822-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000 MAIL i X MARKET F R SALE E E JD555 crawler loader, exc , 518,995, Farmall C, exc , must see, 72" belly mower, fits JDBSS & 955, $1,250, Chester Co, 610-469-8699 Glass containers, 1 gal , 1/2 gal, screw top qts , var ious other sizes, Wayne Moyer, 39 Bard Rd Pottstown PA 19465, Chester Co, 610-469-6362 D-14 Allis Chalmers w/plows, culti-corn planter, Ford truck, 1967, 350, 12' Fiat bed, 3,800 mi , good cond , St Marys Co , 301- 994-1366 Seamless rubber roofing, easy to install, pour in place, spread w/roller or squeegee, 5 gal pails, Lehigh Co, 1-800-527- 6634 Dan user 3 pt post hole digger (2), augers 12" & 18”, exc cond , $825 leave message, Northampton Co, 610-261-1015 Power king tractor model 16-14 3 pt hitch, mower deck, snow plow & chains, rototiller, good cond, Montg Co, 215-234-4973 Pheasants, yellow, gold ens, silvers, red jungle foul rec'd this year hatched, impegans, tragopans, Broome Co, 607-692-3198 Chinchillas, bunnies lamb, goats, doves, emus, call after 4 p m , Lane Co , 717- 898-7502 6’ pull type bush hog, $6OO, 140 Int w/belly mower, $2,800, York Co, 717-840- 9582 3-50 T jacks, $2OO each, Lincoln Welder Industrial, $2OO, call between 4-8 p m , Sch Co , 570-366- 1251 Palomino colt 2 yrs old, started u/s $2,500 080, paint breeding, stock fil'y chestnut, tall, athletic $1,850 080 York Co, 717- 927-9766 New door 331/2"x81” pre hung w/side lights, AKC Shihtzu pups Sch Co, 570-345-6094 Rabbits, show, pet, meat, English lops champagne D Argent Rex, mini Rex & Jersey woolys, Bernville area, Berks Co, 610-488- 6384 Honda riding mower 42” deck, liquid cooled twin cyl motor 1,200, new 8’ Myers snow plow, complete, $2,000 Lane Co 717- 786-4337 1 male miniature Yorkie puppy last one of a litter, $4OO, Lane Co, 717-355- 2363 Case 4 bottom plow, $165, Dauphin Co, 717-469- 7248 237 JD corn picker, exc , used very little, multi lube stalk removers, always shedded, off 3020, $BOO, Juniata Co, 717-589-3320 Young breeding, 8 Rot twiler, 2 labs all AKC reg , $2OO each, both male & female, nice stock, Sch Co, 570-425-2728 NH gram head model 960, vg , 13’, Sch Co, 570-875- 4616 Antique butcher block, $l5O, antique rope bed, $225, Delta band saw, $75, Jeraco fiberglass 8’ truck cap, $225, Bucks Co , 215- 794-7946 2 12428 tires, 1/2 tread, 88 GMC motor & trans, Chester Co , West Grove, PA, 610-869-9662 Stock trailer, new, 1999 left over, 12' pressure treated floor, E-Z cube axles, list $3,495, reduced, $2,950, 4 wheel brakes, Berks Co , 610-582-7289 or 610-582- 4434 Honda self-propelled walk behind mower, HR2I4, good cond , $295, Lane Co, 717-738-3901 111 JD riding mower, good cond , $4OO, western style saddle, good cond , $lOO, call eves , Lane Co , 717- 445-4847 1989 Dodge 1T pick-up truck, 85,000 mi, w/2000# auto crane & steel, body boxes, Burlington Co , 609- 871-1666 Red Heeler pups, Cock apoo pups, Berks Co , 610- 683-7994 JD6600 hydro diesel com bine, 213 flex head, 3,000 hrs , JD6600 combine burned cab eng , JD555 clawler loader, 3,000 hrs , good cond , $lB,OOO, Berks Co, 610-683-8074 p" ■■ MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Royal 1803 ZMR copier for parts, please call for pick up, Berks Co, 610-777- 1653 Murray pedal tractor, JD LA tractor, any cond-, Snyder Co , 570-658-7168 Mini excavator, 6,000 lb rig, Lane Co, 717-721- 8127 Hand fired hot water fur nace, good cond , Titus Martin, RD2, Box 127 A, Watsontown, PA 17777, Northumberland Co Old type Farmall bucket seat w/bottom part support, Morris Co , 973-697-8360 1,000 gal milk tank, good cond , Bedford Co , 814- 766-3684 Welding & parts assembly at home, leave message, Lane Co , 717-354-7737 Used hog slats or cattle slats, any size, Lane Co , 717-354-3177 Good quality oats from the field, 200-300 bushels delivered, call after 6pm, Leb Co , 717-949-3246 Rear stabilizers for 600- 800 series Bobcat skid loaders 3 pt adapter for AC-WD, empty Ibga shot shells, Lane Co, 717-786- 3872 Manure forks for 575 JD skid loader, good cond , York Co , 717-246-1596 Loader & back hoe attach ment for 1972 simplicity Baron-S 13HP tractor, call 9p m -11 pm any night, Lackawanna Co, 563-2622 Power kmg/economy trac tor w/loader, Bradford Co, 570-265-6465 