MAILE X MARKET F R SALE K Horse hay 2 00 a bale 30’ telephone pole $25 like new. Lane Co 717-569- 5947 Full line of potato equip ment, 4 row planter, sprayer, grading equip ment, on land 6 bottom plow (International) Cam brea 814-487-5139 8 x 10 utihty/snowmobile/ATV trailer tilt, new wiring and lights $295 1989 Chev Corsica 4DR A T Air $1,095 obo York Co. 717- 741-3974 Truck camper includes stove, refrigerator, heater, bath, $BOO obo, sleeps 4-6. Lane. Co 717-442-4733 1988 Lincoln Town Car, Burgandy leather signatue, nice, clean 116 K. $3,650, 1500 RSI pressure washer 3 shp almost new $250 Lane. Co. 717-687-0743 1997 18’ Premier Deckover trailer with beaver tail $1,900, Ml Model RlO2 Hayrake, steel wheels and seat $125. Franklin Co. 717-328-5181 14 x 70 Mobile home needs some repairs, 3 bedroom, one bath York Co 717-246- 8955, $l,OOO 5 week old red pullets $1 50, in July $4 00, David E Seller, 401 Red Hill Rd , Narvon, Pa 17555, Lane Co No Phone New Holland 477 Haybme, nice cond , John Deere 3pt 3 bottom 16” plow Lane Co 717-336-5131 Butchering or roasting hogs $ 42 lb Have 10 86 Dodge 4x4 Irk 4sp , snow plow dump insert $4,900 York Co 717-757-1109 Betterbilt 2100 gal 10m. inlet pump needs work, mmature horse harness for cart, stud service for mma ture horse Lane 717-529- 6535 8N Ford Tactor, 9N Ford tractor; for parts, Ford Pow er Units, New Ford Tractor Parts, One-row 5 Shovel McCormick-Deenng Walk ing Cultivator Bedford County 814-839-9440 NH2SB Rake 1,500 Also medal sided bale wagon 7- 1/2 x 18 with 100 bales grass hay omt $1,250 Lane. Co 717-664-1004 Single seat Menomte car nage $950 or best offer, Lloyd Weaver, 1963 North Churchtown Rd, East Earl,Pa 17519, Lane Co. MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted' Please NO PHONE CALLS • Please PRINT LEGIBLY Attach Your Lancaster Farming Mailing Label Check One: For Sale I 1 Notice I 1 Wanted I I If You Do Not Wish To Be On The Internet Please Check Here I 1 No Phone Calls Please! Livestock scale kits Set of (2) loadbars and indicator Designed for portability Sizes 36" and 48" $950 Lane Co 717-656-7353 Miller PRO 5200 forage wagon 18' with roof and 14 ton tandem running gear good condition $7,300. Lane Co 717-733-4683 Bobwhite quail full grown, (20) $5/each, call after 3.30 p.m. Lane Co 717-284- 6085 NH 276 baler with super sweep pickup 54A thrower in working cond. $1,200 Union Co 570-922-1758 Red Oak lumber $125 Bd. Ft Cherry lumber $2 00 Bd Ft 1030 tractor $2,800. Franklin 717-263- 0627 Alfalfa and Alfalfa Orchard, Grass hay 2nd cutting, 4x5 Round bales stored inside, no ram $lOO ton. Mifflin Co. 717-543-5857 Buckboard 1 seater for sin gle horse, well kept $1,500 Fulton Co. 814-685-3334 Buckboard 1 seater for sin gle horse well kept $1,500 Fulton 814-685-3334 Building sites’ 30 Acres Lot plan ready* Near town, golf course. 15 acres coal. Priced right* Located West ern Pa. Bedford 814-839- 2437 680 NH tandem axle spreader, Gratz chain endgate nece 2500 16’ barn cleaner chute always under roof best offer, Onte no 716-554-6569 McCormick Deenng No 7 Mower, xtra knife, very good condition, best offer. Perry Co. 717-589-3269 Clean wheat straw $B5 ton grass hay $9O ton Lane Co 717-872-6733 Kiko bucks, halfblood wil hold with deposit, boer per centages does nice selec tion home raised, not from sale barn York Co 717- 927-6294 120 Bales Bale wagon self unloading 2 wooden wag ons 1 iron wagon 570-889- 5740. Sch Co Detroit 3-53 diesel Eng with radiator and clutch Running condition $1,500 2-71 D-D $BOO Monroe Co SlO-681-6474 Craftman 2400 generator $150.6ft 3 