Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 2000, Image 69

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IH 686 3408 hrs exc
cond , IH #45 twelve foot
vibra harrow, JD #4B com
bine, all excellent cond
York Co. 717-927-6293
AC G with cultivator 2,200
good fire wood 10 pick up
load silage round bales 30,
Leb Co 717-865-4931
16 9 x 38 reur tractor tires
80% tread $3OO 080 717-
949-2207 Lebanon Co
Bush hog 11T chisel plow
HI clearance 3pt, depth
wheels field ready extra
shanks, $1,150 Lehigh Co
Ageless iron antique tractor
collector cards ' by
Goodyear tire, complete
sets or individual cards, call
with your needs Centre Co
Ford 705 snow dozer
blade, Ford manure fork
with bolt on snow bucket for
771-772 loader, Bucks Co
Ferguson “30" tractor new
tires, paint, wiring & gage,
tractor looks like new
$3,500 1938 Buick special
4-door, looks and drives
great $8,500 Cumb. co
1976 Ford C 750 5 speed 2
speed rear bad engine part
or whole good cab make
offer. Lycoming co 570-
Farmall C with woods belly
mower, 12 volts extra
blades, excel, cond Sch.
Co 570-467-3390
Antique 1975 Cadillac
Eldarado cp 41,000 mi,
garaged nice, dark grown,
1/2 white vmal top $4BOO.
York Co 717-757-2105
Conr planter & cultivator, 2
row fits farmall super C
negotiable or best offer,
New Holland drop square
baler, model #273 decent
shape, $4OO, Chester Co.
IH 1066 cab WF TA dual
PTO’s IH 456 planter case
630 trial case 4508 crawlir
loader, Mount. Co 215-
Ford 4 cyl 4000 and 631
new phd, 3 pt. 7 ft cycle
mower 2 btm, plows, culti
vators, harrow dirt scoop,
boom, Northumberland Co
Ford 4 cyl. 400 and 631
new phd, 3 pt. 7 ft cycle
mower 2 btm, plows, culti
vators, harrow dirt scoop,
boom Northumberland Co
Landspnde solid stand
seeder 48” with slit seeder
attachment, $4600 Also 3
pt rear scoop $75 080,
Berks Co 610-987-9256
NH 275 baler w/thrower
supersweep new paint field
ready $1250 NH hay and
corn elevator w/ motor
$675, Lane. Co 717-665-
Backhoe bucket, gill 36”
light duty. $125, Dauphin
Co 717-566-0917
New Holland #273 Baler IH 55, 3pth, 7-11 ft. good,
good shape $1,125 SamF. $1,200. Woods 8214 rotary
Stoltzfus, 178 W. Mam cutter, works, $1,200,
Street, Rebersburg, Pa. Goliath 4 1/2 3ph motor,
16872. Centre Co $25, Adams Co 717-677-
14' Case wheeled chisel
plow, working cond. with 2
extra tooth assemblies and
cylinder and hoses $495
Lycoming Co 570-998-
30 HP Lombardim diesel
used 2 yrs w/clutch in good
cond $3lOO And New 11
HP Honda $560 Lancaster
ELS Liquid manure
spreader 675 gal Enos
Stoltzfus, 2366 Horseshoe
Rd , Lane Pa 17601
Pomeranian puppy for sale
Male very cute 7 weeks old
$ll5. Lane Co.
6 yr. old standardbred geld
ing, sound, but watches
trucks a little when not dri
ven enough Ready for
trips $l6OO Lane Co 717-
6 yr old Haflmger gelding,
with champion back
ground Call after 6.30 PM.
or leave message and
phone No Lane Co 717-
IH 6 bottom automatic
reset plow, no. 710 Good
shape Mi Joy, Lane Co.
Mott mower 4 ft. W, with 2
cylinder Wmsconsm
engine, ex cond $3OO
Blackerry juice in gallon,
patio benches, Benjamin
Allgyer. 6222 Plank Rd„
Narvon, Pa 17555 Lane
Straw hay, ear corn, Int.
