Morrison Cove Produce Auction Roaring Spring, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction May 20,22,23,2003 ASPARAGUS: 7.50-13.00 10 LBS. TOMATOES: HYDROPONIC 6.00-14.00 10 LBS. FLOWERS: BASKETS 2.50-16.00; PLANTERS 4.00-35.00; POTS .10-3.50; ANNUAL FLATS 2.00-9.00; PERENNI- ALS .25-3.25; ROSES 5.00-15.00. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES. AND THURS. Sale Runs June Ist Thru July Ist cnJ o%^o% While Supplies Last • For UPS Orders or Delivery, Call 717-529-1226 7-10 AM oa d Milking f June Dairy Month Specials V 10%-20% disc on selected items » Free shipping or delivery under 50 miles with $llO.OO orders Over 50 miles, consult with owner about Free UPS shipping or delivery 23% Disc, on Synergized Delice Original Sobering - . Plough Blue Label 15.98-a gal. by case of 6, Less Coupon = 14.38 a gal. 35% Disc. On Super Trophy Calc Tubes, Super Magnesium Tubes, Super High Energy Tubes and Super High Calorie Supplement Tubes with Coupon, Reg Price 7.95 a tube, Sale Price Including Coupon 4.95 Mr. Sticky Fly Tape 1000’ Refill Sale by Case of 6 Rolls Reg. Price 17.50 Sale Price 14.50 Mr. Sticky Roll Hardware Kit Includes One 1000’ Roll Reg. Price 37.50, Sale Price 31.50 All Fly Spray Bombs 15% Off By Case of 6 Cans Today Mastitis Tubes Reg. Price 20.95, Sale Price 18.75 or By Case of 12 -17.50 a box Tomorrow Dry Cow Tubes Reg Price 20.25, Sale Price 17.95 by Case of 12 -16.95 a box 20% off of Eprenex Dairy Cattle Wormer Pour On and Pour On, Including Coupon For Free Gift 15% Off On Cydectin Cattle Wormer Pour On 15% off Hoffmans Horse and Cattle Mineral and Hoffman’s Vita-Lac Mineral, Try It For Great Improvements on Somatic Cell Counts, Mastitis Problems, Breeding Problems and Overall Fresh Cow Health and Milk Production 2 1/4 x 24” Sputnik Socks - Reg. 67.50, Sale Price 59.50 Green Teat Savers Set of 2 - 15% off Penicillin 20% off All Brooms and Shovels 15% off Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Cattle Weekly Springfield, 111, May 23,2003 Report Supplied By USD A Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Cattle Summary Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio: Compared to last week, feeder steers were steady to weak and heifers were 1.00-7.00 higher compared to last week’s sales. Futures prices were lower and demand was light after this week's news that a case of BSE was found in Canada but the market seemed to recover at week’s end. The recent spring rains have produced excellent pastures for grazing which has spurred on good de mand for light weight calves. Many area producers ate still concentrating on plant- ing their crops and did not actively mar ket their feeders this week. Reported sales consisted of about 18% beef steers, 82% heifers and 0% Holstein steers. Approxi mately 87% of the cattle marketed this week weighed over 600 lbs. Confirmed sales 800 this week, 800 last week and 1000 last year. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1-2:800-825 lbs 80.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Medium and Large 3: no test. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1-2: 500-525 lbs 90.50; 650-725 lbs 85.00-86.50; 725-825 lbs 76.50-78.75. Prices are based FOB the farm unless otherwise indicated. Delivered prices in clude freight, commissions, and other ex penses. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31,2003-A23 Direct Slaughter Cattle Daily Market Review St. Joseph, Mo. May 28,2003 Report Supplied By USDA National Slaughter Cattle Review as of 2:00 p.m. Wednesday Slaughter cattle demand was moderate to good and trad ing active in the Southern and Mid Plains Wednesday afternoon. Compared to last week sales, trended 1.00 to 2.00 higher at mostly 80.00 live and 126.00 to 127.00 dressed. Negotiated sales: Confirmed: 29,977; week ago: 6,979; year ago: 3,001. Week to Date: 39,096; week ago: 18,567; year ago: 5,106. NEGOTIATED PRICES PAID for Ivomec Domestic Slaughter Steers and Heifers (Information derived from the 5 area weighted average report.): STEERS: LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice 80.00-81.00 avg 80.82; 65-80% Choice 79.00-80.00, avg 79.98; 35-65% Choice 77.00-80.50, avg 79.99: under 35% Choice 80.00-80.00, avg 80.00. Total all grades 77.00-81.00, avg 80.07. DRESSED BASIS: Over 80% Choice 126.00-128.00, avg 127.73; 65-80% Choice 126.00-128.00, avg 127.08; 35-65% Choice 126.00-128.00, avg 127.45: under 35% Choice no quote. Total all grades 126.00-128.00, avg 127.43. HEIFERS LIVE BASIS: Over 80% Choice 80.00-80.00, avg 80.00; 65-80% Choice 79.25; 35-65% Choice 79.00-80.50, avg 79.99; under 35% Choice 80.00. Total all grades: 79.00-80.50, avg 79.87. DRESSED BASIS: Over 80% Choice no quote: 65-80% Choice 125.00-126.00, avg 125.88 35-65% Choice 125.00-126.00, avg 125.65. under 35% Choice no quote. Total all grades 125.00-126.00, avg 125.76. FORMULA PURCHASES: Prices established so far today for previously slaughtered cat tle: Beef Type: Domestic; Head count priced today - 12,700; weighted avg weight - 769 lbs; weighted avg net price - 127.85. Covers transactions report ed at 2:00 p.m. today. Com ments and market conditions may include information gath ered from voluntary sources All prices, weights and head counts are only those gathered through the mandatory report ing system Eastern Cornbelt Direct Sheep Weekly Summary Springfield, 111. May 23,2003 Report Supplied By USD A Eastern Cornbelt Direct Sheep Weekly Report (in cludes lambs sold in IL., IN., OH., Ml.) Compared to last week, slaughter lambs over 110 lbs were mostly steady. Lambs under 110 lbs traded 4.00-8.00 lower. Ewes were steady. Goat prices were mostly steady but a weaker undertone was present. Trading was moderate with moderate to good demand. There was a ban on ruminant animal and meat imports from Canada after a cow tested pos itive for BSE. Carlot lamb car- cass prices were mixed with carcasses under 45 lbs 3.00-10.00 higher and heavier weights 1.00-4.00 higher. Con firmed sales this week about 61% slaughter lambs, 39% ewes and an additional 633 head of goats. Total sheep and lambs sales 950, last week 1100 and year ago 900. SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 2-3 80-110 lbs 103.00-105.00; 110-135 lbs 95.00- 103.00, few old crop 80.00-90.00; 50-60 lbs 105.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Util- ity to Good 1-3: 30.00-34.00; Cull to Utility: 25.00-30.00. SLAUGHTER GOATS(cwt.): Kids: Selection 2: 20-40 lbs 100.00-105.00; 40-60 lbs 90.00-97.50; Selection 3: 20-60 lbs 50.00-65.00. Year lings; Selection 2: 70-90 lbs 55.00-70.00. Does/Nannies and Bucks/Billies; 50.00-60.00. This report covers sheep and lambs sold direct off the farm through local country stations. NOTE: receipts do not cover total movement in the area.
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