Pa. Weekly 13 Livestock Auctions Friday, April 5 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 4889... Compared with 3962 head last week and 3588 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s summa ry-steers gained 1.00 to 1.75 this week while Holstein steers gained 1.00 to 1.50, heifers steady to 1.00 higher, cows steady to 1.00 higher spots 2.00 higher, bulls mostly steady. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 72.50-76.00, Choice 1-3 68.50-73.25, Se lect and Low Choice 2-3 67.00-69.50, Se lect 1-3 63.50-69.50, Standard 1-2 55.00-64.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 63.50-66.00, Choice 2-3 58 50-63.50, Select 1-2 53.75-58.25, Stan dard 1-2 50.00-54.00. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 67 00-71.75, few 73.00, Select 1-3 64.75-68.00, Standard 1-2 50.00-61.75. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- mostly 43.00-48.00, Boners 80-85% lean 38.75-48.50 mostly 42.00- Lean 85-90% lean 36.00- mostly 40.00-45.00. Shells 35.50 and down. BULLOCKS: few Select 1-3 57.75-60.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-2500 lbs 56.00- Yield Grade 2 900-2400 lbs 49.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 300-500 lbs 81.00-93.00, 500-700 lbs 64.00-75.50, Medium and Urge 2 500-700 lbs 59.0-64.00; HEIF ERS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 74 00-87.00, 500-700 lbs 64.00-70.00, Me- CONESTOGA VAIXEY ENTERI»IUSEB hi-mag | Agricultural Lime Spreading hi-cal Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Toll Free day and evening 1*800*724»3277 Serving PA, MD, Delmarva, NJ, NY & (LI) Work hard. Enjoy the ride. Buy any new Polaris RANGER *99“ dium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 67.00- 500-700 lbs 57.00-64.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 64.00- Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 61.00-73.00. CALVES 29I9...Compared with 2809 head last week and 2213 head a year ago. Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS: Choice 150-295 lbs 105.00-115.00, Good 125-275 lbs 70.00-90.00, Standard and Good 75-110 lbs 40.00-65.00, Utility 50-100 lbs 15.00- FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 15.00 higher with late week sales 40.00 higher, Holstein heifers steady to 25.00 high er...No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130.00- late sales to 216.00, 80-90 lbs 120.00-167.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 100.00- weaker calves to 75.00; No I Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 460.00- No 2 80-120 lbs 200.00- Beef type bulls and heifers 75-130 lbs 120.00-202.50. HOGS 1015... Compared with 1228 head last week and 1606 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts steady to .50 lower, sows steady to 3.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 225-265 lbs 32.50-35.25, 45-50% lean 225-275 lbs 30.00- 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 27.00- SOWS: 1-3 300-500 lbs 25.00-28.75, 500-700 lbs 25.00-28.25. BOARS: 14.00-18.00. FEEDER PIGS 323... Compared with 20S head last week and 273 head a year ago. 1-3 30-50 lbs 15.00-33.00, 50-70 lbs 44.00-54.00. per head. SHEEP 869... Compared with 2751 head last week and 4066 head a year ago. Slaughter lambs steady to 25.00 lower on lighter weight lambs. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 20-40 lbs 100.00-150.00, 40-60 lbs 90.00-110.00, 60-90 lbs 85.00- 90-110 lbs 80.00-95.00, Good and Choice 35-75 lbs 65.00-85.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 25.00-40.00. ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 192... Compared with 1370 head last week and 473 head a year ago. Feeder pigs not tested, entire supply sold for sIaugh ter..SLAUGHTER: 20-30 lbs 140.00- 30-40 lbs 152.00-197.00, 40-60 lbs 110.00-125.00, 60-80 lbs 72.00- 80-130 lbs 55.00-65.00 per cwt. Greencastle Livestock Special Monthly Feeder Cattle Sale Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Friday, April 5, 2002 941 HEAD. STEERS: 200-300 LBS. 90.00-115.00, 300-500 LBS. 80.00-105.00, 500-700 LBS. 73.00- 700-900 LBS. 67.00-80.00, 900-1000 LBS. 62.00-69,00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 200-400 LBS. 70.00- 400-500 LBS. 60.00-68.50, 500-700 LBS. 55.00-65.00, 700-900 LBS. 50.00- HEIFERS: 200-300 LBS. 82.00-95.00, 300-500 LBS. 80.00-93.00, 500-700 LBS. 62.00- 700-900 LBS. 60.00-68.50, 900-1000 LBS. 55.00-64.00. BULLS: 200-300 LBS. 85.00-104.50, 300-500 LBS. 80.00-92.00, 500-700 LBS. 65.00- 700-900 LBS. 55.00-65.00, 900-1000 LBS. 45.00-55.00. HOLSTEIN BULLS: 300-400 LBS. 6(5.00-64.50,400-600 LBS. 50.00-57.50. 