A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31,2003 Midwest Dally Livestock Summary Amarillo, Texas May 28,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Five area direct slaughter cattle: slaughter steers and heifers on a live and dressed basis 1.00-2.00 higher than last week at 80.00 and 126-127.00 respec tively. STEERS: LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice 80.00-81.00, wtd. avg. price 80.82; 65-80% Choice 79.00-80.50, wtd. avg. price 79.98; 35-65% Choice 77.00-80.50, wtd. avg. price 79.99. DRESSED BASIS: Over 80% Choice 126.00-128.00, wtd. avg. price 127.73; 65-80% Choice: 126.00- wtd. avg. price 127.08; 35-65% Choice 126.00-128.00, wtd. avg. price 127.45. HEIFERS: LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice 80.00; 65-80% Choice 79.25; 35-65% Choice 79.00-80.50, wtd. avg. price 79.99. DRESSED BASIS: 65-80% Choice 125.00-126.00, wtd. avg. price 125.88; 35-65% Choice 125.00- wtd. avg. price 125.65. At So. St. Paul terminal market, slaughter steers and heifers steady to 1.00 higher. So St Paul: Steers; Choice 2-4, 1162-1455 lbs 78.00-81.25. Select and Choice 2-3, 1152-1340 lbs 75.00-78.00. Few Select 1-2, 1198 lbs 75.00. Heifers: Choice 2-3,1254-1490 lbs 78.00-79.00. At Sioux Falls terminal market, slaugh ter steers and heifers 2.00 higher, in stances 2.50 higher. Steers: High Select and Choice 2-3 1265-1390 lbs 80.00-81.00. Select and Choice 2-3 1169-1313 lbs 78.10-80.00. Heifers: Scarce, few High Se lect and Choice 2-3 1185-1243 lbs 78.85-79.60. Select and Choice 2-3 pkg 1092-1210 lbs 77.90-79.00. Select 1-2 1034-1116 lbs 75.20-76.75. Estimated daily cattle slaughter under federal inspection for week to date through Wednesday was 271,000 head compared to 397,000 last week and 276,000 a year ago CME Futures Closes for Live Cattle: May 79.95, up 150; June 75.27, up 90; July 71.50, up 60. Slaughter cows at South St. Paul fully steady. Premium White 70-75 percent lean over 1200 lbs 53.00-56.00. Breakers 70-80 percent lean over 1100 lbs 50.00- high dressing 53.00-55.00. Boners 80-85 percent lean over 1050 lbs 48.00- high dressing 51.00-53.00. Lean 85-90 percent lean over 850 lbs 45.00- high dressing 48.00-50.50. Barrows and gilts at So. St. Paul and Sioux Fails sold steady to 1.00 lower with 220-270 lb 47-51% lean hogs moving at 39.50-40.00. The National direct trade prices are based on 185 lbs hog carcass with 0.9-1.1 inch back fat and 6 inch square loin/2.0 inch depth plant delivered. National direct trade closed .50 lower with prices ranging 50.50-60.00, wtd. avg. price 57.59. lowa-So. Minnesota direct trade closed .75 lower at 51.25-59.75, with weighted average price 57.44. The West ern Combelt closed 1.00 lower with prices ranging 51 25-60.00, wtd. avg. price 57.48. The Eastern Cornbeit prices were steady to firm ranging from 50.50-59.47, wtd. avg. price 57.77. Hog slaughter under federal inspection week to date through Wednesday esti mated at 735,000 head compared to 1,094,000 a week ago and 755,000 a year ago actual slaughtered. CME Future Closes for Lean Hogs: June 64.07, up 100; July 66.10, up 200; August 66.52, up 197. Slaughter lambs traded steady at So. St. Paul, MN. Slaughter Lambs: New Crop; Spring: 110-130 lbs 106.00-108.00. Shorn: Old Crop: 120-140 lbs 104.00- 106.00. Wooled: Old Crop; 120-140 lbs 100.00-102.00. At Sioux Falls, slaughter lambs steady, instance 2.00 higher. Wooled