820-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 MAIL ; X MARKET F R SALE | E s Case 675 self propelled hay conditioner 9’ cut 4 cyl Wisconsin, Good condition, shed kept, field ready $2,500 after spm York Co 717-235-4670 Troy Built Bhp tiller elect start, good shape, white 5- 1/2 hp tiller new tymes in rear, 20 stack chairs York Co 717-292-1111 1957 GMC 300 auto $650, Brown 32’ 48,0001 b brop deck $2,200 Cat 3208 $3,000 Betler Built 3350 S $4,750 York Co 717-266- 5558 6 yr old saddlebred family broke 8 yr old sorrel mule well broke Joseph E Blank, 158 Blank Rd , Nar von Pa 17555 Per 20-30 Fenders, $5O each 13-38 tractor chains $lOO Ferg 20 with 5’ Bush Hog $2,700 Feg 20-30 Factory weights $lOO CIFd 814-371-0212 Oliver 5 bottom plow good cond $BOO, or trade tor wide crowfoot packer 18-20 foot After 6pm Glovester 856-478-6128 10 Flowstar Milkers $2OO each 10 Universal 24V ATO's $l5O each 50' 3” Low line 50’ 2" Line Chester Co 610-932-8772 One 2 Horse Gruber type wagon, Ane Dandy Dan wagon restrored 19” seat One 1 horse sleigh-good condition Lebanon Co 717-866-2010 New 55,000 BTU propane wall furnace direct vent 6'xl6”xl2'' in sealed boxes $7OO each Evenings Sus sex NS 973-293-0039 Clay barn cleaner drive unit with new patz conversion and motor, also John Deere 4 row corn planter Orange Co 914-986-1973 12 ft Pittsburg drag harrow, new tire chains to fit 18 4 x 34 tires Carbon Co 570- 386-2215 Cub Loßoy 154 w/60” deck both reconditioned $2,800 also 60” mower deck $5OO York 717-244-1130 Trailer 8’ x 20’ two axle $750, Carco 100 Winch $5OO, several flatbed and dump bodies, Ford F 950 parts, trucks Morris Co 908-879-5733 Martin’s manure spreader scavenger model 1678 tan dem axle, good working condition $1,775 best rea sonable offer Lane Co 717-786-2839 New Idea Rake and Tedder, exc cond $2OO Oliver Spike Harrow, Four Sec tion, Barn Kept $125 Northampton Co 610-837- 0175 Two 6 ton feed bins with unloading augers $750 each obo model 18 Hydra Mac skid steer $5,000 Northd 570-649-5728 NH 268 baler w/v4 turn chute, NH 1002 Automatic bale wagon - 56 cap , both VG, $2,300 obo. Bedford Co 814-847-2848 Oliver 77 TRYC gas all side curtains, like new rear tires, belt pulley, lightes and gauges work $1,7500 Bucks Co 610-849-5907 Jeep 1963 CJS 27,000 miles $1,500 obo, runs good Call for picture and description 610-754-6569 8N Ford tractor with 2-spd trans with loader, cultiva tor, plow, chains, new tires, battery, runs good Asking $3,200 Dauphin Co. 717- 652-5928 1960 international PU ruck, built like army tank, deal farm use, current nspection, $lB5O, Call anytime, 814-364-1261 5500 Sidehill 6 row corn lead and flex head, 9400 combine 915 flex head four B wide - 6 row narrow, Northumberland Co 717- 538-2575 Two J D H's Massex pony o plow two mowers $5O aach JD A & B parts, Call ate evening, Jefferson Co 314-856-2885 .ike new 20 ga high stan dard pump action shot gun, also 410 single shot gun, nake offer Camden Co 356-567-0679 3as powered mortar mixer, $4OO Lane Co 717-284- 191? : armall Cub plow, $l5O Belt pulley and gearbox, 6150 Woods L 59 mower or A-140 like new $B5O Complete Lancaster Co 717-892-1540 Fickes silo staves, approx 200 $1 a piece, Penn Jer sey Roller Mill, 200 BU w/5 HP motor, $2OO, Lane Co 717-354-7406 Pygmy baby goats, 11 to choose from, cute and friendly, many colors to choose from York Co 717- 252-4880 B & S engines madels WMB, $35, N $75, 6S $75 Lawn mowers 20”, 22” David Bradley wheel weights, head Lane Co 717-786-4450 4 soybean units for J D 7000 corn planter $l5 each 3 H P New Zeland masport vaccum pump $225 Lane Co 717-665-4985 TMR mixer - ressler 230 cu ft stationary TMR mixer, stainless steel floor 5 yrs old Best offer Frederick Co 410-775-2576 MC little genius plows good cast bottoms 2 bottom $lOO 3 bottom needs tires $l5O clutch lift Berks Co 610-926-4722 JD 8200 18 x 7 SD grain drill with grass seed attach ment Union Co 570-922- 1313 AC 2 row scorer school house bell, 19 1/2" dia 15” ht 35 ford wire wheels (16”) willfit model “A" North D Co 570-797-3793 5 ft Pennsylvania gang mower, excellent cond $4OO, chicken feeders & water fountains Joel King, 195 Little Britain church Rd , PA 17563 Suzuki 450 L totally restored 1981, runs great lots of chrome, customized, blue, trophy winner $l,BOO Lane Co 717-336-4720 For sale - Easter bunnies, all colors, $8 each, call any hme Lebanon Co 610- 589-2851 JD 3 bottom trailer plow triple JD corn sheller, IB JD PTO air pump JD wag on frame, 2 bottom plow, Lehigh Co 5808 Schantz Rd Emmaus, PA 18049 Once fired brass 308, 270, 243, 30/30, misc 15mm nmfire ammo, 44 hot-shot loads priced to sell, York Co 960 Green Spring Rd .York, PA 17402 Tire chains for Ford 8-N $lOO tor set, you pick up call Ed Sr, Somerset Co New Jersey, 732-873-8840 M F 202-4 Compact tracter 4x4, diesel, 24 HP, 3pt, PTO, front loader $3,975, case 580 ck, TLB, cab gas $4,750, Chester Co 610- 869-2226 Border Collie pups, ABCA registered, Ist shots and wormed, farm & family raised, parents working goats 610-326-3168 Leave Message Calhoun 304- 655-9998 N H 310 Baler with kicker N H 358 Grinder, 2200 SS tank, NH 489 Hay bine, vicon discbme, 12’ Brady chisel trailer type Schuykill Co 570-277- 0239 JD 70 good condition low serial number $3,800 Mon roe Co 570-595-3541 JD pull type rotory mower sft 175 AC-G tires tubes nms $240, snow plow for Farmall 140 $4OO Bucks Co 215-598-7546 1969 GMC K 2500 304V6 one owner, rebuilt motor and trans, all ongional 4spd, 125,000 mile’s, good condition $3,500 Bucks Co 215-322-7766 Road side stand 6ft by Bft 3-1/2 ft overhang. 4715 Homeville Rd., Cochranville PA 19330- 1611 JD 7’ gram drill with grass seeder boxes $125, want ed JD side mount side mower #5O parts Chester Co 610-255-4830 IH-544 G-Tractor-W F, nice L M -IH 4 R Corn Planter, Bullion 11’ cultipacker, IH- F H balanced head mower, nice M H 35 S P-8’ com bine Bucks Co 610-847- 5606 CAT D6B Dozer Hydraulic Tilt Blade, good condition $9,000 Bucks Co 215- 794-2069 John Deere 12’ fertizeler and lime spreader Chisel alow Seven chisel Auger 16’ 6” Bucks Co 610-847- 5902 17 Ford 1/2 ton up Rebuilt motor Completely •estored Farmal Cub 60” mower Cushman front line mower 72" cut Montg Co 610-933-2469 MGS Gooseneck trailer tandem axle DMI side dressing rig Faramll “H” 4 S S Hog feeders Northampton Co 610-588- 7986 IH 4bot semmout plow, IH #lO gramdnll IH manure speeder IH #lO pailchop per IH 715 combine Dauphin Co 717-362-8597 Angora Rabbits, pedigree fiber good for spinners mane, good pets Stock reduction bargms Lebanon 717-867-4276 Ear corn @ $95, Corn silage @ $25 trucking pos sible Lane Co 717-664- 4235 Drag type blacktop paver heater good condition $895 York Co 717-244- 4282 Drag type blacktop paver Heater good condition $895 York Co 717-244- 4282 John Deere 4200 roll over Dlow - three bottom $2500 or make