HAIL OX MARKET F R SALE B E Complete assembly to change from back hoe to 3 pt hitch for 580 series case, $5OO, 1990 Tempo, 1952 Nash, 544 Volvo, $2OO each, all are parts cars, A A Co, 410-849- 8455 Worthington 1949 for golf course w/3 gang mowers, exc tires, BO & snow blow er, large, Chester Co , 610- 644-0747 TO3O Ferguson tractor, new paint, $2,500, cherry lum ber, $2/bd ft, 12'alum ele vator, $l5O, Frank Co, 717-263-0627 JD 3300 combine, 343 corn head, diesel, shed kept, 2,900 hrs machine, 1,500 hrs eng , $4,000, quit farm mg, Leb Co, 274-1390 Saddle, western roper, 16” seat, exc cond , double girth, comfortable pad & chest strap included, rounded cantle, $2OO cash, Lane Co, 717-361-9030 AKC Sheltie pups, shots & wormed, ready Aug 7, males, $225, females, $250, Blair Co, 814-793- 7905 1990 Chev Cavalier, ac, ps, pb, 4 cyl, 5 spd , exc gas mileage, $1,400, digital retail, 30 lb scales, good cond , Lane Co , 717-656- 7353 Hand Pumps & Trough E&R Plumbing 399 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-5554 717-354-9320 » YES! Hot Water « ROSENBERRY STOVES (717) 532-9023 ..[ Morton Buildings Includes An Unequaled Warranty Package With Every Building Purchase • 50-year protection against snow load damage to structures with no weight limit. • 50-year protection against decay or insect attack on preservative-treated columns and lumber. • 20-year protection against red rust, fading, chalking, cracking and peeling on roof and sidewall panels, including damage from atmospheric pollutants 800-447-7436 MORTON W BUILDINGS PO Box 399. Morton. IL 61550 www mortonbuildings com ©1999 Morton Buildings, Inc WV Contractor's License #WVOO7B4B 20T tilt bed, tag a long, needs new floor, no title, $750, 350 Chevy eng , $2OO, Cumb Co, 717-766- 0426 6 reg Holstein heifers, will threshen in 6-10 wks, Braunside Farms, Fmks burg, MD, Carroll Co , 410- 861-8273 Rare Oliver 66 diesel restored, Oliver 88 restored, Oliver 60 pulling tractor, Farmall F2O, nar row thread, 1930 Case CO, restored WC Allis Chalmer, Fred Co, MD, 301-473- 8582 Power King economy trac tor, 24HP, 5’ belly mower, rear blade, chains wheel weights, 443 hrs , 3 pt hitch, $4,900, Wash Co , 301-416-2859 2 Gewa liquid fert injectors, 26 gal & 15 gal, work on water pressure, 2 new bags, Lane. Co , 717-898- 8741 JD2OIO w/pt & power steering, $2,695, works great l piano, $550, Perry Co, 717-582-8354 Air compressor (Atlas Copoo), 25HP, 3ph elec w/John Wood upright tank, 75 gal approx , 80, call after spm, Mont Co, 610-539-5964 Carom 5’ finish mower, $4OO 080, 1979 FISO, 4wd, $l,OOO 080, Chevy stepside bed, $3OO 080, Bucks Co, 610-282-4924 i>- <!s> ‘M White G E refrigerator freezer, works good, $35, Lane Co, 717-626-6805 195? willys pick-ups, no titles, parts trks , 2 cabs, 2 front ends, 1 chassis w/rears, 80, Sch Co , 570- 345-2126 Walnut log drying over 1 yr, Lane Co, call eves, 717- 397-4412 Northwestern skid loader, SSSI, 43HP, gas, 54", bucket needs some work, $l,BOO 080, 9x24 metal lathe, $9OO 080, Lane Co, 717-664-2285 GMC tailgate 88 & newer, $lOO, under rail 8’ bedlmer & tailgate protecter, 88 & newer, $75, call eves, Lane Co, 717-548-2999 JD9300 back hoe attach ment, $1,500 080, 01 Frick sawmill, 80, Berks Co, 610-689-5546 Hyd Southworth lift table, $l,OOO, Thipman tailgate lift for p u , 1,200 lb , $3OO, Ford 501 T sickle bar, $375, Lehigh Co. 610-966-5849 Tennessee Walkers, exc trail & field trial, several to choose from, 100% sound l Cold Spring Farm +(WAP WALOPEN)-Luzerne Co , 570-379-3217 after 7pm 1987 Chev Caprice station wagon, runs great, must see, well kept, newer eng , 169,000 mi , ac, asking $1,600, Luzerne Co, 570- 788-5124 Woods Cadet 84, 7’ cut tow behind, rotors, mower, in good shape, well main tained, $1,500 080, Hall woodchipper, Ford VB, good shape, $2,500, 973- 853-9053 v -v • 10-year protection against windload damage to Morton Buildings' AlumaSteel sliding doors with no velocity limit. • 5-year protection against windload damage on the entire structure with no wind velocity limit. • 5-year protection against roof-leaks on Morton Buildings' hi-nb steel panels Gettysburg, PA 717-624-3331 Pleasant Unity, PA 412-423-7477 Gravely model L, 2 mow ers, snowblower, $4OO, JD LXI72 38” mower, $1,300, both in exc cond , Leb Co , 717-933-8073 Troy bilt trail blazer sickle bar mower, 4HP, $450, Cambria Co, 814-687- 3340 JD3IB, 46” deck, 2 stage Berco snowblower, new, works perfect, will not sep arate, $3,495 firm, call eves, Lane Co, 717-993- 9422 Lighted glass bakery case, 5’x33”, $2O, back van seat, blue for 1987-1991 Ford van, $25, Adams Co , 717- 677-8564 Rough cut lumber, Ix6xlo, 2x4xB, 2x4x12, 2x4x16, 2x6x16, 2x6x12, Ix4xlo, about 250 pieces total, can deliver, Sch Co 570-345- 2656 Wheel weights, 5 pair for Farmall A, Super A, 100 & 140, $5O/pair, Columbia Co, 570-784-1779 Farmall A cultivision w/L59 Woods belly mower, Ford 9N w/rotary mower & rear scraper blade, York Co, 717-292-2245 Pot belly piglets, comix quail, black belly barbados sheep, young, angora bun nies, etc Pike Co , 570- 686-3480 Miniature horses 1 red & white pinto filly, 1 brown & white pinto filly, ready to wean in Aug , $1,500 each, Chester Co, 610-869-8883 Omaha standard truck body 16’, dump hoist, com plete, $l,OOO, Culligan water cond , $5O, Fred Co , 301-662-6493 —fid Meadville, PA 814-336-5083 Phillipsburg, NJ 908-454-7900 Amish carriage p/u, call after 7 pm, 215 Horse shoe Rd , Leola, PA 17540, Lane Co Merino breeding rams, gentle, fine wool, reason able price, ewe lambs, black or white, York Co , 717-432-2412 Case 500 tractor, needs motor, work, $1,500, JD M, $2,400, ac Bl w/s plow, $l,BOO, Farmall Al, $l,BOO, Buck Co, 215-598-7546 Rye straw, out of field, avail after combining, Terre Hill area, Lane Co , 717- 445-6378 Stock tank, 10’ diameter, makes good swimming pool, $lOO, safe, heavy duty, 21/2’ sq , MO, Lane Co, 717-664-4777 New Zealand white rabbits, 4-5 lbs , some mixed, dwarf bunnies, $3 each, call 8- 8 30 p m , Lane Co , 717- 445-5757 1987 Shasta 26’ camper, 3 bed bunkhouse, a/c & usu al nice cond, asking $4,200, York Co , 717-292- 5018 Mastiff pups, born 5/21, shots & wormed, fawn col ored, no Sunday calls, Lane Co , 717-529-6535 3 Bell & Gossett hydro-flo centnfical pumps, 3” bolt flange, 1 new, $lOO each, $250 takes all, York Co, 717-229-2346 MF37 hay rake, pygmy goats, 1 billy, 3 does, mulch hay, 69 Ford, F5OO dump truck, Timothy hay, Sch Co 570-467-2609 1982 Int dump truck, 2 spd , rear, power steering 1700, 345 motor, Bxlo box, serious inquiries only, 8 a m or 9-10 p m , Berks Co , 610-488-1541 1,000 & 500 gal propane gas tank use 1,000 gal , $7OO, 500 gal $450, 2 gal , $lO, Lane Co, 717- 445-5796 1964 Olds Cutlass Conv, red, 330 rebuilt eng , needs body work, asking $5,500, console, new floors, eleva tor, $l5O, Leb Co, 717- 469-2413 Gram bin 3000 bushel, you dismantle, $5OO, gram auger, 6”x34’ transport PTO, $6OO, both located Bucks Co Berks Co, 610- 856-1833 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000-821 8T feed bin, $3OO 080, Lane Co, 717-664-3826 Carnage, good cond , $2,400, John Z King 27 Esh Rd , New Providence, PA 17560, 717-786-7608 Dodge Dakota 92, V 6, at ac l/bed w/lmer, radio, tape player, extra wheels w/tires, 78,000, exc cond , $6,000, York Co, 717-235-5701 SNWD thermo