry Dairy Producers Group, Marlene’s Restaurant, Corry, 10 a.m„ (814) 563-9388. Thursday, June 5 Maryland Pasture Walk, Lewin Eby Farm, Williamsport, Md., (301) 791-1304. PDMP Opportunities to Excel in Reproduction and Genetics, Alfred, Carolyn, John, Matt Wanner, Narvon. sAamAe We’re Your Firestone Farm Tire Dealer! Count on us year-round for: • A complete line of Firestone farm tires • In the field emergency repair service • Implement and light truck tires in stock too! Many Other Tires In Stock - Call For Prices FARM TIRES Firestone All fraction 23° 18.4R34 1 ★ $550.00 20.8R38 1 ★ $735.00 20.8R38 2 ★ $840.00 20.8R42 2 ★ $BBO.OO firettette FARM TIRES THE LEADER IN THE FIELD John H. Schwartz Memorial Golf Tournament (rain or shine), Foxchase Golf Course, Ste vens, 11:30 a.m., (717) 394-6851. PASA Field Day: On Farm Crop Improvement, Harmony Es sentials, Spring Grove, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., (814) 349-9856, ext. 6. Friday, June 6 National Association of Milk Bot tle Collectors Convention, Holiday Inn, Grantville, thru June 7, (610) 966-2536. Sustainable Hog Farming Sum mit, Eisenhower Inn and Con ference Center, Gettysburg, thru June 7, (14) 674-0622. Cholesterol Myths and Tradition al Diets Seminar, Miller’s Nat ural Foods, Bird in Hand, 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Also Saturday, June 7 at Lancaster Host Re sort, 8:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m., (717) 768-7582. Saturday. June 7 Small Fruit Production Work shop, Cornell Orchards, Itha ca, N.Y., (607) 687-4020. Earl Township Farmland Preser vation Trust Picnic (June 14 raindate), Amos Huyard’s Farm, Earl Twp. Log to Lumber Workshop, Bab cock Ranger Station, Gullitzin State Forest, Cambria County Extension, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., (814)472-7986. Composting Seminar, Linvilla Orchards, West Knowlton Road, Media, 10 a.m. and noon, (610) 696-3500. Also John Perry The To mato Man, Homeville Road, Cochranville, 11 a.m., (610) 696-3500. Income Opportunities from Field and Forest, Camp Oty’Okwa, Hocking Hills, Ohio, thru June 8, (740) 767-2090. Health Seminar, Kreider’s Restaurant, noon. Tuesday, June 1 0 Soil Fertility Workshop, 118 AST Bldg., Penn State, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. New Wine Grower Work shop, Lancaster Farm and Home Center, Lancaster. Farm Business Planning Workshop, Berlin Com munity Building, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., (814)445-8911. Natural Rendering, Animal Composting Workshop, Dauphin County Agricul tural Services Center, Dauphin, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Firestone Radial 23° 18.4R34 1 ★ $515.00 18.4R38 1 ★ $540.00 20.8R38 1 ★ $685.00 18.4R42 2* $670.00 (717) 783-6792. Extension Computer Classes, Snyder County Courthouse, Middleburg, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Also June 11 and 12, (570) 837-4252. Hands-on Soil Assessment Work shop, Cherry Grove Farm and Cherry Grove Organic Farm, Lawrenceville, N.J., 5 p.m. Raine date June 11, (609) 737-6848. Cull Dairy Cow Quality Assur ance Program, Kidron, Ohio, (330)263-3831. Wednesday. June 11 Manure Management Workshop, 118 ASI Bldg., Penn State, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pasture Walk, Alvin Stoltzfus, Marion Twp., Centre County. Centre, Clinton Holstein Club Picnic, Paul Dotterer and Sons Farm. Mill Hall, 6:30 p.m. High Tunnel Special Crops Twi light meeting, Harvest Valley Farms, 7 p.m., (724) 837-1402. Thursday, June 12 Kempton County Fair, Berks County, thru June 14, (610) 756-6444. Friday. June 1 3 Timber 2003, Farm Show Com plex, Harrisburg, thru June 14,(717)312-1244. Saturday, June 14 Maryland Wine Growers’ Field Day, Burkittsvilie Vineyard, Burkittsville, Md. Washington County Lamb Class ic, Washington County Fair grounds, (724) 225-7108. Water and Manure Management for Horse Farms, Sebastian Riding Association, Skippack Twp., 2:30 p.m.