1 " 1 = Farmin 9> Saturday, November 9, 2002-D23 ■ m-v* &&&*& SSSSSS awsasia sgaa>"J ■■■ ISSiISnS I SS wet & dry hog feed- Certified organic rye —. ICIMKiSyRj $ lam $ ers, $5O; 20 SS sow feed- seed cleaned & baaaed. Aroostook Rye, baaaed. IiIBiAMBBiM aC. ers. $2O; Edstrpm micro- FOB Ringoes, NJ. close-out price, Berks- tWSwJwwVwWw cool controller 717-442-9495.717-629-5014 Oley, PA 610-689-5554. w m 717/532-4748 * High moisture shelled Rye seed for sale, bagged • Ry© $4.95/bushel (/I o 71// corn.6lo-779-3284 or bulk, $5/bu. . v!, , , ISt., 2nd & 3rd 200~bu Certified Organic 7 1 7 -653-53» plus $3O load out Soybeans. 717-328-5465 Rye seed, cleaned & fee v/uimiy 3X3XB large square bales sf?^‘- 0 !:? ncas^er Co - • Hairy vetch feed, Alfalfa Haylad© Ontario alfalfa or grass i’/'if 5 ' 7805 <S 7 q/iu Annrnv imflTnn or mixed hay well saved. Timothy Hay, Ist & 2nd $.79/lb. MpprOX.IUUU 100 nfiStS: S2rt t^S I ?„.^ a £ Middleburg, PA Call for Pricing ““ ° v< “"' ,570»837»0724„ 1814-857-7709 200 bales Timothy hay "“"" " “ ” “ ""I ~ ======^= or^ rut- 1 stf*3W POT I COTTON SEEP the 111 POULTRY ting, best S.Nor- I Sale I S CITBIIS PELLETS B |£l AND thumberland Co. , J “ C I C ™m»U TS WMsuPPUES_ 570-758-2136 , 4x4xB Bales i HW mature com. Can I ! /'"'Triple \\s (70) Automatic waterers. de1.301-579-2370 11.-. V-.-. J C r- ) $7/ea. (75) gal plastic |ars New & Used batch & con- 7 _ V Farm ' a^ s w/llds, sl/ea (15) brood- tlnuous flow grain dryers. G^- jL - - 773 - - c s4 q qih Philadelnhia Pike er stoves, $45/ea (6) «J- Used: Behlen 500's. GT Fancy Western Hay 55 9 PA 17527 K XVVWCA tomotic control fans $3O/ 570's, AAC 970 C & MC, b „ , ! ! bap, rA i loci EEJIOLVI ea (125) hang circle feed- H7SEM. Cornwell Equip. Small or Big Loads 717/768-7529 twc.cwg.wi*. ers. 75C/ea 610-273-9523 217-543-2631. J pj ne Shavings L *_ r-' Electric rotating incuba- Wheat straw. Ig. sq. I * ;< for a 2-? $75 ba —-*■ 7T L~“ S ' S7 Z3i 717/529-1195 Bam: j WOOflSnflVinflS i %J 0 lb. bucket f POULTRY Sj® ,j • Timothy hay, super cond, (If IIWUJIIUIIIIHJ f 2I— fSM \ p ine & ) M MSAKfcfc \ Poplar \ I—”^ each.Can7l7-867-5710. ™ Pr~ k .1“ Ik S _ 'Opiur 717-484-2233 J B° l ° a, ‘° li ° ria ° aai * B °" l^g^r da ll iTZXZZr*- I f ( Bogs only j Brown pullets /9%SSZ&s. § (Samuel Lapp, Jr.l floor-erown v J F WOO) 19 week old brown no dust or mold. Can del. f f i . _ pfT I pullets. Will seH any 570-398-5948. VBMHOTQMTI I 5150-Feb.B Wanted (71/-299-1412 \ |||ijiiUS|| 3 oip giaaiH pid tflft (jib oIP bn qiu bib bib qua hb hb i?ipJ caster, PA. 717-391-7623 888-246-1983,71~7-426-3135 Quality Dry Shelled Corn cl ?i ka, l. p ?r tT^S®? i & Bo 5" WHEAT SEED - Certified Trailer loads -i Hungarian &Chukar Partridge Tg? SS Brey’s Egg Farm AKaKaßaleage Ringneck Pheasant Hw & lit 845«482*5464 3x3 Square lißlllililliiM X Bobwhite Quail ™ PuHets, brown 2nd, 3rd, cuttings. Alfalfa Bales NOVAK PHEASANTRY fColorado & Kansasl DCV Timothy HHHHH Ray Novak, Jr &HI i!SSy- anc ® ter Alfalfa o A|fo|fo DeUveryAvailable-FUght Conditioned SS£n d SS r , *S,ISS; giTSSf wnf Horw& Dairy **“"8 WWW.novakpheasantry.com brown and white egg. Cal hay, excel, quality, 20% + Hay Hay Oicici/; 71d<5 AAoyer's Chicks, Quaker- protein, rfv 140-170, 200+ RFV q Y o Y o qnnarfi MHIUIHILIIHBnHWW (215)536-7145 towg pa. 215-536-3155, starthoot 71 7 . 