510 4 bot trip plow, good
cond with hillside hitch, call
around 8 AM-12 Noon
York Co 717-993-2295
5/8 baskets used $1 ea ,
baby pygmy goats $5O
males $75 female, new
peach baskets $1 ea
Bucks Co. 215-541-4072
1 par Emus, Fred Co. 301 -
Three 75 lb. Holstein
steers, also 2 wheel trailer
with a 4x7 ft box. Leb Co,
Steel wheels open center
18’x62” $650 060 IH 700
4 bot. reset plow $7OO
080 Dundee, Schuyler
NY 607-243-5388
600 gallon MW Mueller
milk lank, ex. cond. $l5OO.
Leroy S Miller, 2931 Miller
Lane, Birdn-ln-Hand, PA
17505. Lane. Co.
1370 Case tractor, weather
head hose crimper, cabinet
and misc hyd. fittings,
16x42 long lathe, rapid
return 3” opening. Lane Co
4 yr. saddlebred, broke,
sound, acclimated, snap,
long trot, white markings,
Earl Hoover, 1022 Ridge
Ave , Ephrata, Pa. 17522
Eas. Green Dragon
JD 10 ft transport disc har
row, $5OO, good cond 12 ft.
single chain elevator with
motor $125 Good cond
York Co. 717-993-2309.
NH 489 Haybme ex cond
$3,500, 1 grade cow fresh,
Feb $l,lOO, Ist calf 20 ft
cultipacker center fold,
Cumb Co 717-530-0367
Farmall C new rear tires,
paint, tubes gen radiator
w/woods 5’ pull type rotory
mower, $1,875 or BO ,
Berks Co 610-856-7922
Parting out following cars &
trucks, 88 jeep tk, 90 ford
tk, 88 Ford tk, 85,93 Dodge
vans 88, 93 Dodge Shad
ow, 88 Ply K-vow, 85 Ch
Leabrow Conn, Berks Co ,
1989 F6OO 20,000 GVW
chipper-dump 66p00 miers
crew-cab, $B,OOO, 1986
E 350 14,000 GVW motor
home 130,000 miles, 6.9
diesel air-ride tag-axel,
$3,500, Berks Co 717-933-
Ford 309 2 row cornplanter 78 FI 50 4x4 V 8 automatic
w/gandy applicator and $1,500 080, 8’ pickup bed
centruy 300 gal field for 72 Ford some rust $2OO
sprayer, very good condi- 080, Berks Co 610-562-
tion, best offer, Schuylkill 2144
Co , 570-345-4767
1947 Farmall M, NF, good
Int #470 disc, 12 $750, condition, fair paint, new
straw, $2 50 per bale, top- tires, 6 volt system,
soil $8 per ton 610-754- $2,425, Montgomry Co,
7012 215-257-4888
Badger 10 ft manure pump
hyde lift and tilt, very good
cond ready to pump, 15 ft
fill pipe, Lane. Co 717-687-
John Deere 25 gallon trail
type lawn and tree sprayer
like new, $250, Lane Co
Chevy 1 ton dump truck,
single rear tires, C-30,
year-1982, G2L diesel,
auto, motor has head gas
ket problem, bed is in ex
cond . $2,500 or 80, York
Co.. 717-235-5259
Goat kids, nubian buck
pare no papers. $B5,
adorable sannan cross
buck and doe, $4O, $5O
bottle fed, Adams Co. 717-
AQHA registered geldings,
quiet, gentle, for show or
trail, tack for sale also, must
sell, Berks Co. 610-385-
Two 12 1/2 ton feed bins,
$250 eal available May 1,
Lane Co. 717-733-2646
Ford 550 backhoe, less
than 500 hrs. since new
engine, tires trans. overhall,
two buckets, $9,500, 080,
ask for David, Calto, MD,
2-AC 616 both hydro, 16
no, 1 w/3 pt. w/STF mower,
$2,500. 080, hard & soft
coal, Balt. Co. 410-357-
1 water ram, 1 anvil 1651 b.
butcher kettle ET, call
before 8:30 a.m , Berks Co
1965 Ford 4x4, $9OO, 7-50-
16 tractor wheels chains,
$lOO McCormick hammer
mill, $75, 1948 Dodge
truck, $l,lOO, MD Alleg.
