Al6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002 GRAIN, CATTLE, HOG. & MILK BFP FUTURES MARKETS Markets Courtesy of Chicago Board and Mercantile Exchange Closing Bids: Thursday, April 11, 2002 Com [p2feay;|l9 9 3/4 2001198 172[~198 3/4 [l9B 1/2 [l9B 3/4f~ -10 [oi^||| 2o6 1/2)206 3/4[204 3/4204 3/4 |~ 205 f 205| 21 * l/zf 2l2 3/4 1 211 1/2 211 1/2 [ 211 1/2 -6 tdSffiS22ll/4|221 1/2|220 1/4| 220 1/4 [220 1/2 [220 l/2[ -6 230 235 239 3/4 Soybeans I ri imiii mwmmmm IOJMaI 459 460 l/2{457 1/2 458 1/4 457 3/4 458 -24 ill 460 1/2 459 453 1/2 EOZrfgNg 453 1/2 454 451 452 1/2 453 452 3/4 -2 (bjflßW 458 i 458)455 1/2| 457 457) +4 l/2 462 460 4611/2 461 1/2 -4 462 1/2) 463|~ 461 462 1/2 [462 l/2[ +l4 pnr 465 1 466] 464)465 1/2 f |465 1/2) +l4 urn ■ 467 Soybean Meal [felllE T 56.21156.2 si 154 152 150 i°sm 148 mm ms. [oltSarf 148.0 S5aH 148 [oiiig 148 148 148 m 148 148 SSS3H Weekly Dairy Market Outlook Ken Bailey Penn State April 8,2002 Butter Imports Surge • Butter imports in January and February are up. • Licensed and high-tier im ports increase. • March federal order prices released. USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service reported last week that butter imports during the first two months of 2002 were well ahead of year-ago levels. This is surprising, since domestic whole sale butter prices are seasonally low, providing little economic in centive. There are two categories of butter imports. “Licensed im- 230 P 229 235 1/2 235 239 240 1/4 241 42 3 248 461 1/4 458 459 1/2 457 454 1/2 451 1/2 465 467 154.8 0 5 152.8 154.0 ISl.sf 151.6 152.5 150.4 149.5 148.8 147.9 148.5 147.6 147.8 148.5 148.3 147.5 147.0 148.0 147.1 147.1 147.1 1147. if -ML 1147.0 b 147.2 a 147.2 -11 147.3 a 147.3 -9 147.5 a 1147.5 148.0 148.0 147.2 147.3 148.0 147.0 b|147.5 a 147.5 148.0 148.0 | j 148.0 148.0 147.5 148.5 ports” are butter imports that are subject to a fairly low tariff on a specified quantity. That quantity, known as a quota, is 15.3 million pounds for 2002. The other cat egory is imports that are outside the quota, referred to as “high tier” butter. The tariff on high tier imports is much greater. Licensed imports during Janu ary and February 2002 were 2.048 million pounds, up 10.5 percent relative to the same peri od a year ago. High-tier imports of butter were up about four times relative to the same period a year ago at 488,609 pounds. While butter imports during January and February 2002 are well ahead of year-ago levels, they are still relatively small com 229 1/2 229 1/4 235 1/4 235 1/2 240 237 1/2 n 242 1/2 242 3/4 242 3/4 -6 248 3/4 | [248 3/4| -6 252 1/2 n 248 1/2 b 459 3/4 460 1/4 458 452 1/2 453 1/2 466 n 466 155.3 155.1 155.2 153.4 153.3 fisi.ef -is 149.5 149.8 148.2 148.0 148.1 147.8 147.6 147.0 b -12 229 1/2 235 1/2 -10 240 237 1/2 -10 252 1/2 248 1/2 +4 460 -14 -12 458 + 10 453 Unch 466 Unch 466 mu -12 153.4 -12 149.7 -15 148.2 -8 148.1 -8 147.8 -10 147.6 -5 Unch 147.1 -8 -5 pared to actual U.S. production. Butter production during Janu ary and February 2002 was 266.2 million pounds. As a result, But ter imports in 2002 were equiva lent to