Virginia Livestock Auction Summary Richmond, Va. December 9, 2002 Report Supplied its USD A NORTHERN \IRGINIA lI\F STOC K Marshall. Shenandoah, Staun ton Union and Winchestci for Dec 2-7 All prises per hundred pounds h\eweight (C W 1 (.except where noted lIIDtRCAITII 1265 head II I DFR SI FIRS Med/I ye I 200- 3(H) Ih 82-92 00, 0(0-400 Ih 82-98 00 400-500 lb 80-96 00, 500-600 lb 70-80 0(1. 600-700 lb 70 75-84 00, 700-800 Ih 68 50-80 00. 800-900 lb 74-82 7S 900-1000 lb (P 75 SO 1000-1100 lb 64 50-74 IS Med /I ye 300 400 lb 80 9S 00, 400-500 lb 80-90 00 fen 70-80(1(1 500-600 Ih (.7 85 00 600-700 Ih 72-79 00, 700-800 lb 06-67 50, 800-900 lb 64 SO-69 00, 900-1000 lb 62-66 50 HOI STEIN STI rRS Med /I ye 2 300-500 lb 42-SS 00 500-700 lb 42 75-59 00 700-900 lb 44 75-47 25 HFIIFRS Med/I ye 1 200-300 lb 80 00. 300-400 lb 65-79 00. 400-500 lb 68 50-75 00. 500-600 lb 66 50-72 00, 600-700 lb 63 50-72 00, 700-800 lb 65-74 00, 800-900 lb 7100 Med/I ye 2 300-400 lb 63-70 50, 400-500 lb 66-69 00. 500-600 lb 56-66 00, 600-700 lb 60-64 00; 700-800 lb 59-66 50 BUI LS Med/Igc 1 200-300 lb 88 30-108 00 few 82-97 00. 300-400 lb 80-93 00 tew 66 00. 400-500 lb 76-89.75; 500-600 lb 65-75 00; 600-700 lb 64-73.00, 700-900 lb 56 50-66 00 Med./Lge 2 200-300 lb 71-81 00; 300-400 lb 69-79 50. 400-500 lb 63-72 00. 500-600 lb 67-69.00. 60-700 lb 60-64 50 SI AUGH FUR CATTI F- 249 head SEEDWAY IS YOUR SOURCE FOR ALFALFA SEED HIGH PERFORMANCE ALFALFA se eo>N/tf 9558 T REGENEBAT'ON root P fc T s0 \u Idea' » or '".fpownto' Exce«ent V> tesistaoc oatstand>o9 d> s ea fte( darna9 e Good resisted EARLY PAY DISCOUNTS IN EFFECT NOW! MIFFLINBURG, PA 800-338-2137 EMMAUS, PA . .800-225-4131 MECHANICSBURG, PA . .877-788-8982 YORK, PA 800-836-3720 SLAUGHTER STEER AND HEIF ERS Choice 2-3, 1000-1150 lb 64 50-70 00, 1150-1300 lb 67-72.25, 1300-1450 lb 67.25- 71.75, 1492-1715 lb 62.75-68.75, Select 2-3. 1000-1200 Ih 66-66 75, 1200-1305 lb 62 75-66 75 HFIF FRS- Choice -23, 950-1100 lb 64-65 75, 1100-13(H) lb 63 50-70 00. 1341-1430 lb 62 50-68 50, Select 1-2, 1100-1470 lb 60 25-61 50 SI AUGHTFR COWS 276 head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4, 27 75-36 75, Cutter and Boning Utihts 1-3, 30-36 25. (’aimer and low Cutler 1-2. 19-3.3 00 SLAUGHTIR BUI LS 34 head Yield Grade 1-2, 900-1300 lb 36 50-45 00 1300-1600 lb 35 50-41 50, 1600 lb and over 39 25-47 00 C OWS RF TURNED TO FARM- 139 head Med /I ge 1 few 2 2 ers to aged, 865-1304 lbs bred 2-8 months 300-630 00 per head Med /I gc 1,6 yrs to aged, bred 2-4 months 30 00-37 00 per ewt COWS WITH CALVES AF SIDE 5 pairs Med/I ge 1. 6}rs to aged 980-1400 lbs with 125-319 Ih ealves .390-660 00 per pair BABY C AIVFS RFTURNFD TO FARMS 40 head Newborn to 4 weeks 2 00-50 00 per head, over 100 lbs 2-76 (HI cwt SHFFP- 233 head SLAUGHTFR LAMBS 105 head Wooled Choice and few Prime 1-2 lew 3, 100-115 lbs 91 75-95.00; Good and few Choice 1-2, 87-98 lbs 93.50-95 00 FEEDER LAMBS 90 head Med /Lge 1-2 70-85 lbs 98-105.00, 60-70 lbs 90.50; 50-60 lbs 100.00 SI AUGHTER EWES: 38 head FWES C noicc 2-4, 33-39 50, Utihl> and Good 1-3,42 50-43.50 300 UH * Roanoke-Hollins Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. December lit, 2002 Report Supplied By USI)/\ WFFM.Y AUCTION for Dec 9 TFFDFR CATTI F 242 head Prices based on in weights FFFDFR STFFRS 90 head Med II ge I 500-400 lb 86-94 50, 400-500 lb 82-92 50, 500-600 lb 70 50-77 00. 600-700 lb 72 50-77 00, 700-800 lb 72-75 00 HOI SFF IN STFFRS 10 head Mtd / 1 ge 2 200-UiO lb 52 50, 500-500 lb 54 00, 500-700 lb 46 00 FFEDFR HFIFFRS. 86 head 500-400 lb 70-76 00. 400-500 lb 72 50-79 00 500-600 lb 72 50-75 50, 600-700 lb 66-71 00, 700-800 lb 69 50-72 50 FFEDFR BUI 1 S 66 bead Med II ge 1 500-400 lb 88-98 00 400-500 lb 78-85 00, 500-600 lb 70-74 00, 600 700 lb 65-72 00, 700-900 lb 66 («) Winchester Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, \ a. December 10. 2002 Report Supplied be USD V WFEKIY AUCTION at Winchester, Dee 9 FFEDFR CATTLF 542 head Prices per cwt, based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS 166 head. Med/ I ge 1 400-500 lb 86 50-92 00, 500-600 lb 76-83 00, 600-700 lb 74 50-78 00. 700-800 lb 74.50-77 50. 8(M)-900 lb 75 50; 900-1000 lb 73 25 Med/Lge 2 300-400 lb 72 00,400-500 lb 71-75 00. 500-600 lb Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14, 2002-Al9 75-78 00; 600-700 lb 70.50-74.50: 700-800 lb 71-71 50. FFFDER HEIFERS. 