point rear blade $5O. chrome tool box for full size pickup $175 Franklin Co. 717-369-3186 86 Iveco truck flat-bed with beaver - tail and winch, best offer Registered Hol stein Bull, 2 year old Lane. 610-286-9052 AD FORM Here County Grove R5B rough terrerane $9,000 A frame with chain hoist $2OO oil & fuel filters $5O each, 6cyl Wauk diesel with clutch $6OO Cecil Co. 410-378-2785 10-20 Acres, outstanding farm land Located north ern Cecil Co Maryland $lO,OOO an acre Dream Land for a beautiful home Cecil Co. 410-398-6337 Silage for sale treated bag - 800 T 3 bottom plow JD 3PT $295. Lane. Co 717- 626-8257 John Deere 8-tooth 3pt chisel plow in great shape $BOO Bft blue fiberglass cap w/slider, real nice $l5O Berks Co 610-488- 7211 1995 Hart aluminum goose neck 3 horse slant load trailer w/large dressing room, rear tack, feed doors, rubber lined. $12,500 York Co 717-235-0811 Mighty Mac orchard sprayer like new - Jug waterers single hole, Rissler feeder conveyor Lane. Co. 717-665-5210 7 5 H P. electric motor, like new $2OO Berks Co. 717- 933-5550 JD 17HP comm, mower with ride-on sulky 54” deck excellent condition, 270 hours $1,850 Lane 717- 336-7949 64 Chevy Impala 4dr 3spd 6cyl, Rusty for parts $2OO, alum storm windows $2 each. York Co 717-938- 9119 Oliver 770 gas widefront overhauled $2,650 4 far rowing crates $25 ea Oliv er 770 gas rowerop $2,200 Dauphin Co 717-469-7351 Lincoln Arc Welder, Ide alarc DC-250 with LN-7 GMA control, ex-cond, complete $2,150 York Co 717-246-0366 John Deere KBA Disc with transport wheels 4750 John Deere F 125 plow 3ph 3x16, $375, both very nice Berks Co 610-488-6177 Hospital bed in good order $l5O Old working large freezer, must move $25 Lane. Co. 717-569-1562 Hough H6O Articulating new tires, rebuilt engine $8 000. RMS 9 Woods mower $6OO Quatonna skid steer new bucket $2,000 Lane Co 717-626- 5131 Reg Holstein Bull Metro Son 15mo. old, Dam up to 27,000 $BOO. Lane. Co 717-664-4418 ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM' Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one' free Mailbox Market per month only (Ad will appear 1 week only) 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached 3) Limit 20 words 4) Phone number must include area code 5) Your County must be included 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following weeks issue 7) No Business Ads accepted The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements ** Phone No 1091 Hesston Haybme in working condition $350 Juniata Co 717-463-9378 John Deere 720 diesel rebuilt engine, nice sheet metal, 3pt, good pony motor Wide front, good tires York Co 717-432- 3991 1971 Mack V. 600 S/A Dump $2,500 1971, 1920, International S/A Dump $1,500 1988 Flatbed 36’x8 Bumper hitch $2,500 Berks Co. 610-756-4257 3HP McCormick deenng throttling engine on 4 wheel cart $1,700. Mont. Co 610- 754-7626 Hesston PT-10 Haybme $6OO Patz barn cleaner 250’ chain $l,OOO over head garage doors 14’ x 10’ Best Offer Huntingdon Co 814-542-2388 Badger liquid manure pump model BN 185 $1,500. Farmal H fenders pulley 2 Hydruhcs 1950 $1,500 Schyulkill Co 570- 682-3991 77 Ford F 350 300-6 4- speed goose neck $750 obo. 84 caddy Seville, garage kept, needs trans Make offer Cecil Co 410- 658-6942 Glass blocks - 4xBxB struc tural glass blocks used and cleaned - 900 pieces - all for $1,500 Lane Co 717- 626-1618 1987, 1986 Chevy 4 door flatbed dualy 6/2 auto $2,600 obo 1994 Sonoia with cab $7,500 Berks 610-488-7404 3” allied hammer point, new #657709 $325 20 hp Wor thington Air Compressor, needs work $250 obo Mont Co 215-453-0739 1975 