Slaughter Lambs: Choice end Prime 2-3 128-144 lbs 112.50-114.25, 114-124 lbs 107.50. Shorn Slaughter Lambs: Choice 2-3 No. 1-2 pelts with end or yearlings 128 lbs 105.00. Sheep and lamb slaughter under federal inspection week to date through Wednesday estimated at 23,000 head compared to 26.000 a week ago and 28.000 a year ago actual slaughtered.. North Carolina Livestock Sales Raleigh, N.C. May 28,2003 Report Supplied By USDA MOUNT AIRY LIVESTOCK AUC TION: CATTLE and CALVES: 922, last week 879. Slaughter cows were steady; bulls were steady to 4.00 higher. Feeder cattle were mostly 2.00 to 5.00 higher. Slaughter cows and bulls 28 percent. Re placement pairs and feeder cows 8 per cent. Feeder steers and bulls under 600 lbs 30 percent, over 600 lbs 6 percent. Feeder heifers under 600 lbs 25 percent, over 600 lbs 4 percent. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 75-80 percent lean 850-1500 lbs 36.50-40.00, high dressing 40.50-52.00; Boners 80-85 percent 850-1400 lbs 32.00-40.00, high dressing 40.00-50.00; Lean 85-90 percent 850-1300 lbs 30.00-34.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-1500 lbs 48.00-57.50, with one at 60.50; 1500 lbs and up 51.50-65.50, with one at 68.50. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1 and 2: 200-250 lbs 107.00-118.00; 250-300 lbs 10S.00-116.00; 300-350 lbs 100.00- 350-400 lbs 93.00-109.00; 400-450 lbs 91.00-98.00; 500-600 lbs 86.00- Holsteins: Large 300-350 lbs 67.00- 350-400 lbs 60.00- 71.00; 600-700 lbs 71.50; 700-800 lbs 65.50; 800 lbs and up 55.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 and 2: 250-300 lbs 91.00-98.00; 300-350 lbs 89.00-102.00; 350-400 lbs 86.50-95.00; 400-4 SO lbs 85.00- 95.00; 450-500 lbs 82.00-90.00; SOO-600 lbs 74.00-86.50; 600-700 lbs 76.50-80.00; 700-800 lbs 71.00-78.00. FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large 1 and 2:400-450 lbs 92.00-106.00; 450-500 lbs 90.00-97.00; 500-600 lbs 83.00-92.00; 600-700 lbs 74.00-80.00. FEEDER COWS: Small 1; 680-1055 lbs middle age cows 37.50-57.00. STOCK COWS: Medium 1: 1100-1300 lbs middle age cows bred 2-8 months 430.00- per head. Small 1:875-1050 lbs middle age cows bred 2-8 months 310.00- per head. COWS/CALF PAIRS: Medium 1: 1050-1250 lbs middle age cows with calves 75-375 lbs 580.00-760.00 per pair. Small 1: 700-1050 lbs with calves 75- 275 lbs 430.00-580.00 per pair. BABY Calves, per head: Small 30.00-50.00; Large 75.00-115.00. GOATS, per head: Slaughter and Re placement Classes: Kids: Selection 1 40-60 lbs 42.50-47.50; Selection 2 40-60 lbs 22.00-35.00./ East Coast and North Central Veal Report Dos Moines, lowa May 27,2003 Supplied By USDA CARLOT VEAL CARCASS REPORT; Northeast and North Central Basis- Northeast special fed veal trading sharply higher; North Central hide on trading 1.00-3.00 higher and hide off not tested. Demand very good on very light offerings due to the U.S./Canada border being closed due to BSE in Canada. Undertone unsettled. Lancaster ***r s T == T S3 ‘ Poured | Walls • Agriculture • Commercial •Residential I J Call for Prices On: • NRCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Concrete • Basements • Retaining Walls Pumping • Footers • Foundation Walls Customer Satisfaction Is Our Goal Lancaster Poured Walls, Inc. 2542 Horseshoe Rd.