822-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, July 1, 2000 MAIL .1 X MARKET F R SALE a Woods LS9 belly mower for Super A, 130, 140, like new, $B5O, cub draw bar mount plow, exc , $125, Lane Co, 717-892-1540 5 yrs old standard bred, sound, traffic safe, anybody can drive, $l,BOO, Lane Co, 717-445-9809 Lab puppies, ready 7/7, black, chocolate, yellow, purebred, $lBO, Lane Co, 717-664-0913 Pedal tractors, JD 60 Far mall mid size M, old farm toys, some in ong boxes, Carroll Co, 410-346-7157 1981 Mack R-600 twin Patz 988 silo unloader w/ss screw, 300 plus, 9 spd , wet blower & new chain, make line, 24 5 radials, AC, solid offer, Dauphin Co, 717- cab, good cond , $8,500, 948-0208 Northampton Co, 610- 838-7271 over 5 yrs , 1" thick, various MF 410+510 combines (2), lengths & widths, $3 25/bd 13’gram tables, 4RW corn ft, Fulton Co, 717-987- head, $4,000 takes all, will 3395 separate, field ready, Co, 302-378-2683 IH sickle bar mower, exc cond , 200 9’ IH disc 350, 3 yr old, standardbred trotter, Lane Co, 717-351-0856 1965 Ramble grill & Ram ble parts, all for $5O, York Co. 717-741-5719 Ear corn, 10 ton, $lOO/ton, Lane Co, 717-872-5275 Wood stove insert w/blow er, Eshland, $350, Massey 1650 lawn garden tractor, 48” deck hi/low drive, hydraulic lift, $1,200, York Co, 717-246-1337 Gooseneck trailer, 10,000 GVW, 2 axle, kept inside, call for more details, West moreland Co , 724-834- 7197 1999 Cornpro gooseneck flatbed trailer, 14,000 lbs , GVW w/ramps & adjustable beavertail, like new, $5,000 firm, Juniata Co, 717-527- 2595 „ would consider trade for Int farm tractor 2444, live „„ pita 11 p i r-io >->♦ __ sick)© D3r 3tt3cnm©nt, no RIO, H&L range, 3 pt, ps Sundg calls 71 7.445. w/7 Frail mower, good ’ cond , $4,250, SHR Briggs, side shaft, $lOO, Sch Co , 1984 Southwmd 34’ 454, 1 570-386-3143 owner, no smoke, pets, ~~; ~—rrr 25K, new radials, awning Baler eng Wise TFD runs headers ss whee| hners y good saw buck w/29 blade d $20 , 000i Cam mounted on small cart, g na g 0 $350, Lyc Co , 570-584- * 3942 11 Vend Star 3000 venting _ — T —I —o —~ machines, brand new, still Re ®*h^. Ub lf il , buck 4? in boxes, paid $240, will sell month buck kid, reg Arab fo $l50 y Leb Co 717 . quarter cross mare, 15-1 ?77 netzn hands, 5 yrs , Juniata Co , - 717-436-9716 Reg Shelty puppies, 1985 2000 Ponderosa stock trail- p rQ nL-i?n°pr» er, 20x7x6’6”, gooseneck, “ m Co bull package. 14,000 GVW, 0 like new, never used for ani mals, $5,000, Union Co , 570-966-9185 1936 Allis Chalmers B, fully restored, new tires, mint cond $2,500, York Co , 717-244-5293 Young open heifer cross between Angus & Holstein breeding age, very tame, $750 080, Lane Co , 717- 335-7301 Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces JWD Steiner, articulated power steering, hydrostat, 3 cyl Kubota eng w/loader, $5,000 or BRO, will sepa rate, Bradford Co, 570- 265-6465 1988 Chevy 3500 1 ton pick-up 350 V 8,4 spd , new inspection set-up for frailer, towing mechanically sound, $5,100 offer, York Co . 717-993-3775 Lift gate for box truck 2500 lbs capacity, $275, old pump organ & stool, $175, York Co, 717-927-6967 80 gal Kellogg air com pressor, 220 V, $l5O w/new SHP motor, $5OO, call after Bpm, Sch Co , 570-386- 5537 Cherry boards, air-dried Produce bin dumper Haines Star sizer, SpudmL bulk potato van unloader, 2 refrigeration systems, 10HP compressors, blow ers. condenser, Lane Co, 610-286-9772 Hubs tor dual wheels, fit IH 4” axle for 1586, 5288, etc , $4OO, Northampton Co, 610-252-2410 Insecticide mist blower, high velocity on trailer, solo, $1,700, mechanical X-mas tree planter, $l5O, concrete vibrator, $125, New Castle, DE. 302-731-5505 Nl 290 & Hesston PTIO haybmes, $BOO, choice, used this year, discbtne, Lyc Co, 570-547-6283 White Mountain ice cream freezer, hand crank, triple motion, 4 qt size w/extra can, like new, $lOO, Fred Co, 301-662-1902 BCS chipper-shredder attachment, good cond , 717-369- iwmms U.L.P.A. & N.F.I FREE ESTIMA iffer, Owner P.O. Bi '74-7090 Freeburg, 800 Gehl recutter, good cond , SHP elec motor, 28’, little giant elevator gram or hay, $450, Lane Co, 717- 687-6565 Chevy pick-up bumper & tailgate, $4O each, 2 rims & tires, $25, tits 1973-84, all good cond , Burlington Co , NJ, 609-714-1660 5 new 10x20 recapped steering tread tires, $3OO, 1989 GMC S-15 pick-up, 4 3 auto, air, runs great, $750, Northampton Co, 570-897-0592 Kubota mower deck model RC44G, BHP leaf blower, cadet square mower deck, Wanted eng parts OC-4, 3 cyl , D-160, Chester Co , 610-495-6170 Suzuki 160 4 wheeler 1989, runs great, $BOO, fiberglass dog crates, medium & large, 1/2 price, English Pointer bird dogs, Lane Co. 717-484-6052 NH 880 W hay head, good cond , $350, Berks Co , 610-682-4556 NH 53AS bale thrower, $250, on NH 68 baler, baler avail for parts, nice, exc no tine gear box, Berks Co, 610-689-5269 225 amp Lincoln welder, AC, $BO, 1952 Chev 12’ stake body dump w/350 Chev V 8 eng. $4,800, Lane Co. 717-665-3586 3 GE elec motor, 40HP vertical shaft, 3ph, 1765 rpm, 230-460 V, $2OO each, 1 Horz shaft, US elec motor, 50HP, 230-460 V, 3ph 1765 rpm, $250, York Co. 717-938-6167 1985 Dodge, 1 ton dump, Pa inspected, blue, good cond, 1 owner, $4,995, Franklin Co , 717-264-9057 NH 5717 harvester w/pick up head, heavy duty tongue, $6OO, JD 250 side mount mower, $250, Perry Co. 717-834-3148 Canning jars, $l/box, about 8 boxes, some have 20 jars/box, Fairbank plat formed scale, Lane Co, 717-354-0616 89 GMC Mason dump 454 ps pb 4x4 with 8’ Meyers snow plow, $lO,OOO 080, 77,000 mi, Hunterdon Co , 908-735-9166 412 ton 7' used feed bins, fair cond , Lane Co , 717- 445-4846 2 milking does, 1 Nubian cross, 1 Alpine cross, $125 each, Snyder Co, 570- 539-8891 2 ceramic kilns w/clay, $195 & $245, both $395, call for more info, Perry Co, 717-567-3181 .mile :ual [oUand, Pa. pr Call 800-448-4622 for an agent near you Mule drawn machine gun cart, $1,750, Ralgro pellet injector, gun for synovex implants, hemoglobmo meter, CT. 860-564-2579 1 12 4x28 turf tire, $5O, 12HP wheelhorse w/attachments, $l,OOO, 1971 Buick Centunan Con vertible, needs restoration, $9OO, Chester Co, 610- 935-0503 Firewood processor asking $30,000, serious inquiries only please, 301 -245-4218, e - m a i I gasterville@juno com, Garrett Co, MD 1951 Massey Harris 44 hi arch row crop, wide front, Ser #44GR2006, factory cab, $3,000, Centre Co, 814-355-1174 1H 203 combine for parts, 10’ herd hume reel, new drive belts, 80, 479 hay bine knives belt, $5O, Berks Co, 610-926-4722 Ford 9N cycle bar mower, 2 bottom plow, belt pulley, new tires, new battery, runs good, $3,100, leave mes sage, Jefferson Co. 304- 876-2754 Cat 920, articulated, 4x4 wheel loader, EROPS, runs good, good brakes, asking $12,900, Salem Co, 856- 691-0526 AC G parts tractor, $6OO, Ford Funk 6 cyl BN, runs good, $4,500, 1941 JD B, not running, $950, Bucks Co. 610-847-5907 Ford NAA golden jubilee w/Woods RM6OO mower, 3 pt, always kept inside, won’t find a nicer one, $5,000, York Co , 717-428- 2422 1990 Chevy 3500 truck, Eby cattle body, 11,000 gross, 96.000 K, good cond , Leb. Co , 717-865- 2536 8 yr old 1/2 Quarter horse, 1/2 Appaloosa mare, gen tle, needs refresher course, $l,OOO 080, Juniata Co , 717-463-2157 M _ Diesel Sales & Service New& Used- Diesel Rebuilding I—lr FOB SALE TS2 Lister Diesel (15 hp) Rebuilt 3.152 Perkins Diesel [35 hp) Rebuilt John Deere Powartec? Diesel Engines Ideal for Homeowners, Dalrys, Shops Quaker Machtae .. —.. . —~ 401 Quaker Church Rd., Hydraulic & Air Systems ChriBtlanai PA 17509 Quincy Air Compressors g-|O-593-0389 MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM IJNCh Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! ———————immimmKmmm free to subscribers only PLEASE READ ALL Attach Your requirements before Lancaster Farming Mailing Label filling out form' Here Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one” free Mailbox Market per _____ month only, (Ad will appear Check One- . . 1 week onl v)- For Sate CD Not,cedi Wanted CD If You Do Not Wish To Be On The Internet Please Check Here [_J L,®, t 2 o words 4) Phone number must include ~ 7 area code. ' * ° 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in 5 6 7 * 8 office by Monday or will be held until following week’s issue. —7) No Business Ads accepted. ® ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to refect any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these 14 15 16 requirements.** Mail To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 17 18 County Phone No. i e. Mainst. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 1752? No Phone Calls Please! Saw mill for sale, Wood Miser band saw, like new, make offer, Farmall cub, fast hitch & several attach ments, $2,750, Franklin Co, 717-369-5319 Moritz deluxe 4 horse trail er, $3,000, Eby alum 4 horse trailer, $7,000, cast iron radiators, assorted sizes, $4O-60, Chester Co , 610-669-6250 Bullion 5' 3ph seeder, exc cond , $1,200 080, May tag dishwasher, 2 yrs old, black front, $lOO 080, York Co. 717-993-3496 An exc running SHP econ omy hit & miss eng on good truck w/webster mag, $l,OOO, call John, Snyder Co, 570-539-8561 1968 F-700 16’ stake body dump truck, asking $l,BOO, Holmes wrecker, bad motor, asking $1,200, 1978, Chester Co, 610- 970-5022 Purebred Rat Terrier pup pies, no papers, 6 wks old, males, $5O, females, $75, will deliver to Harrisburg area, Clinton Co. 570-726- 2452 Polled Hereford yearling bull, reasonable, 2 show heifers, reasonable, 1 show steer, creep feeder calves, $lOO, 2 bottom plow, War ren Co. 908-459-4957 1845 Case skid steer loader, good cond , good