Co 301-478-5767
1086 tractor digital tac
20 Bx3B tires, $2OO, IH C
tractor, 500 gallon century
sprayer electric controls,
Bedford Co, 814-847-2789
f Air Compressors
| Installation & Rebuilding
• New Quincy and Saylor-Beall Air
Compressors Available
• Complete Air Systems and Hydraulic Systems
C.L. Sales & Service
237 Wolf Rock Road, Paradise 17562
. (717)442-4001
Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces
** »<
' | Standard Models
*- a Wood or Coal
It Multifuel
■H tt Models Burn Wood, Oil,
C, | Coal or Gas
Separate combustion chamber
and smokestack
(oil & gas only)
Adapts to any existing
heat system Installation
& Accessories Available
Clyde K. Alderfer (570) 539-8456
R.D. #l, Box 246, Mt. Pleasant Mills. PA 17853
1984 Chevrolet 14' stake
body truck, 84,000 miles,
good condition, $3,000; 6’
mulching mower, 3pt 4
wheels. Northampton Co
Cultivators, plow, D-bars 4
cub A.A-V, 5-dressers for
farmall “H” transplanter, 10
ft transport, 11 H P lawn
tractor, hilling ndgers, bicy
cles, tricycles, Salem Co
Gehl 3410 diesel skid
loader, 5 ft., bucket manure
fork, good condition,
$4,800 080 IH, 450 reset
plow, $750, Franklin Co ,
Marco Builders grade fire
place, $2OO, front end
loader from AC D-15
should also fit D-17, $2OO,
Mongromery Co, 610-970-
Francy Bantom chickens,
Bufifi cookms black tailed
Japanese males $5,
females $3, Call after 7
p m on weekdays, Berks
Co. 610-683-3208
3 section spring tooth had
dow, 6ft, 3 pt rotary cutter,
heavy duty, MF#l 3 pt post
hole digger, MF 3 pt sub
soiler w/cable laying att,
Chester Co 610-869-2679
Woods mower for 8-W
$350, 2 pt Int pitless mow
er for super C, $5OO, Far
mall w/woods mower,
$l,BOO, Bucks Co 215-
Farmall super M power
stenng wide front 3 pt,
John Deere 70 w/power
block, both ex. cond , West
moreland Co , 724-238-
Ist cutting alfalfa. $ll5 per
ton wheat straw, $B5 per
ton, 2,500 gal stp, 3 tank,
10 yrs underground, Lane
Co, 717-872-6181
JD disc 13-6 new blades,
solid, $1,200, AFS elect
mill W-SHP motor 3-48”
tunnel fans, 2 yrs old,
$475 E, Cumberland Co
1980 GMC 1 ton dump
truck, $2,500, MID pro 48”
walk behind mower
w/grass bagger, $2,000,
Franklin Co. 717-263-1626
Hay rake $350, red oak
boards, $1 50 board foot,
Juniata Co., 717-694-3103
Old shutters, marble slabs,
german siding, iron spoke
wheels, concrete urns,
farm bell, french doors,
metal barn. Mong Co. 215-
Ford 1981 F-700 gram 16ft. Army Ambulance, 1968,
dump clean truck, $6,500 Jeep corporation, new
NH 56 rake. $875, NH, 68 engine, excellent, $4,900,
chute baler, $5O, Carroll evenings only, Bucks Co
Co.. 410-374-2372 215-598-8227
1944 Ford 1 1/2 ton Ford, Wheel horse 36” mower
real nice, 3/4 Dexter 1/4 deck for sale four speed
Angus bull, very small, very transmission, heavy duty,
nice, 9mo old, Alle Co , for Chevy truck GMC $5O,
301-724-0164 Lane Co 717-203-5359
10ft Taylor-way disc, Har- JD 555 A crawler loader,
row, used very little, $4,000 4070 original hours, rops,
car trailer, $BOO, Dutchess reath ripper, pedal steer,
Co. NY. 914-855-1217 tower shift, U C 85%, Ex
Cond., $lB,OOO, Berks Co,
Allis Chalmers 3 pt pallet
forklift $675 Moto-Turg 12
volt pallet jack $275 080
Lane Co 717-859-3837
Horse trailer 2 axle, brakes,
$550, IH cub w/deck
$2,500, MH pony $l6OO,
1971 Chev. stepside 55K
ong Atlantic Co 609-927-
7hp troybuilt tiller with fuller
attach Like new $l,OOO
Berks Co 717-933-1559
Mustang skid loader
$2700 Nl 10 corn picker
sharp $475 NH 3 pt 451
mower $875 NH, 258 rake
rubber teeth has front dolly
wheels $2500 717-354-
IH 686 3403 hous exc
cond , IH #45 twelve foot
vibra barrow, JD #4B com
bine, all excellent condition,
York Co 717-927-6293
14" Delta Rockwell label
saw, 38 x 48 cast iron table
220 volt 5 H P contractor
grade $l4OO, 080 Bucks
Co 215-536-8859
Ford series 901 5 ft Rotary
cutter good shape $650
woods M 5 sft rotary cutter,
very nice, $B5O, Bucks Co
Pigmy Goats - 12 weeks
old, 2 doe and 3 buck
Lane Co 717-738-1267
Books, world book, ency
clopedia, 22-vol, complete
excellent condition, $55,
gardening encyclopdia -
18-vol, complete, excellent
condition, $4O delivery
available, Lane Co 717-
Oliver 4x16 semi-mount
plow, spring reset, good
cond $l2OO 080 8 pc
5x7 wire flooring 2 stain
less steel hog feeders
Cumb Co 717-776-4599
Bulls - registered Angus,
calving ease, muscle,
growth, gentle Add pounds
to the calves sBoo+, Lane.
