Directions: Family members should answer these questions separately. Then compare answers. The similarities and differences that turn up can spark a discussion of family attitudes and practices. 1. If you received $5,000 tax-free, what would you do with it? 2. Rank the following activities, using 1 to indicate what you would enjoy doing most and 6 to indi cate what you would enjoy doing least. an evening at home with the family a night on the town a few extra hours on the job involvement in physical activity spending time with friends some quiet time to myself 3. If you had to make a major cut in your current spending, what area would you cut first? 4. Do you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the following statements? A D A D A D A D A D A D 5. I’d like to see us spend less money on and see more dollars go for 6. What money problem is the most frequent cause of argument? 7. What was the most sensible thing you’ve done with money since marriage? 8. Do you know the dollar figures that go in the following blanks? Family take-home income $ Rent or mortgage payment $ Money spent on food each month $ Monthly car payment $ 9. Buying on credit is: MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT fraction Field & Road 13.6x28 6 ply $190.00 18.4x30 6 ply $340.00 18.4x38 6 ply $350.00 20.8 x3B 8 ply $490.00 Visit or call us today! MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT Located in Churchtown 119 Water St., Narvon, PA 17555 717-445-4993 Talk About Money Worksheet I’m basically too tight with money. My spouse is basically too tight with money. Equality in family decisionmaking is important to me. I feel good about the way financial decisions are made in my family, Sometimes I buy things I don’t need just because they’re on sale. I believe in enjoying today and letting tomorrow worry about itself. We’re Your Firestone Farm Tire Dealer! Count on us year-round for: • A complete line of Firestone farm tires • In the field emergency repair service • Implement and light truck tires in stock too! Many Other Tires In Stock - Call For Prices FARM TIRES Firestone All fraction 23° 18.4R34 1 ★ $540.00 20.8R38 1 ★ $725.00 20.8R38 2 ★ $875.00 20.8R42 2 ★ $BBO.OO Firestone Radial 23° 18.4R34 1 * $500.00 18.4R38 1 * $505.00 20.8R38 1 ★ $650.00 18.4R42 2 * $645.00 firestone FARM TIRES THF IFftDFR IN THF FIFID Talking About Money John Berry, Agricultural Marketing Agent Penn State Cooperative Extension Lehigh County Money is a common problem for a family, regardless of income, age and education of family members. Sometimes a lack of income to meet basic needs causes the money hassle. But, more often, inadequate communication about money is the root of financial problems. While family members have different values and attitudes toward spending and saving money, or when families strive for unrealistic goals, there is a potential for conflict. When family members do not “talk things out,” even the best spend ing plan may not work. Communication among family members is not always the easiest thing to do, but it is important if you want to get the most satisfaction from financial resources. Generally, the more open the communication about family finances, the better the quality of those decisions. Communication Guidelines Preventing and overcoming money problems takes honest and candid communication. It also takes time and effort. Be willing to arrange a specific time when all family members can talk about money. Meet on a regular basis instead of waiting until problems occur. Choose a location where you will not be interrupted. Here are some suggestions for increasing the quality of com munication about money mat ters in your family: • Recognize that whoever earns the money does not also earn the right to dictate how it should be spent. Family mem bers, including children old enough to understand, need to make decisions about money as a team. Allow everyone to have Duraßed COW MATTRESS The Only One Of Its Kind 80 ox. Waterproof IE The Heaviest IE The Driest 0 The Most Effective 0 The Strongest 0 IDbe BEST Why Buy Anything Else? Duraßriskef Easy to install 8 ft. sections $12.0° per stall North Brook Farms ik mm » Toll Frees 877-624-2638 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 1, 2000-A27 input in financial decisions. Family members will be more satisfied with decisions if they helped to make them. • Clearly identify the issue at hand. Do not drag other points into the discussion that do not address the problem, concern, or dissatisfaction. Is the problem one of spending too much money, spending it at the wrong time, or spending it on some thing you consider unnecessary or unimportant? • Let each family member freely state his or her wants, needs, and personal feelings. Avoid judging or criticizing others. Encourage communica tion beginning with “I think” or “I feel.” Talk about the present. Avoid phrases such as “you always” and “you never.”- • Listen carefully to the other person. Respond to statements by others with some indication that you understand. Or ask questions until you do under stand. • Be willing to compromise and negotiate for a realistic set tlement of differences. In many cases, family members must compromise. Making a contract or written agreement may help avoid misunderstandings. Meet on a regularly scheduled time, and limit to 30-40 minutes. Values Affect Decisions Begin communicating about money by identifying personal values. Values represent those qualities, situations, and mate rial things an individual cher ishes most. Values are a product of your past experiences, present situa tion, and expectations for the future. Some values and attitudes toward money can be traced to childhood. What were your par ents’ attitudes toward money, use of credit, or “keeping up with the Joneses?” Was money a constant point of conflict or HOPE POLYBOARD Milk houses, manger liners, MUDGUARD non woven geotextile Get out of the mud 1 (Turn to Pag* A2B) Martin’s Farm Supply Greencastle 717-597-4283 Martin Construction Co. Kmztown 610-683-6120 Ammon Fisher Rooks 717-687-0349 Farmer Boy Ag Systems Mycrstown 800-845-3374
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