Herd Reduction Sale of registered Angus includes: -» 23 cows bred to calve from 1/29/03 to 4/19/03 • 3 are carrying heifer calves based on the ultrasound pregnancy test • 4 are carrying bull calves -* 3 cows with fall born calves at side -* 2 breeding age bulls CallßobUvingston at 717/741-8395 (work) iJ pi 717/428-3526 (home) W? PJ 717/577-6400 (cell) Complete Dairy Herds , for sale Also groups of open & bred Heifers 717-789-3003 OCTORARO ANGUS Genetic seedsaver sale! You will find these pedigrees deep in pure breeder type Angus bloodlines for more than 30 years. Unebred for sustain ability on a low input, non-pampered total forage environment. This herd has never been outcrossed for frame or excessive growth. We have maintained the old reliable type Angus with emphasis on maternal efficiency and trouble-free, least-cost production. 7th Production Sale Saturday November 16,2002 12:30 p.m. Offering all mature cows. Progeny, service, and/or frozen embryos by Emulation 31, Emulation 5522, Shoshone Viking, Shoshone Bart, Hodge Redfme, Papa Rito Intense, Rito F 0302, Octoraro Ritolation, OCC Brougham, OCC Emblazon, OCC Eureka, Octoraro Addison, Octoraro Emulation. Complimentary lunch at 11 :i0 For sale booklet contact Octoraro Angus Sam and Sherrill Wylie 216 South Snyder Road Breezewood, PA 15533 (814)784-3811 octoraro@nb.net *arn SPlt4 y> 717-336-3621 Serving Lancaster, Berks, and Lebanon Counties More Cows Than My Wife Can Take Care Of PRIVATE TREATY SALE REGISTERED ANGUS Fall Calving Spring Calving Top genetics priced low enough to leave plenty of profit in for you. Priced individually starting at $7OO with group discounts. Cattle located just minutes off Exit 13 of the PA Turnpike. Delivery available at low or no cost. Catalogues available CALL • WRITE • VISIT 3466 Breezy Point Rd. McConnellsburg, PA 17233 717-485-0532 (office) 816-1168 (cell) NO BULL TOO BIG OR NASTY • Bulls evaluated for breeding soundness • We come to your farm • Semen frozen at $1.45 per unit • New & Used semen storage tanks • Quality service since 1983 • Mobile laboratory, will travel N ZIMMERMAN’S CUSTOM FREEZING N 131 Redwell Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 717/355-2048 www.semenfreezing.com VIEE-MAR FARM / 2724 Conestoga Creek Rd, \ / Morgantown, PA \ ! \ 8 610-286-9052 A\ Sales & Rentals *•* »; r r 'vl? ’, = ’ ■ *’•••.-''v? ;, ‘ ■„ . ■ ' '> _ _// ,| 5* iC *." * J•*'dLr V> ♦' *'ji* W£ hfabM#* A»k about our fly control program Dry cleaning or pressure washing also available. Visions Stock Farm Jim and Joanne Evans HEALTHY HEIFER FARMS • All heifers grouped by age 6- size • All heifers fed TMR with Rumensin • Free Stall trained WfijPi • Vaccination &■ worming program Ef | ? • Al breeding with pregnancy checks 1 ' • Cut age at first calving to 24 months Expanding to 12 pens with isolated receiving area • Located in Lancaster Co. • Dedicated to Crowing High Quality Dairy Replacements Call for pre-shipping requirements 717/684-5563 E For Sale: Six yearling Highland Calves. Five Heifers/One Bull all in Excellent Health. Ready to ship. Approx, 400+pds. Your choice $4OO each (610) 796-2268 '™ntsto buy EJ Holstein & heiferS Angor a Goat Herd (1) buck ' < ll > c* o6s - Colored & EbBBK3IIHSS!BI&m white. 215-679-8647. Holstein Bred Heifers FOR SALE Excellent Quality Donald Bare 717«397«0869 Rflm EXOTIC ■I ANIMALS r CAMELS APPALOOSA LLAMAS 276-472-3347 I a « J ny- Highland Cattle, young bulls & steers, exc. quality Fennec Fox, Llamas, & Miniature Donkeys. Edelweiss Farm Milford, NJ (908) 995-2323 v M H m. V,i_/ Nice Selection 3 Q ualit y | - Animals 3 Miniature Donkeys - Black, Spotted, Gray, Chocolate Miniature Horses - Palomino, Paints, Sorrel, Tiny ‘ Miniature Cattle - Selling Entire Herd x. Miniature Sheep - Spotted Pair Scotch Highland Cattle - Nice Group of Reg Heifers Llarnaj,- Reg, Woolly,-Reasonable Pygmy Goats - Kids “ Miki Puppies - Litter Due December «= Winding Creeks Farm 717/865-4473 wwwwmdmgcreeksfarm com * 1 Llamas f For Sale WWM 610*868*0186 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 9, 2002-D2l Llamas for sale, all ages, reasonably priced. 