« Lancaster, PA 17601 • • • « Ff 14717) 656-7380 ■ - - - VEAL CARCASS, SPECIAL FED, HOT BASIS, FOB PRODUCTION POINTS: Northeast 500 head. North Central 280 head. Hide-On, 240-300 lbs: North Central 165.00-175.00. Hide-Off, 215-275 lbs: Northeast: 200.00-205.00. CONTRACT INFORMATION: Hot Basis, Hide-Off (As of May 28,2003) Contract calves slaughtered this week; 183.00- Packers base market 180.00- Future contracts offered; Firm Bottom 185.00-190.00, Firm Top 195.00- 210.00. Firm Bottom, 190.00, Split Half Top 210.00. Fixed 190.00 and 192.00. • North Central - OH, IN, 11, MI & Wl. •Northeast - MA, MD, PA, NY, NJ, DE, CT & VT. WEEKLY DISTRIBUTIVE, LESS THAN CARLOT, EAST COAST AREA VEAL CUTS TRADE, SPECIAL FED: Market for Tuesday, May 27 Com pared to last week; Distributive special fed cuts are trading unsettled, mostly firm to higher on good demand and light offer ings due to the U.S./Canada border being closed due to BSE in Canada. Retail and food service cuts are seeing good move ment this week as buyers see offerings light. Prices per CWT: Carcass, hide off 200-250 lb 220-235.00; Foresaddles 85-110 lb 150-195.00; Kosher Foresaddles 90-110 lb 195-215.00; Hindsaddtes 85-115 lb 275-310.00; Loins, regular 17-25 lb 250-290.00; Loins, 4x4 trmd 12-18 lb 400-475.00; Hotel Racks, 8 rib 15-21 lb 400-450.00,7 rib 14-20 lb 425-470.00,6 rib 13-17 lb 475-550.00; Chuck, square cut 36-47 lb 95-140.00; Shoulder, full 14-20 lb 135-170.00; Legs, double 70-90 lb 280-325.00, TBS 3-piece 24-32 lb 525-650.00, BHS heel-out 27-35 lb 365-450.00; Top Round, trmd, cap-off 8-10 lb 675-800.00; Breast 10-12 lb 60-80.00; Necks, bone-in 24-28 lb 90-130.00; Stew Meat, regular 175-225.00; Boneless Trimmings 75-80% lean 55-75.00; Heavy Nature Green Hides, per piece 40-42.50. NATIONAL WEEKLY LAMB RE PORT for week ending Monday, May 28: SLAUGHTERED LAMB PRIOR WEEK: From Forward Contracts: Do mestic 0; Imported 0. From Formula Ar rangements: Domestic 14,141 head; Im ported; 0. SLAUGHTERED PACKER OWNED SHEEP: DOMESTIC: None. IM PORTED: None. FORWARD CONTRACT PUR CHASES: No trade reported. FORMULA PURCHASES: DOMES TIC: 1,335 head, 44-64 lbs, avg. 58.9 lbs; 184.74-200.72, wtd. avg. price 193.22. 5,974 head, 66-75 lbs, avg. 71.5 lbs; 180.48-208.77, wtd. avg. price 193.08. 6,401 head; 75-82 lbs, avg. 76.8 lbs; 183.00- wtd. avg. price 192.62. 1,077 head, 85-96 lbs, avg. 91.6 lbs; 190.01- wtd. avg. price 194.09. IM PORTED; 330 head, 64-65 lbs, avg. 64.5 lbs; 189.45. 1“ 4.90 Long Distance Service 4.90 per minute, first minute, every minute, in your state, and in all 48 states. 6 second billing Call JDS Telecom 1-888-315-1179 National Weekly Lamb Report Des Moines, lowa May 28,2003 Report Supplied By USDA National Carlot Meat Report Des Moines, IA May 27,2003 Report Supplied By USDA USDA Carlo! Meat 4:00 Summary: Compared to Previous Day, Prices in Dol lars per hundredweight, Equated to FOB Omaha Basis. BOXED BEEF CUTS: Boxed beef higher on fairly good demand and light to moderate offerings. Select and Choice rib and loin cuts higher, while chuck and round cuts firm. Beef trimmings sharply higher on fairly good demand and light offerings. Estimated composite cutout value of Choice 1-3, 600-750 lbs carcasses up 2.59 at 145.23, 750-900 lbs up 1.58 at 145.36; Select 1-3, 600-750 lbs up 1.27 at 127.55, 750-900 lbs up 1.57 at 127.51; based on 142.65 loads of Choice cuts, 152.18 loads of Select cuts, 36.90 loads of trimmings, and 59.66 loads of coarse ground trim mings. Estimated carcass price equivalent value of