MAIL E X MARKET F R SALE j B) B IH 686 3408 hrs exc cond , IH #45 twelve foot vibra harrow, JD #4B com bine, all excellent cond York Co. 717-927-6293 AC G with cultivator 2,200 good fire wood 10 pick up load silage round bales 30, Leb Co 717-865-4931 16 9 x 38 reur tractor tires 80% tread $3OO 080 717- 949-2207 Lebanon Co Bush hog 11T chisel plow HI clearance 3pt, depth wheels field ready extra shanks, $1,150 Lehigh Co 610-967-3876 Ageless iron antique tractor collector cards ' by Goodyear tire, complete sets or individual cards, call with your needs Centre Co 814-364-9333 Ford 705 snow dozer blade, Ford manure fork with bolt on snow bucket for 771-772 loader, Bucks Co 215-343-9177 Ferguson “30" tractor new tires, paint, wiring & gage, tractor looks like new $3,500 1938 Buick special 4-door, looks and drives great $8,500 Cumb. co 717-766-6758 1976 Ford C 750 5 speed 2 speed rear bad engine part or whole good cab make offer. Lycoming co 570- 323-9142 Farmall C with woods belly mower, 12 volts extra blades, excel, cond Sch. Co 570-467-3390 Antique 1975 Cadillac Eldarado cp 41,000 mi, garaged nice, dark grown, 1/2 white vmal top $4BOO. York Co 717-757-2105 Conr planter & cultivator, 2 row fits farmall super C negotiable or best offer, New Holland drop square baler, model #273 decent shape, $4OO, Chester Co. 610-469-3229 IH 1066 cab WF TA dual PTO’s IH 456 planter case 630 trial case 4508 crawlir loader, Mount. Co 215- 646-6951 Ford 4 cyl 4000 and 631 new phd, 3 pt. 7 ft cycle mower 2 btm, plows, culti vators, harrow dirt scoop, boom, Northumberland Co 570-425-2743. Ford 4 cyl. 400 and 631 new phd, 3 pt. 7 ft cycle mower 2 btm, plows, culti vators, harrow dirt scoop, boom Northumberland Co 570-425-2743 Landspnde solid stand seeder 48” with slit seeder attachment, $4600 Also 3 pt rear scoop $75 080, Berks Co 610-987-9256 NH 275 baler w/thrower supersweep new paint field ready $1250 NH hay and corn elevator w/ motor $675, Lane. Co 717-665- 9396 Backhoe bucket, gill 36” light duty. $125, Dauphin Co 717-566-0917 New Holland #273 Baler IH 55, 3pth, 7-11 ft. good, good shape $1,125 SamF. $1,200. Woods 8214 rotary Stoltzfus, 178 W. Mam cutter, works, $1,200, Street, Rebersburg, Pa. Goliath 4 1/2 3ph motor, 16872. Centre Co $25, Adams Co 717-677- 8789 14' Case wheeled chisel plow, working cond. with 2 extra tooth assemblies and cylinder and hoses $495 Lycoming Co 570-998- 2032 30 HP Lombardim diesel used 2 yrs w/clutch in good cond $3lOO And New 11 HP Honda $560 Lancaster Co ELS Liquid manure spreader 675 gal Enos Stoltzfus, 2366 Horseshoe Rd , Lane Pa 17601 Pomeranian puppy for sale Male very cute 7 weeks old $ll5. Lane Co. 6 yr. old standardbred geld ing, sound, but watches trucks a little when not dri ven enough Ready for trips $l6OO Lane Co 717- 529-2465 6 yr old Haflmger gelding, with champion back ground Call after 6.30 PM. or leave message and phone No Lane Co 717- 768-7259 IH 6 bottom automatic reset plow, no. 710 Good shape Mi Joy, Lane Co. 717-653-4120 Mott mower 4 ft. W, with 2 cylinder Wmsconsm engine, ex cond $3OO Blackerry juice in gallon, patio benches, Benjamin Allgyer. 