Old model airplane & boat engs w/mimature spark plugs, made 1939-1949 & related parts, Berks Co, 610-670-9544 1990 & newer ton truck, dual wheeled flatbed 4x4 diesel, 4 door, pay cash under $lO,OOO please, Winchester, VA, 540-868- 1323 Honda or Yamaha small generator, old farm tractor literature, books & advertis ing, call Dave, Lane Co , 717-768-3066 Old cigar box labels, tobac co scrap book, Write Cigar Box Labels, 264 Forge Hill Rd, Wnghtsville, PA 17368, York Co, 717-252- 2023 Milk bottles from Berks, Chester, Lane , Montg , & Bucks counties, 1 bottle or whole collection, crank record players, Chester Co, 610-469-0452 Wheel wts for JDIO2O power adjust wheels or someone to share cost of new wts , sold 4 each, York Co, 717-993-3583 Parts for van wert coal stoker model VAISOO, need auger casting, any info appreciated, call Mike, Bucks Co , 610-694-8445 (day) or 610-346-7516 (eve /weekend) Old cars & motorcycles, any cond , make or model, hardfops or convertibles, call us first, top prices paid, Chester Co, 610-793-4249 Lawn and/or garden tractor, not too old, for small farm, 609-918-0351 or .ady4wheel@aol com Concrete stave silo to remove, Lane Co, 717- 354-2959 Gravely walk behind trac tor, must be running good, Norman R Miller, RD#l, Box 1160, Mohnton, PA 19540, 610-856-7645 Acorn barn cleaner, drive unit, gears, leave message f no answer, Lane Co 717-687-7075 Oliver #95 hay crimper, good running cond , Blair Co, 814-695-2421 David Bradley implements, will consider any with or without tractor, reasonable price, Leb, Myerstown area, call anytime, Leb Co. 717-933-1308 Used tongue for 489 hay bine, Snyder Co , 570-837- 3324 MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE John Deere Show at Rough & Tumble, Rt 30, Kmzer, PA, pull seminars, demos, gates open 7am, Lane Co, 302-427-3555 Will board heifers 400 lb & up, pasture, hay, gram & silage in winter, For Sale Timothy hay, Cumb Co, 717-486-7602 Tractor magneto repair most makes fast service, Gil Hillsmger, 1538 Buck horn Rd , Sykesville, MD 21784, Carroll Co, 410- 795-3734 Gravely Tractor Club of America has 600+ mem bers, newsletters, tractors, attachments, accessories, annual mow-m, call Craig Seabrook, Geauga Co, 440-338-5950 Looking for heifers to board, 20-50 head, TMR fed haylage & silage, will watch for heat, Lane Co , 717-664-3826 Tractor collectors, we need your parts, trac for Cecil Farm Museum Sale Oct 7, NAT advertising, low comm , 410-398-4313 Menges Mills Steam Show, Spring Grove, July 15 & 16, mini-tractor & pedal pull, petting zoo, crafts, antiques, flea market, trac tors, children’s games, country music, threshing, shingle making, free admission, York Co , 610- 683-3607 or 717-235-1104 The person from Char lottesville, VA that adv weekly house rental, please call 717-235-3197, reverse charge, I lost your number Waterloo Boys All John Deere Show & Pull, 7/22/00, 7 am Rough & Tumble Grounds, Kmzer, PA, US Rte 30, Lane Co , 717-354-6896 Be our guest, stay at The Cottage in Southside, VA, 2 bdrms , 2 baths, complete kitchen, w/d, very reason able, Charlotte Co , 804- 736-2119 Offering at auction 7/22, 4 pc 1/2 trusses 38’, 35x48’ pole shed, tin, Wanted Someone to graft apple www lancastcrf trees, Chester Co, 610- 593-1140 ' Power Washing Painting - Sandblasting Specializing In Farm Buildings, Fences, Roof- Feed Mills, Etc. Aerial Equipment AMOS FISHE 5269 Paes Rd., New Holland, PA 171 717*354*9856 717*951-2527 Mol NEED YOUR FARM BUILDINGS PAINTED? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel’s Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 (or leave message) (717) 687-8262 Spray on and Brush in Painting Sale Reports ROWE AUTO MATIC SPRINKLER SALE A Public Auction of tools was held July 8 by the Rowe Auto matic Sprinkler, Kreamer, Pa. off Rt. 522. Some prices re ceived were: rotary drill $250, compound tool $l5O, Honda welder $2,000, Cad platter $425, copy ma chine $625, air com pressor $750, high lift $1,600, 1991 Int. trailer $2,000, and Hyster All Terrain diesel forklift $9,000. Hassinger & Court ney were the auc tioneers. SECHLER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of household goods was held July 5 for the estate of Andrew Sechler, north of Dan ville