A2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31,2003 Penn State Cooperative Extension Capitol Region Dairy Team MARKET COWS Galen Kopp Extension Agent Dairy/Livestock Lebanon County What do we know about the quality of these animals? As dairy producers, we send our cull cows off to market with very little knowledge of the quality of these critters as well as knowing very little about any drug residues left in them from previous treat ments. At a recent workshop, we as extension educators observed first hand the many issues packers deal with after they receive mar ket (cull) cows at the slaugh terhouse. Every time you cull an animal you are making the same com mitment to food safety and quali ty that you make when you mar ket your milk. Marketing cull dairy cows in better condition, a result of effective monitoring, puts more dollars in your pocket and makes the industry more competitive. Cows in the 2.5 to 3 body con ditions score range produce the most valuable carcasses for beef processing. In addition to losing volume as beef animals, low milk cows that are kept past freshness, or health compromised cows kept until they are overtly biologically broken, are not putting income back into your operation. They are costing you money and tak ing up space that a more produc tive animal could be using. Dairy producers benefit when they view themselves as impor tant contributors of valued beef products, and approach culling as a positive, productive, and profitable function of dairy herd management. Of the value-added beef items growing in popularity with food service distributors and 2(KH FLNNSN I \ \NH HOT STUN ASSOCT \TION h V)FM C CNTRE/C LINT ON HOLSI'FTN ( 1 UB PICNIC FALL DOl 11-RER &i SONS FARM Mill HAIL PA JUNE I I 7 (HIP M SOMLRSLI COUNTY C LUB PICNIC LAR( HBIU)IIIEKSDAIR\ ROCKWOOD FA JL NF 14 7 OOP M SNYDFR/UNION TWILIGHT MLEIINO C I ARENC F SHIRK FARM BEAVER! OWN FA Jt NE 17 NATIONAL HOLSTEIN C ONVLN I lON ADAMS MARK HOT LL WINSTON SAI FM N( RNL2I 24 12 OO NOON PA JUNIOR JUDGING SCHOOL TIOGA COUNTY i\ LY 8-9 6 00PM SOMERSET COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS MEYERSDALE PA JIXY 9 9 30A M LYCOMING COUNTY HOLSTFIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS HUGHESVILIE PA JULY 10 PA HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION SUMMER PICNIC AND ACTTVITIES BLAIR COUNTY BALLPARK ALTOONA PA JULY 13 11 00A M LANCASTER COUNT Y HOLSTEIN SHOW SOLANCO FAIRGROI NDS QUARRYVILI E PA JUt Y 16 7 ISP M PERKY COUNTS CT UB PICNIC SAVILLE BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Jill Y 17 9 30AM YORK COUNT Y HOLS ILIN SHOW 4-H CENTER YORK PA JULY 21 10 00AM NORTHAMPTON BOUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS PLAINFIELD PA JULY 21 SHIPPLNSBURG FAIR HOI STEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS SHTPPENSBURO PA JUL\ 21 10 00AM SOLTHWESI CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW FAIRGROUNDS uniontown pa JULY 26 O OOA M MORRISONS ( OVE HOLSTEIN SHOW MEMORIAL PARK MARTTNSBURO PA JULS 31 9 30 A M NORTHERN IILR CIIAMPIONSHIP SHOW FAIRC.ROUNDS MLSHOPPBN PA JUI V 31 9 00A M LEBANON C OUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS LEBANON PA AUGUST 1 consumers, products using non fed beef make the top 10 list every time. These opportunities for increasing market value rely on quality. The same manage ment and culling practices that assure quality beef also make the milking herd more productive and profitable. Producers should consider the industry’s public image and trust when making decisions to keep, treat, or cull dairy cattle. When milk price, facilities, and replace ment availability fail to compel timely and voluntary culling de cisions, then beef value, farm profits, and the image of the beef and dairy industry all suffer. Most producers see the cows as just milk production, not beef production. The following are valuable Websites where you can get lots of information and helpful assist ance