6222 Plank Rd„ Narvon, Pa 17555 Lane Co Straw hay, ear corn, Int. 510 4 bot trip plow, good cond with hillside hitch, call around 8 AM-12 Noon York Co 717-993-2295 5/8 baskets used $1 ea , baby pygmy goats $5O males $75 female, new peach baskets $1 ea Bucks Co. 215-541-4072 1 par Emus, Fred Co. 301 - 865-5268. Three 75 lb. Holstein steers, also 2 wheel trailer with a 4x7 ft box. Leb Co, 717-865-3434 Steel wheels open center 18’x62” $650 060 IH 700 4 bot. reset plow $7OO 080 Dundee, Schuyler NY 607-243-5388 600 gallon MW Mueller milk lank, ex. cond. $l5OO. Leroy S Miller, 2931 Miller Lane, Birdn-ln-Hand, PA 17505. Lane. Co. 1370 Case tractor, weather head hose crimper, cabinet and misc hyd. fittings, 16x42 long lathe, rapid return 3” opening. Lane Co 610-593-6112 4 yr. saddlebred, broke, sound, acclimated, snap, long trot, white markings, Earl Hoover, 1022 Ridge Ave , Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Eas. Green Dragon JD 10 ft transport disc har row, $5OO, good cond 12 ft. single chain elevator with motor $125 Good cond York Co. 717-993-2309. NH 489 Haybme ex cond $3,500, 1 grade cow fresh, Feb $l,lOO, Ist calf 20 ft cultipacker center fold, Cumb Co 717-530-0367 Farmall C new rear tires, paint, tubes gen radiator w/woods 5’ pull type rotory mower, $1,875 or BO , Berks Co 610-856-7922 Parting out following cars & trucks, 88 jeep tk, 90 ford tk, 88 Ford tk, 85,93 Dodge vans 88, 93 Dodge Shad ow, 88 Ply K-vow, 85 Ch Leabrow Conn, Berks Co , 610-756-6071 1989 F6OO 20,000 GVW chipper-dump 66p00 miers crew-cab, $B,OOO, 1986 E 350 14,000 GVW motor home 130,000 miles, 6.9 diesel air-ride tag-axel, $3,500, Berks Co 717-933- 4000 Ford 309 2 row cornplanter 78 FI 50 4x4 V 8 automatic w/gandy applicator and $1,500 080, 8’ pickup bed centruy 300 gal field for 72 Ford some rust $2OO sprayer, very good condi- 080, Berks Co 610-562- tion, best offer, Schuylkill 2144 Co , 570-345-4767 1947 Farmall M, NF, good Int #470 disc, 12 $750, condition, fair paint, new straw, $2 50 per bale, top- tires, 6 volt system, soil $8 per ton 610-754- $2,425, Montgomry Co, 7012 215-257-4888 Badger 10 ft manure pump hyde lift and tilt, very good cond ready to pump, 15 ft fill pipe, Lane. Co 717-687- 8882 John Deere 25 gallon trail type lawn and tree sprayer like new, $250, Lane Co 717-561-9329 Chevy 1 ton dump truck, single rear tires, C-30, year-1982, G2L diesel, auto, motor has head gas ket problem, bed is in ex cond . $2,500 or 80, York Co.. 717-235-5259 Goat kids, nubian buck pare no papers. $B5, adorable sannan cross buck and doe, $4O, $5O bottle fed, Adams Co. 717- 337-0348 AQHA registered geldings, quiet, gentle, for show or trail, tack for sale also, must sell, Berks Co. 610-385- 6594 Two 12 1/2 ton feed bins, $250 eal available May 1, Lane Co. 717-733-2646 Ford 550 backhoe, less than 500 hrs. since new engine, tires trans. overhall, two buckets, $9,500, 080, ask for David, Calto, MD, 410-472-0738 2-AC 616 both hydro, 16 no, 1 w/3 pt. w/STF mower, $2,500. 080, hard & soft coal, Balt. Co. 410-357- 5720 1 water ram, 1 anvil 1651 b. butcher kettle ET, call before 8:30 a.m , Berks Co 717-933-8530 1965 Ford 4x4, $9OO, 7-50- 16 tractor wheels chains, $lOO McCormick hammer mill, $75, 1948 Dodge truck, $l,lOO, MD Alleg. Co 301-478-5767 1086 tractor digital tac 20 Bx3B tires, $2OO, IH C tractor, 500 gallon century sprayer electric controls, Bedford Co, 814-847-2789 f Air Compressors | Installation & Rebuilding • New Quincy and Saylor-Beall Air Compressors Available • Complete Air Systems and Hydraulic Systems C.L. Sales & Service 237 Wolf Rock Road, Paradise 17562 . (717)442-4001 Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces ** »< ' | Standard Models *- a Wood or Coal It Multifuel ■H tt Models Burn Wood, Oil, C, | Coal or Gas Separate combustion chamber and smokestack (oil & gas only) Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Available Clyde K. Alderfer (570) 539-8456 R.D. #l, Box 246, Mt. Pleasant Mills. PA 17853 1984 Chevrolet 14' stake body truck, 84,000 miles, good condition, $3,000; 6’ mulching mower, 3pt 4 wheels. Northampton Co 610-767-8733 Cultivators, plow, D-bars 4 cub A.A-V, 5-dressers for farmall “H” transplanter, 10 ft transport, 11 H P lawn tractor, hilling ndgers, bicy cles, tricycles, Salem Co 856-358-8625 Gehl 3410 diesel skid loader, 5 ft., bucket manure fork, good condition, $4,800 080 IH, 450 reset plow, $750, Franklin Co , 717-532-3781 Marco Builders grade fire place, $2OO, front end loader from AC D-15 should also fit D-17, $2OO, Mongromery Co, 610-970- 7812 Francy Bantom chickens, Bufifi cookms black tailed Japanese males $5, females $3, Call after 7 p m on weekdays, Berks Co. 610-683-3208 3 section spring tooth had dow, 6ft, 3 pt rotary cutter, heavy duty, MF#l 3 pt post hole digger, MF 3 pt sub soiler w/cable laying att, Chester Co 610-869-2679 Woods mower for 8-W $350, 2 pt Int pitless mow er for super C, $5OO, Far mall w/woods mower, $l,BOO, Bucks Co 215- 598-7546 Farmall super M power stenng wide front 3 pt, John Deere 70 w/power block, both ex. cond , West moreland Co , 724-238- 4324 Ist cutting alfalfa. $ll5 per ton wheat straw, $B5 per ton, 2,500 gal stp, 3 tank, 10 yrs underground, Lane Co, 717-872-6181 JD disc 13-6 new blades, solid, $1,200, AFS elect mill W-SHP motor 3-48” tunnel fans, 2 yrs old, $475 E, Cumberland Co 717-776-6664 1980 GMC 1 ton dump truck, $2,500, MID pro 48” walk behind mower w/grass bagger, $2,000, Franklin Co. 717-263-1626 Hay rake $350, red oak boards, $1 50 board foot, Juniata Co., 717-694-3103 Old shutters, marble slabs, german siding, iron spoke wheels, concrete urns, farm bell, french doors, metal barn. Mong Co. 215- 256-9925 Ford 1981 F-700 gram 16ft. Army Ambulance, 1968, dump clean truck, $6,500 Jeep corporation, new NH 56 rake. $875, NH, 68 engine, excellent, $4,900, chute baler, $5O, Carroll evenings only, Bucks Co Co.. 410-374-2372 215-598-8227 1944 Ford 1 1/2 ton Ford, Wheel horse 36” mower real nice, 3/4 Dexter 1/4 deck for sale four speed Angus bull, very small, very transmission, heavy duty, nice, 9mo old, Alle Co , for Chevy truck GMC $5O, 301-724-0164 Lane Co 717-203-5359 10ft Taylor-way disc, Har- JD 555 A crawler loader, row, used very little, $4,000 4070 original hours, rops, car trailer, $BOO, Dutchess reath ripper, pedal steer, Co. NY. 914-855-1217 tower shift, U C 85%, Ex Cond., $lB,OOO, Berks Co, 610-488-1476 Allis Chalmers 3 pt pallet forklift $675 Moto-Turg 12 volt pallet jack $275 080 Lane Co 717-859-3837 Horse trailer 2 axle, brakes, $550, IH cub w/deck $2,500, MH pony $l6OO, 1971 Chev. stepside 55K ong Atlantic Co 609-927- 2912 7hp troybuilt tiller with fuller attach Like new $l,OOO Berks Co 717-933-1559 Mustang skid loader $2700 Nl 10 corn picker sharp $475 NH 3 pt 451 mower $875 NH, 258 rake rubber teeth has front dolly wheels $2500 717-354- 9144 IH 686 3403 hous exc cond , IH #45 twelve foot vibra barrow, JD #4B com bine, all excellent condition, York Co 717-927-6293 14" Delta Rockwell label saw, 38 x 48 cast iron table 220 volt 5 H P contractor grade $l4OO, 080 Bucks Co 215-536-8859 Ford series 901 5 ft Rotary cutter good shape $650 woods M 5 sft rotary cutter, very nice, $B5O, Bucks Co 215-493-4108 Pigmy Goats - 12 weeks old, 2 doe and 3 buck Lane Co 717-738-1267 Books, world book, ency clopedia, 22-vol, complete excellent condition, $55, gardening encyclopdia - 18-vol, complete, excellent condition, $4O delivery available, Lane Co 717- 336-5696 Oliver 4x16 semi-mount plow, spring reset, good cond $l2OO 080 8 pc 5x7 wire flooring 2 stain less steel hog feeders Cumb Co 717-776-4599 Bulls - registered Angus, calving ease, muscle, growth, gentle Add pounds to the calves sBoo+, Lane. Co 717-354-7477 Choice Dorset ram and ewe lambs, breeding slack, Co 717-949-3653 Wmpower tractor driven alternator 120-240 volts, 25KW Min 45 KW max, good cond Make offer, Lane Co. 717-656-4432 Straw wheat small bales, $1 50 each, 2x 3x AC snap coupler plows, AC 808 sicklebar sidemount, forks 4’ 6” 4.2" thich, Lane Co 717-684-5352 Barbados lambs, regis tered fainting goats, egypt lan geese, tolouse geese, female peafowl, red jungle fowl, doves, large guineas, Lane Co 717-733-2425 1985 Yamaha moto 4 wheeler zoocc with reverse, drive shaft, electric start, front and rear racks, nice shape, $1450 Lebanon Co 717-867-1381 Great Easter gifts, Enter tainment 2000'books for friends Over $5OO discount coupons Free US Ship ping Benefit Nami/Berks, 888-761-0444 k Hand Pumps fi Trough 1 Vis-a-vis carnage for draft Jl\ horse size, used but needs *S«K Hiummng to be in good shape Juma -399 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 ta Co 717 ' 734 ' 3966 717-354-5554 UPR 717-354-9520 M * ; [imams U.L.P.A. & N.F. FREE ESTIMA I'er, Owner p.O. Bi '4-7090 Freeburg, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000-821 Rissler 460 TMR cart $3,000-Jamesway air bag ventilations system, $5OO - 76 vacuum pump and motor, $5OO, Centre Co 814-349-8010 Athan, 7 tooth chisel plow, high clearance, like new, Cumb Co 717-532-5298 Used Magcoa yard ramp $2,000, 1989 F-350 dump with Meyers plow $10,500, 1986 Mercury Sable SW, $B5O, Montour Co , 570- 275-8786 Big Tandem dump, 1973, autocar 17’alum body, 290 hp cummins 15 spd alum Budd’s on front excellent gram truck, Chester Co 610-458-5614 Boer goat billies, 87% to 100% registered, call any time, Fulton Co 717-294- 3725 Breeding pair of emus, reg istered and colored angora goats, $5O to $250, Howard Co MD, 301-854-4848 Farriers coal forge, 12 volt blower, 12” round firepot, $B5 smithing coal, 14 bags, $6 ea , Mornsco Co, NJ, 908-879-7231 1965 Chevy C6O tilt cab 5 spd hi-lo six cylinder 21 ft bed, cattle rack, 85,000 miles, excellent condition, $4,500, Augusta Co, 540- 337-6561 Mueller model D 120 gal fire heater like new, $l,OOO 080, 2” glass pipeline for 58 cows, Chester Co 610- 869-9542 Cheesemaking classes, observe and learn from experienced specialty cheesemaker, beginner to advanced summer classes call for scheduling mailer, Bucks Co, 215-996-1637 Oilier 25ft round bale wag on, tandem axle, new tires, sliding tongue, brand new, call before 7 30 a m„ Fred Co, 301-371-7704 JD manure spreader for tractor or horse, $3OO 5 5 HP go cart, $7OO or trade for dirt bike, Franklin Co , 717-532-5271 850 Ford SSP four new tires rebuilt engine, new, RAD, new paint, A-1, $5,000, 3 pt woods, 