B2Manca«ter Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 jeremy Burnham showed tl Shorthorn, Franny’s Fantasia. Stacey Agnew Ayrshire BTM Becky D-D was named grand champion. ie grand champion Milking Crawford County FFA Dairy Show Posts Results MEADVILLE (Crawford Co.) Crawford County FFA dairy members showed off their prod ucts and competed for prizes at the FFA Junior Dairy Show during the Crawford County Fair at the Crawford County Fairgrounds. Lacey Zakostelecky, Spring boro, showed the grand champion Brown Swiss, Tti J Jinxson Peach, an aged cow. Reserve grand champion went to Stacey Agnew, Conneautville, with summer year ling, Zaks Jetway Pearch Angel, which was also junior champion. Zakostelecky also showed the re serve junior champion, a spring calf named Zak’s Prelude Bird Alisha. The grand champion Guernsey was Silver Shadowns, an aged cow owned by Jeremy Burnham of Conneautville. Brian Dickey of Espyville showed the grand champion Hol stein, an aged cow named Dee- Dee Patty. Dickey also showed the reserve grand champion. Dee Dee Burgundy Jacquin, a junior 3-year-old. Junior champion went to Kathryn Marfourger with her winter yearling, Cromwell Jolt Maxine. Tamera Schmidt showed the reserve junior champion, a winter calf named Lost Acres Lo gan Lydia. Stacey Agnew showed the grand champion Jersey, a winter yearling named Bambi. Franny’s Fantasia, a junior 2-year-old, was named grand champion Milking Shorthorn. Re serve grand champion went to Sta cey Agnew’s fall yearling. Little Run Dee-Dee, which was also junior champion. Agnew also showed the grand and reserve grand champion Ayr shires, a pair of winter calves named BTM Becky D-D and BTM Amanda D-D, which were also junior and reserve junior champion. Therp s a group of young people who are learning the science business and technology of agriculture They are the members of the FFA m Making a positive difference in the lives of students Now AND for life Lacey Zakostelecky poses with her FFA grand champion Brown Swiss, Tri J Jinxson Peach. sei e of ISho 1 Sh o» S off h,s grand Champion Guern sey of the FFA show, Silver Shadowns. icoy Agnew’s Bambl was named grand champion Jer-
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