A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14, 2002 National Carlot Meat Report l)es Moines, IA December 10, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA USDA Market News USDA Carlo! Meat 400 Summan C'ompaicd to Prcvi ous Day, Prices in Dollars per hundred weight Fqualed to FOB Omaha Basis BOXFD BFFF CUTS Boxed hcct higher on light demand and offerings Se lect cuts firm while Choice cuts higher However, mane items lightly tested or not tested at all Beef trimmings higher on light to moderate demand and light offer ings Fstimatcd composite cutout \alue ot C hoicc 1-3. 600-750 lbs carcasses up 2 10 at 123 21. 750-900 lbs up 2 33 at 122 44. Select 1-3. 600-750 lbs up 1 30 at 117 80. 750-900 lbs up 02 at 116 28. based on 101 83 loads of C hoice cuts, 83 76 loads ot Select cuts, 47 48 loads ot trimmings, and 77 13 loads ot coarse ground trimmings Fstimatcd carcass price equivalent value ot C hoice 1-3, 600-7 SO lbs up 1 00 at 113 07. 750-000 lbs up 1 19 at 112 51, Se lect 1-3. 600-750 lbs up 64 at 106 30, 750-900 lbs up 19 at 105 22 Current index reflects the equivalent of 296.154 head of cattle NATIONAI CARIOT BFFF- The Cutter cow carcass gross cutout value was Weekly Meat Production Under Federal Inspection WASHINGTON. D C., Dec 6 - (USDA-NASS) - Total red meat production under federal inspection foi the week ending Saturday, Dec 7, was estimated at 927 2 million lbs., according to the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service This was 9.2% higher than a week ago and 1 7% lower than a year ago. Cumulative meat production tor the year to date was 3 0% higher compared to the previous year MEAT PRODUCTION (million pounds) (excludes condemned) Calf/Veal Pork (2) 4 I 403 0 3 3 360 4 Week Ending (1» Beef 07-Dee-02 5117 5()-Nov-()2 478 2 up 7 oc/(0 c /( ‘ill 2 Change 08-Det-01 up 0 I "r 25,118 9 24.258 3 Change 2002 YTD 2001 \TD Change up 67 up 2VA dn 177 up 107 1- Pievious week estimates may be tevised Year ago data ate actuals 2- Excludes laid Totals may not add due to toundtng 2002 totals ate subject to revision LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER (head) Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs Sheep/Lambs 675.000 22,000 2,057,000 66.000 631.000 18,000 1.820,000 58.000 up 7 i) c A up 22 2<, up I I 9 C A up 1 5 B <A 674.000 21.000 2.100,000 60.000 up 0 I '/«■ up 4 Br/(8 r / ( dn 3 ()V r dn 4 Vi 33.076.000 042,000 02.306,000 2,007,000 32.764.000 020.000 00.484,000 2.866.000 up 1 OVr up 2 49r up 2 1 7( up 1 4 C A AVERAGE WEIGHTS (lbs.) Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs 1263 306 268 1264 307 268 1257 304 270 Week hndmg 07-Dee-02 30-Nov-02 Change OH-Det-Ol Change 2002 YTD 2001 YTD Change Week Ending LIVE 07- -02 Estimate 30-Nov-02 Estimate 08- Actual DRESSED 07-Dec-02 Estimate 762 188 199 30-Nov-02 Estimate 762 189 199 08 Dec-01 Actual 762 187 201 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SLAUGHTERED BY CLASS CATTLE HOGS Wk Ending Steels Heiters Cows Bulls/Slags 1 Bairows/Cnlls Sows Boais/Stags 23- 47 0% 33 1% 18 3% 17% 1 96.5% 32% 03% 24- 49 Wc 32 9% 16 4% 15% 97 3% 24% 03% estimated at 81 57, unchanged By-Product Drop Value. Hide and offal from a typical slaughter steer was esti mated at 7 83. up 01 NATIONAL CARIOT