-5 p.m., (610) 489-4506. Somerset County Holstein Asso ciation Club Picnic, Latuch Bros. Dairy, Rockwood, 7 p.m. Composting Seminar, Milky Way Farm, Uwchlan Ave., Chester Springs, 1 p.m., (610) 696-3500. Small Scale Poultry Workshop, Penn State Cooperative Ex tension Union County office, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Happy Father’s Day! Monday. June 16 Southern Alleghenies 4-H Camp, Spruce Creek, thru June 19, (814) 623-4800. 4-H Ambassador Conference, Penn State Main Campus, University Park, thru June 18. Schnecksville Community Fair, Lehigh County, thru June 21, (610)799-9467. POWER STROKE FUEL INJECTORS “HEUI Injection System” Ford 7.3 L Trucks * IH DT-466 * T-444E * Caterpillar Miller Diesel, Inc. Offers Complete Service, Rebuilding & Exchange POWER STROKE INJECTORS > On Site Rebuilding k <> Exchange in Stock § 0- Testing & Calibration | On Vehicle Diagnosis k <> Removal & Installation V 5 <> Excellent Pricing - $$ Save $$ H J Quick Turn Around Time / 'v' Free Pick up & Delivery (ioo Mile Radius Hbg.) OR Daily UPS < M. MILLER DIESEL, INC. ilß|| FUEL INJECTION A TURBO SPECIALIST 6030 JONESTOWN ROAD, HARRISBURG, PA 17112 INC (717) 545-5931 1-800-296-5931 EXPERIENCE,TRAINING& KNOWLEDGE SINCE 1957 ? V.VVVV.VV.VV,V.V.VVVVVV.VV.V.V,V'V.W.V Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31,2003-A29 Tuesday, June 17 Ag Science Camp, York County 4-H Center, thru June 19, (717) 840-7408. Recognition of Dr. Larry Muller’s Retirement reception and din ner, Nittany Lion Inn, 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday, June 18, Symposium and Lunch, Penn Stater Celebration Hall, State College, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., (814) 863.-3665. Family Farm Days, Oregon Dairy, Lancaster, thru June 19, 397-3531, ext. 139. Penn State’s Department of Dairy and Animal Sciences golf outing, Blue Course in State College, (814) 865-1362. Payment Limit Commission Pub lic Workshop, Room 107-A USDA Whitten Building, Washington, D. C., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Regional Wool Pool, Mausdale Farm Supply, 3 p.m., (717)437 -3657. Snyder County Twilight Meeting, Pa. Holstein Association, Clar ence Shirk Farm, Beavertown, 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 18 American Society for Enology and Viticulture meeting, Reno Hilton, Reno, Nev., thru June 20. Rural Health Conference, Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, thru June 19, (814) 863-8214. Thursday, June 19 Maryland Pasture Walk, Wet Meadows Farm, Emmittsbug, Md., (301) 791-1304. Lancaster County Pasture Walk, Arden Landis Farm, Kirk wood, 10 a.m.-l:30 p.m., (717) 529-6644. Conservation Tillage Conference, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Oh., thru June 20, (614) 292-3799. Mid-summer Vegetable Tour, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Vegetable Branch, Fremont, Oh., 1 p.m.- 4 p.m., (419) 334-6340. Midwest Conservation Tillage Conference, Wooster, Ohio, thru June 20,1 p.m. Thursday to 5 p.m. Friday, (330) 263-3877. Regional Rural and Agricultural Tourism Conference, Shep herdstown, W.Va, thru June 21, (202) 333-4478. Friday, June 20 Delmarva Chicken Festival, Del aware Technical and Commu nity College, Dover, Del., thru June 21, (302) 856-9037.
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