just one percent of total U.S. production. Class and component prices for March 2002 were announced last week. They are slightly below February levels. The March fed eral order class prices, with changes from February, are as follows: Class II $12.19 per CWT BUSINESS PAGE APPEARS IN SECTION 0 See the latest in equipment and material news, promotions and new hires, and burgeoning ag ventures on the business news page located in Section D this issue! Lean Hogs Date 04/10/02 *CASH* 04/11/02 Apr 02 04/11/02 May 02 04/11/02 Jun 02 04/11/02 Jul 02 04/11/02 Aug 02 04/11/02 Oct 02 04/11/02 Dec 02 04/11/02 Feb 03 Composite Volume Open_lnt 04/10/02 6939 35046 Live Cattle Date 04/10/02 *CASH* 0 680068006800 -262 04/11/02 Apr 02 6660 671065926700 -42 04/11/02 Jun 02 6225 631061006292 +42 04/11/02 04/11/02 04/11/02 04/11/02 04/11/02 Aug 02 6240 631060956292 Oct 02 6520 660264056572 Dec 02 6725 682066156795 Feb 03 6850 692267506920 Apr 03 6880 703568807035 Composite Volume Open_lnt 04/10/02 21736 98413 Pork Bellies Date 04/10/02 *CASH* 0 620062006200 +4OO 04/11/02 May 02 6460 -170 04/11/02 Jul 02 6565 670563876505 -182 04/11/02 Aug 02 6530 659563306440 -190 04/11/02 Feb 03 6525 6600 6525 6600 unch 04/11/02 Mar 03 6525 652565256525 -125 Composite Volume Open_lnt 04/10/02 866 3375 Oats Oats (down $0.09), Class 111 $10.65 per CWT (down $0.98), and Class IV $11.42 (down $0.12). The federal order class prices were all down because of lower component prices (butterfat, pro tein, and other solids). These prices were lower because of re ductions in monthly average wholesale prices for butter (down $0.0147 per pound), cheese (down $O.OBOB per pound), non fat dry milk (down $0.0061 per pound), and dry whey (down $0.0268 per pound). w ui t Previous Previous Open High Low Last Chge Vo|ume Qpen 0 0 1860 2894 1122 3850 2794 19814 469 2782 199 1959 216 1628 240 1708 39 410 0 443544354435 4100 418040824177 4672 467246724672 5187 518751875187 5117511751175117 4977 500049504950 4375 441042854335 4292429241304205 4410 454044104540 Open High Low Last Chge Pr , e ™ us Pre ™ us 6 Volume Openjnt 0 0 5303 13185 8424 40428 3448 18105 2383 17339 1982 6933 125 ,1929 71 492 n n- ut , . Previous Previous Open High Low Last Chge Volume openJm 0 0 ' 2flo 295 977 51 283 1 * 4 0 1 -20 +32 -200 -200 -200 -200 -150 -125 -70 +55 +6O +6O +6O +5O Average Farm Feed Costs for Handy Reference To help farmers across the state to have handy reference of commodity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA re cord sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s last week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Penn sylvania. Remember, these are averages, so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your location and the quality of your crop. Com, No.2y 2.33 bu., 4.16 cwt. Wheat, N 0.2 2.71 bu., 4.52 cwt. Barley, N 0.3 1.92 bu., 4.11 cwt. Oats, N 0.2 1.89 bu., 5.88 cwt. Soybeans, No.l 4.40 bu., 7.34 cwt. Ear Com 66.08 ton, 3.30 cwt. Alfalfa Hay 137.50 ton, 6.88 cwt. Mixed Hay 130.00 ton, 6.5 cwt. Timothy Hay.— 125.0(1 ton. 6.25 xwtJ
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