on producing a safe and wholesome beef product; • www.pabeef.org. • www.extension.psu.edu. • www.pa-bqa.org. • www.pda.state.pa.us. ( ALFNDAR Ot L\ENTS Galen Kopp AUGUST I AUOI IST 7 AUGUST 7 AUGUST 7 AUGUST 8 AUGUSJ 8 AUGUST 9 AUGUST 9 AUGUST 12 AUGUST 13 AUGUST 14 AUGUST 15 AUGUST 16 AUGUST U> AUGUST 19 \l ICJUST 20 AUGUST 20 AUGUST 21 AUCiUSI 22 Economic Ripples Of Canadian BSE Case Felt In Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Pennsylvania dairy farm ers and meat packers will feel the effects of a ban on Canadian cat tle imports prompted by the dis covery of bovine spongiform en cephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease in a cow in the province of Alberta. Canada exported 1.7 million live cattle to the United States last year, and a significant num ber of Canadian animals typical ly end up in Pennsylvania. “Traditionally, Pennsylvania has imported live cattle from Canada for dairy and beef breed ing, as well as for slaughter in meat production,” says Larry Hutchinson, extension veterinar ian in Penn State’s College of Ag ricultural Sciences. “Although I know of no meat packer in Penn sylvania that relies solely on Ca nadian cattle, those that do im port from Canada will have to seek other sources of supply until the ban is lifted.” U.S. BSE Prevention Strategies So BSEexistsm L S tart/* herds This puts the V V in the advantageous position of preventing a foreign animal disease This «in sharp contrast to Europe, whuh is struggling to contain a disease that c\ ists n ithm its borders. Thegraphu below details the "firewall strategy” used by the VS government andfeed, rendering, cattle and meat industries to ensure that cattle herds remain BSE free and that V V beef ranks among the safest meat products in the world Federal government ' inspects borders* No ruminant animals* like cattle or sheep or iroducts from their bv| countries with BSE may enter the US J . I US Borders * A ruminant animal has four stomachs and includes cattle, sheep, goats, deer and elk. WA M NORTHWFST C HAMPIONSHIP SHOW FAIRGROUNDS NEW CASTLE PA 10 OOAM WARREN COUNTS HOI STEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS PITTSFIELD PA I I 00A M mjTLFR C OUNTS HOI STEIN SHOW FARM SHOW GROUNDS BUTLFR PA f, OOP M MIFFI IN C OUNIY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS REEDSVTLLF PA 10 00A M WAYNb COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS HONESDALE. PA 12 00 NOON CLINTON COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS MAC KEYVILLfc PA 9 00A M TIOGA COUNTY HOT STEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS. WHTTNEYVILLE, PA 9 30A M SOUTH CENTRAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW FAIRGROUNDS SHIPPENSBURG PA 9 30A M HUN TINODON COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS. HUNTINGDON PA FAIR HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS. KUTZTOWN. PA 9 30A M MONTOUR/DELONG FAIR HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS WASHINGTONVILLE. PA 1 I OOA M BUCKS C OUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW GRANGE FAIRGROUNDS WRIGHTSTOWN PA I I 00A M WARREN COUNTY HOLSTEIN SALE FAIRGROUNDS PITTSFIELD PA 6 00PM C ENTRAL < HAMPIONSHIP SHOW FAIRGROUNDS HUNTINGDON PA 9 30A M NORTHEAST CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW I AIRGROUNDS. WHTTNEYVILLE PA 9 30A M SOU I HEAST < HAMPIONSHIP SHOW I AIRGROUNDS LEBANON PA 10 00AM PERRY COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS NEWPORT PA 9 00A M ( RAWFORD ( OUNI Y HOLSTFIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS MEADVILLE PA 10 00AM SUSQUEHANNACOUNIY HOI S TFIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS HARI ORD PA BSE attacks the brain and cen tral nervous system of cattle, leading to weakness, loss of coor dination, loss of appetite and eventually death. The disease, which is not contagious, is caused by abnormal proteins called prions that are thought to be transmitted through feed con