814-652-2518. Pair of white swans, 6 mos old. 717-486-3766 Potbelly piglets $4O, Pata gonian cavy $3OO, de scented skunk $2OO, young female kinkajou $1500.610-705-8715 Elk calves male & fe males born in May & June, also 13 point bull Elk, mature 11 point bull. You shoot, you kill. Adams County 717-677-8881 evenings at 9*o AMERICAN INDIAN DOGS I Lost World Ranch • Box 464 I Burkes Garden I VA 24608 I Phone ft Pax I 6 yr old Standardbred, solid trotter, traffic safe, sound, on the bit, ready for the road. 717-656-4763,717-656-8115 7 yr old Saddebred, good trotter, needs work, 717-656-6712. PASO FIND GELDINGS: 4 yr 14.2 Boy, 6 yr 14H chest, 9yr 14.2 chest, 3 yr 14.2 chest, 4 yr boy Pinto, 2 yr Palomino, 2 yr black Pinto. MARES: chestnut & bay brood mares In foal LFG, 3 yr chest Pinto. 7 yr 14.2 H Palomino, 2 yr chest, 2 yr black Pinto, 2 yr bay Pinto. 2 yr bay. Also YEARLINGS & FOALS 570-568-8222 or www.fea therhNls.com TRAINING, specializing In starting young stock, and bomb-proofing your plea sure horse for trail & traffic. We have a wait ing Nst so make your 2003 reservation now. $450/m 570-568-8222 or www.fe therhHls.com. Standardbred yearling gelding, would make nice riding or carriage horse, $1500.717/917-3728 Reg percheon mare 6yr black $2OOO/obo. Team harness w/brass trim $350. Fore cart w/brakes $400.717-235-5448 10 y/o bay gelding QH, finished heading & heeling horse, trail ride, $5750.10 y/o QH Palomino gelding, 15.1 H, trial horse, gentle for anyone, $2500. 540-554-9009 8 y/o saddlebred family broke w/snap, ready for miles, $lBOO. Elam Lapp, 473 Centerville RD, Gor don ville, PA 17529 Reg team of blonde sor rel! Belgian mares, well started In harness, stripes, ready for more work. Franklin Co. 717-349-7903 Team of Sorrell Belgian geldings, well broke, been on all farm machinery, deep red. Franklin Co. 717-349-7903 Team of Percheron geld ings, grays, coming 3 year olds, broke & matched very well. Franklin Ca 717-349-7903 Reg Belgian mares, 8 well broke teams. AH In foal due this spring. Avail after 3/1/03. Franklin Co. 717-349-7903 2 spotted draft horse colts, beautiful black & white Tobiano, Reg NASDHA. Also index Percheron mare bred to spotted draft. Franklin Co. 717-349-7903 12 yr ok) black Percheron mare, 16.3 H, rides & drives, $750. Delivery avaH. 717/420-0050 Mini pinto stolon 8. chest nut mare, $750, $llOO. 215-257-6467 Rare Caspian horses for sale. Excellent for chil dren's mount & wonder ful driving horses. Weanl ing fllies starting at $3500. Others avalable. Hope well, NJ, 609/466-6780 New load of mules com ing in November 26th, from Tennessee. Call Ralph Higginbothan 606-348-5139 or Henry E. Kauffman, 205 Bell Rd, Christiana, PA 17509 717-529-6952 Golfed horses. Rocky Mt., Ky Mt & Spotted saddle horses our special ty. Spotted Fever Farm. tnthorse@tricountyl.net 717-582-7831 9yr Sorrel Jack Mule, has low front pastures, works in lines or jockey $l,lOO. 436 Green Lane, Peach Bottom, PA 17563. 717-548-3098. Miniature donkeys, select from one of the largest & best bred herd of over 80 minis, starting prices from $550, www.donket tekorral.com. 570-992-4178. HORSES AND MULES Mare approx 19yrs, exc. health, all shots, ideal for inexper. rider or children, very gentle, $B5O. 717-896-3064.
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