PORK Sales reported on 57 0 loads ot pork cuts and 32 0 loads of tnm/proccss pork /- In the absence of Negotiated Base Price (NBP) trades and industry partici pation, NBP price quotations will he re moved from the National Carlot Pork Re port, lanuarv 6, 2003 This will result in the Negotiated Base Price, the FOB Nego tiated, and the Total on FOB Basis price being replaced bv one line with the item description followed by the price quotes which represents negotiated prices on a FOB basis However, NBP's will remain for Fresh, Seedless Pork Bellies, Skm-on 12-18 lbs until March 28. 2003 at which time they will be permanently removed / C ompared to Monday's close Fresh loins steady to 400 higher, boston butts steady to 1 00 higher, skinned hams 17-20 lbs steady, 20-27 lbs firm to 2 00 higher, sdls bellies 14-16 lbs not tested, lean trimmings generally steady Trading slow to moderate, with light to moderate de mand and offerings Calculations for a 185 ib Pork Carcass 51-52 percent lean 0 80" -0 90" back fat at last rib 52 14 down 29 I oins bone in up 24 !</ 4 8 up 1 I HVr 419 3 dn 3 9 r 'r 18.1534 17.714 2 up 7 9 c k 175 I 1 76 3 dn 0 l‘k Lanib/Mutton Totals (3) 4 4 923 2 3 9 845 8 up 9 2 Vi 939 1 up I 2 Bf'i8 f 'i 48 dn I l ( /r 43.642 4 42.351 3 dn 8 V/ ( 195 0 202 5 Sheep/Lamb 134 133 142 67 67 70 fresh Vi inch trim 21 Ib/down-hght 89.00-92.00 Hams bone in trimmed, 17-20 lbs trim spec 1 54.00, 20-25 lbs trim spec 1 54 00-55 00 Seedless bellies 16-18 lbs 77 00 CARIOT lAMB CARCASS. 5.357 head reported 50-40 lbs 165 (HI-165 00. 40-45 lbs 165 00-165 00, 45-50 lbs 161 (HI-16600, 50-55 lbs 161 00-166 00, 55-60 lbs 16100-170 00, 60-65 lbs 161 (MI-170 00, 65-75 lbs 161 00-166 00 75-85 lbs 16100-166 00, 85/up lbs 165 00-165 00 National Slaughter Cattle Weekly Review Oklahoma City, Okla. December 6, 2(102 Report Supplied By USDA National Slaughter C able Summan - Week Fnding Dec 6. 2002 Slaughter steers and heifers still untested thru Fri da) morning Bulk ot the sales in the North 1 00 higher on a dressed basis Show lists base become shorter and will remain that wav thru the holidays Feed lots now holding strong for more money and hoping the ice and snow will help to push the market higher. Beef prices have been unstable in the past 2 weeks and packers showing some concern about their margins USDA’s boxed beef cut-out values Friday at noon averaged 117.55 down 08 from last Friday Sales of slaughter cattle on a national basis for negotiated cash trades totaled a minimal 49,000 through 10.00 a.m Friday l.ast week’s full count was 182,300 and lock in 2002 prices This offer includes Hesston's most popular models from Sl , -propelled wmdrowers and mower conditioners to round and square balers As every Early Bird knows, the Hesston line combines reliability and ruggedness with the advanced features you expect to boost productivity, cut maintenance and get maximum profit from every bale See your Hesston dealer before December 31st for Early Bird prices on that's a cut above the rest Interest waiver until July 1, 2004 and 5 9 APR thereafter for up to 60 months S.P. WINDROWERS 8550 S 8450 8250, 82505 P.T. WINDROWERS 1200 1270/75 1260/65 1365,1345 1320 RECTANGULAR A BIG BALERS 4590, 4570 Deposit $5OO 46905, 4655 Deposit $5OO 4760 Deposit $l,OOO 4790 Deposit $l,OOO 4910 ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE School Road, Rt. 1, Bethel Pa. 717 933-4114 MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. Honesdale, Pa. 570-729-7117 C.J. WONSIDLER BROS. Finland Rd., Quakertown, Pa. 215-536-1935 / 215-536-7523 UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA, INC. Rts. 309 & 100, New Tripoli, Pa. RD 4, Box 545, Lebanon, Pa. 610-767-7611 /570-648-2088 717-867-2613 M.