'Powerful Polaris engine, 40 mph top speed 'On-Demand true all-wheel drive (6x6, 4x4) 'Smooth riding, long-travel (6.25 in.) suspensions *l5OO lb. payload & 1500 lb. towing capacity (6x6, 4x4) 'Comfortable seating for 3 'Available in 6x6,4x4 or 2x4 models Weekly Meat Production Under Federal Inspection WASHINGTON. D.C., Apr. 5 - (USDA-NASS) - Total red meat production under federal inspection for the week ending Sat., Apr. 6 was estimated at 837.9 million lbs., according to the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service. This was 1.5% lower than a week ago and 1.7% higher than a year ago. Cumulative meat production for the year to date was 1.3% higher compared to the previous year. MEAT PRODUCTION (million pounds) (excludes condemned) Calf/Veal Pork (2) 3 9 368 6 4 0 369 0 Week Ending (I) Beef 06 Apr-02 4615 30-Mar-02 473 3 dn 2 6 443 2 up 4 19r 6733 0 6549 0 Change 07-Apr-01 Change 2002 YTD 2001 YTD Change up 2 dn 5 6% dn 0 s c/ r dn 8 6 c /< up I 3 Vr 1- Previous week estimates may be revised Year ago data are actuals 2- Excludes lard 3- Totals may not add due to lounding 2002 totals are suh|eu to revision LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER (head) Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs Sheep/Lambs 613.000 20,000 1,861.000 56.000 626.000 21,000 1,861.000 62,000 dn 2 17, dn4 87, 07r dn 9 77, 613,000 17.000 1,885,000 03,000 07, up!7 67r dn 1 37, dn 30 87r 8.834.000 270,000 25,707,000 860,000 8.050.000 266,000 26.104,000 001,000 dn I 4 ( /r up I 47, dn 1 5% dn 4 57, AVERAGE WEIGHTS (lbs.) Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs 1241 325 268 1247 321 267 1203 338 266 Week Ending 06-Apr-02 30-Mar-02 Change 07-Apr-01 Change 2002 YTD 2001 YTD Change Week Ending LIVE ()6-Apr-02 Estimate 30-Mar-()2 Estimate 07-Apr-01 Actual DRESSED Estimate Estimate Actual 06- 30-Mar-«2 07- Apr-01 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SLAUGHTERED BY CLASS CATTLE HOGS Wk Ending Steers Heiters Cows Bulls/Stags Barrow s/Cnlts Sows Boais/Slags 23- 49 3% 32 6% 16 3% 19% 96 5% 32% 03% 24- 48 3% 33 1% 16 7% 19% 96 5% 31% 04% Morrison’s Cove Livestock Hay Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday. April 8,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 137.50-170.00. ALFALFA AND GRASS 155.00-190.00. See the smooth-riding, hard working Polaris RANGER at these dealers now: CADDIE LABAR’S DISTRIBUTING CO 615 Memorial Highway 570-675-1181 570-675-3811 * Finance offer available on Rolans Star Card, subject to credit approval Monthly payment effective for 12 months from date of purchase fixed 99% APR Standard Rate 17 9% applies thereafter For accounts not kept current default rate 21 9% applied to all balances Offer valid at participating dealers only on new, unregistered vehicles financed between 3/1/02 and 5/31/02 The Rolans RANGER off road utility vehicle is not intended for and may not be registered for on-road use For nearest Rolans RANGER dealer call 1-800-POLARIS © 2002 Rolans Sates Inc Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002-Al5 dn 0 \% 370 I dn 0 4<7r 5093 0 5117 8 dn 2 s<7r 3 5 up 11 4% 49 I 52 0 757 761 727 199 197 208 GRASS- 110 00-137 50. TIMOTHY: 75.00-107.50. MIXFD HAY 62 50-85.00. ROUND BALES 30.00-110 00. STRAW. 95.00. FODDER: 65 00 HAY AUCTION MONDAYS, 12.30 P.M. CALI KEN DOWNS. 814-793-3723 DALLAS PENNSDALE BEST LINE EQUIPMENT 25 Legion Road 570-546-8422 POLARIS* LamlVMuHon Totals (3) 3 9 837 9 4 3 8510 dn 1 5% 823 5 up I l c /r 11,934 6 I 1.783 9 dn 9 3 % 67 dn 41 8% 59 5 65 I Sheep/Lamb 140 141 143 70 70 72 199 199 197
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