Freightlmer with 3,500 gal manure tank $,500 Snyder Co 570-658- 6326 Fontane sth wheel, Wor thington mono rotor air compressor, 1962 Ford 6cyl motor 1976 Ford F 350 rear EDVOAT Millington MD Kent Co 410-928- 3276 Free for removal 40’x100’ metal our shed. Please call 215-860-6162 Leave Mes sage Oxy-Acetylme outfit Tanks, torch, guages, cart & accessories VGC can diliv er if not too far $325 Bucks Co 215-536-9672 32' N-TEK Lagoon pump 540 RPM excellent cond. Ready to work $2,800 obo. Chester Co. 610-932-0326 FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS Mail To; Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Mam St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 86 Iveco truck beaver-fail and winch, best Feeder cattle 20 head, 9 offer, registered holstem steers, 11 heifers. 8-12 mo, bull, 2 year old Lane Co Borntie, Grain feed, 500+ 610-286-9052 lbs , 2 Blw, 18 R/W, Here- Farmette, 4ac Horsed, ford & cross, nice, all Home bussmess, 3 bedrm $6,500 only Greene N Y house, shop, barn SI6SK, 607-656-4568 owner photo’s, $2 00, D Hay Rake JD 640 4 Bar 700 Martin, Box 104, o bo No Sunday calls Adamstown, Pa , 19501 please, Franklin Co 717- Berks Co 530-8248 Antique Air compressor. NH 474 Haybme A-1 also Still works $25 Supreme Oliver 546 4-B automatic TMR mixer, 75 bushel reset, plow good condition, capacity, $l5O Lane. Co semi mount. Lane Co 717- 717-738-2580 445-6073 Sleigh made by Hopp Car- jenn Walking horse geld nage Co Mifflenburg PA, m g 15/hands - chestnut 644 New Holland round ( W 0 white socks, blaze baler, silage special bale great trial horse, new shoes slice $14,500. Lane. Co $3,500 Cumbria Co 814- 717-738-1041 266-3219 610 Bobcat skidloader, Bradley 7 tooth chiselplow $650 N H. 268 baler with thrower $350 , Hessten PTIO haybme $3OO Franklin Co 717-530-1203 Rolled corn silage Suzuki 250 C 4 wheeler w/4 wheel drive Akron $l,BOO. Lane Co 717-859-1523 Girton tube cooler 10’ x 18 tubes $5OO obo Yates 315-536-0512 Maltese ADC males, 3 year old crate trained, not house broken, B/O - 2 pups $275 Northcumberland Co 570- 644-1586 David Brown 990 6 speed, tires 90% 8’ Sauder snow plow $4,000 or obo Colum bia 570-925-2801 Boer goat kids' 75% to 97% boer Bucks and does Some adult, does available Fullblood Buck Reason able Prices. Adams Co 717-624-1533 Badger 5A54 silo blower, John Deere 327 baler with no 30 thrower, Don’t miss this baler, Better than excellent Lebanon Co 717-865-6836 Wooden Horse drawn land roller B’, new idea 1 row transplanter, Stauffer 2 row transplanter, All in working cond Lane Co 610-286- 7093 2nd - third cutting alfalfa hay, also timothy no ram, Oliver gram drill on rubber Leb Co 717-867-1959 Toledo scale 10001 b $275 A A Md 410-798-9128 Goats, registered nubians, CAE negative Health papers, call4lo-343-0026 Whitehall MD Balto Co May be able to deliver 8 Dorset lambs between 10 and 75lbs Very nice, male ano female for easier or breeding Berks Co 610- 926-4436 1992 Ford F 350 dually 5 Speed crew cab diesel tow ing Pkg 2 wd $ll,OOO Juniata Co 717-734-3670 Gravelys 7 6 Hp 30” deck electric start $7OO. Com mercial 10 40” Duck repainted many new parts Tom Chester Co 610-873- 0196 ► Tjpi PAINTING i All Types a Interior/Exterior lncluding Aerial Work 4 E Specialists in Sand Blasting and j Spray Painting Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Roofs, Tanks, Etc. A Also Roof Coating • Water Blasting ► ► ► ► ► ► • Waterproofing on Stone and Brick Buildings Fisher’s Painting 4056 A Newport Rd. Kinzers, PA 17535 On Rt 772 Across From Requea Valley School 717*768*3239 