off Rt. 54 on Stecker Mill Road. Some prices were: “lady” planter 4100, sewing kit $lO5, statu tory $125, pitcher and bowl $95, Purian Mills can $lO5, flags $145 and German sled $lO5. Hassinger & Court ney were the auc tioneers. SWOPE SALE A public real estate sale of a 3.4-acre far mette was held Thurs day for Gladys A. Swope, 4116 Holly Drive, Village of Iron ville. Lancaster Farming Classified Ads Now searchable on th< Internet ✓ Check Out Our Web Site trim m >57 tile The farmette, in cluding a 2V4 story stucco-and-brick house with four bed rooms, a brick summer house and a frame barn, sold to Leßoy S. and Pamela S. Smucker, Lancaster, for $164,000. The sale was con ducted by Jay M. Witman and Luke R. Witman of Witman Auctioneers Inc., Manheim. MARTIN SALE A Public Auction of household goods was held July 7 and 8 by Raymond and Helen Martin, 1076 Pinola Rd., Shippensburg, Pa. The real estate in cluded a three bed room house with vinyl siding and a brick front on a two- acre lot with a one car garage which was sold for $107,000. Other prices were: quilts up to $3OO, Westmoreland sterling silver set for eight $5OO, canes $l5O to $2OO each, R.S. Prus sia plates $125 to $l5O, dinner bell $3OO and Michael Horning table $B5O. Kelly and Terry Shelter were the auc tioneers. WRITER SALE A Public Sale of an tiques was held July 8 by Leon Writer, 14 Water St., Jacobus, York County, Pa. Some prices in cluded: oak washstand $240, oak dry sink $6lO, oak oval china closet $675, pine dry sink (rough) $475, round oak table $7lO, plank bottom rocker $195, pink water pitcher $llO, pea fowl plate (had chip) $450, small flow blue pitcher $435, Lionel train set $250, William Foust whiskey bottle $9OO PUBLIC AUCTION “TOYS” 200 + Winross and Hess Trucks, Other Toys and Baseball Cards MON., JULY 17, 2000 5:00 PM Murray Auction Emporium 23 N Water Street/Lititz, PA 17543 717 626-2636 This auction will include two collections of Winross and Hess Trucks. Othei toys include 1950’s and 60’s dealer promos Hot Wheels includes Red Lines, 1950 - 1980 Match Box with numerous pieces in good condition. Dinkeys, Corgi’s, and Tootsie toys. Buddy L pickup, Marx grader. Buddy L Camper m box, 1965 Motorlific Torture tracks in box. Auburn rubber, Arcade, Husky cars, Hubley MG cars, about 40, 1970 - 1980 GM dealer promos, 1952 Pontiac electric promo car, Ideal Race track (MIB), American Eagle Plane (MIB), 1950 dealer showroom lamp, plus other various lots. Call for Winross list. Baseball cards - approximately 75 early 1900’s tobacco and cigarette cards, 1980’s and others. 10% Buyer Premium t 'THun'Uf rfuctcoHb, -AU-648-L- Professional Auctioneer, Appraiser and Advisor Our Services Are Not a Sideline (717) 626-2636 Fax (717) 627-6757 and Griswaid #l4 frying pan $lO5. Rick Foreman and Ralph Brenneman were the auctioneers. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Sale of tools, books and calen dars was held July 8 by Gideon B. Stoltzfus, 3116 Irish town Rd., Gprdon viile, Pa. There were 221 bidders registered. Some prices were: unrestored 1940 J.D. model D tractor $1,700, spring wagon $275, garden sprayer $250,10” planer $l2O, Delta table saw $l3O, forge $llO, forge tools $65, 200-year-old In tercourse books $260 and $2OO, 250-year old Paradise books $l9O, $l4O and $llO, Bird-in-Hand Anni versary book $250, pie crimper $45, torch set $275, 4 h.p. diesel $l2O, small anvil $lOO, air compressor $7O, Gordonville Fireman’s plate $62, Fisher family book $25, two tobacco sizers $32 each, door locks $32 each, Delp baler book $65, wagon seat $4O, two butcher kettles $65 and $lB5, railroad books $l2 to $9O, rail road calendars $3O to $lOO, motorcycle wrench $54, folding measurement rulers $9 to $24, small sampler from 1899 $220, 1945 newspaper $42, Threshman’s maga zines $l2 to $24 per year, 1921 silver dollar $36, pocket watch $155, milk canssl4 to $2O, prayer book $5O, Saturday Evening Post magazines $lO to $22 per year, two cul tivators $25 and $3O, welder $lOO and old wheels $22 each. Also sold were: 1877 half dollar $6O, meat cleaver $26 and rail road and train maga zines $8 to $25 per year. Ron Funk and Gordon Ressler were the auctioneers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers