AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002 Westminster Livestock Hag- erstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction April 9,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS: 90 HEAD, 2.00- LOWER. BREAKERS 39.00- BONERS 37.00-41.00, LEAN 34.00- THIN 34.00 DOWN. BULLS: 15 HEAD. YG+NI 1848 LBS. AT 66.75, 1 1200 LB. AT 60.00; YG+N2 52.00- LOW DRESSING 46.00- FED STEERS: STEADY. CHOICE 1300-1550 LBS. 69.00-71.50, LOW CHOICE 1000-1300 LBS. 63.00-67.00, SELECT 60.00-65.00. FED HEIFERS: 1.00 LOWER. CHOICE TO PRIME 1050-1250 LBS. 67.00- SELECT TO LOW CHOICE 57.00- CALVES: 120 HEAD. 1 PRIME 286 LBS. AT 108.00, GOOD 90-120 LBS. 50.00- HOLSTEIN BULLS RE TURNING TO FARM, ACTIVE! 15.00 HIGHER. +NI 95-120 LBS. 155.00- 80-94 LBS. 140.00-160.00; +N2 95-120 LBS. 125.00-155.00, 80-94 LBS. 100.00-135.00; HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS, HIGHER PRICES. +NI 70-100 LBS. 525.00-600.00, +N2 300.00-475.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 75-100 LBS. 120.00-142.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 65 HEAD, 3.00 LOWER. +NI AND 2 210-270 IBS. 27.00-28.00, +NI AND 3 26.00-27.00, +N2 AND 3 24.00-26.00. SOWS: 48 HEAD, 2.00-4.00 LOWER 350-500 LBS. 22.00-26.00, 500-700 LBS. 26.50-28.00. BOARS: 500-750 LBS. 10.00-13.00. STOCK CATTLE: 204 HEAD, AC TIVE BIDDING FROM GOOD CROWD. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 87.00-109.00, 400-600 LBS. 80.00-96.00, 600-800 LBS 68.00-75 00. 800-1000 LBS 62.00-71.00. HEIFERS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 300-500 LBS. 69.00-79.00, FEW TO 84.00, 500-700 LBS. 63.00-73.00, 700-800 LBS. 62.00-69.00. BULLS- MED. AND LARGE FRAME 300-500 LBS. 80.00-99.00, 500-600 LBS. 75.00-87.00, 600-700 LBS. 65.00-77.00, 700-900 LBS 51 00-59.00 Ephrata National Bank Just as Dairy Farmers have embraced new technology, so has Ephrata National. Just as Dairy Farmers cherish their rural heritage so does Ephrata National. Ephrata National Bank is eager to serve your financial needs. Do vou want: • Fairly priced loans with no tricky interest rate calculations? • An established community bank with local management? • No minimum balance, no fee checking? • An experienced Ag lender willing to visit your farm? For all this and more, look to Eohrata National Bank. We have what it takes to provide the financial tools necessary for you to successfully manage your farming business. For information on AG loans, call Bob Zook at 717-721-5220 or toll free 1-877-773-6605 Member FDIC SHEEP: 50 HEAD 22.00-44.00, HEAVYWEIGHTS 18.00-27.00. LAMBS: 41 HEAD, 10.00 LOWER. HIGH CHOICE 70-90 LBS. 84.00-98.00, 35-55 LBS. 95.00-110.00, 100-120 LBS. TO 84.00. GOATS: 54 HEAD. LARGE BILLIES AND WETHERS 80.00-122.00, MEDI UM 45.00-65.00, LARGE NANNIES 60.00-120.00, MEDIUM 40.00-70.00, FLESHY KIDS 35.00-50.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 45 HEAD. BY THE HEAD 20-40 LBS. 24.00-31.00, 40-50 LBS. TO 34.00; BY THE LB. 130-150 LBS. 29.00-33.00; STOCK BOARS 250-300 LBS. 21.00-23.00. Belknap Livestock Belknap, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA April 10,2002 CATTLE 107...(PDA). HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1050-1500 lbs 58.50-60.00, Select 1-2 53.00- COWS: one Breaker 75-80% lean 42.25, Boners 80-85% lean 36.50-42.00, Lean 85-90% lean 34.00-39.75. Shells down to 33.50. BULLS: one Yield Grade 1 1764 lbs 58.00, Yield Grade 2 1075-1690 lbs 43.75-53.