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000-819 Haybme N H 467 Mower conditioner Field ready Will demonstrate $1,500 cash firm Wanted used sprayer foam marker Bucks Co 215-968-2649 1993 Pete standup sleeper 425 Cat 13 speed 530,000 miles recent, engine work very good condition, asking $40,000 Warren NJ 908- 689-6119 Cresent 24" planer, 4 knife head 7-1/2 HP van spd feed 3PH $2,400 obo Jet 20” Bandsaw $l,BOO Berks Co 610-682-4662 Bee equipment comb hon ey supers brood supers top’s bottoms, also five frame nuc hives Columbia 570-752-3759 Farmall cub-scraper, flat belt pulley, plow and sickle bar included Runs great, new tires in rear $1,600 Northampton Co 610-250- 3948 For sale Ireland #6 sawmill and AC power unit $3,500 Delaware Co 914-676- 3201 Case G 430 tractor with front loader runs good Call 610-489-8382 Mont Co 1985 CMC 3500 Dump with 8' Myers snowplow like new tih 60,000 original miles, one owner $10,500 obo Hunterdon N J 609- 466-9035 Red padio blocks 12 x 16 $3 00 each, also male bea gle 11, friendly, started hunting "listens will” $2OO Mongt Co 610-754-6298 Mated pairs white king pigeons Proven breeders Christian D Click, 481 Windy Tor Rd, Bird-m- Hand, Pa 17505 Lane Co John Deere 110 riding lawn mower, Kohler motor rebuilt last year, good condition, 38” mowing deck, asking $7OO Lane Co 717-626- 1028 Ford BN, Loader, 7ft Blade, Wood Mower, Roll-over plw, tire chains good tires/metal $4,500 Adams Co 717-528-8587 Ford combine Model 16-47 with bin 5’ cut $2OO JD 7' Hay crusher steel rolls $75 Blair Co 814-239-8430 Retired 3 welder $5O $lOO Lincoln gas powered $6OO torch with owned tanks cart $225 1400 x 24 tubes $25 Dauphin Co. 717-545-9289 IH Vibra shank 13’ $1,350, Gehl 1560 blower $1,200, NH 256 rake $1,250, Alfalfa Haylage 138 RFV $4O/ton Lane Co 717-684-8923 Fergerson 30 snd owner good shape $2,500 Lane Co 717-367-4290 Days only Pygmy goats black & white kids $65 Yearlings $75 Mobile home exle and wheels, no brakes, large dog crate Lane Co 717- 354-7317 24” Jointer $950 Dial plat form scale $950 Shop crane $3OO Hospital bed $lOO Pallet jack Overhead trolly system Northumber land Co 570-286-2608 Bnllion 10ft cultimulcher $l,lOO obo, Dauphin Co call evenings 717-896- 2748 JD 1520 gas rebuilt engine, new rear tires PS live PTO 3pt new paint $5,750 sft JD bush hog 3pt rotary mower $375 Dauphin Co 717-652-5412 John Deere 1020 diesel good condition, repainted $4,000 Franklin Co 717- 532-6655 MF3S tractor WF, 3pt LPTO PS Ex cond $3,800, JD 2 row corn planter 3pt Tool Bar type planter $5OO Cambria Co 814-344-6655 JD 2-row cultivators for JD 530, also 2 row cultivators for JD B 535 Drkytown Rd , Holtwood PA 17532-9655 Timothy Hay $l2O ton, Ear corn $lOO ton, Internation al 3 bottom 14” semi mount plows $450 Columbia 570- 925-2895 5 yr old Saddlebred traffic safe sound snap ready for long trips, Samuel H Mar tin, 335 White Oak Road New Holland 17557 Tractor for sale Ford 8N with 6’ flail mower, extra parts, running condition, $1,700 We’ve upgraded to new Bucks Co 215-795- 2548 Tennessee Walkers, exc trail & field trial, several to choose from, 100% sound l Cold Springs Farm +(WAP WALOPEN)-Luzerne Co 570-379-3217-after 7 pm Free puppies to a good home, Brittany Border Col lie mix, shots, wormed, 7 weeks old, good with chil dren Schuylkill Co 570- 467-2850 1988 IVECOZ22O turbo diesel 20’ box 5 spd Very good condition $3,500 without box $2,500, new tires Cecil Co 410-378- 4697 Ford 622 combine 13’ gram head 2RW corn head good condition, best offer Car bon 570-386-4856
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers