830 P 4 036034 063000 j p ■■ _ _ IV^P ARK E p A 1 16602 V 01.45 No. 36 Tree Growers See New Soil Prep Methods EVERETT NEWSWANGER Editor POTTSTOWN (Chester Co.) - In the scenic forested hills east of Elverson, nearly 100 tree farmers, agribusiness represent atives, and extension educators gathered Tuesday afternoon for the Southeast Regional Christ mas Tree Growers meeting. At the Christmas tree growers educational meeting, Dr. Larry Kuhns, Penn State professor, ornamental horticul ture, demonstrates how to calibrate a sprayer. The event was held at the Westlake Tree Farm in Chester County. Photo by Everett Newswanger, editor ‘Beef Made Easy’Brings Convenience To The Case For Today’s Consumers MICHELLE RANCK Lancaster Farming Staff MIDDLETOWN (Dauphin Co.) It happens every day. A customer wheels the shopping cart to the meat case, looks bleakly at the sea of red before them, attempts to decipher |he difference between cuts and how to cook them, and finally heads off to find frozen pizza for dinner. Beekeeping has brought sweet success to Renee Blatt, who reigns as Pennsylvania Honey Queen and owns six hives. Turn to page B 2 to read more about this enterpris ing teen-ager who is involved in many facets of agriculture on her family’s Lebanon County farm. Photo by Lou Ann Good Four Sections Westlake Tree Farms along North Hill Camp Road and the department of horticulture at Penn State represented by George Perry, Jr., multi-county extension horticulture agent based in Schuylkill County, hosted the meeting. Credits needed to update grower’s pesti cide license were given. Fortunately for today’s con sumers, however, the new “Beef Made Easy” program will make meat buying and preparing more straightforward. The program rearranges the meat case by cooking method. Each section includes color coded labels for steaks for grill ing, marinating, sauteing, braising, stewing, and stir frying, besides pot roasts, oven Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000 The program featured some of the new practices Westlake has incorporated into their oper ation to better prepare the soil for tree planting. “If the soil is not prepared correctly, if it is not right, you may as well not put the trees in the ground,” Gary Westlake owner said. “Since we deal with a long-term crop we need to prepare the soil to accommodate this. We like to start with a clean field. And you need to deal with areas that lack percolation even on the top of the hill.” For Westlake a new “spader” machine imported from Holland is the answer. The demonstra tion of the machine showed how it is used as both a primary and a secondary vehicle to prepare the soil. The 16-inch deep soil preparation action allows for a one-pass process. In addition, the tree farm is experimenting with buckwheat planted in summer and spaded down with the new machine in the fall. The green growth expected to be 2- feet tall at the time it is incorpo rated into the soil will help prevent soil erosion and add the herbicidal characteristic buckwheat is reported to have. “We have been farming a hor ticultural crop with agronomic methods,” Westlake said. “Augers have been used to dig (Turn to Pago A 36) roasts, and ground beef. Corre sponding rail strips, case divid ers, and color-coded pictures help to separate the cuts. The peel-off label also features cook The extra rainfall this year has the countryside looking growthy. According the Penn sylvania Agricultural Statistics Service, pastures are growing well and providing good feed for the graziers. But the same weather made haymaking difficult to get it into the barn without getting wet. The corn is growing well, although some low-lying areas are overly moist. Barley harvest is well under way. The wheat heads are bending down with grain. Here, this Lancaster County farmer provides a scenic view with shocks of wheat waiting for thrashing day. The photo was taken by Everett Newswanger, editor, this week along Hollander Road near Zeltenriech Church. Horse Progress Days Photo Report Horse Progress Days, a takeoff on Ag Progress Days each summer at Rocksprlng, was conducted last week at Kinzers in Lancaster County. This event, which draws in ternational visitors, is proof of the strong revival otf small farm enterprises where old-fashioned ways to farm have become new. See a photo essay of the event on pages A2O-21. Photos by Everett Newswanger, editor ing and freezing instructions. In addition customers can find both recipes and colorful bro chures which explain the pro gram in some meat cases. Lancaster County Harvest Scene $32.00 Per Year “The program is meant to help to build the category of con venience beef,” said Carrie Bomgardner, Pa. Beef Council (Turn to Pago A2B) 600 Per Copy
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