Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo„ April 8, 2002 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, April 7,2002 Confirmed Sales: 160.821; SLAUGHTER STEERS Head Count Over 80% Choice 2,724 65-80% Choice 4,408 35-65% Choice 37,167 1-35% Choice 3,039 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 1.429 65-80% Choice 3,700 35-65% Choice 29.189 1-35% Choice 903 DRESSED BASIS SALES: SLAUGHTER STEERS Over 80% Choice 1,941 65-80% Choice 18,298 35-65% Choice 14,488 1-35% Choice 160 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 1,786 65-80% Choice 10,837 35-65% Choice 7,877 1-35% Choice Weekly Accumulated Wi Head Count Avg. Weight Avg. Price Live Steer 47,338 1245.4 71.91 Live Heifer 35,221 1127,0 71.88 Dressed Steer 34,887 824.2 115.57 Dressed Heif 20,500 760.3 116.02 Week Ago Weighted Averages Live Steer Live Heite Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer National Feeder Cattle Weekly Summary St. Joseph, Mo. April 5,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL FEEDER CATTLE SUMMARY for week ending Apr. 5. This report reflects a newly ex panded format. Receipts from the Ghore-nnie introduces A New Modular Manure Ben Cage To its All-Sir line-up Chore-Time's economical new Modular Manure Belt Cage meets UEP space stan dards and offers the classic strength and durability egg producers expect from Chore-T&ne, plus; ★ Improved egg roll-out ★ Easier assembly, repair and belt access ★ Full-front cage doors and mesh partitions ★ A larger (optional) air tube NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Pennsylvania's Leading Poultry Equipment Distributor and Installer Lititz, PA 17543 Poultry Production Systems • Egg Production Systems Phone (717)569-2702 Internet Call our free customer service number. (800) 673-2580 Week Ago. 157,485; Year Ago N.A Price Avg. Avg. Weight Range 1050-1582 796-1600 830-1550 850-1425 Range Weight Price 70 00-74 25 1,341 72 87 7000-74 00 1,284 72 18 68 00-73 50 1,236 71 87 70 00-73 00 1,223 7103 840-1550 825-1500 810-1400 1000-1300 68 65-74 15 1.197 70.00-74 00 1,188 68 00-73 75 1,116 71 00-71 00 1.124 500-1086 533-1074 500-1080 632-1032 111 00-119 00 852 112.00-118 00 837 110 00-117 00 804 114 00-114 00 832 114.00-118 00 786 113 00-118.00 768 112 00-118.00 744 500-1050 482-1044 488-1400 1,240.1 1,140 I 829.4 776 2 50,082 37,704 30,414 19,562 previous format will be available for one year for comparison pur- poses. RECEIPTS: Auctions: This Week 255,500, Last Week 202,800. Direct; This Week 43,800, Last Week 46,100. Video/Intemet: This Week 3,000, Last Week 3,000. TOTAL: 302300, Last Week 281,900. Old This rising star is another part of the all-star egg production package from Chore-Time including feeders, drinkers, egg collectors, environmental control, and feed conveying and storage. For stellar performance, why not join the producers who count on Chore-Time to help consistently achieve top egg production? Call us today for more details. authorized master distributor since 1982 Format: This Week 148,400, Last Week 140,100, Last Year 186,100. Compared to last week; feeder steers and heifers sold steady to 3.00 higher with the exception of direct trade in the Southern Plains which sold steady to 2.00 lower on very light receipts and light demand late in the week. A variety of factors influenced markets this week with a highly vol atile Futures market mostly to blame. Active trading in early auc tion sales were spurred on by Mon day’s limit up of April Live Futures, then teetering midweek, with sales holding up. 72 47 72.24 71.84 71 00 A mixture of cattle were seen in salebams this week with an in creased supply of plainer fleshy cat tle and new crop, unweaned, balling calves than a week ago. Demand for grass cattle, especially older short yearlings, showing continued inter est. Most major cattle grazing areas, specifically Texas, New Mexico, Ok lahoma, and Kansas, are in dire need of rain. Buyers have their fingers crossed as chances of ‘sky juice’ fore casted for Friday and Saturday. Heavy rains across eastern parts of the US lowered auction receipts this week, however greener pastures are boosting demand for calves and stockers. Direct feeder cattle trade contin ues slow, with light to moderate de mand for yearlings as several large strings are yet to come off of winter wheat graze outs. These strings will be headed to the salebams in the next two to three weeks as these cat- 114 90 116 52 114 46 114 00 115.47 116 27 115.80 70.26 70 30 112.38 112.52 tie are not contracted. Thursday’s limit down of both live and feeder fu tures along with Friday’s lower prices have ail sides scratching their heads looking for something or someone to blame. A lot of finger pointing going on, with most cattle producers looking towards the pack er. Packers coming into the week <r Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002-Al7 NOTE: Comments only on the cat tle market are printed here. The full report with prices is available online at mnreports/SJ_LSBso.txt short bought, looking to increase in ventory, but at the sellers expense. Compared to Wednesday, cattle traded 1.00-2.00 lower Thursday at mostly 71.00-72.00 live in the South ern Plains and 2.00-3.00 lower at mostly 114.00- 115.00 dressed in the Northern Plains. Feedlots have the ace in their sleeves, as they are hold ing out today, knowing the packers need carcasses. This week’s reported volume included 55% over 600 lbs and 48% heifers. Winchester Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. April 9,2002 Report Supplied by USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Win chester, Apr. 8: FEEDER CATTLE; 957 head. Prices Based on In Weights. FEEDER STEERS: 340 head. Me d.and Lge. 1; 300-400 lb 100-110.00; 400-500 lb 92-100.00; 500-600 lb 83.50-93.00; 600-700 lb 79.50-88.00. Small 1: 400-500 lb 74.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 86-96.00; 400-500 lb 82-92.00; 500-600 lb 79-86.25; 600-700 lb 69-80.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: 421 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 84.50- 300-400 lb 83-92.00; 400-500 lb 75-84.00; 500-600 lb 75-81.50; 600-700 lb 65-74.25; 700-800 lb 63.50-68.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 72.00; 400-500 lb 64-68,00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 75-81.25; 400-500 lb 70.50-79.00; 500-600 lb 66.50- 600-700 lb 61-67.00. Performance Tested Angus Bull and Commercial Female Sale. Sat.. April 27, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. at ErReR Hill Farms in Friedens, PA. For more info or sales catalog, call Bob Hay 800-262-6578 (weekdays). Evenings, call 814-445-2008. #75021 -16% FLAKE $170.30 #75023 - 20% FLAKE $182.59 #7OlOO - 35% PELLET $255.55 #75062 - 38% PELLET $258.24 Prices are week of 04/15/02 and Includa 4 ton voluma, mid week/early order, 4% caeh dlacount paid 10 days Prices are delivered to the farm within 75 miles from Mt Joy, PA. PENNFIELD GRAIN BANK Prices may vary by feed mill location. $2.38 Bu Soybeans $4.60 bu Barley $2.35 bu • Use Grain “Same As Cash” • Prices Updated Weekly • Gram Back-Hauling Corn • No Storage Charges When Applied To Feed Purchases • Yearly Statement of Gram Pmstwunc Pasture Perfect® Dealer of the Week: Lil’ Ponderosa Enterprises Reaching into the Summer Drought with Perennials Tins week Ampac Seed Compam and Rohrer Seeds salute Bob Boyce, founder and owner of Lil’ Ponderosa Enter prises of Carlisle. PA. "We began our business with the obicctive of proving that the familv farm can survive.” savs Bob Bov ce "We w anted to be good stewards of the land and raise plants and animals that contri bute to good health We soon recognized that we needed to find sup pliers that were knowledgeable, re- liable, and in it for the long haul Rohrer Seeds has met this need and is now an intrigral part of our farming operation “ Everyone remembers the drought. The ability to graze and hay into the summer and recover from drought depends upon the species and variety you plant. Bob Bo\ce. grazing consultant for the Carlisle area recommends these combinations for ha\ and Managed Intensive Grazing- «Duo Festulolium • Improved Orchardgrass • Wintercrown Alfalfa • Start ire Red Clover or: • Bronson Tall Fescue • Wintercrown Alfalfa • Start ire Red Clover Lil* Pondcrosa also offers Gallagher Fencing supplies. Vermeer ha\ mg equip ment. TICO irrigation systems. poK feed bunks and watering troughs Lil’ Ponderosa Enterprises 44 Ponderosa Road Carlisle, PA 17013 717-245-2820 Fax 717-245-2800 bobboy ce@pa. net v *v:>s T »i y hoiua.T' *3Ss»- For product details and local purchase info , please visit us on the web at or call Rohrer Seeds 717-299-2571 Pasture Perfect is a registered trademark of “Integrity & Excellence, Our Foundation, Your Guarantee l ' Bob Boyce Lit' Ponderosa Enterprises IK 1 ' ) 'V v i nsm
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