taining rendered byproducts of infected animals. BSE has been linked to a similar illness in hu mans, a variant of Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease. The United States has banned imports of cattle and cattle prod ucts from countries where BSE is known to exist. No cases of the disease have been found in the United States. The diagnosis of mad cow dis ease in Canada is likely to affect retail sales of beef. But Hutchin son says U.S. consumers still can enjoy their steaks and burgers. “The prions that cause BSE are not present in the muscles of an infected animal, so the meat itself is safe,” Hutchinson ex In 1997, FDA banned the for cattle and other ruminants Industry certification/ affidavits help ensure Icrlsa Feed Mills Rendered protein is sent to feed mills so that small quantities can be included in some animal feed, in accordance with FDA rules, to make it more nutritious. JIL Jim ln Coaiullalion - .... • With Other rroducers ask feed companies' to certify that feed is produced in compliance with federal law, which requires that ruminant protein is not fed shack to cattle. j Farms/Fndlots FDA requires tenderers to separate ruminant and non-rummant proteins in renderinc facilities. ; Industry created third-party certification program to complement the FDA feed rule and to ensure industry-wide compliance. Rendering Facilities 6 OOP M ADAMS C OUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW SOUTH MOUNTAIN FAIRGROI INDS AUGUST 22 9 30A M FRANKLIN COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS CHAMBERSBURG, PA AUGUST 2^ 12 00 NOON CENTRE COUNTY HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS CENTRE HALL, PA AUGUST 26 AUGUST 29 11 OOA M PA HOLSTEIN HEIFER SALE PA HOLSTEIN FARM. MIDDLETOWN PA SEPTEMBER 23 9 OOA M PA FALL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW FARM SHOW BUILDING, HARRISBURG, PA SEPTEMBER 24 9 OOA M EAST/CENTRAL HOLSTEIN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS, BLOOMSBURG, PA SEPTEMBER 24-25 EASTERN NATIONAL HOLSTEIN SHOW FARM SHOW BUILDING, HARRISBURG, PA SEPTEMBER 24 7 OOP M EASTERN ELITE ALL-BREED SALE FARM SHOW BUILDING, HARRISBURG, PA NOVEMBER 8 11 OOA M NUT ANY LION FALL CLASSIC SALE AG ARENA. STATE COLLEGE, PA FEBRUARY 6-8 2004 PA JUNIOR HOLSTEIN CONVENTION FOUR POINTS SHERATON INN, GREENSBURG, PA FEBRUARY 19-21 2004 PA HOLSTEIN CONVENTION FOUR POINTS SHERATON INN, GREENSBURG, PA Ono of our fovorllo timoo of yoar U Jut* around fho oornor: Juno Dairy Month! i&\r ( And what o troat wo hovo for Farming oJO) roodora In our Juno Dairy Imho aaha{ulod~Juna 7. jjTJ Inaludad will ho family form foaturaa, brood and OMoalotton now« and hlghllghta, and othor groat raiding far our dairy famtlloa. plains. “They are in the brain and spinal cord, and it’s possible during processing that spinal cord material in particular can contaminate the meat. But con sumers in a BSE-free country such as the United States can be well assured that their beef is safe to eat.” In addition to the import re strictions, the United States in 1990 established a herd surveil lance program to detect possible cases of mad cow disease. In 1997, the Food and Drug Admin istration also banned the use of rendered mammalian proteins in cattle feed. “After more than a decade of close scrutiny, the United States remains BSE-free,” says Hut chinson. “But with world trade being so diverse and far-reaching today, we must continue to be vigilant against this and other foreign animal diseases.” 'Government veterinarians inspect all' animals destined for slaughter. Animals with symptoms of neurological disorders are condemned. Government tests on beef cows since .1990 have shown no evidence of BSE V Packers ask producers to certify' that animals are fed in compliant with FDA feed rules. , Packing Plants Rendering plants process' raw material from packing plants and other sources. . Imlu'ln Asfociationx
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