MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE: 2 pc black wrought iron porch set chair, 3 seat glid er, good cond $75 with covers, small wheelbarrow $lO 080 Dauphin Co 717-671-4127 Classic 1982 Chevy Monte Carlo diesel 62,000, 1972 Yamaha DT 3160 dirt bike, Leer truck cap fit 1988-97 Long bed Mont Co 215- 233-4088 Eight Holstein heifers, due August $l4OO each deliv ery can be arranged Susquehanna Co 570- 965-2398 Wooden wheel wagon complete tongue double tree single trees seat 4” tire, front wheels 39” high rear 44” excel cond $lBOO Franklin Co 717-369-3262 Corn silage 200 ton with extra gram $2B 00 per ton at silo with preservative added Lane Co 717-733- 8528 Woods M 5 3 point brush cutter $650 Ford 901 5 ft brush cutter 3 pt $550 both ready to work Bucks Co 215-493-4108 Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $32.00 104 issues - $61.00 in PA, MD, DE, N), NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states: 52 issues - $43.00 Outside U.S. - Call for price quote Payment njust accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription t rf start Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below. Write your new address and telephone number on the form below In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date. Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription. You may renew your subscription using the form below To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailir from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes Renewal - Change of Address Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/00 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / PA. MD. PE. NJ. NY. OH.VA.\ □ $32.00 • 1 yr (52 issues) □ $61.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name Address + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ AmEx □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover Signature for Credit Card Payment Only 1 1/2 HP Butfton cream seprator, gas engines, one water cooled, one air cooled, partially restored $1350 each Bob after 6 Somerset Co 732-356- 2307 1938 B Allis Chalmers Trac tor, 1950 G Allis Chalmer Tractor, 1970 GT 14 Wheel Horse Tractor All restored Cumb Co 717-776-4119 1947 MD IH tractor, excel lent to restore, not many made, * starts on gas, switches on diesel, good shape Indiana Co 814- 749-9549 or 8867 Oliver wood planter 24" 1 phase $2500, beach table saw 16" 3 phase $B5O, Powermatic tablesaw 10”, 3 phase $950 North’d Co 570-339-5777 Nubian doe kids from good stock $5O two 18 month old Nubian does $lOO each can deliver w/o papers Col Co 570-799-0169 20x28 and 20x50 Harve stores with unloaders, Surge 2” SS pipeline for 40 cow barn, complete, Jamesway RH gutter cleaner Dauphin Co 717- 896-3252 RIPTION E ADDRI HAi RENEWALS CLIP HERE f Farm! Lano Attach Your Mail Label Here □ $43.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $83.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Telephone (credit card number) Steel pipe 3” to 12” pipe 50 to 4 00 a foot gate valves $5O St Marys Co 301- 994-0930 Vegetable washer with turn table $2,000 FMC Sweet corn picker one row, both barn ketp $5,000 Cape May 609-465-4927 International 1984 cab over 350 cummins 13 spd sleeper w/42 ft freehaul log, trailer w/racks $lO,OOO Prentice 110 log loader Strasburg, Va 540-869- 3853 'B5 Tioga RV 23’ Chevy 350 9K, AC, gen , rebuilt trans, good cond, new tires, batteries $B5OO Chester Co 610-932-3468 12’ Bullion field cultivator, 14’ Bullion cultipacker, 32’ New Idea elevator Bin wagon, also male swan $lOO Dauphin Co 717- 533-7051 Free 2 solar Hot water heater panels Lane Co 717-665-4872 Bear trap with tooth $450 080 Craftsman jointer and table saw $125 for both Antique workbench w/wooden vise $lOO 080 Berks Co 610-916-1350 104 issues - $B3 00 Label State exp date Lincoln arc welder, Ideal arc DC2SO w/LN7, GMA control, exc cond , 220 singe phase, complete w/bottle, $2,100, York Co, 246-0366 7 yr old work horse, sound, needs work, $1,050, rebuilt 12A manure spreader, A 1 cond , Aaron Lapp, 473 Centerville Rd , Gor donville, PA 17529, Lane Co Farmall 404 power steer ing, lights, hydraulics, 3 pt York Co . 