offer No Sunday nails Lane Co 717-627- 3373 J D 336 baler with kicker $2400, J D 672 hydraulic drive rake $2400, all field eady, no Sunday calls Adams Co 717-334-8890 356 International tractor ast hitch and 3 pt excellent condition, field ready 2nd Dwner, good tires narrow 'ront, $6,400 York Co 71 /- 292-6699 ''JH 782 forage harvester with mod 770 hay pickup lead Hyd spout control, eild ready, 540 rpm gear sox, $2500, 080, Bedford Zo 814-766-0074 Quilt frames 1 7-1/2 ft long the other 8-1/2’ ft long Lane Co 361-9992 14 x 75 ft house trailer, 2 bedrooms, appliances included $6,000 1976 GMC 4D sth wheel hitch 350/350 good condition $4,000 Frederick Co 301- 371-9266 1H35 Hyd Hay rake can be used as tedder, good cond Idaho dry hay for in TMR 19% Lane Co 445-4375 IH Super C tractor with plows and cuhvafors, runs excellent, good tires $2,650 Susquehanna Co 570-223-4787 2nd cutting Alfalfa Hay no ram, also seasoned Oak lumber and 5/4"x6"xl6’ fence boards and western cedar boards Chester Co 717-529-2309 Goodyear Eagle tires 225/60’R16 two with 75 percent tread $5O each, two with 20 percent tread $l5 each Berks Co 610- 589-2881 16" bandsaw drive wheel 1 - 1/2” wide, 1-1/8” drive shaft New $2O 8306 Mapleville Rd , Boonsboro MD 21713-1814 Two Hrfrd fall feeders Weaned, on feed Also yrlmg rolled bull Well marxed, easy calver Wayne Co. 570-689-2158 International 3514 diesel backhoe/loader, great farm machine $4,800 obo Also Attn Landscrapers clean wheat straw easy loading York Co 717-428-9138 Combine Massey Harris, early 50’s, very good condi tion, kept in barn gram only, 1981 Mustang parts Northampton 610-838- 7311 Tractors, JD 4010 WF R STD 1H 1206 western 806 western 660 STD All diesels All run good Lane Co 8-8.30 a.m 717-529- 4066 J D 244 wide corn head with plate for chopper or picker, excellent condition, shed kept, Henry Weber, Fulton Co. 717-294-3358 4 yr old mule 15 hands Well broke, tame Can ride $lOOO Melvin Esh, John son Rd , Delta 17314 York Co 2 Male Pygmy goats, 10 wks old $5O 00 each Lane Co 717-768-3341 Boston terrier puppy, female AK C Reg. nice markings Lane Co 717- 445-5970 Tarp for Ford shortbed $125 12,0001 b hitch Ford $5O Hot Point 21 cu ft freezer $75 2 tires on rims 31x1050r 15LT Sch, Co 570-754-7032 Bale thrower for 8520 case I H baler, like new $1,300 Lane Co 717-768-8313 6 Brass kick plates for doors 30” by 8” $lO 00 a piece York Co 717-259- 0563 Long 460 tractor with 2400 hours on it Good condition Berks Co 610-777-4977 Will Repair, Rebuild or Repower Your Compressor, Welder of Gen-Set Engines, Gas or Diesel, Experienced & Reasonable 717-464-4461 Leave Message lie VVa v id. Pa Call 800-448-4622 an agent near you Two tires and rims, size 23/8 50-12 will fit John Deere garden tractor series, 110, 112, 140, some 200 Montgomery 215-679-2126 Iva Mfg Sprayer trailer type, like new, $975 Elam Fisher, 2816 N Cherry Lane, Ronks, Lane Co Gram Dryer farm fans 320- J, cont flow, staged auto, 415 bu cap. 760 hrs. VG cond $13,500 obo Lane Co 717-684-3129 Angora rabbit, call anytime Northumberland Co 570- 758-4489 Mighty Mac shredder with 5 hp engine, very nice condi tion $450 Berks Co. 610- 683-5553 Z-135 white tractor 2270 hrs with 5-16 m bottoms, auto-reset semi-mounted plow clean, one owner, $lO,OOO for both Bucks Co. 215-968-3658 AKC Collie pups David R. Glick, 334 Storms Town Rd , Bird-m-Hand, Pa Lane Co. MM 335 tractor WFE.PS w/Souder loader, new material bucket, one owner, good condition $2,000 obo, no Sunday calls Franklin 717-597-8821 Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Chock appropriate payment box *52 issues - $3l 00 104 issues - $59 00 in PA, MD, DE, Nj, NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states- 52 issues - $41.00 Outside U.S - Call for price quote Payment must accompany order - Allow tfiree weeks for subscription to start Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below Write youi now address and telephone number on the form below In addition, piovide a requested date for address change to take effect, Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date. Qb Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription. You may renew your subscription using the form below To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailing I ahel from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes. Renewal - Change of Address Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/00 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / PA. MD. DE. NJ. NY. OH. VA. WV □ $31 .00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $59.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name Address Address + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover iiiiiiiiii i i i i i i i rrm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only Big pair of Jack Mules ready for the plow, 5 years old, excellent Jockey Mules $4OOO Lane Co 717-284- 2824 Puppies, Deeshond Rot tweiler mixed 8 weeks old Very Cute' $3O 00 each Frederick Co MD 301-829- 1285 4-53 Detroit engine with auto - Irans out of crane, also two-row potato digger call after 4pm Cambria Co 814-472-7704 Feeder Steers approx 900 lbs 5-15 holstems and 6 angus Shih-TZU male, toy female 1 st cutt alfalfa-grass mix $l3O a ton Lane Co 717-442-9377 Cooling compressor unit, IDEAL for icebox $l5O, Jamesway Littercarner approx 200 ft track, Levi Fisher 2442-A Leaman Road, Ronks PA 17572 One female Llama Dark brown and black, One year old, good blood line Lane. 717-442-8113 Order now. Brown pullets ready to lay 5/5/00 (1-10 $4.75) (11-26- $4.35 (26 + $4 10) fountains, nests new crates Samuel Lapp, 1598 Noble Rd., Kirkwood, PA 17536 NEW SUBSCRIPT!* ADDRESS REN CLIP HERE Lancaster Fan Attach Your Mail Label Here □ $41.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $79.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Telephone (credit card number) M-70 New Zealand white rabbits registered, quality bloodline, $2O. ea. and down also wanted, incuba tor with automatic turner Cumberland Co 717-249- 8840 Schramm air compressor model WDSO (50 cubic feet per minute) $400., Bed lin er for 93 Chevy, Bft $5O Lebanon Co 717-273-6419 Antique wooden stan chions w/wooden troughs, w/hay racks, 16 drinking cups, gutter cleaner, all ex/con. No Sunday calls Washington Co 301-824- 7766 Fiberglass closed carnage 12 volt brown interior, good condition $2,800 Elam M Ebersol, 558 Gibbsons Rd, Bird-m-Hand, PA 17505 Lancaster Co NH Forage Wagon, tan dem, roof, later model, NH #4O blower, 1000 PTO both VG cond Chester Co 610- 593-5165 275 gallon flat fuel tank. Without pump $lO5 Cum berland 717-258-0842 Nanny goat and two kids male and female born March 22 $lOO obo Pine Grove, Schuykill Co 570- 345-1276 104 issues - $79 00 .abel All Other State exp. date
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