D22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 9, 2002 7 yr old Hackney cross, traffic safe, ready for miles. Iv message 717-529-3752 6 y/o bay saddlebred, fop driver. 8 y/o chestnut saddlebred, boys horse. 717-862-3990 4 yr old Standardised/ Saddlebred cross filly, broke to drive, $lOOO. Free trial. 570-966-2104 4yr old Black Standard bred, trotter, ready for miles, $2,300.717-442-5341 Pinto pony weanlings, sm to Ig, very friendly, ready now/or for chrisfmas $4OO &. up. 717-637-5379 Reg paint, sorrel overo weanling colt, champion blood line ex temperment for breeding or show, will hold for Christmas $3500. 717-637-5379 Homozygous reg tablano paint tri-color yrly,blk/ wht weanling, colts, ex temperment for breeding or show, will hold for Christmas. 717-637-5379 Up headed black Stan dard bred carriage horse, lots of snap, safe & sound, 2 beautiful Norwegian Fjord mares, Ivr & 2yr 717-442-9451 8 vr old Hackney horse, chest, 14.3 H, drives w/ style, full of energy. 13 yr old chest. Morg. mare, 14.2 H, drives good, tough. 2 yr old Morg. gelding by Man About Town, been hooked 3 times, good mover. 4 yr old dark Morg. mare, broke 8< ready to go. 5 yr old bay Morgan stud, broke to drive. All reg, sound & healthy. Daniel Stoltzfoos, 89 White Rock Rd, Kirk wood, PA 17536 or try 717/529-3846 after 7pm 15 mos old Morgan/ saddtebred Ally, pretty chestnut color, handled from birth, ready to start this spring, nice gait, will make a beautiful mount. Must go to good homel $l2OO pba 610-944-8348 Crossbred T.B xPerche ron, 17H bay 4 y/o geld ing. Also paint x Belgian, 15.3 H, red & white 6 y/o gelding. Both have been used for trail riding & driving. Paint is child safe. Erin CLundy 315-493-1051 /iTaN /'fTH's /'£Tq s j /15jT\ /'SjT'j I WANTED | | | HY-TECH Mushroom S «-h l West Grove, PA 19390 ® ® i ifLra sOb eLfe kJs st™ ?L™ k_® fo® stPs 90$ kJs bUb sUg stra itLra fit™ sUs?L™ fit™ Beligan dark red sorrel, 6 y/o geldings, 17/3, broke to all farm machinery & have been in traffic. Erin C.Lundy 315-493-1051 Beautiful Paint mare in foal for 2003, $1500; 1 yr filly Morgan Arabian cross, $995.717-442-9743 (2) Pulling Horses, 7 8< 9yrso., good pullers, 2175, 2375 lbs., call for price. Pair Belgium Work horses, broke to stand, good for boys or older folks, $3,000. Includes har ness, nices horses to be around. Call after spm. 570-662-2508. Thorbred yearlings, PA Breds. (3) colts, (1) filly, Reg. w/papers, starting at $1,500-up. 717-244-5777. Standardbred Horses, ready for the carriage, always a good selection, boy's or family, reasona bly priced, WORK- to-- SATISFY. Ivan Peter sheim, 717-442-9432. 3 y/o Halflnger gelding, rides 8< drives single 8< double. 610-682-2692 6 yr old gelding Sad dlebred Haflinger cross carriage horse, rides & drives, $3OOO. 717-532-4748 Continvex dewormer for sale $35 for 101 b. 4 yr old Saddlebred mare, 5 yr old Saddtebred gelding, 4 yr old Saddlebred bay mare. Also other horses. 610-273-9665 i KELSO MULES 270>435*4229 877-247-4470 2yr old Reg. Bel, Mare in foal to Jack (5-03) sire 18H, Dam 17.2 H, $l,lOO 717-806-0458. In Stock • New 2003 Maverick LS Series Bumper Pull Trailers. 2 Horse SL In Stock For Immediate Del. 13’&16’x7’TallsAlsoln Stock Call For Pricing • Also 16’x6’S”x7’Tall Goosenecks. Call For Special Pricing • New (3) Horse Stainless Steel Gooseneck Trailer w/Livmg Quarters - You gotta see this one l Loaded l • New 2003 Eby 6 Horse Head-to-Head In Stock For Immediate Delivery Quality Used Trailers In Stock •2000 Sooner 3 Horse Slant Aluminum Gooseneck w/Small Living Quarters, Everything You Need For Your Weekend Trail Rides. Trailer Same As New • 1998 Eby 16’x6’11”x7'Tall Plywood Walls, Rubber On Floor. Extra Nice Eby GN at $8,950. •1994 Valley Steel Gooseneck Stock Trailer. 22’ Long x 7’6” wide x 7’ High • 1992 Click Stock Bumper Hitch Trailer, 14’ Long, 7’ High, Plexiglass. Good Condition. • 1992 Sundowner 6 Horse Slant Aluminum Gooseneck Trailer. Roof Rack, Rear Drop Ramp & Front Tack Room. Good Shape, Ready For Work. • 1989 2 Horse Trailer Straight Load Gooseneck, 4' Dressing Room, Rear Drop Ramp, 7'6" Inside Height. M.H. EBY, INC. 1194 Main St. (Route 23) Blue Ball. PA 17506 (717) 354-4971 (800) 292-4752 MULES FOR SALES 12 Head of Big Broke Mules eady for fall work Also Yearlings, 2 Year Olds and Weanlings For Trucking Call Wilmer E. Horst 717/354-9816 or Nathan Stoltzfus 610/286-5080 Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shirktown Road, Narvon, Pa 17555 .. 