Choice 1-3,600-750 lbs up 1.28 at 130.00, 750-900 lbs up .64 at 130.08; Se lect 1-3, 600-750 lbs up .34 at 112.99, Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., May 27, 2003 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, May 26,2003 Confirmed Sales: 135,642; Week Ago: 242,086; Year Ago; 156,095 SLAUGHTER STEERS: Head Count 669 Over 80% Choice 65-80% Choice 5,781 35-80% Choice 22,558 1-35% Choice 117 TOTAL all grades 29,125 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Over 80% Choice 65-80% Choice 35-65% Choice 1-35% Choice TOTAL all grades DRESSEDDELrV Over 80% Choice 1,060 750-834 125.00-127.00 65-80% Choice 7,731 720-883 123.00-126.00 35-65% Choice 17,173 680-864 123.00-126.00 1-35% Choice 154 768 125.00 TOTAL all grades 26,118 680-883 123.00-127.00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Over 80% Choice 40 768 125.00 65-80% Choice 4,165 630-784 1023.00-126.00 35-65% Choice 11,337 641-810 123.00-126.00 1-35% Choice TOTAL all grades 15,542 630-810 Weekly Weighted Aver Live Steer Dressed Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Same Period Last Week; Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Same Period Last Year; Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Agricultural Generators ’dssjsij.F Detroit Deisel Spectrum | Automatic PTO Generators L.P. Gas, Diesel 25 to 135 KW Units Natural Gas Generators In Stock! 5 to 2,000 KW Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock! JT" M^M Wsf3IE/WS *Power Generation Systems Specialists 330 Founderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Call Leonard Martin 717-273-4544 Fax: 717-273-5186 750-900 lbs up .56 at 113.00. Current index reflects the equivalent of 294,172 head of cattle. NATIONAL 5 DAY-ROLLING CUT TER COW CUTOUT: The Cutter cow carcass gross cutout value was estimated at 94.92, down .05. By-Product Drop Value: Hide and offal from a typical slaughter steer was esti mated at 7.84, up .03. NATIONAL CARLOT PORK: Sales reported on 34.5 loads of pork cuts and 12.5 loads of trim/process pork. Com pared to Friday’s close: Fresh loins steady; butts steady to 1.00 lower; skinned hams 17-20 lbs 1.00 higher, 23-27 lbs steady seedless bellies steady; lean trim mings mostly steady. Trading slow, with light to moderate demand and offerings. Calculations for a 185 lb Pork Carcass 51-52 percent lean 0.80” -0.99” back fat at last rib 62.50, up .20. Loins bone in fresh ‘A inch trim 21 Ib/down/light 112.00. Hams bone in trimmed, 17-20 lbs trim spec 1 44.00. Seedless bellies 14-16 lbs 96.00; 16-18 lbs 95.00. CARLOT LAMB CARCASS: 0 head reported. Weight Range 1200-1300 1000-1375 1035-1360 1250-1275 1000-1375 1100-1150 1075-1225 1025-1240 264 4,842 23,096 28,202 1025-1240 IREDBASISSALES Beef Breeds: Head Count 29,125 28,202 26,118 15,542 85,260 59,606 32.865 27,814 36,943 36.491 38,144 20,571 Avg. Avg. Weight Price 1,234 79.28 1,237 78.23 1,211 ' 78.35 1,265 78.00 1,217 78.35 Price Range 78.50-81.00 75.00- 75.00- 78.00 75.00- 77.50-81.00 77.00- 77.00- 1,115 1,132 1,113 1,116 77.00-81.00 807 804 ' 790 768 795 768 742 722 727 1123.00-12600 Avg. Price 78.35 78.55 124.86 124.89 Avg. Weight 1,217 1,116 795 727 1,222 1,113 795 717 79.69 79.69 126.96 126.66 63.81 63.88 102.52 102 05 1,241 1,122 816 742 78.88 78.22 78.62 78.55 126.46 124 62 124.88 125.00 124.86 125 00 124 64 124.98 124.89
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