717-993-5839 100 brown pullets, 18 wks old, $4 each, Lane Co , 717-445-5734 Zimmerman locking head gates, 111/2’ long, 30" high section like new, $250, Lane Co. 717-394-8783 Case 18358 skid loader, diesel, good cond IH 1066 135 HP. new paint, sharp $9,800 Lane Co 717-859- 3456 Registered Highlands and Sicilian miniature donkey foal Black Jack born 4/1/2000 Red and black calves under 2-1/2 years York Co 717-840-4184 Ear corn approx 8 ton $BO T at barn you haul Mt Joy Area Lane Co 717-653- 1615 JD 40 crawler with loader, 5 roller track, runs and oper ates $3,000 No Sunday calls Lane Co 717-738- 0717 Rat terrier male pup, also reg Boston Terrier, male pup with one cloudy eye $75 and $175 080 Lane Co 717-445-4267 Miniature horses weanling fillies, tiny silver $l5OO Broad mare chestnut flaxen M/T 7 yrs, double regis tered $l5OO others avail able York Co 717-229- 2218 Rye straw, 3x3x16 bale, $l5/bale, corn fodder round bales, $2O/bale, delivery available Lane Co 717-426-4010 John Deere B fair shape, Ford 8N good shape, York Co 717-993-6581 evenim Warm blood cross 2 yr chestnut filly, big body with good conformation and atti tude yearlings also avail able $3,000 thru $5,000 Lane Co 717-442-9648 For Sale Red Limousin bull 6 moths old, no papers Indiana Co 724-286-9451 Commercial gas range 6 burner, 1 oven 36" wide $585 Lane Co 717-665- 5562 -——j || units, jgr § $125, females, $l5O, ready I/U0... jj, '§*° 9° July 20, Berks Co , Used | 610 944-1243 eft ßmmmLL I Peach Bottom slate 7xlo, BULL g Bxlo, 10x10 & 7x12, old SALES ft SERVICE j| chestnut boards, leave 717-354-5554 e message for John, Lane 717-354-9320 e Co, 548-9912 aHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauh! Goat kids, billys, $35, nan nys, $45, Nubian alpine mix Berks Co, 717-933- 1602 VP4D Wisconsin eng w/elec start, runs nice, w/out rebuilt clutch, $625 w/clutch, $1,325, 518 Pine Wood Rd , Jersey Shore 17740, call 8-8 30 am, 570-745-7197 Bids being taken, Farmall Super MTA diesel, ps, (HC wide front, runs o k , any bids may be rejected, Car roll Co, 410-861-8237 Gehl FB-99 blower, wood en hay wagon badger gear, metal hay wagon, front side unload, 55kw, PTO, wmeo generator, Leb Co, 717- 274-3350 1990 Int truck & chassie 21000 GVW, Lane Co, 717-786-7525 New leather cob harness, $235 new leather pony harness, $165, Seller's Harness Shop, 595 Valley Rd , Quarryville, PA 17566, Lane Co Auto headgate w/4 gates, side panels & rear swing gate, $950, like new, cider press w/grmder, $550, Lane Co , 717-354-0253 Butler steel bldg, 50'x60’x14’ high, fair cond , you remove, 80, York Co, 717-432-3743 #9 McD 6’ mower state self cleaning turbo 512, 82 gal water heater, 338 Newport Rd, Leola, PA 17540, Lane Co NH rake hitch to pull 2 rakes, $25, Lane Co , 717- 445-6838 50,000 BTUs propane gas heater, like new, Amos Zook, 5689 Buena Vista Rd , Gap, PA 17527, Lane Co NH 489 haybme, new rolls teeth & guards, $3,500, Lane Co , 717-768-7005 Gas 10 burner, double oven, garland, old, heavy commercial stove $lOO no Sunday calls please, Adams Co , 717-528-8891 Austrian cattle dog pups, $5O, ready now, Benuel F Miller, 54 McCoury Rd , Nottingham, PA 19362, Chester Co MF #43 grain drill, single disc openers, $4OO 080, Perry Co, 717-536-3786 Portable potato grader w/ 8' roller picking table & 34 belt conveyor mounted on 4 wheel frame, Lane Co, 717-354-0195 1989 Pontiac 6000 4 door Sedan, power locks, win dows & seats, purchased new, 80,000 mi , Cumb Co, 717-243-6425 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-823 Reg Holstein service age bull, choice of either a gran ite or reflex son, $9OO, Braunside Farms Fmks burg, MD, Carroll Co, 410- 861-8273 9 month old Morgan pony cross filly, sorrel chestnut w/blaze, $350, Lane Co , 610-286-0290 MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Pole trailer, $2OO, 5 ton, 8’ dump box w/pump & cyl , $5OO, Harris torch tips LP MAPP acetyene , $5 new, Sch Co. 570-773-7808 Used