717/445-5956 Ask for Ivan A Custom Leather Harness Draft Horse to Miniatures Whip Manufacturing - Dealers Welcome - Center Square Harness Shop 246 Forest Hill Rd, Leola, PA 717-656-3381 4x6, 3/4” thick $35 per mat (not used belting material) Now available - 4x7 mats, $4O per mat See us at New Holland Sales Stables Every Monday 717*334*7283 Black Hills Horse Equipment MEL’S STABLE B L B -V i . ..*1 . ! T B D * , WORK HORSE, MULE ft DRIVING HORSE SALE SAT. NOV. 23, 2002 • 9:00 A.M. HORSES HITCHED AT 8:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT 834 WALLACE RD., NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS' FROM RT 23 IN NEW HOLLAND. GO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE., GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD. TURN LEFT ON HILL RD PROCEED 1 2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD 2 5 MILES TO HILL RD, RIGHT ON HILL RD TO SALE ON LEFT MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME • 717-354-8397 BARN • 717-384-6431 AUCT. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PREMISES • Load of shipped mutes from Tennessee Wanted: older slower mutes for kids camp or wagon trains Will trade Jonas S. King 122 Krantz Mill Road New Providence PA 17560 717-786-7990 PAtPtRIIERI John Sander Horseshoeing and Trimming and Draft Horses Will Go Anywhere 1084 Elwood St. Narvon, PA 17555 717-351-0822 IW SHEEP 1M AND GOATS Dorset rams, 1 yearflna 1 Jan. 02, excellent blood lines, good producers, Carroll Co., AAD 410-348-0171 3/4 Boer goat doe with beautiful set of triplets, SSOO/pkg. 717-371-6238 Nubian Dairy Qoats, Bucks, Does $2OO-up. MD 410-635-6239. Reg. Black Welsh Moun tain Sheep; Ram & 2 bred ewes. 410-734-6042. Dorset Horn Ram Pets, horns are beautiful, pure bred, sale price; (Lambs) 610-298-2426. Suffolk ewe lamb, could be' registered. 717-354-5727. ■■ SHEEP Ilf AND m Complete Boer Herd E m dispersal in groups of 12. E B (4) ful! blood nannies * H M (1) full blood billy m (7) 3/4 & 7/8 nannies m H $7,500/group S a (717)485-3181 or 860-0234 a MHMHHMHMHMHHMHHHHHNNHMHHHMHHHHHNMMM 81&2 tlbertyltd. PO«<w* Frederick, MD21702 Phone: 800-331-9122 " 07 fteSOMCMKI D. Dinsmore www.sheepman.com (2) Purebred Nubian Buck, both disbudded. Leb. Co. 717-865-7095. ■■■ KKH swine Flock Reduction, four horned Jacob Sheep, also, fainting and painted pygmy goats from $lOO 610-847-5896 Boer goats, 50% St 100%, good breeders St pets. 717-244-3914 (38) sheep al bred & (2) mate sheep, very nice flock. 908-782-1900 Cheviot Ram lamb for sale, 2002 Champion DSF. Call 302-349-4944 Dairy goats, alphlne, nubl an, togenburg, grades,all ages $lOO to $250 570-966-1723 Year old Jacob 8< cross bred ewe sheep, best offer. 215-257-6467 Bred Sable goats, milk/ show.’(3) does $250, (1)' doe, $350, (1) buck $2OO, $lOOO/aH. 717-292-5058 75% & 87% Katahdln white Dorper crosses, a better hair sheep. March bora flood size, good muscle, shed well. Scrap) enrolled flock. If you see them you will love them! Many to choose from Call NJ 856-467-1165 Full-blooded Boet Goats (717)485-5372 (717) 485 3181 (717) 485-5579 fax BOERf.OATS' CVN NET 118 SWINE Yorkshire, Berkshire. Duroc, boars & pelts, w/ scan figures, can deliver, James Parlett, 717-862-3610. BENNECOFF'S HOGS Order your project pigs now, Hampshire, Berk shire, Poland Chiria, Du rocs & crosses. Service age boars and gulfs. 610-285-6582. Yorkshire boars, Duroc boars. White Exotic boars, protect pigs. Can -deliver. Wilson York shires, 717-235-347* 4-H CLUB PROJECT PIGS FEEPEB/BOASTING PIGS Bred for April, May, June & July litters Duroc, York, Spot, Chester, Landrace & Hamps , — N Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 after 9 pm Calvin'Lazarus 610-799-3375 Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson (931)364-7050 h oij x nv av"( . i :ni :nc s ]>LH(KS/H AMI'S Where Genetics & Figures liist! Duroc Boars ■ Gilts & Bred Gilts Delivered just about anywhere. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 Boar Semen Coll Dove I 717-235-6966 ARNOLD HOG FARMS Crossbred • Land race Yorkshire Leon L. Arnold 717-273-5880 r .
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