rubber, $6,250,2500 Trojan loader, good cond, 80% rubber, $16,750, Leb Co, 717-469-2138 4000 JD dual remote 540, 1000 PTO, side console, nice, field ready, Lane Co, 717-656-2431 Carriage, seats 4 people, suitable for horses or ponies, wooden wheels, rubber tires, JD colors, exc , $2,200, Lane. Co , 717-569-5150 5,000 gal. fiberglass water tank, v.g. cond , $5OO, also some smaller fiberglass tanks, Sch. Co., 570-366- 1227 1965 Mustang parts, wheel covers, bumpers, small parts, hammer duleimer, 3pth 2 bottom plow, potato plow, Leb Co, 717-865- 2941 Gaited horses, 5 yearlings, 1 5 yr old stallion, plenty of colors to choose from, $2,000 & up, Bedford Co , 814-784-0020 32 Jamesway #23066 steel locking cow stanchions w/dividers, drinkers, 6 pipe box stalls, make offer, you remove, Chester Co , 610- 942-3008 2 yr old bay morgan filly, 14 3 hands, halter broke, $750, Lane Co, 717-445- 6677 MH pony hand lift, $1,200, Int harvester, #7 horse mower, $lOO, single culti packer, $75, old disc, $75, York Co, 717-632-3910 Parting out, Ford 5000 D eng, good, misc older Ford, Ferguson, extra parts, 3 pt. rototiller, HD, Allegany Co, 716-437- 2796 3 pth, PTO grass collection system, $4OO, JD 400 snow blade, $4OO, 3 pt. HD boom, $125, coal stove, Lane. Co., 717-442-4279 7500 watt kato light gen. & 14HP eng., good cond., Lane. Co. 717-335-3453 82 Int. 1954 truck DT 466, $1,650, 78 F 350 for parts, $450, Cat 318 power unit, $BOO used rubber conv belt, HDS dozer parts, all $B5O, Cecil Co., 410-378- 2785 Unverferth McCurdy HT2S combine header wagon, exc cond., $1,200, Leb Co, 717-832-0980 Yearling rams, reg Suffolk & Cheviot, both were show rams, $l5O each, York Co , 717-246-9715 Angle dozer blade for JO 1010 crawler loader, oth ers, exc cond , $1,200 Cumb Co., NJ, 856-455- 2368 YES! ft HotVVa t* ROSENBERRY STOVES (717) 532-9023 2 auto unloading wagons w/AC, running gear 605 & 700, kept inside, $BOO each, Dauphin Co, 717- 944-3040 American straight line rip saw, grizzly 16” double drum, SHP sander, make offer, Cumb Co, 717-423- 6465 Horning 17 bu feed cart, $75, Lane Co, 717-464- 2Q28 933 Caterpillar traxcavator, runs good, pony motor, trouble, lot of extra parts Montgomery Co 301-253- 4271 ELS Liquid manure spreader with auger and open top, also buggy to clean out cow stable fits 7 ft walk. Lane. Co Levi S Fisher, 87A Black Horse Rd., Paradise, PA 17562. 10KW Kohler generator with Waukesha 30 HP engine hand start $5OO 080. New idea no 8 manure spreader $3OO 080. Union Co. 570-966- 2104. Storage trailers $5OO and up. 1986 Freightlmer 400 cummins jake airnde wet line VGC $lO,OOO Salem Co 856-358-6139. Sex-Sal pullets 95% egg production $4 75 each. Egg crates, flats etc David King 336 A Osceola Mill, Gor donville, Pa. Lane Co. 17529 Ramsones diesel 5000 $l,OOO JD 7000 4 row N planter $3,000. JD 443 corn head $3,000 Int 510 Gran drill DD$9OO Saleri Co 856-358-6139 Wooden Ellis Keystone thrasher with straw blower $l5OO. 85 Ford F 350 crew cab dually, ex cond. $6495. Evenings. Chester Co. 10- 932-9249. Farmall parts for A,B,H, M, F-12 Cub 340 also Farmall Cub with 5 ft belly mower runs good $l6OO Salem Co 856-358-3371.
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