260 head Med./ Ege. 1 200-300 lb 72-76.00. 300-400 lb 74 75-82 00, 400-500 lb 67-76 00, 500-600 lb 65-75 00, 600-700 lb 67-75 25, 700-800 lb 66 50-75 50, 800-900 lb 7150 Med/ Ige 2 400-500 lb 74 00, 500-600 lb 64-7 5 00 500-600 lb 60-68 50. 600-700 lb 58-68 00. 700-800 lb 65 50-68 50 BUIS 116 head Med'Lge I 200-500 lb 94 00 500-400 lb 82-97 00 400-500 lb 82 50-95 00 500-600 lb 67-77 00, 600-700 lb 65-70 00 National Feeder Cattle Weekly Review St. Joseph. Mo. Decenibei 6. 2002 Report Supplied Be USD \ NAFIONAi IIFDFRA STOC kFR Summary lor week aiding Dee 6 2002 I otal Receipts 403 500 last week 184 900 Direct 57.000, last week 40 500 V ideo/lnternet 27 600 head, last week 26.000 Auction Receipts 518.700, last week 118 400 fins weeks reported auc tion eolumc included 31 pciecnt over 600 lbs and 45 percent heifers Compared to last week, feeder cattle and calves sold I 00-3 00 higher in active trading Yearlings continue to he scarce and buyers arc turning to heavy calves as a substitute These 600-750 lb calves lend to be fleshy and hard to sell, but with out standing feedlot performance thev might just Finish in time to be based off the April CMF Board 1 ighter caKes, weighing from 400-600 lbs were also in good de mand this week and routinely sold near 1 00 per pound m most areas west of the Mississippi River This prompted western buyers to go ahead and order some more of the less expensive Southeastern cattle, despite harsh weather conditions, result ing in higher trends from I ouisiana to Florida [he fust big snowstoim of the season to hit the Southern Plains came through on 1 uesdav dumping as much as 10 inches of snow and making highwavs ha/aidons Over 12S fender benders were icported in Amarillo Texas on Tuesdav night and the slick conditions followed 1-40 • a*a through Oklahoma ( it\ inj Joplm Mis soum this die) not dow the marketing of tank tn the "Show-Me stale when neaih *5,000 head ucre reported m the auctions emued h\ the UMM and tin Missoun Department of Agneultnn I jm stoek Market News Ser\ lec Direct tecdu cattle sales auoss the eountiv ueit shiv tu euirent delnerv but lire starting to pick up lor fuluie de In etN and contracts based off the C Ml Feedei I utures Most haekgroundos can loek-m a handsome piofit on their teeeh i cattle tor spring delivers Mam aie opting to do this and not have to sweat the mar ket through the hohdaes [here are still pleni\ of variables to worn about, like a rough winter and poor weight-gams oi pei haps missing out on a continued mar ket rails and a big home mn But toi waid contracting does help limit the downside risk and gives producers some peace of mind Thc\ might just sign then name and then take the down pavmem to 1 as \ egas for the National Y mals Rodeo I uMmmm WWtWiWWii THE GRAIN OF OUR ECONOMY? Metal Roofing & Siding Since 1948 A.B. Martin Roofing Supply Why Pay More - For Less BUY DIRECT • WE MANUFACTURE Rooting & siding in the following Aluminum • Galvanized • Galvalume 18+ Color Painted, #1 & #2 Material Low Prices - Fast Delivery, Free Literature Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) Since 1972... The Original & The Largest POURED SOLID CONCRETE STORAGE SYSTEM SPECIALISTS START WITH THE BEST! POURED CONCRET WALLS You get about 40% mor« concrete for your dollar wi poured, solid concrete bac as compared to a hollow core block basement A poured solid concrete basement weighs about 50 lbs more per cubic toot' Far denser What's more poured solid concrete walls are monolithic there are no joints l This is why laboratory tests show poured, solid concrete base ments have many times the flexural and compressive strength to withstand the side and down pressures caused by earth wind water and building loads and the material density to resist water penetration Best of all, thanks to modern and efficient construction tech niques poured solid concrete basements are competitively priced Solid Concrete For: • Manure Pit Walls * House Foundation Walls • Hog House Walls • Silage Pit Walls • Barnyard Walls • Cistern Walls • Chicken House Walls ■ Concrete Decks • Retaining Walls • Concrete Pit Tops ■ - n 243 Miller Road I Balmer Bros* Akron. pa 17501 (717)733-0353 CONCRETE WORKS, INC. pioam a jo pm Invest in Quality It wilt last a lifetime (717) 859-2074
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