*.».M.«.M.».*.».M.*.M.MA*.VV».*>.VV>A>>.V*.V\VVVVVVV*SVVSSA\VKVSSSSSSS,HSHH STEFRS AND HEIFERS MIDWEST Direct MARKETS I we Basis 55-80 percent Choice, 900-1400 lbs few sales 72 00-75 50 Dressed Basis 55-80 percent Choice, 550-950 lbs 11500-11650, avg 11600 HIGH PI AINS DIRECT MARKETS I ise Basis 55-65 percent Choice, 900-1400 lbs not established SI AUGHTFR COWS AND BUI I S (Average Yielding) Slaughter cows stcadv to 100 higher Slaughter bulls steadv USDA's Cutter cow carcass cut out value closed Thursdav at 81 57 up 1 44 from last Friday COWS Breakers 75-80 r r lean 1000-1600 lbs Colorado 55 00-57 75. Ok lahoma 54.00-57 50. Alabama 52 00-54.00 Boners 80-BSG 1 can 900-1500 lbs Colorado 54 00-57.50, Okla homa 55 50-56 50, Alabama 52.50-56 00 1 can 85-90-V 1 can 850-1500 lbs Colorado 51 50-54 25, Oklahoma 52 00-55 50, Ala bama 29 50-52 50 BULIS I .can 1500-2200 lbs Colorado 44 25-45.50, Oklahoma 45.50-46 50, Alabama 44 50-48 00 NOTE Slaughter cow and bull prices reflect Tuesday markets. Lancaster Farming Check out our Website! www.lancasterfarmina.com Deposit $l,OOO Deposit $l,OOO Deposit $l,OOO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $l,OOO FASTFRN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Tuesday, Dec 10 as of 1 30 p.m CURRENT VOLUME TODAY Pro ducer Sold Negotiated Actual' 16,927, Other Market Formula' 7,596, Swine or Pork Market Formula 32,874, Other Pur chase Arrangement 36,626, Packer Sold (All purchase types) Actual today 0 NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (In cluding packer sold) BARROWS AND GUTS 13,561 head Compared to prior day's close. I 50 lower Base Market Flog. 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Delivered (9-1 1 inch backfat, 6 sq m loin/2 0 depth) Range $36 50 - 46 44. wtd avg $42 63 5 Day rolling Average Market Hog (measurements based on slaughter data submitted) 195 95 lb carcass based, plant delivered (0 80 inch backtat, 6.81 sq. inch lom/2 27 inch loin depth) FFLI 50 42Cr, price range $4O 50 - 50 81 Purchase volume by state of origin Al abama 1,475, Delaware 80, Georgia 565, Illinois 21,892; Indiana 21,454; Kentucky 2,692, Maryland 273: Michigan 8,649, Mississippi 356: New York 550, North Carolina 10,194, Ohio 23,043; Pennsylva nia 3,548; South Carolina 568; Tennessee 908, West Virginia 40; Wisconsin 2,636. ROUND BALER SYSTEM 845/945 Deposit $5OO 846A/946 855/955 856/956 856A/956 814 FORAGE HARVESTER 7500 Sliapro™ Deposit $5OO V Nobody knows hay Ilka ‘LHESSTON STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD 1, Box 46, Klingerstown, Pa. 570-648-2088 Eastern Corn Belt Direct Hogs I)es Moines, lowa December 10. 2002 Report Supplied By USDA Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO Deposit $5OO ea flvl HESSTON
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