5 pt mower, $750 Mont Co, 610-948-4386 Garden tractor Craftsman, 18 HR 6 speed, 44” mower deck, 46” dozer blade, runs good, $450, Berks Co, 610-775-8751 1981 Honda 500 fairing boxes shaft driver, runs good, $750 or best offer, 1991 Z 24 blue, nice, $3,900, Lane Co 717-665- 6647 1988 Ford TAYRV's LX self propelled mower 22D old bay hinges, Bell & Howell camera & screen, Berks Co 473-7429 JD luc, Fairmont 3HR witte 2HP, international LA, Inter national M, hendless Fair banks, 4 HP Mync Eclipse, evemgns or weekends, Dauphin Co 717-896-8994 AC G w/cultivator, $2,200, very good, firewood, $lO, pick up load, silage, round bales, $3O-Lebanon Co 717-865-4931 Woods H duty 120" rotary mower $2,000 +6 Natter house 8' concrete feed bunk sections, $lOO ea , Franklin Co, 717-597-3222 Custom sawmilling on your site. Leave message, '.ehigh Co 610-966-7230 1999 Dodge quad cab 4x4 cummins diesel 24 valve short bed loaded 12,000 miles, $29,000, 080, Berks co 610-488-9389 New Holland 489 haybme field ready, $1,600, JD unstyled “G” restored SN 10347, nice, $6,000, stor age trailer, $l,OOO, Chester Co, 610-869-2001 High fork lift, 25 ft, reverse- O-matic, 6-cyl , lovr good operating condition, $3,500, Fulton Co, 717- 294-3405 For sale John Deere self propelled snow blower 2 stage model TRS24 brand new used 3 times, $9OO, Manheim, Lane Co 717- 664-5014 Bluebird and wood duck nesting boxes, bluebird side openings, $6, top openings $7 pressing treated roots, Berks Co 717-933-9201 Dokter drum lathe, ndget 801 threader, wmona interblock crank shaft grinder, vandorn valve seat grinder, $4OO for all Sus sex Co 973-8536 JS 15A flail chopper, $3OO, JD 4 row cultivator, $6OO, JD 1240 corn planter, $7OO, Lebanon Co, 717- 838-6250 1984 red Ford Ranger, 4 speed, runs good, 1984 maroon Honda Civic, runs good, Warren Co 908-453- 3544 Reg percheron stud, 20 months old, big, good blood lines, sire Dakota Lee, No 267222, $2500, Indiana Co, 724-254-1537 Bnnley Hardy cultivator, $lOO, farm wagon, $2OO, Lane Co 717-653-9852 MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Older Gaited horse, or mor gan, reasonable safe for old man, good home pro vided, must be sound & sane KE D , 870 M St, Fawn Grove, York Pa 17321 10+/-Acres, house, barn, old mill buildings tht need complete restoration, Lan caster surrounding coun ties, CT 860-564-2579 Heat Houser tor 180 M F with partial cab Need only engine curtain, red color 1969 model Franklin Co 717-328-2458 JD 246 or 247 2 row planter, good condition Lane Co 717-284-4846 Silo forms need 150 inside and outside 2’ x 2’ metal forms 315-232-4326 18’ Gooseneck stock trailer, 18’ Gooseneck deckover For Sale ‘9B 16’ trailer 10,0001 b w/ramps, like new $2,700 York Co 717-319- 7425 NoHo, 1037, pull type, stacker wagon, hoelcher, or farmhand, bale fork Good J D square baler with shute, Penna Franklin Co 717-349-2931 Cast iron baseboard heaters, prefer Burnham Baseray brand, will consid er other brands Dauphin Co 717-944-4027 Used silo unladers 16 ft or wider, also 1 16 ft tripod For Sale stainless steel silage dist w-motor works Lane Co 717-354-7595 Used retaining wall block at lease 8 x 16 ph 717-246- 0910 H New & Used I | Wind Mills I k Eft R WIND MILL H Uj SALES ft SERVICE i I 717-354-5554 | I 717-354-9320 e IBiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE
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