Co 717-354-7477
Choice Dorset ram and
ewe lambs, breeding slack,
Co 717-949-3653
Wmpower tractor driven
alternator 120-240 volts,
25KW Min 45 KW max,
good cond Make offer,
Lane Co. 717-656-4432
Straw wheat small bales,
$1 50 each, 2x 3x AC snap
coupler plows, AC 808
sicklebar sidemount, forks
4’ 6” 4.2" thich, Lane Co
Barbados lambs, regis
tered fainting goats, egypt
lan geese, tolouse geese,
female peafowl, red jungle
fowl, doves, large guineas,
Lane Co 717-733-2425
1985 Yamaha moto 4
wheeler zoocc with
reverse, drive shaft, electric
start, front and rear racks,
nice shape, $1450
Lebanon Co 717-867-1381
Great Easter gifts, Enter
tainment 2000'books for
friends Over $5OO discount
coupons Free US Ship
ping Benefit Nami/Berks,
Hand Pumps fi Trough 1 Vis-a-vis carnage for draft
Jl\ horse size, used but needs
*S«K Hiummng to be in good shape Juma
-399 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 ta Co 717 ' 734 ' 3966
717-354-5554 UPR
717-354-9520 M * ;
U.L.P.A. & N.F.
I'er, Owner p.O. Bi
'4-7090 Freeburg,
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000-821
Rissler 460 TMR cart
$3,000-Jamesway air bag
ventilations system, $5OO
- 76 vacuum pump
and motor, $5OO, Centre
Co 814-349-8010
Athan, 7 tooth chisel plow,
high clearance, like new,
Cumb Co 717-532-5298
Used Magcoa yard ramp
$2,000, 1989 F-350 dump
with Meyers plow $10,500,
1986 Mercury Sable SW,
$B5O, Montour Co , 570-
Big Tandem dump, 1973,
autocar 17’alum body, 290
hp cummins 15 spd alum
Budd’s on front excellent
gram truck, Chester Co
Boer goat billies, 87% to
100% registered, call any
time, Fulton Co 717-294-
Breeding pair of emus, reg
istered and colored angora
goats, $5O to $250, Howard
Co MD, 301-854-4848
Farriers coal forge, 12 volt
blower, 12” round firepot,
$B5 smithing coal, 14
bags, $6 ea , Mornsco Co,
NJ, 908-879-7231
1965 Chevy C6O tilt cab 5
spd hi-lo six cylinder 21 ft
bed, cattle rack, 85,000
miles, excellent condition,
$4,500, Augusta Co, 540-
Mueller model D 120 gal
fire heater like new, $l,OOO
080, 2” glass pipeline for
58 cows, Chester Co 610-
Cheesemaking classes,
observe and learn from
experienced specialty
cheesemaker, beginner to
advanced summer classes
call for scheduling mailer,
Bucks Co, 215-996-1637
Oilier 25ft round bale wag
on, tandem axle, new tires,
sliding tongue, brand new,
call before 7 30 a m„ Fred
Co, 301-371-7704
JD manure spreader for
tractor or horse, $3OO 5 5
HP go cart, $7OO or trade
for dirt bike, Franklin Co ,
850 Ford SSP four new
tires rebuilt engine, new,
RAD, new paint, A-1,
$5,000, 3 pt woods, 5 pt
mower, $750 Mont Co,
Garden tractor Craftsman,
18 HR 6 speed, 44” mower
deck, 46” dozer blade, runs
good, $450, Berks Co,
1981 Honda 500 fairing
boxes shaft driver, runs
good, $750 or best offer,
1991 Z 24 blue, nice,
$3,900, Lane Co 717-665-