canoe, call Pamela day or eve , Balt Co , MD, 410-243-0545 Couple desires work together, same days same shifts will consider moving please call after spm Lane Co. 717-872 4271 NH #7O bale thrower mechanical or hydraulic, good or exc cond , Leb Co. 717-273-5293 7-00-20 truck tires, Perry Co , 789-9388 Used lister sheep clippers Mifflin Co, 717-899-6209 3 pt hitch rear weight bar attachment w/weight 75 tor Steiner tractor, Centre Co , 814-234-2725 Back hoe 3 pt PTO pow ered, 8’ plus depth, fair cond , within 50 mi York Lancaster, Baltimore areas, call after 6pm Northern Maryland, Har ford Co, 410-877-7015 Adjustable wagon tongue for NH hay wagon must be in good cond , no Sunday calls, Sch Co , 570-943 2331 IH model 100, 3 pt pit manless mower tor parts or a good usable 3 pt sickle bar mower for trimming Chester Co, 610-869-2001 3 or 4HP tank compressor, R 22 freon, also JD or NH skid loader newer model reasonable, Lane Co 717- 445-5697 Tree spade(s) Vermeer truck, mounted, TS 50, M frame 4400, low profile, large spade TS 9400 or 8000 newer, Cecil Co 410-658-3015 Crew to put deer fencing up, materials furnished, ready to go Stockton, NJ 609-397-0812 JD 110 7HP Kohler, 1963 lawn tractor, serial # below 3550 fiber glass fenders, any cond , Mont Co , 610- 584-8435 Good used bicycles boys/girls, full size, also heavy duty air-tired tricycle no Sunday calls, Sch Co , 570-682-9159 Hand Pumps & Trough *1 E&R Plumbing 399 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-5554 717-354-9320 M * Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces " p Standard Models Kl. ( Wood or Coal _ Multifuel ■jjjH B Mj Models Burn Wood. Oil, wm I Coal or Gas Separate combustion chamber and smokestack (oil & gas only) Adapts to dny existing heat system. Installation & Accessories Available Clyde K. Alderfer (570) 539-8456 R.D. #l, Box 246, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 PROBLEM MILK? Don't Dump Your Hard Work Down The Drain I Making Cheese With Your Milk Preserves Its Value 4-Milking Penalty Warm Milk No Milk Market CALL THE CHEESEMAKER We’ll Take Care of Everything Toll Free 888/624-3373 717/933-4385 AC tractors for auction Oct 7, parts & unusual farm equip, national advertised sale, benefits Cecil Farm Museum, 410-398-4313 Christian couple interested in buying ranch house w/garage or outbldgs on large (1/2 acre) lot in Lane Co , Carbon Co 570-645- 5852 Motor scooters & trail Hon das, running or not Kent Co , DE, 302-697-2639 Rototiller to fit AC 811 GTII lawn tractor, model #1690393 Lane Co 610 593-5502 Several day old heifer calves premium prices paid, within 10 miles of Myerstown Leb Co, 717- 866-6048 Cockshutt tractor, V 8 Studebaker truck Oliver OC-4 crawler, Gary Hearn 10411 Winding Ridge Cir cle Richmond VA 23233 guido®atel net, Henrico Co , VA, 804-741-0411 40' aluminum ladder please call Adam Berks Co, 610-689-3932 Smidley steer stuffer, must be in v g cond York Co 717-225-4941 12" or 13" belt pulley for WD9 Int tractor, Gideon Fisher, 3321 Old Philadel phia Pike, Ronks, PA 17572, Lane Co i MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE Waterloo Boys, All John Deere Show & Pull Rough & Tumble Grounds, July 22 2000 7 am- 9 Kmzers PA, US Route 30, Lancast er Co, 717-354-6896 Paying top prices for old pictorial cigar box labels write Cigar Labels, 264 Forge Hill Rd Wnghtsville, PA 17368 York Co , 717- 252-2023 Menges Mills Steam Show Spring Grove July 15 & 16 pedal tractor pull, country music, threshing, shmgle makmg free admission York Co 717-235-1104 Planning a vacation’ Take Entertainment 2000 book along, 50% room discounts at 1,000 hotels, sales bene fit NAMI of Berks Co 888- 761-0444 Custom sawing w/portable bandsaw Ammon Hoover 2079 Hoover Drive Nar von, PA 17555, send phone # & we’ll call you 8 ac pasture, open here ford barn, silo, closed barn for storage room, room to feed 50 hereford Lane Co , 717-768-3769 Pasture with stream and barn for horses Also 3x5 fir tobacco rails and laths Lane Co 717-445-6453
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