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Me dium 2 390-570 lbs 52.00-75.00; HEIF ERS: few Medium 1 300-470 lbs 63.00- Large 3 350-695 lbs 47.50-53.50; BULLS: Medium 2 300-475 lbs 51.00-66.00, Large 3 580-895 lbs 40.00- CALVES 97...VEALERS: Choice 135-160 lbs 112.50-127.50, Standard and Good 60-105 lbs 42.50-80.00, Utility 55 & 65 lbs 30.00 & 31.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130.00-160.00, No 2 70-125 lbs 85.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 85-105 lbs 500.00-610.00, No 2 65-90 lbs 180.00- weaker calves 80.00- Beef type bulls and heifers 80-115 lbs 140.00- HOGS 54...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 220-290 lbs 25.00-30.50, lite weight 40-45% lean 105-200 lbs 26.00- You'll feel the difference. SOWS: 1-3 375-495 lbs 22.00-29.00,626 & 735 lbs 23.00 & 25.50. BOARS: one 214 lbs 23.00, 604 & 790 lbs 13.00. FEEDER PIGS 47... 1-3 25-35 lbs 29.00-35.00, 40-45 lbs 30.00-35.00, 2-3 60-70 lbs 30.00-32.00, Utility 11.00-20.00. per head. SHEEP 7... SLAUGHTER SHEEP; few 20.00-23.00. GOATS 26..(A11 sold by the head). One Large Nanny 91.00, Medium 38.00-41.00, Large Kids 25.00-42.00, Small 20.00-37.50. CATTLE 310...(PDA)..(Supply in cluded 190 cows and heifers in the Dairy Sale)..Compared with last week's sa le-cows unevenly steady 1.00 higher to 1.00 lower. HOLSTEIN STEERS: one Choice 2-3 1415 lbs 60.00, one Select 1-2 51.50, cou ple Standard 1-2 48.00 & 48.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.50-45.25, Boners 80-85% lean 38.00-42.75, Lean 85-90% lean 35.75-40.75. Shells 34.50 and down. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1 1460-2035 lbs 54.25-58.50, few Yield Grade 2 1050-1755 lbs 46.00-51.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; Medi um and Large 3 285-395 lbs 64.50-65.00, 400-535 lbs 50.50-76.50, one 785 lbs 54.50; HEIFERS: one Medium 3 740 lbs 46.50; BULLS: Large 3 290-435 lbs 56.00-71.00. CALVES 63...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 75-105 lbs 40.00-65.00, few Utility 55-60 lbs 10.00-20.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 10.00 to 20.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 145.00- mostly 160 00-173.00, 80-85 lbs 127.00-145.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 90.00- few No 2 Holstein heifers 90-110 lbs 295.00-385.00. One beef type bull and heifer 85 lbs 180.00. HOGS S...BARROWS AND GILTS: one 40-50% lean 225 lbs 24.00, few 40-45% lean 290-300 lbs 20.00-27.50. '.A' Vir-r Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. April 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Finished with a zinc rich under coat & polyester top coat. With Kverneland Forged Steel Spears • Electrically Heat Treated These spears are stronger & allow easier bale penetration Combination Bale Mov< '4 | iiF.V*: COM 253-338^"^ 3 PT 2501 Single Spear Bucket Mounts For Front End Loaders SSL 251-148 Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Road • Lititz, PA 17543 717/738-7365 1 mile west of Ephrata Call or write for additional information Hours: ,9Rd,tbemanßeoiWPr nearest dealer ~Man.,- Fn: 7-5 BOARS: one 560 lbs 8.00. FEEDER PIGS 66... 1-3 40-65 lbs 21.00- per head. SHEEP 28... Slaughter lambs 20.00 lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 25-40 lbs 78.00-107.50, 50-75 lbs 75.00- few 80-150 lbs 58.00-68.00. FEEDER LAMBS: few Good and Choice 25-35 lbs 65.00-77.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 21.00-46.00, Yearlings up to 55.00. GOATS 21...