529.1114 Bam , Bales l|B||H|H|| FANCY HEAVY delivered. Good horse Dales HMNHMMSHHM „ , ~ _ .. I roosters wanted hoy,siss/ton. straw 3x3 P P P Guaranteed KUfiSSBKfiS&BI Bobwhite Quail Year-Round 717-484-4549 bci®*- C^?A O0 n f, lr , ra,n \ =» 15 3 3 s s c^n OOQ OWA _, , _ . , ni. SIIS/ton. 705-728-1610 n ... a . u 61(l*29o*£gu4 Chukar Patndge Pheasants Ro>ed saaQe _ straw % Nice Alfalfa & ■ - J| Mature Birds • Flight Conditioned it- " uu ___ .u avaio«e. n Alfalfa Mix yz^w/y/jyw^/y/w^/y/TTTTTTTa Kelly’s Game Farm "egg wheat straw, 4oib bates Hors. Hay «” | BUYING ' AM SUfkSSk** j I 717-445-8318 • 610-781-4172 Ceß y VWy Western alfdfa: 2002 new n 2 miWs to Highpoint RO u Trucking & Grain ! 161 Laurel Road. East Earl, PA 17519 * — 1 50# BAG & 3x3xB bales. cTcrcTercrc. = — SSF^SSS9 ;;;^ Cage System Removal 1 CALCIUM SSwtSinS j SoeMieni ! g-- Very experienced crew, layer & pullet CHIPS Acres. Y0rk,717-792-3216 u- u ? WNh furana aecu cage houses. Will also dismantle all types ECONOMICAL 3x3x8 ’ of hov- vnMn a nay § * Fail dormancy - 4 | of poultry houses and hog houses. UT °ZXeT I I For FREE estimates call com, soy. »i-983-2167, HayNeeas § .win ship ups | Cumberland Poultry LLC nun Food & & Win uveraol!i F S rmS i HOMESTEAD NUTRITION j (717)530-8443 . ln* M I 1717) 354-4598 (888) 556-7878 | v * J Mh i pf* wanted soybeans top ‘' mnW >v>vy<av>v>vywv>wv>vyvyvyvyv>vyvyvy»V 717?«RSJRftni sss's paid. Rye seed cleaned In bush- i p\/p Ronald S. ICoOHOr Grain > HYBRID GUINEA keets FOR sale S . S»6 $ Buying and Selling Ear and > $0.95 each delivered anywhere in >hh Small seed Shelled Corn and Soybeans > cnn f?' l T ania 11 in lot l° f ,l oo f o , r „ more K S and sod Rye cleaned, j cleaned, bagged 60’ Trailer Scales \ These birds will weigh 4 lbs in 12 weeks, f |Ajfl eccn bogged, poletlzed, excel- ’ »» pu irantsr ooqiwo < fSfr lent for long straw. $6/bu t Delivery Available n_ ) Available year round. < ———central NJ. 609-758-2566. J , Elizabethtown, Pa. > Morris Hatchery. Inc. n^h^°^h^ v M 7 > 18370 sw 232 Street hay, 717-637-7586! 717-653-5254 Elevator _ < Goulds, FL 33170 uw/taTFoa grass hoy, hoy tested. All laa^ > n - fl oo * l «««V. <* mW-stee -— \ Ph: (305) 247-1070 Trucking eojid be bates. 717-464-5633 4 ajisfirag I risser grain 1 VVVVV s AAAVWVyWWV■ deflvery avail emits. l^M^-4W TTT"!TT7""7rTTrrTrTrTI 6i048s 7 -0360 6 eves 1 ] certified organic Feeds & Buying & Selling CORN, BEANS, WHEAT & BARLEY Kauffman Refrigeration SSStafe* 0- " serving 3 locations 760 N. Colebrook Rd. 35rv«Sl msTIS <m« Bom *v wSof Maniraim, Rt 17545 SSWSJmto. %% Sff* o*"* 0 *"* .HOLTWOOD.PA .. -m mp mm NOFA-NJ certified) W 1 WANT: damaged or / (717) 284-4628 MAIN OFFICE fl f -ODO-OsOa • arrange trucking. Cal moldy com and barley. \ ~. OA / Jeff at The Rodde Instt- hauling available. \ (717) 284-3362 / • Egg Room Refrigeration liwM-ioi'or . \Af»ll/ lam RED LION GRAIN CENTER MAINVILLE GRAIN • WaiK-inS nmottw k ~HrriU beans. 717-733-4516. (717)244-6909 Bloomsbury, Pa. • RAflrh-in<% "tort. Ist & 2nd cultina cleaned rye or hairy SEED & FERTILIZER (717) 784-6922 ntJctUM II lb 3x3x6 sq bales. Stored in- vetch rye combo, bilk or , WWIU - u n L, Am side, 304-263-4572. bogged. 717-733-4516. Now Available: Wheat & Barley seed — w IVldl\Wft> Alfalfa & Pasture seed Sales & Service Hoy suppliers, Timothy, For Sole: Timothy & Alfalfa, Mixed, 700 bote tlmothy/alfalfa hay. loads delvered. Elyson's Smal square bales. Inc, 330-223-1594 585/593-6118
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