1988 Ford TAYRV's LX self
propelled mower 22D old
bay hinges, Bell & Howell
camera & screen, Berks
Co 473-7429
JD luc, Fairmont 3HR witte
2HP, international LA, Inter
national M, hendless Fair
banks, 4 HP Mync Eclipse,
evemgns or weekends,
Dauphin Co 717-896-8994
AC G w/cultivator, $2,200,
very good, firewood, $lO,
pick up load, silage, round
bales, $3O-Lebanon Co
Woods H duty 120" rotary
mower $2,000 +6 Natter
house 8' concrete feed
bunk sections, $lOO ea ,
Franklin Co, 717-597-3222
Custom sawmilling on your
site. Leave message,
'.ehigh Co 610-966-7230
1999 Dodge quad cab 4x4
cummins diesel 24 valve
short bed loaded 12,000
miles, $29,000, 080,
Berks co 610-488-9389
New Holland 489 haybme
field ready, $1,600, JD
unstyled “G” restored SN
10347, nice, $6,000, stor
age trailer, $l,OOO, Chester
Co, 610-869-2001
High fork lift, 25 ft, reverse-
O-matic, 6-cyl , lovr good
operating condition,
$3,500, Fulton Co, 717-
For sale John Deere self
propelled snow blower 2
stage model TRS24 brand
new used 3 times, $9OO,
Manheim, Lane Co 717-
Bluebird and wood duck
nesting boxes, bluebird
side openings, $6, top
openings $7 pressing
treated roots, Berks Co
Dokter drum lathe, ndget
801 threader, wmona
interblock crank shaft
grinder, vandorn valve seat
grinder, $4OO for all Sus
sex Co 973-8536
JS 15A flail chopper, $3OO,
JD 4 row cultivator, $6OO,
JD 1240 corn planter,
$7OO, Lebanon Co, 717-
1984 red Ford Ranger, 4
speed, runs good, 1984
maroon Honda Civic, runs
good, Warren Co 908-453-
Reg percheron stud, 20
months old, big, good blood
lines, sire Dakota Lee, No
267222, $2500, Indiana
Co, 724-254-1537
Bnnley Hardy cultivator,
$lOO, farm wagon, $2OO,
Lane Co 717-653-9852
Older Gaited horse, or mor
gan, reasonable safe for
old man, good home pro
vided, must be sound &
sane KE D , 870 M St,
Fawn Grove, York Pa 17321
10+/-Acres, house, barn,
old mill buildings tht need
complete restoration, Lan
caster surrounding coun
ties, CT 860-564-2579
Heat Houser tor 180 M F
with partial cab Need only
engine curtain, red color
1969 model Franklin Co
JD 246 or 247 2 row
planter, good condition
Lane Co 717-284-4846
Silo forms need 150 inside
and outside 2’ x 2’ metal
forms 315-232-4326
18’ Gooseneck stock trailer,
18’ Gooseneck deckover
For Sale ‘9B 16’ trailer
10,0001 b w/ramps, like new
$2,700 York Co 717-319-
NoHo, 1037, pull type,
stacker wagon, hoelcher, or
farmhand, bale fork Good
J D square baler with
shute, Penna Franklin Co
Cast iron baseboard
heaters, prefer Burnham
Baseray brand, will consid
er other brands Dauphin
Co 717-944-4027
Used silo unladers 16 ft or
wider, also 1 16 ft tripod
For Sale stainless steel
silage dist w-motor works
Lane Co 717-354-7595
Used retaining wall block at
lease 8 x 16 ph 717-246-
H New & Used I
| Wind Mills I
I 717-354-5554 |
I 717-354-9320 e