(A11 sold by the head). One Large Billy 100.00, Large Nannies 40.00- with one 200.00, Medium 50.00- Large Kids 18.00-46.00, Small 9.00-22.00. DAIRY COWS: 750.00-1600.00. per head. Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA April 8,2002 CATTLE 419...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 106 slaughter steers and heifers, 214 cows, 26 bulls and 73 feeder cat tle)..Compared with last Monday’s sale steers steady to 1.00 lower, cows unevenly steady 1.00 higher to 1.00 lower, heifers steady to 1.50 tower, bulls steady. STEERS: Choice 2-3 1075-1485 lbs 68.00- 1600-1690 lbs 64.50-65.75, Select 1-3 65.00-70.75, few Standard 1-2 50.75- HOLSTEIN STEERS: one Prime 3 1400 lbs 65.00, Choice 2-3 1170-1465 lbs 57.75- Select 1-2 51.25-57.00, Stan dard 1-2 44.50-51.25. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1025-1440 lbs 67.00- Select 1-3 63.00-67.00, few Standard 1-2 50.00-64.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.00-49.00 few up to 52.00 mostly 42.75-46.75, Boners 80-85% lean 40.25-46.25, low dressing down to 38.00, Lean 85-90% lean 36.00-46.00 mostly 38.00- Shells 35.50 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1535-2240 lbs 58.50-65.50, Yield Grade 2 1075-2440 lbs 51.75- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um 1-2 495-570 lbs 72.50-78.00, 900-990 lbs 63.00-68.00, one Large 3 535 lbs Hol stein 57.00, 1030-1135 lbs Holsteins 51.00- HEIFERS: Medium 1-2 • Available with either quick attach (specify make or model) or 3PT hitch/loader boom mounting hardware • 2500 lb. capacity • Easily change spear configi • Designed to move either round or 3 FT Hitch Bale Movers • Easily change spear configuratioi • 1500 lb. capacity 450-610 lbs 65.00-75.00, Medium and Large 3 255-350 lbs 55.00-66.00, one Large 3 480 lbs Holstein 124.00, 750-960 lbs Hoisteins 45.00-50.00; BULLS: Medi um and Large 2 220-390 lbs 77.00-91.00, 430-510 lbs 73.00-75.50, 600-650 lbs 55.00- Medium and Large 3 320-470 lbs 56.00-67.00. CALVES 315...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 75-95 lbs 50.00-65.00, Utility 50-65 lbs 10.00-27.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 15.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 140.00-177.50 mostly 150.00-170.00, 80-90 lbs 130.00- No 2 85-125 lbs 85.00- few No 1 Holstein heifers 85-100 lbs 645.00-650.00, few No 2 65-85 lbs 180.00-260.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 85-110 lbs 150.00-180.00. HOGS 22...50ws steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: few 45-50% lean 235-245 lbs 28.00-29.00, few 40-45% lean 295-340 lbs 27.00-30.00. SOWS: 1-3 300-495 lbs 23.50-30.00, few 550-625 lbs 25.00-29.50. BOARS: 330-605 lbs 12.00-16.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 52... Slaughter lambs steady. Slaughter Lambs: Choice 35-55 lbs 89.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 24.00- few up to 44.00. GOATS 93...(A11 sold by the head). Large Billies and Wethers 77.50-121.00, Medium 47.00-70.00, Large Nannies 50.00- Medium 39.00-64.00, Large Kids 29.00-48.00, Small 6.00-20.00. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, April 8,2002 STEERS: 60.00-71.00. HEIFERS: 60.00-69.75. GOOD COWS: 36.00-43.25. CANNERS AND CUTTERS: 25.00-36.00. BULLS: 55.25-57.75. VEAL: 90-190 LBS. 110.00-715.00; 70-90 LBS. 60.00-110.00. HOGS: 26.00-28.50. SOWS: 23.00-29.00. FEEDER PIGS: 25.00-45.00 HEAD. Front End Loader Forks PLF 2500 (for* compact tractors)
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