king, rebuilt, $2,500, G7l Detroit, rebuilt, low miles, $1,500 080, trans , rears DB5O Kubota power unit, $l,BOO, Berks Co , 717-933-5113 Roasted barley, delivery avail Leb Co, 717-865- 5928 Old freezer, used for dead animals, works well, tractor tire sand box, Leb Co , 717-866-6075 Llama, 10 month female, mini stallion pony, mim mare pony w/mother’s day filly, York Co, 717-927- 9327 59" Woods mower deck, fits Farmall cub, Leer truck, cap fits 88-97 Chevy, B', 11/2HR hit miss, Fuller Johnson, 1982 Chevy Monte Carlo, diesel, Mont Co, 215-233-4088 Wire fox pups, males, DOB 5/7, 7 falls, Sparta Center Rd , Dansville, NY 14437- 9735, leave message, 716- 335-7273 24’ farmco feeder wagon, good cond , $l,OOO Bucks Co, 610-847-5325 2 Black Angus cows, 3 yr old mom, 1 yr Al calf, fami ly cows, MO on both, Bucks Co, 215-322-5534 88 GMC Safana mini van for parts, exc motor, $3OO, Chester Co , 610-942-2657 2 yr old reg Saanen & Nubian milkers, both milk ing good, $125 each, Cen tre Co, 814-692-4520 Lebanon dinner bell Jacobsen reel type mower w/sulky, Rabbit motor scooter, 1964 Allstate motor scooter, call after 7 p m , Leb Co , 717-273- 5970 3 yr old reg Q H Gelding 15 2H, flashy great on trails, started on cattle $3,800, Berks Co 610- 488-9107 Aqua-Therm Outside Wood Burning Furnace - Efficient - Clean - Safe Buy the top of the line! "Stainless Steel Fire Box "Ash Removal Auger 'l5 Year Warranty "Thermostatically Controlled Heat your house, shop and/or hot water with one unit For more information. call 717-838-9270 or 1-888-382-8170 Email: mkpowell@paonline.com • $lO,OOO Draft Horse Prize Money • $3,000 American 6-Horse Hitch • $1,500 4-Horse Hitch • $9OO Unicorn Hitch • $3OO each Pairs and all Singles categories Make sure you plan to visit the Fair - Sussex County Farm & Horse Show The New Jersey State Fair August 4-13th, 2000 Sussex County Horse Show For information and Prize list call Sally Seeger (908) 852-8224 or Sue Gerber (973) 875-2764 Cherry boards, 26 pcs , s'- 10”-14" 11/4, 12 pcs, 101/2’ L, 10"-14"-21/2", 14 pcs , 11/4”, maple boards, 6’-7’, 11/4" thick, stored inside, Bucks Co , 215-348- 3385 Dunham gravity wagon 180 bu on JD gear $5OO lower bolster w/spmdles for Farmall M, $75, Lane Co, 717-665-5993 300 Mack eng tracks JD7BOO or combine Far mall MD, Chrysler industri al power plant slant 6 SD 4320, Orange Co, 845- 374-2412 1983 Paystar 5000 block boom, all wheel drive, 21 bed, $lO,OOO, 1993 Komat su PC-100-6 w/thumb, exc $35,000, Cape May Co , 609-886-7515 Browning bow, overdraw sights, quiver, arrows, 45- 70 lb , 27-30" draw-length, right handed, peep sight, sling, good cond , Chester Co , 610-444-9238 1992 Buick Century Ltd SW, 85K, every option, cost $21,800 new, absolutely like new, professionally maintained owner, $5,750, Montg Co, 610-489-1253 22" self-propelled mower, motorized corn cracker, weed wacker, 2 to choose from, grass or weed cutting scythes, all good shape Lane Co. 717-665-5848 Fuel tank, 300 gal w/pump, York Co . 717-697-9523 Smucker manure pit eleva tor, 22’ long, used 4 yrs hydraulic drive & lift, $l,OOO, Lane Co, 717- 687-7075 3 yr old reg black limousm bull, polled, good muscle length 13 yr old mule 14 3H, Fred Co 410-775 2339 Log splitter heavy duty, 2 cyl eng on wheels, 12" I beam 28” stroke D-8 Cat cyl, $550, Chuck for lathe 4 jaw 12” $75, Laeka Co 570-282-1047 8”x30 portable gram auger, poor cond BO NH469 haybme for parts NH469 haybme, needs rolls BO Gehl blower #99, Sch Co 570-277-0239 - Easy Aug. 7th-13th, 2000 Sussex County Fairgrounds Augusta, N.J. Team Pulling Contest Two divisions $3,000 total purse
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